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For over three decades, the Johansson zones have been widely used in epiphyte studies as a way of stratifying the host tree into habitat zones. The usefulness of this system, however, has been questioned. We test the effectiveness of the Johansson zones by grouping epiphyte species by the substrate and microclimatic attributes of their individual occurrences and assessing the fidelity of these groups to the Johansson zones. Habitat characteristics were recorded for every individual epiphyte on 30 trees in the lower montane rain forests of northeastern Australia. Twenty‐four epiphyte species were agglomerated into four groups using Ward's method. Group 4 was highly distinct and included shade‐loving species and nomadic vines from the lower zones of the host trees. Group 3 contained species from the most exposed habitats. Group 1 had higher light levels and lower substrate thickness than Group 2, yet both groups had close to identical distributions over the Johansson zones. This suggests that groups of epiphyte species may utilize different micro‐sites within the same zone. While the Johansson zones are a useful tool in epiphyte studies, finer partitioning of habitat within the host tree may be missed.  相似文献   

Inhibition of photosynthesis after exposure to solar radiation was investigated in the marine green alga Dunaliella salina by monitoring photosynthetic optimal quantum yield Fv/Fm and efficiency of oxygen production. Samples were exposed to solar radiation in Ancient Korinth, Greece (37°58′ N, 23°0′ E) in August 1994. Within 30 min, Fv/Fm and efficiency of oxygen production decreased with similar kinetics with increasing exposure time. The inhibition, however, diminished when ultraviolet radiation was progressively excluded by means of colour filter glasses. Samples exposed for 3 h showed complete or partial recovery of photosynthesis, with almost the same rate under all irradition conditions. The fit of the experimental data with an analytical model describing inhibition of photosynthesis as a function of a linear combination of the photon fluence in the UV-B, UV-A and PAR allows one to estimate the relative mean effectiveness for inhibition by the three spectral ranges [about 2 × 10?4, 4 × 10?6 and 2 × 10?7 (μmol photons m?2)?1 for UV-B, UV-A and PAR, respectively].  相似文献   

散射辐射对亚热带人工针叶林光能利用率的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
卫楠  张弥  王辉民  张雷明  温学发  刘寿东 《生态学报》2017,37(10):3403-3414
地表接受的太阳辐射中散射辐射的改变是影响森林生态系统光能利用率(Light Use Efficiency,LUE)的重要因素。以千烟洲亚热带人工针叶林为研究对象,利用30 min通量和常规气象观测数据,以晴空指数(kt)和地表接受的散射辐射(S_f)占太阳总辐射(S_0)的比值(S_f/S_0)为指标,分析了2003—2012年生长旺季(6—8月)散射辐射变化对千烟洲亚热带人工针叶林光能利用率的影响,并利用改进的光响应曲线模型分析了散射辐射变化对植被光合特性的影响。研究结果表明:2003—2012年生长旺季中,kt在0.6—0.7范围内的LUE比kt在0.4—0.5范围内的LUE平均减少了44.66%;S_f/S_0在70%—85%之间的LUE比S_f/S_0在55%—70%之间的LUE平均提高了22.24%。由此可以看出,与晴朗天空相比,多云及气溶胶增加导致的散射辐射增加可使该生态系统的LUE提高。并且,未受到高温干旱影响的2005、2006、2008、2009、2010及2012年散射辐射下该生态系统的初始量子效率αf比直接辐射下的αr平均增加了0.63 g CO2/mol;而10年间所有年份散射辐射下的光饱和时的潜在最大光合作用速率比直接辐射下平均提高了0.81 mg CO_2m~(-2)s~(-1),说明散射辐射可使该生态系统植被光合能力提高。  相似文献   

全球变化,特别是大气成分变化引起的散射辐射变化已经并将继续影响陆地生态系统的生产力与碳收支。该文综述了散射辐射的影响因子及其估算方法,分析了散射辐射对植被光能利用率(light-use efficiency,LUE)、陆地生态系统生产力及其碳收支的影响过程与控制机理,在此基础上提出了未来拟加强研究的方面:1)散射辐射对植物光合作用影响的机理及其在不同时空尺度的反应;2)散射辐射及其与其他环境因子的相互作用对植物与冠层光合作用影响的定量描述;3)散射辐射及其与其他环境因子的相互作用对土壤呼吸作用的影响过程与控制机理;4)植物对散射辐射及其与其他环境因子相互作用的适应性研究;5)散射辐射及其与其他环境因子的相互作用对陆地生态系统生产力及其碳收支的影响过程与调控对策。  相似文献   

