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Immunoprecipitation of Na,K-ATPase from kidney homogenate by antibodies against alpha1-subunit results in the precipitation of several proteins together with the Na,K-ATPase. A protein with molecular mass of about 67 kD interacting with antibodies against melittin (melittin-like protein, MLP) was found in the precipitate when immunoprecipitation was done in the presence of ouabain. If immunoprecipitation was done using antibodies against melittin, MLP and Na,K-ATPase alpha1-subunit were detected in the precipitate, and the amount of alpha1-subunit in the precipitate was increased after the addition of ouabain to the immunoprecipitation medium. MLP was purified from mouse kidney homogenate using immunoaffinity chromatography with antibodies against melittin. The addition of MLP to purified FITC-labeled Na,K-ATPase decreases fluorescence in medium with K+ and increases it in medium with Na+. The enhancement of fluorescence depends upon the MLP concentration. The N-terminal sequence of MLP determined by the Edman method is the following: HPPKRVRSRLNG. No proteins with such N-terminal sequence were found in the protein sequence databases. However, we revealed five amino acid sequences that contain this peptide in the middle part of the chain at distance 553 amino acids from the C-terminus (that corresponds to protein with molecular mass of about 67 kD). Analysis of amino acid sequence located between C-terminus and HPPKRVRSRLNG in all found sequences has shown that they were highly conservative and include WD40 repeats. It is suggested that the 67-kD MLP either belongs to the found protein family or was a product of proteolysis of one of them.  相似文献   

Natural inhibitors occupy an important place in the potential to neutralize the toxic effects caused by snake venom proteins and enzymes. It has been well recognized for several years that animal sera, some of the plant and marine extracts are the most potent in neutralizing snake venom phospholipase A(2) (svPLA(2)). The implication of this review to update the latest research work which has been accomplished with svPLA(2) inhibitors from various natural sources like animal, marine organisms presents a compilation of research in this field over the past decade and revisiting the previous research report including those found in plants. In addition to that the bioactive compounds/inhibitor molecules from diverse sources like aristolochic alkaloid, flavonoids and neoflavonoids from plants, hydrocarbones -2, 4 dimethyl hexane, 2 methylnonane, and 2, 6 dimethyl heptane obtained from traditional medicinal plants Tragia involucrata (Euphorbiaceae) member of natural products involved for the inhibitory potential of phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) enzymes in vitro and also decrease both oedema induced by snake venom as well as human synovial fluid PLA(2). Besides marine natural products that inhibit PLA(2) are manoalide and its derivatives such as scalaradial and related compounds, pseudopterosins and vidalols, tetracylne from synthetic chemicals etc. There is an overview of the role of PLA(2) in inflammation that provides a rationale for seeking inhibitors of PLA(2) as anti-inflammatory agents. However, more studies should be considered to evaluate antivenom efficiency of sera and other agents against a variety of snake venoms found in various parts of the world. The implications of these new groups of svPLA(2) toxin inhibitors in the context of our current understanding of snake biology as well as in the development of new novel antivenoms therapeutics agents in the efficient treatment of snake envenomations are discussed.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study is to elucidate the effect of sphingomyelin on interfacial binding of Taiwan cobra phospholipase A2 (PLA2). Substitution of Asn-1 with Met caused a reduction in enzymatic activity and membrane-damaging activity of PLA2 toward phospholipid vesicles, while sphingomyelin exerted an inhibitory effect on the biological activities of native and mutated PLA2. Incorporation of sphingomyelin reduced membrane fluidity of phospholipid vesicles as evidenced by Laurdan fluorescence measurement. The results of self-quenching studies, binding of fluorescent probe, trinitrophenylation of Lys residues and fluorescence energy transfer between protein and lipid revealed that sphingomyelin altered differently membrane-bound mode of native and mutated PLA2. Moreover, it was found that PLA2 and N-terminally mutated PLA2 adopted different conformation and geometrical arrangement on binding with membrane bilayer. Nevertheless, the binding affinity of PLA2 and N-terminal mutant for phospholipid vesicles was not greatly affected by sphingomyelin. Together with the finding that mutation on N-terminus altered the gross conformation of PLA2, our data indicate that sphingomyelin modulates the mode of membrane binding of PLA2 at water/lipid interface, and suggest that the modulated effect of sphingomyelin depends on inherent structural elements of PLA2.  相似文献   

