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Oxidation of n-Tetradecane and 1-Tetradecene by Fungi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cunninghamella blakesleeana (minus strain) and a Penicillium species were grown in a mineral-salts medium containing either n-tetradecane or 1-tetradecene as substrate, and ether extracts of the mycelial mats were analyzed for oxidation products. Extracts from Cunninghamella revealed tetradecanoic acid and 13-tetradecenoic acid from the oxidation of n-tetradecane and 1-tetradecene, respectively, thereby indicating that these hydrocarbons were subject to methyl group oxidation. In contrast to Cunninghamella, the Penicillium oxidized the two substrates by subterminal attacks on methylene rather than methyl groups. This was evidenced by tentative identifications of the following alcohols and ketones from oxidation of the hydrocarbons: tetradecan-2-ol, dodecan-1-ol, tetradecan-2-one, and tetradecan-4-one from n-tetradecane, and tetradecen-4-ol, 13-tetradecen-4-ol, tetradecen-3-ol, 13-tetradecen-4-one, and tetradecen-3-one from 1-tetradecene. A pathway for hydrocarbon oxidation is proposed for subterminal oxidation at the methylene alpha to the methyl group.  相似文献   

Oxidation of 1-Tetradecene by Pseudomonas aeruginosa   总被引:7,自引:6,他引:1  
Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain Sol 20 was grown on 1-tetradecene as sole carbon source, and a vinyl-unsaturated 14-carbon monocarboxylic acid, 13-tetradecenoic acid, was identified from culture fluid. This acid was not produced when n-tetradecane served as substrate for growth. Oxidation of the methyl group represents one method of attack on the 1-alkene by this organism. Tentative identification of 2-tetradecanol indicates that an attack on the double bond is also occurring. α, ω-Dienes would not support growth.  相似文献   

Some strains of Candida utilis produce exceptionally large amounts of extracellular and total invertase. Strain Y-900 of C. utilis produces high yields whether the carbon source is sucrose, glucose, maltose, or xylose and still higher yields with lactic acid, glycerol, and ethyl alcohol. Approximately 20 to 30% of the total invertase of C. utilis is extracellular.

Strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces carlsbergensis are generally inferior to C. utilis in production of extracellular and total invertase, the difference being accentuated in shaken cultures.

The industrial yeasts are generally superior in invertase production to the other yeasts included in the survey.


Extracellular Deoxyribonuclease Production by Yeasts   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A total of 20 genera of yeasts and yeastlike organisms were tested for their ability to produce an extracellular deoxyribonuclease. Results indicate that ability to produce the enzyme appears to be a specific characteristic of the three genera Rhodotorula, Cryptococcus, and Tremella. A single strain of Endomycopsis fibuligera was also shown to be positive for the enzyme. In comparing the ability of the organisms to excrete extracellular deoxyribonuclease with their ability to produce urease, a surprisingly close correlation was found. With the exception of Lipomyces starkeyi, all the organisms which were deoxyribonuclease-negative were also urease-negative. Of those organisms which were deoxyribonuclease-positive, only E. fibuligera was urease-negative. The ability of cryptococci to produce extracellular deoxyribonuclease is discussed in relation to the implication which this finding may have for the taxonomy and phylogeny of the genus.  相似文献   

Production of d-Mannitol and Glycerol by Yeasts   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
D-Mannitol has not so far been known as a major product of sugar metabolism by yeasts. Three yeast strains, a newly isolated yeast from soy-sauce mash, Torulopsis versatilis, and T. anomala, were found to be good mannitol producers. Under optimal conditions, the isolate produced mannitol at good yield of 30% of the sugar consumed. Glucose, fructose, mannose, galactose, maltose, glycerol, and xylitol were suitable substrates for mannitol formation. High concentrations of yeast extract, Casamino Acids, NaCl, and KCl in media affected significantly the mannitol yield, whereas high levels of inorganic phosphate did not show any detrimental effect.  相似文献   

