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? The flow of xylem sap through conifer bordered pits, particularly through the pores in the pit membrane, is not well understood, but is critical for an understanding of water transport through trees. ? Models solving the Navier-Stokes equation governing fluid flow were based on the geometry of bordered pits in black spruce (Picea mariana) and scanning electron microscopy images showing details of the pores in the margo of the pit membrane. ? Solutions showed that the pit canals contributed a relatively small fraction of resistance to flow, whereas the torus and margo pores formed a large fraction, which depended on the structure of the individual pit. The flow through individual pores in the margo was strongly dependent on pore area, but also on the radial location of the pore with respect to the edge of the torus. ? Model results suggest that only a few per cent of the pores in the margo account for nearly half of the flow and these pores tend to be located in the inner region of the margo where their contribution will be maximized. A high density of strands in outer portions of the margo (hence narrower pores) may be more significant for mechanical support of the torus.  相似文献   

Dispersal distance as a benefit of myrmecochory   总被引:13,自引:5,他引:8  
A. N. Andersen 《Oecologia》1988,75(4):507-511
Summary Nutrient-enrichment and predator avoidance are generally considered the major benefits of myrmecochory, but this is apparently not so in Australia where some of the greatest known concentrations of myrmecochorus plants occur. Here I demonstrate that distance dispersal is a potential benefit of myrmecochory in the Australian environment. Although mean dispersal distance at a site in southeastern Australia was only 2.1 m, the dispersal curve was characterised by a narrow peak and long tail. A dispersal curve of this shape has been shown by Green (1983) to be optimal when safe sites for seedling establishment are rare, as is typically the case for Australian myrmecochores in the absence of fire. Both mean disperal distance and shape of the dispersal curve are influenced strongly by nest density and dispersion, population size, and territoriality of seed-dispersing ants. I argue that distance dispersal is likely to be a benefit of myrmecochory throughout Australia, independent of any targeting of seeds to ant nests.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of different anatomic representations on student learning in a human anatomy class studying the muscular system. Specifically, we examined the efficacy of using dissected cats (with and without handouts) compared with clay sculpting of human structures. Ten undergraduate laboratory sections were assigned to three treatment groups: cat dissection only, cat dissection with handouts, and human clay sculpting with handouts. Exams included higher-order questions that presented novel anatomic images and scenarios that the students did not practice in class. The higher-order anatomy exam questions varied the degree to which students in the different treatments had to transform the anatomic representation studied during laboratory activities to match the representation used in the exam questions. In this respect, exam questions manipulated the similarity between the surface features of the anatomic representations used in the classroom versus the exam. When identifying anatomic structures presented in a photograph or diagram, student performance improved significantly when transformation demands decreased, i.e., students in the human clay sculpting treatment group performed best on human anatomy questions and students in the cat dissection treatment group performed better on cat anatomy questions (independent of the use of handouts). There were similar, but nonsignificant, trends when students were asked functional anatomy questions presented in human and cat contexts. On survey questions designed to measure student attitudes about dissection versus nonanimal alternatives, students typically preferred the method used in their treatment group, suggesting that student preference is too fluid to factor into curricular decisions. When designing curricula, instructors must choose anatomic representations that support their course goals. Human representations are most effective when teaching the human muscular system.  相似文献   

The effects of Fe(3+) and Fe(2+) on molecular models of biomembranes were investigated. These consisted of bilayers of dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) and of dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine (DMPE), classes of phospholipids located in the outer and inner moieties of cell membranes, respectively. X-ray studies showed that very low concentrations of Fe(3+) affected DMPC organization and 10(-3)M induced a total loss of its multilamellar periodic stacking. Experiments carried out with Fe(2+) on DMPC showed weaker effects than those induced by Fe(3+) ions. Similar experiments were performed on DMPE bilayers. Fe(3+) from 10(-7)M up to 10(-4)M had practically no effect on DMPE structure. However, 10(-3)M Fe(3+) induced a deep perturbation of the multilamellar structure of DMPE. However, 10(-3)M Fe(2+) had no effect on DMPE organization practically. Differential scanning calorimetry measurements also revealed different effects of Fe(3+) and Fe(2+) on the phase transition and other thermal properties of the examined lipids. In conclusion, the results obtained indicate that iron ions interact with phospholipid bilayers perturbing their structures. These findings are consistent with the observation that iron ions change cell membrane fluidity and, therefore, affect its functions.  相似文献   

