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Exotic pine plantations constitute a significant landscape feature in the North Island of New Zealand but their conservation value for native plant species is not often documented. Pine stem density, height and basal area of nine plantations of Pinus radiata ranging in age from 6 to 67 years in Kinleith Forest was determined. Pines reached heights of 60 m, and stand basal areas up to 183 ± 14 m(2)ha(-1). The abundance of woody shrubs, tree ferns and ground ferns was assessed in each stand. Understorey composition of shrubs and ferns was reflected on the first two axes of DCA ordinations and correlated with the age of the pines. Adventive shrubs predominated in stands < 20 years old. Light-demanding native shrubs with bird dispersed fruits predominated in older stands, with more shade-tolerant species in the oldest site. Species richness increased rapidly in the first 11 years, but thereafter more slowly. Twelve native shrub species and 22 ferns were recorded from the most diverse stands. Richness and species composition were related to stand age, and probably also to topographical heterogeneity and aspect. Tree ferns reached densities of 2000—2500 ha(-1) and basal areas of 20—30 m(2)ha(-1) in the older stands. Initially the tree fern population was strongly dominated by Dicksonia squarrosa, which comprised 84% of individuals overall. Five species were present by 29 years. The faster growing Cynthea medullaris and C. smithii achieved greater heights than the Dicksonia spp., and their relative biomass was greatest in the oldest stands.  相似文献   

At the Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, a long-term effort is under way to study responses in ecosystem biogeochemistry to chronic inputs of N in atmospheric deposition in the region. Since 1988, experimental additions of NH4NO3 (0, 5 and 15 g N m–2 yr–1) have been made in two forest stands:Pinus resinosa (red pine) and mixed hardwood. In the seventh year of the study, we measured solute concentrations and estimated solute fluxes in throughfall and at two soil depths, beneath the forest floors (Oa) and beneath the B horizons.Beneath the Oa, concentrations and fluxes of dissolved organic C and N (DOC and DON) were higher in the coniferous stand than in the hardwood stand. The mineral soil exerted a strong homogenizing effect on concentrations beneath the B horizons. In reference plots (no N additions), DON composed 56% (pine) and 67% (hardwood) of the total dissolved nitrogen (TDN) transported downward from the forest floor to the mineral soil, and 98% of the TDN exported from the solums. Under N amendments, fluxes of DON from the forest floor correlated positively with rates of N addition, but fluxes of inorganic N from the Oa exceeded those of DON. Export of DON from the solums appeared unaffected by 7 years of N amendments, but as in the Oa, DON composed smaller fractions of TDN exports under N amendments. DOC fluxes were not strongly related to N amendment rates, but ratios of DOC:DON often decreased.The hardwood forest floor exhibited a much stronger sink for inorganic N than did the pine forest floor, making the inputs of dissolved N to mineral soil much greater in the pine stand. Under the high-N treatment, exports of inorganic N from the solum of the pine stand were increased >500-fold over reference (5.2 vs. 0.01 g N m–2 yr–1), consistent with other manifestations of nitrogen saturation. Exports of N from the solum in the pine forest decreased in the order NO3-N> NH4-N> DON, with exports of inorganic N 14-fold higher than exports of DON. In the hardwood forest, in contrast, increased sinks for inorganic N under N amendments resulted in exports of inorganic N that remained lower than DON exports in N-amended plots as well as the reference plot.  相似文献   

Moore  Tim R.  Alfonso  Amanda  Clarkson  Beverley R. 《Plant and Soil》2018,427(1-2):391-392
Plant and Soil - In the original article, Fig.&nbsp;3 was mistakenly replaced by a copy of Fig.&nbsp;2. The correct version of Fig.&nbsp;3 is published here.  相似文献   


Background and aims

Only limited information is available in the research area on the effect of elevated CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and air temperature (Tair) on the fertilizer N uptake by rice. This study was conducted to investigate changes in rice uptake of N derived from fertilizer (NDFF) and soil (NDFS) as well as fertilizer N uptake efficiency (FUE) with elevated [CO2] and Tair in two soils with different fertility.


Rice (Oryza sativa L.) plants were grown with 15N-urea for two growing seasons (2007 in the less fertile and 2008 in the more fertile soil) in temperature gradient chambers under two (ambient and elevated) levels of [CO2] and Tair regimes. At harvest, dry matter (DM) and N uptake amount of rice compartments (root, shoot, and grain) were determined.


