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Numerous xenobiotic compounds, including the organophosphate insecticides O, O-diethyl-O-(2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4-pyrimidinyl) phosphorothioate (diazinon) and O, O-diethyl-O-p-nitrophenyl phosphorothioate (parathion), appear to be degraded in the soil environment by an initial cometabolic attack. Comparing the mineralization rates of radiolabeled diazinon and parathion in root-free and in rhizosphere soil, we tested our hypothesis that, because of the presence of root exudates, the rhizosphere is an especially favorable environment for such co-metabolic transformations. The insecticides were added individually at 5 μg/g to sealed flasks containing either soil permeated by the root system of a bush bean plant or identical soil without roots. Periodically, the flask atmospheres were flushed through traps and the evolved 14CO2 was quantitated. Bush bean plant roots without associated rhizosphere microorganisms failed to produce a significant amount of 14CO2. During 1 month of incubation, rhizosphere flasks mineralized 12.9 and 17.9% of the added diazinon and parathion radiocarbon, respectively, compared to 5.0 and 7.8% by the soil without roots. The mineralization of parathion but not of diazinon was stimulated in a similar manner when soil without roots was repeatedly irrigated with a root exudate produced in aseptic solution culture. Viable counts of microorganisms on soil extract agar were not significantly altered by root permeation or by root exudate treatment of the soil, leaving population selection and/or enhanced cometabolic activity as the most plausible interpretations for the observed stimulatory effects. Rhizosphere interactions may substantially shorten the predicted half-lives of some xenobiotic compounds in soil.  相似文献   

Plots of reaction rate versus substrate concentration of the enzymatic decarboxylation of IAA yield sigmoid, rather than the usual, hyperbolic curves, suggesting that the IAA oxidase of cabbage roots is an allosteric enzyme. The quantity of this enzyme in roots is so high that the IAA concentration is likely to limit IAA degradation in intact cells. Thus, variations in the level of this enzyme seem not to be essential for the regulation of the endogenous IAA concentration. Cabbage roots contain substances that can inhibit IAA oxidase. These substances are spatially separated from IAA oxidase in intact cells, but the same inhibitors are able to reach the enzyme when added exogenously to tissue segments. The possibility that added IAA is treated by tissue segments in another manner than endogenous IAA is discussed.  相似文献   

近年来,随着拟除虫菊酯类农药的大量及不合理使用,环境及食品中的农药残留对人类健康造成的负面影响日益显著。微生物降解农药作为去除农药污染安全高效的方法已成为当前研究热点之一。综述了国内外拟除虫菊酯类农药微生物降解菌的种类、降解机制、降解酶及降解菌应用的最新研究进展,并对亟须解决的重要问题进行了展望。  相似文献   

In unifoliates of eight lines of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris),four with a pole and four with a bush habit, symptoms of resistanceand susceptibility, according to line, developed quickly whenplants were inoculated with Pseudomonas phaseolicola on theday when the leaves opened. When older leaves were inoculatedsymptoms developed more slowly, but the resistant/susceptibledifference was retained. Oxygen uptakes by homogenates of healthy unifoliates of thefour resistant lines were 30 to 75 per cent. higher than theuptakes by homogenates of those of the four susceptible lineson the day when the leaves opened. Subsequently the uptakesfluctuated somewhat, although those of resistant leaves werealways higher. Using leaf sections, rates of respiration and the extents ofdark CO2 fixation were found to be the same in both resistantand susceptible unifoliates at all stages of development. Old healthy resistant leaves decarboxylated indoleacetic acidless rapidly than did old healthy susceptible leaves, but therewas no difference in young leaves. The oxygen uptake by homogenates is, therefore, the most promisingreaction to pursue in order that the difference between resistantand susceptible leaves might be understood.  相似文献   

