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对金丝桃属5组9种植物的种子进行了宏观及微观形态学研究,以探讨岐山金丝桃的系统位置。结果显示,种子形态特征在本实验观察的5个组之间有明显差异。其中金丝桃组种子外形较为细长,种皮纹饰为狭长而规则的矩形网纹;黄海棠组种子稍粗,种皮纹饰为长宽近等的多边形(稀矩形)网纹;元宝草组的元宝草、贯叶连翘组的贯叶连翘以及挺茎遍地金组的云南小连翘种子均较小,元宝草种皮纹饰为负网纹,贯叶连翘种皮纹饰为相邻网纹间有间隙的近圆形网纹,云南小连翘种皮纹饰为复网纹。研究显示,岐山金丝桃的种子形态与黄海棠组最为接近,支持岐山金丝桃归于黄海棠组。  相似文献   

叉蕨科4属5种植物配子体的发育模式及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用光学显微镜详细观察了叉蕨科(Aspidiaceae)4属5种植物,即肋毛蕨属(Ctenitis(C.Chr.)C.Chr.)的亮鳞肋毛蕨(C.subglandulosa(Hance)Ching)和海南肋毛蕨(C.decurrenti-pmnata(Ching)Ching)、轴脉蕨属(Ctenitopsis Ching ex Tard-Blot et C.Chr.)的轴脉蕨(C.sagenioides(Mett.)Ching)、黄腺羽蕨属(Pleocnemia Presl)的黄腺羽蕨(P.winitti Holtt.)以及叉蕨属(Tectaria Cav.)的剑叶叉蕨(T.leptophylla(C.H.Wright)Ching)的配子体发育过程,记录了配子体各发育阶段的模式特征,认为这5种植物的孢子、丝状体、片状体、生长点、翼片、细胞、毛状体和假根等具有稳定的系统学意义。检索结果与该科的经典分类结果基本相似,并在此基础上编写了各分类群的检索表。本研究为叉蕨科系统学研究积累了详实的配子体形态学资料。  相似文献   

将康定橐吾(Ligularia kangtingensis S.W.Liu)处理为细茎橐吾[L.hookeri(C.B.Clarke)Hand.-Mazz.]的异名。Senecio ficariifolius H.Lév.Vaniot长期以来被处理为细茎橐吾的异名,但我们检查模式材料后发现其头状花序盘状,与头状花序辐射状的细茎橐吾明显不同,而与头状花序盘状的贵州橐吾[L.leveillei(Vaniot)Hand.-Mazz.]没有区别,故将其处理为贵州橐吾的异名。  相似文献   

由于对模式标本考证有误,狭舌橐吾(Ligularia angustiligulata C.C.Chang)长期以来被处理为沼生橐吾[L.lamarum(Diels)C.C.Chang]的异名。经我们考证,狭舌橐吾的主模式应为藏于PE的蔡希陶58004号标本(为唯一有狭舌橐吾的作者张肇骞先生所写定名签的标本),LBG藏有1份同号模式标本,它们与狭舌橐吾的原白完全吻合,而藏于KUN(2份)和SZ(1份)的同号标本与狭舌橐吾的原白在一些重要性状上相冲突,均非狭舌橐吾的模式标本;进而发现狭舌橐吾与叶状鞘橐吾(L.phyllocoleaHand.-Mazz.)在形态上没有本质区别,故应处理为后者的异名,而藏于KUN和SZ的3份标本均属于沼生橐吾。同时还指出长柄橐吾(L.longipes C.C.Chang)的名实有待进一步研究,其模式与叶状鞘橐吾有较大区别,似不宜将其处理为叶状鞘橐吾的异名。  相似文献   