桐麦间作系统辐射光谱成分变化规律的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对系统内对外太阳辐射的3个波段:紫外辐射(UVR300-400nm),光合有效辐射(PAR400-700nm)和近红外辐射(NIR700-1100nm)进行了分析,对比研究表明,试验期间系统内的光谱成分UVR:PAR:NIR:为5.2:48.2:46.6,系统外对照区为5.1:52.4:42.5。其中,小麦开花期系统内外分别为5.2:51.5:43.2和5.0:51.9:43.1,小麦灌浆期分别为  相似文献   

The transmission of direct, diffuse and global solar radiation in and around canopy gaps occurring in an uneven-aged, evergreen Nothofagus betuloides forest during the growing season (October 2006–March 2007) was estimated by means of hemispherical photographs. The transmission of solar radiation into the forest was affected not only by a high level of horizontal and vertical heterogeneity of the forest canopy, but also by low angles of the sun’s path. The below-canopy direct solar radiation appeared to be variable in space and time. On average, the highest amount of transmitted direct solar radiation was estimated below the undisturbed canopy at the southeast of the gap centre. The transmitted diffuse and global solar radiation above the forest floor exhibited lower variability and, on average, both were higher at the centre of the canopy gaps. Canopy structure and stand parameters were also measured to explain the variation in the below-canopy solar radiation in the forest. The model that best fit the transmitted below-canopy direct solar radiation was a growth model, using plant area index with an ellipsoidal angle distribution as the independent variable (R 2 = 0.263). Both diffuse and global solar radiation were very sensitive to canopy openness, and for both cases a quadratic model provided the best fit for these data (R 2 = 0.963 and 0.833, respectively). As much as 75% and 73% of the variation in the diffuse and global solar radiation, respectively, were explained by a combination of stand parameters, namely basal area, crown projection, crown volume, stem volume, and average equivalent crown radius.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Crown structure and above-ground biomass investment was studied in relation to light interception of trees and lianas growing in a 6-month-old regenerating forest. METHODS: The vertical distribution of total above-ground biomass, height, diameter, stem density, leaf angles and crown depth were measured for individual plants of three short-lived pioneers (SLPs), four long-lived pioneers (LLPs) and three lianas. Daily light interception per individual Phi(d) was calculated with a canopy model. The model was then used to estimate light interception per unit of leaf mass (Phi(leaf mass)), total above-ground mass (Phi(mass)) and crown structure efficiency (E(a), the ratio of absorbed vs. available light). KEY RESULTS: The SLPs Trema and Ochroma intercepted higher amounts of light per unit leaf mass (Phi(leaf mass)) because they had shallower crowns, resulting in higher crown use efficiency (E(a)) than the other species. These SLPs (but not Cecropia) were also taller and intercepted more light per unit leaf area (Phi(area)). LLPs and lianas had considerably higher amounts of leaf mass and area per unit above-ground mass (LMR and LAR, respectively) and thus attained Phi(mass) values similar to the SLPs (Phi(mass)=Phi(area)xLAR). Lianas, which were mostly self-supporting, had light interception efficiencies similar to those of the trees. CONCLUSIONS: These results show how, due to the trade-off between crown structure and biomass allocation, SLPs, and LLPs and lianas intercept similar amount of light per unit mass which may contribute to the ability of the latter two groups to persist.  相似文献   

Vines thrive in lowland tropical forests, yet the biotic factors underlying their colonization of host tree seedlings and saplings remain surprisingly understudied. Insect herbivores presumably could influence this process, especially where disturbance has opened the canopy (i.e., gaps)—temporary areas of higher primary productivity favoring the recruitment of vines and trees and invertebrates in forests—but their impact on vine colonization has never been experimentally tested. Using data from an insect herbivore exclusion (mesh-netting cages) experiment conducted in an African rain forest (Korup, Cameroon), I logistically modeled the probability of vines colonizing seedlings of three co-dominant species (Microberlinia bisulcata vs. Tetraberlinia bifoliolata and T. korupensis) in paired shaded understory and sunny gap locations (41 blocks across 80 ha, starting n = 664 seedlings) in a 1–2-yr period (2008–2009). Vine colonization occurred almost exclusively in gaps, occurring on 16% of seedlings there. Excluding herbivores in gaps doubled colonization of the light-demanding and faster growing M. bisulcata but had negligible effects on the two shade-tolerant, slower growing and less palatable Tetraberlinia species, which together were twice as susceptible to vines under natural forest gap conditions (controls). When protected from herbivores in gaps, more light to individual seedlings strongly increased vine colonization of M. bisulcata whereas its well-lit control individuals supported significantly fewer vines. These results suggest vines preferably colonize taller seedlings, and because light-demanding tree species grow faster in height with more light, they are more prone to being colonized in gaps; however, insect herbivores can mediate this process by stunting fast growing individuals so that colonization rates becomes more similar between co-occurring slow and fast growing tree species. Further influencing this process might be associational resistance or susceptibility to herbivores linked to host species’ leaf traits conferring shade-tolerant ability as seedlings or saplings. A richer understanding of how vines differentially influence forest regeneration and species composition may come from investigating vine–tree–herbivore interactions across light gradients, ideally via long-term studies and intercontinental comparisons. Abstract in French is available with online material.  相似文献   

