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The Shaker family voltage-dependent potassium channels (Kv1) are expressed in a wide variety of cells and are essential for cellular excitability. In humans, loss-of-function mutations of Kv1 channels lead to hyperexcitability and are directly linked to episodic ataxia and atrial fibrillation. All Kv1 channels assemble with beta subunits (Kv betas), and certain Kv betas, for example Kv beta 1, have an N-terminal segment that closes the channel by the N-type inactivation mechanism. In principle, dissociation of Kv beta 1, although never reported, should eliminate inactivation and thus potentiate Kv1 current. We found that cortisone increases rat Kv1 channel activity by binding to Kv beta 1. A crystal structure of the Kv beta-cortisone complex was solved to 1.82-A resolution and revealed novel cortisone binding sites. Further studies demonstrated that cortisone promotes dissociation of Kv beta. The new mode of channel modulation may be explored by native or synthetic ligands to fine-tune cellular excitability.  相似文献   

Shaker K+ channels are multimeric, probably tetrameric proteins. Substitution of a conserved leucine residue to valine (V2) at position 370 in the Drosophila Shaker 29-4 sequence results in large alterations in the voltage dependence of gating in the expressed channels. In order to determine the effects of this mutation in hybrid channels with a fixed stoichiometry of V2 and wild-type (WT) subunits we generated cDNA constructs of two linked-monomeric subunits similar to the tandem constructs previously reported by Isacoff, E. Y., Y. N. Jan, and L. Y. Jan. (1990. Nature (Lond.). 345:530-534). In addition, we constructed a tandem cDNA containing a wild-type subunit and a truncated nonfunctional subunit (Sh102) that suppresses channel expression. We report that the voltage-dependence of the channels produced with WT and V2 subunits varied significantly with the order of the subunits in the construct (WT-V2 or V2-WT), while the WT-Sh102 construct yielded currents that were much larger than expected. These results suggest that the tandem linkage of Shaker subunits does not guarantee the stoichiometry of the expressed channel proteins.  相似文献   

Conduction properties of the cloned Shaker K+ channel.   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
The conduction properties of the cloned Shaker K+ channel were studied using electrophysiological techniques. Single channel conductance increases in a sublinear manner with symmetric increases in K+ activity, reaching saturation by 0.6 M K+. The Shaker K+ channel is highly selective among monovalent cations; under bi-ionic conditions, its selectivity sequence is K+ > Rb+ > NH+4 > Cs+ > Na+, whereas, by relative conductance in symmetric solutions, it is K+ > NH+4 > Rb+ > Cs+. In Cs+ solutions, single channel currents were too small to be measured directly, so nonstationary fluctuation analysis was used to determine the unitary Cs+ conductance. The single channel conductance displays an anomalous molefraction effect in symmetric mixtures of K+ and NH+4, suggesting that the conducting pore is occupied by multiple ions simultaneously.  相似文献   

In a chimeric, voltage-dependent K+ channel (CHM), the valine at position 369 and the leucine at position 374 interact within the pore or P-region to regulate ion permeation and block. Here we show that the point mutation, CHM V369L, abolished channel function whereas previous experiments showed that CHM V369 and CHM V369I are functional. Coinjection of "lethal" CHM V369L cRNA with CHM L374V cRNA but not CHM cRNA generated functional heteromultimers. The whole-cell Rb+/K+ conductance ratio was 2.98 +/- 0.43 for CHM L374V and was reduced to 0.87 +/- 0.04 for the coexpressed CHM V369L and CHM L374V subunits. When single-channel currents were recorded, a single class of CHM V369L/CHM L374V heteromultimers was identified. This class was readily distinguishable from CHM L374V homomultimers by K+ conductance, gating, and blockade by internal tetraethylammonium. Coinjection experiments at various RNA ratios suggest that the CHM V369L/CHM L374V heteromultime, assuming it to be a tetramer, was composed of three CHM L374V subunits and one CHM V369L subunit. It appears that in the critical P-region of CHM position 369 may tolerate only one leucine.  相似文献   

