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In many parts of the world, excess growth of Eichhornia crassipes (Pontederiaceae) poses a serious threat to aquatic environments. In Cameroon, where manual clearing is still undertaken, little is known about fungal diversity associated with the plant, or its potential for biological control. Surveys of the Wouri River Basin in the Littoral Region of Cameroon were conducted during a rainy season (May–October 2014) and a dry season (November 2015–April 2016) at various sites, to identify fungi associated with water hyacinth. Fungi were isolated and identified from symptomatic plant parts collected. In the rainy season, 130 fungal isolates belonging to 12 genera were identified morphologically, whereas 299 isolates belonging to 23 genera were identified during the dry season. With the exception of Fusarium oxysporum and Phytophthora sp., the genera represented new records for Cameroon, and Chaetomium strumarium, Colletotrichum gloesporioides, C. acutatum, C. dematium, Curvularia pallescens and Pytomyces chartarum were considered new host records for E. crassipes in Africa. Isolates of Acremonium zonatum, Chaetomium strumarium, Alternaria eichhorniae, Phytophthora sp. and Rhizoctonia sp. showed the highest frequency of occurrence on E. crassipes in the Wouri River Basin and, given their record as plant pathogens, could be potentially useful in the development of mycoherbicides for this weed in Cameroon.  相似文献   

【目的】了解大水面放养水葫芦对富营养化湖泊水体可培养细菌群落结构和多样性的影响。【方法】采用稀释平板法,分别对云南滇池紫根水葫芦放养区(ZW)、野生型普通水葫芦放养区(PW)、未放养水葫芦对照区(CK)水体中细菌进行分离,并对其16S r RNA序列进行分析。【结果】分别从ZW、PW、CK 3种水体分离得到54、49、40株菌落形态差异的细菌,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数分别为3.17、3.07、2.73,细菌数量分别为1.35×107、8.35×106、2.70×106 CFU/L。16S r RNA序列分析表明,ZW、PW、CK 3种水体可培养细菌主要包括变形菌门α亚群(Alphaproteobacteria,35.1%、32.4%和40%)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria,18.9%、32.4%和20%)、变形菌门β亚群(Betaproteobacteria,13.5%、5.9%和16.0%)、变形菌门γ亚群(Gammaproteobacteria,13.5%、14.6%和12.0%)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes,13.5%、8.8%和8.0%)和厚壁菌门(Firmicutes,2.7%、5.9%和4.0%)。在属的水平上,3种水体仅有鞘氨醇盒菌属(Sphingopyxis)、红细菌属(Rhodobacter)、黄色杆菌属(Xanthobacter)、新鞘脂菌属(Novosphingobium)、鞘氨醇单胞菌属(Sphingomonas)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、微杆菌属(Microbacterium)、链霉菌属(Steptomyces)、黄杆菌属(Flavobacterium)、芽孢杆菌属(Bacillus)等10个属的细菌为共有菌属。【结论】大水面放养水葫芦提高了富营养化湖泊水体中可培养细菌的多样性,改变了细菌的群落结构。  相似文献   

Water hyacinth [Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (Pontederiaceae)] is the most damaging aquatic weed in South Africa, where five arthropod biological control agents have been released against it. The most recent introduction of Eccritotarsus catarinensis (Carvalho) (Heteroptera: Miridae) has failed to establish permanent populations at a number of sites in South Africa where water hyacinth is a problem. Cold winter temperatures at these sites are assumed to be the reason for these establishment failures. This assumption was tested by investigating the thermal physiology of the mirid, then incorporating these data into various predictive distribution models. Degree‐day models predict 3–14 generations per year at different localities in South Africa, and five generations at a Johannesburg site where the mirid failed to overwinter. The inability to develop sufficiently rapidly during winter months may hinder overwintering of this insect, which was predicted to develop through only one generation during the winter months of April to August in Johannesburg. A CLIMEX model also showed that cold stress limits the mirid's ability to overwinter in the interior of the country, while determination of the lower lethal limit (–3.5 °C) and critical thermal minimum (1.2 ± 1.17 °C) also indicated that extreme temperatures will limit establishment at certain sites. It is concluded that E. catarinensis is limited in its distribution in South Africa by low winter temperatures.  相似文献   

