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Using a long-term demographic data set, we estimated the separate effects of demographic and environmental stochasticity in the growth rate of the great tit population in Wytham Wood, United Kingdom. Assuming logistic density regulation, both the demographic (sigma2d = 0.569) and environmental (sigma2e = 0.0793) variance, with interactions included, were significantly greater than zero. The estimates of the demographic variance seemed to be relatively insensitive to the length of the study period, whereas reliable estimates of the environmental variance required long time series (at least 15 yr of data). The demographic variance decreased significantly with increasing population density. These estimates are used in a quantitative analysis of the demographic factors affecting the risk of extinction of this population. The very long expected time to extinction of this population (approximately 10(19) yr) was related to a relatively large population size (>/=120 pairs during the study period). However, for a given population size, the expected time to extinction was sensitive to both variation in population growth rate and environmental stochasticity. Furthermore, the form of the density regulation strongly affected the expected time to extinction. Time to extinction decreased when the maximum density regulation approached K. This suggests that estimates of viability of small populations should be given both with and without inclusion of density dependence.  相似文献   

Calcium is an essential micronutrient for birds during egg formation and for skeletal development in nestlings. Habitat level studies suggest that birds breeding in low-calcium areas may be limited in the size or number of eggs they lay and in the quality of their nestlings. However, as birds forage non-randomly and may travel considerable distances to acquire calcium, describing different breeding environments in terms of their calcium availability is problematic. Here we explore the spatial relationships between 300-fold variation in soil calcium and the life-history traits of ca. 6,000 pairs of great tits breeding in a single continuous woodland over 41 years. Controlling for other habitat differences, we found strong positive associations between soil calcium, clutch size and recruitment at spatial scales of over 300 m from each nestbox, suggesting that females may have been travelling inter-territorially to acquire calcium during egg formation. Soil calcium near each nestbox (mean distance = 58 m) was a strong positive predictor of mean fledgling mass, suggesting that local calcium was more important during nestling stages. We found no effect of soil calcium on lay-date or egg mass. This study is the first to provide evidence that small woodland passerines are limited by calcium availability at several different spatial scales. However, experimental work is necessary to test the causality of these spatial patterns.  相似文献   

Heteropteran predators constitute an important component of predatory guilds in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Most heteropteran species have generalist diets, and intraguild predation has been documented in most heteropteran families. Zoophytophagous species also frequently engage in intraguild interactions. An increase in extraguild prey density is often predicted to reduce intraguild predation between guild members by providing abundant alternate prey. However, an increase of extraguild prey density may also be associated with an increase in the density of intraguild predators, which could instead strengthen intraguild predation. Evaluating the combined effect of these potentially opposing influences on intraguild predation is difficult. Most studies have been carried out in the laboratory, using artificially simplified communities of predators and prey and employing spatial and temporal scales that may not reflect field conditions. We review experimental studies examining how extraguild prey density influences the intensity of intraguild predation and then report an observational case study examining the influence of extraguild prey density on the intensity of intraguild predation at larger spatial and temporal scales in unmanipulated cotton fields. Fields with more abundant extraguild prey (aphids, mites) were not associated with elevated densities of intraguild predators, and were strongly associated with increased survival of intraguild prey (lacewing larvae). In this system, the ability of extraguild prey to relax the intensity of intraguild predation, as previously documented in small-scale field experiments, also extends to the larger spatial and temporal scales of commercial agriculture.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Caves are often assumed to be predator-free environments for cave fishes. This has been proposed to be a potential benefit of colonising these otherwise harsh environments. In order to test this hypothesis, the predator–prey interaction of a belostomatid (predator) and a cave fish (prey) occurring in the Cueva del Azufre (Tabasco, Mexico) was investigated with two separate experiments.
2. In one experiment, individual Belostoma were given a chance to prey on a cave fish, the cave form of the Atlantic molly ( Poecilia mexicana ), to estimate feeding rates and size-specific prey preferences of the predator. In the other experiment, population density of Belostoma was estimated using a mark–recapture analysis in one of the cave chambers.
3. Belostomatids were found to heavily prey on cave mollies and to exhibit a prey preference for large fish. The mark–recapture analysis revealed a high population density of the heteropterans in the cave.
4. The absence of predators in caves is not a general habitat feature for cave fishes. None the less predation regimes differ strikingly between epigean and hypogean habitats. The prey preference of Belostoma indicates that cave-dwelling P. mexicana experience size-specific predation pressure comparable with surface populations, which may have implications for life-history evolution in this cave fish.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Spatial density dependence of enemy/victim relationships (predator/prey and host/parasitoid) were examined for the gall-making herbivore Eurosta solidaginis (Diptera: Tephritidae), its predator Mordellistena unicolor (Coleoptera: Mordellidae), and a parasitoid of Mordellistena, Schizoprymnus sp. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), both before and after experimental perturbation of gall density.
2. Mordellistena predation did not depend on Eurosta density, nor did Schizoprymnus parasitism of Mordellistena depend on Mordellistena density.
3. Schizoprymnus parasitism of Mordellistena depended strongly on the density of Eurosta , the prey of its host.
4. The lack of density dependence in enemy/victim relationships may be explained by effects from adjacent trophic-levels. Ovipositing Schizoprymnus may search for high densities, not of its host Mordellistena , but of its host's prey ( Eurosta galls), and ovipositing Mordellistena may avoid patches of high gall density where the risk of being parasitized is greater.  相似文献   

