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Behavioral responses to vibrational stimuli were examined in two subterranean termite species, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki and Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar). Termites habituated to vibrational stimulation when in social groups, but failed to do so individually, indicating that habituation is a collective action. In assays on termite groups, both species demonstrated a similar pattern of behavioral responses to vibrational stimuli: evanescent cessation of activity and movement, followed by withdrawal from the vibration source. Groups of both species then gradually moved back toward the vibration source as a consequence of continuous exposure. However, it took a significantly shorter period for C. formosanus to return (57 s) to the test arena and to resume (80 s) normal foraging activities in the test arena compared with R. flavipes, which took 97 and 227 s, respectively, when exposed to the vibration frequency of 120 bmpm. High vibration frequency (240 bmpm) increased the time required to return (C. formosanus, 80 s; R. flavipes, 153 s) and to resume regular locomotion (C. formosanus, 186 s; R. flavipes, 263 s). Our experiments demonstrate that workers play a crucial part in adjusting groups of termites to distressful vibrations. Soldiers of R. flavipes demonstrated similar behavioral responses as workers, however, C. formosanus soldiers exhibited a transient positive response before withdrawal. An erratum to this article is available at .  相似文献   

Labial glands are present in all castes and developmental stages of all termite species. In workers, their secretion contains a food-marking pheromone and digestive enzymes, while soldier secretion plays a defensive role. However, these functions were studied only in a limited set of species, and do not allow drawing general conclusions. Hence, we have investigated the chemical composition of the labial gland extracts from soldiers and workers in 15 termite species belonging to 6 families using an integrative approach based on proteomic and small-molecule profiling. We confirmed the presence of hydroquinone and cellulase in the labial glands of workers, and we identified new toxic compounds in soldiers and workers of several species. Our results highlight the dual role of labial gland secretion, i.e. the defensive role in soldiers and workers of several termite species, and the digestive function in workers.  相似文献   

深圳口岩进口原木截获的白蚁(等翅目)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记录深圳口岸1998-2001年期间从进口原本中截获的3科7属12种白蚁,包括黄檀新白蚁Neotermes dalbergiae (Kalshoven),大家白蚁Comptotermes curvignathus Holmgren,塞庞乳白蚁C.sepangensis Krishna,波罗乳白蚁C.borneensis Oshima,非洲乳白蚁C.sjostedti Holmgren,沙捞越长鼻白蚁Schedorhinotermes sarawakensis (Holmgren),中暗长鼻白蚁S.mediobscurus (Holmgren),哈氏象白蚁Nastutitermes havilandi (Desneux),镰锯白蚁Microcerotermes distans (Havilandi),邻白蚁Termes propinquus (Holmgren), 印度弓白蚁Amitermes belli (Desneux)和齿弓白蚁A.dentatus (Havilandi)。编制了分种检索表,并对上述国内没有分布的白蚁种类兵蚁的形态和鉴定特征作了描述的图示。  相似文献   

Termites are an abundant and diverse group in the Neotropics with about 500 species representing 83 genera. The paucity of the termite fauna recorded from Ecuador is due, in part, to a lack of deliberate surveys. We revise the termite fauna of Ecuador and raise the number of species from 25 species to 72 based on our recent termite surveys. Of the 72 species, 18 could not be conclusively identified and are likely new species. Given the limited area that has been covered in surveys of the Ecuadorian termite fauna, there are undoubtedly many more species to be recorded for Ecuador, primarily in the eastern lowland areas, cloud forests on both the eastern and western slopes of the Andes, and the Amazonian lowland forests.  相似文献   

The species composition, abundance and colony sizes of terrestrial termites were studied in five forest habitats of Cat Tien National Park, Southern Vietnam. Twenty-four species belonging to Rhinotermitidae (1 species) and Termitidae (23 species, mostly Macrotermitinae), were found in mounds and in soil samples. The density of inhabited termite nests in different habitats averaged 68 per hectare (range 44–106), most nests belonged to Macrotermes spp. Six mounds of dominant species (Globitermes sulphureus, Microcerotermes burmanicus, Macrotermes carbonarius, M. gilvus, M. malacensis and Hypotermes obscuriceps) were destructively sampled. The number of termites in the nests ranged from 65 000 to 3 150 000 individuals with the biomass ranging from 185 to 2440 g live weight. The abundance of foraging termites in soil and litter averaged 60 ind./m2.The total abundance of Macrotermes species alone could conservatively be estimated as 2.5 million individuals and 20.5 kg live weight per hectare. Four species dominating in the studied habitats (M. carbonarius, M. gilvus, M. malaccensis, and H. obscuriceps) belong to active litter decomposers.  相似文献   