The DM of whole rice increased (P?<?0.01) with co-elevation of [CO2] and Tair in both years (by 28.0 % in 2007 and by 27.4 % in 2008). The DM in 2008 was greater than that in 2007 by 48.1 to 63.1 % probably due to better soil fertility as well as longer sunshine hours (456 h vs. 568 h). Co-elevation of [CO2] and Tair increased total N uptake, NDFF, and NDFS by 19.4 to 29.1 % in general compared to the ambient conditions. The FUE increased with co-elevation of [CO2] and Tair from 46.5 to 59.5 % in 2007 and from 36.7 to 43.8 % in 2008.


The projected global warming with elevated [CO2] is expected to increase FUE via enhanced DM accumulation with less increments in the soils that have higher indigenous soil N availabilities.  相似文献   

Abstract. The dominance of a given tree or shrub species in a particular forest community may be determined by many ecological traits of the target species, as well as those of the surrounding species as its potential competitors. The present study was conducted to evaluate the possibility of predicting community status (species composition and dominance) on the basis of traits of local flora using statistical methods, and to visualize the mathematical function which determines species dominance. A general linear model and logistic regression were used for the statistical analysis. Dependent variables were designated as dominance and presence/absence of species in climax forest, with independent variables as vegetative and reproductive traits. Subalpine, cool‐temperate, warm‐temperate and subtropical climax rain forests in East Asia were studied. Quantitative prediction of climax community status could readily be made based on easily measured traits of local flora. Species composition and 74.6% of the total variance of species dominance were predicted based on two traits; maximum height and shade tolerance. Through application of this method, the capacity of an alien species to invade a climax forest community could possibly be predicted prior to introduction of the alien species.  相似文献   


Background and aims

The frequency of rain is predicted to change in high latitude areas with more precipitation in heavy, intense events interspersed by longer dry periods. These changes will modify soil drying cycles with unknown consequences for plant performance of temperate species.


We studied plant growth and root traits of juveniles of four grasses and four dicots growing in a greenhouse, when supplying the same total amount of water given either regular every other day or pulsed once a week.


Pulsed water supply replenished soil moisture immediately after watering, but caused substantial drought stress at the end of the watering cycle, whereas regular watering caused more moderate but consistent drought. Grasses had lower water use efficiency in the pulsed watering compared to regular watering, whereas dicots showed no difference. Both grasses and dicots developed thinner roots, thus higher specific root length, and greater root length in the pulsed watering. Growth of dicots was slightly increased under pulsed watering.


Temperate species coped with pulsed water supply by eliciting two responses: i) persistent shoot growth, most likely by maximizing growth at peaks of soil moisture, thus compensating for slower growth during drought periods; ii) plasticity of root traits related to increased resource uptake. Both responses likely account for subtle improvement of growth under changed water supply conditions.  相似文献   

A. Danin 《Oecologia》1976,22(3):251-259
Summary Annual species diversity in the northern Dead Sea Valley has a high inverse correlation with soil salinity. Leached silty soil which overlies a gravel layer supports a plant community rich in species. Saline patches are populated with a plant community which is poor in species number and may even be monospecific.  相似文献   

