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白细胞介素2新的功能位点及其中枢镇痛作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白细胞介素2(IL-2),不仅是重要的免疫调节因子,而且具有重要的中枢调节作用。本工作表明:(1)IL-2具有中枢镇痛作用;(2)IL-2除具有免疫调节作用功能位点外,还存在着另一新的与之相互独立的镇痛功能位点;(3)IL-2的中枢镇痛作用,主要是由IL-2第45位Tyr残基以及空间结构上邻近的44、117位Phe等残基共同构成的镇痛功能位点与阿片受体直接结合所介导。本工作提示,细胞因子的多功能性,可能是其相互独立的功能位点作用于不同的受体或受体亚型所致。  相似文献   

白细胞介素—2中枢镇痛作用途径的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋春雷  徐荻 《生理学报》1996,48(3):243-248
抗IL-2受体α亚基的单克隆抗体不能阻断IL-2的中枢镇痛作用,以及丧失与IL-2受体β亚基结合能力的IL-2突变体仍具有提高大鼠阈的能力,这表明IL-2的中枢镇痛作用并不是通过IL-2受体所介导,亦表示IL-2的免疫和镇痛作用是通过不同的受体途径实现的。  相似文献   

中枢催产素在电针镇痛中的作用   总被引:25,自引:2,他引:23  
本工作以钾离子透入法引起大鼠甩尾反应的电流强度(mA)为痛反应指标,观察了侧脑室注射催产素(OT)及抗催产素血清(AOTS)对大鼠痛阈和电针镇痛效应的影响。注射50 ngOT 后80min 内,大鼠痛阈比注药前增加20—38%。与注射生理盐水组的痛阈相比有非常明显的增高(p<0.01—0.001),侧脑室注射 OT 后电针期内,痛阈增加139—234%,与生理盐水电针组相比,有显著差异(P<0.05—0.01)。OT 的剂量在25—100ng 范围内,其增强电针镇痛效应有明显的剂量-效应关系。注射 AOTS 后,电针镇痛应明显低于注射正常兔血清(NRS)组(p<0.05—0.01)。上述结果表明,侧脑室注射 OT,既可提高痛阈又可明显地增强电针镇痛效应,而用 AOTS消除内源性 OT 的作用后,电针镇痛效应明显降低。这提示,中枢神经系统内的 OT 在电针镇痛过程中,发挥一定的作用  相似文献   

白细胞介素—2的中枢镇痛作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本实验采用侧脑室给药,以钾离子透入法引起大鼠甩尾反应为指标,测定动物的痛阈,发现白细胞介素-2具有显著提高大鼠痛阈的作用,此作用能被抗IL-2单克隆抗体所阻断。纳洛酮能反转IL-2的镇痛作用,表明其作用机理与阿片受体有关。  相似文献   

目的:实现鸡α干扰素(ChIFNα)在毕赤酵母GS115中的表达,并考察糖基化对其表达的影响。方法:人工合成按照毕赤酵母偏好密码子优化的ChIFNα基因,克隆至分泌表达载体pPIC9,电转到毕赤酵母GS115中进行表达。利用定点突变对ChIFNα基因序列中4个糖基化位点进行缺失,SDS-PAGE分析N-糖基化对毕赤酵母表达ChIFNα的影响。结果:ChIFNα在GS115中获得了表达,在摇瓶发酵条件下,表达量为35.2 mg/L;构建了缺失1~4个糖基化位点的4个突变体,在GS115中实现了表达,分析表达结果显示,与未突变的ChIFNα对照相比,突变体的糖基化程度和表达量都有大幅度下降。结论:N-糖基化对于毕赤酵母表达ChIFNα具有重要影响,无糖基化的ChIFNα在毕赤酵母中表达量极低。  相似文献   

重组猪α干扰素基因定点突变及在大肠杆菌中的表达   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用巨引物PCR法介导的定点突变把猪α干扰素(PoIFNα)第86位Cys(TGC)突变为Tyr(TAC),同时将其成熟蛋白N端第一个密码子TGT同义突变大肠杆菌偏爱的密码子TGC,构建了大肠杆菌融合基因表达载体pGEXIFN,表达产物占菌体总蛋白的20%。将以包涵体形式表达的目的蛋白经变、复性处理,并以FPLC进一步纯化,得到了具有较高生物活性的产物(5200IU/mg)。  相似文献   