The distribution of tree species in tropical forests is generally related to the occurrence of disturbances and shifts in the local environmental conditions such as light, temperature, and biotic factors. Thus, the distribution of pioneer tree species is expected to vary according to the gap characteristics and with human disturbances. We asked whether there was variation in the distribution of a pioneer species under different environmental conditions generated by natural disturbances, and between two forests with contrasting levels of human disturbance. To answer this question, we studied the distribution patterns and population persistence of the pioneer tree species Croton floribundus in the size and age gap range of a primary Brazilian forest. Additionally, we compared the plant density of two size‐classes between a primary and an early successional human‐disturbed forest. Croton floribundus was found to be widespread and equally distributed along the gap‐size gradient in the primary forest. Overall density did not vary with gap size or age (F‐ratio = 0.062, = 0.941), and while juveniles were found to have a higher density in the early successional forest (= 0.021), tree density was found to be similar between forests (= 0.058). Our results indicate that the population structure of a pioneer tree species with long life span and a broad gap‐size niche preference varied between natural and human‐disturbed forests, but not with the level of natural disturbance. We believe this can be explained by the extreme environmental changes that occur after human disturbance. The ecological processes that affect the distribution of pioneer species in natural and human‐modified forests may be similar, but our results suggest they act differently under the contrasting environmental conditions generated by natural and human disturbances.  相似文献   

The response of faba bean seedlings to the combined effects of increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) and solar UV-B irradiance was studied using open-top chambers transparent to UV-B radiation. The purpose of the study was to determine whether effects of increased [CO2] on growth and physiology are modified by the present solar UV-B fluence rate in the Netherlands. Seedlings were exposed to 350 or 700 micromoles mol-1 CO2. At both [CO2], solar UV-B irradiance was either present or reduced using polyester foil opaque to UV-B radiation. To obtain information on the time dependence of increased [CO2] and UV-B radiation effects, three harvests were performed during the experiment. CO2 enrichment resulted in increased biomass production at all harvests. At the final harvest, UV-B radiation did not affect biomass production but a significant decrease was observed after 14 d of treatment. A reduction of the UV-B fluence increased shoot length at both [CO2] throughout the experiment. UV-B radiation slightly altered biomass allocation. Plants grown at reduced levels of UV-B radiation invested less biomass in flowers and more in stem material compared to plants grown at ambient UV-B levels. CO2 enrichment resulted in a stimulation of net photosynthesis after 26 and 38 d of treatment. UV-B reduction did not alter this response. After 26 d of treatment, photosynthetic acclimation to CO2 enrichment was observed, which was probably the result of accumulation of carbohydrates in the leaves. After 38 d, photosynthetic acclimation was no longer present. The UV absorbance of methanolic leaf extracts was increased by CO2 enrichment only. Both CO2 enrichment and solar UV-B reduced the transmittance of radiation through intact attached leaves. Interaction between [CO2] and UV-B radiation was limited to UV-A transmittance of leaves. Under prevalent experimental conditions, UV-B radiation did not affect the measured physiological parameters. Most open-top chambers used for climate change research are constructed of materials which do not transmit UV-B radiation. Our results indicate that part of the 'chamber effects' on plant height often described in the literature might be explained by the absence of solar UV-B radiation in these chambers.  相似文献   