Paspalum is one of the most important genera of the Poaceae family due to its large number of species and diversity. The subgenus Anachyris comprises six species mainly from South America grouped together by sharing rare spikelet characteristics. A genetic analysis using ISSR markers, compared with the morphological and phenotypic variation observed in each one species, was used to establish genetic relationships among 40 accessions with several ploidy levels, belonging to 5 species of the subgenus Anachyris. Fourteen accessions of Paspalum malacophyllum (2x and 4x), 12 of P. simplex (2x, 3x, 4x and 6x), 4 of P. procurrens (2x and 4x), 4 of P. usterii (4x) and 6 of P. volcanensis (4x) were analysed. A total of 227 ISSR loci (98.7% polymorphic) were detected among all accessions, with variable loci number and percentages of polymorphism according to species delimitations. Six main groups were identified by cluster analysis based on Jaccard's genetic distance and UPGMA, four of which matched all the respective accessions of P. simplex, P. procurrens, P. usterii and P. volcanensis, while the other two were consistent with two different groups of accessions of P. malacophyllum, one involving most tetraploid accessions, and the other one grouping together a tetraploid and two diploid accessions. The distinctive morphological characteristics and the separate clustering of these tetraploid and diploid cytotypes suggest to consider a new multiploid species complex inside the subgenus Anachyris. Both cytotypes of P. procurrens, and the four co-specific cytotypes of P. simplex consistently clustered together forming two specific groups for the two multiploid taxons. This is in agreement with the existence of high phenotypic similarities between diploid and tetraploid cytotypes of P. procurrens, and among diploid, triploid, tetraploid and hexaploid cytotypes of P. simplex. Since the polyploid cytotypes of these species are reproduced by apomixis, the specific genetic clustering by ISSR markers and morphological and cytological results support the hypothesis that the two multiploid species were originated by autopolyploidy. Our results confirm previous studies suggesting a monophyletic origin for the subgenus Anachyris and are concordant with previous data regarding genomic homologies and phylogenetic analyses in the genus.  相似文献   

Mutations which inactivate the NADP-glutamate dehydrogenase (anabolic GDHase) pleiotropically release the ammonia inhibition (NH4+ effect) on a number of distinct catabolic activities. In addition to releasing inhibition on several permeability functions (1), these mutations suppress the NH4+ effect on the synthesis of arginase, urea amidolyase and allantoinase. They do not affect the NH4+ effect on the NAD-glutamate dehydrogenase.Two mechanisms of action of these mutations have to be considered, namely a modification of the process of induction (such as removal of inducer exclusion) and a suppression of nitrogen catabolite repression.  相似文献   

将芥形橐吾(Ligularia brassicoides Hand.-Mazz.)、岷县橐吾(L. ianthochaeta C. C. Chang)和半裂橐吾(L. paradoxa Hand.-Mazz. var. palmatifida S. W. Liu  相似文献   

The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans) has been used with much success to study a number of biological processes. Although mostly known for its powerful forward and reverse genetics, work from many different groups over the past years has allowed this model organism to develop into a respectable system for proteomics studies as well. Large-scale survey studies led to improved genome annotation and to the generation of proteome catalogs, which set the stage for subsequent targeted proteomics studies. A number of focused comparative studies contributed to a better understanding of insulin signaling, spermatogenesis, oogenesis, and differential gene expression during development. In addition, C. elegans subproteomes and posttranslational modifications like glycosylation and phosphorylation have been identified. Here we describe the history of C. elegans proteomics, and provide a survey of the different methods that have been applied for relative and absolute quantification in comparative and global protein profiling studies in the worm. These studies suggest that C. elegans will provide a rich trove for “worm proteomicists”.  相似文献   

Heptacosanol and sitosterol, one chalcone, one flavone, one 3-O-methyl-flavonol, four aurones and two 3-O-methylauronols were isolated from the root bark of Derris obtusa. The latter compounds, called Derriobtusones A and B, are the first auronols found in nature. Structures were established through chemical and spectral means. Mass spectral fragmentation schemes are suggested for aurones and auronols.  相似文献   

