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Summary The route of calcium transport to the sites of spicule formation in the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata has been examined by the use of 45Ca as a tracer in light- and electron-microscopic autoradiography. From 1 to 15 min after the 15-min incubation the tracer accumulates in the axis. After 15 min there is a movement of label out of the axis largely to the peripheral region of the axis, the axial epithelium, and the mesoglea. By 60 min much of the label is in the spicules reaching its maximum level at 120 min. When calcium enters the scleroblast from the mesoglea, it appears to be transported to the spicule by electron-dense bodies. There does not appear to be a simultaneous release of all ionic calcium from the axis, but rather a continuously increasing efflux which levels off at 60–120 min. Not all of the calcium reaching the axis will traverse it en route to spicules; instead, a portion of it apparently precipitates as an amorphous compound.Contribution No. 550; Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208 USA  相似文献   

Summary The sequence of the synthesis and transport of the organic matrix of spicules has been elucidated in the gorgonian Leptogorgia virgulata by use of 3H-aspartic acid as the tracer in electron-microscopic autoradiography. The entire process of matrix synthesis and transport takes approximately 2 h. It seems that the protein moiety of the organic matrix is synthesized in the RER prior to 5 min following the initial 10 min incubation in the tracer. At the 5 min chase the label is moving from the RER to the Golgi complexes where the carbohydrate moiety of the matrix is presumed to be synthesized. At the 5 to 15 min chases the label is transported out of the Golgi complexes via Golgi vesicles. This phase continues for 30 min. From 60 to 120 min the 3H-aspartic acid moves to the spicules. After 120 min the majority of the label has moved into the spicules. Silver grain counts over both multivesicular and electron-dense bodies remain at relatively low and constant levels over 4 h indicating that neither organelle is involved in the synthesis and transport of the organic matrix.Contribution No 512; Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208, USA  相似文献   

Summary Scleroblasts were separated from fragmented tissue of growing tips ofLeptogorgia virgulata and cultured using a modification of the technique of Rannou. Replacement of fetal bovine serum with horse serum seemed to increase scleroblast viability. Cell adhesion occurred from 14 to 43 d. Cultured scleroblasts demonstrated cell aggregation, spicule formation, and extrusion of spicules into the external medium. Cells showing spicules in the process of being extruded appeared on the average after 24 d of culture. Variability among cultures was marked with respect to both division and spicule formation. Healthy cultures were maintained for more than 4 mo. This work was supported by National Science Foundation grants PCM8201389 and DCB8502698. This is contribution No. 674 of Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research, University of South Carolina.  相似文献   

Accounts are given of the structure and some aspects of the biology of three commensal crustaceans from Singapore. One of these represents a new genus of prawns of the subfamily Pontoniinae; the others are little known members of the family Porcellanidae.
It is suggested that the apparent rarity of these and other tropical commensal decapods is probably a spurious phenomenon resulting from inadequate collecting methods.
The functional taxonomy of these commensals is discussed and it is suggested that many of their structural peculiarities can be interpreted as adaptations to their mode of life.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrastructural examination of original and regenerated branch tips of the gorgonianLeptogorgia virgulata reveals that spicule formation begins with the aggregation of scleroblasts in the mesoglea. Calcite crystal deposition occurs within a Golgi vacuole containing organic matrix. Vacuole size increases while matrix incorporation and subsequent crystal growth continue, filling the vacuole. At approximately this time, the scleroblasts dissociate and wart formation begins. Further spicule growth stretches the cell into a thin envelope. Fusion of vacuole and plasma membrane followed by breach formation during spicule growth, as well as scleroblast atrophy or migration from mature spicules, result in the transition of the spicule from the intracellular to the extracellular environment. The results also reveal aborted spicules and digestive bodies, implying possible relationships among calcification, detoxification, and waste management.Contribution No 436, Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine Biology and Coastal Research, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina, 29208, USA  相似文献   

