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目的:在巴斯德毕赤酵母中表达有降糖活性的人胰高血糖素样肽-1(hGLP-1)突变体(2Gly-hGLP-1)与人血清白蛋白(HSA)的融合蛋白。方法:为将GLP-1氨基酸序列第2位的丙氨酸(Ala)定点突变为甘氨酸(Gly),根据毕赤酵母偏爱密码子合成编码2Gly-hGLP-1的基因;采用重叠PCR法拼接2Gly-hGLP-1和HSA的基因,使得2Gly-hGLP-1的C端与HSA的N端通过甘氨酸五肽接头连接;将该融合基因插入表达载体pPIC9构建为重组载体pPIC9/2Gly-hGLP-1-HSA,电击转化至毕赤酵母GS115细胞,通过表型筛选和诱导表达实验获得高效表达菌株;工程菌在5L发酵罐中培养后,对发酵产物进行分离纯化和生物学活性分析。结果:融合蛋白在5L发酵罐中的表达量约为200mg/L,经纯化后纯度可达95%以上;小鼠糖耐量实验表明该融合蛋白具有明显的控血糖活性。结论:在毕赤酵母中分泌表达的融合蛋白2Gly-hGLP-1-HSA具有降血糖活性。  相似文献   

人胰高血糖素样肽-1突变体基因的克隆及表达   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:克隆人胰高血糖素样肽-1突变体(^2Gly-hGLP-1)基因,高效表达GST-^2Gly-hGLP-1融合蛋白.方法:在获得重组hGLP-1基因工程菌基础上,利用定点突变技术改造其第2位丙氨酸为甘氨酸,经酶切克隆于pGEM-7z( )载体中,构建pGEM-4T-3/^2Gly-hGLP-1融合表达规模.SDS-PAGE和凝胶扫描分析,融合蛋白以可溶形式存在,其表达量占菌体总蛋白的29.7%。表达产物经亲和层析纯化后纯度在95%以上,免疫印迹证实,该融合蛋白可被异性hGLP-1(7-37)抗体所识别。结论:为产业化规模制备hGLP-1突变体提供技术线路。  相似文献   

目的:构建GLP-1-IgG Fc融合蛋白分子并在毕赤酵母中实现高效表达.方法:使用蛋白质工程技术改造GLP -1,去除其蛋白酶降解位点,然后利用重叠延伸PCR方法得到改造后的GLP -1与人IgG-Fc片断的嵌合体基因并将其插入pPIC9K载体中.以重组载体转化巴斯德毕赤酵母菌中进行表达.采用SDS-PAGE和Western Blot方法检测重组蛋白的表达.结果:成功的构建了GLP -1-IgG Fc嵌合体基因并使其在重组毕赤酵母中高效分泌表达.在25℃条件下,摇瓶培养添加0.5%甲醇诱导72h后融合蛋白的表达量最大,为5mg/L.SDS-PAGE和Westem-Blot结果表明表达产物为GLP -1-IgG Fc融合蛋白.结论:获得了高效表达GLP -1-IgG Fc融合蛋白的毕赤酵母菌株,为GLP -1-IgG Fc的活性和半衰期测定及下一步的开发奠定了基础,并为在毕赤酵母菌中表达其他Fc融合蛋白和抗体提供了参考.  相似文献   

