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Primary cell cultures were prepared from fetal, neonatal and adult rat pituitaries and evaluated for their ability to secrete growth hormone (GH) in response to growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF). Pituitary cells prepared from fetuses at days 19 and 21 of gestation, neonatal animals at the day of birth (day 0) or the following day (day 1) and peripubertal male rats showed full dose response curves to GRF with maximal GH release when stimulated with 1 X 10(-10) M rat GRF. At this concentration of GRF, the amount of GH released was not different from that elicited by activation of adenylate cyclase with 1 X 10(-5) M forskolin. In contradistinction, a preparation of cells from fetuses at day 18 of gestation did not show the same release of GH when challenged with 1 X 10(-10) M GRF and forskolin (0.057 +/- 0.001, compared to 0.076 +/- 0.003 micrograms/10(5) cells per 4.5 h), although the cells clearly responded to both secretagogues (basal levels of GH, 0.029 +/- 0.002 micrograms/10(5) cells per 4.5 h). While cells prepared from fetuses at day 21 of gestation or from animals after birth released 5-10% of their total cellular GH content, those prepared from 18- and 19-day fetuses released as much as 40% of their total GH suggesting there is a maturation of intracellular GH processing that occurs late in gestation. The results show that, in late pregnancy, the rat fetal pituitary is highly responsive to growth hormone-releasing factor and suggest that this peptide participates in regulating GH levels during the perinatal period.  相似文献   

In urethane anesthetized rats, an intracerebroventricular (icv) injection of 2 micrograms bombesin 5 min prior to the administration of synthetic human growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) (1 microgram/kg, iv) inhibited plasma growth hormone (GH) response, while cysteamine hydrochloride (90 mg/kg, sc) administered 150 min beforehand depleted immunoreactive somatostatin content in the pituitary-stalk median eminence and consequently potentiated the response to GRF. Under the same experimental conditions, central injection of 1.89 micrograms (10(-8)M) dopamine hydrochloride or iv administration of L-DOPA (10 mg/kg) did not influence the subsequent plasma GH response to GRF. Results suggest indirectly that bombesin and cysteamine, but not dopamine, predominantly modulate somatostatin release from the hypothalamus.  相似文献   

In order to find a chronic GHRH administration capable of stimulating growth rate without depleting pituitary GH content, prepubertal female rats were subcutaneously (sc) treated with GHRH (1-29)-NH2 and somatostatin (SS). In experiment 1, the rats received sc injections of GHRH and cyclic natural SS for 19 days. In the second study, female rats were continuously treated during 21 days with GHRH, using a slow release pellet, alone or combined with one daily injection of long acting SS (octreotide). In experiment 1, body weight was significantly increased when GHRH was administered at the highest daily dosage (1200 microg/day), accompanied by an slight increment in pituitary GH content. Hypothalamic SS concentrations decreased when GHRH or SS were administered alone whereas the combined treatment with both peptides did not modify this parameter, which suggests the existence of a balance between the chronic actions of both peptides on hypothalamus. In experiment 2, the continuous infusion of GHRH increased plasma GH levels and tended to enhance pituitary GH content. Nevertheless, GHRH effect was not effective enough to increase body weight. By adding one daily injection of SS both GHRH effects on the pituitary gland were abolished. Our study indicates that female rats retain responsiveness to chronic GHRH and SS treatments at both pituitary and hypothalamic levels.  相似文献   

Growth hormone response of bull calves to growth hormone-releasing factor   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Three experiments were conducted to determine serum growth hormone (GH) response of bull calves (N = 4; 83 kg body wt) to iv injections and infusions of human pancreatic GH-releasing factor 1-40-OH (hpGRF). Peak GH responses to 0, 2.5, 10, and 40 micrograms hpGRF/100 kg body wt were 7 +/- 3, 8 +/- 3, 18 +/- 7, and 107 +/- 55 (mean peak height +/- SEM) ng/ml serum, respectively. Only the response to the 40-microgram dose was greater (P less than 0.05) than the 0-microgram dose. Concentrations of prolactin in serum were not affected by hpGRF treatment. In calves injected with hpGRF (20 micrograms/100 kg body wt) at 6-hr intervals for 48 hr, GH increased from a mean preinjection value of 3.1 ng/ml serum to a mean peak response value of 70 ng/ml serum. Differences in peak GH response between times of injection existed within individual calves (e.g., 10.5 ng/ml vs 184.5 ng/ml serum). Concentrations of GH in calves infused continuously with either 0 or 200 micrograms hpGRF/hr for 6 hr averaged 7.4 +/- 3 and 36.5 +/- 11 ng/ml serum, respectively (P less than 0.05). Concentrations of GH oscillated markedly in hpGRF-infused calves, but oscillations were asynchronous among calves. We conclude that GH response of bull calves to hpGRF is dose dependent and that repeated injections or continuous infusions of hpGRF elicit GH release, although magnitude of response varies considerably. We hypothesize that differences in GH response to hpGRF within and among calves, and pulsatile secretion in the face of hpGRF infusion may be related to the degree of synchrony among exogenous hpGRF and endogenous GRF and somatostatin.  相似文献   