Secretory phospholipase A(2) (sPLA(2)) plays important roles in mediating various cellular processes, including cell proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and inflammatory response. In this study, we demonstrated that a basic sPLA(2) inhibits epidermal growth factor (EGF)-induced EGF receptor activation, as determined by autophosphorylation of EGF receptor, EGF-activated phospholipase D (PLD) activity, and phospholipase C-gamma(1) (PLC-gamma(1)) tyrosine phosphorylation in a human epidermoid carcinoma cell line, A-431. Treatment of cells with exogenous neutral sphingomyelinase (SMase) or a cell permeable ceramide analog, C(2)-ceramide, also caused similar inhibitory effects on EGF-induced activation of EGF receptor, tyrosine phosphorylation of PLC-gamma(1), and the activation of PLD. sPLA(2)-induced inhibition of EGF receptor was associated with arachidonic acid release, which was followed by an increase in intracellular ceramide formation. Both sPLA(2) and exogenous C(2)-ceramide are able to inhibit the proliferation of A-431. The data presented indicate for the first time that sPLA(2) downregulates the EGF receptor-mediated intracellular signal transduction that may be mediated by arachidonic acid and/or ceramide.  相似文献   

The interfacial activation of porcine pancreatic phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) during the hydrolysis of 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine liposomes at different temperatures has been monitored by fluorescence changes of the 7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl (NBD) lipid derivatives 1-palmitoyl-2-[6-[(7-nitro-2-1,3-benzoxadiazol-4-yl)amino]dodecanoyl]-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (C(12)-NBD-PC) and 12-[(7-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol-4-yl)amino)]dodecanoic acid (C(12)-NBD-FA) inserted in the substrate vesicles. These long-chain monitors, in contrast to the previously used C(6)-NBD-PC, detect latency times of PLA(2) action, similar to those measured by the classic titrimetric, pH-stat method. Interestingly, hydrolysis of the host vesicles results in a decrease in fluorescence not only of C(12)-NBD-PC, a substrate analog, but also of product derivative C(12)-NBD-FA. Ultrafiltration experiments show that C(12)-NBD-FA does not migrate to the aqueous phase upon hydrolysis of the host liposomes. Besides, in a simulated hydrolysis experiment in which increasing proportions of palmitic acid and 1-palmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine were cosonicated with 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine, C(12)-NBD-PC fluorescence was insensitive to products, whereas C(12)-NBD-FA did show a decreased emission intensity as in the actual hydrolysis experiments. The phenomenon is triggered above a critical concentration of products (10 mol%) suggesting that cosegregation of NBD-FA (either added as such or generated by hydrolysis of C(12)-NBD-PC) and products may be related to the decrease in fluorescence. Phase separation should create microdomains of increased C(12)-NBD-FA surface density and cause concentration quenching. In addition, and taking into account that the NBD group may be located near the interfacial region, it is possible that in segregating with products, the fluorescent moiety of C(12)-NBD-FA becomes exposed to microenvironments of higher surface polarity, which further decreases its quantum yield.  相似文献   

Precisely how the accumulation of PrPSc causes the neuronal degeneration that leads to the clinical symptoms of prion diseases is poorly understood. Our recent paper showed that the clustering of specific glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors attached to PrP proteins triggered synapse damage in cultured neurons. First, we demonstrated that small, soluble PrPSc oligomers caused synapse damage via a GPI-dependent process. Our hypothesis, that the clustering of specific GPIs caused synapse damage, was supported by observations that cross-linkage of PrPC, either chemically or by monoclonal antibodies, also triggered synapse damage. Synapse damage was preceded by an increase in the cholesterol content of synapses and activation of cytoplasmic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2). The presence of a terminal sialic acid moiety, a rare modification of mammalian GPI anchors, was essential in the activation of cPLA2 and synapse damage induced by cross-linked PrPC. We conclude that the sialic acid modifies local membrane microenvironments (rafts) surrounding clustered PrP molecules resulting in aberrant activation of cPLA2 and synapse damage. A recent observation, that toxic amyloid-β assemblies cross-link PrPC, suggests that synapse damage in prion and Alzheimer diseases is mediated via a common molecular mechanism, and raises the possibility that the pharmacological modification of GPI anchors might constitute a novel therapeutic approach to these diseases.  相似文献   