Dispersal behaviour was studied on a predacious phytoseiid mite, Phytoseiulus persimilisAthias-Henriot in response to the density of its prey, Tetranychus kanzawaiKishida . And the effect of the change in the rate of successful dispersal of the predators among patches was tested on the persistence of the predator-prey system. The results of the study are summarized as follows:
  1. With a severe decline in prey density available per individual predator, the predators exhibited a marked behavioural change and dispersed to other areas.
  2. When two neighboring host plants did not touch with each other and the dispersal of the predators was possible only through a 20cm plywood “bridge” which connected the two plants, the rate of successful dispersal of the predators was only 20 to 25%, whereas it was 95% when the plants touched with each other.
  3. In the system where 32 host plants touched with each other, the predators succeeded in immigrating into all the plants by the 16th day, and they completely eliminated all the prey by the 33rd day.
  4. In another system, the 32 plants were equally divided into eight “patches” which were connected with each other with two of the bridges and the predators could move between them only through the bridges as mentioned above. In such a system the predators and their prey coexisted about three times longer than in the other one.
  5. It is suggested that for a longer continued coexistence of the predators and prey, it would be necessary to introduce more physical barrier against the dispersal of the predators and to provide more chances for the prey to disperse.

The rates and causes of juvenile mortality are central features of the dynamics and conservation of large mammals, like woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou (Gmelin, 1788)), but intrinsic and extrinsic factors may be modified by variations in animal abundance. We tested the influences of population size, climate, calf weight and sex on survival to 6 months of age of 1241 radio-collared caribou calves over three decades, spanning periods of population growth (1979–1997) and decline (2003–2012) in Newfoundland, Canada. Daily survival rates were higher and rose more quickly with calf age during the population growth period compared to the decline. Population size (negatively) and calf weight (positively) affected survival during the decline but neither had a detectable influence during the growth phase. Sex, climate and plant productivity (the latter two derived from the North Atlantic Oscillation and Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, respectively) exerted minimal influence during either phase. Predation was the dominant source of mortality. The mean percentage of calves killed by predators was 30 % higher during the decline compared to the growth phase. Black bears (Ursus americanus) and lynx (Lynx canadensis) were the major predators during the population increase but this changed during the decrease to black bears and coyotes (Canis latrans). Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that Newfoundland caribou experienced phase-dependent survival mediated proximally by predation and competition for food.  相似文献   

