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Subtle motifs: defining the limits of motif finding algorithms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
MOTIVATION: What constitutes a subtle motif? Intuitively, it is a motif that is almost indistinguishable, in the statistical sense, from random motifs. This question has important practical consequences: consider, for example, a biologist that is generating a sample of upstream regulatory sequences with the goal of finding a regulatory pattern that is shared by these sequences. If the sequences are too short then one risks losing some of the regulatory patterns that are located further upstream. Conversely, if the sequences are too long, the motif becomes too subtle and one is then likely to encounter random motifs which are at least as significant statistically as the regulatory pattern itself. In practical terms one would like to recognize the sequence length threshold, or the twilight zone, beyond which the motifs are in some sense too subtle. RESULTS: The paper defines the motif twilight zone where every motif finding algorithm would be exposed to random motifs which are as significant as the one which is sought. We also propose an objective tool for evaluating the performance of subtle motif finding algorithms. Finally we apply these tools to evaluate the success of our MULTIPROFILER algorithm to detect subtle motifs.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Motif discovery in sequential data is a problem of great interest and with many applications. However, previous methods have been unable to combine exhaustive search with complex motif representations and are each typically only applicable to a certain class of problems. RESULTS: Here we present a generic motif discovery algorithm (Gemoda) for sequential data. Gemoda can be applied to any dataset with a sequential character, including both categorical and real-valued data. As we show, Gemoda deterministically discovers motifs that are maximal in composition and length. As well, the algorithm allows any choice of similarity metric for finding motifs. Finally, Gemoda's output motifs are representation-agnostic: they can be represented using regular expressions, position weight matrices or any number of other models for any type of sequential data. We demonstrate a number of applications of the algorithm, including the discovery of motifs in amino acids sequences, a new solution to the (l,d)-motif problem in DNA sequences and the discovery of conserved protein substructures. AVAILABILITY: Gemoda is freely available at http://web.mit.edu/bamel/gemoda  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: DNA motif finding is one of the core problems in computational biology, for which several probabilistic and discrete approaches have been developed. Most existing methods formulate motif finding as an intractable optimization problem and rely either on expectation maximization (EM) or on local heuristic searches. Another challenge is the choice of motif model: simpler models such as the position-specific scoring matrix (PSSM) impose biologically unrealistic assumptions such as independence of the motif positions, while more involved models are harder to parametrize and learn. RESULTS: We present MotifCut, a graph-theoretic approach to motif finding leading to a convex optimization problem with a polynomial time solution. We build a graph where the vertices represent all k-mers in the input sequences, and edges represent pairwise k-mer similarity. In this graph, we search for a motif as the maximum density subgraph, which is a set of k-mers that exhibit a large number of pairwise similarities. Our formulation does not make strong assumptions regarding the structure of the motif and in practice both motifs that fit well the PSSM model, and those that exhibit strong dependencies between position pairs are found as dense subgraphs. We benchmark MotifCut on both synthetic and real yeast motifs, and find that it compares favorably to existing popular methods. The ability of MotifCut to detect motifs appears to scale well with increasing input size. Moreover, the motifs we discover are different from those discovered by the other methods. AVAILABILITY: MotifCut server and other materials can be found at motifcut.stanford.edu.  相似文献   

The detection and alignment of locally conserved regions (motifs) in multiple sequences can provide insight into protein structure, function, and evolution. A new Gibbs sampling algorithm is described that detects motif-encoding regions in sequences and optimally partitions them into distinct motif models; this is illustrated using a set of immunoglobulin fold proteins. When applied to sequences sharing a single motif, the sampler can be used to classify motif regions into related submodels, as is illustrated using helix-turn-helix DNA-binding proteins. Other statistically based procedures are described for searching a database for sequences matching motifs found by the sampler. When applied to a set of 32 very distantly related bacterial integral outer membrane proteins, the sampler revealed that they share a subtle, repetitive motif. Although BLAST (Altschul SF et al., 1990, J Mol Biol 215:403-410) fails to detect significant pairwise similarity between any of the sequences, the repeats present in these outer membrane proteins, taken as a whole, are highly significant (based on a generally applicable statistical test for motifs described here). Analysis of bacterial porins with known trimeric beta-barrel structure and related proteins reveals a similar repetitive motif corresponding to alternating membrane-spanning beta-strands. These beta-strands occur on the membrane interface (as opposed to the trimeric interface) of the beta-barrel. The broad conservation and structural location of these repeats suggests that they play important functional roles.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Effective algorithms for finding relatively weak motifs are an important practical necessity while scanning long DNA sequences for regulatory elements. The success of such an algorithm hinges on the ability of its scoring function combined with a significance analysis test to discern real motifs from random noise. RESULTS: In the first half of the paper we show that the paradigm of relying on entropy scores and their E-values can lead to undesirable results when searching for weak motifs and we offer alternate approaches to analyzing the significance of motifs. In the second half of the paper we reintroduce a scoring function and present a motif-finder that optimizes it that are more effective in finding relatively weak motifs than other tools. AVAILABILITY: The GibbsILR motif finder is available at http://www.cs.cornell.edu/~keich.  相似文献   