M. Lafont  J.C. Camus  A. Rosso 《Hydrobiologia》1996,334(1-3):147-155
Benthic oligochaetes were sampled on three occasions (June, August and October 1992) in the upper (0–10 cm) and hyporheic (35–45 cm depths) sediments at five sites of the River Moselle, from upstream of the town of Epinal to Velle-sur-Moselle. The first site (upstream from Epinal) is considered as unpolluted and the four remaining sites are polluted by industrial effluents. The most polluted stations were generally dominated by the pollution tolerant taxon Limnodrilus. Numbers of individuals of this taxon decreased at the less polluted last site in recovery zone, and were also scarce in the first unpolluted site. It is noteworthy that these tendencies were observed in both superficial and hyporheic substrates and to the greatest degree in hyporheic ones. At the unpolluted site, the hyporheic habitat is dominated by the groundwater species Propappus volki, Pristina spp., Pristinella spp. At the less polluted site (last site), the deep sediments are dominated by groundwater species and the Tubificidae without hair setae decrease from June to October. As a result of water exchange between superficial and subterranean waters, superficial substrates of the first and the last stations tend to be colonised by a high proportion of hyporheic species that suggests that flow is primarily from subterranean to superficial waters. The contrary is the case at other polluted stations which are characterised by the invasion of hyporheic substrates by the pollution tolerant superficial taxa Limnodrilus. This suggests that water flows from the river to the deeper groundwater. These two stations are located near drinking water plants which utilise groundwater, thus increasing the vulnerability of groundwater to surface contaminants.  相似文献   

Abstract. The woody and shrubby riparian vegetation of the Mediterranean Region of Spain shows a progressive displacement from the Querco-Fagetea, typical of Central Europe, towards the Nerio-Tamaricetea, which has its maximum expression in North Africa. We studied the occurrence of 107 riparian plant communities on 52 locations in the Segura River Basin (SE Spain) and their presumed relation to variation in rainfall and temperature. On the basis of agglomerative clustering and Redundancy Analysis (RDA) three riparian vegetation complexes were identified and characterized by (a) Central European-related temperate communities, (b) predominantly North African riparian communities and (c) a combination of both community types, respectively. North African communities predominated in the lower stretches of the Segura Basin, probably due to the prevailing semi-arid bioclimate.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the influence of distance from surface water on riparian woodland communities in the Okavango Delta. Vegetation sampling was conducted in seven sites within the Okavango Delta in 20 m × 10 m belted plots placed perpendicular to the river bank. The plots were placed at 0–10 m, 10–20 m, 20–30 m, 30–40 m and 40–50 m distance classes increasing away from the river bank. Tree height, basal area, species richness, canopy cover and diversity were determined for each distance class. Indicator species analysis was used to determine the characteristic species at each distance class. Single‐factor ANOVA and Tukey post hoc analysis were used to compare species diversity, mean tree height, cover and basal area between distance classes. Correlation between distance from surface water and vegetation parameters was sought using Spearman regression analysis. All parameters except for species richness varied significantly (< 0.05) along distance from surface water. Distance from surface water was positively correlated all vegetation parameters except for mean species richness/plot. These results show that distance from surface water influences riparian plant community composition and distribution in the Okavango Delta. This implies that riparian plant species can be indicators of long‐term hydrologic conditions in the Delta.  相似文献   

