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Root segments from seedlings of Panax ginseng produced adventitious roots directly when cultured on 1/2 MS solid medium lacking NH4NO3 and containing 3.0 mg l−1 IBA. Using this adventitious root formation, we developed rapid and efficient transgenic root formation directly from adventitious root segments in P. ginseng. Root segments were co-cultivated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens (GV3101) caring β-glucuronidase (GUS) gene. Putative transgenic adventitious roots were formed directly from root segments on medium with 400 mg l−1 cefotaxime and 50 mg l−1 kanamycin. Kanamycin resistant adventitious roots were selected and proliferated as individual lines by subculturing on medium with 300 mg l−1 cefotaxime and 50 mg l−1 kanamycin at two weeks subculture interval. Frequency of transient and stable expression of GUS gene was enhanced by acetosyringon (50 mg l−1) treatment. Integration of transgene into the plants was confirmed by the X-gluc reaction, PCR and Southern analysis. Production of transgenic plants was achieved via somatic embryogenesis from the embryogenic callus derived from independent lines of adventitious roots. The protocol for rapid induction of transgenic adventitious roots directly from adventitious roots can be applied for a new Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated genetic transformation protocol in P. ginseng.  相似文献   

Moeller DA 《Oecologia》2005,142(1):28-37
The structure of diverse floral visitor assemblages and the nature of spatial variation in plant–pollinator interactions have important consequences for floral evolution and reproductive interactions among pollinator-sharing plant species. In this study, I use surveys of floral visitor communities across the geographic range of Clarkia xantiana ssp. xantiana (hereafter C. x. xantiana) (Onagraceae) to examine the structure of visitor communities, the specificity of the pollination system, and the role of variation in the abiotic vs. biotic environment in contributing to spatial variation in pollinator abundance and community composition. Although the assemblage of bee visitors to C. x. xantiana is very diverse (49 species), few were regular visitors and likely to act as pollinators. Seventy-four percent of visitor species accounted for only 11% of total visitor abundance and 69% were collected in three or fewer plant populations (of ten). Of the few reliable visitors, Clarkia pollen specialist bees were the most frequent visitors, carried more Clarkia pollen compared to generalist foragers, and were less likely to harbor foreign pollen. Overall, the core group of pollinators was obscured by high numbers of incidental visitors that are unlikely to contribute to pollination. In a geographic context, the composition of specialist pollinator assemblages varied considerably along the abiotic gradient spanning the subspecies range. However, the overall abundance of specialist pollinators in plant populations was not influenced by the broad-scale abiotic gradient but strongly affected by local plant community associations. C. x. xantiana populations sympatric with pollinator-sharing congeners were visited twice as often by specialists compared to populations occurring alone. These positive indirect interactions among plant species may promote population persistence and species coexistence by enhancing individual reproductive success.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at  相似文献   