The continuous separation of proteins was performed in a countercurrent gradient chromatography (CGC) system. A magnetically stabilized fluidized bed (MSFB) was used to establish true countercurrent contact of a solid resin with a liquid buffer. STable pH gradients were formed in the system in less than 10 min and remained stable throughout the course of the separation experiment (>2 h). The shape of the pH gradient, which ultimately controls the resolution and purity of the separation, can be controlled by making simple adjustments in the interstitial velocities of the liquid and solid phases. We have performed the separation of myoglobin and human serum albumin (HSA) using this device and achieved concentration factors of 1.75 for myoglobin and 1.2 for HSA. A mathematical model that has no adjustable parameters has been developed that predicts the focusing behaviour and capabilities of the CGC system. Using the model, we have estimated the optimum phase velocities, particle diameters, and equilibrium parameters necessary for achieving high purity and high concentrations. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Alpha fetoprotein (C-AFP), serum albumin (C-fSA) from chicken embryos, and SA from hens were purified using gentle chromatographic and electrophoretic methods, and their fatty acids (FAs) and squalene contents were analyzed using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. In 7-day-old chick embryo, AFP carries 16% and fSA 6% free FAs, the rest being carried as phospholipids, which differs from rat and pig AFP, where all fatty acids are carried like free fatty acids. At this stage C-AFP contains 3.6% arachidonic acid, which falls to 1.7% in 14-day-old embryos. Both of these figures are significantly lower than in humans, rats, calves, and pigs. C-AFP does not transport docosahexaenoic acid, in notable contrast to the mammals mentioned above. The finding of squalene in the two fetal proteins is reported for the first time. During the interval between 7 and 14 days, the proportion of C16:1 n-7 and of C18:2 n-6 increases 10-fold, that of C18:0 quadruples, and that of C18:1 n-9 decreases 3-fold. Squalene increases in this period from 2.2% to 10.0%. The C-fSA of a 7-day-old embryo transports only one FA with more than two unsaturated carbons, arachidonic acid (2.4%). It also contains squalene (1.2%). Similarly, only arachidonic acid (2.5%), but not squalene is found in hen SA. The percentage of saturated and monounsaturated FAs divided by the percentage of polyunsaturated FAs, and the ratios of the percentage of FAs with C14–C18 with respect to those with C20–C22 transported by C-AFP are very different from those of studied mammals.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effect of fatty acids on choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) activity. ChAT is unstable in a solution of low protein concentration, so serum albumin (BSA) is usually added to stabilize the enzyme. However, we found that ChAT from bovine caudate nucleus rapidly lost its activity when diluted with a buffer containing commercial preparations of BSA. This effect was caused by octanoic acid, which was found in the gas chromatography/mass spectrometry system of lipid extract in commercial BSAs. The inhibition of ChAT activity by octanoic acid depended on the concentrations of the octanoic acid and of the albumin. We also found that ChAT activity was decreased by some long-chain fatty acids, arachidonic acid having exhibited the strongest effect. The extent to which arachidonic acid inhibited ChAT activity depended on the molar ratio of arachidonic acid and albumin, rather than upon the concentration of arachidonic acid. The effect of octanoic acid and arachidonic acid on ChAT activity appeared to increase in the presence of albumin.  相似文献   

Glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) regulates glucose mediated-insulin secretion, nutrient accumulation, and β-cell growth. Despite the potential therapeutic usage for type 2 diabetes (T2D), GLP-1 has a short half-life in vivo (t1/2 <2 min). In an attempt to prolong half-life, GLP-1 fusion proteins were genetically engineered: GLP-1 human serum albumin fusion (GLP-1/HSA), AGLP-1/HSA which has an additional alanine at the N-terminus of GLP-1, and AGLP-1-L/HSA, in which a peptide linker is inserted between AGLP-1 and HSA. Recombinant fusion proteins secreted from the Chinese Hamster Ovary-K1 (CHO-K1) cell line were purified with high purity (>96%). AGLP-1 fusion protein was resistant against the dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV). The fusion proteins activated cAMP-mediated signaling in rat insulinoma INS-1 cells. Furthermore, a C57BL/6N mice pharmacodynamics study exhibited that AGLP-1-L/HSA effectively reduced blood glucose level compared to AGLP-1/HSA. [BMB Reports 2013; 46(12): 606-610]  相似文献   