We isolated a bacterial strain, Agrobacterium radiobacter P230, which can hydrolyze a wide range of organophosphate (OP) insecticides. A gene encoding a protein involved in OP hydrolysis was cloned from A. radiobacter P230 and sequenced. This gene (called opdA) had sequence similarity to opd, a gene previously shown to encode an OP-hydrolyzing enzyme in Flavobacterium sp. strain ATCC 27551 and Brevundimonas diminuta MG. Insertional mutation of the opdA gene produced a strain lacking the ability to hydrolyze OPs, suggesting that this is the only gene encoding an OP-hydrolyzing enzyme in A. radiobacter P230. The OPH and OpdA proteins, encoded by opd and opdA, respectively, were overexpressed and purified as maltose-binding proteins, and the maltose-binding protein moiety was cleaved and removed. Neither protein was able to hydrolyze the aliphatic OP malathion. The kinetics of the two proteins for diethyl OPs were comparable. For dimethyl OPs, OpdA had a higher kcat than OPH. It was also capable of hydrolyzing the dimethyl OPs phosmet and fenthion, which were not hydrolyzed at detectable levels by OPH.  相似文献   

为提高育苗基质中废弃物木质素降解速率,在废弃物堆腐生产育苗基质高温阶段取样,筛选耐高温木质素降解菌,并对菌种进行鉴定,同时测定其对秸秆木质素和菌糠木质素的降解效果。获得了1株较好的木质素高温降解菌HZ11,鉴定为解淀粉芽胞杆菌(Bacillus amyloliquefaciens),结果显示,该菌株对秸秆木质素和菌糠木质素降解效果较好,50 ℃条件下,20 d木质素降解率分别为46.7%和42.4%。菌株HZ11在降解秸秆和菌糠方面具有很好的应用潜力,为利用农业废弃物生产育苗基质提供更加丰富的菌种资源,具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

分离筛选耐高温纤维素降解细菌,构建可快速降解沼渣的复合菌剂,缩短堆肥腐熟时间。采用高温富集筛选法,从宁夏中卫市秸秆堆和畜禽粪便中分离筛选耐高温细菌,经羧甲基纤维素钠水解试验和滤纸条崩解试验复筛获得具有纤维素降解能力的菌株。通过纤维素酶和木质素酶活性比较,确定目标菌株并进行分类鉴定。开展拮抗性试验和菌种复配,构建复合型菌剂;经沼渣堆肥场地试验验证复合菌剂的促腐熟效果。本研究筛选获得2株耐高温纤维降解细菌——蜡样芽胞杆菌(Bacillus cereus)W44菌株和解蛋白芽胞杆菌(Bacillus proteolyticus)X51菌株,纤维素酶活性分别为34 812.69 U/L和34 159.10 U/L。比较菌株W44/X51配比分别为1:1、1:2和2:1的复合菌剂对沼渣堆肥的促腐熟效果,添加不同的复合菌剂均缩短了沼渣堆肥腐熟时间,其中1:2处理腐熟时间最短,较CK提前18 d。蜡样芽胞杆菌W44和解蛋白芽胞杆菌X51按1:2配比的复合菌剂可用于沼渣快速堆肥发酵。  相似文献   



New approaches to delivering insecticides need to be developed to improve malaria vector control. Insecticidal durable wall lining (DL) and net wall hangings (NWH) are novel alternatives to indoor residual spraying which can be produced in a long-lasting format. Non-pyrethroid versions could be used in combination with long-lasting insecticidal nets for improved control and management of insecticide resistant vector populations.


Experimental hut trials were carried out in Valley du Kou, Burkina Faso to evaluate the efficacy of pirimiphos methyl treated DL and NWH either alone or in combination with LLINs against pyrethroid resistant Anopheles gambiae ss. Comparison was made with pyrethroid DL. Mosquitoes were genotyped for kdr and ace-1R resistant genes to investigate the insecticide resistance management potential of the combination.


