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This study examined the secular changes in height, body weight, body mass index and pubertal development in male children and adolescents in Krakow (Poland) over the past 80 years, with an emphasis on the last decade (2000-2010). The survey of the population of Krakow is a continuation of observations conducted in that area for many years. The analysis aims to determine whether in the last decade Krakow still witnessed the secular trend, and what form the trend took. The body height and weight, and body mass index (BMI), of 1862 boys aged 3.5-18.5 years were analysed, against the background of a survey series from the years 1938 (N = 1801), 1971 (N = 2045), 1983 (N = 3124) and 2000 (N = 2328). The mean body height, in almost all age categories, was greater than in the past; however the final height over the last decade remained the same. The mean values of body weight and BMI increased, especially in the last decade. Also, an acceleration of puberty in boys was observed. The last 10 years saw an over 3-month decrease in the age of initial appearance of pubic hair in boys. In conclusion, the last decade saw cessation of the growing taller trend: maximum body height stabilized at approximately 179 cm, but weight and BMI increased. Also, a distinct acceleration of puberty was noticed. Lack of height increase, at the same time as weight gain and puberty acceleration, indicate a progressing developmental disharmony.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 2090 British father and son pairs the relationships between social and geographical intra- and inter-generational mobility were examined in relation to height, weight and body mass index (BMI). There was much more social mobility than geographical (regional) migration. Social mobility and geographical migration were not independent: socially non-mobile fathers and sons were more likely to be geographical non-migrants, and upwardly socially mobile fathers and sons were more likely to be regional migrants. Upwardly socially mobile fathers and sons were, on average, taller and had a lower BMI than non-mobile and downwardly mobile fathers and sons. In general, no significant associations were found between geographical migration and height or weight. Migrating fathers had a lower BMI than sedentes, as did their sons who migrated between 1965 and 1991. There was no significant interaction that indicated that social mobility and geographical migration were acting in a simple additive way on height, weight and BMI.  相似文献   

Turkish children and adolescents born in Northern Europe grow different from native Northern European children, but reference values for height, weight and BMI for these children do not exist. With this study, we intend to provide growth standards for German born Turkish children. Data were obtained from 797 Turkish children and adolescents born in Germany age 0-25.8 years (males), respectively 0-18.3 years (females). We generated synthetic reference values for height, weight, and BMI. The results show that Turkish children and adolescents are heavier after the age of 6 years, and that they remain short after puberty. Eighteen year old Turkish men, and 15-year-old Turkish women are shorter (males 175.2 cm vs. 180.4 cm, p < 0.05; females 159.3 cm vs. 165.0 cm, p < 0.05), and heavier than Germans. Six out of 53 young Turkish men and 9 out of 100 young Turkish women were obese. Twelve out of 53 young Turkish men (23%) and 18 out of 100 young Turkish women (18%) have fallen below the 3rd centile for height. It can be concluded that growth of Turkish children and adolescents born in Germany significantly differs from native children. Reference LMS values for body height, weight and BMI of German born Turkish boys and girls are presented.  相似文献   



We investigate associations between children exposure to stressful events, considering: (1) the period in which the event took place, (2) the type of event, and (3) the cumulative effect of the events on children's weight, height and body mass index (BMI).


A total of 8429 Portuguese children (3349 exposed to at least one stressful event during their lifetime; 50.2% males; mean age = 7.21 ± 1.85 years) were included in the analysis. The occurrence of stressful (i.e., adverse) events was reported in a parental questionnaire; children's weight and height were objectively measured.


When the stress event took place in the first 2 years of life, compared with during pregnancy or after the 2 years, children were shorter; but the association was weak and only significant for boys. After adjustment for child's birthweight, gestational age, breastfeeding duration, number of siblings, and father's education, the experience of 3+ stressful events (vs. 1 or 2) was associated with higher weight and height in boys. No interaction effect was found between stress and BMI.


We found some evidence of associations between exposure to stressful events and physical growth of boys. We highlight the complex relationship between exposure to stressful experiences and children's physical growth, particularly the different effects of specific characteristics of the stress event and the sex differences.