Group IVA cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2α) is an 85 kDa enzyme that regulates the release of arachidonic acid (AA) from the sn-2 position of membrane phospholipids. It is well established that cPLA2α binds zwitterionic lipids such as phosphatidylcholine in a Ca2+-dependent manner through its N-terminal C2 domain, which regulates its translocation to cellular membranes. In addition to its role in AA synthesis, it has been shown that cPLA2α promotes tubulation and vesiculation of the Golgi and regulates trafficking of endosomes. Additionally, the isolated C2 domain of cPLA2α is able to reconstitute Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis, suggesting that C2 domain membrane binding is sufficient for phagosome formation. These reported activities of cPLA2α and its C2 domain require changes in membrane structure, but the ability of the C2 domain to promote changes in membrane shape has not been reported. Here we demonstrate that the C2 domain of cPLA2α is able to induce membrane curvature changes to lipid vesicles, giant unilamellar vesicles, and membrane sheets. Biophysical assays combined with mutagenesis of C2 domain residues involved in membrane penetration demonstrate that membrane insertion by the C2 domain is required for membrane deformation, suggesting that C2 domain-induced membrane structural changes may be an important step in signaling pathways mediated by cPLA2α.  相似文献   

Cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) mediates agonist-induced arachidonic acid release, the first step in eicosanoid production. cPLA2 is regulated by phosphorylation and by calcium, which binds to a C2 domain and induces its translocation to membrane. The functional roles of phosphorylation sites and the C2 domain of cPLA2 were investigated. In Sf9 insect cells expressing cPLA2, okadaic acid, and the calcium-mobilizing agonists A23187 and CryIC toxin induce arachidonic acid release and translocation of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-cPLA2 to the nuclear envelope. cPLA2 is phosphorylated on multiple sites in Sf9 cells; however, only S505 phosphorylation partially contributes to cPLA2 activation. Although okadaic acid does not increase calcium, mutating the calcium-binding residues D43 and D93 prevents arachidonic acid release and translocation of cPLA2, demonstrating the requirement for a functional C2 domain. However, the D93N mutant is fully functional with A23187, whereas the D43N mutant is nearly inactive. The C2 domain of cPLA2 linked to GFP translocates to the nuclear envelope with calcium-mobilizing agonists but not with okadaic acid. Consequently, the C2 domain is necessary and sufficient for translocation of cPLA2 to the nuclear envelope when calcium is increased; however, it is required but not sufficient with okadaic acid.  相似文献   

Summary Na, K-ATPase function was studied in order to evaluate the mechanism of increased colonic Na+ transport during early postnatal development. The maximum Na+-pumping activity that was represented by the equivalent short-circuit current after addition of nystatin (I sc N ) did not change during postnatal life or after adrenalectomy performed in 16-day-old rats.I sc N was entirely inhibited by ouabain; the inhibitory constant was 0.1mm in 10-day-old (young) and 0.4mm in 90-day-old (adult) rats. The affinity of the Na, K pump for Na+ was higher in young (11mm) than in adult animals (19mm). The Na, K-ATPase activity (measured after unmasking of latent activity by treatment with sodium dodecylsulfate) increased during development and was also not influenced by adrenalectomy of 16-day-old rats. The inhibitory constant for ouabain (K I ) was not changed during development (0.1–0.3mm). Specific [3H]ouabain binding to isolated colonocytes increased during development (19 and 82 pmol/mg protein), the dissociation constant (K D ) was 8 and 21 m in young and adult rats, respectively. The Na+ turnover rate per single Na, K pump, which was calculated fromI sc N and estimated density of binding sites per cm2 of tissue was 500 in adult and 6400 Na+/min·site in young rats. These data indicate that the very high Na+ transport during early postnatal life reflects an elevated turnover rate and increased affinity for Na+ of a single isoform of the Na, K pump. The development of Na+ extrusion across the basolateral membrane is not directly regulated by corticosteroids.  相似文献   

