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Octopamine (OA) plays an important role in the regulation of a number of key processes in nematodes, including pharyngeal pumping, locomotion and egg-laying. However, while putative OA receptors can be tentatively identified in the Caenorhabditis elegans database, no OA receptors have been functionally characterized from any nematode. We have isolated two cDNAs, ser-2 and ser-2a, encoding putative C.elegans serotonin/OA receptors (C02D4.2, ser-2). The sequences of these cDNAs differ from that predicted by GeneFinder and lack 42 bp of exon 2. In addition, ser-2a appears to be alternatively spliced and lacks a predicted 23 amino acids in the third intracellular loop. COS-7 cells expressing SER-2 bind [3H]LSD in the low nM range and exhibit Kis for tyramine, octopamine and serotonin of 0.07, 2, and 13.7 micro m, respectively. Significantly, tyramine reduces forskolin-stimulated cAMP levels in HEK293 cells stably expressing SER-2 with an IC50 of about 360 nm, suggesting that SER-2 is a tyramine receptor.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2022,82(17):3178-3192.e5
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A 14.4-kDa cAMP-binding fragment was generated during bacterial expression and purification of recombinant bovine cAMP-dependent protein kinase type I alpha regulatory subunit (RI alpha). The full-length RI alpha from which the fragment was derived contained a point mutation allowing its B domain to bind both cAMP and cGMP with high affinity while leaving its A domain highly cAMP selective. The NH2 terminus of the fragment was Ser-252, indicating that it encompassed the entire predicted B domain. Although the [3H]cAMP and [3H]cGMP exchange rates of the isolated B domain were increased relative to the B domain in intact RI alpha, the [3H]cAMP exchange rate was comparable to that of the B domain of full-length RI alpha containing an unoccupied A domain. A plasmid encoding only the isolated B domain was overexpressed in Escherichia coli, and a monomeric form of the B domain was purified that had identical properties to the proteolytically generated fragment, indicating that all of the elements for the high-affinity cAMP-binding B domain are contained within the 128 amino acid carboxyl terminus of the R subunit. Prolonged induction of the B domain in E. coli or storage of the purified protein resulted in the formation of a dimer that could be reverted to the monomer by incubation in 2-mercaptoethanol. Dimerization caused an approximate fivefold increase in the rate of cyclic nucleotide exchange relative to the monomer. The results show that an isolated cAMP-binding domain can function independently of any other domain structures of the R subunit.  相似文献   

A 35-37-kDa protease-resistant domain of synapsin Ia/ Ib, apparently produced by low levels of endogenous proteases in vapor diffusion droplets, slowly formed crystals diffracting X-rays to approximately 10 A resolution. The fragment mainly consisted of the highly conserved C domain common to the synapsin I/II family plus short N- and C-terminal flanking segments. Two constructs (SynA and SynB) of synthetic gene fragments coding for the C domain of synapsin with or without C-terminal flanking sequence were expressed in Escherichia coli as fusion proteins attached to the soluble protein glutathione-S-transferase. The fusion proteins were purified by affinity chromatography. Subsequent in situ cleavage with TEV protease resulted in the release of highly pure synapsin fragments, which were further purified by ion exchange chromatography. SynA and SynB formed crystals within three days, which diffracted to better than 3 A using a conventional X-ray source and to about 2 A using a synchrotron X-ray source. SynA crystals have the symmetry of the trigonal space groups P3(1)21 or P3(2)21 and the unit cell dimensions a = b = 77.4 A, c = 188.5 A, alpha = beta = 90 degrees, gamma = 120 degrees. SynB crystals have the symmetry of the orthorhombic space group C222(1) with the unit cell dimension a = 104.6 A, b = 113.3 A, and c = 273.8 A.  相似文献   

The production of diffraction-quality crystals remains a difficult obstacle on the road to high-resolution structural characterization of proteins. This is primarily a result of the empirical nature of the process. Although crystallization is not predictable, factors inhibiting it are well established. First, crystal formation is always entropically unfavorable. Reducing the entropic cost of crystallizing a given protein is thus desirable. It is common practice to map boundaries and remove unstructured regions surrounding the folded protein domain. However, a problem arises when flexible regions are not at the boundaries but within a domain. Such regions cannot be deleted without adding new restraints to the domain. We encountered this problem during an attempt to crystallize the beta subunit of the eukaryotic signal recognition particle (SRbeta), bearing a long and flexible internal loop. Native SRbeta did not crystallize. However, after circularly permuting the protein by connecting the spatially close N and C termini with a short heptapeptide linker GGGSGGG and removing 26 highly flexible loop residues within the domain, we obtained diffraction-quality crystals. This protein-engineering method is simple and should be applicable to other proteins, especially because N and C termini of protein domains are often close in space. The success of this method profits from prior knowledge of the domain fold, which is becoming increasingly common in today's postgenomic era.  相似文献   

