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A general method to analyze the structure of a supramolecular complex of amyloid fibrils at amino acid residue resolution has been developed. This method combines the NMR-detected hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange technique to detect hydrogen-bonded amide groups and the ability of the aprotic organic solvent dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to dissolve amyloid fibrils into NMR-observable, monomeric components while suppressing the undesired H/D exchange reaction. Moreover, this method can be generally applied to amyloid fibrils to elucidate the distribution of hydrogen-bonded amino acid residues in the three-dimensional molecular organization in the amyloid fibrils. In this study, we describe theoretical considerations in the H/D exchange method to obtain the structural information of proteins, and the DMSO-quenched H/D exchange method to study a supramolecular complex of amyloid fibrils. A possible application of this method to study the interaction of a protein/peptide with phospholipid membrane is also discussed.  相似文献   

A general method to analyze the structure of a supramolecular complex of amyloid fibrils at amino acid residue resolution has been developed. This method combines the NMR-detected hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange technique to detect hydrogen-bonded amide groups and the ability of the aprotic organic solvent dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) to dissolve amyloid fibrils into NMR-observable, monomeric components while suppressing the undesired H/D exchange reaction. Moreover, this method can be generally applied to amyloid fibrils to elucidate the distribution of hydrogen-bonded amino acid residues in the three-dimensional molecular organization in the amyloid fibrils. In this study, we describe theoretical considerations in the H/D exchange method to obtain the structural information of proteins, and the DMSO-quenched H/D exchange method to study a supramolecular complex of amyloid fibrils. A possible application of this method to study the interaction of a protein/peptide with phospholipid membrane is also discussed.  相似文献   

Arrestin is involved in the quenching of phototransduction by binding to photoactivated and phosphorylated rhodopsin (P-Rho*). To study its conformational changes and regions interacting with P-Rho*, arrestin was subjected to (1) differential acetylation at lysine residues in the presence and absence of P-Rho*, and (2) amide hydrogen/deuterium exchange. Labeled protein was proteolysed and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Three Lys residues, 28, 176, and 211, were protected from acetylation in native arrestin, although they were not located in regions exhibiting slow amide hydrogen exchange rates. The presence of P-Rho* protected lysine 201 from acetylation and partially protected 14 other lysyl residues, including (2, 5), (163, 166, 167), (232, 235, 236, 238), (267, 276), (298, 300), and 367, where parentheses indicate lysine residues found within the same peptide. In contrast, in the C-terminal region of arrestin, lysyl residues (386, 392, 395) were more exposed upon binding to P-Rho*. These data allowed us to identify functional regions in the arrestin molecule.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy has been used to follow the solubilization of the dark-adapted purple membrane of Halobacterium halobium by Triton X-100. Turbidity of purple membrane fragments and absorbance of bacteriorhodopsin variations during continuous addition of detergent give solubilization profiles exhibiting several break points corresponding to different equilibrium stages of the solubilization process. The present method allows the determination of the detergent to protein+lipid ratio in mixed aggregates at the corresponding break points. It was concluded that, when performed systematically, this technique is a very convenient and powerful tool for the quantitative study of biomembrane-to-micelle transition.  相似文献   

A membrane cell for hydrogen and deuterium exchange on-line with mass spectrometry has been developed to monitor protein-protein interactions and protein conformations. It consists of two channels separated by a semipermeable membrane, where one channel carries the protein sample and the other deuterium oxide. The membrane allows transfer of deuterium oxide into the sample flow. The labeling time is controlled via the flow rate in the sample channel. This cell was validated against three models commonly used in hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry: monitoring of folded and unfolded states in a protein, mapping the protein secondary structure at the peptide level, and detection of protein and antibody interactions. The system avoids the conventionally used sample dilution and handling, allowing for potential automation.  相似文献   