长白山红松针阔叶混交林林下光合有效辐射的基本特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用长白山红松针阔叶混交林连续3年的光合有效辐射(PAR)观测数据,与林冠上方PAR值相对比,分析了林冠下5个不同水平位置探头的PAR时空特征.结果表明:林木冠层上方的PAR日总量年变化呈双峰甚至多峰趋势,主要受降水和云雾等天气状况的影响;林下PAR日总量年变化表现为非生长季与冠层上方变化趋势一致,在生长季数值较小且趋于稳定.典型晴天时林下5个探头的PAR值在时间和大小分布上有较大差异.在空间变化上,非生长季林下PAR变异系数较小,约为0.15;生长季的变异系数较大,在0.22以上,最高值在8月.生长季典型晴天太阳高度角为38°~48°区间(9:00—10:00和13:00—14:00)时,林下PAR空间变化较大.  相似文献   

通过对热带季节雨林雾凉季和湿热季昼间林窗区域不同热力作用面的热力效应初步分析,指出在西双版纳,不论是雾凉季还是湿热季,热带季节雨林林窗边缘壁面均具有不可忽视的热力作用,且由于受林缘树木的影响,热力效应较强的东侧,北侧林缘壁面最大区域出现位置高于次生林林窗,而强度小于次生林林窗,显示了林窗边缘壁面的热力效应除与太阳高度角,太阳辐射的时间长短和强度有关之外,林窗边缘树木高度也是不可忽视的因子,其结果可为进一步研究林窗小气候形成机制提供研究基础,为研究林窗更新及生物多样性问题提供科学参考。  相似文献   

New climate change agreements emerging from the 21st Conference of the Parties and ambitious international commitments to implement forest and landscape restoration (FLR) are generating unprecedented political awareness and financial mobilization to restore forests at large scales on deforested or degraded land. Restoration interventions aim to increase functionality and resilience of landscapes, conserve biodiversity, store carbon, and mitigate effects of global climate change. We propose four principles to guide tree planting schemes focused on carbon storage and commercial forestry in the tropics in the context of FLR. These principles support activities and land uses that increase tree cover in human‐modified landscapes, while also achieving positive socioecological outcomes at local scales, in an appropriate contextualization: (1) restoration interventions should enhance and diversify local livelihoods; (2) afforestation should not replace native tropical grasslands or savanna ecosystems; (3) reforestation approaches should promote landscape heterogeneity and biological diversity; and (4) residual carbon stocks should be quantitatively and qualitatively distinguished from newly established carbon stocks. The emerging global restoration movement and its growing international support provide strong momentum for increasing tree and forest cover in mosaic landscapes. The proposed principles help to establish a platform for FLR implementation and monitoring based on a broad set of socioenvironmental benefits including, but not solely restricted, to carbon mitigation and wood production.  相似文献   

To evaluate the effect of different naturally occurring irradiation conditions on the sensitivity of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Label) to increased UV-B levels, plants were grown under six different light treatments. In the control series (at ambient levels of UV-B), UV-B and visible light were decreased in parallel, resulting in three different total irradiation treatments with the same UV-B/PAR ratio. A second series with a 15% increase in UV-B irradiation at each PAR level was used to investigate the effect of UV-B under the varying total irradiance levels. The different total irradiance levels resulted in large differences in total dry weight, specific leaf weight, photosynthesis-light response and pigment concentrations. Nevertheless, the 15% increase in UV-B resulted in equal reductions in total dry weight (from 24.5 to 34.3%) and effective photosynthesis for all light levels. The accumulation of protective pigments in the primary bean leaves was strongly correlated to the total irradiance level (200% increase from the lowest to the highest light level), but was not influenced by increasing UV-B levels. As the UV-B/PAR ratio outside increases with decreasing total irradiance (when induced by cloud cover) this implies that low radiation levels are potentially dangerous to some plants, even though the UV-B levels may seem negligible.  相似文献   