Motif discovery methods play pivotal roles in deciphering the genetic regulatory codes (i.e., motifs) in genomes as well as in locating conserved domains in protein sequences. The Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is one of the most popular methods used in de novo motif discovery. Based on the position weight matrix (PWM) updating technique, this paper presents a Monte Carlo version of the EM motif-finding algorithm that carries out stochastic sampling in local alignment space to overcome the conventional EM's main drawback of being trapped in a local optimum. The newly implemented algorithm is named as Monte Carlo EM Motif Discovery Algorithm (MCEMDA). MCEMDA starts from an initial model, and then it iteratively performs Monte Carlo simulation and parameter update until convergence. A log-likelihood profiling technique together with the top-k strategy is introduced to cope with the phase shifts and multiple modal issues in motif discovery problem. A novel grouping motif alignment (GMA) algorithm is designed to select motifs by clustering a population of candidate local alignments and successfully applied to subtle motif discovery. MCEMDA compares favorably to other popular PWM-based and word enumerative motif algorithms tested using simulated (l, d)-motif cases, documented prokaryotic, and eukaryotic DNA motif sequences. Finally, MCEMDA is applied to detect large blocks of conserved domains using protein benchmarks and exhibits its excellent capacity while compared with other multiple sequence alignment methods.  相似文献   

The cWINNOWER algorithm detects fuzzy motifs in DNA sequences rich in protein-binding signals. A signal is defined as any short nucleotide pattern having up to d mutations differing from a motif of length l. The algorithm finds such motifs if a clique consisting of a sufficiently large number of mutated copies of the motif (i.e., the signals) is present in the DNA sequence. The cWINNOWER algorithm substantially improves the sensitivity of the winnower method of Pevzner and Sze by imposing a consensus constraint, enabling it to detect much weaker signals. We studied the minimum detectable clique size qc as a function of sequence length N for random sequences. We found that qc increases linearly with N for a fast version of the algorithm based on counting three-member sub-cliques. Imposing consensus constraints reduces qc by a factor of three in this case, which makes the algorithm dramatically more sensitive. Our most sensitive algorithm, which counts four-member sub-cliques, needs a minimum of only 13 signals to detect motifs in a sequence of length N = 12,000 for (l, d) = (15, 4).  相似文献   

Mining frequent stem patterns from unaligned RNA sequences   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: In detection of non-coding RNAs, it is often necessary to identify the secondary structure motifs from a set of putative RNA sequences. Most of the existing algorithms aim to provide the best motif or few good motifs, but biologists often need to inspect all the possible motifs thoroughly. RESULTS: Our method RNAmine employs a graph theoretic representation of RNA sequences and detects all the possible motifs exhaustively using a graph mining algorithm. The motif detection problem boils down to finding frequently appearing patterns in a set of directed and labeled graphs. In the tasks of common secondary structure prediction and local motif detection from long sequences, our method performed favorably both in accuracy and in efficiency with the state-of-the-art methods such as CMFinder. AVAILABILITY: The software is available upon request.  相似文献   

The identification of potential protein binding sites (cis-regulatory elements) in the upstream regions of genes is key to understanding the mechanisms that regulate gene expression. To this end, we present a simple, efficient algorithm, BEAM (beam-search enumerative algorithm for motif finding), aimed at the discovery of cis-regulatory elements in the DNA sequences upstream of a related group of genes. This algorithm dramatically limits the search space of expanded sequences, converting the problem from one that is exponential in the length of motifs sought to one that is linear. Unlike sampling algorithms, our algorithm converges and is capable of finding statistically overrepresented motifs with a low failure rate. Further, our algorithm is not dependent on the objective function or the organism used. Limiting the space of candidate motifs enables the algorithm to focus only on those motifs that are most likely to be biologically relevant and enables the algorithm to use direct evaluations of background frequencies instead of resorting to probabilistic estimates. In addition, limiting the space of candidate motifs makes it possible to use computationally expensive objective functions that are able to correctly identify biologically relevant motifs.  相似文献   