Acclimation of plant respiration rates (R) to climate warming is highly variable and many results appear contradictory. We tested the recently suggested hypotheses that pre‐existing, long‐lived leaves should exhibit a relatively limited ability for R to acclimate to climate warming, and that acclimation would occur via changes in the short‐term temperature sensitivity of respiration. Seedlings of a subalpine, evergreen tree species (Eucalyptus pauciflora) were grown under naturally fluctuating conditions within its natural distribution. We used a free air temperature increase (FATI) system of infra‐red ceramic lamps to raise night‐time leaf temperatures by 0.3±0.1, 1.3±0.1, and 2.2±0.1 °C above ambient for 1 year. Light‐saturated assimilation rates and plant growth did not change with nocturnal FATI treatments. Leaf R measured at prevailing temperatures did not differ between FATI treatments. Within each FATI treatment, nocturnal leaf R was highly sensitive to artificial temperature changes within minutes, and also correlated strongly with natural nocturnal and seasonal temperature variation. The corresponding values of Q10 of R varied according to time scale of measurements, but did not vary between FATI treatments. Instead, acclimation of R to nocturnal FATI occurred through changes in the base rate of respiration.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Modeling the contemporary and future climate niche for rare plants is a major hurdle in conservation, yet such projections are necessary to prevent extinctions that may result from climate change. ? Methods: We used recently developed spline climatic models and modified Random Forests statistical procedures to predict suitable habitats of three rare, endangered spruces of Mexico and a spruce of the southwestern USA. We used three general circulation models and two sets of carbon emission scenarios (optimistic and pessimistic) for future climates. ? Key results: Our procedures predicted present occurrence perfectly. For the decades 2030, 2060, and 2090, the ranges of all taxa progressively decreased, to the point of transient disappearance for one species in the decade 2060 but reappearance in 2090. Contrary to intuition, habitat did not develop to the north for any of the Mexican taxa; rather, climate niches for two taxa re-materialized several hundred kilometers southward in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. The climate niche for a third Mexican taxon shrank drastically, and its two mitotypes responded differently, one of the first demonstrations of the importance of intraspecific genetic variation in climate niches. The climate niche of the U.S. species shrank northward and upward in elevation. ? Conclusion: The results are important for conservation of these species and are of general significance for conservation by assisted colonization. We conclude that our procedures for producing models and projecting the climate niches of Mexican spruces provide a way for handling other rare plants, which constitute the great bulk of the world's endangered and most vulnerable flora.  相似文献   

Warming can accelerate the decomposition of soil organic matter and stimulate the release of soil greenhouse gases (GHGs), but to what extent soil release of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) may contribute to soil C loss for driving climate change under warming remains unresolved. By synthesizing 1,845 measurements from 164 peer‐reviewed publications, we show that around 1.5°C (1.16–2.01°C) of experimental warming significantly stimulates soil respiration by 12.9%, N2O emissions by 35.2%, CH4 emissions by 23.4% from rice paddies, and by 37.5% from natural wetlands. Rising temperature increases CH4 uptake of upland soils by 13.8%. Warming‐enhanced emission of soil CH4 and N2O corresponds to an overall source strength of 1.19, 1.84, and 3.12 Pg CO2‐equivalent/year under 1°C, 1.5°C, and 2°C warming scenarios, respectively, interacting with soil C loss of 1.60 Pg CO2/year in terms of contribution to climate change. The warming‐induced rise in soil CH4 and N2O emissions (1.84 Pg CO2‐equivalent/year) could reduce mitigation potential of terrestrial net ecosystem production by 8.3% (NEP, 22.25 Pg CO2/year) under warming. Soil respiration and CH4 release are intensified following the mean warming threshold of 1.5°C scenario, as compared to soil CH4 uptake and N2O release with a reduced and less positive response, respectively. Soil C loss increases to a larger extent under soil warming than under canopy air warming. Warming‐raised emission of soil GHG increases with the intensity of temperature rise but decreases with the extension of experimental duration. This synthesis takes the lead to quantify the ecosystem C and N cycling in response to warming and advances our capacity to predict terrestrial feedback to climate change under projected warming scenarios.  相似文献   

Warming occurs in the Arctic twice as fast as the global average, which in turn leads to a large enhancement in terpenoid emissions from vegetation. Volatile terpenoids are the main class of biogenic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that play crucial roles in atmospheric chemistry and climate. However, the biochemical mechanisms behind the temperature‐dependent increase in VOC emissions from subarctic ecosystems are largely unexplored. Using 13CO2‐labeling, we studied the origin of VOCs and the carbon (C) allocation under global warming in the soil–plant–atmosphere system of contrasting subarctic heath tundra vegetation communities characterized by dwarf shrubs of the genera Salix or Betula. The projected temperature rise of the subarctic summer by 5°C was realistically simulated in sophisticated climate chambers. VOC emissions strongly depended on the plant species composition of the heath tundra. Warming caused increased VOC emissions and significant changes in the pattern of volatiles toward more reactive hydrocarbons. The 13C was incorporated to varying degrees in different monoterpene and sesquiterpene isomers. We found that de novo monoterpene biosynthesis contributed to 40%–44% (Salix) and 60%–68% (Betula) of total monoterpene emissions under the current climate, and that warming increased the contribution to 50%–58% (Salix) and 87%–95% (Betula). Analyses of above‐ and belowground 12/13C showed shifts of C allocation in the plant–soil systems and negative effects of warming on C sequestration by lowering net ecosystem exchange of CO2 and increasing C loss as VOCs. This comprehensive analysis provides the scientific basis for mechanistically understanding the processes controlling terpenoid emissions, required for modeling VOC emissions from terrestrial ecosystems and predicting the future chemistry of the arctic atmosphere. By changing the chemical composition and loads of VOCs into the atmosphere, the current data indicate that global warming in the Arctic may have implications for regional and global climate and for the delicate tundra ecosystems.  相似文献   