In voltage-dependent Shaker K+ channels, charged residues E293 in transmembrane segment S2 and R365, R368, and R371 in S4 contribute significantly to the gating charge movement that accompanies activation. Using an intragenic suppression strategy, we have now probed for structural interaction between transmembrane segments S2, S3, and S4 in Shaker channels. Charge reversal mutations of E283 in S2 and K374 in S4 disrupt maturation of the protein. Maturation was specifically and efficiently rescued by second-site charge reversal mutations, indicating that electrostatic interactions exist between E283 in S2 and R368 and R371 in S4, and between K374 in S4 and E293 in S2 and D316 in S3. Rescued subunits were incorporated into functional channels, demonstrating that a native structure was restored. Our data indicate that K374 interacts with E293 and D316 within the same subunit. These electrostatic interactions mediate the proper folding of the protein and are likely to persist in the native structure. Our results raise the possibility that the S4 segment is tilted relative to S2 and S3 in the voltage-sensing domain of Shaker channels. Such an arrangement might provide solvent access to voltage-sensing residues, which we find to be highly tolerant of mutations.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterisation of DKT1, a new carrot K+ channel alpha-subunit belonging to the Shaker-like family. DKT1 is expressed in many tissues of the adult plant, suggesting that it may play important roles in both nutrition and other important physiological processes. During embryo development, DKT1 is expressed at later phases implying the involvement of K+ in embryo maturation. When co-expressed with KDC1 in Xenopus oocytes, DKT1 is able to form functional, heteromeric channels, suggesting that possible interactions between these two ion channels in plant tissues may modulate K+ uptake.  相似文献   

A 20 amino acid synthetic peptide, corresponding to the amino-terminal region of the Shaker B (ShB) K+ channel and responsible for its fast inactivation, can block large conductance Ca(2+)-dependent K+ channels from rat brain and muscle. The ShB inactivation peptide produces two kinetically distinct blocking events in these channels. At lower concentrations, it produces short blocks, and at higher concentrations long-lived blocks also appear. The L7E mutant peptide produces only infrequent short blocks (no long-lived blocks) at a much higher concentration. Internal tetraethylammonium competes with the peptide for the short block, which is also relieved by K+ influx. These results suggest that the peptide induces the short block by binding within the pore of Ca(2+)-dependent K+ channels. The long block is not affected by increased K+ influx, indicating that the binding site mediating this block may be different from that involved in the short block. The short block of Ca(2+)-dependent K+ channels and the inactivation of Shaker exhibit similar characteristics with respect to blocking affinity and open pore blockade. This suggests a conserved binding region for the peptide in the pore regions of these very different classes of K+ channel.  相似文献   

The x-ray structure of the KcsA channel at different [K(+)] and [Rb(+)] provided insight into how K(+) channels might achieve high selectivity and high K(+) transit rates and showed marked differences between the occupancies of the two ions within the ion channel pore. In this study, the binding of kappa-conotoxin PVIIA (kappa-PVIIA) to Shaker K(+) channel in the presence of K(+) and Rb(+) was investigated. It is demonstrated that the complex results obtained were largely rationalized by differences in selectivity filter occupancy of this 6TM channels as predicted from the structural work on KcsA. kappa-PVIIA inhibition of the Shaker K(+) channel differs in the closed and open state. When K(+) is the only permeant ion, increasing extracellular [K(+)] decreases kappa-PVIIA affinity for closed channels by decreasing the "on" binding rate, but has no effect on the block of open channels, which is influenced only by the intracellular [K(+)]. In contrast, extracellular [Rb(+)] affects both closed- and open-channel binding. As extracellular [Rb(+)] increases, (a) binding to the closed channel is slightly destabilized and acquires faster kinetics, and (b) open channel block is also destabilized and the lowest block seems to occur when the pore is likely filled only by Rb(+). These results suggest that the nature of the permeant ions determines both the occupancy and the location of the pore site from which they interact with kappa-PVIIA binding. Thus, our results suggest that the permeant ion(s) within a channel pore can determine its functional and pharmacological properties.  相似文献   

