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The Arabidopsis thaliana transparent testa10 (tt10) mutant exhibits a delay in developmentally determined browning of the seed coat, also called the testa. Seed coat browning is caused by the oxidation of flavonoids, particularly proanthocyanidins, which are polymers of flavan-3-ol subunits such as epicatechin and catechin. The tt10 mutant seeds accumulate more epicatechin monomers and more soluble proanthocyanidins than wild-type seeds. Moreover, intact testa cells of tt10 cannot trigger H2O2-independent browning in the presence of epicatechin and catechin, in contrast with wild-type cells. UV-visible light detection and mass spectrometry revealed that the major oxidation products obtained with epicatechin alone are yellow dimers called dehydrodiepicatechin A. These products differ from proanthocyanidins in the nature and position of their interflavan linkages. Flavonol composition was also affected in tt10 seeds, which exhibited a higher ratio of quercetin rhamnoside monomers versus dimers than wild-type seeds. We identified the TT10 gene by a candidate gene approach. TT10 encodes a protein with strong similarity to laccase-like polyphenol oxidases. It is expressed essentially in developing testa, where it colocalizes with the flavonoid end products proanthocyanidins and flavonols. Together, these data establish that TT10 is involved in the oxidative polymerization of flavonoids and functions as a laccase-type flavonoid oxidase.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis trichomes are branched, single-celled epidermal hairs. These specialized cells provide a convenient model for investigating the specification of cell fate in plants. Two key genes regulating the initiation of trichome development are GLABROUS1 (GL1) and TRANSPARENT TESTA GLABRA (TTG). GL1 is a member of the myb gene family. The maize R gene, which can functionally complement the Arabidopsis ttg mutation, encodes a basic helix-loop-helix protein. We used constitutively expressed copies of the GL1 and R genes to test hypotheses about the roles of GL1 and TTG in trichome development. The results support the hypothesis that TTG and GL1 cooperate at the same point in the trichome developmental pathway. Furthermore, the constitutive expression of both GL1 and R in the same plant caused trichomes to develop on all shoot epidermal surfaces. Results were also obtained indicating that TTG plays an additional role in inhibiting neighboring cells from becoming trichomes.  相似文献   

Screening for seed pigmentation phenotypes in Arabidopsis led to the isolation of three allelic yellow-seeded mutants, which defined the novel TRANSPARENT TESTA16 (TT16) locus. Cloning of TT16 was performed by T-DNA tagging and confirmed by genetic complementation and sequencing of two mutant alleles. TT16 encodes the ARABIDOPSIS BSISTER (ABS) MADS domain protein. ABS belongs to the recently identified "B-sister" (B(S)) clade, which contains genes of unknown function that are expressed mainly in female organs. Phylogenetic analyses using a maximum parsimony approach confirmed that TT16/ABS and related proteins form a monophyletic group. TT16/ABS was expressed mainly in the ovule, as are the other members of the B(S) clade. TT16/ABS is necessary for BANYULS expression and proanthocyanidin accumulation in the endothelium of the seed coat, with the exception of the chalazal-micropylar area. In addition, mutant phenotype and ectopic expression analyses suggested that TT16/ABS also is involved in the specification of endothelial cells. Nevertheless, TT16/ABS apparently is not required for proper ovule function. We report the functional characterization of a member of the B(S) MADS box gene subfamily, demonstrating its involvement in endothelial cell specification as well as in the increasingly complex genetic control of flavonoid biosynthesis in the Arabidopsis seed coat.  相似文献   

We have cloned a WD-repeat gene from peach. The cloned gene is more than 3 kb and contains signature domains characteristic of WD-repeat genes. Because of its high homology with AtTTG1, we hypothesized that this gene could be a TTG1 ortholog in peach. Functional studies were carried out by complementing the trichome minus Arabidopsis ttg1-1 mutant with the putative peach TTG1 homolog. Successful restoration of normal trichomes was achieved in the resulting transgenics. We further tested the possibility that this gene was the candidate gene differentiating peach and nectarine. Sequence analysis indicated no difference in the full-length TTG1 and 1,600 bp of its promoter between peach and nectarine.  相似文献   

