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There was a pronounced decline in activity of young pool-dwelling Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, and brown trout, Salmo trutta, as the water temperatures dropped in the autumn and early winter, and the fish switched from a predominantly diurnal towards a nocturnal activity pattern. Such a switch in activity pattern has previously been observed in young brown trout, but the present study is the first documentation for juvenile Atlantic salmon under natural conditions. Juvenile fish fed actively even when water temperatures were below 0°C, although foraging behaviour at near-freezing temperatures was recorded exclusively during night surveys. This indicates that other proximate factors, in addition to water temperature, affect the activity of young salmon and trout in rivers. Trout kept feeding positions significantly higher above bottom than salmon in August and September, but both species reduced the height above bottom at the onset of winter, possibly due to reduced swimming performance and lowered food availability in the upper part of the water column.  相似文献   

Habitat selection behavior is affected by complex interplays between competing requirements. Here we combine field observations with laboratory experiments to examine how thermal benefits and predator avoidance influences habitat selection by different color morphs of the pygmy grasshopper Tetrix undulata. The composition of substrate types and surface temperatures in areas selected by free-ranging individuals did not reflect relative availability, and varied among morphs and sexes. Surface temperatures of selected habitats deviated less from the range of preferred body temperatures than would result from a random utilization of surface temperatures, suggesting that grasshoppers selected habitats with thermal properties which were suitable for maintaining preferred body temperatures. The thermal property of habitats occupied by different color morphs suggests that darker morphs (which absorb more solar radiation) selected cooler habitats to avoid overheating. Dissimilarities in substrate use among color morphs in the field and laboratory emphasize a role also of predator avoidance by background matching for habitat choice. The degree of habitat selectivity was lowest in the striped morph, supporting the notion that a disruptive color pattern may constitute a solution to the trade-off between relative crypsis in different visual backgrounds. Finally, individuals modified their habitat use when subjected to elevated risk of predation, showing that habitat choice is governed by conflicting priorities. Collectively, our findings suggest that, as a result of direct and indirect effects of coloration on performance, alternative color morphs use different solutions to the trade-off between competing requirements. Our results also lend support to the notion that relative fitness of alternative color morphs and sexes may be dependent on microhabitat selection, as predicted by the theory of multiple niche polymorphisms.  相似文献   

We used underwater observation to determine diel habitat partitioning between bull charr, Salvelinus confluentus, and cutthroat trout, Oncorhynchus clarki, during fall and winter (0.1–8.3°C) in two Rocky Mountain streams that differed in habitat availability. The majority (>70%) of both species emerged from concealment cover at night, though bull charr exhibited a greater tendency for nocturnal behavior than cutthroat trout. Differences in day and night counts were most pronounced at temperatures <3°C, when very few fish of either species were observed in the water column during the day, but both species were common at night. Both species used concealment cover of large woody debris and boulder substrate crevices in deep pools during the day. At night, fish emerged from cover and habitat use shifted to shallow water with low cover. Microhabitat partitioning among species and size classes occurred at night, cutthroat trout moving into shallower, faster water that was farther from cover compared to bull charr. Smaller fish of both species occupied focal positions in slower, shallower water closer to the substrate than larger fish. Large, mixed-species aggregations also were common in beaver ponds both day and night. High variation in diel and site-specific winter habitat use suggests the need for caution in developing habitat suitability criteria for salmonids based solely on daytime observations or on observations from a few sites. Our results support the need to incorporate nocturnal habitat use and partitioning in studies of salmonid ecology.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Wolverine (Gulo gulo) distribution in British Columbia, Canada, includes multiple-use lands where human use and resource extraction may influence habitat selection. We evaluated seasonal habitat use by resident adult wolverines using radiotelemetry locations from 2 multiple-use landscapes in British Columbia. Food, predation risk, and human disturbance hypotheses were considered in logistic regression analyses of used and random landscapes. Male wolverine habitat associations were most supported by the food hypothesis in both summer and winter. Moose (Alces alces) winter ranges, valley bottom forests, and avalanche terrain were positively associated with winter male wolverine use. Habitat use by male wolverines in winter was also negatively associated with helicopter skiing areas in the Columbia Mountains. Habitat associations of females were more complex; combinations of variables supporting food, predation risk, or human disturbance hypotheses were included in most supported models from both summer and winter in both study areas. Females were associated with alpine and avalanche environments where hoary marmot (Marmota caligata) and Columbia ground squirrel (Spermophilus columbianus) prey are found in summer. Roaded and recently logged areas were negatively associated with female wolverines in summer. In the Columbia Mountains, where winter recreation was widespread, females were negatively associated with helicopter and backcountry skiing. Moose winter ranges within rugged landscapes were positively associated with females during winter. Our analysis suggests wolverines were negatively responding to human disturbance within occupied habitat. The population consequences of these functional habitat relationships will require additional focused research. Our spatially explicit models can be used to support conservation planning for resource extraction and tourism industries operating in landscapes occupied by wolverines.  相似文献   