输水堤坝对塔里木河中游胡杨群落及种群的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以分布于塔里木河中游输水护堤内侧和外侧各3个天然胡杨林样地为研究对象,其中卡哈、沙子河、恰拉样地位于护堤内侧,乌斯满、阿其河、铁依孜断面样地位于护堤外侧。采用样方调查法获取各断面胡杨群落特征、胡杨种群结构,并利用胡杨侧枝生长量获取胡杨生长信息,分析塔里木河中游输水护堤对胡杨群落及种群的影响,为客观评价塔里木河中游输水护堤对胡杨的影响及加强胡杨林保护提供科学依据。结果表明:(1)塔里木河中游各断面胡杨群落结构差异较大,防护堤内侧胡杨群落物种数、多样性指数高于护堤外侧群落,各断面共有种为胡杨、多枝柽柳、芦苇和甘草。(2)护堤内侧胡杨种群DBH≤2.5cm的幼树较多,中老龄个体较少,为增长型种群;外侧胡杨种群更新能力弱,缺乏幼龄个体,但中老龄个体较多,为衰退型种群。(3)除恰拉断面外,中游各断面胡杨侧枝生长量自1998-2003年呈上升趋势,2004-2007年呈下降趋势,护堤内外侧胡杨生长量表现出明显差异。  相似文献   

Within the Kilombero Game Controlled Area (KGCA) of Tanzania, protection is offered to large mammal populations by trophy hunting concessions that maintain natural habitat through the prevention of extensive human encroachment. The opinions of local communities to wildlife management operations such as trophy hunting play an important role in their long‐term viability. This study addresses the influence of socio‐demographic factors on the opinions of local communities to trophy hunting in areas that are not part of community‐based management projects, which is where most research of this type has previously been conducted. Semi‐structured questionnaires were conducted in 24 villages within the Kilombero Valley (fifteen interviews per village) in August–December 2007. The extent to which socio‐demographic factors including location (e.g. village of residence) and individual respondent characteristics (e.g. gender and age) influenced the respondents’ opinions was analysed. Of these socio‐demographic factors, all, except age and district of residence, were found to influence the opinions of local residents. Socio‐demographic factors play an important role in determining local communities’ attitudes towards trophy hunting, and this must be taken into account during the design and assessment of wildlife management conservation strategies, both locally in the KGCA and in similar national and international initiatives.  相似文献   

The water hyacinth now forms an almost ubiquitous fringe to open-water habitats in the permanent wetland of the Sudd. In a typical river-lake the fringe varied between 9 and 16 m in breadth with highest plant biomasses in the centre. Largest quantities of macroinvertebrates in hyacinth root-mats were obtained in drop-trap samples within 6 m of the open water. They were dominated by coleopterans, odonatans, gastropods andCaridina nilotica. Outer edges of the fringe offer easy access, good dissolved oxygen concentrations, and a variety of potential food resources for aquatic invertebrates. By contrast the less hospitable landward zone contained a reduced fauna in which coleopterans, hydracarines and gastropods were prominent. A marked reduction in the numbers of invertebrates in lift-net samples of detached hyacinth rafts was attributed to browsing by fish. Hyacinth root-mats appear to have replaced the niches formerly provided by those of the Nile cabbage for aquatic invertebrates in the Sudd.  相似文献   

海河流域森林生态系统服务功能评估   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:12  
白杨  欧阳志云  郑华  徐卫华  江波  方瑜 《生态学报》2011,31(7):2029-2039
森林生态系统在流域中发挥着极其重要的生态作用,为流域发展提供着巨大的服务功能。本研究根据生态系统服务功能的内涵,建立了流域森林生态系统服务功能评价指标体系,利用市场价值法、影子工程法和生产成本法等,定量评价了海河流域森林生态系统服务功能的经济价值。结果表明:海河流域森林生态系统总价值2349.4亿元,其中直接价值358.7亿元,间接价值1990.7亿元。从不同的服务功能类型来看,其价值量大小依次为:涵养水源>固碳释氧>环境净化>提供产品>土壤保持>营养元素循环;从不同的森林类型来看,其价值量大小依次为:松柏类>灌丛>栎类>桦木类>混交林>杨树类>松杉类。但是从各种森林类型单位面积价值量来看,大小依次是:松杉类>松柏类>桦木类>混交林>栎类>杨树类>灌丛。从研究结果来看,海河流域森林生态系统服务功能价值巨大,该结果有利于加强人们对森林生态系统的认识,可以为流域生态系统管理、生态保护和生态补偿提供依据。  相似文献   