The overall kdr and ace-1R allele frequencies were 0.95 and 0.01 respectively. Mortality with p-methyl DL and NWH alone was higher than with pyrethroid DL alone (>95% vs 40%; P<0.001). Combining pyrethroid DL with LLINs did not show improvement in mortality (48%) compared to the LLIN alone (44%) (P>0.1). Combining p-methyl DL or NWH with LLINs reduced biting rates significantly (8–9%) compared to p-methyl DL and NWH alone (>40%) and killed all An gambiae that entered the huts. Mosquitoes bearing the ace-1R gene were more likely to survive in huts with p-methyl DL alone (p<0.03) whereas all resistant and susceptible genotypes were killed by the combination.


P-methyl DL and NWH outperformed pyrethroid DL. Combining p-methyl DL and NWH with LLINs could provide significant epidemiological benefits against a vector population which is resistant to pyrethroids but susceptible to organophosphates. There was evidence that the single intervention would select kdr and ace-1R resistance genes and the combination intervention might select less strongly. Technology to bind organophosphates to plastic wall lining would be worth developing.  相似文献   

Protoporphyrin, an intermediate in heme and chlorophyll biosynthesis, can accumulate in human and plant tissues under certain pathological conditions and is a photosensitizer used in cancer phototherapy. We previously showed that protoporphyrin and the related non-natural dicarboxylic porphyrin deuteroporphyrin are rapidly oxidized by horseradish peroxidase in the presence of some thiols, especially glutathione. This study reports that bovine lactoperoxidase, but not leucocyte myeloperoxidase, can also catalyze this reaction and that Tween and ascorbic acid are inhibitors. Exogenous hydrogen peroxide is not required and cannot replace glutathione. Deuteroporphyrin was oxidized to a unique green chlorin product with two oxygen functions added directly to the characteristic reduced pyrrole ring of the chlorin. Spectroscopic and chromatographic results suggest that protoporphyrin was oxidized not to a green chlorin, but to a much more polar red porphyrin modified by oxidative addition to the two vinyl side chains. Two related nonnatural dicarboxylic porphyrins, with ethyl or hydroxyethyl instead of vinyl side chains, are not substrates or products for this enzymatic conversion.  相似文献   

Several bacterial strains that can use organophosphate pesticides as a source of carbon have been isolated from soil samples collected from diverse geographical regions. All these organisms synthesize an enzyme called parathion hydrolase, and in each case the enzyme is encoded by a gene (opd) located on a large indigenous plasmid. These plasmids show considerable genetic diversity, but the region containing the opd gene is highly conserved. Two opd plasmids, pPDL2 from Flavobacterium sp. and pCMS1 from Pseudomonas diminuta, are well characterized, and in each of them a region of about 5.1 kb containing the opd gene shows an identical restriction pattern. We now report the complete sequence of the conserved region of plasmid pPDL2. The opd gene is flanked upstream by an insertion sequence, ISFlsp1, that is a member of the IS21 family, and downstream by a Tn3-like element encoding a transposase and a resolvase. Adjacent to opd but transcribed in the opposite direction is an open reading frame (orf243) with the potential to encode an aromatic hydrolase somewhat similar to Pseudomonas putida TodF. We have shown that orf243 encodes a polypeptide of 27 kDa, which plays a role in the degradation of p-nitrophenol and is likely to act in concert with opd in the degradation of parathion. The linkage of opd and orf243, the organization of the genes flanking opd, and the wide geographical distribution of these genes suggest that this DNA sequence may constitute a complex catabolic transposon.  相似文献   

From immature seed of Phaseolus vulgaris, a new brassinosteroid, 6-deoxodihydrohomo- dolichosterone, as well as dolichosterone and brassinolide have been identified in addition to 6-deoxodihydrodolichosterone, 6-deoxodihydrocastasterone, castasterone and dolicholide which had already been reported therein. Extensive GC/MS analysis revealed that the number of brassinosteroids fully or partially characterized from the seed totals thirty, including unknown brassinosteroids.  相似文献   

