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W. Puchalski G. R. Lynch 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》1988,162(3):309-316
Summary Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus sungorus) depend mainly on day length to cue seasonal adjustments. However, not all individuals respond to short day conditions. A previous study from this laboratory proposed that nonresponsiveness to short day conditions rests with a defect in the circadian organization of these hamsters.In this study we found pronounced differences between responsive and nonresponsive hamsters in the expression of circadian rhythmicity under constant darkness and under constant illumination. While responsive hamsters showed a free-running activity pattern with a period of 23.86+0.04 h and responded to brief light pulses with the expected phase delays and phase advances, nonresponsive hamsters exhibited a period of 24.04+0.05 h and responded to light pulses with phase advances. Furthermore, 9 out of 15 responsive hamsters showed a clear split in the activity pattern within 8 weeks under constant light (80–100 lux), while only 1 of the 7 nonresponsive hamsters exhibited a split activity pattern. As a result of these differences in circadian function, nonresponsive Djungarian hamsters are incapable of proper photoperiod time measurement and photoperiod-induced seasonality.Abbreviations PRC phase response curve - ct circadian time - DD constant dark - LL constant light 相似文献
Djungarian hamsters which did not respond physiologically to short day conditions were injected daily with melatonin. Hamsters responded to this treatment with typical body weight alterations and molt. Therefore, we concluded that the lack of short day adjustments is not based on insensitivity to melatonin in this species. Pretreatment with short days affected the timing of melatonin-induced body weight loss and molt. Hamsters became refractory to melatonin injections earlier for both traits if pretreated with short days. Low body weight level was maintained for a shorter period of time, whereas duration of molt was not affected. These results might indicate differences in the control of melatonin-induced body weight adjustments and molt. 相似文献
Larkin JE Jones J Zucker I 《American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology》2002,282(3):R744-R752
We sought to determine whether ambient temperature (T(a)) affects gonadal function by altering the rate at which circadian rhythms entrain to short day lengths. Syrian hamsters were housed in cages where they received 14 h of light per day ("long days," 14L) at 22 degrees C. Hamsters were then transferred to cages to receive 10 h of light per day ("short days," 10L) and kept at 5, 22, or 28 degrees C or were maintained in 14L at 22 degrees C. Body mass and estimated testis volume as well as duration of nocturnal locomotor activity (alpha), previously established as a reliable indicator of the duration of nocturnal melatonin secretion, were determined over the course of 24 wk. Testicular regression in short days was accelerated by 4 wk at 5 degrees C and delayed by 3 wk at 28 degrees C relative to 22 degrees C. The interval between alpha-expansion and initiation of testicular regression was markedly affected by T(a) with delays of 0, 3, and 6 wk at 5, 22, and 28 degrees C, respectively. All hamsters held at 5 and 22 degrees C underwent testicular regression, but 25% of those maintained at 28 degrees C failed to do so. We suggest that T(a) modulates testicular regression primarily by affecting responsiveness of neuroendocrine target tissues to long melatonin signals. 相似文献
Wolfgang Puchalski G. Robert Lynch 《Journal of comparative physiology. A, Neuroethology, sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology》1986,159(1):7-11
Summary Djungarian hamsters,Phodopus sungorus, depend mainly on day length to cue seasonal adjustments in reproduction and thermoregulation. These photoperiod-induced changes are mediated by changes in the daily release of pineal melatonin. However, some hamsters fail to respond to chronic short day exposure, and these individuals lack typical short day rhythms for both daily activity and pineal melatonin content. These results indicate that nonresponding hamsters lack the circadian organization responsible for proper coding of day length. Although the nature of the disruption in circadian organization is yet not known, these results clearly demonstrate the central importance of circadian rhythms in regulating photoperiod-induced adjustments in reproduction and thermoregulation. 相似文献
Gorman MR 《Physiological and biochemical zoology : PBZ》2003,76(3):398-405
Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) maintained under simulated natural photoperiods exhibit marked reductions in body weight as day lengths decrease in summer and fall. This experiment assessed whether the component of the seasonal body weight rhythm that is independent of gonadal hormones exhibits a graded dependence on decreasing day lengths or whether the entire program of weight loss is triggered by the crossing of a single critical day length in late summer. Male hamsters born into a photoperiod with 13 h light and 11 h dark (i.e., 13L : 11D) were castrated and transferred to simulated natural photoperiod for early April at 40 degrees N latitude. At the summer solstice (15L : 9D) some hamsters remained on that photoperiod whereas others experienced gradual decreases in day length. Three additional groups were moved to static photoperiods when day lengths had subsequently declined to 13L : 11D, 11L : 13D, or 9L : 15D, respectively. Day lengths decreasing to 13L : 11D were sufficient to suppress body weight but were less inhibitory than further decreases in day length. Hamsters identified as photononresponsive on the basis of daily activity rhythms increased body weight monotonically. These results establish that steroid-independent modulation of body weight depends on photoperiod in a graded fashion. 相似文献
If a female mates with a male of a closely related species, her fitness is likely to decline. Consequently, females may develop behavioral mechanisms to avoid mating with heterospecific males. In some species, one such mechanism is for adult females to learn to discriminate against heterospecific males after exposure to such males. We have previously shown that adult, female Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus) learn to discriminate against male Turkish hamsters (Mesocricetus brandti) after exposure to a single heterospecific male during 8 days across a wire-mesh barrier. Here we repeated that experiment but this time we exposed female Turkish hamsters to a male Syrian hamster for 8 days and then measured sexual and aggressive behaviors towards that heterospecific male and towards a conspecific male. In contrast to female Syrian hamsters, female Turkish hamsters did not differ in their latency to go into lordosis or in any measure of aggression towards either type of male. Female Turkish hamsters spent less time in lordosis with the heterospecific male, but the percentage of trials in which females copulated with conspecific and heterospecific males did not differ. When comparing females from both species that had been exposed to a heterospecific male for 8days, female Syrian hamsters copulated less and were more aggressive towards the heterospecific male compared to the behavior of female Turkish hamsters. We discuss how this asymmetric response between females of the two species may be due to the much larger geographical range of Turkish hamsters compared to Syrian hamsters. 相似文献
Freeman DA Teubner BJ Smith CD Prendergast BJ 《American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology》2007,292(6):R2368-R2372
Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) exhibit seasonal cycles of reproduction driven by changes in day length. Day length is encoded endogenously by the duration of nocturnal melatonin (Mel) secretion from the pineal gland. Short-duration Mel signals stimulate reproduction and long-duration signals inhibit reproduction. The mechanism by which Mel signals are decoded at the level of neural target tissues remains uncharacterized. In Siberian hamsters, exposure to short day lengths or injections of Mel in long days results in a decrease in hypothalamic expression of type 2 iodothyronine deiodinase (Dio2) mRNA. Dio2 catalyzes the conversion of the thyroid hormone thyroxine to triiodothyronine (T3). Thus exposure to short and long day lengths should decrease and increase hypothalamic T3 concentrations, respectively. We tested the hypothesis that exogenous T3 administered to short-day hamsters would mimic exposure to long day lengths with respect to gonadal stimulation. Hamsters gestated and raised in short day lengths that exhibited photoinhibition of the testes were given daily subutaneous injections of T3 or saline vehicle for 4 wk beginning at week 12 of life. The results indicate that exogenous T3 induced gonadal growth in short-day hamsters and delayed spontaneous gonadal development by an interval equal to the number of weeks during which T3 was administered. T3 injections delayed gonadal regression if given coincident with the transfer of hamsters from long to short day lengths. These results suggest that T3 mimics long day exposure in Siberian hamsters and may serve as an intermediate step between the Mel rhythm and the reproductive response. 相似文献