We examined the correlation between maternal prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) and newborn weight, length, BMI, and gestational order, in singleton and twin births. The sample comprised 381 mothers of multiple babies (562 twins), and 7979 singleton pregnancies, used as controls. The Mann-Whitney non-parametric test was used to compare the values between the two groups, and the Spearman's correlation test (rS) was applied to the quantitative variables. A significant positive correlation was found with singleton baby variables: the higher the maternal BMI, the higher the newborn's BMI, weight, length, and gestational order. However, no significant correlation was found between maternal BMI and any of these variables in twins. Maternal weight gain, in the twin group, showed a significant positive correlation with the newborn gestational order (rS = 0.154; P = 0.002), weight (rS = 0.493; P < 0.001), length (rS = 0.469; P < 0.001), and BMI (rS = 0.418; P < 0.001). In singletons, the correlation was positive with all the variables, except for the gestational order. The newborn BMI was significantly higher in twins born by C-section than those born by vaginal birth (Z = -4.974; P < 0.001). Mothers of singletons delivered by C-section had a significantly higher BMI than those of singletons born by vaginal birth (Z = -1.642; P < 0.001); however, no significant differences were observed in mothers of twins. Prepregnancy maternal BMI in twin births would not be predictive of newborns weight, length and BMI in this population. Maternal weight gain during pregnancy proved to be the most adequate for predicting the weight, length and BMI of twins delivered by C-section.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 2090 father and son pairs, the regional variation in height, weight and body mass index (BMI) with intra- and inter-generational migration within Britain was examined. Highly significant regional differences in means were found only for fathers. The overall mean height difference between regions ranged from about 2.7 cm to 3.1 cm, with the tallest fathers being found in the East & South-East region and the shortest in Wales. The variation in mean weight between regions was less significant, with the difference between the heaviest region (West Midlands) and lightest (South-West) being about 3.5 kg. For BMI the highest mean was in the North and Wales and the lowest in the South-West (difference of about 1 kg m-2). Intra-generational migrants were, on average, significantly taller than non-migrants for both fathers (+1.4 cm) and sons (+2 cm), but BMI was only significant in fathers, with migrant fathers, on average, having a lower BMI. There were no significant differences in weight between geographically mobile groups for either fathers or sons. Differentiating between regional in- and out-migration revealed that in the fathers' generation in-migrants were taller, on average, in six of the nine regions. The tallest in-migrants among fathers came into the North region; the tallest out-migrants were from Yorkshire & Humberside and the shortest were from Scotland. The largest positive gain on fathers' height was in the West Midlands region and Scotland, while negative effects were found in the Yorkshire & Humberside, East Midlands and East & South-East regions. For sons in-migrants were taller in all regions except Wales, with the largest differences between in-migrants and non-migrants being in the South-East and South-West. For out-migrants, the tallest sons came from Wales, while the shortest came from the East Midlands region. The North, East Midlands, East & South-East and West Midlands regions were net gainers, while Wales and Scotland were net losers. For BMI among fathers, in-migrants were of lower BMI than non-migrants. For out-migrant fathers, the North-West and South-West regions were the only two regions showing positive values, with the largest negative values being found in the East Midlands and Yorkshire & Humberside. The net effect of migration indicated that the largest gains were in the East Midlands and Yorkshire & Humberside regions and the largest losses were in Scotland and Wales. The inter-generational migration for BMI showed that in-migrating sons into the North-West and Wales had higher BMI than sedentes, while in-migrants into Yorkshire & Humberside were lower in BMI. In all regions out-migrants had lower BMI than non-migrants. The net effect of migration revealed that six of the nine regions were net gainers, while the Yorkshire & Humberside region was a net loser.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 2090 father and son pairs, the extent of intra- and inter-generational social mobility (migration between social classes) was examined over a 42-year period in a British cohort in relation to height, weight and body mass index (BMI). The mean height difference between the highest and lowest social class decreased from about 4 cm in the fathers' generation to about 3 cm in the sons' generation, indicating a decline in heterogeneity in height between classes. For fathers downward intra-generational social mobility ranged between 11% and 18% while between 16% and 26% were upwardly mobile; for sons 15% were downwardly mobile and 21% upwardly mobile. On average downwardly mobile fathers were shorter by between 0.1 cm and 0.7 cm while upwardly mobile fathers were taller by, on average, 0.6 cm to 1.7 cm. For sons, the downwardly mobile were on average 0.7 cm shorter and the upwardly mobile 0.8 cm taller. For weight and BMI there were no consistent relationships with intra-generational mobility in either the fathers' or sons' generations. Inter-generationally, between 18% and 19% of sons were downwardly mobile and between 39% and 40% were upwardly mobile; the downwardly mobile were shorter by about 0.9 cm and the upwardly taller by between 0.6 cm and 1.2 cm. Sons with higher BMI were more likely to be inter-generationally downwardly mobile.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the influence of lean body mass (LBM) and body weight (BW) on the thermoregulatory responses and endurance performance of male and female athletes in warm, humid environments. Ten (5 males, 5 females) healthy, moderately trained athletes with varying physiques performed a self-paced 30-min run on a motorized treadmill in warm (30 degrees C), humid (60% relative humidity) conditions, with the aim of running the greatest distance possible. Males completed one trial, while females completed two trials, one in each of the follicular (Fol) and luteal (Lut) phases of the menstrual cycle in a randomized fashion. There were no significant differences among groups for distance run (males, 5.2 +/- 0.4 km; Fol, 4.9 +/- 0.1 km; Lut, 4.7 +/- 0.1 km). However, following analysis of covariance accounting for LBM and BW, the distances run were significantly different. The adjusted means for distance run after accounting for LBM were 3.4 km for males (P < 0.05), 5.9 km for Fol, and 5.6 km for Lut. Adjusted means accounting for BW resulted in run distances of 6.5 km for males (P < 0.05), 4.2 km for Fol, and 4.0 km for Lut. Thermoregulatory responses such as rectal and skin temperatures were similar among groups. Avenues of heat loss and gain were altered relative to the menstrual cycle phase. The results suggest that one reason for the disparity in performance between male and female athletes over similar race distances might in part be related to unequal body characteristics and in particular to differences in LBM.  相似文献   