Intensive groundwater extraction causes many environmental problems globally. Reducing groundwater extraction is a primary method for alleviating these problems. However, this reduction may create new pollution issues because of an increase in groundwater vulnerability. A case study was done using the DRAOTIC evaluation method (an improved DRASTIC method for organic pollutant in aquifer vulnerability; soil (S factor) has been updated by organic matter (O factor) in the method) for the Hun River Basin, northeastern China, where groundwater intensive extraction had caused serious environmental and hydrogeological problems. The assessment results show that moderate vulnerability level is the main vulnerability level in the Hun River Basin; high vulnerability level and low vulnerability level categories occupy a smaller area; while very high and very low vulnerability categories occupy the smallest area. By combining the predicted groundwater level distribution and DRAOTIC model, the responses of groundwater vulnerability to different groundwater extraction reductions could be studied. The results show that groundwater vulnerability levels increased as groundwater extraction was reduced; this is because the rising groundwater levels make it easier for pollution coming from the surface to reach the aquifer. The more the reduction in groundwater extraction, the greater the increase in the area with higher vulnerability levels, and the greater the increase in pollution risk.  相似文献   

蔡国英  赵继荣 《生态学报》2015,35(12):4215-4223
基于2000—2012年张掖市混合型水资源投入产出模型,运用改进的假设抽取法,分析了张掖市6部门水资源关联效应,揭示了水资源在行业间的消耗规律,为调整产业结构提供有利的参考。研究结果表明:(1)各部门水资源直接消耗量与满足自身所需的水资源量不对等,种植业的水资源直接消耗量和纵向集成消耗量均为最大,且其纵向集成消耗水量小于直接消耗量,是张掖市经济系统中真正的水资源净输出部门。(2)种植业的内部效应和复合效应均最大,对自身的依赖性极强。服务业的净后项关联最大,对其他部门的依赖程度最高。(3)水资源在各部门之间发生了转移,种植业是张掖市经济系统中最大的水资源供给者,服务业是各部门中最大的受水者,通过中间投入的方式,由种植业到服务业的路径是最大的水转移途径,而建筑业是"纯"输入部门。(4)2000—2012年间,各部门的内部效应、复合效应、净前项关联和净后项关联均变化显著,进一步反映了产业部门水资源利用的动态关联。  相似文献   

An investigation of the chemical environment of the Linggi River Basin was carried out at 15 main and 27 supplementary stations between January 1983 and January 1984. Spatial and temporal changes in pH, specific conductivity, alkalinity, chloride, ammonia-nitrogen, nitrite-nitrogen, nitrate-nitrogen, orthophosphate, dissolved oxygen, BOD, and diurnal variations were studied in relation to influence of various kinds of pollutants. The chemical composition of natural water analysed at a few undisturbed forest stream stations in the basin can be considered very good. A drastic change in river water quality was noticed in downstream polluted stations. The pH in the basin varied from 4.05 to 10.5 units, conductivity from 23.0–1,500 umhos/cm, alkalinity from 6.0–1,388 mg/l, chloride from 0.9–160.9 mg/l, orthophosphate from 0.5–5.21 mg/l, ammonia-N from 0.001–53.75 mg/l, nitrite-N from 0.0–8.2 mg/l, nitrate-N from 0.03–6.77 mg/l and BOD3, from 0.32–384.0 mg/l and COD from 0.02 to 79.2 unit. Among all the rivers, very high values were recorded at Kundor, Simin and Linggi (sensu stricto).  相似文献   