Members of different voltage-gated K+ channel subfamilies usually do not form heteromultimers. However, coassembly between Shaker and ether-à-go-go (eag) subunits, members of two distinct K+ channel subfamilies, was suggested by genetic and functional studies (Zhong and Wu. 1991. Science. 252: 1562-1564; Chen, M.-L., T. Hoshi, and C.-F. Wu. 1996. Neuron. 17:535-542). We investigated whether Shaker and eag form heteromultimers in Xenopus laevis oocytes using electrophysiological and biochemical approaches. Coexpression of Shaker and eag subunits produced K+ currents that were virtually identical to the sum of separate Shaker and eag currents, with no change in the kinetics of Shaker inactivation. According to the results of dominant negative and reciprocal coimmunoprecipitation experiments, the Shaker and eag proteins do not interact. We conclude that Shaker and eag do not coassemble to form heteromultimers in Xenopus oocytes.  相似文献   

The multi-ion nature of the pore in Shaker K+ channels.   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
We have investigated some of the permeation properties of the pore in Shaker K channels. We determined the apparent permeability ratio of K+, Rb+, and NH4+ ions and block of the pore by external Cs+ ions. Shaker channels were expressed with the baculovirus/Sf9 expression system and the channel currents measured with the whole-cell variant of the patch clamp technique. The apparent permeability ratio, PRb/PK, determined in biionic conditions with internal K+, was a function of external Rb+ concentration. A large change in PRb/PK occurred with reversed ionic conditions (internal Rb+ and external K+). These changes in apparent permeability were not due to differences in membrane potential. With internal K+, PNH4/PK was not a function of external NH4+ concentration (at least over the range 50-120 mM). We also investigated block of the pore by external Cs+ ions. At a concentration of 20 mM, Cs+ block had a voltage dependence equivalent to that of an ion with a valence of 0.91; this increased to 1.3 at 40 mM Cs+. We show that a 4-barrier, 3-site permeation model can simulate these and many of the other known properties of ion permeation in Shaker channels.  相似文献   

Gating of Shaker K+ channels: I. Ionic and gating currents.   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Ionic and gating currents from noninactivating Shaker B K+ channels were studied with the cut-open oocyte voltage clamp technique and compared with the macropatch clamp technique. The performance of the cut-open oocyte voltage clamp technique was evaluated from the electrical properties of the clamped upper domus membrane, K+ tail current measurements, and the time course of K+ currents after partial blockade. It was concluded that membrane currents less than 20 microA were spatially clamped with a time resolution of at least 50 microseconds. Subtracted, unsubtracted gating currents with the cut-open oocyte voltage clamp technique and gating currents recorded in cell attached macropatches had similar properties and time course, and the charge movement properties directly obtained from capacity measurements agreed with measurements of charge movement from subtracted records. An accurate estimate of the normalized open probability Po(V) was obtained from tail current measurements as a function of the prepulse V in high external K+. The Po(V) was zero at potentials more negative than -40 mV and increased sharply at this potential, then increased continuously until -20 mV, and finally slowly increased with voltages more positive than 0 mV. Deactivation tail currents decayed with two time constants and external potassium slowed down the faster component without affecting the slower component that is probably associated with the return between two of the closed states near the open state. In correlating gating currents and channel opening, Cole-Moore type experiments showed that charge moving in the negative region of voltage (-100 to -40 mV) is involved in the delay of the conductance activation but not in channel opening. The charge moving in the more positive voltage range (-40 to -10 mV) has a similar voltage dependence to the open probability of the channel, but it does not show the gradual increase with voltage seen in the Po(V).  相似文献   

