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Mosquito tissues of cytogenetical importance were dissected out on a slide in 0.65% NaCl, under a dissecting microscope, and treated about 30 sec in a drop of 1:3 Carnoy's fixative diluted 1:19 with distilled water. Fixing and hydrolysis was done by a single step in a mixture consisting of: glacial acetic acid, 1; ethanol 96%, 3; HCl conc., 2; and distilled water, 2 (v/v) for 2-6 min at 20-25 C. The specimen was then rinsed with the acetic-alcohol fixative and covered in a drop of 1% cresyl violet in 50% acetic acid under a coverslip coated with Mayer's albumen. Washing was performed immediately by adding water dropwise to one side of the coverslip and drawing the fluid from the other side with absorbent paper. The preparation could be used either as a temporary slide or made into a durable mount. The DNA-containing bands of the giant polytenic chromosomes stained dark violet; interband regions, weakly stained or colourless against a clear background. Mitotic and meiotic figures in gonadal cells stained selectively dark violet or violet with a practically unstained cytoplasm.  相似文献   

A simple staining technique for nervous tissue is described. Tissue perfused with glutaraldehyde and formaldehyde and postfixed with osmium tetroxide is embedded in glycol methacrylate. One-micrometer sections are stained with 0.05% cresyl fast violet aqueous solution at 60 C for 5 min, washed with tap water and air dried. With this method the details of all nervous tissue elements are clearly demonstrated. The technique is particularly useful for assessing demyelination because the staining of axoplasm allows demyelinated axons to be well visualized.  相似文献   

Stroke is the third cause of mortality and the leading cause of disability in the World. Ischemic stroke accounts for approximately 80% of all strokes. However, the thrombolytic tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) is the only treatment of acute ischemic stroke that exists. This led researchers to develop several ischemic stroke models in a variety of species. Two major types of rodent models have been developed: models of global cerebral ischemia or focal cerebral ischemia. To mimic ischemic stroke in patients, in whom approximately 80% thrombotic or embolic strokes occur in the territory of the middle cerebral artery (MCA), the intraluminal middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model is quite relevant for stroke studies. This model was first developed in rats by Koizumi et al. in 1986 1. Because of the ease of genetic manipulation in mice, these models have also been developed in this species 2-3.Herein, we present the transient MCA occlusion procedure in C57/Bl6 mice. Previous studies have reported that physical properties of the occluder such as tip diameter, length, shape, and flexibility are critical for the reproducibility of the infarct volume 4. Herein, a commercial silicon coated monofilaments (Doccol Corporation) have been used. Another great advantage is that this monofilament reduces the risk to induce subarachnoid hemorrhages. Using the Zeiss stereo-microscope Stemi 2000, the silicon coated monofilament was introduced into the internal carotid artery (ICA) via a cut in the external carotid artery (ECA) until the monofilament occludes the base of the MCA. Blood flow was restored 1 hour later by removal of the monofilament to mimic the restoration of blood flow after lysis of a thromboembolic clot in humans. The extent of cerebral infarct may be evaluated first by a neurologic score and by the measurement of the infarct volume. Ischemic mice were thus analyzed for their neurologic score at different post-reperfusion times. To evaluate the infarct volume, staining with 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) was usually performed. Herein, we used cresyl violet staining since it offers the opportunity to test many critical markers by immunohistochemistry. In this video, we report the MCAO procedure; neurological scores and the evaluation of the infarct volume by cresyl violet staining.  相似文献   

Many technics for histological staining of the pituitary gland have been devised. Since most of the methods described have been for animals other than the mouse, and since the mouse hypophysis, for some unknown reason, is difficult to stain by the accepted technics, the present writer has worked out a modification of Mallory's triple staining method.  相似文献   

The first part of the paper summarizes the ways in which technicians have used dioxan in the various phases of microtechnic. The rest of the paper consists of a detailed account of the use of dioxan in triple staining. Specific directions are given for modifications of Castroviejo's method and Mallory's triple connective tissue stain. Special emphasis is placed upon the fact that dioxan will not wash the stains out of the sections in the dehydrating process to any great extent. This makes triple staining easier.  相似文献   