The bacterial pathogen Vibrio cholerae uses toxin-coregulated pili (TCP) to colonize the human intestine, causing the severe diarrheal disease cholera. TCP are long, thin, flexible homopolymers of the TcpA subunit that self-associate to hold cells together in microcolonies and serve as the receptor for the cholera toxin phage. To better understand TCP's roles in pathogenesis, we characterized its structure using hydrogen/deuterium exchange mass spectrometry and computational modeling. We show that the pilin subunits are held together by tight packing of the N-terminal alpha helices, but loose packing of the C-terminal globular domains leaves substantial gaps on the filament surface. These gaps expose a glycine-rich, amphipathic segment of the N-terminal alpha-helix, contradicting the consensus view that this region is buried in the filament core. Our results explain extreme filament flexibility, suggest a molecular basis for pilus-pilus interactions, and reveal a previously unrecognized therapeutic target for V. cholerae and other enteric pathogens.  相似文献   

I Ben-Oren  G Peleg  A Lewis  B Minke    L Loew 《Biophysical journal》1996,71(3):1616-1620
In the past it has not been possible to measure optically the membrane potential of cells and collections of cells that are either naturally photosensitive or that can be activated by photolyzable caged transmitter molecules. This paper reports on a unique application of nonlinear optics that can monitor the potential of cellular membranes with a near-infrared source. Among many other singular advantages, this nonlinear optical approach to measuring membrane potential does not activate light sensitive cells or cell suspensions and cellular networks surrounded with photolyzable molecules. To demonstrate this capability we show that the technique can be applied to living photoreceptor cells that are very sensitive to visible light. These cells are ideal for characterizing such a new technique, not only because of their unmatched sensitivity to light, but also because their electrical responses have been extensively characterized (Minks and Selinger, 1992).  相似文献   

Sinha S  Li Y  Williams TD  Topp EM 《Biophysical journal》2008,95(12):5951-5961
Solid-state hydrogen/deuterium exchange (ssHDX) with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy were used to assess protein conformation in amorphous solids. Myoglobin, lysozyme, β-lactoglobulin, ribonuclease A, E-cadherin 5, and concanavalin A were co-lyophilized with carbohydrates (trehalose, raffinose, and dextran 5000), linear polymers (polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinyl pyrrolidone) or guanidine hydrochloride (negative control). For ssHDX, samples were exposed to D2O vapor at 33% relative humidity and room temperature, and then reconstituted at low temperature (4°C) and pH 2.5 and analyzed by ESI-MS. Peptic digestion of selected proteins was used to provide region-specific information on exchange. FTIR spectra were acquired using attenuated total reflectance. FTIR and ssHDX of intact proteins showed preservation of structure by raffinose and trehalose, as indicated by FTIR band intensity and protection from exchange. ssHDX of peptic digests further indicated that these protective effects were not exerted uniformly along the protein sequence but were observed primarily in α-helical regions, a level of structural resolution not afforded by FTIR. The results thus demonstrate the utility of HDX with ESI-MS for analyzing protein conformation in amorphous solid samples.  相似文献   

Elucidating protein structure in amorphous solids is central to the rational design of stable lyophilized protein drugs. Hydrogen/deuterium (H/D) exchange with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was applied to lyophilized powders containing calmodulin (17 kDa) and exposed to D(2)O vapor at controlled relative humidity (RH) and temperature. H/D exchange was influenced by RH and by the inclusion of calcium chloride and/or trehalose in the solid. The effects were not exhibited uniformly along the protein backbone but occurred in a site-specific manner, with calcium primarily influencing the calcium-binding loops and trehalose primarily influencing the alpha-helices. The results demonstrate that the method can provide quantitative and site-specific structural information on proteins in amorphous solids and on changes in structure induced by protein cofactors and formulation excipients. Such information is not readily available with other techniques used to characterize proteins in the solid state, such as Fourier transform infrared, Raman, and near-infrared spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Structural parameters of rhodopsin in disc membrane preparations from frog and cattle were studied by hydrogen exchange methods. The method measures the exchange of protein amide hydrogens with water and can distinguish protons which are internally bonded from those which are hydrogen-bonded to water. The results show that about 70% of rhodopsin's peptide group protons are exposed to water. The identification of these groups as free peptides was made initially on the usual basis of the identity of their exchange rate with the well characterized free peptide rate; other experiments specifically excluded contributions from lipids, protein side chains, adventitious mucopolysaccharides, and intradisc water. In contrast to rhodopsin, other proteins generally have only 20 to 40% free peptide groups. Apparently rhodopsin has some unusual structural feature. Our results together with available information on rhodopsin suggest that a considerable length of its polypeptide chain is arranged at the surface of a channel of water penetrating into the membrane. Physicochemical considerations indicate that such a channel would have to be quite wide, 10 to 12 A or more, to explain the hydrogen exchange results.  相似文献   

