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The mitochondrial cytochrome b missense mutation, G167E, has been reported in a patient with cardiomyopathy. The residue G167 is located in an extramembranous helix close to the hinge region of the iron-sulfur protein. In order to characterize the effects of the mutation on the structure and function of the bc(1) complex, we introduced G167E into the highly similar yeast cytochrome b. The mutation had a severe effect on the respiratory function, with the activity of the bc(1) complex decreased to a few per cent of the wild type. Analysis of the enzyme activity indicated that the mutation affected its stability, which could be the result of an altered binding of the iron-sulfur protein on the complex. G167E had no major effect on the interaction between the iron-sulfur protein headgroup and the quinol oxidation site, as judged by the electron paramagnetic resonance signal, and only a minor effect on the rate of cytochrome b reduction, but it severely reduced the rate of cytochrome c(1) reduction. This suggested that the mutation G167E could hinder the movement of the iron-sulfur protein, probably by distorting the structure of the hinge region. The function of bc(1) was partially restored by mutations (W164L and W166L) located close to the primary change, which reduced the steric hindrance caused by G167E. Taken together, these observations suggest that the protein-protein interaction between the n-sulfur protein hinge region and the cytochrome b extramembranous cd2 helix is important for maintaining the structure of the hinge region and, by consequence, the movement of the headgroup and the integrity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

The effects of inhibitors on the reduction of the bis-heme cytochrome b of ubiquinol: cytochrome c oxidoreductase (complex III, bc1 complex) has been studied in bovine heart submitochondrial particles (SMP) when cytochrome b was reduced by NADH and succinate via the ubiquinone (Q) pool or by ascorbate plus N,N,N', N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine via cytochrome c1 and the iron-sulfur protein of complex III (ISP). The inhibitors used were antimycin (an N-side inhibitor), beta-methoxyacrylate derivatives, stigmatellin (P-side inhibitors), and ethoxyformic anhydride, which modifies essential histidyl residues in ISP. In agreement with our previous findings, the following results were obtained: (i) When ISP/cytochrome c1 were prereduced or SMP were treated with a P-side inhibitor, the high potential heme bH was fully and rapidly reduced by NADH or succinate, whereas the low potential heme bL was only partially reduced. (ii) Reverse electron transfer from ISP/c1 to cytochrome b was inhibited more by antimycin than by the P-side inhibitors. This reverse electron transfer was unaffected when, instead of normal SMP, Q-extracted SMP containing 200-fold less Q (0. 06 mol Q/mol cytochrome b or c1) were used. (iii) The cytochrome b reduced by reverse electron transfer through the leak of a P-side inhibitor was rapidly oxidized upon subsequent addition of antimycin. This antimycin-induced reoxidation did not happen when Q-extracted SMP were used. The implications of these results on the path of electrons in complex III, on oxidant-induced extra cytochrome b reduction, and on the inhibition of forward electron transfer to cytochrome b by a P-side plus an N-side inhibitor have been discussed.  相似文献   

Whereas the majority of disease-related mitochondrial DNA mutations exhibit significant biochemical and clinical heterogeneity, mutations within the mitochondrially encoded human cytochrome b gene (MTCYB) are almost exclusively associated with isolated complex III deficiency in muscle and a clinical presentation involving exercise intolerance. Recent studies have shown that a small number of MTCYB mutations are associated with a combined enzyme complex defect involving both complexes I and III, on account of the fact that an absence of assembled complex III results in a dramatic loss of complex I, confirming a structural dependence between these two complexes. We present the biochemical and molecular genetic studies of a patient with both muscle and brain involvement and a severe reduction in the activities of both complexes I and III in skeletal muscle due to a novel mutation in the MTCYB gene that predicts the substitution (Arg318Pro) of a highly conserved amino acid. Consistent with the dramatic biochemical defect, Western blotting and BN-PAGE experiments demonstrated loss of assembled complex I and III subunits. Biochemical studies of the equivalent amino-acid substitution (Lys319Pro) in the yeast enzyme showed a loss of enzyme activity and decrease in the steady-state level of bc1 complex in the mutant confirming pathogenicity.  相似文献   