Termites are major decomposers in terrestrial ecosystems and the second most diverse lineage of social insects. The Kalotermitidae form the second-largest termite family and are distributed across tropical and subtropical ecosystems, where they typically live in small colonies confined to single wood items inhabited by individuals with no foraging abilities. How the Kalotermitidae have acquired their global distribution patterns remains unresolved. Similarly, it is unclear whether foraging is ancestral to Kalotermitidae or was secondarily acquired in a few species. These questions can be addressed in a phylogenetic framework. We inferred time-calibrated phylogenetic trees of Kalotermitidae using mitochondrial genomes of ∼120 species, about 27% of kalotermitid diversity, including representatives of 21 of the 23 kalotermitid genera. Our mitochondrial genome phylogenetic trees were corroborated by phylogenies inferred from nuclear ultraconserved elements derived from a subset of 28 species. We found that extant kalotermitids shared a common ancestor 84 Ma (75–93 Ma 95% highest posterior density), indicating that a few disjunctions among early-diverging kalotermitid lineages may predate Gondwana breakup. However, most of the ∼40 disjunctions among biogeographic realms were dated at <50 Ma, indicating that transoceanic dispersals, and more recently human-mediated dispersals, have been the major drivers of the global distribution of Kalotermitidae. Our phylogeny also revealed that the capacity to forage is often found in early-diverging kalotermitid lineages, implying the ancestors of Kalotermitidae were able to forage among multiple wood pieces. Our phylogenetic estimates provide a platform for critical taxonomic revision and future comparative analyses of Kalotermitidae.  相似文献   

The full-length element of the non-LTR retrotransposon R2 is here characterized in three European isopteran species: the more primitive Kalotermes flavicollis (Kalotermitidae), including two highly divergent mitochondrial lineages, and the more derived Reticulitermes lucifugus and R. urbis (Rhinotermitidae). Partial 3′ sequences for R. grassei and R. balkanensis were also analyzed. The essential structural features of R2 elements are conserved in termites. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that termite elements belong to the same clade and that their phylogeny is fully compatible with the phylogeny of their host species. The study of the number and the frequency of R2 insertion variants in four R. urbis colonies suggests a greatly reduced, or completely absent, recent element activity.  相似文献   

The alarm behavior of worker and soldier castes of four European subterranean termite species of the genus Reticulitermes (R. santonensis, R. lucifugus, R. grassei, R. banyulensis) is described. In petri dish bioassays we presented filter papers with squashed soldier heads as an odor source to trigger a alarm reaction. Untreated filter papers were used as controls. The behavioral patterns were alike for all four species. In the control situation (no alarm), only occasional workers and few soldiers were seen walking in the petri dish. When the odor source was presented, a general state of alertness was observed, showing as higher activity and presence, zigzag running, antennation of nestmates, jittering and jerking, mandible snapping, head-banging, and attraction to the odor source. Workers were attracted within a few seconds (6.9–13.4 s); soldiers followed much later (18.5–64.6 s). Both workers and soldiers inspected the odor source only briefly (workers for 8.7–12.8 s, soldiers for 10.0–19.5 s), with the exception of R. santonensis, where soldiers stayed an average of 209.8 s. The number of individuals, of 50 workers and 3 soldiers, near the odor source averaged 6.0–9.2 workers and 1.2–2.3 soldiers. The presence of workers is crucial: without workers, a significant alarm reaction in soldiers could not be induced. The roles of soldier and worker castes of Reticulitermes species within alarm communication and the origin and nature of possible alarm signals are discussed.  相似文献   

Aggression was observed among both inter- and intraspecific combinations of four colonies of Reticulitermes flavipes (Kollar) and Reticulitermes hageni Banks in laboratory assays each month for 4 consecutive months. Termites were most frequently aggressive toward colonies of a different species. Number of individuals that displayed aggression decreased over the study period, from April to July. There was a slight trend toward reduced aggressive behavior as termites were maintained in the laboratory for 3 months. Passive and aggressive individuals were identified and reexamined for display of aggressive or passive behavior toward nonnestmates. Eighty-nine percent of previously aggressive termites displayed aggression a second time. Eighty-eight percent of previously passive termites were passive upon reexamination. Differences in head capsule size between passive and aggressive individuals provided no correlation between the presence of aggressiveness and the head capsule size in the worker caste.  相似文献   