Carotenoid‐based colour expression is frequently involved in sexual dichromatism, particularly in bird plumage, suggesting a role in sexual selection. Despite much work on expression of the carotenoid‐based ventral plumage coloration of the great tit (Parus major), which represents a popular model in evolution and ecology, a consensus on even the most basic demographic patterns of variation (e.g. age and sex differences) is lacking. This may reflect the use of variable methods for analysing colour variation, although what is not clear, either in this case or in general, is the extent to which these alternative methods are equally effective at describing age‐ and sex‐related dichromatism. Using data obtained over 4 years from a large sample of free‐ranging great tits, we examined how colour‐scoring methodology influences estimates of age‐ and sex‐related dichromatism. We compare: (1) principal components analysis‐derived scores; (2) tristimulus colour variables; (3) a visual model‐independent, carotenoid‐focussed colour score; and (4) two colour scoring methods based on avian visual models, examining how they assess colour variation with respect to age and sex to determine how methodology may influence results. We demonstrate clear age‐ and sex‐dependent expression of this colour trait, both in our own data and in meta‐analyses of results from great tit populations across Europe, and discuss the merits of the various colour scores, which yield very different estimates of the extent of age‐ and sex‐dependent dichromatism. We show variation is likely to be visible to conspecifics and propose a novel, visual model‐derived scoring system for describing variation in carotenoid‐based colour patches, where the perceived signal is divided into independent chromatic and achromatic components, in line with current understanding of visual perception. The present study highlights the impact of colour‐scoring methodology and shows that, as novel measures continue to be developed, researchers should consider carefully how they quantify colour expression. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 777–796.  相似文献   

There is still little information on effects of habitat degradation on post-dispersal seed predation at the landscape scale. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of habitat degradation and seed species on the variability of post-dispersal seed-predation rate. Experimental seed removal was investigated in six Mediterranean woody plant species, four trees (Pinus sylvestris, Quercus ilex, Acer opalus ssp. granatense, and Sorbus aria) and two shrubs (Berberis vulgaris and Crataegus monogyna), in an extensively used mosaic landscape on the Sierra Nevada massif (SE Spain). Seed depots were distributed over 2 years in five differently degraded landscape units, each one with three plots: shrubland; native forest; and dense, cleared and fenced reforestation stands. Predation was the highest in native forest, shrubland, and fenced reforestation, and the lowest in dense and cleared reforestation stands, being partially due to a positive correlation between shrub cover and post-dispersal seed predation. However, the main factors driving post-dispersal seed predation were intrinsic to seeds, as species preference explained most of the variance in our model for predation. The plant-species ranking was Quercus > Pinus > Sorbus > Berberis > Acer > Crataegus, the dominant tree species being the most depredated. These findings are novel because they suggest for the first time that species-selection patterns by post-dispersal seed predators tended to remain constant through both study years in all habitats comprising a mosaic landscape, whether native forest, reforestation stands or successional shrubland.  相似文献   

Unravelling the contributions of density‐dependent and density‐independent factors in determining species population dynamics is a challenge, especially if the two factors interact. One approach is to apply stochastic population models to long‐term data, yet few studies have included interactions between density‐dependent and density‐independent factors, or explored more than one type of stochastic population model. However, both are important because model choice critically affects inference on population dynamics and stability. Here, we used a multiple models approach and applied log‐linear and non‐linear stochastic population models to time series (spanning 29 years) on the population growth rates of Blue Tits Cyanistes caeruleus, Great Tits Parus major and Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca breeding in two nestbox populations in southern Germany. We focused on the roles of climate conditions and intra‐ and interspecific competition in determining population growth rates. Density dependence was evident in all populations. For Blue Tits in one population and for Great Tits in both populations, addition of a density‐independent factor improved model fit. At one location, Blue Tit population growth rate increased following warmer winters, whereas Great Tit population growth rates decreased following warmer springs. Importantly, Great Tit population growth rate also decreased following years of high Blue Tit abundance, but not vice versa. This finding is consistent with asymmetric interspecific competition and implies that competition could carry over to influence population dynamics. At the other location, Great Tit population growth rate decreased following years of high Pied Flycatcher abundance but only when Great Tit population numbers were low, illustrating that the roles of density‐dependent and density‐independent factors are not necessarily mutually exclusive. The dynamics of this Great Tit population, in contrast to the other populations, were unstable and chaotic, raising the question of whether interactions between density‐dependent and density‐independent factors play a role in determining the (in) stability of the dynamics of species populations.  相似文献   

