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Common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) is invaluable genetic resource for rice resistance breeding. Whole-genome re-sequencing was conducted to systematically analyze the variations in two new inbred lines (Huaye 3 and Huaye 4) developed from a common wild rice. A total of 4,841,127 SNPs, 1,170,479 InDels, 24,080 structural variations (SVs), and 298 copy number variations (CNVs) were identified in three materials. Approximately 16.24 and 5.64% of the total SNPs and InDels of Huaye 3 and Huaye 4 were located in genic regions, respectively. Together, 12,486 and 15,925 large-effect SNPs, and 12,417 and 14,513 large-effect InDels, which affect the integrity of the encoded protein, were identified in Huaye 3 and Huaye 4, respectively. The distribution map of 194 and 245 NBS-LRR encoding homologs was constructed across 12 rice chromosomes. Further, GO enrichment analysis of the homologs with identical genotype variations in Huaye 3 and Huaye 4 revealed 67, 82, and 58 homologs involved in cell death, response to stress, and both terms, respectively. Comparative analysis displayed that 550 out of 652 SNPs and 129 out of 147 InDels were present in a widely used blast-susceptible rice variety (LTH). Protein-protein interaction analysis revealed a strong interaction between NBS-LRR candidates and several known R genes. One homolog of disease resistance protein (RPM1) was involved in the plant-pathogen interaction pathway. Artificial inoculation of disease/insect displayed resistance phenotypes against rice blast and brown planthopper in two lines. The results will provide allele-specific markers for rice molecular breeding.  相似文献   

Pineapple, Ananas comosus, is an economically important fruit crop. Recently its genome was completely sequenced and a total of 27,024 protein coding genes were predicted. Using a set of well evaluated bioinformatics tools we have predicted the protein subcellular locations and comparatively analyzed the protein conserved domains of the predicted proteomes in pineapple, Oryza sativa (rice), Sorghum bicolor (sorghum), and Brachypodium distachyson. Our analysis revealed that ~24–26 % of proteins were located in nucleus, 17–21 % in cytosol, 9–11 % in chloroplast, and 8–11 % proteins were secreted in these monocot plants. The secretomes in the four species were analyzed comparatively and a large number of secreted glycosyl hydrolases were identified. As pineapple proteolytic enzymes, knowns as bromelains, have been used for medical treatments, we focused on genome-wide identification and analysis of pineapple genes encoding proteases. A total of 512 pineapple genes encoding putative proteolytic enzymes were identified, with 152 secreted, 74 localized in cytosol, 67 in nucleus, 60 in chloroplast, 18 in mitochondria, and the remaining in other subcellular locations. The top large protease families in pineapple were papain family cysteine protease (62 genes), peptidase S8 family (56 genes), aspartyl protease family (38 genes), and serine carboxypeptidase (33 genes). Gene expression analysis revealed that among 512 protease genes 432 were expressed in various tissues and 72 genes were differentially expressed. The highly expressed protease genes were identified including 7 papain family cysteine proteases. The protease genes with the predicted protein subcellular locations will facilitate the efforts for examining their biological roles in pineapple growth and development and for expressing the recombinant proteases for medical use. The information of protein subcellular location of all plant species can be accessed at the PlantSecKB website (http://proteomics.ysu.edu/secretomes/plant.php).  相似文献   