A. J. Bruce 《Hydrobiologia》1992,231(2):131-139
Diversity, distribution, seasonal changes in density and relative abundance of Ephemeroptera nymphs were studied in five stations on three streams in and around Shillong, Meghalaya state, North-eastern India. Seventeen species belonging to eight genera and five families were recorded. Diversity (Shannon's index) was governed by the heterogeneity of the substratum which in turn was influenced by catchment disturbances (quarrying, logging, and entry of sewage). Seasonal changes in density were governed by the spate-frequency regime of the streams. Relative abundance showed dominance of one or two species at impacted stations, while in less disturbed ones, a more equitable distribution of species was observed.  相似文献   

Freshwater caridean shrimps account for approximately a quarter of all described Caridea, numerically dominated by the Atyidae and Palaemonidae. With the exception of Antarctica, freshwater shrimp are present in all biogeographical regions. However, the Oriental region harbours the majority of species, whilst the Nearctic and western Palaearctic are very species-poor. Many species are important components of subsistence fisheries, whilst the Giant River Prawn forms the basis of an extensive aquaculture industry. A total of 13 species are threatened or endangered, with one species formally extinct. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers and K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Okuno J 《Zoological science》2004,21(8):865-875
A new species of palaemonid shrimp, Periclimenes speciosus sp. nov., is described and illustrated on the basis of 20 specimens collected from warm-temperate and subtropical waters of southern Japan. Periclimenes speciosus belongs to the "P. aesopius species group", and is associated with sea anemones and a scleractinian coral as well as behaving as a fish cleaner. Morphologically, the new species appears closest to P. holthuisi Bruce, 1969, but can be distinguished from P. holthuisi by the form and armature of the cutting edges of dactylus and fixed finger of the second pereiopod. The coloration in life of both species clearly discriminates one species from the other. The taxonomic status of some specimens previously reported as P. holthuisi is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

J. W. Short 《Hydrobiologia》2004,525(1-3):1-100
A taxonomic revision of Australian Macrobrachium identified three species new to the Australian fauna – two undescribed species and one new record, viz. M. auratumsp. nov., M. koombooloombasp. nov., and M. mammillodactylus(Thallwitz, 1892). Eight taxa previously described by Riek (1951) are recognised as new junior subjective synonyms, viz. M. adscitum adscitum, M. atactum atactum, M. atactum ischnomorphum, M. atactum sobrinum, M. australiense crassum, M. australiense cristatum, M. australiense eupharum of M. australienseHolthuis, 1950, and M. glypticumof M. handschiniRoux, 1933. Apart from an erroneous type locality for a junior subjective synonym, there were no records to confirm the presence of M. australe(Guérin-Méneville, 1838) on the Australian continent. In total, 13 species of Macrobrachiumare recorded from the Australian continent. Keys to male developmental stages and Australian species are provided. A revised diagnosis is given for the genus. A list of 31 atypical species which do not appear to be based on fully developed males or which require re-evaluation of their generic status is provided. Terminology applied to spines and setae is revised.  相似文献   

The freshwater knob-tooth prawn Macrobrachium mammillodactylus is a commercially exploited species in the Philippines. To study the biology of this species, broodstock from the wild was collected, transported to the laboratory and kept in pairs in indoor polyethylene tanks for breeding. Eggs from berried females were sampled to follow the stages of embryonic development until hatching to zoea larva. It took 18.0?±?2.1?days for the eggs to hatch at ambient water temperature between 25 and 28?°C. The morphological landmarks of development at the different stages (pre-cleavage, cleavage, blastula, pre-nauplius, post-nauplius and pre-hatching) of the live embryos are described. Incremental percentage staging was adopted from 0% at fertilization to 100% at hatching and were matched with corresponding morphological development. Egg volume increased significantly toward the mid-to-later stages of development. The eye index also showed a significant increase as the egg developed. The colour of the egg mass changed from light olive green to grey as the eggs progressed in development. The general pattern of development was comparable to other members of the genus Macrobrachium.  相似文献   