While exerting no obvious function under “average” environmental conditions, the presence of certain plant specialists becomes crucial in the event of a complete failure of a community due to severe disturbance such as landslides. Plants capable of growing at erosion edges may act as potential edge-engineers by coping with unstable ground and stabilizing the soil with their roots. We hypothesized that life conditions at erosion edges select for a particular set of specialists or species with specific traits, the identification of which was the aim of the study. Across 17 small-scale transects (0.40 × 1.60 m) from intact meadows to landslide edges (Ursern Valley, Swiss Alps, c. 1,600 m a.s.l.), we quantified plant species abundance by the point intercept method and characterized growth conditions based on Landolt’s indicator values, leaf δ13C, and volumetric soil moisture in the uppermost soil layers. We observed a clear change of plant species composition and relative abundance from the meadow to the edge, presumably induced by the 25 % lower soil moisture and microclimatic exposure. Species richness at the edge was two-thirds of that in the meadow, but was positively correlated with species richness of the adjacent meadow. Species with “edge-preference” had either (1) rolled or festucoid leaves like Festuca spp., Avenella flexuosa and Nardus stricta, or (2) small, scleromorphic leaves like Vaccinium vitis-idaea, Calluna vulgaris and Thymus ssp. Graminoids with rolled/festucoid leaves were found to be the most dominant edge-specialists. The grass Festuca valesiaca s.l. emerged as the most dominant plant species at the edge, having an 11-times higher cover at the edge than in the meadow. In this montane grassland, a single species contributes to the stabilization of erosion edges and may be regarded as a potential keystone species for slope stability and regeneration after landslides even its role has not so far been established.  相似文献   

Temperate lakes may contain both coolwater fish species such as walleye (Sander vitreus) and warmwater fish species such as largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides). Recent declining walleye and increasing largemouth bass populations have raised questions regarding the future trajectories and management actions for these species. We developed a thermodynamic model of water temperatures driven by downscaled climate data and lake‐specific characteristics to estimate daily water temperature profiles for 2148 lakes in Wisconsin, US, under contemporary (1989–2014) and future (2040–2064 and 2065–2089) conditions. We correlated contemporary walleye recruitment and largemouth bass relative abundance to modeled water temperature, lake morphometry, and lake productivity, and projected lake‐specific changes in each species under future climate conditions. Walleye recruitment success was negatively related and largemouth bass abundance was positively related to water temperature degree days. Both species exhibited a threshold response at the same degree day value, albeit in opposite directions. Degree days were predicted to increase in the future, although the magnitude of increase varied among lakes, time periods, and global circulation models (GCMs). Under future conditions, we predicted a loss of walleye recruitment in 33–75% of lakes where recruitment is currently supported and a 27–60% increase in the number of lakes suitable for high largemouth bass abundance. The percentage of lakes capable of supporting abundant largemouth bass but failed walleye recruitment was predicted to increase from 58% in contemporary conditions to 86% by mid‐century and to 91% of lakes by late century, based on median projections across GCMs. Conversely, the percentage of lakes with successful walleye recruitment and low largemouth bass abundance was predicted to decline from 9% of lakes in contemporary conditions to only 1% of lakes in both future periods. Importantly, we identify up to 85 resilient lakes predicted to continue to support natural walleye recruitment. Management resources could target preserving these resilient walleye populations.  相似文献   