目的:在毕赤酵母中融合表达人骨保护素(OPG)片段OPG179与人血清白蛋白(HSA).方法:通过RT-PCR扩增获得OPG179基因,构建表达质粒pHILD2-rhOPG179-HSA,转化至毕赤酵母菌中进行表达、纯化,对分泌表达产物进行SDS-PAGE及Western印迹检测.结果:酶切鉴定与测序结果显示重组表达质...  相似文献   

目的:比较PichiaPink表达系统和巴斯德毕赤酵母GS115在表达外源蛋白方面的差异,对PichiaPink表达系统的潜在优点进行评价。方法:以重组人血清白蛋白-干扰素α2b融合蛋白(HSA-IFN-α2b)为报告蛋白,构建相关载体,分别转化PichiaPink系统菌株和巴斯德毕赤酵母GS115菌株,诱导HSA-IFN-α2b表达并测定表达水平;通过SDS-PAGE检测HSA-IFN-α2b在PichiaPink系统中的降解程度。结果:PichiaPink系统几乎所有的转化子都可以表达HSA-IFN-α2b,而GS115菌株只有60%的转化子能表达HSA-IFN-α2b;同一种Pink菌株中,整合有高拷贝数表达载体pPink-HC的菌株表达量高于整合有低拷贝数表达载体pPink-LC的菌株;Pink蛋白酶缺陷菌株在复杂培养基(YPD,BMMY)中HSA-IFN-α2b基本没有降解,而在合成培养基(BSM)中降解现象明显。结论:PichiaPink表达系统产生的转化子较GS115菌株产生的转化子易于筛选;PichiaPink系统蛋白酶缺陷菌株可明显减少外源蛋白降解。这些结果为利用PichiaPink表达系统高水平和大规模制备外源蛋白提供了实验依据。  相似文献   

将合成的人胰高血糖素样肽-1(glucagon-like peptide-1,GLP-1)突变体基因与IgG4抗体的Fc部分进行融合获得GLP-1-IgG4-Fc片段,获得的基因片段与pXC17.4载体进行连接,用电转化方法将线性化质粒稳定转染CHO-K1细胞,通过Clone Pix 2筛选出高表达细胞株,产量达1.5g/L。收集培养上清并经Protein A和Source 30Q纯化,得到的GLP-1-IgG4-Fc融合蛋白,SDS-PAGE纯度高于95%,高效液相色谱(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)纯度和毛细管区域凝胶电泳(capillary zone electrophoresis,CZE)纯度均不低于80%,尺寸排阻层析(size-exclusion chromatography,SEC)纯度高于99%。经质谱和肽图谱测定,分子量与理论值一致,肽图谱序列与对照品高度一致。生物学活性分析表明,GLP-1-IgG4-Fc融合蛋白具有促进表达有GLP-1受体的HEK293细胞分泌环磷酸腺苷(cyclic adenosine monophosphate,c AMP)的活性,并且该活性与对照品高度相似。  相似文献   

A novel recombinant exendin-4 human serum albumin fusion protein (rEx-4/HSA) expressed in Pichia pastoris was prepared and characterized. Ex-4 is a 39-amino acid peptide isolated from the salivary gland of the lizard Heloderma suspectum and is thought to be a novel therapeutic agent for type 2 diabetes. But to gain a continued effect, the peptide has to be injected twice a day owing to its short plasma half-life (t(1/2) = 2.4 h). To extend the half-life of Ex-4 molecule in vivo, we designed a genetically engineered Ex-4/HSA fusion protein. Between Ex-4 and HSA, a peptide linker GGGGS was inserted and the fusion protein was expressed in methylotrophic yeast P. pastoris with native HSA secretion signal sequence. The recombinant protein was secreted correctly and was obtained with high purity (typically > 98%) by a three-step purification procedure. cAMP assay demonstrated that the fusion protein had a bioactivity similar to Ex-4 for interaction with GLP-1 receptors in vitro. Results from oral glucose tolerance test indicated that rEx-4/HSA could effectively improve glucose tolerance in diabetic db/db mice. Pharmacokinetics studies in cynomologus monkeys also showed that rEx-4/HSA had a much longer plasma half-life. Therefore, rEx-4/HSA fusion protein could potentially be used as a new recombinant biodrug for type 2 diabetes therapy.  相似文献   