Cloud cover increases the proportion of diffuse radiation reaching the Earth's surface and affects many microclimatic factors such as temperature, vapour pressure deficit and precipitation. We compared the relative efficiencies of canopy photosynthesis to diffuse and direct photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) for a Norway spruce forest (25‐year‐old, leaf area index 11 m2 m−2) during two successive 7‐day periods in August. The comparison was based on the response of net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of CO2 to PPFD. NEE and stomatal conductance at the canopy level (Gcanopy) was estimated from half‐hourly eddy‐covariance measurements of CO2 and H2O fluxes. In addition, daily courses of CO2 assimilation rate (AN) and stomatal conductance (Gs) at shoot level were measured using a gas‐exchange technique applied to branches of trees. The extent of spectral changes in incident solar radiation was assessed using a spectroradiometer. We found significantly higher NEE (up to 150%) during the cloudy periods compared with the sunny periods at corresponding PPFDs. Prevailing diffuse radiation under the cloudy days resulted in a significantly lower compensation irradiance (by ca. 50% and 70%), while apparent quantum yield was slightly higher (by ca. 7%) at canopy level and significantly higher (by ca. 530%) in sun‐acclimated shoots. The main reasons for these differences appear to be (1) more favourable microclimatic conditions during cloudy periods, (2) stimulation of photochemical reactions and stomatal opening via an increase of blue/red light ratio, and (3) increased penetration of light into the canopy and thus a more equitable distribution of light between leaves. Our analyses identified the most important reason of enhanced NEE under cloudy sky conditions to be the effective penetration of diffuse radiation to lower depths of the canopy. This subsequently led to the significantly higher solar equivalent leaf area compared with the direct radiation. Most of the leaves in such dense canopy are in deep shade, with marginal or negative carbon balances during sunny days. These findings show that the energy of diffuse, compared with direct, solar radiation is used more efficiently in assimilation processes at both leaf and canopy levels.  相似文献   

Architecture and leaf display were compared in saplings of six rain forest tree species differing in shade tolerance. Saplings were selected along the whole light range encountered in a forest environment. Species differed largely in realized height and crown expansion per unit support biomass, but this could not be related to differences in shade tolerance. The results demonstrate that there exist various solutions to an effective expansion of plant height and crown area. It is argued that choice of the study species and the ontogenetic trajectory regarded determine to a large extent the outcome of interspecific comparisons. No evidence was found that pioneers were characterized by a multilayered and shade tolerants by a monolayered leaf distribution. Yet, sun plants had a similar crown area, a deeper crown, and a higher leaf area index compared to shade plants and their leaves were more evenly distributed along the stem. This suggests that differences in leaf layering are found between plants growing in different light environments, rather than between species differing in shade tolerance.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林林冠截留雾水和土壤水的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
利用2002年1月-2003年12月在西双版纳热带季节雨林观测样地收集的林冠截留滴落雾水、雨水、浅层土壤水和地下水水样,对其氢、氧稳定性同位素比率δD和δ^18O的测定结果进行了分析,研究了林冠截留雾水对土壤水和地下水的影响。干季(11-翌年4月份),热带雨林林冠截留雾水的稳定性同位素比率、过量氘(d-excess)值明显高于雨水的相应值,表明雾水水汽中包含了区域森林植被蒸发、蒸腾的再循环水汽。林下地表浅层土壤水的稳定性同位素比率介于雾水和雨水的同位索比率之间,表明浅层土壤水来源于雾水和雨水的补给,但是干季浅层土壤水包含更多的雾水。在降雨稀少的干季,浅层土壤水主要来自雾水的补给,表明了林冠滴落的雾水是林下幼树和耐阴树种生长和生存的重要环境因子。干季和雨季(5-10月份)地下水的稳定性同位素比率与雨水的均没有显著差别,表明雾水对地下水的补给没有贡献,其水分补给仅仅来自雨水。  相似文献   

Summary Total above ground plant biomass in a 45 year old seasonally dry tropical hardwood forest was estimated to be approximately 56,000 kg/ha oven dry weight. Nutrients immobilized in the standing vegetation were: N, 203 kg/ha; P, 24 kg/ha; K, 234 kg/ha; Ca, 195 kg/ha; Mg, 47 kg/ha; Na, 9 kg/ha; Mn, 1 kg/ha; Cu, 0.5 kg/ha; Zn, 3 kg/ha; Fe, 4 kg/ha. Total nutrients returned each year through the litter were: N, 156 kg/ha; P, 9 kg/ha; K, 59 kg/ha; Ca, 373 kg/ha; Mg, 32 kg/ha; Na, 5 kg/ha; Mn, 1 kg/ha; Al, 21 kg/ha; Zn, 0.3 kg/ha; Fe, 9 kg/ha. Half of the nutrients immobilized in the standing vegetation were found in the leaves and are returned annually to the soil. Although litter fall is interrupted during the year, the mean nutrient content of the litter was high –5.2%.A decomposition rate of 0.48 percent per day was considered high for a seasonally dry tropical hardwood forest. Fluctuations in soil nutrient levels showed a sharp increase at the start of the rainy season. Later during the dry season nutrient levels decreased to concentrations similar to what they were just prior to the rainy season. Soil organic matter levels were very high –20% in the top 12 cm.  相似文献   

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