Human non-pancreatic secretory phospholipase A2 (hnpsPLA2) is a group IIA phospholipase A2 which plays an important role in the innate immune response. This enzyme was found to exhibit bactericidal activity toward Gram-positive bacteria, but not Gram-negative ones. Though native hnpsPLA2 is active over a broad pH range, it is only highly active at alkaline conditions with the optimum activity pH of about 8.5. In order to make it highly active at neutral pH, we have obtained two hnpsPLA2 mutants, Glu89Lys and Arg100Glu that work better at neutral pH in a previous study. In the present study, we tested the bactericidal effects of the native hnpsPLA2 and the two mutants. Both native hnpsPLA2 and the two mutants exhibit bactericidal activity toward Gram-positive bacteria. Furthermore, they can also kill Escherichia coli, a Gram-negative bacterium. The two mutants showed better bactericidal activity for E. coli at neutral pH than the native enzyme, which is consistent with the enzyme activities. As hnpsPLA2 is highly stable and biocompatible, it may provide a promising therapy for bacteria infection treatment or other bactericidal applications.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the mechanism of PLA(2)-induced lysosomal destabilization. Through the measurements of lysosomal beta-hexosaminidase free activity, their membrane potential, the intra-lysosomal pH and the lysosomal latency loss in hypotonic sucrose medium, we established that PLA(2) could increase the lysosomal membrane permeability to both potassium ions and protons. The enzyme could also enhance the organelle osmotic sensitivity. The increases in the lysosomal ion permeability promoted influx of potassium ions into the lysosomes via K(+)/H(+) exchange. The resulted osmotic imbalance across the lysosomal membranes osmotically destabilized the lysosomes. In addition, the enhancement of the lysosomal osmotic sensitivity caused the lysosomes to become more liable to destabilization in the osmotic stress. The results explain how PLA(2) destabilized the lysosomes.  相似文献   

Summary Cis-unsaturated fatty acids, but not saturated fatty acids, inhibited phospholipase A2 activity (PLA2) in vitro, and may function as endogenous suppressors of lipolysis. To probe the possible role of lipid peroxidation in the regulation of myocardial lipid catabolism, a neutral-active and Ca2+-dependent PLA2 was extracted from rat heart and was partially purified by sulfopropyl cation exchange chromatography. Myocardial PLA, activity was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by oleic, linoleic, linolenic, and arachidonic acids; the IC50 for arachidonic acid was approx 65 M. Palmitic acid was not inhibitory. When arachidonic acid was incubated at 37°C, exposed to air, there was a time- and pH-dependent peroxidation of the arachidonic acid as monitored by turbidity, thiobarbituric acid reactivity, and thin layer chromatography. Peroxidation was increased as the pH was lowered from 7.5 to 4.5, and was accompanied by a decrease in PLA2 inhibitory potency. Thus, arachidonate incubated for 24 hours at pH's 4.5, 6.0 and 7.5 lost 84%, 32%, and 20% respectively, of its inhibitory potency. Therefore, in vitro acidosis promotes the oxidation of cis-unsaturated fatty acids and relieves their inhibitory or suppressive activity toward PLA2s. Increased lipid peroxidation of unesterified unsaturated fatty acids during acidosis may therefore promote lipolysis observed during myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

Recently, we purified to homogeneity and characterized a low-molecular-weight calcium-dependent phospholipase A2 (PLA2) from developing elm seed endosperm. This represented the first purified and characterized PLA2 from a plant tissue. The full sequences of two distinct but homologous rice (Oryza sativa) cDNAs are given here. These encode mature proteins of 119 amino acids (PLA2-I, preceded by a 19 amino acid signal peptide) and 128 amino acids (PLA2-II, preceded by a 25 amino acid signal peptide), and were derived from four expressed sequence tag (EST) clones. Both proteins were homologous to the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the elm PLA2. They contained twelve conserved cysteine residues and sequences that are likely to represent the Ca2+-binding loop and active-site motif, which are characteristic of animal secretory PLA2s. A soluble PLA2 activity was purified 145 000-fold from green rice shoots. This had the same biochemical characteristics as the elm and animal secretory PLA2s. The purified rice PLA2 consisted of two proteins, with a molecular weight of 12 440 and 12 920, that had identical N-terminal amino acid sequences. This sequence was different from but homologous to the PLA2-I and PLA2-II sequences. Taken together, the results suggest that at least three different low-molecular-weight PLA2s are expressed in green rice shoots. Southern blot analysis suggested that multiple copies of such genes are likely to occur in the rice and in other plant genomes.  相似文献   