疏水层析结合冷乙醇沉淀纯化人血清白蛋白   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
将层析技术与冷乙醇工艺相结合用于人血清白蛋白的纯化 ,对各过程所采用的层析介质及层析条件进行了探索 ,得到了一条从人血浆中制备血清白蛋白的新路线 :将一步冷乙醇沉淀后的血浆上清进行脱盐除乙醇 ,用阳离子交换介质CMSepharoseFF以透过式层析的模式吸附非白蛋白组分 ,最后选用ButylSepharoseFF一步疏水层析后所得样品经SDS-PAGE银染显示一条单带 ,分析其纯度大于 99% ,计算工艺收率为 81.2%。与传统冷乙醇工艺相比较 ,该工艺最终样品纯度更高 ,且层析可以在常温下操作 ,易实现自动化控制.  相似文献   

A basic need for a protein-based dosimeter is a purified protein. In this communication we present an isolation protocol and an HPLC-based assay which allows one to determine the purity of the isolated albumin. A total of 168 human blood samples were collected from workers of a benzene processing plant and from nearby countryside at Kohtla-Järve, Estonia. Albumin was isolated from plasma by sequential precipitation and the purity was determined by HPLC. The amount of albumin present in plasma varied between the individuals, being 147 ± 26 mg/5 ml (n=168), which is about 59% of plasma albumin. However, the isolated albumin was highly pure (100.9 ± 8.2%, n=5). All albumin samples analyzed demonstrate two peaks in HPLC analysis. The two peaks detected were collected and subjected to MS analysis, which demonstrates a difference of 120 mass units between the two albumin products isolated. We have developed an assay, which is easy to carry out and is not too labor intense. The HPLC analysis can be applied to confirm the purity of the isolated albumin as well as to confirm the quantity of the albumin in samples.  相似文献   

肝细胞靶向性系统表达载体的构建   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在肝脏疾病的基因治疗过程中,为把目的基因定向导入靶细胞,构建了具有靶向性的逆转录病毒的包装细胞.即应用RT-PCR方法分别反转录并扩增env,pres2基因,将它们分别克隆至pGEM-T载体上,经测序正确后,将一目的基因亚克隆在pcDNA3.1(-)表达载体上,然后将另一目的片段从T载体上切下,克隆至经同样酶切的重组表达载体中。从而成功地构建了肝细胞靶向性系统的表达载体pcDNA3.1(-)-env-pres2和pcDNA3.1(-)-pres2-env。  相似文献   

Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) plays a crucial role in cell development, differentiation, and metabolism, and has been a potential therapeutic agent for many diseases. Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are widely used for production of recombinant therapeutic proteins, but the expression level of IGF-1 in CHO cells is very low (1,500?µg/L) and the half-life of IGF-1 in blood circulation is only 4.5?min according to previous studies. Therefore, IGF-1 was fused to long-circulating serum protein human serum albumin (HSA) and expressed in CHO cells. After 8-day fed-batch culture, the expression level of HSA–IGF-1 reached 100?mg/L. The fusion protein HSA–IGF-1 was purified with a recovery of 35% using a two-step chromatographic procedure. According to bioactivity assay, the purified HSA–IGF-1 could stimulate the proliferation of NIH3T3 cells in a dose-dependent fashion and promote the cell-cycle progression. Besides this, HSA–IGF-1 could bind to IGF-1 receptor on cell membrane and activate the intracellular PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. Our study suggested that HSA fusion technology carried out in CHO cells not only provided bioactivity in HSA–IGF-1 for further research but also offered a beneficial strategy to produce other similar cytokines in CHO cells.  相似文献   