We compared the morphology, morphometry, and some aspects of the biology and ecology of Eubothrium crassum and E. salvelini, two pseudophyllidean tapeworms in brown trout, Salmo trutta m. lacustris, and Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus, in lakes of the western part of the Alps. The taxonomic importance of the apical disc for the discrimination of both taxa was confirmed. The apical disc of E. crassum is rectangular, possessing two deep grooves above the bothriae and 2–16 additional indentations. In E. salvelini, the apical disc is bilobed and bilaterally symmetric. We found new and significant interspecific differences in the length and width of the scolex, the diameter of the apical disc, and the width of the neck, with all measurements being larger in E. crassum. The two species differ in the number and size of the testes (fewer and larger in E. salvelini), the length of the cirrus sac (longer in E. crassum), and the size of vitelline follicles (larger in E. salvelini). Vitelline follicles of E. crassum are always cortical and sometimes enter into the outermost muscle fibres, whereas follicles of E. salvelini are situated largely medullary with few follicles entering between the innermost bundles of muscles. The eggs and the oncospheres of E. salvelini are larger. The embryonic hooks of E. crassum measure 14–18 m whilst those of E. salvelini are 18–26 m. For both taxa, the intraspecific variability in morphometric characters was fairly low. The prevalence and intensity of infection of E. crassum and E. salvelini in their respective fish hosts were very high (prevalence 90–94% mean intensity 36.3 and 6.6, maximums of 172 and 63 tapeworms per fish, respectively). E. salvelini eggs were spontaneously released throughout the year except for winter months; E. crassum laid eggs only in summer (June–August). Natural infection of copepods with Eubothrium procercoids was very low (prevalence 0.002%). The morphogenesis of Eubothrium procercoids was studied in an intermediate host, the copepod Cyclops prealpinus, that had been simultaneously infected with both species.  相似文献   

Foraging in animals is often associated with characteristicbody postures, such as the head-down posture. When foragingconflicts with the ability to detect predators or to flee, individualsmay incur a greater risk of mortality to predation than otherwise.Here we investigate the influence of different foraging postures(horizontal versus nose-down body posture) on the ability ofindividuals to respond to approaching predators and on the riskof mortality to predation in the guppy (Poecilia reticulata).Individuals engaged in nose-down foraging were assumed to beable to visually scan a smaller area for predators and to escapeless effectively due to their body posture, and thus are morevulnerable to stalking predators than horizontally foragingones. In a first experiment, we separately exposed nonforaging,horizontally foraging, and nose-down foraging guppies to anapproaching cichlid fish predator model. Nonforaging guppiesreacted sooner to and initiated flight further away from theapproaching model than did foraging fish collectively, and horizontallyforaging individuals responded sooner to the model than nose-downforaging ones. Comparing all test guppies, nose-down foragingindividuals were the most likely not to exhibit any responseto the predator model. When presented with a simultaneous choiceof two guppies behind a one-way mirror, individual blue acaracichlid (Aequidens pulcher), a natural predator of the guppy,preferred to attack foraging guppies over nonforaging ones andnose-down foraging guppies over horizontally foraging individuals.In a final experiment with free-swimming cichlids and guppies,we demonstrated that individual risk of predation for guppiesforaging nose down was greater than for guppies foraging horizontally,and both were at greater risk than nonforaging guppies. Thislatter result is consistent with the above differences in theguppy's responsiveness to approaching predators depending ontheir foraging behavior, and with the finding that cichlid predatorspreferred fish that were less likely to show any response tothem. Our results therefore indicate that the ability to respondto approaching predators and the risk of mortality to predationin the guppy is strongly influenced by their foraging activity,and in particular their foraging posture, and that cichlid predatorspreferentially select less wary and more vulnerable guppies.[BehavEcol 7: 264–271 (1996)]  相似文献   