基于生态保护目标的疏勒河中游绿洲生态环境需水研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以疏勒河中游绿洲为研究对象,基于RS和GIS技术,选择1990年、2000年和2013年Landsat TM/ETM影像解译成果作为中游绿洲生态演变研究的基础资料,并确定了中游绿洲2020年和2030年生态保护目标。根据疏勒河中游绿洲生态环境需水特征,建立了基于天然植被、河流、湿地和防治耕地盐碱化的疏勒河中游绿洲生态环境需水定量化模型,并估算了现状和保护目标下流域中游绿洲生态需水量,从而为区域水资源合理配置和生态系统的协调发展提供参考依据。通过计算得出了疏勒河中游绿洲2013、2020和2030年天然植被、河流基本生态、河流输沙、河流渗漏补给、水面蒸发、湿地生态和防治耕地盐碱化生态环境需水量。同时得出疏勒河中游绿洲2013、2020和2030年疏勒河中游绿洲最大、最小和最适生态环境需水量分别为7.42×10~8、7.09×10~8、7.29×10~8,8.24×10~8、7.91×10~8、8.11×10~8m~3和9.12×10~8、8.79×10~8、8.99×10~8m~3。2013、2020和2030年疏勒河中游绿洲生态环境需水量年内变化主要集中于5—8月,累积生态环境需水量占全年的比例分别为58.01%、58.08%和58.13%;疏勒河中游绿洲生态环境需水量瓜州所占比例相对较大,玉门相对最小,敦煌介于二者之间。  相似文献   

Mass fish mortality occurred in November 2006 in a water hole in the Great Ruaha River, Ruaha National Park, and was due to the lack of shade by riparian vegetation or fringing wetlands. Nearby water holes with shade or fringing wetlands suffered no fish mortality. Despite being vulnerable to intense birds’ predation, fish stayed in the top few centimeters due to hypoxia in deeper water.  相似文献   

和克俭  刘虹  丁佼  黄晓霞  刘琦  张琦 《生态学报》2021,41(23):9525-9535
研究土地利用对大型底栖动物群落的影响,对流域土地利用规划修编和河流生态修复等有重要意义。以红河上游的把边江流域为研究区,调查大型底栖动物群落现状,计算37个样点上游集水区土地利用组分、配置、多样性和水文距离4个方面20个土地利用指标,分析不同土地利用方式对大型底栖动物群落的影响。本次调查共鉴定出25个大型底栖动物分类单元,其中水生昆虫最多,占分类单元总数的72%;摄食功能群以捕食者(PR)、刮食者(SC)和直接收集者(GC)为主。把边江流域城镇用地和林地对大型底栖动物群落的影响占主导地位,而耕地对大型底栖动物群落的影响较小。影响把边江流域大型底栖动物群落的关键土地利用指标为城镇用地面积比(3PLA)、城镇用地最大斑块指数(3LPI)、城镇用地聚合指数(3AI)、城镇用地水流长度(3FLOW)、林地最大斑块指数(1LPI)和林地形状指数(1LSI)。土地利用组分、配置和水文距离是影响把边江流域大型底栖动物群落的主要方面,而土地利用多样性对大型底栖动物群落的影响较小。大型底栖动物物种密度和物种多样性与3PLA、3LPI、3AI、3FLOW和1LSI呈负相关,与1LPI呈正相关。1LPI与浮游目(如小蜉科、扁蜉科)为代表的清洁物种呈现较明显的正相关关系。城镇用地指标与SC和SH(撕食者)密度具有显著的负相关关系,与GC密度有较弱的正相关关系,而与其他功能群没有明显的相关关系。SC和SH对水质和环境条件敏感,而GC对人类干扰耐受性较强。1LPI与SC和FC(滤食收集者密度)正相关,而与PR和GC密度负相关。SC和FC对生境的完整性要求较高,而GC和PR对人为干扰和较为破碎的生境更为适应。一方面,随着城镇用地的规模、边界复杂性和聚集程度增加,研究区大型底栖动物密度和多样性降低;另一方面,随着林地完整性降低,大型底栖动物物种均匀度降低。土地利用与大型底栖动物物种多样性和功能群多样性的关系不完全一致,1LSI和3FLOW与物种多样性负相关,而与功能群多样性呈正相关关系,土地利用对物种-功能群-群落不同尺度上的影响差异还需要更深入的研究。  相似文献   