D. S. Johnson    Margaret  Liang 《Journal of Zoology》1966,150(4):433-435
Anchistus custos Forskål is the only common prawn commensal with bivalves of the family Pinnidae in Singapore waters. The whole morphology shows pronounced modifications connected with the commensal mode of life. The second legs are large and massive and show marked positive allometry in the male but appear to have little function in the general life of the animal. The animal occurs wherever there are established populations of matureindividuals of its host. Infestation rates are heavy and are affected by size of host and probably by competition with pinnotherid crabs. Multiple infestations are common and always involve individuals of both sexes and it has not been possible to demonstrate aggressive or territorial behaviour. Reproduction appears to occur throughout the year. Individuals are not normally found away from their hosts but rapidly abandon dead hosts. Location of the host depends in part on tactile stimuli and thigmotaxy and in part on pronounced positive rheotaxy. It has not been possible to demonstrate any distance chemical sense involved in host location but the prawn is repulsed by the presence of dead Pinna flesh. The prawn normally clings to the edge of the gill lamellae of its host and feeds by means of the highly modified first legs which are used as scrapers to remove mucus and entangled food particles from the gills of the host. Examination of gut contents of the prawn confirms this deduction. There is no evidence for any harmful effects on the host.  相似文献   

Zimmermann, G., Bosc, P., Valade, P., Cornette, R., Améziane, N. and Debat, V. 2011. Geometric morphometrics of carapace of Macrobrachium australe (Crustacea: Palaemonidae) from Reunion Island. —Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 93 : 492–500. We investigated the structure of carapace shape variation in six populations of Macrobrachium australe Guérin‐Méneville 1838 (Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae) from Reunion Island (Indian Ocean) freshwaters. The morphometric analysis revealed the occurrence of two morphotypes corresponding to two different types of habitats. Individuals living in lotic habitats present a thick carapace armed with a short, robust and straight rostrum, while individuals from lentic habitats have a slender carapace armed with a thin long rostrum orientated upward. This difference suggests an adaptation to lotic disturbances and is tentatively interpreted as adaptive phenotypic plasticity. In such amphidromous organisms regressing to freshwaters after a marine larval phase, selection for physiological and developmental flexibility might facilitate further adaptation and allows the colonisation of a wide panel of environmentally different and sometimes geographically distant insular streams.  相似文献   

A collection of pontoniinid shrimps, principally from the Islands of Mahé and Praslin, in the western Indian Ocean, is described. Twenty-four species were collected, including two new species, Periclimenes difficilis and Periclimenaeus manihinei. Twenty-two species are considered to be commensals and the hosts of many are identified. The early juvenile stages of several species were collected and are described for the first time. The incidence of regeneration in the second pereiopods is studied in detail in Coralliocaris graminea. The pontoniinid shrimp fauna of the Seychelle Islands is reveiwed and its geographic distribution summarized. Two of the species reported are new records for the Indian Ocean and eight are newly added to the Seychelles fauna.  相似文献   

We report 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci developed from the freshwater prawn Palaemon paucidens. Their genetic characteristics were assessed in 48 individuals selected from six Korean populations. The number of alleles ranged from two to 21, and the observed and expected heterozygosities were between 0.13 and 0.83, and 0.46 and 0.95, respectively. We examined the cross-specific amplification of each locus in three species of palaemonid prawn and one species of atyid prawn.  相似文献   

