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Alphaviruses, particularly Sinbis virus and Semliki Forest virus, are proving to be useful vectors for the expression of heterologous genes. In infected cells, these self-replicating vectors (replicons) transcribe a subgenomic mRNA that codes for a heterologous protein instead of the structural proteins. We reported recently that translation of the reporter gene lacZ is enhanced 10-fold when the coding sequences of this gene are fused downstream of and in frame with the 5' half of the capsid gene (I. Frolov and S. Schlesinger, J. Virol. 68:8111-8117, 1994). The enhancing sequences, located downstream of the AUG codon that initiates translation of the capsid protein, have a predicted hairpin structure. We have mutated this region by making changes in the codons which do not affect the protein sequence but should destabilize the putative hairpin structure. These changes caused a decrease in the accumulation of the capsid-beta-galactosidase fusion protein. When these alterations were inserted into the capsid gene in the context of the intact Sindbis virus genome, they led to a decrease in the rate of virus formation but did not affect the final yield. We also altered the original sequence to one that has 12 contiguous G.C base pairs and should form a stable hairpin. The new sequence was essentially as effective as the original had been in enhancement of translation and in the rate of virus formation. The position of the predicted hairpin structure is important for its function; an insertion of 9 nucleotides or a deletion of 9 nucleotides decreased the level of translation. The insertion of a hairpin structure at a particular location downstream of the initiating AUG appears to be a way that alphaviruses have evolved to enhance translation of their mRNA, and, as a consequence, they produce high levels of the structural proteins which are needed for virus assembly. This high level of translation requires an intracellular environment in which host cell protein synthesis is inhibited.  相似文献   

We obtained Sindbis defective-interfering particles by nine and undiluted passages of standard virus on chicken embryo fibroblasts. These particles contain a deleted 20S RNA molecule which has mRNA activity, as shown by translation in cell-free systems in vitro. In infected cells, this mRNA activity appeared to be totally inhibited except at very late times postinfection.  相似文献   

The infection of baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells by Sindbis virus gives rise to a drastic inhibition of cellular translation, while under these conditions the synthesis of viral structural proteins directed by the subgenomic 26S mRNA takes place efficiently. Here, the requirement for intact initiation factor eIF4G for the translation of this subgenomic mRNA has been examined. To this end, SV replicons that contain the protease of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) or the poliovirus 2A(pro) replacing the sequences of SV glycoproteins have been constructed. BHK cells electroporated with the different RNAs synthesize protein C and the corresponding protease at late times. Notably, the proteolysis of eIF4G by both proteases has little effect on the translation of the 26S mRNA. In addition, recombinant viable SVs were engineered that encode HIV-1 PR or poliovirus 2A protease under the control of a duplicated late promoter. Viral protein synthesis at late times of infection by the recombinant viruses is slightly affected in BHK cells that contain proteolysed eIF4G. The translatability of SV genomic 49S mRNA was assayed in BHK cells infected with a recombinant virus that synthesizes luciferase and transfected with a replicon that expresses poliovirus 2Apro. Under conditions where eIF4G has been hydrolysed significantly the translation of genomic SV RNA was deeply inhibited. These findings indicate a different requirement for intact eIF4G in the translation of genomic and subgenomic SV mRNAs. Finally, the translation of the reporter gene that encodes green fluorescent protein, placed under the control of a second duplicate late promoter, is also resistant to the cleavage of eIF4G. In conclusion, despite the presence of a cap structure in the 5' end of the subgenomic SV mRNA, intact eIF4G is not necessary for its translation.  相似文献   