We caught smolts of Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., and brown trout, Salmo trutta L., in a trap situated at the mouth of the river Halselva (70° N 23° E), northern Norway during a 5-year period. Salmon and charr were the first to leave freshwater at the end of May, while most trout left freshwater about 14 days later. Whereas the midnight sun shines continuously during the downstream migration period, the light intensity has a diel intensity pattern. The majority of the descending migrants were recorded during the night. The number of descending fish was relatively low at water temperatures below 3°C. The increase in water level was largely caused by snowmelt and thus correlated with lower water temperatures. The number of migrants of all three species increased with increasing water level and decreased with increasing water temperature, with the exception of trout, which increased with water temperature. Notably, the increase in number of migrants was also correlated with the increase in water level the following day, indicating that fish movements represent an early response to a later spate. There was no significant relationship between the number of migrants and the daily change in water level or temperature. The three species were highly synchronised in their daily number of migrants. The strongest synchronisation was found between Arctic charr and Atlantic salmon, followed by Arctic charr and brown trout.  相似文献   

We examined the behavior of two arboreal monkeys—Piliocolobus badius (western red colobus) and Cercopithecus diana (Diana monkey)—in the presence and absence of a third, predominately terrestrial monkey, Cercocebus atys (sooty mangabey) in the Ivory Coast's Taï Forest. Via experimental data, we show that sooty mangabeys are effective sentinels for ground predators. Then we compared strata use of red colobus and Diana monkeys in the presence and absence of mangabeys. Our data indicate that red colobus and Diana monkeys descend to low forest levels and to the forest floor significantly more often when mangabeys are spatially intermingled with them, i.e. in polyspecific associations. The niche extension may provide some foraging advantage, especially for red colobus. We identified the specific causal agent—relaxed ground predator pressure—of a temporary shift in habitat use. In this instance, the presence of one species (Cercocebus atys) leads to the temporary expansion of a niche normally avoided by others Piliocolobus badius and Cercopithecus diana.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial occurrence of limnetic larval fish in Lake Banyoles in the spring and summer of 1993 and 1994 indicated that pumpkinseed spawned over 15 weeks (from mid-May to mid-August) and freshwater blenny over 14 weeks (from mid-May until early August). We noted that the spawning period of pumpkinseed commenced earlier in Lake Banyoles than in more northern lakes. Pumpkinseed and freshwater blenny larvae were collected by tow net in both the limnetic (at 4–4.5 m) and littoral zones (at 0–0.5 m), during daylight (no samples were taken during night). Freshwater blenny larvae were more abundant than pumpkinseed larvae. Both of them were more abundant in 1993 than in 1994 (pumpkinseed: 1.61 ind. 100 m−3 vs. 0.70 ind. 100 m−3; freshwater blenny: 3.95 ind. 100 m−3 vs. 1.90 ind. 100 m−3) and in both years they were uniformly distributed in the lake, without differences between the areas considered. The pumpkinseed larvae migrated at 3.5 mm TL into the limnetic zone, and returned to the vegetation of the littoral zone as juveniles. The freshwater blenny larvae were also planktonic (3.5–14 mm TL) but were distributed in both the littoral and limnetic zone before benthic settlement. The larval distribution is discussed on the basis of a trade-off between foraging and predation risk. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