A sipholane triterpenoid, named sipholenone A, with anti‐cancer properties was isolated from the Red Sea sponge Siphonochalina siphonella and characterized by proton and carbon‐13 nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR and 13C NMR) spectroscopies. The goal of this study was to visualize the binding of this triterpenoid with human serum albumin (HSA) and to determine its binding site on the biomacromolecule. The interaction was visualized using fluorescence quenching, synchronous fluorescence, far‐ and near‐UV circular dichroism (CD), UV–visible and Fourier transform‐infrared (FT‐IR) spectroscopies. UV–visible spectroscopy indicated the formation of a ground‐state complex as a result of the interaction. Sipholenone A quenches the fluorescence of HSA via a static quenching mechanism. A small blue shift in the fluorescence quenching profiles suggested the involvement of hydrophobic forces in the interaction. Sipholenone A binding takes place at site I of subdomain II A with a 1:1 binding ratio, as revealed by displacement binding studies using warfarin, ibuprofen and digitoxin. Far‐UV CD and FT‐IR studies showed that the binding of sipholenone A to HSA also had a small effect on the protein's secondary structure with a slight decrease in the α‐helical content. Several thermodynamic parameters were calculated, along with Forster's radiative energy transfer analysis.  相似文献   

A riboflavin carrier protein has been purified from human pregnancy and umbilical cord sera by affinity chromatography and fast protein liquid chromatography. This protein has a similar molecular weight to the chicken egg riboflavin carrier protein and shares other physicochemical properties, such as pI and riboflavin binding characteristics, with the avian counterpart. A high degree of immunological cross-reactivity is observed between the human and avian riboflavin binding proteins indicating the extensive conservation of this protein throughout evolution.  相似文献   

Blood serum proteins are significant indicators of animal health. Nevertheless, several factors should be considered to appropriately interpret their concentrations in blood. Therefore, the objectives of this study were (1) to assess the effect of herd productivity, breed, age and stage of lactation on serum proteins and (2) to investigate association between serum proteins and somatic cell count (SCC) in dairy cattle. Milk and blood samples were collected from 1508 cows of six different breeds (Holstein Friesian, Brown Swiss, Jersey, Simmental, Rendena and Alpine Grey) that were housed in 41 multi-breed herds. Milk samples were analyzed for composition and SCC, while blood samples were analyzed for serum proteins (i.e. total protein, albumin, globulin and albumin-to-globulin ratio (A : G)). Herds were classified as low or high production, according to the cow’s average daily milk energy yield adjusted for breed, days in milk (DIM) and parity. Data were analyzed using a linear mixed model that included the fixed effects of DIM, parity, SCS, breed, herd productivity and the random effect of the Herd-test date within productivity level. Cows in high producing herds (characterized also by greater use of concentrates in the diet) had greater serum albumin concentrations. Breed differences were reported for all traits, highlighting a possible genetic mechanism. The specialized breed Jersey and the two dual-purpose local breeds (Alpine Grey and Rendena) had the lowest globulin concentration and greatest A : G. Changes in serum proteins were observed through lactation. Total protein reached the highest concentration during the 4th month of lactation. Blood albumin increased with DIM following a quadratic pattern, while globulin decreased linearly. As a consequence, A : G increased linearly during lactation. Older cows had greater total protein and globulin concentrations, while albumin concentration seemed to be not particularly affected by age. A linear relationship between serum proteins and SCS was observed. High milk SCS was associated with greater total protein and globulin concentrations in blood. The rise in globulin concentration, together with a decrease in albumin concentrations, resulted in a decline in A : G as SCS of milk increased. In conclusion, such non-genetic factors must be considered to appropriately interpret serum proteins as potential animal welfare indicator and their evaluation represents an important first-step for future analysis based on the integration of metabolomics, genetic and genomic information for improving the robustness of dairy cows.  相似文献   

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