以东乡野生稻耐低磷渐渗系IL171及其双亲(栽培稻‘协青早B’和东乡野生稻)为试材,采用cDNA-AFLP技术分析其幼苗期应答低磷胁迫的差异表达谱特征,并采用实时荧光定量PCR分析验证差异表达基因的表达特性,为探究东乡野生稻耐低磷胁迫的分子机制、发掘耐低磷相关的基因奠定基础。结果显示:(1)基于17对扩增效果较好的cDNA-AFLP引物分析发现,不同胁迫时间的参试材料与其对照组(正常磷水平)相比,具有很多(20~159个)上调或下调表达的差异片段。(2)与‘协青早B’相比,IL171中特异性上调的差异带有36条,下调表达61条,而东乡野生稻中分别有79条和136条;IL171与东乡野生稻共有的上调差异带为13条,下调差异带有15条。(3)回收纯化其中60条特异性差异表达条带,最终克隆测序获得50个差异表达基因片段TDFs;通过Blast比对和功能分析,可将TDFs分为8类,包括能量与代谢、基因表达调控、信号转导和转录因子等。(4)实时荧光定量PCR验证其中6个TDFs发现,各差异片段的荧光定量PCR表达模式与cDNA-AFLP结果一致,表明该实验的cDNAAFLP差异表达结果可靠,东乡野生稻的部分耐低磷相关基因已成功导入到渐渗系中,是发掘利用东乡野生稻耐低磷相关基因、探究其耐低磷分子机制的重要资源。  相似文献   

The DUF26 domain-containing protein is an extracellular structural protein, which plays an important role in signal transduction. Dongxiang wild rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff.) is the northern-most common wild rice in China. Using domain analysis, 85 DUF26 domain-containing genes were identified in Dongxiang wild rice (DXWR) and further divided into four categories. The DUF26 domain-containing genes were unevenly distributed on chromosomes, and there were 18 pairs of tandem repeats. Gene sequence analysis showed that there were significant differences in the gene structure and motif distribution of the DUF26 domain in different categories. Motifs 3, 8, 9, 13, 14, 16, and 18 were highly conserved in all categories. It was also found that there were eight plasmodesmata localization proteins (PDLPs) with a unique motif 19. Collinearity analysis showed that DXWR had a large number of orthologous genes with wheat, maize, sorghum and zizania, of which 17 DUF26 domain-containing genes were conserved in five gramineous crops. Under the stress of anaerobic germination and seedling submergence treatment, 33 DUF26 domain-containing genes were differentially expressed in varying degrees. Further correlation analysis with the expression of known submergence tolerance genes showed that these DUF26 domain-containing genes may jointly regulate the submergence tolerance process with these known submergence tolerance genes in DXWR.  相似文献   

Ninety accessions which included Chinese common wild rice (Oryza rufipogon) from 8 provinces and traditional cultivars from lower and middle basins of Yangtze River, southeast of China and Yunnan Province as well as some commercial varieties were analyzed by RAPD with 24 primers. A scattered figure suggesting the indica-japonica and wild-domestication differentiations among 90 rice accessions was generated based on RAPD data. The results indicated that Chinese common wild rice, indica and japonica accessions were divided into 3 groups respectively. Chinese common wild rice were somewhat closer to the japonica type than the indica type.  相似文献   

普通小麦D2型CMS系恢复基因的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在育性基因遗传特征研究的基础上,通过测交筛选出遗4060,M8003,6D/6R,GR1,960789,保769-22-6等几个高恢复系,F2代,F1BC1代的遗传分析结果和等位性测验,F1代自交可育株的连续选择结果证明这些恢复系的育性恢复受两对独立遗传的主效基因控制,同时存在剂量不等的微效基因,建议将这两对主效恢复基因定名为D^2Rf1,D^2Rf1,D^2Rf2,D^2Rf2。恢复系的选育应以模式C2(主效恢复基因+微效恢复基因)为首选。  相似文献   

野生稻细菌性条斑病抗性资源筛选及遗传分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对1655份普通野生稻(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)和31份药用野生稻(O. officinalis Wall. ex Watt)进行了细菌性条斑病(Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzicola,简称细条病)抗性鉴定,结果发现在普通野生稻中有57份抗病材料,其中3级抗性有31份,占总数的1.87%;5级中抗有26份,占总数1.57%.在药用野生稻资源中,有15份抗病材料,占总数的48.4%.选取了8份普通野生稻抗性资源(分别命名为DP1、DP3、DP5、DP9、DP15、DP16、DP17和DP20)与9311杂交,再自交或与9311回交后,分别获得BC1、F1和F2后代.在接种鉴定中发现这些抗性资源的BC1或F1所有植株均对细条病表现感病,说明这8份材料的抗性属于隐性遗传.在DP3与9311杂交的F2群体中,抗感植株的分离比符合1∶ 15的比例,说明DP3的抗性由2对隐性重叠作用基因控制.研究结果表明,在野生稻中可以获得一批具有较大利用价值的细条病抗性资源,其中药用野生稻资源中抗性材料所占的比例较大.  相似文献   