I analyzed the interaction of different types of costs in determiningoptimal behavior using mathematical models. The analysis concentrateson foraging behavior and asks (1) whether the cost factor thathas the greatest effect on fitness generally has the greatesteffect on optimal trait values and (2) whether increasing thesize of one type of cost makes the optimal behavior absolutelyor relatively more sensitive to that cost. The foraging costsconsidered are energy expenditure, predation risk, and othermortality factors. It is shown that increasing the magnitudeof one cost often decreases the relative and absolute sensitivityof the optimal foraging strategy to that cost. The relativefitness effects of different costs generally differ from therelative sensitivities of the optimal strategies to the costfactors. Researchers should therefore measure the shapes ofcost curves rather than their average magnitudes to determinewhich of several costs can be ignored in cost-benefit analyses.  相似文献   

This study is the first to characterize temporal changes in blood chemistry of individuals from one population of male sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka during the final 6 weeks of sexual maturation and senescence in the freshwater stage of their spawning migration. Fish that died before the start of their historic mean spawning period (c. 5 November) were characterized by a 20-40% decrease in plasma osmolality, chloride and sodium, probably representing a complete loss of osmoregulatory ability. As fish became moribund, they were further characterized by elevated levels of plasma cortisol, lactate and potassium. Regressions between time to death and plasma chloride (8 October: P < 0·001; 15 October: P < 0·001) indicate that plasma chloride was a strong predictor of longevity in O. nerka. That major plasma ion levels started to decline 2-10 days (mean of 6 days) before fish became moribund, and before other stress, metabolic or reproductive hormone variables started to change, suggests that a dysfunctional osmoregulatory system may initiate rapid senescence and influence other physiological changes (i.e. elevated stress and collapsed reproductive hormones) which occur as O. nerka die on spawning grounds.  相似文献   

Understanding how animals cope with habitat‐specific environmental factors can assist in species conservation management. We studied the habitat use of four groups (two large and two small groups) of white‐headed langurs (Trachypithecus leucocephalus) living in the forest of southwest Guangxi, China between September 2016 and February 2017 via instantaneous scan sampling. Our results showed that the langurs primarily used hillsides (55.91% ± 6.47%), followed by cliffs (29.70% ± 5.48%), hilltops (7.26% ± 3.55%), flat zones (6.99% ± 6.58%), and farmlands (0.14% ± 0.28%). The langurs moved most frequently on hillsides (49.35% ± 6.97%) and cliffs (35.60% ± 9.17%). The hillsides were more frequently used (66.94% ± 7.86%) during feeding, and the langurs increased the use of hilltops during the rainy season, and the use of cliffs in the dry season. The langurs frequently rested on hillsides (49.75% ± 8.16%) and cliffs (38.93% ± 8.02%). The larger langur group used cliffs more frequently when moving and resting, whereas the small langur group used hillsides more frequently while resting. Langurs in all groups avoided the flat zones for feeding. Their use of habitat reflected the balancing of foraging needs, thermoregulation, and predator avoidance. We conclude that the ecological factors are determinants of habitat use for white‐headed langurs. Our findings suggest that conservation efforts should focus on protecting the vegetation on the hillsides and restoring the vegetation on the flat zones.  相似文献   