Disordered or unstructured regions of proteins, while often very important biologically, can pose significant challenges for resonance assignment and three‐dimensional structure determination of the ordered regions of proteins by NMR methods. In this article, we demonstrate the application of 1H/2H exchange mass spectrometry (DXMS) for the rapid identification of disordered segments of proteins and design of protein constructs that are more suitable for structural analysis by NMR. In this benchmark study, DXMS is applied to five NMR protein targets chosen from the Northeast Structural Genomics project. These data were then used to design optimized constructs for three partially disordered proteins. Truncated proteins obtained by deletion of disordered N‐ and C‐terminal tails were evaluated using 1H‐15N HSQC and 1H‐15N heteronuclear NOE NMR experiments to assess their structural integrity. These constructs provide significantly improved NMR spectra, with minimal structural perturbations to the ordered regions of the protein structure. As a representative example, we compare the solution structures of the full length and DXMS‐based truncated construct for a 77‐residue partially disordered DUF896 family protein YnzC from Bacillus subtilis, where deletion of the disordered residues (ca. 40% of the protein) does not affect the native structure. In addition, we demonstrate that throughput of the DXMS process can be increased by analyzing mixtures of up to four proteins without reducing the sequence coverage for each protein. Our results demonstrate that DXMS can serve as a central component of a process for optimizing protein constructs for NMR structure determination. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Hydrogen/deuterium exchange (HDX) coupled to mass spectrometry permits analysis of structure, dynamics, and molecular interactions of proteins. HDX mass spectrometry is confounded by deuterium exchange-associated peaks overlapping with peaks of heavy, natural abundance isotopes, such as carbon-13. Recent studies demonstrated that high-performance mass spectrometers could resolve isotopic fine structure and eliminate this peak overlap, allowing direct detection and quantification of deuterium incorporation.


Here, we present a graphical tool that allows for a rapid and automated estimation of deuterium incorporation from a spectrum with isotopic fine structure. Given a peptide sequence (or elemental formula) and charge state, the mass-to-charge ratios of deuterium-associated peaks of the specified ion is determined. Intensities of peaks in an experimental mass spectrum within bins corresponding to these values are used to determine the distribution of deuterium incorporated. A theoretical spectrum can then be calculated based on the estimated distribution of deuterium exchange to confirm interpretation of the spectrum. Deuterium incorporation can also be detected for ion signals without a priori specification of an elemental formula, permitting detection of exchange in complex samples of unidentified material such as natural organic matter. A tool is also incorporated into QUDeX-MS to help in assigning ion signals from peptides arising from enzymatic digestion of proteins. MATLAB-deployable and standalone versions are available for academic use at qudex-ms.sourceforge.net and agarlabs.com.


Isotopic fine structure HDX-MS offers the potential to increase sequence coverage of proteins being analyzed through mass accuracy and deconvolution of overlapping ion signals. As previously demonstrated, however, the data analysis workflow for HDX-MS data with resolved isotopic fine structure is distinct. QUDeX-MS we hope will aid in the adoption of isotopic fine structure HDX-MS by providing an intuitive workflow and interface for data analysis.  相似文献   