Inactivation of the gene encoding the 11-kDa subunit VIII of yeast ubiquinol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase leads to an inactive complex, which lacks detectable cytochrome b [Maarse, A. C., De Haan, M., Schoppink, P. J., Berden, J. A. and Grivell, L. A. (1988) Eur. J. Biochem. 172, 179-184] and in which the steady-state levels of the Fe-S protein and the 14-kDa subunit VII are severely reduced. When the 11-kDao mutant is transformed with a gene encoding a protein consisting of the 11-kDa protein minus its last 11 amino acids and fused to a 7-amino-acid sequence encoded by a stop oligonucleotide, the complex is assembled normally. Enzyme activity is similar to that of the wild type, as is also the sensitivity of the complex to antimycin and myxothiazol. Transformation of the mutant with a gene encoding a protein consisting of the 11-kDa protein lacking the last 43 amino acids (i.e. almost half the protein) and fused to the same 7-amino-acid sequence as above, gives partial restoration of the complex. The Fe-S protein and the 14-kDa subunit VII still exhibit low steady-state levels, but cytochrome b is present again, albeit at a strongly reduced level. Electron transport activity is also partially restored and correlates with the level of cytochrome b indicating that the turnover number of the complex is similar to that of wild-type complex III. These findings demonstrate the important role played by the 11-kDa protein in the stabilization of cytochrome b. They also imply that at least the C-terminal half of the 11-kDa protein is not part of an ubiquinol-binding site. Moreover, since the deletion has no effect on the sensitivity of the complex to myxothiazol and antimycin, at least this part of the protein is probably not involved in binding of these inhibitors.  相似文献   

Purified detergent-soluble cytochrome b6f complex from chloroplast thylakoid membranes (spinach) and cyanobacteria (Mastigocladus laminosus) was highly active, transferring 300-350 electrons per cyt f/s. Visible absorbance spectra showed a red shift of the cytochrome f alpha-band and the Qy chlorophyll a band in the cyanobacterial complex and an absorbance band in the flavin 450-480-nm region of the chloroplast complex. An additional high molecular weight (M(r) approximately 35,000) polypeptide in the chloroplast complex was seen in SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis at a stoichiometry of approximately 0.9 (cytochrome f)(-1). The extra polypeptide did not stain for heme and was much more accessible to protease than cytochrome f. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry of CNBr fragments of the 35-kDa polypeptide was diagnostic for ferredoxin:NADP+ oxidoreductase (FNR), as were antibody reactivity to FNR and diaphorase activity. The absence of FNR in the cyanobacterial complex did not impair decyl-plastoquinol-ferricyanide activity. The activity of the FNR in the chloroplast b6f complex was also shown by NADPH reduction, in the presence of added ferredoxin, of 0.8 heme equivalents of the cytochrome b6 subunit. It was inferred that the b6f complex with bound FNR, one equivalent per monomer, provides the membrane protein connection to the main electron transfer chain for ferredoxin-dependent cyclic electron transport.  相似文献   

Recent crystallographic and kinetic data have revealed the crucial role of the large scale domain movement of the iron-sulfur subunit [2Fe-2S] cluster domain during the ubihydroquinone oxidation reaction catalyzed by the cytochrome bc(1) complex. Previously, the electron paramagnetic resonance signature of the [2Fe-2S] cluster and its redox midpoint potential (E(m)) value have been used extensively to characterize the interactions of the [2Fe-2S] cluster with the occupants of the ubihydroquinone oxidation (Q(o)) catalytic site. In this work we analyze these interactions in various iron-sulfur subunit mutants that carry mutations in its flexible hinge region. We show that the E(m) increases of the iron-sulfur subunit [2Fe-2S] cluster induced either by these mutations or by the addition of stigmatellin do not act synergistically. Moreover, the E(m) increases disappear in the presence of class I inhibitors like myxothiazol. Because various inhibitors are known to affect the location of the iron-sulfur subunit cluster domain, the measured E(m) value of the [2Fe-2S] cluster therefore reflects its equilibrium position in the Q(o) site. We also demonstrate the existence in this site of a location where the E(m) of the cluster is increased by about 150 mV and discuss its possible implications in term of Q(o) site catalysis and energetics.  相似文献   

The effect of cytochrome b on the assembly of the subunits of complex III into the inner mitochondrial membrane has been studied in four mutants of yeast that lack a spectrally detectable cytochrome b and do not synthesize apocytochrome b. Quantitative analysis of intact mitochondria by immunoprecipitation or immunoblotting techniques with specific antisera revealed that the core proteins and the iron-sulfur protein were decreased 50% or more in the mitochondria from the mutants as compared to the wild type. Sonication of wild-type mitochondria did not result in any decrease in any of these proteins from the membrane; however, sonication of mitochondria from the four mutants resulted in a further decrease in the amount of these proteins suggesting that they are not as tightly bound to the mitochondrial membrane in the absence of cytochrome b. By contrast, the amounts of cytochrome c1 in the mitochondria, as determined both spectroscopically and immunologically, were not significantly affected by the absence of cytochrome b. In addition, no loss of cytochrome c1 was observed after sonication of the mitochondria suggesting that this protein is tightly bound to the membrane. These results suggest that the processing and/or assembly of these subunits of complex III into the mitochondrial membrane is affected by the absence of cytochrome b.  相似文献   