Alarm response triggered by physical stimuli is wide spread in termites but executed in several different behavioural patterns. The drywood and subterranean termite species tested in this study differed significantly by either head-drumming or jerking when stimulated by light, air-flow, or air borne sound stimuli. Nevertheless, differences may have a common evolutionary base. Repetitive stimuli of the same quality led to reduced responses over time, which was interpreted as habituation behaviour, a simple form of learning. Adaptation as alternative explanation was ruled out because when termites were subjected with a dis-habituation-stimulus followed by the original stimulus full response occurred again to this stimulus.  相似文献   

Subterranean termites are major global pests of wood structures and wood products. Among the most economically important subterranean termite species in the US are Heterotermes aureus, Reticulitermes flavipes, and Coptotermes formosanus. In prior studies, the entomopathogenic nematode, Steinernema riobrave strain 355, exhibited a high level of virulence to H. aureus compared with other nematode species. However, S. riobrave 355 was reported to be poorly or only moderately virulent to R. flavipes and C. formosanus, respectively. We hypothesized that other strains of S. riobrave may possess a high level of virulence to all three termite species. Under laboratory conditions we compared three novel strains of S. riobrave (3-8b, 7-12, and TP) with the 355 strain for virulence to H. aureus, R. flavipes, and C. formosanus workers. H. aureus was very susceptible to all the S. riobrave strains, and termites in all nematode treatments were dead after 4 d. The TP strain of S. riobrave caused greater mortality in R. flavipes and C. formosanus compared to the other nematode strains. Specifically, the TP strain caused 75% and 91% mortality in R. flavipes and C. formosanus, respectively, which was more than 300% and 70% higher than the mortality caused by other strains. Additional studies are warranted to determine the ability of S. riobrave (TP) to control the targeted termite species under field conditions.  相似文献   

大脑需要稳态系统来维持神经元的正常活动。睡眠不足会影响到有机体的生理功能,因此清醒时不断累积的睡眠压力会迫使哺乳动物进入睡眠状态,长时间清醒(睡眠剥夺)则会延长或加深随后的睡眠,这一现象被称为睡眠稳态(sleep homeostasis)。探明睡眠稳态的电生理机制有利于改善睡眠,治疗相关疾病,但目前仍存在许多问题。鉴于此,本文围绕睡眠稳态的电生理机制,首先关注睡眠稳态公认的电生理标志物——慢波活动,接下来介绍神经元放电率的相关研究,最后从脑区差异、睡眠阶段、学习记忆和物种差异几个方面进行展望。  相似文献   

Surprisingly little research has been conducted to investigate interactions between subterranean termites and bark beetles. Facilitative interactions between these organisms could easily alter stand dynamics and impact wood utilization strategies. A series of American Wood Protection Association Standard E1-09 “choice tests” were carried out to determine the feeding preference of Reticulitermes flavipes Kollar (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) for blue-stained sapwood and sapwood impregnated with various bark beetle pheromones. Reticulitermes flavipes exhibited a feeding preference for both air-dried and kiln-dried blue-stained sapwood, unstained sapwood treated with frontalin, and air-dried blue-stained sapwood treated with a 0.02% solution of both frontalin and endo-brevicomin. The implications of these results are far reaching, with particular relevance to forest health, ecology, and utilization.  相似文献   

胆固醇代谢平衡调控的分子机理李伯良,段治军(中国科学院上海生物化学研究所上海200031)前言胆固醇在生物体内起着重要而又神秘的作用,特别在哺乳类细胞生命过程中是不可缺少的。由于胆固醇及其类似物的绝大部分分布在细胞膜上,目前一般认为胆固醇可起影响生物膜的结构及其选择通透性和流动性等作用。但是,哺乳动物体内胆固醇过高或过低都将影响正常生命过程,甚至产生严重病变,如动脉粥样硬化等。  相似文献   

铁是机体必需微量元素,参与机体合成血红蛋白、肌红蛋白及多种酶的组成和功能发挥,对维持生命和健康至关重要。近四分之一的世界人口遭受铁缺乏或缺铁性贫血的威胁。此外,部分人群还存在铁过载问题,以脏器铁离子蓄积为主要病理改变的遗传性血色病,其在欧美发病率高达1/200,在中国也有报道。血色病后期多诱发肝脏、胰腺及心脏的功能衰退。铁过少或过多对健康都会造成严重危害,机体需要复杂而精密的调控体系维持铁稳态平衡。铁代谢主要包括小肠吸收、肝脏储存、血液转运、巨噬细胞再循环以及周身细胞利用。过去十多年是铁代谢研究的黄金时期,先后发现众多铁稳态代谢相关基因。该文综述了近年来哺乳动物铁代谢领域的研究进展,并对铁稳态代谢中存在的问题进行了初步讨论,为理解和进一步深入研究铁代谢分子机制提供参考。  相似文献   

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