Motif-based protein ranking by network propagation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
MOTIVATION: Sequence similarity often suggests evolutionary relationships between protein sequences that can be important for inferring similarity of structure or function. The most widely-used pairwise sequence comparison algorithms for homology detection, such as BLAST and PSI-BLAST, often fail to detect less conserved remotely-related targets. RESULTS: In this paper, we propose a new general graph-based propagation algorithm called MotifProp to detect more subtle similarity relationships than pairwise comparison methods. MotifProp is based on a protein-motif network, in which edges connect proteins and the k-mer based motif features that they contain. We show that our new motif-based propagation algorithm can improve the ranking results over a base algorithm, such as PSI-BLAST, that is used to initialize the ranking. Despite the complex structure of the protein-motif network, MotifProp can be easily interpreted using the top-ranked motifs and motif-rich regions induced by the propagation, both of which are helpful for discovering conserved structural components in remote homologies.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: Discovery of regulatory motifs in unaligned DNA sequences remains a fundamental problem in computational biology. Two categories of algorithms have been developed to identify common motifs from a set of DNA sequences. The first can be called a 'multiple genes, single species' approach. It proposes that a degenerate motif is embedded in some or all of the otherwise unrelated input sequences and tries to describe a consensus motif and identify its occurrences. It is often used for co-regulated genes identified through experimental approaches. The second approach can be called 'single gene, multiple species'. It requires orthologous input sequences and tries to identify unusually well conserved regions by phylogenetic footprinting. Both approaches perform well, but each has some limitations. It is tempting to combine the knowledge of co-regulation among different genes and conservation among orthologous genes to improve our ability to identify motifs. RESULTS: Based on the Consensus algorithm previously established by our group, we introduce a new algorithm called PhyloCon (Phylogenetic Consensus) that takes into account both conservation among orthologous genes and co-regulation of genes within a species. This algorithm first aligns conserved regions of orthologous sequences into multiple sequence alignments, or profiles, then compares profiles representing non-orthologous sequences. Motifs emerge as common regions in these profiles. Here we present a novel statistic to compare profiles of DNA sequences and a greedy approach to search for common subprofiles. We demonstrate that PhyloCon performs well on both synthetic and biological data. AVAILABILITY: Software available upon request from the authors. http://ural.wustl.edu/softwares.html  相似文献   

We use methods from Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery to design an algorithm for detecting motifs in protein sequences. The algorithm assumes that a motif is constituted by the presence of a "good" combination of residues in appropriate locations of the motif. The algorithm attempts to compile such good combinations into a "pattern dictionary" by processing an aligned training set of protein sequences. The dictionary is subsequently used to detect motifs in new protein sequences. Statistical significance of the detection results are ensured by statistically determining the various parameters of the algorithm. Based on this approach, we have implemented a program called GYM. The Helix-Turn-Helix motif was used as a model system on which to test our program. The program was also extended to detect Homeodomain motifs. The detection results for the two motifs compare favorably with existing programs. In addition, the GYM program provides a lot of useful information about a given protein sequence.  相似文献   

Hu YJ 《Nucleic acids research》2002,30(17):3886-3893
Given a set of homologous or functionally related RNA sequences, the consensus motifs may represent the binding sites of RNA regulatory proteins. Unlike DNA motifs, RNA motifs are more conserved in structures than in sequences. Knowing the structural motifs can help us gain a deeper insight of the regulation activities. There have been various studies of RNA secondary structure prediction, but most of them are not focused on finding motifs from sets of functionally related sequences. Although recent research shows some new approaches to RNA motif finding, they are limited to finding relatively simple structures, e.g. stem-loops. In this paper, we propose a novel genetic programming approach to RNA secondary structure prediction. It is capable of finding more complex structures than stem-loops. To demonstrate the performance of our new approach as well as to keep the consistency of our comparative study, we first tested it on the same data sets previously used to verify the current prediction systems. To show the flexibility of our new approach, we also tested it on a data set that contains pseudoknot motifs which most current systems cannot identify. A web-based user interface of the prediction system is set up at http://bioinfo. cis.nctu.edu.tw/service/gprm/.  相似文献   

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