The cresyl fast violet staining method was modified to eliminate differentiation. Paraffin sections from tissues fixed in Zenker-formol were stained in a 1% aqueous solution of cresyl fast violet (Chroma), adjusted to pH 3.7 with acetic acid, washed in running tap water, dehydrated and covered. Because basophilia increases with time of fixation or storage in formalin or Kaiserling's fluid, dilution of the dye solution to 0.5-0.1% is recommended for such material. Bacteria, nuclei, Nissl substance, and lipofuscin were colored dark blue; fungi, blue to purple; and cytoplasm and muscle fibers, light blue. Collagen and reticulum fibers were only faintly stained. Thus, microorganisms were easily visible against the lightly colored background. In formalin-fixed material, bile pigment was colored olive green. Because this method does not require differentiation, it gave uniform results even in the hands of different users. Little or no fading was observed in sections stored for more than 2 yr.  相似文献   

A reproducible, one-step, differential staining technic which uses routine formalin-fixed tissue and gives brilliantly contrasting results is produced by incubating sections for 1 hr in a 60° C oven in the following dye mixture: 1% eosin B (CI#771), 8 ml; 1% anilin blue (CI#707), 2 ml; and buffer solution (0.1M citric acid, 1.1 ml; 0.2M Na2HPO4, 0.9 ml; distilled water, 28.0 ml) at pH 4.5. No differentiation is necessary. The method can be modified for duodenal enterochromaffin cells and alpha cells of pancreatic islets by adjusting the buffer to pH 3.6 and staining for only 3 min at 60° C.  相似文献   

In an attempt to stain the flagella of soil bacteria, many of which have flagella so fine that they are hard to stain by most methods, a technic was developed which combines the best points of Hofer and Wilson's method with that of Bailey as developed by O'Toole. Satisfactory preparations have been obtained for organisms of the genera Pseudomonas, Phytomonas, Alcaligenes, Escherichia, Azotobacter, and Bacillus. This technic, therefore, is recommended as a rapid and constant method for routine flagella staining of all motile aerobic organisms; it combines Hofer and Wilson's method of cleaning the slides with O'Toole's technic of spreading the smears and with a modification of Bailey's mordant.  相似文献   

Apothecia of Pyronema confluens Tul. were stained by the Feulgen reaction and then squashed and mounted in propiono-carmine. Exceptionally clear differentiation of the chromosomes was obtained by this method. Snail stomach cytase was used as an aid in flattening the asci and a simple method for its extraction is described.  相似文献   

By comparing results obtained with adult mammalian tissue from introducing variables into each separate step in block-staining by the Bielschowsky silver method, the following conclusions were reached:
  1. No specific means for inhibiting the staining of connective tissue and still permitting complete staining of nerve fibers was found, but the avoidance of overstaining was very helpful toward such differentiation.
  2. Overstaining could be corrected by reducing the concentration of the silver nitrate bath or by adding an excess of ammonia to the ammoniated silver bath.
  3. Staining of fine fibers was favored by adding acetic acid to the formaldehyde used for fixation or by adding pyridin to the silver nitrate bath.
  4. Addition of protein-precipitating organic acids (trichloracetic or sulfosalicylic) to the fixative was disadvantageous.
  5. Prolonged fixation favored an increase in intensity of the stain. Four days' time was sufficient.
  6. Extraction of lipids with ammoniated alcohol gave results similar to those obtained after extraction with pyridin, but the stain was lighter.
  7. Ammoniated silver carbonate without excess ammonia had an action similar to ammoniated silver hydroxide with excess ammonia.
  8. An excess of ammonia in the ammoniated silver solution (Ag 0.1 N) was tolerated, without apparent impairment of nerve-fiber staining, up to 6 M NH3, altho the use of more than 3 M excess (2 cc. concentrated ammonia water added to 100 cc. of balanced ammoniated silver hydroxide solution) seemed unnecessary.
  9. Impregnation with 1.7% (0.1 N) silver nitrate solution was quite satisfactory and variations in the concentrations of this bath suggested that the practical limits of concentrations that would be generally satisfactory lay between 0.3 and 3.0%.
  10. The writers' experiences agreed with Agduhr's relative to the advantage of washing in 2.5% acetic acid between the ammoniated silver bath and formaldehyde reduction.