Abstract It is already known that maternal overweight, obesity, and morbid obesity are associated with adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes. To assess the prevalence of overweight and obesity, and the impact of body mass index (BMI) on maternal and neonatal outcomes in Turkey. The study population consisted of 698 singleton pregnancies whose height and weight follow up were performed from the first trimester of pregnancy and whose deliveries were monitored in Trabzon, Turkey in July 2014–June 2015. The data obtained during the study were evaluated using SPSS 21 package program. The differences in variables were assessed by Chi-square-test for categorical data or by One-way Anova test for continuous data. The results were evaluated at a confidence interval of 95% and at a significance level of p?<?0.05. According to the BMI of the women in the study, 68.8% were in normal weight, 20.6% were overweight, 3.9% were obese, and the majority was in the 20–29 age group and 8–15.9?kg. The rate of cesarean, instrumental delivery, induction, episiotomy, late breastfeeding, low apgar (<7 at 5?min), neonatal intensive care unit admission requirement, the newborn at 4000?g or more in overweight (BMI 25–29.9) and obese (BMI?≥?30) pregnancies was higher and the first and second phases of labor were longer (p?<?0.05). The study showed that as the pre-pregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain increased the rates of cesarean section and interventional delivery increased and the neonatal need for neonatal intensive care unit increased.  相似文献   

Prior intrauterine position influences body weight in male and female mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In two longitudinal studies, intrauterine location of male and female Rockland-Swiss mice relative to fetuses of the same and opposite sex dramatically influenced body weight. In one study, body weight of males and females that were located in utero between two female fetuses (OM animals) or between two male fetuses (2M animals) was assessed from birth to the time of weaning (25 days of age). The body weights of 2M females were indistinguishable from those of OM and 2M males on all but a few of the 25 postnatal days of life. Also, 2M females were significantly heavier than OM females from Postnatal Day 6 onward, and 2M males weighed significantly more than OM males from Postnatal Day 19 onward. In a second study, food intake and body weight of animals from different intrauterine locations were examined from 25 to 120 days of age. Regardless of prior intrauterine position, males were always heavier than females. However, prior in utero location modulated body weight in that 2M females were significantly heavier than OM females and 2M males were reliably heavier than OM males. Intrauterine position effects were observed in the absence of any appreciable influence of this variable on levels of food intake. Taken together, the results suggest that prior in utero location may influence metabolic set points involved in the regulation of body weight and fat storage.  相似文献   

Estradiol benzoate (EB) treatment of male and female C57BL/6J ob/ob mice for 32 days led to decreased body weight (20%), percentage body fat (8%) and carcass protein content (12%) when compared with non-EB-treated obese control mice. Estradiol reduced the caloric intakes of both genders by 25-35%, but did not affect body temperature regulation. Circulating glucose and insulin concentrations were also lowered by estrogens, although hyperinsulinemia persisted. Since post-treatment body weight changes correlated with daily food intakes (r = 0.81) rather than to rectal temperatures (r = -0.19), it appears that hypophagia provided a greater contribution to the estrogen-mediated reductions of growth and carcass fat than did altered energy expenditure for thermoregulation. While these data show that EB treatment does reduce the severity of some metabolic disturbances in a genetic model of type II diabetes, long-term estrogens do not appear to offer substantial advantages in the treatment of obesity or diabetes when compared with the effects of caloric restriction alone.  相似文献   

Many investigations have noted bad influence of smoking during pregnancy. In the present article, the influence of mothers smoking during pregnancy on the body mass index (BMI), birth weight and birth length are examined. This retrospective research included 219 children: Group I: 109 children from rural area of east Slavonia (born in General Hospital-Vinkovci) and group II: 110 children from industrial area (born in Zagreb). The questioned subjects were divided into two groups depending on mothers smoking during pregnancy: newborns of mothers who didn't smoke during pregnancy (subgroup A) and newborns of mother who did smoke 10 or more cigarettes per day during pregnancy (subgroup B). Anthropometric parameters (BMI, birth length and birth weight) in newborns of non-smoking mothers were statistically higher (p < 0.05) than in newborns of smoking mothers. Moderate correlation between birth length and birth weight in newborns of non-smoking and smoking mothers from rural area and from non-smoking mothers in urban area was statistically significant, but correlation in the group in newborns of smoking mothers from Zagreb was not statistically significant. Results of this research show that smoking during pregnancy significantly influences the birth weight and birth length. Further investigation is needed, to investigate the lack of correlation between the birth length and birth weight in newborns of smoking mothers from industrial city.  相似文献   

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