α干扰素(IFN-α)联合利巴韦林是目前临床治疗丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染的标准方案.本研究以体外培养的感染性病毒HCVcc为研究对象,比较IFN-α和利巴韦林对HCV复制的影响,以及对干扰素调节因子9(IRF9)和干扰素刺激基因15(ISG15)等抗病毒基因的调节能力.结果显示,100 u/ml IFN-α显著降低HCV RNA水平,利巴韦林剂量依赖性抑制HCV复制,且IFN-α联合利巴韦林对HCV复制及HCV NS3和E2蛋白表达具有协同抑制作用.5~80 u/ml IFN-α剂量依赖性诱生IRF9和ISG15;1和5μg/ml利巴韦林不促进IRF9和ISG15水平升高;而利巴韦林联合IFN-α对两者亦无促进作用.  相似文献   

白细胞介素-2中枢镇痛作用途径的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
抗IL-2受体α亚基的单克隆抗体不能阻断IL-2的中枢镇痛作用,以及丧失与IL-2受体β亚基结合能力的IL-2突变体仍具有提高大鼠痛阈的能力,这表明IL-2的中枢镇痛作用并不是通过IL-2受体所介导,亦表示IL-2的免疫和镇痛作用是通过不同的受体途径实现的。加之内源性阿片肽与IL-2分子有着共同的抗原决定基和结构相似性,提示IL-2可以与阿片受体直接结合产生中枢镇痛效应。从放射免疫法测定的IL-2侧脑室注射后不同时间大鼠脑内不同核团的内源性阿片肽含量,推测IL-2的中枢镇痛作用可能还与弓状核、室旁核、蓝斑等核团的β-EP和LEK有关。  相似文献   

为证实乙型肝炎病毒( HBV) 3022 ~1787 核苷酸缺失突变体编码蛋白TS′X′( 源于DNA 聚合酶读码框架, T为TP 区, S′为部分缺失的spacer 区, X′为截短的X 蛋白) 具有抗α干扰素( IFN-α) 作用并确定其功能区域, 用聚合酶链反应( PCR) 扩增获得TS′X′全长及片段TS′( 含TP 区及部分缺失的spacer 区) , 并克隆于pcDNA3. 1 /HisC 载体。重组质粒以FuGENE6 转染Huh7 肝细胞,48 h 后裂解细胞, 以蛋白质印迹法( Western blot) 证实目的蛋白可在Huh7 肝细胞中表达。重组质粒及空载体pcDNA3. 1 /HisC 分别与IFN-α反应报告质粒p6-16CAT按分子数5∶1、10∶1、15∶1、30∶1 共转染Huh7 肝细胞, 转染后48 h 给予终浓度为100 IU/ml 的IFN-α2a 刺激, 作用24 h 后裂解细胞, 用酶联免疫吸附试验( ELISA) 检测胞内氯霉素乙酰基转移酶( CAT) 含量。结果显示, 与空白载体相比, 随着TS′X′及TS′重组表达质粒转染量的递增, Huh7 胞内CAT 值逐渐降低( n=6, P <0. 05) , 但TS′X′与TS′之间无显著差异( n =6, P >0. 05) 。本研究证实, HBV 3022 ~1787 核苷酸缺失突变体编码的TS′X′蛋白可抑制Huh7 细胞对IFN-α的反应性, 其活性与其N端TP及部分缺失的spacer 区有关。  相似文献   

白细胞介素-2的中枢镇痛作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本实验采用侧脑室给药,以钾离子透入法引起大鼠甩尾反应为指标,测定动物的痛阈,发现白细胞介素-2(IL-2)具有显著提高大鼠痛阈的作用,此作用能被抗IL-2单克隆抗体所阻断。纳洛酮能反转IL-2的镇痛作用,表明其作用机理与阿片受体有关。  相似文献   