Translation initiation of alphavirus subgenomic mRNA (sgmRNA) can occur in the absence of several initiation factors (eIFs) in infected cells; however, the precise translation mechanism is still poorly understood. In this study, we have examined the mechanism of initiation and AUG selection in Sindbis virus (SINV) sgmRNA. Our present findings suggest that sgmRNA is translated via a scanning mechanism, since the presence of a hairpin structure before the initiation codon hampers protein synthesis directed by this mRNA. In addition, translation is partially recovered when an in-frame AUG codon is placed upstream of this hairpin. This scanning process takes place without the participation of eIF4A and active eIF2. These results, combined with our findings through modifying the SINV sgmRNA leader sequence, do not support the possibility of a direct initiation from the start codon without previous scanning, or a shunting mechanism. Moreover, studies carried out with sgmRNAs containing two alternative AUG codons within a good context for translation reveal differences in AUG selection which are dependent on the cellular context and the phosphorylation state of eIF2α. Thus, initiation at the additional AUG is strictly dependent on active eIF2, whereas the genuine AUG codon can start translation following eIF2α inactivation. Collectively, our results suggest that SINV sgmRNA is translated by a scanning mechanism without the potential participation of crucial eIFs. A model is presented that explains the mechanism of initiation of mRNAs bearing two alternative initiation codons.  相似文献   

We have examined the translational regulation of the equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) bicistronic tat-rev mRNA. Site-directed mutagenesis of the tat leader region followed by expression of the tat-rev cDNA both in vitro and in transiently transfected cells established that tat translation is initiated exclusively at a CTG codon. Increasing the efficiency of tat translation by altering the CTG initiator to ATG resulted in a dramatic decrease in translation of the downstream (rev) cistron, indicating that leaky scanning of the tat CTG initiation codon permitted translation of the downstream rev cistron. Since the tat leader sequences precede the major EIAV splice donor and are therefore present at the 5' termini of both spliced and unspliced viral mRNAs, the expression of all EIAV structural and regulatory proteins is dependent on leaky scanning of the tat initiator.  相似文献   

Infection of BHK cells by Sindbis virus leads to rapid inhibition of host cell protein synthesis and cytopathic effects (CPE). We have been studying these events to determine whether the expression of a specific viral gene is required and, in the present study, have focused our attention on the role of the structural proteins--the capsid protein and the two membrane glycoproteins. We tested a variety of Sindbis viruses and Sindbis virus replicons (virus particles containing an RNA that is self-replicating but with some or all of the viral structural protein genes deleted) for their abilities to inhibit host cell protein synthesis and cause CPE in infected BHK cells. Our results show that shutoff of host cell protein synthesis occurred in infected BHK cells when no viral structural proteins were synthesized and also under conditions in which the level of the viral subgenomic RNA was too low to be detected. These results support the conclusion that the early steps in viral gene expression are the ones required for the inhibition of host cell protein synthesis in BHK cells. In contrast, the Sindbis viruses and Sindbis virus replicons were clearly distinguished by the time at which CPE became evident. Viruses that synthesized high levels of the two membrane glycoproteins on the surface of the infected cells caused a rapid (12 to 16 h postinfection) appearance of CPE, and those that did not synthesize the glycoprotein spikes showed delayed (30 to 40 h) CPE.  相似文献   

In a previous report, we described the presence, in pituitary tissue, of an alternatively processed species of bovine growth hormone mRNA from which the last intron (intron D) has not been removed by splicing (R. K. Hampson and F. M. Rottman, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84:2673-2677, 1987). Using transient expression of the bovine growth hormone gene in Cos I cells, we observed that splicing of intron D was affected by sequences within the downstream exon (exon 5). Deletion of a 115-base-pair FspI-PvuII restriction fragment in exon 5 beginning 73 base pairs downstream of the intron 4-exon 5 junction resulted in cytoplasmic bovine growth hormone mRNA, more than 95% of which retained intron D. This contrasted with less than 5% of the growth hormone mRNA retaining intron D observed with expression of the unaltered gene. Insertion of a 10-base-pair inverted repeat sequence, CTTCCGGAAG, which was located in the middle of this deleted segment, partially reversed this pattern, resulting in cytosolic mRNA from which intron D was predominantly removed. More detailed deletion analysis of this region indicated that multiple sequence elements within the exon 5, in addition to the 10-base-pair inverted repeat sequence, are capable of influencing splicing of intron D. The effect of these exon sequences on splicing of bovine growth hormone precursor mRNA appeared to be specific for the growth hormone intron D. Deletions in exon 5 which resulted in marked alterations in splicing of growth hormone intron D had no effect on splicing when exon 5 of bovine growth hormone was placed downstream of the heterologous bovine prolactin intron D. Deletions in exon 5 which resulted in marked alterations in splicing of growth hormone intron D had no effect on splicing when exon 5 of bovine growth hormone was placed downstream of the heterologous bovine prolactin intron D. The results of this study suggest a unique interaction between sequences located near the center of exon 5 and splicing of the adjacent intron D.  相似文献   