Recombination, synapsis, chromosome segregation and gene expression are co-ordinately regulated during meiosis to ensure successful execution of this specialised cell division. Studies with multiple mutant mouse lines have shown that mouse spermatocytes possess quality control checkpoints that eliminate cells with persistent defects in chromosome synapsis. In addition, studies on Trip13mod/mod mice suggest that pachytene spermatocytes that successfully complete chromosome synapsis can undergo meiotic arrest in response to defects in recombination. Here, we present additional support for a meiotic recombination-dependent checkpoint using a different mutant mouse line, Tex19.1?/?. The appearance of early recombination foci is delayed in Tex19.1?/? spermatocytes during leptotene/zygotene, but some Tex19.1?/? spermatocytes still successfully synapse their chromosomes and we show that these spermatocytes are enriched for early recombination foci. Furthermore, we show that patterns of axis elongation, chromatin modifications and histone H1t expression are also all co-ordinately skewed towards earlier substages of pachytene in these autosomally synapsed Tex19.1?/? spermatocytes. We also show that this skew towards earlier pachytene substages occurs in the absence of elevated spermatocyte death in the population, that spermatocytes with features of early pachytene are present in late stage Tex19.1?/? testis tubules and that the delay in histone H1t expression in response to loss of Tex19.1 does not occur in a Spo11 mutant background. Taken together, these data suggest that a recombination-dependent checkpoint may be able to modulate pachytene progression in mouse spermatocytes to accommodate some types of recombination defect.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of two liquid-phase culture systems, in situ supported with perfluorodecalin (PFD), and elicited with methyl jasmonate (100 µM) and sodium nitroprusside (10 µM) (spiked with l-phenylalanine (100 µM) and sucrose (30 g/l) feeding), and additionally combined with cellulolytic enzyme application (Cellulase or Viscozyme® L at doses 0.01%, 0.1%, 0.5%  or 1%), was investigated on the enhancement of paclitaxel release in Taxus × media harbouring taxadiene synthase transgene hairy root cultures. Neither elicitation nor in situ application of PFD significantly had an effect on root growth until enzyme addition; however, the hairy root response to the culture conditions varied depending on enzyme type and dosage. The highest paclitaxel total yield (intracellular?+?extracellular) was determined in the one-phase elicited culture systems without enzymes and amounted to 264.2 µg/flask (1 434.9?±?516.6 µg/g DW) and 29.6 µg/flask in root biomass and medium phase, respectively. Although the application of cellulolytic enzymes did not enhance the total paclitaxel production, they intensified paclitaxel release in a dose-depending manner. Among two examined cellulolytic enzyme treatments, Viscozyme® L addition caused the highest paclitaxel release up to 59% of its total content when used at a concentration of 0.01%. Whereas in two-phase in situ systems, the combination of Viscozyme® L at dosage of 0.5% and PFD-aerated, resulted in the highest extracellular paclitaxel concentration up to 20%.  相似文献   

Experiments in visual cortex have shown that the firing rate of a neuron in response to the simultaneous presentation of a preferred and non-preferred stimulus within the receptive field is intermediate between that for the two stimuli alone (stimulus competition). Attention directed to one of the stimuli drives the response towards the response induced by the attended stimulus alone (selective attention). This study shows that a simple feedforward model with fixed synaptic conductance values can reproduce these two phenomena using synchronization in the gamma-frequency range to increase the effective synaptic gain for the responses to the attended stimulus. The performance of the model is robust to changes in the parameter values. The model predicts that the phase locking between presynaptic input and output spikes increases with attention.  相似文献   

Zygotic embryos at different developmental stages were tested for their potential in the initiation of embryogenic suspensor mass (ESM) lines using immature seeds of Pinus rigida × P. taeda. The highest frequency (1.1%) of ESM was obtained with explants from cones collected on July 1. All excised embryos of the July 1 collection were at the early proembryo stage. Two different culture media were compared. Forty-eight ESM lines were initiated on Pinus taeda basal medium (P6) (0.97%) with 13.5 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and 4.4 μM benzyladenine (BA). However, only four ESM were obtained on a modified Murashige and Skoog medium (MSG; 0.55%). Most of the ESM arose from the seeds that were at the stages ranging from late cleavage polyembryony to the early staged proembryo. Out of 52 lines (0.46%) that were produced from 11,388 explants, only two viable lines (0.018%) (PRT11 and PRT28) survived. As for somatic embryo maturation, the highest number (224/g−1 FW) of matured cotyledonary somatic embryos (line PRT 28) was obtained on a medium containing 100 μM abscisic acid (ABA), 0.2 M maltose, and 1.2% gellan gum. For germination of the somatic embryos, the cotyledonary somatic embryos derived from maturation medium were transferred on half-strength Litvay medium (LM) plus 0.4% gellan gum. The germination rates were high (71.4–96.3%) regardless of the concentrations of either ABA or gellan gum in the maturation medium. Approximately 500 somatic plants were recovered from the germination medium and transferred to the green house; finally most of them were transplanted successfully to the experimental field.  相似文献   