A basic fuchsin-crystal violet staining sequence for demonstration of juxtaglomerular granular cells in epoxy-embedded tissues is rapid and results in slides with excellent contrast and intensity. Procedure: Cut sections 0.3-0.6 μ thick. Hydrate through xylene and alcohol to water. Stain in modified Goodpasture's stain (basic fuchsin, 1; aniline, 1; phenol, 1; 30% alcohol, 100) for 20-30 sec; rinse in tap water; stain in modified Stirling's (crystal violet, 5; alcohol, 10; aniline, 2; water, 88) for 20-30 sec; rinse in tap water and dry on a hotplate; mount in a synthetic resin. Granular cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus are stained an intense dark blue by the crystal violet. Arterial elastic membranes and collagen are pale blue. Other structures are shades of red.  相似文献   

A procedure is described which enables a stain to be definitely located in the substance of the nucleolus. Material is fixed in either Navashin or Levitsky; the chromatin is stained by means of the improved Feulgen technic introduced by de Tomasi, and preparations brought thru the washing solutions down to distilled water. From distilled water the material is transferred to a mordant solution, 5% sodium carbonate in water, in which it is left for at least one hour. After mordanting wash well with water then stain for ten minutes in light green solution (90% alcohol, 100 cc, light green SFY, 0.5 g, aniline oil, 2 drops, well shaken); differentiate in alcoholic sodium carbonate solution, (70% alcohol saturated with carbonate); treat with 95% alcohol, absolute alcohol, equal parts xylene and absolute alcohol, clear in pure dry xylene and mount in neutral balsam. Cytoplasm and karyolymph should be quite clear, with magenta chromatin and well defined green nucleoli. The light green does not behave like a simple counterstain as in previous technics but as a definite stain for nucleolar material.  相似文献   

The writer gives a schedule for carrying out the Weigert-Pal technic by which three difficulties of the original technic are overcome: the tendency of the sections to become brittle; the difficulty of observing the extent of the reaction occurring in the permanganate solution; and the slowness with which the reaction takes place. By the method proposed as many as 300 sections may be stained and differentiated in the time it formerly took to handle 50.  相似文献   

The writer gives a schedule for carrying out the Weigert-Pal technic by which three difficulties of the original technic are overcome: the tendency of the sections to become brittle; the difficulty of observing the extent of the reaction occurring in the permanganate solution; and the slowness with which the reaction takes place. By the method proposed as many as 300 sections may be stained and differentiated in the time it formerly took to handle 50.  相似文献   

The preparation of the 9-methyl-2,3,7-trihydroxy-6-fluorone reagent for the selective staining of both desoxyribose and ribose nucleic acids is described. With slight variations this method follows the Duckert (1937) modification of the Liebermann and Lindenbaum (1904) reaction.

The present modification of the Turchini et al. (1944) staining procedure has been used on human autonomic ganglia fixed in Bouin's fluid, rat tissues, fixed in Bouin's, Zenker's, formol and for-mol-saline fixatives and mouse liver frozen and dried. The modified Turchini method has been examined primarily for its qualitative reliability by means of the following procedure. Ribonuclease treated sections were compared with adjacent sections immersed in distilled water. In succeeding steps half of these sections were stained by the modified Turchini process and the other half by Einarsson's gallocyanin chrome alum. Evidence gleaned from this and other tests indicates that 9-methyl-2,3,7-trihydroxy-6-fluorone may be used for the selective staining of desoxyribose and ribose nucleic acids.  相似文献   

When paraffin sections are stained in 0.05-.01% Nile blue in 1 % sulfuric acid, washed thoroughly in water and mounted in aqueous media, lipofuscins color deep blue, melanins dark green, myelin and red cells lighter greens and background pale green. If, immediately after staining, the preparations are at once extracted with acetone with or without a 1% sulfuric acid rinse, melanins remain dark green, mast cells color purple, lipofuscins and background decolorize and nuclei may stain light green.  相似文献   

When paraffin sections are stained in 0.05-.01% Nile blue in 1 % sulfuric acid, washed thoroughly in water and mounted in aqueous media, lipofuscins color deep blue, melanins dark green, myelin and red cells lighter greens and background pale green. If, immediately after staining, the preparations are at once extracted with acetone with or without a 1% sulfuric acid rinse, melanins remain dark green, mast cells color purple, lipofuscins and background decolorize and nuclei may stain light green.  相似文献   

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