Bilbo SD Drazen DL Quan N He L Nelson RJ 《Proceedings. Biological sciences / The Royal Society》2002,269(1490):447-454
Symptoms of infection, such as fever, anorexia and lethargy, are ubiquitous among vertebrates. Rather than nonspecific manifestations of illness, these responses are organized, adaptive strategies that are often critical to host survival. During times of energetic shortage such as winter, however, it may be detrimental for individuals to prolong energetically demanding symptoms such as fever. Individuals may adjust their immune responses prior to winter by using day length to anticipate energetically-demanding conditions. If the expression of sickness behaviours is constrained by energy availability, then cytokine production, fever, and anorexia should be attenuated in infected Siberian hamsters housed under simulated winter photoperiods. We housed hamsters in either long (14 L : 10 D) or short (10 L : 14 D) day lengths and assessed cytokines, anorexia and fever following injections of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Short days attenuated the response to lipopolysaccharide, by decreasing the production of interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-1beta, and diminishing the duration of fever and anorexia. Short-day exposure in hamsters also decreased the ingestion of dietary iron, a nutrient vital to bacterial replication. Taken together, short day lengths attenuated the symptoms of infection, presumably to optimize energy expenditure and survival outcome. 相似文献
This study examined the effects of transfer from long photoperiod (LP) to short photoperiod (SP) on the cessation of ovarian cyclicity and the castration response in inbred LSH/SsLak golden Syrian hamsters. Forty-six 8 to 10-wk-old female hamsters were acclimatized in LP (14L:10D; lights on at 0600 h) during which time animals were monitored for regular ovarian cyclicity. Twenty-six animals were transferred to SP (8L:16D; lights on at 0600 h) and examined daily for vaginal discharges. One day after the day of the first missed ovulation, individual SP-exposed animals were bilaterally ovariectomized; concomitantly, an LP control animal in diestrus I underwent the same procedure. Thirty days after ovariectomy, the hamsters were fitted with intra-atrial silastic cannulae. On the following two postoperative days, 0.6 ml blood samples were collected at 0700, 1200, 1400, and 1600 h for SP animals and at 0700, 1400, 1600 and 1800 h for LP controls. On the third day, the animals were decapitated and sera and pituitaries saved for determination of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and prolactin (PRL) by radioimmunoassay (RIA). All SP-exposed animals displayed their last estrous discharge 14-34 days after transfer to SP (mean = 23.0 +/- 0.8 days). Their ovaries were characterized by the absence of corpora lutea, the presence of large atretic antral follicles, few growing follicles, and interstitium that was stimulated to varying degrees. Total and adjusted pituitary weights were decreased by SP exposure (p less than 0.001).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
Siberian hamsters transferred from a long (16 h light/day [16 L]) to an intermediate (13.5 L) day length (DL) undergo testicular regression within 2 months followed approximately 2 months later by "spontaneous" testicular recrudescence. Recovery of gonadal function after prolonged exposure to intermediate DLs is thought to reflect development of neuroendocrine refractoriness to intermediate-duration melatonin signals. The authors tested the alternative hypothesis that testicular recrudescence in 13.5 L occurs when the "memory" for the 16-L photoperiod fades and hamsters can no longer compare the 13.5-L to the prior 16-L day length. Adult hamsters transferred from 16 L to 13.5 L that underwent testicular involution were either maintained continuously in 13.5 L for 41 weeks or given a supplementary 2-week treatment of 16 L before being returned to 13.5 L. The supplementary treatment was administered either after hamsters had been in 13.5 L for 10 weeks and had involuted testes, or after 24 weeks, when the gonads had undergone recrudescence. The authors found that 16 L treatment administered at week 10 delayed final gonadal recrudescence by approximately 12 weeks; similar 16-L treatment at week 24 induced a second gonadal regression when animals were returned to 13.5 L. The most parsimonious hypothesis to account for these findings is that gonadal recrudescence in intermediate DLs reflects fading of the "memory" for prior long DLs rather than induction of refractoriness to melatonin signals generated in intermediate DLs. 相似文献