Steady-state and kinetic properties of gating currents of the Shaker K+ channels were studied in channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes and recorded with the cut-open oocyte voltage clamp. The charge versus potential (Q-V) curve reveals at least two components of charge, the first moving in the hyperpolarized region (V1/2 = -63 mV) and the second, with a larger apparent valence, moving in the more depolarized region (V1/2 = -44 mV). The kinetic analysis of gating currents revealed also two exponential decaying components that corresponded in their voltage dependence with the charge components described in the steady-state. The first component was found to correlate with the effects of prepulses that produce the Cole-Moore shift of the ionic and gating currents and seems to be occurring completely within closed conformations of the channel. The second component seems to be related to the events occurring between the closed states just preceding, but not including, the transition to the open state. The ON and OFF gating currents exhibit a pronounced rising phase at potentials at which the second component becomes important, and this region corresponds to the potential range where the channel opens. The results could not be explained with simple parallel models, but the data can be fitted to a sequential model that could be related to a first rearrangement of the putative four subunits in cooperative fashion, followed by a concerted charge movement that leads to the open channel. The first series of charge movements are produced by transitions between several closed states carrying less than two electronic charges per step, while a step carrying about 3.5 electronic charges can explain the second component. This step is followed by the transition to the open state carrying less than 0.5 electronic charges. This model is able to reproduce all the kinetic and steady-state properties of the gating currents and predicts many of the properties of the ionic currents.  相似文献   

R MacKinnon  P H Reinhart  M M White 《Neuron》1988,1(10):997-1001
Charybdotoxin (CTX), a 37 amino acid protein isolated from the venom of L. quinquestriatus, is a high-affinity blocker of various Ca2(+)-activated K+ channels. CTX also blocks Drosophila Shaker (Sh) clone H4 transient K+ currents expressed in Xenopus oocytes with similar affinity (Kd = 3.6 nM). CTX blocks both the open and the closed states of Sh channels with no apparent change in gating behavior. In addition, the block is enhanced as the ionic strength is lowered. These properties are identical to those of CTX block of Ca(+)-activated K+ channels, and these results suggest that the external pore openings of these two functionally dissimilar K+ channels may share common structural features.  相似文献   

kappa-conotoxin PVIIA is the first conotoxin known to interact with voltage-gated potassium channels by inhibiting Shaker-mediated currents. We studied the mechanism of inhibition and concluded that PVIIA blocks the ion pore with a 1:1 stoichiometry and that binding to open or closed channels is very different. Open-channel properties are revealed by relaxations of partial block during step depolarizations, whereas double-pulse protocols characterize the slower reequilibration of closed-channel binding. In 2.5 mM-[K+]o, the IC50 rises from a tonic value of approximately 50 to approximately 200 nM during openings at 0 mV, and it increases e-fold for about every 40-mV increase in voltage. The change involves mainly the voltage dependence and a 20-fold increase at 0 mV of the rate of PVIIA dissociation, but also a fivefold increase of the association rate. PVIIA binding to Shaker Delta6-46 channels lacking N-type inactivation or to wild phenotypes appears similar, but inactivation partially protects the latter from open-channel unblock. Raising [K+]o to 115 mM has little effect on open-channel binding, but increases almost 10-fold the tonic IC50 of PVIIA due to a decrease by the same factor of the toxin rate of association to closed channels. In analogy with charybdotoxin block, we attribute the acceleration of PVIIA dissociation from open channels to the voltage-dependent occupancy by K+ ions of a site at the outer end of the conducting pore. We also argue that the occupancy of this site by external cations antagonizes on binding to closed channels, whereas the apparent competition disappears in open channels if the competing cation can move along the pore. It is concluded that PVIIA can also be a valuable tool for probing the state of ion permeation inside the pore.  相似文献   

We have studied ionic and gating currents in mutant and wild-type Shaker K+ channels to investigate the mechanisms of channel activation and the relationship between the voltage sensor of the channel and its inactivation particle. The turn on of the gating current shows a rising phase, indicating that the hypothetical identical activation subunits are not independent. Hyperpolarizing prepulses indicate that most of the voltage-dependence occurs in the transitions between closed states. The open-to-closed transition is voltage independent, as suggested by the presence of a rising phase in the off gating currents. In Shaker channels showing fast inactivation, the off gating charge is partially immobilized as a result of depolarizing pulses that elicit inactivation. In mutant channels lacking inactivation, the charge is recovered quickly at the end of the pulse. Internal TEA mimics the inactivation particle in its behavior but the charge immobilization is established faster and is complete. We conclude that the activation mechanism cannot be due to the movement of identical independent gating subunits, each undergoing first order transitions, and that the inactivation particle is responsible for charge immobilization in this channel.  相似文献   