Eight chickpea advanced breeding lines (ABLs) and their parents were evaluated for osmotic adjustment (OA), leaf carbohydrates and gas exchange under dryland field . These (ABLs) were derived from crosses between CTS 60543 x Kaniva and Tyson x Kaniva. Mean leaf water potential (LWP) fell down from -1.00 MPa at pre-stress level to about -2.25 MPa during terminal stress. Relative water content (RWC) showed periodic changes with alternate decrease or increase at certain interval, which also influenced the values of OA (low or high) in number of genotypes e.g. Kaniva, CTS 60543, Tyson and M 75. Significant variation in OA ranging 0.45 to 0.88 MPa was observed at high level of stress at -2.5 MPa. However, none of the genotypes showed stability of OA over the period of stress. Leaf starch declined even at mild stress (LWP, -1.6 MPa) resulting in an increase in hexose sugars and activation state of sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS) that led to accumulation of sucrose. Both photosynthesis (Pmax) and transpiration decreased concurrently in two chickpea lines M 129 and Tyson with increasing water stress. However, rate of decline in the photosynthesis slowed down even drought was further intensified. The observed periodic changes in OA, RWC and photosynthesis appeared to be associated with drought-induced changes in SPS and carbohydrates which modify water uptake of the leaves.  相似文献   



Exposure to future ocean acidification scenarios may alter the behaviour of marine teleosts through interference with neuroreceptor functioning. So far, most studies investigated effects of ocean acidification on the behaviour of fish, either isolated or in combination with environmental temperature. However, only few physiological studies on this issue were conducted despite the putative neurophysiological origin of the CO2-induced behavioural changes. Here, we present the metabolic consequences of long-term exposure to projected ocean acidification (396–548 μatm PCO2 under control and 915–1272 μatm under treatment conditions) and parallel warming in the brain of two related fish species, polar cod (Boreogadus saida, exposed to 0 °C, 3 °C, 6 °C and 8 °C) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua, exposed to 3 °C, 8 °C, 12 °C and 16 °C). It has been shown that B. saida is behaviourally vulnerable to future ocean acidification scenarios, while G. morhua demonstrates behavioural resilience.


We found that temperature alters brain osmolyte, amino acid, choline and neurotransmitter concentrations in both species indicating thermal responses particularly in osmoregulation and membrane structure. In B. saida, changes in amino acid and osmolyte metabolism at the highest temperature tested were also affected by CO2, possibly emphasizing energetic limitations. We did not observe changes in neurotransmitters, energy metabolites, membrane components or osmolytes that might serve as a compensatory mechanism against CO2 induced behavioural impairments. In contrast to B. saida, such temperature limitation was not detected in G. morhua; however, at 8 °C, CO2 induced an increase in the levels of metabolites of the glutamate/GABA-glutamine cycle potentially indicating greater GABAergic activity in G.morhua. Further, increased availability of energy-rich substrates was detected under these conditions.


Our results indicate a change of GABAergic metabolism in the nervous system of Gadus morhua close to the optimum of the temperature range. Since a former study showed that juvenile G. morhua might be slightly more behaviourally resilient to CO2 at this respective temperature, we conclude that the observed change of GABAergic metabolism could be involved in counteracting OA induced behavioural changes. This may serve as a fitness advantage of this respective species compared to B. saida in a future warmer, more acidified polar ocean.

长期施肥条件下潮土不同组分有机质的动态研究   总被引:34,自引:4,他引:30  
采用相对密度分组法对潮土有机质进行分组分析,研究长期施肥条件下不同施肥处理的土壤有机质、轻组有机质和重组有机质的动态变化.结果表明,在现有的施肥条件下,不施肥处理的土壤有机质、轻组有机质和重组有机质含量基本保持不变,而NPK(化肥)和有机肥处理的土壤有机质、轻组有机质和重组有机质含量均随施肥年限呈增加趋势,但前者年际间波动较大,增加幅度也远不如后者.回归分析发现,NPK处理的土壤有机质、轻组有机质和重组有机质均与施肥年限呈线性相关,而有机肥处理的土壤有机质、轻组有机质和重组有机质则随施肥年限呈对数函数变化规律.  相似文献   