Sequence homologues of the bacterium Streptomyces violaceoruber and sea anemone Nematostella vectensis PLA2 pfam09056 members were identified in several bacteria, fungi and metazoans illustrating the evolution of this PLA2 sub-family. Comparison of their molecular structures revealed that bacteria and fungi members are part of the GXIV of PLA2s while metazoan representatives are similar with GIX PLA2 of the marine snail Conus magus. Members of GXIV and GIX PLA2s show modest overall sequence similarity (21–35%) but considerable motif conservation within the putative Ca2+-binding, catalytic sites and cysteine residue positions which are essential for enzyme function. GXIV PLA2s of bacteria and fungi typically contain four cysteine residues composing two intramolecular disulphide bonds. GIX PLA2 homologues were identified in cnidarians and molluscs and in a single tunicate but appear to be absent from other metazoan genomes. The mature GIX PLA2 deduced peptides contain up to ten cysteine residues capable of forming five putative disulphide bonds. Three disulphide bonds were identified in GIX PLA2s, two of which correspond to those localized in GXIV PLA2s. Phylogenetic analysis demonstrates that metazoan GIX PLA2s cluster separate from the bacterial and fungal GXIV PLA2s and both pfam09056 members form a group separate from the prokaryote and eukaryote GXIIA PLA2 pfam06951. Duplicate PLA2 pfam09056 genes were identified in the genomes of sea anemone N. vectensis and oyster Crassostrea gigas suggest that members of this family evolved via species-specific duplication events. These observations indicate that the newly identified metazoan pfam09056 members may be classified as GIX PLA2s and support the idea of the common evolutionary origin of GXIV and GIX PLA2 pfam09056 members, which emerged early in bacteria and were maintained in the genomes of fungi and selected extant metazoan taxa.  相似文献   

SUMOylation, the covalent attachment of SUMO (small ubiquitin-like modifier), is a eukaryotic post-translational event that has been demonstrated to play a critical role in several biological processes. When used as an N-terminal tag or fusion partner, SUMO has been shown to enhance functional protein production significantly by improving folding, solubility, and stability. We have engineered several SUMOs and, through their fusion, developed a system for enhancing the expression and secretion of complex proteins. To demonstrate the fidelity of this fusion technology, secreted phospholipase A(2) proteins (sPLA(2)) were produced using HEK-293T and CHO-K1 cells. Five mouse sPLA(2) homologs were expressed and secreted in mammalian cell cultures using SUMO or SUMO-derived, N-terminal fusion partners. Mean and median increases of 43- and 18-fold, respectively, were obtained using novel SUMO mutants that are resistant to digestion by endogenous deSUMOylases.  相似文献   

In the P-domain, the 369-DKTGTLT and the 709-GDGVNDSPALKK segment are highly conserved during evolution of P-type E1–E2-ATPase pumps irrespective of their cation specificities. The focus of this article is on evaluation of the role of the amino acid residues in the P domain of the subunit of Na,K-ATPase for the E1P[3Na] E2P[2Na] conversion, the K+-activated dephosphorylation, and the transmission of these changes to and from the cation binding sites. Mutations of residues in the TGDGVND loop show that Asp710 is essential, and Asn713 is important, for Mg2+ binding and formation of the high-energy MgE1P[3Na] intermediate. In contrast Asp710 and Asp713 do not contribute to Mg2+ binding in the E2P–ouabain complex. Transition to E2P thus involves a shift of Mg2+ coordination away from Asp710 and Asn713 and the two residues become more important for K+-activated hydrolysis of the acyl phosphate bond at Asp369. Transmission of structural changes between the P-domain and cation sites in the membrane domain is evaluated in light of the protein structure, and the information from proteolytic or metal-catalyzed cleavage and mutagenesis studies.  相似文献   

Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) and its reduced form dihydrolipoic acid (DHLA) are powerful antioxidants both in hydrophilic and lipophylic environments with diverse pharmacological properties including anti-inflammatory activity. The mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity of ALA and DHALA is not known. The present study describes the interaction of ALA and DHALA with pro-inflammatory secretory PLA(2) enzymes from inflammatory fluids and snake venoms. In vitro enzymatic inhibition of sPLA(2) from Vipera russellii, Naja naja and partially purified sPLA(2) enzymes from human ascitic fluid (HAF), human pleural fluid (HPF) and normal human serum (HS) by ALA and DHLA was studied using (14)C-oleate labeled Escherichia coli as the substrate. Biophysical interaction of ALA with sPLA(2) was studied by fluorescent spectral analysis and circular dichroism studies. In vivo anti-inflammatory activity was checked using sPLA(2) induced mouse paw edema model. ALA but not DHLA inhibited purified sPLA(2) enzymes from V. russellii, N. naja and partially purified HAF, HPF and HS in a dose dependent manner. This data indicated that ALA is critical for inhibition. IC(50) value calculated for these enzymes ranges from 0.75 to 3.0 microM. The inhibition is independent of calcium and substrate concentration. Inflammatory sPLA(2) enzymes are more sensitive to inhibition by ALA than snake venom sPLA(2) enzymes. ALA quenched the fluorescence intensity of sPLA(2) enzyme in a dose dependent manner. Apparent shift in the far UV-CD spectra of sPLA(2) with ALA indicated change in its alpha-helical confirmation and these results suggest its direct interaction with the enzyme. ALA inhibits the sPLA(2) induced mouse paw edema in a dose dependent manner and confirms the sPLA(2) inhibitory activity in vivo also. These data suggest that ALA may act as an endogenous regulator of sPLA(2) enzyme activity and suppress inflammatory reactions.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of fatty acid release from rat synaptic membranes in the presence of phospholipase A2 (Vipera russelli) was compared to that from liposomes comprised of phospholipids. Phospholipase A2 more readily attacked myelin and synaptic membranes than liposomes prepared from total phospholipids derived from myelin. Although hydrolysis of liposomal phospholipids occurred in the absence of added calcium, the presence of 2mm CaCl2 or 2% bovine serum albumin significantly enhanced the phospholipase attack of liposomes, but not synaptic membranes or myelin. Phospholipase exhibited a marked preference for phospholipids containing docosahexaenoic acid (226) in the synaptic membranes, while with liposomes the pattern of released fatty acid reflected the fatty acid composition in the two-position of the phospholipids. Although either calcium or albumin markedly increased the phospholipase hydrolysis of liposomes, neither affected the hydrolysis of synaptic membranes or the pattern of fatty acid release from liposomes. It was concluded that the nonlipid constituents, particularly the proteins, of biomembranes were responsible for the organization of the phospholipids and accounted for the observed differences between liposomes and synaptic membranes with respect to enzymic accessibility.  相似文献   

Phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) hydrolyzes glycerophospholipids to free fatty acid and lyso-phospholipid, which serve as precursors for the biosynthesis of eicosanoids and other lipid-derived mediators of inflammation and allergy. PLA(2) activity strongly increases upon binding to the surface of aggregated phospholipid. The N-terminal approximately ten residue alpha-helix of certain PLA(2) isoforms plays important roles in the interfacial activation of the enzyme by providing residues for membrane binding of PLA(2) and by contributing to the formation of the substrate-binding pocket. However, the relative contributions of the N-terminal alpha-helix and the rest of the protein in membrane binding of PLA(2) and its productive-mode orientation at the membrane surface are not well understood. Here we use a variety of biophysical approaches to determine the role of the N-terminal helix in membrane binding strength, orientation, and activity of human pancreatic PLA(2). While the full-length PLA(2) binds to membranes with a defined orientation, an engineered PLA(2) fragment DeltaN10 that lacks the N-terminal ten residues binds to membranes with weaker affinity and at random orientation, and exhibits approximately 100-fold lower enzymatic activity compared to the full-length PLA(2), indicating the key role of the N terminus in PLA(2) function. The results of polarized infrared spectroscopic experiments permit determination of the orientation of membrane-bound PLA(2) and identification of its interfacial binding surface. Moreover, the full-length PLA(2) demonstrates increased conformational flexibility in solution and is stabilized upon membrane binding, while the DeltaN10 fragment is more rigid than the full-length PLA(2) both in free and membrane-bound states. Our results suggest that the N-terminal alpha-helix supports the activation of PLA(2) by (a) enhancing the membrane binding strength, (b) facilitating a productive-mode orientation of PLA(2) at the membrane surface, and (c) conferring conformational integrity and plasticity to the enzyme.  相似文献   

The serotonin1A (5-HT1A) receptor is an important member of the superfamily of seven transmembrane domain G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). We report here that guanine nucleotide sensitivity of agonist binding to hippocampal 5-HT1A receptors is dependent on the concentration of Mg2+. Our results show that agonist binding to 5-HT1A receptors is relatively insensitive to guanine nucleotides in the absence of Mg2+. In contrast to this, the specific antagonist binding is insensitive to guanine nucleotides, even in the presence of Mg2+. These results point out the requirement of an optimal concentration of Mg2+ which could be used in assays toward determining guanine nucleotide sensitivity of ligand binding to GPCRs such as the 5-HT1A receptor. Our results provide novel insight into the requirement and concentration dependence of Mg2+ in relation to guanine nucleotide sensitivity for the 5-HT1A receptor in particular, and GPCRs in general.  相似文献   

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