Bovine heart ubiquinol: cytochrome c oxidoreductase in Triton X-100 is split with guanidine into a number of fractions. A new method for measuring antimycin binding is developed using extraction with pentanol of the reversibly bound antimycin. By this method and the normal titration method, antimycin-binding capacity is found in a fraction containing a small subunit with a molecular mass of about 12000. This polypeptide was associated with cytochrome c1 but is probably not the 'hinge protein'. Fractions that contain cytochrome b did not show binding by the pentanol-extraction method.  相似文献   

The reduction of duroquinone (DQ) and 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decyl-1,4-benzoquinone (DB) by NADH and ethanol was investigated in intact yeast mitochondria with good respiratory control ratios. In these mitochondria, exogenous NADH is oxidized by the NADH dehydrogenase localized on the outer surface of the inner membrane, whereas the NADH produced by ethanol oxidation in the mitochondrial matrix is oxidized by the NADH dehydrogenase localized on the inner surface of the inner membrane. The reduction of DQ by ethanol was inhibited 86% by myxothiazol; however, the reduction of DQ by NADH was inhibited 18% by myxothiazol, suggesting that protein-protein interactions between the internal (but not the external) NADH: ubiquinone oxidoreductase and ubiquinol:cytochrome c oxidoreductase (the cytochrome bc1 complex) are involved in the reduction of DQ by NADH. The reduction of DQ and DB by NADH and ethanol was also investigated in mutants of yeast lacking cytochrome b, the iron-sulfur protein, and ubiquinone. The reduction of both quinone analogues by exogenous NADH was reduced to levels that were 10 to 20% of those observed in wild-type mitochondria; however, the rate of their reduction by ethanol in the mutants was equal to or greater than that observed in the wild-type mitochondria. Furthermore, the reduction of DQ in the cytochrome b and iron-sulfur protein lacking mitochondria was myxothiazol sensitive, suggesting that neither of these proteins is an essential binding site for myxothiazol. The mitochondria from the three mutants also contained significant amounts of antimycin- and myxothiazol-insensitive NADH:cytochrome c reductase activity, but had no detectable succinate:cytochrome c reductase activity. These results suggest that the mutants lacking a functional cytochrome bc1 complex have adapted to oxidize NADH.  相似文献   

The role of the nuclear-encoded subunit VIa in the regulation of cytochrome oxidase by ATP was investigated in isolated yeast mitochondria. As the subunit VIa-null strain possesses a fully active and assembled cytochrome oxidase, multiple ATP-regulating sites were characterized with respect to their location and their kinetic effect: (a) intra-mitochondrial ATP inhibited the complex IV activity of the null strain, whereas the prevailing effect of ATP on the wild-type strain, at low ionic strength, was activation on the cytosolic side of complex IV, mediated by subunit VIa. However, at physiological ionic strength (i.e. approximately 200 mM), activation by ATP was absent but inhibition was not impaired; (b) in ethanol-respiring mitochondria, when the electron flux was modulated using a protonophoric uncoupler, the redox state of aa3 cytochromes varied with respect to activation (wild-type) or inhibition (null-mutant) of the cytochrome oxidase by ATP; (c) consequently, the control coefficient of cytochrome oxidase on respiratory flux, decreased (wild-type) or increased (null-mutant) in the presence of ATP; (d) considering electron transport from cytochrome c to oxygen, the response of cytochrome oxidase to its thermodynamic driving force was increased by ATP for the wild-type but not for the mutant subunit. Taken together, these findings indicate that at physiological concentration, ATP regulates yeast cytochrome oxidase via subunit-mediated interactions on both sides of the inner membrane, thus subtly tuning the thermodynamic and kinetic control of respiration. This study opens up new prospects for understanding the feedback regulation of the respiratory chain by ATP.  相似文献   