T-lymphocytes recognize a wide variety of antigens through highly diverse cell-surface glycoproteins known as T-cell receptors (TCRs). These disulfide-linked heterodimers are composed of alpha and beta or gamma and delta polypeptide chains consisting of variable (V) and constant (C) domains non-covalently associated with at least four invariant chains to form the TCR-CD3 complex. It is well established that alpha beta TCRs recognize antigen in the form of peptides bound to molecules of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC); furthermore, information on the three-dimensional structure of alpha beta TCRs has recently become available through X-ray crystallography. In contrast, the antigen specificity of gamma delta TCRs is much less well understood and their three-dimensional structure is unknown. We have cloned the delta chain of a human TCR specific for the MHC class I HLA-A2 molecule and expressed the V domain as a secreted protein in the periplasmic space of Escherichia coli. Following affinity purification using a nickel chelate adsorbent, the recombinant V delta domain was crystallized in a form suitable for X-ray diffraction analysis. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2 with unit cell dimensions a = 69.9, b = 49.0, c = 61.6 A. and diffract to beyond 2.3 A resolution. The ability of a V delta domain produced in bacteria to form well-ordered crystals strongly suggests that the periplasmic space can provide a suitable environment for the correct in vivo folding of gamma delta TCRs.  相似文献   

Light and dopamine regulate many physiological functions in the vertebrate retina. Light exposure decreases cyclic AMP formation in photoreceptor cells. Dopamine D4 receptor (D4R) activation promotes light adaptation and suppresses the light‐sensitive pool of cyclic AMP in photoreceptor cells. The key signaling pathways involved in regulating cyclic AMP in photoreceptor cells have not been identified. In the present study, we show that the light‐ and D4R‐signaling pathways converge on the type 1 Ca2+/calmodulin‐stimulated adenylyl cyclase (AC1) to regulate cyclic AMP synthesis in photoreceptor cells. In addition, we present evidence that D4R activation tonically regulates the expression of AC1 in photoreceptors. In retinas of mice with targeted deletion of the gene (Adcy1) encoding AC1, cyclic AMP levels and Ca2+/calmodulin‐stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity are markedly reduced, and cyclic AMP accumulation is unaffected by either light or D4R activation. Similarly, in mice with disruption of the gene (Drd4) encoding D4R, cyclic AMP levels in the dark‐adapted retina are significantly lower compared to wild‐type retina and are unresponsive to light. These changes in Drd4?/? mice were accompanied by significantly lower Adcy1 mRNA levels in photoreceptor cells and lower Ca2+/calmodulin‐stimulated adenylyl cyclase activity in retinal membranes compared with wild‐type controls. Reduced levels of Adcy1 mRNA were also observed in retinas of wild‐type mice treated chronically with a D4R antagonist, L‐745870. Thus, activation of D4R is required for normal expression of AC1 and for the regulation of its catalytic activity by light. These observations illustrate a novel mechanism for cross‐talk between dopamine and photic signaling pathways regulating cyclic AMP in photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

The synthetic antibody model “M41” was rationally designed with a binding site complementary to chicken egg white cystatin as the prescribed antigen. In order to permit comparison between the computer model and an experimental three-dimensional structure of the artificial protein, its X-ray crystallographic analysis was pursued. For this purpose, M41 was expressed as a recombinant Fab fragment in E. coli by medium cell density fermentation employing the tightly regulated tetracycline promoter. The Fab fragment was efficiently purified via a His-6 tail fused to its heavy chain and immobilized metal affinity chromatography. To raise the chances for the productive formation of crystal packing contacts, three versions of the Fab fragment were generated with differing constant domains. One of these, the variant with murine CK and CH 1γ1 domains, was successfully crystallized by microseeding in a sitting drop. The orthorhombic crystals exhibited symmetry of the space group P212121 with unit cell dimensions a = 104.7 Å, b = 113.9 Å, c = 98.8 Å and diffracted X-rays to a nominal resolution of 2.5 Å. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The multi‐subunit Ca2+/calmodulin‐dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) holoenzyme plays a critical role in animal learning and memory. The kinase domain of CaMKII is connected by a flexible linker to a C‐terminal hub domain that assembles into a 12‐ or 14‐subunit scaffold that displays the kinase domains around it. Studies on CaMKII suggest that the stoichiometry and dynamic assembly/disassembly of hub oligomers may be important for CaMKII regulation. Although CaMKII is a metazoan protein, genes encoding predicted CaMKII‐like hub domains, without associated kinase domains, are found in the genomes of some green plants and bacteria. We show that the hub domains encoded by three related green algae, Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Volvox carteri f. nagarensis, and Gonium pectoral, assemble into 16‐, 18‐, and 20‐subunit oligomers, as assayed by native protein mass spectrometry. These are the largest known CaMKII hub domain assemblies. A crystal structure of the hub domain from C. reinhardtii reveals an 18‐subunit organization. We identified four intra‐subunit hydrogen bonds in the core of the fold that are present in the Chlamydomonas hub domain, but not in metazoan hubs. When six point mutations designed to recapitulate these hydrogen bonds were introduced into the human CaMKII‐α hub domain, the mutant protein formed assemblies with 14 and 16 subunits, instead of the normal 12‐ and 14‐subunit assemblies. Our results show that the stoichiometric balance of CaMKII hub assemblies can be shifted readily by small changes in sequence.  相似文献   