In Djungarian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) bred at the authors' institute, a certain number of animals show activity patterns incompatible with proper entrainment of their endogenous circadian pacemaker to the environmental light-dark (LD) cycle. Even though the activity-offset in these animals is stably coupled to "light-on," activity-onset is increasingly delayed, leading to a compression of the activity time (α). If α falls below a critical value, the circadian rhythm in these so called delayed activity-onset (DAO) hamsters starts to free-run and finally breaks down. Animals then show an arrhythmic activity pattern (AR hamsters). Previous studies revealed the mechanisms of photic entrainment have deteriorated (DAO) or the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) does not generate a rhythmic signal (AR). The aim of the present study was to investigate the consequences that these deteriorations have upon photoperiodic time measurement. Animals were bred and kept under standardized housing conditions with food and water ad libitum and a 14L/10D (long day, LD) regimen. Locomotor activity was recorded continuously using passive infrared motion detectors. Body mass, testes size, and fur coloration were measured weekly or biweekly to further quantify the photoperiodic reaction. In a first experiment, adult male wild-type (WT), DAO, and AR hamsters were transferred initially to a 16L/8D cycle. After 3-4 wks, the light period was shortened symmetrically by 8 h. After 14 wks, none of the DAO and AR hamsters, and only 1 of 8 WT hamsters showed short-day (SD) traits. Therefore, in a second experiment, hamsters were transferred to SD conditions (8L/16D cycle) for 8 wks directly from standard LD conditions. In 6 of 7 WT hamsters, activity time expanded, body mass and testes size decreased, and fur coloration changed from summer to winter pelage. In contrast, none of the DAO and AR hamsters displayed an SD response. In a third experiment, DAO and AR hamsters were kept in constant darkness (DD) for 8 and 14 wks. After 8 wks, DAO hamsters showed a similar photoperiodic reaction to WT hamsters that had been kept for 8 wks under SD conditions. However, the level of adaptation was still less compared to WT hamsters, but this difference was not apparent after 14 wks. In contrast, AR animals did not display any photoperiodic reaction, even after 14 wks in DD. Type VI phase response curves (PRCs) were constructed to better understand the mechanism behind the SD response. In WT hamsters, the photosensitive phase, where light pulses induce phase shifts, was lengthened in SD condition. In DAO hamsters, in contrast, the PRCs were similar under LD and SD conditions with a compressed photosensitive phase corresponding to α. Also, "light-on" induced only weak phase advances of activity-onset, insufficient to compensate for the long endogenous period. The results show that physiological mechanisms necessary for seasonal adaptation are working in DAO hamsters and that it is the inadequate interaction of the LD cycle with the SCN that prevents the photoperiodic reaction. AR hamsters, on the other hand, are incapable of measuring photoperiodic time due to a complete disruption of circadian rhythmicity. 相似文献
Short day (SD) lengths delay puberty, suppress ovulation, inhibit sexual behavior, and decelerate reproductive aging in female Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus). To date, the modulation of the age-associated decline in reproductive outcomes has only been demonstrated in female hamsters experiencing different day lengths during development. To determine if developmental delay is necessary for photo-inhibition to decelerate reproductive aging, hamsters raised in LD were transferred to SD as young adults and remained there for 6 months. Females that demonstrated the most immediate and sustained photo-inhibition were found to have greater numbers of ovarian primordial follicles at advanced ages (9 and 12 months) than did females held in LD, nonresponders to SD, and females with a marginal SD-response. Similarly, for females raised in SD from conception to 6 months of age, prolonged developmental delay was associated with greater numbers of primordial follicles at later ages as compared to hamsters that became refractory to SD. A robust response to SD in juvenile and adult hamsters is associated with decelerated reproductive aging, which may result in greater reproductive success in older females as compared to age-matched individuals demonstrating a more modest response to SD. 相似文献
This article is part of a Special Issue “Energy Balance”. 相似文献
Sarah A. Laredo Rosalina Villalon Landeros James C. Dooley Michael Q. Steinman Veronica Orr Andrea L. Silva Katie K. Crean Cindee F. Robles Brian C. Trainor 《Hormones and behavior》2013