The optimum condition for the formation of CDP-choline was studied: (1) the reaction proceeded more effectively at 35°C than at 28 or 40°C. (2) the maximum formation of CDP-choline was obtained at pH 7.5, when pH levels were kept constant throughout the reaction. (3) twenty #x03BC;moles per ml of 5′-CMP was the optimum concentration for the formation of CDP-choline. When higher concentration of 5′-CMP was employed, the substrate was decomposed to uridine, uracil, etc., and the yield of CDP-choline decreased. By the application of feeding method, 5′-CMP was utilized to the effective formation of CDP-choline without further formation of side-products.  相似文献   

In the course of study on citric acid fermentation by Candida zeylanoides, in which n-alkane (a mixture of C–12 to C–15) was used as the sole source of carbon, we found that a polyol-like substance was accumulated when the medium-pH fell down to below 4.0. This was isolated in crystalline forms and identified as meso-erythritol. Comparing erythritol production among fifty yeast strains, Candida zeylanoides, particularly its glycerol-requiring mutant KY 6166, was found to be an excellent producer.

Erythritol production was also observed with ethanol or acetic acid as the sole carbon source but not with glucose. An efficient condition for large production of erythritol was to keep the medium-pH at low level (2.5 to 4.0) and the concentration of NaCl or KCl at high level (1 to 3%). Under conditions established in this work, more than 55 mg/ml of erythritol was successfully produced in 120 hr incubation in 300-ml flasks, which corresponded to 55% of the alkane used.  相似文献   

The catalase activities of the Candida cells grown on hydrocarbons were generally much higher than those of the cells grown on Iauryl alcohol, glucose or ethanol. Km values for hydrogen peroxide of the enzymes from the glucose- and the hydrocarbon-grown cells of Candida tropicalis were the same level. The enzyme activities of the yeasts were higher at the exponential growth phase, especially of the hydrocarbon-grown cells, than at the stationary phase. Profuse appearance of microbodies having homogeneous matrix surrounded by a single-layer membrane has also been observed electronmicroscopically in the hydrocarbon- grown cells of several Candida yeasts. Cytochemical studies using 3,3′-diaminobenzidine (DAB) revealed that the catalase activity was located in microbodies. These facts suggest that the catalase activities would be related to the hydrocarbon metabolism in the yeasts.  相似文献   

Xylose isomerase, an enzyme isomerizing xylose to xylulose, was produced adaptively when Candida utilis, a fodder yeast, was grown in a medium containing xylose. This experiment was carried out in order to isolate and purify the enzyme, and to clarify properties of the enzyme. As a result, it was revealed that the enzyme could be solubilized by plasmolysis, and was purified by dialysis, salting out with ammonium sulfate, precipitating with acetone, and adsorbing to calcium phosphate gel. The enzyme requires some divalent metal ions for its action and among them manganese ion is the most effective. The enzyme is inhibited particularly by ethylenediamine-tetraacetic acid and has somewhat thermotolerant character.  相似文献   

The inhibitory effects of chlorinated monoaromatic compounds on three hydrocarbonoclastic yeasts grown on glucose or resorcinol were examined. At concentrations of 1.0 M, all of the monoaromatic compounds were inhibitory. When the concentration of chlororesorcinol was significantly reduced (0.0005 M), the inhibition to each yeast was minimized. Extracts of the cultures of yeasts growing on resorcinol plus chlororesorcinol were analyzed for residual resorcinol and chlororesorcinol with high pressure liquid chromatography. Neither compound was detected in the culture broth of Candida maltosa, but several unidentified compounds were present. Only chlororesorcinol was detected in the culture broth of Trichosporon oivide, and both resorcinol and chlororesorcinol were present in extract from cultures of C. tropicalis. Cultures of C. maltosa grown on resorcinol-yeast nitrogen base, washed and suspended in phosphate buffer and subsequently incubated with chlororesorcinol, turned the culture broth a distinct pink color. The data indicate that C. maltosa has the potential to co-metabolize chlororesorcinol. Received: 28 January 1997 / Accepted: 7 March 1997  相似文献   