Resource depression caused by current feeding and the rate of resource renewal should influence foragers' decisions about when to revisit foraging areas. Adjustment of foraging paths and revisit rates should be particularly important when resources renew slowly. Foragers can also benefit by returning more often to highly profitable than to less profitable foraging areas. Many highly frugivorous primates seem to time revisits to fruit sources so as to harvest fruit efficiently and, also, use efficient search paths. Fewer data on non-frugivores exist. Mountain gorillas are folivores that eat mostly perennially available, continuously growing herbs and vines. Vegetation regenerates slowly from the effects of gorilla trampling, though trampling can also facilitate food species productivity, at least in the short term. Adjustment of intervals between visits to foraging areas to the extent of previous use and to resource renewal rates should increase gorilla foraging efficiency. Long-term data on habitat use by 6 mountain gorilla social units show that revisit intervals vary in association with variation in the extent of previous use and in plant productivity. However, they also revisit areas more often, the higher the biomass and nutritional quality of food there. These data are generally consistent with the hypothesis that the gorillas crop resources on a sustained-yield basis, though more precise data on areal revisits and complementary long-term data on vegetation composition would be needed to test the hypothesis.  相似文献   

The influence of prey mobility and species on prey selection by the coccinellid Harmonia axyridis Pallas was determined under laboratory conditions for two prey species, Hyaliodes vitripennis (Say) and Tetranychus urticae Koch. Prey selection was influenced by prey mobility. In the presence of active prey, the coccinellid selected T. urticae while in presence of immobilized prey, H. vitripennis was preferred. Harmonia axyridis searching time was longer in the presence of active H. vitripennis than in the presence of active T. urticae. Moreover, the coccinellid capture rate was lower for active H. vitripennis caused by effective defensive mechanisms. Prey suitability was affected by prey mobility and species. Immobilized H. vitripennis were the most profitable prey, i.e. induced a shorter developmental time and no mortality. However, active H. vitripennis were not a suitable food source for H. axyridis. Our results suggested that three factors are involved in prey selection by H. axyridis: (i) prey mobility; (ii) prey defensive mechanisms; and (iii) prey species.  相似文献   

Predation risk can influence habitat use and activity of potential prey. I explored how the risk of predation by vertebrates influenced the behavior of grasshoppers. I monitored the height in vegetation and the frequency of resting, moving, and feeding behaviors of both tethered and free-ranging grasshoppers under exposure to various predators. Grasshoppers protected from birds remained high in the vegetation, while those protected only from small mammals and lizards remained low in the vegetation. Grasshoppers exposed to all predators occupied an intermediate height. Lower positions in the vegetation were associated with cooler thermal conditions, lower feeding rates, and lower food availability. My results are consistent with the hypothesis that grasshoppers utilize different microhabitats to balance the trade-off between reducing mortality from predators and experiencing greater food availability, and warmer conditions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Predator avoidance is likely to play a strong role in structuringspecies communities, even where actual mortality due to predationis low. In such systems, mortality may be low because predatoravoidance is effective, and if the threat of predation is liftedthen entire community structures may be altered. Where competitionis intense, then competitor avoidance may have a similar impacton communities. Avoidance behaviors have been documented fora wide range of species, but this is the first attempt to documentavoidance behavior within a large carnivore community. Audioplayback techniques are used to examine the risk perceivedby cheetahs from their two main competitors that are also theirmain predators, lions and hyenas. The results from these experimentsshow that cheetahs actively moved away from lion and hyenaplayback experiments, compared with dummy playbacks where no sound was played. Cheetahs showed no differences in their responsesto playbacks dependent on their sex or reproductive status,suggesting they were responding principally to a competitionrather than a predation threat. However, cheetahs were muchless likely to hunt after competitor playbacks than after dummyplaybacks, and this resulted in a lower kill rate after competitorplaybacks, demonstrating that the perceived presence of competitors had a noticeable impact on the foraging rate of cheetahs. Furthermore,while cheetahs moved just as far following lion playbacks asafter hyena playbacks, they spent significantly more time lookingat the loudspeaker and were less likely to make a kill afterlion playbacks, suggesting that cheetahs perceive lions tobe a greater threat than hyenas.  相似文献   