Envelopment of Sindbis virus at the plasma membrane is a multistep process in which an initial step is the association of the E2 protein via a cytoplasmic endodomain with the preassembled nucleocapsid. Sindbis virus is vectored in nature by blood-sucking insects and grows efficiently in a number of avian and mammalian vertebrate hosts. The assembly of Sindbis virus, therefore, must occur in two very different host cell environments. Mammalian cells contain cholesterol which insect membranes lack. This difference in membrane composition may be critical in determining what requirements are placed on the E2 tail for virus assembly. To examine the interaction between the E2 tail and the nucleocapsid in Sindbis virus, we have produced substitutions and deletions in a region of the E2 tail (E2 amino acids 408 to 415) that is initially integrated into the endoplasmic reticulum. This sequence was identified as being critical for nucleocapsid binding in an in vitro peptide protection assay. The effects of these mutations on virus assembly and function were determined in both vertebrate and invertebrate cells. Amino acid substitutions (at positions E2: 408, 410, 411, and 413) reduced infectious virus production in a position-dependent fashion but were not efficient in disrupting assembly in mammalian cells. Deletions in the E2 endodomain (delta406-407, delta409-411, and delta414-417) resulted in the failure to assemble virions in mammalian cells. Electron microscopy of BHK cells transfected with these mutants revealed assembly of nucleocapsids that failed to attach to membranes. However, introduction of these deletion mutants into insect cells resulted in the assembly of virus-like particles but no assayable infectivity. These data help define protein interactions critical for virus assembly and suggest a fundamental difference between Sindbis virus assembly in mammalian and insect cells.  相似文献   

The influences on gene expression by codons at positions +2, +3, +5 and +7 downstream of the initiation codon have been compared. Most of the +2 codons that are known to give low gene expression are associated with a higher expression if placed at the later positions. The NGG codons AGG, CGG, UGG and GGG, but not GGN or GNG (where N is non-G), are unique since they are associated with a very low gene expression also if located at positions +2, +3 and +5. All codons, including NGG, give a normal gene expression if placed at positions +7. The negative effect by the NGG codons is true for both the lacZ and 3A′ model genes. The low expression is suggested to originate at the translational level, although it is not the result of mRNA secondary structure or a lowered intracellular mRNA pool.  相似文献   

We present a model for calculating the protein production rate as a function of the translation rate. The model takes into account that the elongation rate along an mRNA molecule is non-uniform as a result of different tRNA availabilities for different codons. Initiation of ribosomes on an mRNA is normally the rate-limiting step in the translation process, and blocking of the initiation site can be avoided if the codons closest to this site allow fast translation by the ribosome. Hence, different selective forces may act on the choice of synonymous codons in the initiation region than elsewhere on a given mRNA. We show that the elongation rate along the whole mRNA influences the production rate of abundant proteins, whereas only the elongation rate in the initiation region is of importance for the production rate of rare proteins. We also present an analysis of the codon distribution along known mRNAs coding for abundant and rare proteins.  相似文献   

Presence of leader sequences in the mRNA of mouse hepatitis virus.   总被引:8,自引:24,他引:8  

Recombination between Sindbis virus RNAs.   总被引:27,自引:18,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文

The region located downstream of the initiation codon constitutes part of the translation initiation signal, significantly affecting the level of protein expression in E. coli. In order to determine its influence on translation initiation, we inserted random 12-base sequences downstream of the initiation codon of the lacZ gene. A total of 119 random clones showing higher beta-galactosidase activities than the control lacZ gene were isolated and subsequently sequenced. Analysis of these clones revealed that their insertion sequences are strikingly rich in A and T, but poor in G, with no consensus sequences among them. Toeprinting experiments and polysome profile analysis confirmed that the A/T-rich sequences enhance translation at the level of initiation. Collectively, the present data demonstrate that A/T richness of the region following the initiation codon plays a significant role in E. coli gene expression.  相似文献   

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