A half-center oscillator (HCO) is a common circuit building block of central pattern generator networks that produce rhythmic motor patterns in animals. Here we constructed an efficient relational database table with the resulting characteristics of the Hill et al.’s (J Comput Neurosci 10:281–302, 2001) HCO simple conductance-based model. The model consists of two reciprocally inhibitory neurons and replicates the electrical activity of the oscillator interneurons of the leech heartbeat central pattern generator under a variety of experimental conditions. Our long-range goal is to understand how this basic circuit building block produces functional activity under a variety of parameter regimes and how different parameter regimes influence stability and modulatability. By using the latest developments in computer technology, we simulated and stored large amounts of data (on the order of terabytes). We systematically explored the parameter space of the HCO and corresponding isolated neuron models using a brute-force approach. We varied a set of selected parameters (maximal conductance of intrinsic and synaptic currents) in all combinations, resulting in about 10 million simulations. We classified these HCO and isolated neuron model simulations by their activity characteristics into identifiable groups and quantified their prevalence. By querying the database, we compared the activity characteristics of the identified groups of our simulated HCO models with those of our simulated isolated neuron models and found that regularly bursting neurons compose only a small minority of functional HCO models; the vast majority was composed of spiking neurons.  相似文献   

Pertussis-toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of Gi in S49 membranes, but not in S49AC- membranes, which lack Gs, induces a threefold reduction of isoproterenol affinity to the beta-adrenoceptors. A similar treatment of turkey erythrocyte membranes, which are devoid of functional Gi, has no effect on beta-agonist affinity to their beta-adrenoceptors. Non-hydrolyzable analogs such as GTP[S] induce a larger decrease in beta-adrenoceptor affinity in S49 cells towards the agonist isoproterenol as compared to pertussis-toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation of Gi. These results suggest that Gi affects beta-adrenoceptor affinity to its agonist and that this interaction requires the presence of Gs. It seems, therefore, that Gi physically interacts with Gs to exert its effects on the receptor and probably on adenylate cyclase as well. Our ability to detect (a) the effect of pertussis-toxin-catalyzed ADP-ribosylation in S49 cells on beta-agonist affinity and (b) the quantitative difference between the effect of pertussis toxin (approx. threefold) and GTP[S] (fivefold to sevenfold) depends on the use of a simple but rigorous method to study in detail the affinity of beta-agonists to their receptors. This method seems to be superior to the analysis of displacement curves as a means to examine receptor-ligand interactions.  相似文献   

Resolving how complexity affects stability of natural communities is of key importance for predicting the consequences of biodiversity loss. Central to previous stability analysis has been the assumption that the resources of a consumer are substitutable. However, during their development, most species change diets; for instance, adults often use different resources than larvae or juveniles. Here, we show that such ontogenetic niche shifts are common in real ecological networks and that consideration of these shifts can alter which species are predicted to be at risk of extinction. Furthermore, niche shifts reduce and can even reverse the otherwise stabilizing effect of complexity. This pattern arises because species with several specialized life stages appear to be generalists at the species level but act as sequential specialists that are hypersensitive to resource loss. These results suggest that natural communities are more vulnerable to biodiversity loss than indicated by previous analyses.  相似文献   

Concern about climate change has spurred experimental tests of how warming affects species' abundance and performance. As this body of research grows, interpretation and extrapolation to other species and systems have been limited by a lack of theory. To address the need for theory for how warming affects species interactions, we used consumer-prey models and the metabolic theory of ecology to develop quantitative predictions for how systematic differences between the temperature dependence of heterotrophic and autotrophic population growth lead to temperature-dependent herbivory. We found that herbivore and plant abundances change with temperature in proportion to the ratio of autotrophic to heterotrophic metabolic temperature dependences. This result is consistent across five different formulations of consumer-prey models and over varying resource supply rates. Two models predict that temperature-dependent herbivory causes primary producer abundance to be independent of temperature. This finding contradicts simpler extensions of metabolic theory to abundance that ignore trophic interactions, and is consistent with patterns in terrestrial ecosystems. When applied to experimental data, the model explained 77% and 66% of the variation in phytoplankton and zooplankton abundances, respectively. We suggest that metabolic theory provides a foundation for understanding the effects of temperature change on multitrophic ecological communities.  相似文献   