In women who are growth hormone (GH) deficient, exogenous estrogens increase the dosage of GH that is needed to normalize circulating levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). Serum IGF-1 derives mostly from the liver, and it is unknown whether the peripheral effects of GH are also impaired by estrogens. Because the ultimate effect of GH is longitudinal growth, we have investigated the influence of estrogen administration on the growth response to recombinant mouse GH therapy in prepubertal GH-deficient (GHD) GHRH knockout (GHRHKO) female mice. Twenty-four GHRHKO female mice (4 animals/group) were treated for 4 weeks (from the second to sixth week of age) with the following schedules: Group I, GH only (25 microg/day); Group II, subcutaneous (sc) ethynil estradiol (EE) (0.035 ES01247g/day); Group III, GH + scEE; Group IV, oral (po) EE (0.035 microg/day); Group V, GH + poEE; Group VI, placebo. At the end of the treatment period, we measured uterine weight, total body weight (TBW), body length (nose-anus, N-A), and femur length. In addition, serum IGF-1 levels were measured. Uteri of mice treated with oral or scEE showed similar increases in weight. There was no difference in the increase in longitudinal growth parameters between mice treated with GH alone or with GH in association with oral or scEE. Serum IGF-1 decreased in animals treated with GH + scEE, compared with GH group, but no group was significantly different from placebo. These results show that subcutaneous or oral EE does not reduce the growth response to GH in female GHD mice.  相似文献   

The effects of testosterone and estrogen on the pituitary growth hormone response to hypothalamic growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF) were evaluated in vivo using male and female rats and in vitro using a pituitary cell monolayer culture system. In vivo the increase in plasma growth hormone (GH) concentration in response to a 500 ng/kg dose of GRF was similar in gonadectomized male and female rats. Pretreatment of intact and gonadectomized male rats with testosterone caused significant enhancement of the pituitary GH response to GRF, whereas pretreatment of gonadectomized female rats with 17 beta-estradiol did not alter the response. The GH response to GRF was not different between prepubertal (i.e., 30-day-old) male and female rats. However, following puberty (i.e., by 60 days of age), the response in male rats was significantly greater than that observed in female rats. The in vitro preincubation of anterior pituitary cells with either testosterone or 17 beta-estradiol did not cause any shift in the dose-response curve between GRF and GH. These results demonstrated that androgens play an active role in modulating the pituitary response to GRF in vivo.  相似文献   

Ectopic expression of a new serum protease-resistant porcine growth hormone-releasing hormone, directed by an injectable muscle-specific synthetic promoter plasmid vector (pSP-HV-GHRH), elicits growth in pigs. A single 10 mg intramuscular injection of pSP-HV-GHRH DNA followed by electroporation in three-week-old piglets elevated serum GHRH levels by twofold to fourfold, enhanced growth hormone secretion, and increased serum insulin-like growth factor-I by threefold to sixfold over control pigs. After 65 days the average body weight of the pigs injected with pSP-HV-GHRH was approximately 37% greater than the placebo-injected controls and resulted in a significant reduction in serum urea concentration, indicating a decrease in amino acid catabolism. Evaluation of body composition indicated a uniform increase in mass, with no organomegaly or associated pathology.  相似文献   

Passive immunization of pregnant rats with a specific antiserum to rat GRF (GRF-AS) is followed by a decrease in fetal serum GH on the 19th day of gestation. A significant reduction in serum GH is still observed in older fetuses and newborn rats. Pituitary GH content increases in 19- and 20-day-old fetuses after GRF-AS administration to their mothers. These results suggest that endogenous fetal hypothalamic GRF (or placenta GRF) play a physiological role in the secretion of pituitary GH as early as the 19th day of fetal life and may be responsible for the peak of GH release that occurs in fetuses at the end of gestation.  相似文献   