Aim Land use and climate are two major components of global environmental change but our understanding of their simultaneous and interactive effects upon biodiversity is still limited. Here, we investigated the relationship between the species richness of neophytes, i.e. non‐native vascular plants introduced after 1500 AD, and environmental covariates to draw implications for future dynamics under land‐use and climate change. Location Switzerland, Central Europe. Methods The distribution of vascular plants was derived from a systematic national grid of 1 km2 quadrates (n = 456; Swiss Biodiversity Monitoring programme) including 1761 species, 122 of which were neophytes. Generalized linear models (GLMs) were used to correlate neophyte species richness with environmental covariates. The impact of land‐use and climate change was thereafter evaluated by projections for the years 2020 and 2050 using scenarios of moderate and strong changes for climate warming (IPCC) and urban sprawl (NRP 54). Results Mean annual temperature and the amount of urban areas explained neophyte species richness best, with a high predictive power of the corresponding model (cross‐validated D2 = 0.816). Climate warming had a stronger impact on the potential increase in the mean neophyte species richness (up to 191% increase by 2050) than ongoing urban sprawl (up to 10% increase) independently from variable interactions and model extrapolations to non‐analogue environments. Main conclusions In contrast to other vascular plants, the prediction of neophyte species richness at the landscape scale in Switzerland requires few variables only, and regions of highest species richness of the two groups do not coincide. The neophyte species richness is basically driven by climatic (temperature) conditions, and urban areas additionally modulate small‐scale differences upon this coarse‐scale pattern. According to the projections climate warming will contribute to the future increase in neophyte species richness much more than ongoing urbanization, but the gain in new neophyte species will be highest in urban regions.  相似文献   

Low-input agricultural systems aim at reducing the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides in order to improve sustainable production and ecosystem health. Despite the integral role of the soil microbiome in agricultural production, we still have a limited understanding of the complex response of microbial diversity to organic and conventional farming. Here we report on the structural response of the soil microbiome to more than two decades of different agricultural management in a long-term field experiment using a high-throughput pyrosequencing approach of bacterial and fungal ribosomal markers. Organic farming increased richness, decreased evenness, reduced dispersion and shifted the structure of the soil microbiota when compared with conventionally managed soils under exclusively mineral fertilization. This effect was largely attributed to the use and quality of organic fertilizers, as differences became smaller when conventionally managed soils under an integrated fertilization scheme were examined. The impact of the plant protection regime, characterized by moderate and targeted application of pesticides, was of subordinate importance. Systems not receiving manure harboured a dispersed and functionally versatile community characterized by presumably oligotrophic organisms adapted to nutrient-limited environments. Systems receiving organic fertilizer were characterized by specific microbial guilds known to be involved in degradation of complex organic compounds such as manure and compost. The throughput and resolution of the sequencing approach permitted to detect specific structural shifts at the level of individual microbial taxa that harbours a novel potential for managing the soil environment by means of promoting beneficial and suppressing detrimental organisms.  相似文献   

Fish play a key role in the trophic dynamics of lakes. With climate warming, complex changes in fish assemblage structure may be expected owing to direct effects of temperature and indirect effects operating through eutrophication, water level changes, stratification and salinisation. We reviewed published and new long-term (10–100 years) fish data series from 24 European lakes (area: 0.04–5,648 km2; mean depth: 1–177 m; a north–south gradient from Sweden to Spain). Along with an annual temperature increase of about 0.15–0.3°C per decade profound changes have occurred in either fish assemblage composition, body size and/or age structure during recent decades and a shift towards higher dominance of eurythermal species. These shifts have occurred despite a reduction in nutrient loading in many of the lakes that should have benefited the larger-sized individuals and the fish species typically inhabiting cold-water, low-nutrient lakes. The cold-stenothermic Arctic charr has been particularly affected and its abundance has decreased in the majority of the lakes where its presence was recorded. The harvest of cool-stenothermal brown trout has decreased substantially in two southern lakes. Vendace, whitefish and smelt show a different response depending on lake depth and latitude. Perch has apparently been stimulated in the north, with stronger year classes in warm years, but its abundance has declined in the southern Lake Maggiore, Italy. Where introduced, roach seems to take advantage of the higher temperature after years of low population densities. Eurythermal species such as common bream, pike–perch and/or shad are apparently on the increase in several of the lakes. The response of fish to the warming has been surprisingly strong and fast in recent decades, making them ideal sentinels for detecting and documenting climate-induced modifications of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

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