The escape of several enzymes from “ammonia catabolite repression” in gdhA? (NADP-linked glutamate-dehydrogenase-less) mutants, as well as in gdhCR mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, does not involve glutamine synthetase, either as a positive or as a negative control element. A glutamine-synthetase-less mutant (gln?) was used in this demonstration.In addition to its derepressing effect on the NAD-linked glutamate dehydrogenase, the gdhCR mutation releases “nitrogen catabolite repression” on arginase and allatoinase, as well as glutamine repression on glutamine synthetase. A gdhCS mutation was used to demonstrate that these effects are not mediated through the NAD-linked glutamate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Quantitative and qualitative estimates of chromosomal damage in roots of Crepis capillaris were made in metaphase cells at many time intervals after irradiation with 200 or 400 rad of 60Co gamma-rays. The results have confirmed the general pattern described for cells of other organisms, and have revealed in addition the following new facts. (1) The formation of aberrations of chromosome and chromatid type is not determined by the time of chromosome duplication alone. (2) The relative frequencies of different types of discontinuity form peaks with the following time succession: single gaps, chromatid breaks, isolocus breaks. (3) The location of peaks does not depend on the radiation dose, and shows no correlation which the time of synthesis. (4) Irradiation of G2 induces a significant number of chromosome-type exchanges in Crepis. (5) Higher doses of radiation in G2 favour the formation of chromatid over chromosome exchanges and of isochromatid breaks over chromosome breaks. A new interpretation of the production of certain types of aberration is discussed.  相似文献   

Cucurbitacin E and cucurbitacin I have been isolated from green parts of Iberis amara and identified by TLC, UV and MS. It is shown that cucurbitacins act as feeding inhibitors for the flea beetle Phyllotreta nemorum. The most potent feeding inhibitors in green parts of I. amara towards P. nemorum are cucurbitacin E and I, and the concentrations of these compounds in the plant are found to be high enough to prevent feeding of the flea beetle.  相似文献   

Low temperature 31P and 15N NMR spectroscopy was used to investigate the species forming in the organic layer following the extraction of uranium from nitric acid solutions with di-2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid. It was found that uranium is extracted from neutral solutions as the 1:2 complex UO2A2 regardless of what anion is present. For dilute nitric acid solutions, the uranium is extracted both as associated and mixed nitrato species. As the nitric acid concentration of the aqueous layer increases, the mixed nitrato complex, UO2(NO3)A·HA, becomes predominant.  相似文献   

Leslie I. Grad 《BBA》2006,1757(2):115-122
Mitochondrial respiratory chain dysfunction is responsible for a large variety of early and late-onset diseases. NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase (complex I) defects constitute the most commonly observed mitochondrial disorders. We have generated Caenorhabditis elegans strains with mutations in the 51 kDa active site subunit of complex I. These strains exhibit decreased NADH-dependent respiration and lactic acidosis, hallmark features of complex I deficiency. Surprisingly, the mutants display a significant decrease in the amount and activity of cytochrome c oxidase (complex IV). The metabolic and reproductive fitness of the mutants is markedly improved by riboflavin. In this study, we have examined how the assembly and activity of complexes I and IV are affected by riboflavin. Our results reveal that the mutations result in variable steady-state levels of different complex I subunits and in a significant reduction in the amount of COXI subunit. Using native gel electrophoresis, we detected assembly intermediates for both complexes I and IV. Riboflavin promotes the assembly of both complexes, resulting in increased catalytic activities. We propose that one primary pathogenic mechanism of some complex I mutations is to destabilize complex IV. Enhancing complex I assembly with riboflavin results in the added benefit of partially reversing the complex IV deficit.  相似文献   