The ecophysiological responses of the homoiochlorophyllous desiccation-tolerant (HDT) plant Haberlea rhodopensis showed that this plant could tolerate water deficit and both leaves and roots had high ability to survive severe desiccation. The changes and correlation between CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance, contents of photosynthetic pigments, root respiration and specific leaf area during dehydration–rehydration cycle were investigated. The physiological activity of leaves and roots were examined in fully hydrated (control) plants and during 72 h of dehydration, as well as following 96 h of rehydration every 6 and 24 h. After 6 h of dehydration, the stomatal conductance declined and the intercellular CO2 concentration increased. The reduction in CO2 assimilation rate was observed after 54 h of dehydration. There was a good correlation between the root respiration and water content. Our results showed that the plasticity of adaptation in leaves and roots were different during extreme water conditions. Roots were more sensitive and reacted faster to water stress than leaves, but their activity rapidly recovered due to immediate and efficient utilization of periodic water supply.  相似文献   

This study describes a reproducible protocol for rapid mass propagation of a multipurpose legume, Clitoria ternatea L., using cotyledonary node explants derived from axenic seedlings. Multiple shoots were induced in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with N 6-benzyladenine (BA), zeatin riboside, or thidiazuron. N 6-Benzyladenine at 1.0 mg l−1 (4.44 μM) was most effective for shoot proliferation. Multiple shoots were also induced in nodal segments of in vitro-raised shoots grown on MS medium containing 1.0 mg l−1 (4.44 μM) of BA. Rooting was best induced in shoots grown on half-strength MS medium with 0.25 mg l−1 (1.42 μM) of indole-3-butyric acid. Plants were acclimatized in vermicompost and established in soil where they flowered and formed mature seeds.  相似文献   

In situ 24-h incubation experiments were performed to analyse the grazing effects of Daphnia magna on a planktonic microbial community. Three field grazing experiments under different nutrient concentrations were carried out on treated effluents of a wastewater treatment plant. The grazing effects of three different D. magna size classes (small (0.6–1.6 mm), medium (1.7–2.5 mm) and large individuals (2.6–3.7 mm)) were compared. The different sizes classes had similar effects on the plankton community. However, our results showed big differences in effects among experiments. Our findings suggest that in spite of D. magna’s non-selective feeding behaviour and the fact that different developmental stages (i.e. its size) had similar effects on the microbial planktonic community, these effects can differ according to the initial structure and composition of the community and the resulting cascading trophic interactions. Moreover, D. magna effects can be direct through grazing (as is the case with ciliates), or indirect through trophic cascade interactions (as is the case with bacteria).  相似文献   



Salvianolic Acid B (Sal B) is a water-soluble component from Danshen (a traditional Chinese herb widely used for chronic renal diseases) with anti-oxidative and cell protective properties. Sal B also has potential protective effects on renal diseases. Tubular epithelial cells can undergo epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), which plays an important role in the pathogenesis of renal interstitial fibrosis (RIF) and is mainly regulated by TGF-β1/Smads pathway. The aims of the study are to investigate the effect of Sal B on tubular EMT in vivo and in vitro, and to elucidate its underlying mechanism against EMT related to TGF-β1/Smads pathway.  相似文献   

Summary Growth and morphogenesis of plant tissues under in vitro conditions are largely influenced by the composition of the culture media. In this study, effects of different inorganic nutrients (ZnSO4 and CuSO4) on callus induction and plant regeneration of Eleusine coracana in vitro were examined. Primary callus induction without ZnSO4 resulted in improved shoot formation upon transfer of calluses to normal regeneration medium. CuSO4 increased to 5x the normal concentration in the media for primary seed callus induction and plant regeneration resulted in a 4-fold increase in number of regnnerated shoots. For long-term callus cultures, 2x KNO3 or 4x Fe-EDTA could replace the requirement for α-naphthaleneacetic acid in the regeneration medium, while 60 μM ZnSO4 or 0.5 μM CuSO4 was optimal for plant regeneration from callus cultures.  相似文献   


Background and aims

We studied, through exudates employment, the effect of Epichloë (endophytic fungi), both independently and in association with Bromus auleticus (grass), on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) colonization, host and neighbouring plants biomass production and soil changes.