Long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons are the major class I mobile elements in plants. They play crucial roles in gene expansion, diversification and evolution. However, their captured genes are yet to be genome-widely identified and characterized in most of plants although many genomes have been completely sequenced. In this study, we have identified 7,043 and 23,915 full-length LTR retrotransposons in the rice and sorghum genomes, respectively. High percentages of rice full-length LTR retrotransposons were distributed near centromeric region in each of the chromosomes. In contrast, sorghum full-length LTR retrotransposons were not enriched in centromere regions. This dissimilarity could be due to the discrepant retrotransposition during and after divergence from their common ancestor thus might be contributing to species divergence. A total of 672 and 1,343 genes have been captured by these elements in rice and sorghum, respectively. Gene Ontology (GO) and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) showed that no over-represented GO term was identified in LTR captured rice genes. For LTR captured sorghum genes, GO terms with functions in DNA/RNA metabolism and chromatin organization were over-represented. Only 36% of LTR captured rice genes were expressed and expression divergence was estimated as 11.9%. Higher percentage of LTR captured rice genes have evolved into pseudogenes under neutral selection. On the contrary, higher percentage of LTR captured sorghum genes were under purifying selection and 72.4% of them were expressed. Thus, higher percentage of LTR captured sorghum genes was functional. Small RNA analysis suggested that some of LTR captured genes in rice and sorghum might have been involved in negative regulation. On the other hand, positive selection has been observed in both rice and sorghum LTR captured genes and some of them were still expressed and functional. The data suggest that some of these LTR captured genes might have evolved into new gene functions.  相似文献   

24 nt-siRNAs are the most abundant small interfering RNAs in rice grains aside from microRNAs. To investigate the roles that 24 nt-siRNAs played in the poor grain filling of rice inferior grains, dynamic variations of 24 nt-siRNAs in inferior grains were compared with those of superior grains by using small RNA deep sequencing technology. The results showed that 24 nt-siRNAs derived from multiple regions of rice genome, and the maintenance of the two strands of 24 nt-siRNA duplex was a non-random process. The amounts of 24 nt-siRNAs declined with the process of grain filling in both superior and inferior grains, but 24 nt-siRNAs in inferior grains was much higher than that of superior grains in each period we sampled. Bioinformatics prediction indicated that 24 nt-siRNAs targeted on more genes involved in most of the known KEGG rice pathways, such as the starch and sucrose biosynthesis pathway. Combined with digital gene expression profiling of target genes, 24 nt-siRNAs mapped on the antisense strands of exons were specifically investigated, but the abundance of 24 nt-siRNAs did not show negative correlations with their corresponding target genes. The results indicated that 24 nt-siRNAs were not involved in down-regulation of target genes. The potential biological meanings for this inconsistency were probably the results of methylation directed gene expression activation, or competition for small RNA stability methylation.  相似文献   

Sex hormones play a key role in the development of breast cancer. Certain polymorphic variants (SNPs and repeat polymorphisms) in hormone-related genes are associated with sex hormone levels. However, the relationship observed between these genetic variants and breast cancer risk has been inconsistent. We conducted a case-control study nested within two prospective cohorts to assess the relationship between specific genetic variants in hormone-related genes and breast cancer risk. In total, 1164 cases and 2111 individually-matched controls were included in the study. We did not observe an association between potential functional genetic polymorphisms in the estrogen pathway, SHBG rs6259, ESR1 rs2234693, CYP19 rs10046 and rs4775936, and UGT1A1 rs8175347, or the progesterone pathway, PGR rs1042838, with the risk of breast cancer. Our results suggest that these genetic variants do not have a strong effect on breast cancer risk.  相似文献   

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