We studied seasonal change in habitat use by chimpanzees in the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda. The forest comprises various types of vegetation. For each vegetation type, we compared number of chimpanzees (per km2) that used the vegetation with fruit availability in different census periods. We estimated the number of chimpanzees by nest count and fruit availability via density of fallen fruit. The mixed mature forest contained a large amount of fruit during the high-fruiting season, but it decreased rapidly in the low-fruiting season. The number of chimpanzees also decreased in mixed mature forest in approximate proportion with fruit availability. In the Parinari-dominated mature and secondary forests, both fruit availability and number of chimpanzees were very low throughout the study. In the Musanga-dominated secondary forest, the number of chimpanzees increased toward the low-fruiting season, though the fruit availability decreased slightly. A multiple regression analysis showed that various fruits had significant effects on the number of chimpanzees during the high-fruiting season, while only Musanga leo-errerae had a significant effect during the low-fruiting season. The results suggest that the fruit of Musanga leo-errerae functions as a fallback food, and a combination of different vegetation types supports the chimpanzees in the Kalinzu Forest.  相似文献   

Predation risk can affect habitat selection by water column stream fish and crayfish, but little is known regarding effects of predation risk on habitat selection by benthic fish or assemblages of fish and crayfish. I used comparative studies and manipulative field experiments to determine whether, (1) habitat selection by stream fish and crayfish is affected by predation risk, and (2) benthic fish, water column fish, and crayfish differ in their habitat selection and response to predation risk. Snorkeling was used to observe fish and crayfish in, (1) unmanipulated stream pools with and without large smallmouth bass predators (Micropterus dolomieui >200 mm total length, TL) and (2) manipulated stream pools before and after addition of a single large smallmouth bass, to determine if prey size and presence of large fish predators affected habitat selection. Observations of microhabitat use were compared with microhabitat availability to determine microhabitat selection. Small fish (60–100 mm TL, except darters that were 30–100 mm TL) and crayfish (40–100 mm rostrum to telson length; TL) had significantly reduced densities in pools with large bass, whereas densities of large fish and crayfish (> 100 mm TL) did not differ significantly between pools with and without large bass. Small orangethroat darters (Etheostoma spectabile), northern crayfish (Orconectes virilis), and creek chubs (Semotilus atromaculatus) showed significantly greater densities in pools without large bass. The presence of large smallmouth bass did not significantly affect depths selected by fish and crayfish, except minnows, which were found significantly more often at medium depths when bass were present. Small minnows and large and small crayfish showed the greatest response to additions of bass to stream pools by moving away from bass locations and into shallow water. Small darters and sunfish showed an intermediate response, whereas large minnows showed no significant response to bass additions. Response to predation risk was dependent on prey size and species, with preferred prey, crayfish and small minnows, showing the greatest response. Small benthic fish, such as darters, are intermediate between small water column fish and crayfish and large water column fish in their risk of predation from large smallmouth bass.  相似文献   

In the trade-off between food and safety, the role of aggressiveintraspecific interactions has not been extensively examined.Here I present information on this system using a kleptoparasiticspider, Argyrodts antipodiana, and its host spider and potentialpredator, Eriophora pustulosa. A. antipodiana can feed eitherat a potentially dangerous site (the hub of its host's web withthe host), or at a relatively safe site (on food bundles aroundthe edge of the host's web). I found that A. antipodiana cangain food very quickly when feeding with the host, apparentlyby exploiting the host's ability to digest the prey. Thus A.antipodiana follows predictions based on foraging models inthat it accepts a higher predation risk at the hub because ofthe higher food payoff. A. antipodiana also aggressively competesfor access to more food. However, aggressive competition increasesthe predation risk from the host, especially at tile hub wherethe host is very close. Consequently, A. antipodiana modifiesits level of intraspecific aggressiveness in accordance withits position on the web: at the hub, where the cost of aggressionis high (due to predation risk), A. antipodiana reduces itsaggressiveness, but it is aggressive away from the hub whencompeting for food bundles. The ability of A. antipodiana tochange interaction intensity as a function of its position onthe web enables it to exploit a rich, but risky, food sourceand provides a new angle for examining food and safety tradeoffs in light of intraspecific competition for food  相似文献   

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