Through in vitro and greenhouse experiments, Epichloë endophytes effect on AMF development was evaluated. In vitro studies of exudates effect on Gigaspora rosea and Rhizophagus intraradices were performed using root or endophyte exudates. A 6-month greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine Bromus auleticus endophytic status effect and endophyte exudates role in biomass production, neighbouring plants mycorrhizal colonization and soil properties.


Endophyte exudates and E+ plant root exudates promoted in vitro AMF development in the pre-infective stage of G. rosea and in carrot root culture mycelium of R. intraradices in a dose-response relationship, while control media and E- plants exudates had no effect. R. intraradices colonization and plant growth was clearly increased by endophytes and their exudates.


This is the first work evidencing the direct effect of Epichloë endophytes and infected plants root exudates on AMF extramatrical development. While higher levels of AMF colonization were observed in E+ plants, no clear effect was detected in neighbouring plants colonization, plant biomass or soil properties.

The SNF1/AMPK/SnRK1 heterotrimeric kinase complex is involved in the adaptation of cellular metabolism in response to diverse stresses in yeast, mammals and plants. Following a model proposed in yeast, the kinase targets are likely to bind the complex via the non-catalytic -subunits. These proteins currently identified in yeast, mammals and plants present a common structure with two conserved interacting domains named Kinase Interacting Sequence (KIS) and Association with SNF1 Complex (ASC), and a highly variable N-terminal domain. In this paper we describe the characterisation of AKIN3, a novel protein related to AKIN subunits of Arabidopsis thaliana, containing a truncated KIS domain and no N-terminal extension. Interestingly the missing region of the KIS domain corresponds to the glycogen-binding domain (-GBD) identified in the mammalian AMPK1. In spite of its unusual features, AKIN3 complements the yeast sip1sip2gal83 mutant. Moreover, interactions between AKIN3 and other AKIN complex subunits from A. thaliana were detected by two-hybrid experiments and in vitro binding assays. Taken together these data demonstrate that AKIN3 is a -type subunit. A search for -type subunits revealed the existence of 3-type proteins in other plant species. Furthermore, we suggest that the AKIN3-type subunits could be plant specific since no related sequences have been found in any of the other completely sequenced genomes. These data suggest the existence of novel SnRK1 complexes including AKIN3-type subunits, involved in several functions among which some could be plant specific.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the fluoroquinolone resistance mechanism of aac (6′)-Ib-cr and qnrS gene by comparing complete sequences and stability of the aac(6′)-Ib-cr- and qnrS-positive plasmids from Shigella isolates in the Hangzhou area of China. The complete sequences of four newly acquired plasmids carrying aac(6′)-Ib-cr or qnrS were compared with those of two plasmids obtained previously and two similar reference Escherichia coli plasmids. The results showed that the length, antibiotic resistance genes and genetic environment were different among the plasmids. Moreover, the plasmid stability of three wild-type isolates and five plasmid transformants carrying aac(6′)-Ib-cr and/or qnrS was measured in vitro, and all eight isolates were found to have lost their aac(6′)-Ib-cr- or qnrS-positive plasmids to a different extent at different stages. When the plasmids were electroporated into Shigella flexneri or they lost positive plasmids, the MICs of ciprofloxacin increased or decreased two- to eightfold for aac(6′)-Ib-cr-positive plasmids and 16- to 32-fold for qnrS-positive plasmids. To our knowledge, this is the first report comparing the complete sequences and describing stability for the aac(6′)-Ib-cr- and qnrS-positive plasmids from Shigella isolates.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine water stress-induced changes in the ABA and proline contents in roots and leaves of a potentially more resistant wild accession of Hordeum spontaneum and the modern cultivar Maresi (Hordeum vulgare). Leaves of H. spontaneum had higher contents of constitutive ABA and proline in comparison to those of ‘Maresi’. A moderate water deficit resulted only in root dehydration, which was higher in ‘Maresi’. Increases of water deficit in roots coincided with an increase of ABA content in roots, followed by that in leaves. The level of proline increased only in leaves and only in the case of H. spontaneum. Under conditions of severe water stress, the root dehydration levels were similar in the both genotypes, whereas leaf dehydration was higher in ‘Maresi’. H. spontaneum, as compared to ‘Maresi’ showed an earlier increase of ABA content in the roots and accumulated more ABA in the leaves. Free proline levels in the roots increased in both genotypes but H. spontaneum exhibited a 2-fold higher proline accumulation than ‘Maresi’. In H. spontaneum the accumulation of proline in the leaves occurred noticeably earlier and to a higher extent than in ‘Maresi’. A possible connection of these modifications with water stress resistance of the investigated genotypes is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   