In urethane-anesthetized male rats, injection of 5 nmol clonidine into the nucleus of the solitary tract (NTS) causes hypotension and bradycardia. These effects are greater in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and normotensive Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats than in normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats. The effects of clonidine are stereoselectively inhibited by 100 ng intra-NTS naloxone in SHR and SD but not in WKY rats. In SHR, the effects of clonidine are also inhibited by intra-NTS administration of ICI 174864 (a delta-receptor antagonist) but not by beta-funaltrexamine (a mu-receptor antagonist), while in SD rats only the mu- and not the delta-antagonist was effective. Neonatal treatment of SHR with monosodium glutamate (MSG) reduced the beta-endorphin content of the arcuate nucleus and the NTS, reduced the cardiovascular effects of clonidine, and abolished their naloxone sensitivity. MSG treatment of newborn WKY reduced the beta-endorphin content of the arcuate nucleus but not the NTS and did not affect the responses to clonidine. Measurement of pain sensitivity by the formalin test indicated that clonidine was more potent as an analgesic in SHR and SD than in WKY rats, and its effect was inhibited by naloxone (2 mg/kg i.p.) in the former two strains but not in WKY. It is proposed that a naloxone-sensitive component of the cardiovascular effects of clonidine is due to release of a beta-endorphin-like opioid from the NTS, and that this mechanism is present in SHR and SD but not in WKY rats.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The centrally acting antihypertensive drug clonidine has been found to stimulate the synthesis of PGF in the brain. Centrally administered PGF, in turn, induces rises of blood pressure and heart rate. We therefore studied the influence of inhibitors of prostaglandin (PG) synthesis on the cardiovascular effects of clonidine in urethane-anaesthetised rats. Pretreatment with indomethacin or paracetamol (100 μg/rat into the fourth cerebral ventricle) antagonised the central hypotensive effect of clonidine (0.125–16.0 μg/rat into the fourth cerebral ventricle). The bradycardic effect of centrally administered clonidine was, however, enhanced by pretreatment with paracetamol but not influenced by indomethacin pretreatment. Sodium meclofenamate (100 μg/rat into the fourth cerebral ventricle) did not significantly affect the clonidine-induced changes in blood pressure and heart rate.These results suggest that the clonidine-induced hypotension on one hand and bradycardia on the other hand may be mediated by partly different mechanisms. An interference of the formation of PGF with the cardiovascular effects of clonidine cannot be completely excluded since paracetamol pretreatment potentiated the bradycardic effect of clonidine. However, inhibitors of PG synthesis did not enhance but antagonised the hypotensive effect of clonidine. Therefore it is likely that the synthesis of PGF does not interfere with the hypotensive effect of clonidine. Moreover, the antagonism of the hypotensive effect by inhibitors of PG synthesis suggests that some hypotensive metabolite of arachidonic acid in the brain could be involved in the central hypotensive effect of clonidine.  相似文献   

β—内啡肽的免疫调节作用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
越来越多的证据表明,神经系统与免疫系统间存在着双向作用,而内源性阿片肽在这一双向关系中起重要的介质作用,本文就β-内啡肽(β-EP)在免疫系统中的作用作一综述。  相似文献   

A novel non-vanilloid VR1 antagonist consisting of a new vanilloid equivalent exhibits excellent analgesic effects as well as highly potent antagonistic activities in both capsaicin single channel and calcium uptake assays. In addition, the structural requirement for the vanilloid equivalent of the potent VR1 antagonist has also been elucidated.  相似文献   

Many extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, particularly those in the vascular system, use their classical integrin-recognition motif Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) to interact with integrins. The RGD motif is generally located in flexible peptide loops whose variable conformation enables the relatively few integrins with broad specificity, such as alpha(v)beta(3) and alpha(IIb)beta(3), to bind to a large variety of different ECM proteins. However, certain ECM constituents, such as collagens and laminins, interact with integrins in a conformation-dependent manner, in which both the linear structure and spatial arrangement of the polypeptides are important for the formation of active binding sites. These interactions provide high specificity for the communication of cells with distinct members of the ECM.  相似文献   