The housefly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae), is a major medical and veterinary insect pest. It serves as a vector of many pathogenic microorganisms causing spoilage of food and diseases in human and animals. Use of chemical insecticides is adapted as a principal tool to manage housefly. Insecticides have many unforeseen ecological consequences including effects on non-target organisms. In the present study, we have assessed the effects of 10 different synthetic insecticides on the growth of mycoflora associated with the external body of the housefly by using poison food technique. Our results reveled that all synthetic insecticides enhanced the growth. Surprisingly, in most of the cases, mycelial growth of fungi was significantly increased at high concentration as compared with lower concentration. This study provides useful information about the dangerous effects of synthetic insecticides on environment by increasing the spread of various non-target pathogenic, mycotoxigenic, and food spoiling fungi, carried by houseflies.  相似文献   

House flies, Musca domestica L., are important pests of dairy operations worldwide, with the ability to adapt wide range of environmental conditions. There are a number of insecticides used for their management, but development of resistance is a serious problem. Insecticide mixtures could enhance the toxicity of insecticides in resistant insect pests, thus resulting as a potential resistance management tool. The toxicity of bifenthrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin, chlorpyrifos, profenofos, emamectin benzoate and fipronil were assessed separately, and in mixtures against house flies. A field-collected population was significantly resistant to all the insecticides under investigation when compared with a laboratory susceptible strain. Most of the insecticide mixtures like one pyrethroid with other compounds evaluated under two conditions (1∶1-“A” and LC50: LC50-“B”) significantly increased the toxicity of pyrethroids in the field population. Under both conditions, the combination indices of pyrethroids with other compounds, in most of the cases, were significantly below 1, suggesting synergism. The enzyme inhibitors, PBO and DEF, when used in combination with insecticides against the resistant population, toxicities of bifenthrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin and emamectin were significantly increased, suggesting esterase and monooxygenase based resistance mechanism. The toxicities of bifenthrin, cypermethrin and deltamethrin in the resistant population of house flies could be enhanced by the combination with chlorpyrifos, profenofos, emamectin and fipronil. The findings of the present study might have practical significance for resistance management in house flies.  相似文献   

It is shown that in the presence of reduced glutathione at low concentrations (1-5 microM) the extent of platelet aggregation with neutrophils increases and the lag period of platelet aggregation induced by tumor cells decreases. At the same time in the presence of reduced glutathione at high concentration (3 mM) the extent of platelet aggregation with neutrophils decreases, and the lag period of platelet aggregation induced by tumor cells increases. It is established that glutathione-dependent regulation of the intercellular contact formation between platelets and neutrophils depends on the ratio of glutathione oxidized and reduced forms: at fixed total glutathione concentration of 5 microM, increase of glutathione redox potential from -175 mV to 0 mV led to reduction in platelet aggregation with neutrophils. Thus, it is shown for the first time, that GSH has priming effect on the platelet aggregation with neutrophils and tumor cells, which may contribute to the regulation of inflammatory diseases and cancer.  相似文献   

It is shown that in the presence of reduced glutathione at low concentrations (1–5 μM) the extent of platelet aggregation with neutrophils increases and the lag period of platelet aggregation induced by tumor cells decreases. At the same time in the presence of reduced glutathione at high concentration (3 mM) the extent of platelet aggregation with neutrophils decreases, and the lag period of platelet aggregation induced by tumor cells increases. It is established that glutathione-dependent regulation of the intercellular contact formation between platelets and neutrophils depends on the ratio of glutathione oxidized and reduced forms: at fixed total glutathione concentration of 5 μM, increase of glutathione redox potential from −175 mV to 0 mV led to reduction in platelet aggregation with neutrophils. Thus, it is shown for the first time, that GSH has priming effect on the platelet aggregation with neutrophils and tumor cells, which may contribute to the regulation of inflammatory diseases and cancer.  相似文献   