We used woodchucks (Marmota monax) to test predictions of acost-benefit model of antipredator behavior that flight initiationdistance would increase with distance to refuge and with predatorapproach velocity. We also examined the effects of distanceto refuge and predator approach velocity on escape velocityand on both temporal and spatial margin of safety (expectedtime and distance between predator and burrow at the time ofthe woodchuck's arrival). The observer, assumed to be perceivedas a potential predator, approached juvenile woodchucks fromthe direction opposite to the burrow at a slow (1.24 m/s) orfast (1.79 m/s) walking pace. When the woodchuck started toflee, the observer recorded the woodchuck's distance from theobserver and from its burrow, the time spent running, and whetherthe woodchuck stopped before reaching its burrow. Flight initiationdistance increased consistendy with distance to the burrow overthe entire observed range (0–25 m) but was not significantlyaffected by observer approach velocity. Escape velocity wasnot significantly influenced by the observer approach velocityand was approximately constant over the range of 2–25m, but was slower for woodchucks less than 2 m from their burrows.Both temporal and spatial margins of safety increased with distancefrom the burrow. The temporal margin of safety increased withdistance from the burrow more rapidly for slow than for fastobserver approach velocity. Woodchucks fleeing from greaterthan 2 m usually stopped near the burrow before entering, butthose from closer distances usually entered directly. Theseresults support the assumption that antipredator behavior issensitive to the costs and benefits of alternative escape decisions.  相似文献   

  • Rewardless plants can attract pollinators by mimicking floral traits of rewarding heterospecific plants. This should result in the pollination success of floral mimics being dependent on the relative abundance of their models, as pollinator abundance and conditioning on model signals should be higher in the vicinity of the models. However, the attraction of pollinators to signals of the models may be partially innate, such that spatial isolation of mimics from model species may not strongly affect pollination success of mimics.
  • We tested whether pollination rates and fruit set of the rewardless orchid Disa pulchra were influenced by proximity and abundance of its rewarding model species, Watsonia lepida.
  • Pollination success of the orchid increased with proximity to the model species, while fruit set of the orchid increased with local abundance of the model species. Orchids that were experimentally translocated outside the model population experienced reduced pollinaria removal and increased pollinator‐mediated self‐pollination.
  • These results confirm predictions that the pollination success of floral mimics should be dependent on the proximity and abundance of model taxa, and thus highlight the importance of ecological facilitation among species involved in mimicry systems.

Preincubation of synaptosomes in standard physiological medium stimulates 2-fold Ca2+ uptake as compared to non-preincubated synaptosomes. When the sodium concentration in the preincubation medium has been halved, Ca2+ uptake was reduced by approximately 50 percent. The addition of ouabain to the preincubation medium decreases depolarization-stimulated Ca2+ uptake by about 40 percent. A steady-state level of Ca2+ uptake is achieved by synaptosomes preincubated for 0,5 or 10 min. These findings suggest that Ca2+ uptake might depend on the Na-gradient formed during the preincubation of synaptosomes under control conditions.  相似文献   

Multi-spanning membrane proteins: how accurate are the models?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Growth rate varies widely among species and the trade-off between growth rate and storage or maintenance traits is a principal axis of variation between species. Many plant species have substantial root stores, but very little is known about how growth rate modifies responses of these stores to defoliation and other stresses. Species with different growth rates are predicted to respond in distinct ways, because of variation in the pre-defoliation allocation to storage. Here, we quantified the dynamics of stored carbohydrates in seven species with varying growth rate, following defoliation in a pot experiment. For faster growing species, there was significant reduction in carbohydrate concentration following defoliation, followed by relatively fast recovery, whereas for slower growing species, carbohydrate concentration levels remained relatively invariant across treatments. Results for total carbohydrates mirrored those for concentration, but were not as significant. Our findings were consistent with the idea that faster growing species respond more rapidly than slower growers to defoliation, through changes in carbohydrate pool concentrations. Growth rate as an indicator of life-history and ecological strategy may therefore be key to understanding post-defoliation recovery and storage strategies.  相似文献   

Rates of community similarity decay were examined among parasite communities of the bluegill sunfish from isolated populations located throughout the midwestern and southeastern United States. Rates of decay were compared for assemblages composed of all species, autogenic species only, and allogenic species only. Rates of similarity decay were calculated by regressing a matrix of intercommunity distance against a matrix of intercommunity Sorenson similarity for each group of species. Significance was determined with the use of a Mantel test using 1,000 permutations. Significant rates of decay were found for all groups; however, allogenic similarity decayed according to an exponential function, whereas autogenic similarity decayed according to a linear function. Overall, the results suggest that autogenic-allogenic status is an important factor determining the rate at which similarity decays, but illustrate the need for more insight regarding the factors that affect parasite dispersal ability.  相似文献   

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