Troponin is a ternary protein complex consisting of subunits TnC. TnI, and TnT, and plays a key role in calcium regulation of the skeletal and cardiac muscle contraction. In the present study, a partial complex (CI47) was prepared from Escherichia coli-expressed rabbit skeletal muscle TnC and fragment 1-47 of TnI, which is obtained by chemical cleavage of an E. coli-expressed mutant of rabbit skeletal muscle TnI. Within the ternary troponin complex, CI47 is thought to form a core that is resistant to proteolytic digestion, and the interaction within CI47 likely maintains the integrity of the troponin complex. Complex CI47 was crystallized in the presence of sodium citrate. The addition of trehalose improved the diffraction pattern of the crystals substantially. The crystal lattice belongs to the space group P3(1)(2)21, with unit cell dimensions a = b = 48.2 A, c = 162 A. The asymmetric unit presumably contains one CI47 complex. Soaking with p-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate (PCMBS) resulted in loss of isomorphism, but enhanced the quality of the crystals. The crystals diffracted up to 2.3 A resolution, with completeness of 91% and R(merge) = 6.4%. The crystals of PCMBS-derivative should be suitable for X-ray studies using the multiple-wavelength anomalous diffraction technique. This is the first step for elucidating the structure of the full troponin complex.  相似文献   

The structures of three complexes of human fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase (FB) with the allosteric inhibitor AMP and two AMP analogues have been determined and all fully refined. The data used for structure determination were collected at cryogenic temperature (110 K), and with the use of synchrotron radiation. The structures reveal a common mode of binding for AMP and formycine monophosphate (FMP). 5-Amino-4-carboxamido-1 beta-D-5-phosphate-ribofuranosyl-1H-imidazole (AICAR-P) shows an unexpected mode of binding to FB, different from that of the other two ligands. The imidazole ring of AICAR-P is rotated 180 degrees compared to the AMP and FMP bases. This rotation results in a slightly different hydrogen bonding pattern and minor changes in the water structure in the binding pocket. Common features of binding are seen for the ribose and phosphate moieties of all three compounds. Although binding in a different mode, AICAR-P is still capable of making all the important interactions with the residues building the allosteric binding pocket. The IC50 values of AMP, FMP, and AICAR-P were determined to be 1.7, 1.4, and 20.9 microM, respectively. Thus, the approximately 10 times lower potency of AICAR-P is difficult to explain solely from the variations observed in the binding pocket. Only one water molecule in the allosteric binding pocket was found to be conserved in all four subunits in all three structures. This water molecule coordinates to a phosphate oxygen atom and the N7 atom of the AMP molecule, and to similarly situated atoms in the FMP and AICAR-P complexes. This implies an important role of the conserved water molecule in binding of the ligand.  相似文献   