The different molecular weight forms of immunoreactive growth hormone (irGH) secreted by the anterior pituitary of rats were evaluated during basal and stimulated secretion in vitro and in vivo. Anterior pituitary cells maintained in a monolayer culture system secreted only a 22,000-Da form of GH based on Sephacryl S-200 column chromatography. This was also true for the irGH secreted in response to growth hormone-releasing factor and prostaglandin E2 stimulation. In contrast, the molecular weight forms of irGH found in plasma under basal conditions included an approximately 90,000-Da form as well as the expected 22,000-Da form. The concentrations of both forms increased following growth hormone-releasing factor stimulation although there was a shift in the ratio of the forms secreted. These results suggest that the larger molecular weight forms of rat GH observed in plasma may be the result of some postsecretory process which occurs in blood and suggests a possible regulatory function for the larger molecular weight forms as it pertains to the bioavailability of GH in vivo.  相似文献   

The pituitary growth hormone (GH) response to the growth hormone-releasing factor, hpGRF-44, was evaluated in male rats with various lesions of the central nervous system. These included an electrical lesion of the ventromedial hypothalamus, a chemical lesion of the arcuate nucleus induced by neonatal treatment with monosodium glutamate, a functional lesion of catecholamine synthesis with alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine or a functional lesion of catecholamine storage with reserpine. The first three lesions appear to partially inhibit normal somatostatin secretion since in every instance hpGRF-44 administration induced a significant increase in plasma GH concentrations. In contrast, reserpine blocked the GH response to hpGRF-44, presumably by stimulating somatostatin secretion. The pituitary GH response to hpGRF-44 in the above described models was enhanced by pretreatment of the rats with antibodies against somatostatin. The pituitary GH response to repeated injections of hpGRF-44 was also evaluated in rats with an anatomical lesion of the arcuate nucleus or a functional lesion of catecholamine synthesis. The maximum GH response did not vary over time to the repeated injections of hpGRF-44 in rats with lesions of the arcuate nucleus; however, interruption of catecholamine synthesis resulted in a significant decrease in the GH response to hpGRF-44 over time.  相似文献   

Although the majority of children with isolated growth hormone (GH) deficiency have a good growth response to GH-releasing hormone (GHRH), the use of this therapeutic agent is limited by its very short half-life. Indeed, we have shown that, in mice with GHRH gene ablation (GHRH knockout; GHRHKO), even twice-daily injections of a GHRH analog are unable to normalize growth. CJC-1295 is a synthetic GHRH analog that selectively and covalently binds to endogenous albumin after injection, thereby extending its half-life and duration of action. We report the effects of CJC-1295 administration in GHRHKO animals. Three groups of 1-wk-old GHRHKO mice were treated for 5 wk with 2 microg of CJC-1295 at intervals of 24, 48, and 72 h. Placebo-treated GHRHKO mice and mice heterozygous for the GHRHKO allele served as controls. GHRHKO animals receiving daily doses of CJC-1295 exhibited normal body weight and length. Mice treated every 48 and 72 h reached higher body weight and length than placebo-treated animals, without full growth normalization. Femur and tibia length remained normal in animals treated every 24 and 48 h. Relative lean mass and subcutaneous fat mass were normal in all treated groups. CJC-1295 caused an increase in total pituitary RNA and GH mRNA, suggesting that proliferation of somatotroph cells had occurred, as confirmed by immunohistochemistry images. These findings demonstrate that treatment with once-daily administration of CJC-1295 is able to maintain normal body composition and growth in GHRHKO mice. The same dose is less effective when administered every 48 or 72 h.  相似文献   

A Met5-enkephalin analog, FK33-824 (5, 10 and 20 micrograms/100 g body wt, iv) caused a dose-related increase in plasma growth hormone (GH) in urethane-anesthetized male rats. Pretreatment with cysteamine (30 mg/100 g body wt, sc), a depletor of hypothalamic somatostatin, increased the plasma GH response to FK33-824 (10 micrograms/100 g body wt, iv). Antiserum specific for rat GH-releasing factor (GRF) (0.5 ml/rat, iv) blunted GH release induced by FK33-824 (10 micrograms/100 g body wt, iv) in rats with or without cysteamine pretreatment. These results suggest that GH secretion induced by the opioid peptide is mediated, at least in part, by hypothalamic GRF in the rat.  相似文献   