Summary The products of the nuclear genes CBS1 and CBS2 are both required for translational activation of mitochondrial apocytochrome b in yeast. We report the intramitochondrial localization of both proteins by use of specific antisera. Based on its solubilization properties the CBS1 protein is presumed to be a component of the mitochondrial membrane; the detergent concentrations needed to release CBS1 from mitochondria are almost the same as for cytochrome c 1. In contrast, CBS2 behaves like a soluble protein, with some characteristics of a membrane-associated protein. A model is presented for translational activation of cytochrome b, which might also be applicable to translational regulation of other mitochondrial genes.  相似文献   

(1) The kinetics of the reduction by duroquinol of the prosthetic groups of QH2:cytochrome c oxidoreductase and of the formation of ubisemiquinone have been studied using a combination of the freeze-quench technique, low-temperature diffuse-reflectance spectroscopy, EPR and stopped flow. (2) The formation of the antimycin-sensitive ubisemiquinone anion parallels the reduction of both high-potential and low-potential cytochrome b-562. (3) The rates of reduction of both the [2Fe-2S] clusters and cytochromes (c + c1) are pH dependent. There is, however, a pH-dependent discrepancy between their rate of reduction, which can be correlated with the difference in pH dependencies of their midpoint potentials. (4) Lowering the pH or the Q content results in a slower reduction of part of the [2Fe-2S] clusters. It is suggested that one cluster is reduced by a quinol/semiquinone couple and the other by a semiquinone/quinone couple. (5) Myxothiazol inhibits the reduction of the [2Fe-2S] clusters, cytochrome c1 and high-potential cytochrome b-562. (6) The results are consistent with a Q-cycle model describing the pathway of electrons through a dimeric QH2:cytochrome c oxidoreductase.  相似文献   

Strains of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae disrupted in YCOX4, the nuclear gene encoding cytochrome c oxidase subunit IV, do not assemble a functional or spectrally visible oxidase. We report the characterization of a yeast strain, RM1, expressing a mutated YCOX4 gene which is temperature sensitive for respiration at 37 degrees C, but incorporates cytochrome aa3 over all growth temperatures. The mutant enzyme is less stable than the wild type, with subunit IV readily proteolyzed without gross denaturation of the complex but with a concomitant loss of oxidase activity. When grown fermentatively at 37 degrees C, cytochrome c oxidase from the mutant strain had a turnover number of less than 3% of the normal complex, while Km values and subunit levels were comparable to normal. Thus alterations in subunit IV can perturb the enzyme structure and alter its catalytic rate, implying a role for this subunit in cytochrome c oxidase function as distinct from assembly.  相似文献   

The assembly of the iron-sulfur protein into the cytochrome bc1 complex after import and processing of the precursor form into mitochondria in vitro was investigated by immunoprecipitation of the radiolabeled iron-sulfur protein from detergent-solubilized mitochondria with specific antisera. After import in vitro, the labeled mature form of the iron-sulfur protein was immunoprecipitated by antisera against both the iron-sulfur protein and the entire bc1 complex from mitochondria solubilized with either Triton X-100 or dodecyl maltoside. After sodium dodecyl sulfate solubilization of mitochondria, however, the antiserum against the iron-sulfur protein, but not that against the bc1 complex, immunoprecipitated the radiolabeled iron-sulfur protein. These results suggest that in mitochondria the mature form of the iron-sulfur protein is assembled with other subunits of the bc1 complex that are recognized by the antiserum against the bc1 complex. By contrast, the intermediate and precursor forms of the iron-sulfur protein that accumulated in the matrix when proteolytic processing was blocked with EDTA and o-phenanthroline were not efficiently assembled into the bc1 complex. The import and processing of the iron-sulfur protein also occurred in mitochondria lacking either cytochrome b (W-267) or the iron-sulfur protein (JPJ1). The mature form of the iron-sulfur protein was immunoprecipitated by antisera against the bc1 complex or core protein I after import in vitro into these mitochondria, suggesting that the mature form is associated with other subunits of the bc1 complex in these strains.  相似文献   

The ubiquinol:cytochrome c reductase activity of Paracentrotus lividus mitochondria is relatively insensitive to the specific inhibitors myxothiazol and mucidin. The I50 of myxothiazol and mucidin are three and two orders of magnitude higher, respectively, in P. lividus than in bovine heart mitochondria. The natural resistance of the P. lividus reductase to these inhibitors can be correlated with a single amino replacement, an alanine for a glycine at position 143, in the sequence of cytochrome b. This position is located in a conserved region of the molecule, believed to be important in the oxidation of ubiquinol by the reductase.  相似文献   

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