Solid state deuterium NMR was employed on oriented multilamellar dispersions consisting of 1,2-dilauryl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine and deuterium (2H) exchange-labeled gramicidin D, at a lipid to protein molar ratio (L/P) of 15:1, in order to study the dynamic structure of the channel conformation of gramicidin in a liquid crystalline phase. The corresponding spectra were used to discriminate between several structural models for the channel structure of gramicidin (based on the left- and right-handed beta 6.3 LD helix) and other models based on a structure obtained from high resolution NMR. The oriented spectrum is complicated by the fact that many of the doublets, corresponding to the 20 exchangeable sites, partially overlap. Furthermore, the asymmetry parameter, eta, of the electric field gradient tensor of the amide deuterons is large (approximately 0.2) and many of the amide groups are involved in hydrogen bonding, which is known to affect the quadrupole coupling constant. In order to account for these complications in simulating the spectra in the fast motional regime, an ab initio program called Gaussian 90 was employed, which permitted us to calculate, by quantum mechanical means, the complete electric field gradient tensor for each residue in gramicidin (using two structural models). Our results indicated that the left-handed helical models were inconsistent with our observed spectra, whereas a model based on the high-resolution structure derived by Arseniev and coworkers, but relaxed by a simple energy minimization procedure, was consistent with our observed spectra. The molecular order parameter was then estimated from the motional narrowing assuming the relaxed (right-handed) Arseniev structure. Our resultant order parameter of SZZ = 0.91 translates into an rms angle of 14 degrees, formed by the helix axis and the local bilayer normal. The strong resemblance between our spectra (and also those reported for gramicidin in 1,2-dipalmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphatidylcholine (DPPC) multilayers) and the spectra of the same peptide incorporated in a lyotropic nematic phase, suggests that the lyotropic nematic phase simulates the local environment of the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Sperm whale myoglobin can be considered as the model protein of the globin family. The pH-dependence of the interactions of apomyoglobin with lipid bilayers shares some similarities with the behavior of pore-forming domains of bacterial toxins belonging also to the globin family. Two different states of apomyoglobin bound to a lipid bilayer have been characterized by using hydrogen/deuterium exchange experiments and mass spectrometry. When bound to the membrane at pH 5.5, apomyoglobin remains mostly native-like and interacts through alpha-helix A. At pH 4, the binding is related to the stabilization of a partially folded state. In that case, alpha-helices A and G are involved in the interaction. At this pH, alpha-helix G, which is the most hydrophobic region of apomyoglobin, is available for interaction with the lipid bilayer because of the loss of the tertiary structure. Our results show the feasibility of such experiments and their potential for the characterization of various membrane-bound states of amphitropic proteins such as pore-forming domains of bacterial toxins. This is not possible with other high-resolution methods, because these proteins are usually in partially folded states when interacting with membranes.  相似文献   

The four-helical immunity protein Im7 folds through an on-pathway intermediate that has a specific, but partially misfolded, hydrophobic core. In order to gain further insight into the structure of this species, we have identified the backbone hydrogen bonds formed in the ensemble by measuring the amide exchange rates (under EX2 conditions) of the wild-type protein and a variant, I72V. In this mutant the intermediate is significantly destabilised relative to the unfolded state (deltadeltaG(ui) = 4.4 kJ/mol) but the native state is only slightly destabilised (deltadeltaG(nu) = 1.8 kJ/mol) at 10 degrees C in 2H2O, pH* 7.0 containing 0.4 M Na2SO4, consistent with the view that this residue forms significant non-native stabilising interactions in the intermediate state. Comparison of the hydrogen exchange rates of the two proteins, therefore, enables the state from which hydrogen exchange occurs to be identified. The data show that amides in helices I, II and IV in both proteins exchange slowly with a free energy similar to that associated with global unfolding, suggesting that these helices form highly protected hydrogen-bonded helical structure in the intermediate. By contrast, amides in helix III exchange rapidly in both proteins. Importantly, the rate of exchange of amides in helix III are slowed substantially in the Im7* variant, I72V, compared with the wild-type protein, whilst other amides exchange more rapidly in the mutant protein, in accord with the kinetics of folding/unfolding measured using chevron analysis. These data demonstrate, therefore, that local fluctuations do not dominate the exchange mechanism and confirm that helix III does not form stable secondary structure in the intermediate. By combining these results with previously obtained Phi-values, we show that the on-pathway folding intermediate of Im7 contains extensive, stable hydrogen-bonded structure in helices I, II and IV, and that this structure is stabilised by both native and non-native interactions involving amino acid side-chains in these helices.  相似文献   

Time-resolved x-ray diffraction study of photostimulated purple membrane.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A nanosecond resolution laser-driven x-ray source has been used to perform a time-resolved, x-ray diffraction study of the purple membrane of the Halobacterium halobium. Alterations in diffraction patterns have been observed 1 ms after photostimulation, and are interpreted to show disorder of bacteriorhodopsin packing in the plane of the membrane with little bacteriorhodopsin structural change.  相似文献   

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