人工栽培灵芝中多糖的部分理化性质及免疫调节作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
【背景】灵芝是一种广受关注的药食两用真菌,在中国作为传统药材和健康食品已有几千年历史,近年来中国人工栽培灵芝规模扩展迅速,而多糖被认为是灵芝中最主要的活性成分。【目的】分离和纯化人工栽培灵芝子实体多糖,并对其结构和免疫调节活性进行研究。【方法】采用水提醇沉法提取灵芝子实体多糖(GLP),采用DE-52纤维素柱和Sephadex G-100进行多糖的分离纯化,高效凝胶渗透色谱法测定多糖分子量,1-苯基-3-甲基-5-吡啶啉酮(PMP)柱前衍生法测定单糖组成,红外光谱进行结构分析,噻唑蓝(MTT)比色法测定多糖对小鼠脾细胞增殖的影响,同时评价其对RAW 264.7细胞吞噬能力和细胞因子分泌能力的促进作用。【结果】GLP平均分子量为1.93×10~4 Da,单糖组成包含葡萄糖(Glc)、半乳糖(Gal)及甘露糖(Man),占比为Glc:Gal:Man=3.3:1.3:1.0。红外光谱显示,GLP的异头碳为β构型。GLP能直接促进脾细胞的增殖,且能显著增强刀豆蛋白A(Con A)诱导的T淋巴细胞和脂多糖(LPS)诱导的B淋巴细胞的增殖。此外,对于RAW 264.7细胞的吞噬能力及细胞因子分泌具有一定的促进作用。【结论】灵芝多糖可作为一个潜在的免疫调节药物而开发利用。  相似文献   

S Antonaci  E Jirillo  I Munno  M Colizzi  A Polignano  L Bonomo 《Cytobios》1989,58(234-35):155-164
Aged individuals exhibit an impairment of T helper and/or T suppressor activity on B cell function in an antibody-specific induction system. Further evidence is now provided that soluble suppressive factors acting on monocytes play a key role in such deficits. In fact, overnight preincubation of isolated monocytes and supplementation of autologous lymphocytes reverses the immunoregulatory imbalance. The suppressive factors are also responsible for a decreased interleukin 2 (IL-2) synthesis since a similar pretreatment of cell suspensions or exogenous human IL-1 and/or IL-2 supplementation of aged cell cultures leads to a recovery of T regulatory effects on B cell differentiation. Similar effects are observed in the presence of thymopentin, a well known IL-2 inducer. Interferon alpha and gamma addition to cultures gives rise to a restoration of T immunoregulatory effects. These findings suggest that several mechanisms are involved in the depressed T immunoregulatory activity in the elderly.  相似文献   

The edeines analogs were tested in several in vitro and in vivo assays using the mouse model, with edeine B (peptide W1) and cyclosporine A as reference compounds. The peptides displayed moderate, stimulatory effects on concanavalin A-induced (ConA-induced) splenocyte proliferation, whereas their effects on pokeweed mitogen-induced (PWM-induced) splenocyte proliferation were inhibitory. The peptides inhibited lipopolysacharide-induced (LPS-induced) tumor necrosis factor alpha production but had little effect on interleukin 6 production. In the model of the humoral immune response in vitro to sheep red blood cells, peptide 1 was distinctly stimulatory in the investigated concentrations (1-100 μg/ml), whereas peptides 3 and 4 only stimulated the number of antibody-forming cells at the highest concentration (100 μg/ml). In the model of the delayed type hypersensitivity in vivo to ovalbumin, the peptides were moderately suppressive (3 being the most active). The reference peptide W1 stimulated ConA-induced cell proliferation at 1–10 μg/ml but was inhibitory at 100 μg/ml. It also inhibited PWM-induced cell proliferation in a dose-dependent manner. This peptide had no effect on the humoral immune response in vitro or on cytokine production, but inhibited DTH reaction in vivo. The relationship between structure and activity, and a possible mode of action of the peptides, is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The entry of enveloped viruses into cells requires the fusion of viral and cellular membranes, driven by conformational changes in viral glycoproteins. Many studies have shown that fusion involves the cooperative action of a large number of these glycoproteins, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We used electron microscopy and tomography to study the low pH-induced fusion reaction catalyzed by vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein (G). Pre- and post-fusion crystal structures were observed on virions at high and low pH, respectively. Individual fusion events with liposomes were also visualized. Fusion appears to be driven by two successive structural rearrangements of G at different sites on the virion. Fusion is initiated at the flat base of the particle. Glycoproteins located outside the contact zone between virions and liposomes then reorganize into regular arrays. We suggest that the formation of these arrays, which have been shown to be an intrinsic property of the G ectodomain, induces membrane constraints, achieving the fusion reaction.  相似文献   

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