Physical association of KAB1 with plant K+ channel alpha subunits.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Shaker K+ channels were expressed in outside-out macropatches excised from Xenopus oocytes, and the effects on gating of removal of extracellular Ca2+ were examined in the complete absence of intracellular divalent cations. Removal of extracellular Ca2+ by perfusion with EDTA-containing solution caused a small negative shift in the channel's voltage-activation curve and led to an increased nonselective leak, but did not otherwise alter or disrupt the channels. The results contradict the proposal that Ca2+ is an essential component required for maintenance of ion selectivity and proper gating of Kv-type K+ channels. The large nonselective leak in Ca2+-free conditions was found to be a patch-seal phenomenon related to F- ion in the recording pipette.  相似文献   

J W Wang  C F Wu 《Biophysical journal》1996,71(6):3167-3176
The physiological roles of the beta, or auxiliary, subunits of voltage-gated ion channels, including Na+, Ca2+, and K+ channels, have not been demonstrated directly in vivo. Drosophila Hyperkinetic (Hk) mutations alter a gene encoding a homolog of the mammalian K+ channel beta subunit, providing a unique opportunity to delineate the in vivo function of auxiliary subunits in K+ channels. We found that the Hk beta subunit modulates a wide range of the Shaker (Sh) K+ current properties, including its amplitude, activation and inactivation, temperature dependence, and drug sensitivity. Characterizations of the existing mutants in identified muscle cells enabled an analysis of potential mechanisms of subunit interactions and their functional consequences. The results are consistent with the idea that via hydrophobic interaction, Hk beta subunits modulate Sh channel conformation in the cytoplasmic pore region. The modulatory effects of the Hk beta subunit appeared to be specific to the Sh alpha subunit because other voltage- and Ca(2+)-activated K+ currents were not affected by Hk mutations. The mutant effects were especially pronounced near the voltage threshold of IA activation, which can disrupt the maintenance of the quiescent state and lead to the striking neuromuscular and behavioral hyperexcitability previously reported.  相似文献   

The initial response of coleoptile cells to growth hormones and light is a rapid change in plasma-membrane polarization. We have isolated protoplasts from the cortex of maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles to study the electrical properties of their plasma membrane by the patch-clamp techniqueUsing the whole-cell configuration and cell-free membrane patches we could identify an H+-ATPase, hyperpolarizing the membrane potential often more negative than -150 mV, and a voltage-dependent, inward-rectifying K+ channel (unit conductance 5–7 pS) as the major membrane conductan-ces Potassium currents through this channel named CKC1in (for Coleoptile K + Channel inward rectifier) were elicited upon voltage steps negative to -80 mV, characterized by a half-activation potential of -112 mV. The kinetics of activation, well described by a double-exponential process, were strongly dependent on the degree of hyperpolarization and the cytoplasmic Ca2+ level. Whereas at nanomolar Ca2+ concentrations K+ currents increased with a t1/2=16 ms (at -180 mV), higher calcium levels slowed the activation process about fourto fivefoldUpon changes in the extracellular K+ concentration the reversal potential of the K+ channel followed the Nernst potential for potassium with a 56-mV shift for a tenfold increaseThe absence of a measurable conductance for Na+, Rb+, Cs+ and a permeability ratio PNH 4 + /PK+ around 0.25 underlines the high selectivity of CKC1in for K+In contrast to Cs+, which at submillimolar concentration blocks the channel in a voltage-dependent manner, Rb+, often used as a tracer for K+, does not permeate this type of K+ channelThe lack of Rb+ permeability is unique with respect to other K+ transporters. Therefore, future molecular analysis of CKC1in, considered as a unique variation of plant inward rectifiers, might help to understand the permeation properties of K+ channels in general.Abbreviations CKC1in Coleoptile K + Channel inward rectifier - U membrane voltage - Iss steady-state currents - Itail tail currents Experiments were conducted in the laboratory of F.G. during the stay of RHas a guest professor sponsored by Special Project RAISA, subproject N2.1, paper N2155.  相似文献   

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