Daily therapeutic injections of cortisone to rats will cause weight loss and impaired wound healing. Weight loss is attributed to the catabolic effect of steroid, whereas impaired healing is associated with reductions in fibroplasia and connective tissue deposition. As the major structural protein component of connective tissue is collagen, its absence is responsible for the retarded gain in wound breaking strength. Cortisone also blocks wound closure by inhibiting wound contraction. An anabolic agent such as growth hormone may antagonize the effect of cortisone on the wound healing process. Endogenous GH can be released from the pituitary by exogenous injections of growth hormone-releasing factor (GRF). Two synthetic GRF peptides, a natural 44-amino acid peptide of the human GRF sequence, GRF-44, and an N-terminally substituted analog 29 residues, GRF-29A, were studied. Each was given twice daily with a single daily injection of cortisone for a 7-day period. Concurrent administration of GRF-44 or GRF-29A and cortisone to rats had no effect on restored body weight loss or inhibited wound contraction. While GRF-44 restored collagen deposition and caused restored wound breaking strength, GRF-29A was ineffective in restoring either. GRF-44, a synthetic peptide that stimulates pituitary release of growth hormone, antagonized some of the inhibiting effect of steroid on wound repair by promoting fibroplasia and collagen deposition.  相似文献   

A powerful GnRH antagonist: [Ac-D-Trp1,3,D-Cpa2,D-Lys6,D-Ala10]-GnRH (MI-1544) and a superactive GnRH agonist: [D-Phe6,desGly10]-GnRH(1-9)EA (OVURELIN) were used in long-term administration to compare their effects on the inhibition of ovulation, LH and progesterone (P) release, LH content of pituitaries as well as on the recovery period. Both analogs showed 100% inhibitory effects on ovulation in very low doses during the daily treatment for 21 days. The antagonist prevented LH release already after the first injection, decreased the serum P level to 40%, and increased the LH content of the pituitary up to 180%, inhibiting only the release but not the synthesis of LH. The agonist showed marked LH-releasing effects on the first day of the treatment, which were reduced to 12% on the 7th day. Serum P concentration was dropped to 68% by the end of the treatment. No change was found in the LH content of pituitaries in the group treated with the agonist. Ovaries showed polifollicular pictures in the antagonist-treated group, and persistent corpora lutea were seen in the ovaries from the agonist-treated group. Regular estrous cycles returned 13-15 days after ceasing the treatment with the antagonist and 3-5 days after ceasing the treatment with the agonist. No edema-inducing effect was observed after the injections of the antagonist in doses of 100 times higher than the single antiovulatory dose.  相似文献   

On the basis of the idea of the important role of neurotransmitter systems in realization of neuropeptide effects, the participation was studied of the monoaminergic systems in the mechanisms of the ACTH analogue influence on the processes of learning and memory in control animals and animals with a changed functional state of the monoaminergic systems. In parallel the influence was studied of the ACTH analogue on the content of the endogenic monoamines in various brain structures of rats. It has been shown that administration of the ACTH analogue in a dose of 10 mcg affects the elaboration and preservation of conditioned reflexes (CRs) of passive avoidance, CRs of two-side avoidance and labyrinth CRs only in conditions of changed functional state of the monoaminergic systems. Amnesia, usually elicited by 5-oxytryptophane and disulfiram is prevented by administration of the ACTH analogue. Administration of the ACTH analogue is accompanied by the intensification of serotonine metabolism in the midbrain and medulla and by an increase of noradrenaline content in the hypothlamus.  相似文献   

The biological potency of the synthetic replicates of three peptides isolated from a human pancreatic tumor with growth hormone releasing activity and rat hypothalamic growth hormone-releasing factor was evaluated in conscious freely-moving rats and anesthetized rats. All 4 peptides are equipotent on a molar basis in their ability to stimulate GH secretion. Studies with synthetic fragments of the human derived material indicated that the amino-terminal amino acid is required for activity. Deletion of as many as 13 amino acids from the carboxy-terminal failed to decrease GH-releasing activity; however, deletion of 16 amino acids resulted in a significant decrease and deletion of 20 amino acids resulted in complete loss of bioactivity.  相似文献   

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