The control of promoter activity by oxygen availability appears to be an intriguing system for heterologous protein production. In fact, during cell growth in a bioreactor, an oxygen shortage is easily obtained simply by interrupting the air supply. The purpose of our work was to explore the possible use of hypoxic induction of the KlPDC1 promoter to direct heterologous gene expression in yeast. In the present study, an expression system based on the KlPDC1 promoter was developed and characterized. Several heterologous proteins, differing in size, origin, localization, and posttranslational modification, were successfully expressed in Kluyveromyces lactis under the control of the wild type or a modified promoter sequence, with a production ratio between 4 and more than 100. Yields were further optimized by a more accurate control of hypoxic physiological conditions. Production of as high as 180 mg/liter of human interleukin-1β was obtained, representing the highest value obtained with yeasts in a lab-scale bioreactor to date. Moreover, the transferability of our system to related yeasts was assessed. The lacZ gene from Escherichia coli was cloned downstream of the KlPDC1 promoter in order to get β-galactosidase activity in response to induction of the promoter. A centromeric vector harboring this expression cassette was introduced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and in Zygosaccharomyces bailii, and effects of hypoxic induction were measured and compared to those already observed in K. lactis cells. Interestingly, we found that the induction still worked in Z. bailii; thus, this promotor constitutes a possible inducible system for this new nonconventional host.  相似文献   

The metabolism of -aminobutyric acid (AB) by two yeasts, Saccharomycescerevisiae and Torulopsis utilis, was investigated. Both yeastsgrew well upon AB as a sole source of nitrogen (N), and thelag phase for Torulopsis was shorter than when provided the N-source. The metabolism of AB by Torulopsis, whichwas associated with an increased O2 uptake, was adaptive incharacter. The enzyme whose formation was induced by the supplyof AB was a transaminase, which was apparently specific forAB as the amino donor. Small amounts of transaminase were presentin unadapted, -grown cells. The optimum pH, equilibrium constant, Michaelis' constant, and coenzyme requirementwere investigated for the transamination reaction involving-ketoglutaric acid (KG) as amino group acceptor. Succinic semi-aldehyde(SSA) was a product of this transamination reaction.The possibility;that some AB was converted into SSA by a direct oxidative deaminationremained unconfirmed. The further conversion of SSA into succinic acid was establishedusing intact. cells for both yeasts. This oxidation processwas shown to be linked to the reduction of pyridine nucleotidesvising extracts of Saccharomyces as a source of SSA dehydrogenase.Dehydrogenase activity could be ascribed to two separate enzymes,one linked to DPN, and the other utilizing TPN and requiringMg++ as an activator. The properties of the former enzyme, whichwas more important quantitatively, were investigated and comparedwith those described in the literature for an aldehyde dehydrogenaseof baker's yeast and for SSA dehydro-genases of Pseudomonas.Torulopsis extracts could catalyse the reduction of SSA to -hydroxybutyricacid (OHB); the OHB dehydrogenase involved required TPNH asa coenzyme. Certain other properties of this enzyme are recorded. The possibility is discussed that AB and SSA act as intermediatesin a metabolic pathway that may form a by-pass of the KG-succinatestage of the tricarboxylic acid cycle.  相似文献   


A decade or so ago, there was considerable interest in developing single cell protein production from raw materials. Many factors have influenced the development of fodder yeast technology, notably the biochemistry and physiology of the yeast.

It is shown that those considerations have led to the choice of a continuous fermentation technology.  相似文献   