The body length and body weight of all adult common toads (Bufo bufo) breeding at a pond in south Dorset were measured between 1983 and 1993. Each toad was placed into one of four categories depending on its sex and whether it was either a first time breeder or an animal that had previously bred. The body condition of each male and female toad for each year was compared with the average body condition of all the male and female toads captured over the 11 years of the study so that between-year differences in condition could be detected. Changes in body condition were compared with changes in body condition were compared with changes in toad density, rainfall and climatic temperature during the previous summer (March–September), during hibernation (October–February) and during the month preceding the start of spawning. During the study there was a decline in the body condition of all toad categories and these changes were significantly correlated with changes in toad density and climatic temperature. Toads were also more likely to enter hibernation in poor condition following a hot dry summer than after either cool wet or hot wet summers. Body condition explained 41% of the size-specific variation in fecundity.  相似文献   

Aarnio  Katri  Mattila  Johanna 《Hydrobiologia》2000,440(1-3):347-355
Due to increasing eutrophication of the coastal Baltic waters, drifting algae are a common phenomenon. Drifting algal mats accumulate on shallow sandy bottoms in late summer and autumn, and affect the ambient fauna. Juvenile flounder, Platichthys flesus, utilize these habitats during their first few years. They feed on benthic meio- and macrofauna; part of their diet consists of shelled species, such as Ostracods, and juvenile Hydrobia spp. and Macoma balthica. Earlier studies have shown that up to 75% of ostracods and 92% of hydrobiids survive the gut passage of juvenile flounder, while all M. balthica are digested by the fish. We conducted laboratory experiments to study how the shelled prey responded to a drift algal mat, and the predation efficiency of juvenile P. flesus on these prey species on bare sand and with drifting algae (50% coverage). Hydrobia spp. utilized the drift algae as a habitat and, after 1 h, 50% had moved into the algae; ostracods and M. balthica were more stationary and, after 96 h, only 23 and 12%, respectively, were found in the algae. For the predation efficiency of P. flesus, a two-way ANOVA with habitat (algae, bare sand) and predation (fish, no fish) as factors revealed that both algae and predation affected negatively the survival of all three prey species. The algae, thus, affected the predation efficiency of juvenile P. flesus and the consumption of prey was much reduced in the algal treatments compared to the bare sand. This was due probably to increased habitat complexity and the ability of prey, especially hydrobiids, to use the algal mat as a refuge. Altered habitat structure due to drift algae, together with the resultant changes in habitat (refuge) value for different prey species, may profoundly change the structure of benthic communities.  相似文献   