The River Yamuna emerges from Saptarishi Kund, Yamunotri and merge with River Ganges at Allahabad, India. Anthropogenic stress has affected the water quality of the river Yamuna drastically in the stretch traversing Delhi and its satellite towns (National Capital Region, NCR). In the present study, effect of water quality on the microbial life in the River Yamuna was analyzed using ciliate communities (Protista, Ciliophora) as bio-indicators. Water samples were collected from six sampling sites chosen according to the levels of pollution along the river and water quality was analysed using standard physicochemical factors. As the river traverses Delhi NCR, water quality deteriorates considerably as indicated by the Water Quality Index at the selected sampling sites. Seventy-four ciliate species representing nine classes were recorded. Based on the Shannon diversity index, maximum species diversity was found at the point where the river enters Delhi. The saprobity index showed the river water was beta-mesosaprobic when the river enters Delhi and alpha-mesosaprobic at downstream sites after the first major drain outfall. Significant relationship between the spatial variation in ciliate communities and abiotic parameters indicate that ciliates can be used as effective bioindicators of pollution in the River Yamuna.  相似文献   

The concentrations of selected heavy metals in sediments and waters in Baychebagh copper mine were determined using ICP-OES. Except for Co, the average concentrations of Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn in sediments from the Ghalechay River in the district exceed the world-average shale and continental upper crust value. Enrichment factors for Pb, Cu, and Cd were significantly enriched in sediments, indicating environmental contamination. Geoaccumulation index calculated for different sampling stations indicates that the sediments are unpolluted with respect to Co and Zn while unpolluted to moderately polluted with Cu and highly polluted with Pb and Cd. The Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs) suggest that Cd and Pb may pose the highest risk for the environment. Sequential extraction analyses of sediments revealed that Cu, Co, Pb, and Zn bound to extractable, carbonate, reducible and oxidizable fractions are lower than residual fraction. About 10% of the total Pb was associated with the exchangeable fraction, indicating remobilization, while Cd (89%), Pb (73%) Co (58%), Cu (76%), and Zn (68%) closely associated with the residual and oxidizable fractions, resulting in their environmental immobility. The residual forms are not expected to be released under normal conditions in the river and could be considered an inert phase.  相似文献   

Water hyacinth,Eichhornia crassipes (Martius) Solms-Laubach (Pontederiaceae) was first reported in Bénin in 1977 and about 10 years later became the major floating water weed in the south east, obstructing boat traffic and fisheries. Water hyacinth multiplies in permanently fresh water in the swampy upper reaches of the Sô River and in tributaries of the Ouémé River. From there it is moved by wind and water flow to the coastal lagoons. The coastal lagoons are brackish during the dry season and water hyacinth eventually dies. In 1991,Neochetina eichhorniae (Warner) (Col.: Curculionidae) of South American origin was imported from Australia via quarantine in Britain to Bénin. A small infestation of the fungusBeauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. (Hyphomycetes) was eliminated from the colony before release by sterilizing eggs and rearing a fungus-free generation. Between late 1991 and mid 1993, about 23,900N. eichhorniae were released at 11 localities along the Ouémé River and in the head waters of the Sô River. Regular monitoring revealed feeding scars by adults on leaves and tunnelling by larvae in petioles at all release sites. By October 1993,N. eichhorniae had spread up to 20 km from some release sites.Neochetina bruchi Hustache was imported in 1992. A total of about 5,700 weevils has been released in six localities since mid 1992. Recoveries of offspring were made in all but one locality. Despite the negative impact of water flow, wind, penetration of salt water, and removal of infested water hyacinth by fishermen,N. eichhorniae andN. bruchi are established in Bénin in a situation typical for coastal West Africa.  相似文献   

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