The polyalcohol production from the pentoses such as d-xylose, l-arabinose and d-ribose by various genera and species of yeasts was examined. Candida polymorpha dissimilated aerobically these three pentoses and produced xylitol from d-xylose, l-arabinitol from l-arabinose and ribitol from d-ribose at good yield of 30~40% of sugar consumed. The result suggests that these polyalcohols would be major products from pentoses by yeasts, but some unidentified minor polyalcohols were also produced.  相似文献   

d-Xylulose, an intermediate of d-xylose catabolism, was observed to be fermentable to ethanol and carbon dioxide in a yield of greater than 80% by yeasts (including industrial bakers' yeast) under fermentative conditions. This conversion appears to be carried out by many yeasts known for d-glucose fermentation. In some yeasts, xylitol, in addition to ethanol, was produced from d-xylulose. Fermenting yeasts are also able to produce ethanol from d-xylose when d-xylose isomerizing enzyme is present. The results indicate that ethanol could be produced from d-xylose in a yield of greater than 80% by a two-step process. First, d-xylose is converted to d-xylulose by xylose isomerase. d-Xylulose is then fermented to ethanol by yeasts.  相似文献   

The inhibition of growth of Histoplasma capsulatum by Candida albicans and other yeasts on Sabouraud's agar was investigated. Histoplasma (yeast-phase inoculum) was grown alone and in mixtures with yeasts at 25 C for 4-week periods. As few as 10 colonies of C. albicans completely inhibited the growth of approximately 50,000 potential colonies of Histoplasma. The pH was determined in cultures of 36 colonies of Candida on media containing 1, 2, and 4% glucose by spotting the agar with pH indicators. A drop in the pH became noticeable in all three media about the 3rd day of incubation, and a pH of 3.5 was reached in about 7 days. Subsequently, the pH remained almost stationary in the 4% glucose-agar, rose slowly in the 2% glucose-agar, and rose sharply in the 1% glucose-agar. The growth of Histoplasma was inhibited completely at pH 4 and below. When the pH was controlled in mixed cultures, some growth of Histoplasma was obtained. Substitution of maltose for glucose delayed the development of acidity and allowed the appearance of numerous mycelial colonies in the presence of Candida. This growth was arrested as soon as the medium became acid. Four other species which also acidified the Sabouraud's medium effected similar inhibition. It was thus shown that severe and prolonged acidity produced by some yeasts in the sugar-rich Sabouraud's media is alone sufficient to completely inhibit Histoplasma during the standard 4-week incubation of specimens such as sputum.  相似文献   

Candida peltata NRRL Y-6888 to ferment xylose to xylitol was evaluated under different fermentation conditions such as pH, temperature, aeration, substrate concentration and in the presence of glucose, arabinose, ethanol, methanol and organic acids. Maximum xylitol yield of 0.56 g g−1 xylose was obtained when the yeast was cultivated at pH 6.0, 28°C and 200 rpm on 50 g L−1 xylose. The yeast produced ethanol (0.41 g g−1 in 40 h) from glucose (50 g L−1) and arabitol (0.55 g g−1 in 87 h) from arabinose (50 g L−1). It preferentially utilized glucose > xylose > arabinose from mixed substrates. Glucose (10 g L−1), ethanol (7.5 g L−1) and acetate (5 g L−1) inhibited xylitol production by 61, 84 and 68%, respectively. Arabinose (10 g L−1) had no inhibitory effect on xylitol production. Received 24 December 1998/ Accepted in revised form 18 March 1999  相似文献   


Among aroma compounds interesting for the food industry, lactones may be produced by biotechnological means using yeasts. These microorganisms are able to synthesize lactones de novo or by biotransformation of fatty acids with higher yields. Obtained lactone concentrations are compatible with industrial production, although detailed metabolic pathways have not been completely elucidated. The biotransformation of ricinoleic acid into gamma-decalactone is taken here as an example to better understand the uptake of hydroxy fatty acids by yeasts and the different pathways of fatty acid degradation. The localization of ricinoleic acid beta-oxidation in peroxisomes is demonstrated. Then the regulation of the biotransformation is described, particularly the induction of peroxisome proliferation and peroxisomal beta-oxidation and its regulation at the genome level. The nature of the biotransformation product is then discussed (4-hydroxydecanoic acid or gamma-decalactone), because the localization and the mechanisms of the lactonization are still not properly known. Lactone production may also be limited by the degradation of this aroma compound by the yeasts which produced it. Thus, different possible ways of modification and degradation of gamma-decalactone are described.  相似文献   

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