Testosterone plays an important role in territorial behavior of many male vertebrates and the Challenge Hypothesis has been suggested to explain differences in testosterone concentrations between males. For socially monogamous birds, the challenge hypothesis predicts that testosterone should increase during male–male interactions. To test this, simulated territorial intrusion (STI) experiments have been conducted, but only about a third of all bird species investigated so far show the expected increase in testosterone. Previous studies have shown that male black redstarts (Phoenicurus ochruros) do not increase testosterone during STIs or short-term male–male challenges. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether black redstarts modulate testosterone in an experimentally induced longer-term unstable social situation. We created social instability by removing males from their territories and compared the behavior and testosterone concentrations of replacement males and neighbors with those of control areas. Testosterone levels did not differ among replacement males, neighbors and control males. Injections with GnRH resulted in elevation of testosterone in all groups, suggesting that all males were capable of increasing testosterone. We found no difference in the behavioral response to STIs between control and replacement males. Furthermore, there was no difference in testosterone levels between replacement males that had expanded their territory and new-coming males. In combination with prior work these data suggest that testosterone is not modulated by male–male interactions in black redstarts and that testosterone plays only a minor role in territorial behavior. We suggest that territorial behavior in species that are territorial throughout most of their annual life-cycle may be decoupled from testosterone.  相似文献   

Prey selection by a spider wasp,Batozonellus lacerticida, was investigated at the riverside of the Toyohira River in Misumai, Sapporo, Hokkaido over 7 years from 1981 to 1987. Seventeen species of araneid spiders were found in the study area and six of them were hunted by the wasps. Most (97.3%) of the 223 prey records obtained were of three species,Araneus macacus, A. marmoreus andA. pinguis. Nesting activity of the wasps continued until mid-August in 1981, 1982 and 1986, but stopped in July in 1984, 1985 and 1987. The length of nesting period was related to whether the wasps successfully switched prey species fromA. macacus toA. marmoreus andA. pinguis andA. pinguis or not Switching seemed to occur at the phase when density ofA. macacus remained high, depending on the density of largerA. marmorus andA. pinguis. This switching had large effects on species composition and size distribution of actual prey. Chesson's index α calculated at every 10 day period revealed that the wasps preferredA. macacus to the two other species and large prey to medium and small ones. The effect of prey density on preference depended on whetherA. macacus was present or absent. In the presence of it there were only slight differences in preference among various conditions of prey density. However, whenA. macacus was absent, densities of bothA. marmoreus andA. pinguis had some complementary effects on preference. The importance of prey size selection by pompilid wasps, and implications of density effects on preference are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper describes at a regional scale the distribution pattern, density, productivity and sex ratio of great bustards in northwestern Spain and explores the role played by habitat type, terrain characteristics and human disturbance on variation in its demographic parameters. Data from 136 plots covering an area of 7314 km2 were obtained in two censuses carried out in the spring and summer of 1998. The density of the great bustards was 1.39 individuals/km2 in the pre-breeding period, decreasing by 22% in the post-breeding period. Density was significantly higher in central plots than in peripheral plots. Mean productivity was 0.24 chicks per female and showed a high variability among plots, being significantly lower in the densest plots. The overall sex ratio was 1.35 females per male during the pre-breeding period. Productivity related positively to areas holding small fields and a high interspersion of land uses. Density and productivity were negatively affected by river density and altitude, and seasonal density variation was positively correlated with human population density.  相似文献   

Synopsis Bagrids in Bahr Shebeen Nilotic canal depend mainly on fish, insects and shrimp as well as fish embryos for food and their stomachs included runoff materials (e.g. plant foliage, glass, black crystals, coloured gravel). B. bayad maximised its efficiency of catching prey catfish by face to face attack to avoid damage by the prey's pectoral and dorsal spines. In the size classes of 10 to 30 cm standard length, B. bayad and B. docmac show diet overlap and interact with each other especially with respect to tilapias as prey. After this length, B. docmac, aided by its relatively larger mouth, shifted to larger size of tilapias to coexist with B. bayad.  相似文献   

[目的]外来入侵物种作为猎物可能影响本土广谱捕食者的搜寻和捕食行为.本研究旨在揭示异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis对与本土豌豆修尾蚜Megoura japonica混合发生的外来入侵扶桑绵粉蚧Phenacoccus solenopsis的搜寻和捕食行为.[方法]试验前对异色瓢虫设两个饲喂猎物种类处理:用扶桑绵...  相似文献   

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