Phenylalanine hydroxylase is regulated in a complex manner, including activation by phosphorylation. It is normally found as an equilibrium of dimeric and tetrameric species, with the tetramer thought to be the active form. We converted the protein to the dimeric form by deleting the C-terminal 24 residues and show that the truncated protein remains active and regulated by phosphorylation. This indicates that changes in the tetrameric quaternary structure of phenylalanine hydroxylase are not required for enzyme activation. Truncation also facilitates crystallization of both phosphorylated and dephosphorylated forms of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Signal transduction mediated by Ser/Thr phosphorylation in Mycobacterium tuberculosis has been intensively studied in the last years, as its genome harbors eleven genes coding for eukaryotic‐like Ser/Thr kinases. Here we describe the crystal structure and the autophosphorylation sites of the catalytic domain of PknA, one of two protein kinases essential for pathogen's survival. The structure of the ligand‐free kinase domain shows an auto‐inhibited conformation similar to that observed in human Tyr kinases of the Src‐family. These results reinforce the high conservation of structural hallmarks and regulation mechanisms between prokaryotic and eukaryotic protein kinases. Proteins 2015; 83:982–988. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Integrin-associated protein (IAP/CD47) augments the function of alpha2beta1 integrin in smooth muscle cells (SMC), resulting in enhanced chemotaxis toward soluble collagen (Wang, X-Q., and W.A. Frazier. 1998. Mol. Biol. Cell. 9:865). IAP-deficient SMC derived from IAP(-/-) animals did not migrate in response to 4N1K (KRFYVVMWKK), a peptide agonist of IAP derived from the COOH-terminal domain of thrombospondin-1 (TSP1). When normal SMC were preincubated with 4N1K or an anti-alpha2beta1 function-stimulating antibody, cell migration to soluble collagen was significantly enhanced. 4N1K-induced chemotaxis was blocked by treatment of SMC with pertussis toxin indicating that IAP acts through Gi. In agreement with this, 4N1K evoked a rapid decrease in cAMP levels which was intensified in the presence of collagen, and forskolin and 8-Br-cAMP both inhibited SMC migration stimulated via IAP. 4N1K strongly inhibited extracellular regulated kinase (ERK) activation in SMC attaching to collagen and reduced basal ERK activity in suspended SMC. Pertussis toxin treatment of SMC significantly activated ERK, suggesting that an inhibitory input was alleviated. Inhibition of ERK activity by (a) the MAP kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitor, PD98059, (b) antisense oligonucleotide depletion of ERK, and (c) expression of mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphatase-1 in SMC all led to increased migration to collagen, 4N1K, or 4N1K plus collagen. Thus, IAP stimulates alpha2beta1 integrin-mediated SMC migration via Gi-mediated inhibition of ERK activity and suppression of cyclic AMP levels. Both of these signaling pathways could directly modulate the state of the integrin as well as impact downstream components of the cell motility apparatus.  相似文献   

Paramecium has a 280-kDa guanylyl cyclase. The N terminus resembles a P-type ATPase, and the C terminus is a guanylyl cyclase with the membrane topology of canonical mammalian adenylyl cyclases, yet with the cytosolic loops, C1 and C2, inverted compared with the mammalian order. We expressed in Escherichia coli the cytoplasmic domains of the protozoan guanylyl cyclase, independently and linked by a peptide, as soluble proteins. The His(6)-tagged proteins were enriched by affinity chromatography and analyzed by immunoblotting. Guanylyl cyclase activity was reconstituted upon mixing of the recombinant C1a- and C2-positioned domains and in a linked C1a-C2 construct. Adenylyl cyclase activity was minimal. The nucleotide substrate specificity was switched from GTP to ATP upon mutation of the substrate defining amino acids Glu(1681) and Ser(1748) in the C1-positioned domain to the adenylyl cyclase specific amino acids Lys and Asp. Using the C2 domains of mammalian adenylyl cyclases type II or IX and the C2-positioned domain from the Paramecium guanylyl cyclase we reconstituted a soluble, all C2 adenylyl cyclase. All enzymes containing protozoan domains were not affected by Galpha(s)/GTP or forskolin, and P site inhibitors were only slightly effective.  相似文献   

To further investigate favorable effects of divalent cations on the formation of protein crystals, three complexes of Salmonella typhimurium histidine-binding protein were crystallized with varying concentrations of cadmium salts. For each of the three histidine-binding protein complexes, cadmium cations were found to promote or improve crystallization. The optimal cadmium concentration is ligand specific and falls within a narrow concentration range. In each case, crystals grown in the presence of cadmium diffract to better than 2.0 angstroms resolution and belong to the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1). From our results and from the analysis of cadmium sites in well-refined protein structures, we propose that cadmium addition provides a generally useful technique to modify crystal morphology and to improve diffraction quality.  相似文献   

The membrane-associated protein squalene-hopene cyclase from Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius was overexposed in Escherichia coli and purified by ion exchange and gel permeation chromatography. Crystals of three interrelated forms were grown by vapor diffusion under identical conditions. The crystals diffract to about 2.3 A resolution, but they are unstable in the X-ray beam. An interpretable heavy-atom derivative was obtained.  相似文献   

Peroxidase (donor: H2O2 oxi-doreductase [EC]) was purified from the culture broth of the hyphomycete Arthromyces ramosus in the early log phase to show a single band on SDS-PAGE. The crystals of A. ramosus peroxidase (ARP) were formed by salting out with ammonium sulfate at room temperature and pH 7.5. The repeated seeding technique was employed to grow the crystals to the size large enough for X-ray diffraction study. The crystals were characterized as tetragonal, space group P42212, with unit cell dimensions of a = b = 74.5 Å, c = 117.6 Å. The asymmetric unit contains one molecule of peroxidase. They diffract X-rays to at least 2.0 Å resolution and are stable to X-rays. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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