Previously characterized Arabidopsis gl3 mutants have trichomes that are smaller, less branched and undergo fewer rounds of endoreplication than wild-type trichomes. A new gl3 mutant, called gl3-sst, has oddly shaped trichomes that over expand during early development, undergo more endoreduplication and that have a striking nuclear morphology. The mutant nuclei consist of many interconnected lobes; however, only a single set of polytene-like chromosomes reside in the mutant nuclei. The predicted gl3-sst polypeptide has a Leu to Phe substitution (codon 78) within a region responsible for protein-protein interaction. Yeast interaction assays comparing GL3 with gl3-sst proteins show that the mutant protein interaction with GL1 and TTG1 is decreased by 75% and 50%, respectively, but there is no difference in its interaction with TRY. Furthermore, TRY has the ability to prevent the GL1 GL3 interaction and the GL1 gl3-sst interaction is even more sensitive to TRY. Analysis of plants expressing functional GFP-tagged versions of GL1, GL3 and TRY show that the proteins are localized in trichome nuclei. These results have been used to model trichome initiation in terms of protein interactions and threshold levels of activator complex.  相似文献   

The vascular tissues of flowering plants form networks of interconnected cells throughout the plant body. The molecular mechanisms directing the routes of vascular strands and ensuring tissue continuity within the vascular system are not known, but are likely to depend on general cues directing plant cell orientation along the apical-basal axis. Mutations in the Arabidopsis gene MONOPTEROS (MP) interfere with the formation of vascular strands at all stages and also with the initiation of the body axis in the early embryo. Here we report the isolation of the MP gene by positional cloning. The predicted protein product contains functional nuclear localization sequences and a DNA binding domain highly similar to a domain shown to bind to control elements of auxin inducible promoters. During embryogenesis, as well as organ development, MP is initially expressed in broad domains that become gradually confined towards the vascular tissues. These observations suggest that the MP gene has an early function in the establishment of vascular and body patterns in embryonic and post-embryonic development.  相似文献   

Mutations in the BANYULS (BAN) gene lead to precocious accumulation of anthocyanins in immature seed coat in Arabidopsis. The ban -1 allele has been isolated from a collection of T-DNA transformants and found to be tagged by the integrative molecule. The sequencing of wild-type and two independent mutant alleles confirmed the identity of the gene. Analysis of the full-length cDNA sequence revealed an open reading frame encoding a 342 amino acid protein which shared strong similarities with DFR and other enzymes of the phenylpropanoid biosynthesis pathway. BAN expression was restricted to the endothelium of immature seeds at the pre-globular to early globular stages of development as predicted from the maternal inheritance of the phenotype, and therefore represents a marker for early differentiation and development of the seed coat. BAN is probably involved in a metabolic channelling between the production of anthocyanins and pro-anthocyanidins in the seed coat.  相似文献   

Seed coat development in Arabidopsis thaliana involves a complex pathway where cells of the outer integument differentiate into a highly specialized cell type after fertilization. One aspect of this developmental process involves the secretion of a large amount of pectinaceous mucilage into the apoplast. When the mature seed coat is exposed to water, this mucilage expands to break the primary cell wall and encapsulate the seed. The mucilage-modified2 (mum2) mutant is characterized by a failure to extrude mucilage on hydration, although mucilage is produced as normal during development. The defect in mum2 appears to reside in the mucilage itself, as mucilage fails to expand even when the barrier of the primary cell wall is removed. We have cloned the MUM2 gene and expressed recombinant MUM2 protein, which has beta-galactosidase activity. Biochemical analysis of the mum2 mucilage reveals alterations in pectins that are consistent with a defect in beta-galactosidase activity, and we have demonstrated that MUM2 is localized to the cell wall. We propose that MUM2 is involved in modifying mucilage to allow it to expand upon hydration, establishing a link between the galactosyl side-chain structure of pectin and its physical properties.  相似文献   

Zhang CQ  Xu Y  Lu Y  Yu HX  Gu MH  Liu QQ 《Planta》2011,234(3):541-554

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