The rates of [U-14C]glutamine oxidation to 14CO2 were determined under a variety of experimental conditions using whole homogenates and dissociated cells from rat brain. The pattern of glutamine oxidation by homogenates differed from that by dissociated brain cells in several respects. The rates of glutamine oxidation by dissociated brain cells showed saturation kinetics with an apparent Km of 0.30 mM. Lineweaver-Burk plots of glutamine oxidation by homogenates revealed two linear segments with two apparent Km values (0.58 mM and 3.0 mM). In the presence of aminooxyacetate, however, the Lineweaver-Burk plots for homogenates were linear with a single Km of 0.47 mM. The oxidation of glutamine by homogenates was inhibited by both rotenone and antimycin A (80-85%), as were glutamate and glucose oxidation, suggesting that a significant amount of glutamine is oxidized via the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In the presence of aminooxyacetate, glutamine oxidation was inhibited less than 40%, whereas the oxidation of glutamate was inhibited 75%; in contrast, glucose oxidation was enhanced 50%. The rates of glutamine oxidation by homogenates were highest in the presence of high levels of potassium (50 mM) and low levels of sodium (2.5 mM). Varying ionic composition, however, had little or no effect on the rates of glutamine oxidation by dissociated brain cells. Measurements of glutamine oxidation by homogenates prepared from 2-, 10-, 15-, 25-, and 90-day-old rats revealed little or no age-dependent difference. In contrast, the oxidation by dissociated brain cells from 2-day-old animals was significantly less than that obtained for animals 10 days or older (7.76 vs. 15.6 nmol/h/mg).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Innate immunity involving antimicrobial peptides represents an integrated and highly effective system of molecular and cellular mechanisms that protects host against infections. One of the most frequent hospital-acquired pathogens, Staphylococcus aureus, capable of producing proteolytic enzymes, which can degrade the host defence agents and tissue components. Numerous antimicrobial peptides derived from chromogranins, are secreted by nervous, endocrine and immune cells during stress conditions. These kill microorganisms by their lytic effect at micromolar range, using a pore-forming mechanism against Gram-positive bacteria, filamentous fungi and yeasts. In this study, we tested antimicrobial activity of chromogranin A-derived peptides (catestatin and cateslytin) against S. aureus and analysed S. aureus-mediated proteolysis of these peptides using HPLC, sequencing and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Interestingly, this study is the first to demonstrate that cateslytin, the active domain of catestatin, is active against S. aureus and is interestingly resistant to degradation by S. aureus proteases.  相似文献   

The Methoprene-tolerant (Met) mutation of Drosophila melanogaster results in a high (100-fold) level of resistance to the insecticide methoprene, a chemical analog of juvenile hormone. Pest species that are under control with methoprene may therefore have the potential to evolve resistance via a mutation homologous to Met. To evaluate the potential of such mutants to persist in wild populations, we must understand the fitness of flies carrying Met. In the absence of methoprene, Met flies were outcompeted by a wild-type strain both in a multigeneration population cage and in single-generation competition experiments. To determine which fitness component(s) is responsible for the competitive disadvantage, the survival, time of development, and fecundity of flies homozygous for each of five Met alleles were compared with wild type. Small but significant differences were found between the pooled Met alleles and wild type for pupal development time, pupal mortality, and early adult fecundity. These differences result in a large competitive disadvantage. Although Met flies were found to have reduced fitness by these measures, the phenotype is not as severe as might be expected from a knowledge of the disruption of juvenile hormone regulation seen in Met flies. It is concluded that (1) although Met flies have a large advantage under methoprene selection, they will quickly become outcompeted upon relaxation of methoprene usage, (2) even a seemingly severe disruption of juvenile hormone regulation has no drastic effect on the vital functions of the insect and (3) small differences in fitness components can translate into a large competitive disadvantage.  相似文献   

Chaplygina  A. V.  Vekshin  N. L. 《Biophysics》2019,64(1):83-88
Biophysics - Abstract—The amounts of lipofuscin (age pigment) were compared in four organs of rats: the liver, the kidney, the heart muscle, and the brain, as well as in a suspension of...  相似文献   

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