Key message

AtPrx64 is one of the peroxidases gene up-regulated in Al stress and has some functions in the formation of plant second cell wall. Its overexpression may improve plant tolerance to Al by some ways. Studies on its function under Al stress may help us to understand the mechanism of plant tolerance to Al stress.


In Arabidopsis thaliana, the expressions of some genes (AtPrxs) encoding class III plant peroxidases have been found to be either up-regulated or down-regulated under aluminum (Al) stress. Among 73 genes that encode AtPrxs in Arabidopsis, AtPrx64 is always up-regulated by Al stress, suggesting this gene plays protective roles in response to such stress. In this study, transgenic tobacco plants were generated to examine the effects of overexpressing of AtPrx64 gene on the tolerance to Al stress. The results showed that overexpression of AtPrx64 gene increased the root growth and reduced the accumulation of Al and ROS in the roots. Compared with wild type controls, transgenic tobaccos had much less soluble proteins and malondialdehyde in roots and much more root citrate exudation. The activity of plasma membrane (PM) H+-ATPase, the phosphorylation of PM H+-ATPase and its interaction with 14-3-3 proteins increased in transgenic tobaccos; moreover, the content of lignin in root tips also increased. Taken together, these results showed that overexpression of AtPrx64 gene might enhance the tolerance of tobacco to Al stress.

We evaluated diet and morphology through ontogeny for a freshwater population of the Mayan cichlid Cichlasoma (Nandopsis) urophthalmus (Günther 1862) in Floridas Big Cypress National Preserve. This species is a generalist predator throughout ontogeny. Fish remained the primary prey item throughout ontogeny, but there was a shift from detritus and ostracods among juveniles to algae, gastropods (snails), decapods, Hymenoptera, and adult Diptera among adults. All morphological variables grew isometrically except total molariform tooth area and pharyngeal jaw mass, which exhibited positive allometry. Despite a moderately robust adult pharyngeal jaw apparatus, this species does not specialize on hard prey at this south Florida site. Compared to its native range in Mexico, fish in Florida have undergone a pronounced niche shift with the diet being dominated by fish and snails, probably due to greater availability. The invasive success of C. urophthalmus does not appear to be related to ontogenetic morphological shifts or dietary specialization. Rather, its successful and rapid colonization of southern Florida might in part be related to its generalized and opportunistic feeding habits and morphology.  相似文献   

We examined a low pH effect on root growth of Atractylodes lancea, a Chinese traditional medicinal plant, and accumulation of the major active compound, β-eudesmol. Our results have shown that low pH increases root hair density and root dry weight, but reduces the length of the main root. More acidic pH stimulates production of β-eudesmol in A. lancea roots. Published in Russian in Fiziologiya Rastenii 2009, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 147–151. The text was submitted by the authors in English.  相似文献   

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