Amazonian shrimps (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) of several genera from the generally nutrient‐poor, acid waters of the Rio Negro basin show two different breeding patterns: in the annually inundated (Jan./Feb. to Sept./Oct.) lowland forest (= “igapó") they breed during a period with rising and high water levels only (Dec. to July); in the headwater streams draining the “terra firme”; (= regions not subject to annual inundations), the same species breed continuously the year round. All species from these nutrient‐poor and hence, plankton‐deficient, waters have abreviated life cycles with 1–3 benthic larval stages; this includes several Macrobrachium species. However, Macrobrachium amazonicum from the plankton‐rich floodplain lakes, which are fed by the richer water of the Amazon river, maintains the marine pattern of development with numerous stages of filter‐feeding, planktonic larvae. Phylogenetic convergence (several genera developing independently the same adaptive pattern) and divergence (the same genus/species exhibiting different patterns in different environments) are discussed in relation to recent, general molecular genetics.  相似文献   

The prawn Macrobrachium borellii has lecithotrophic eggs with highly-abbreviated development. The major yolk component is lipovitellin (LV), a lipoprotein with 30% lipids (by weight). LV consumption during embryogenesis was followed by ELISA and Western blot analysis using an anti-LV polyclonal antibody. No cross-reacting proteins were observed and LV-like lipoproteins were strongly recognized by the antibody in hemolymph (vitellogenin), yolk (LV) and embryos (LVe), as determined by Western Blot analysis. LV decreased significantly along development from 9.4 to 1.1 microg/mg egg. Consumption rate of LV was slow in early embryogenesis, followed by a rapid utilization in late embryonic stages. Significant LVe amounts were still present at hatching. LV apolipoproteins were selectively degraded during embryo development, being the highest molecular weight subunit the most affected. Comparison among in vitro, in vivo and theoretical proteolysis suggested that trypsin may be involved in LV degradation during late embryogenesis. Embryo lipoprotein (HDLe) synthesis was first detected at stage 6. HDLe shared the same density, MW and subunit composition as adult hemolymph HDL(1) and did not cross-react with LV-like lipoproteins. Though expressed at low concentration, it fulfilled embryo needs for lipid transport among organs.  相似文献   

The intermediate host of the acanthocephalan Caballerorhynchus lamothei Salgado-Maldonado, 1977, is reported for the first time. Cystacanths of C. lamothei were found in the hemocoel of the tanaid shrimp Discapseudes holthuisi Bacescu and Gutu, 1975, in Alvarado and Sontecomapan lagoons, Veracruz, Mexico. This is the first report of a palaeacanthocephalan using a tanaid shrimp as an intermediate host. Prevalence by locality, shrimp length, sex and developmental stage, and an analysis of the distribution of number of cystacanths per host are presented. A higher prevalence, and percentage of multiple infections and larger host size were found in Alvarado Lagoon.  相似文献   

The tadpole shrimp (Triops) is a well-known 'living fossil' whose fundamental morphology has been unchanged for over 170 million years. Thus, tadpole shrimps are suitable subjects for the study of morphological stasis. We were able to obtain samples of three species of Triops (T. granarius, T longicaudatus and T. cancriformis) from four regions in Japan. Taxonomic species were identified by diagnostic morphology. We inferred phylogenetic relationships between individual samples using mitochondrial 16S rRNA. Carapace shapes were compared among populations using shape coordinate methods. The phylogeny inferred from mtDNA shows that T. granarius is phylogenetically more similar to T. longicaudatus than to T. cancriformis. mtDNA sequences did not differ among the populations of T granarius. However, there were two distinct phylogenetic species within T. longicaudatus. In spite of the similarity in fundamental morphological characteristics among Triops species, mtDNA sequences of Triops showed marked differences among the four phylogenetic species. Among the populations of T. granarius , the carapace shape of the Fukuoka population was significantly different from those of other populations of T. granarius. The carapace shape of the Kagawa population of T. longicaudatus was more similar to those of the Shizuoka and Kagawa populations of T. granarius. The shape of the carapace of T. cancriformis was significantly different from those of T. granarius and T longicaudatus. Thus, taxonomic species, phylogenetic species and populations with similar carapace morphology did not correspond with each other. The present results indicate that most of the morphological change did not occur at the time of speciation (lineage separation) and that morphological stases are important evolutionary patterns, but they are not species-level properties.  相似文献   

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