西洋参皂苷的HPLC测定及不同提取方法比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立西洋参中7种人参皂苷含量测定的分析方法,并以7种人参皂苷的提取率为指标,对西洋参皂苷不同提取溶剂和不同提取方法进行比较。采用梯度洗脱,使用Alltima C18色谱柱,乙腈-0.05%磷酸水溶液为流动相,流速为1.2 mL/min,柱温为35℃,检测波长为203 nm;分别选用不同的提取溶剂和不同的辅助提取方法提取西洋参皂苷。在选定的色谱条件下每种成分在各自的浓度范围内均具有较好的线性相关性,7种人参皂苷的加标回收率为94.1~97.9%。本法操作简便,重现性好,结果准确;各人参皂苷不同提取溶剂和不同提取方法的提取率有一定的差异。  相似文献   

Chi D F  Li X C  Yu J  Xie X  Wang G L 《农业工程》2011,31(6):334-340
In order to investigate the effect of organic volatiles from poplar species on the host plants orientation of Saperda populnea, the essential oil in the 2–3 years old branches from the sapling or mature trees of Populus simonii Carr. and P. simonii Carr. × P. nigra L. were extracted using the steam distillation method. The chemical composition and relative content in essential oil from those branches was analyzed by GC–MS. The main components contained in those volatiles from the four kinds of branches are mainly aromatic compounds such as 1,2-cyclohexanedione, 2-cyclohexene-1-one, p-xylene and 1,2,3-trimethylbenzene and so on. The relative content of aromatic compounds contained in branches from saplings was higher than that contained in branches from old tress. EAG response and behavioral reaction of S. populnea L. to those four kinds of distillated essential oil were tested. The results shown that male and female adults of S. populnea L. shown significant choice behavior and strong olfactory response to those essential oil distillated from branches of P. simonii Carr. and P. simonii Carr. × P. nigra L.. The EAG bioassay of S. populnea L. to 10 kinds of monomers compounds which had relative higher contents was tested. The results shown that the EAG response of female adults of S. populnea L. to 1 mol L?1 p-xylene was intensest and reached 1.027 mV, the strength of their EAG response to 0.1 mol L?1 phenol took the second place. The EAG response of male adult of S. populnea L. to 1 mol L?1 p-xylene was strongest and reached to 0.824 mV, the strength of their EAG response to 1 mol L?1 salicylaldehyde took the second place. In the choice behavior test of S. populnea L. adult to monomeric compound carried out in ‘Y’ type olfactometer have found that female and male adult of S. populnea L. all appeared obvious positive taxis to 0.1 mol L?1 p-xylene. The selection rate of female and male adults ware (76.7 ± 4.1)% and (71.7 ± 2.6)%, respectively. The selective reaction to 0.1 mol L?1 1,2-cyclohexanedione and 2-cyclohexene-1-one were not obviously than that to 0.1 mol L?1 p-xylene. The male and female adult of S. populnea L. appeared repelling behavior to 0.1 mol L?1 salicylaldehyde.  相似文献   

该研究采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,对中国葱属Daghestanica(Tscholok.)N.Friesen组6种植物的花粉与种子微形态特征进行观察和对比分析,以揭示该组植物花粉及种子微形态特征的系统分类学意义,为Daghestanica组植物物种间的分类学鉴定提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)中国葱属Daghestanica组植物花粉形态为长球形,赤道面观为椭圆形,极面观为圆形,左右对称,花粉大小为(17.84~29.84)μm×(12.23~19.18)μm,花粉外壁纹饰为皱缩网纹纹饰;花粉外壁穿孔在Daghestanica组6种植物之间具有差异性特征。(2)野黄韭的花粉较大,极轴明显长于其余种,金头韭极轴长度最小。(3)中国葱属Daghestanica组植物种子卵形,种皮表面纹饰为梯形;种皮细胞多边形,排列相对疏松,表面具疣突,垂周壁是弧线和直线混合型。(4)种皮细胞的形态、排列以及次级纹饰等在各物种间存在一定差异。研究表明,中国葱属Daghestanica组花粉和种子微形态学特征可作为该组植物系统分类鉴定的依据。  相似文献   

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