In several vertebrate species, the effects of estrogens on male aggressive behavior can be modulated by environmental cues. In song sparrows and rodents, estrogens modulate aggression in the nonbreeding season or winter-like short days, respectively. The behavioral effects of estrogens are rapid, which generally is considered indicative of nongenomic processes. The current study further examined the hypothesis that estradiol acts nongenomically under short days by utilizing a protein synthesis inhibitor, cycloheximide (CX). Mice were housed in either short or long day photoperiods, and treated with an aromatase inhibitor. One hour before resident–intruder testing mice were injected with either CX or saline vehicle, and 30 min later were treated orally with either cyclodextrin conjugated estradiol or vehicle. Under short days, mice treated with estradiol showed a rapid decrease in aggressive behavior, independent of CX administration. CX alone had no effect on aggression. These results show that protein synthesis is not required for the rapid effects of estradiol on aggression, strongly suggesting that these effects are mediated by nongenomic processes. We also showed that estradiol suppressed c-fos immunoreactivity in the caudal bed nucleus of the stria terminalis under short days. No effects of estradiol on behavior or c-fos expression were observed in mice housed under long days. Previously we had also demonstrated that cage bedding influenced the directional effects of estrogens on aggression. Here, we show that the phenomenon of rapid action of estradiol on aggression under short days is a robust result that generalizes to different bedding conditions. 相似文献
Revel FG Saboureau M Masson-Pévet M Pévet P Mikkelsen JD Simonneaux V 《Current biology : CB》2006,16(17):1730-1735
The KiSS-1 gene encodes kisspeptin, the endogenous ligand of the G-protein-coupled receptor GPR54. Recent data indicate that the KiSS-1/GPR54 system is critical for the regulation of reproduction and is required for puberty onset. In seasonal breeders, reproduction is tightly controlled by photoperiod (i.e., day length). The Syrian hamster is a seasonal model in which reproductive activity is promoted by long summer days (LD) and inhibited by short winter days (SD). Using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry, we show that KiSS-1 is expressed in the arcuate nucleus of LD hamsters. Importantly, the KiSS-1 mRNA level was lower in SD animals but not in SD-refractory animals, which spontaneously reactivated their sexual activity after several months in SD. These changes of expression are not secondary to the photoperiodic variations of gonadal steroids. In contrast, melatonin appears to be necessary for these seasonal changes because pineal-gland ablation prevented the SD-induced downregulation of KiSS-1 expression. Remarkably, a chronic administration of kisspeptin-10 restored the testicular activity of SD hamsters despite persisting photoinhibitory conditions. Overall, these findings are consistent with a role of KiSS-1/GPR54 in the seasonal control of reproduction. We propose that photoperiod, via melatonin, modulates KiSS-1 signaling to drive the reproductive axis. 相似文献
Reproduction is a complex and energy demanding function. When internal and external conditions might impair reproductive success (negative energy balance, stress, harsh season) reproductive activity has to be repressed. Recent evidence suggests that these inhibitory mechanisms operate on Kiss1-expressing neurons, which were recently shown to be implicated in the regulation of GnRH release. Hamsters are seasonal rodents which are sexually active in long photoperiod and quiescent in short photoperiod. The photoperiodic information is transmitted to the reproductive system by melatonin, a pineal hormone whose secretion is adjusted to night length. The photoperiodic variation in circulating melatonin has been shown to synchronize reproductive activity with seasons, but the mechanisms involved in this effect of melatonin were so far unknown. Recently we have observed that Kiss1 mRNA level in the arcuate nucleus of the Syrian hamster is lower in short photoperiod, when animals are sexually quiescent. Notably, intracerebroventricular infusion of Kiss1 gene product, kisspeptin, in hamsters kept in short photoperiod is able to override the inhibitory photoperiod and to reactivate sexual activity. The inhibition of Kiss1 expression in short photoperiod is driven by melatonin because pinealectomy prevents decrease in Kiss1 mRNA level in short photoperiod and melatonin injection in long photoperiod down regulates Kiss1 expression. Whether melatonin acts directly on arcuate Kiss1 expressing neurons or mediates its action via interneurons is the subject of the current investigations. 相似文献