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A number of synthetically useful methods for asymmetric oxidation of the C-C double bond are briefly reviewed. This includes chemical asymmetric epoxidation, such as Sharpless, Julia, and Jacobsen epoxidation, asymmetric cis-dihydroxylation of olefins, monooxygenase-catalyzed epoxidation, dioxygenase-catalyzed cis-dihydroxylation of aromatics, and trans-dihydroxylation of C-C double bond catalyzed by a monooxygenase and an epoxide hydrolase. The catalytic system, substrate range, enantioselectivity, synthetic application, and scope and limitation of each method are described.  相似文献   

A natural bacterial isolate that we have classified as Pseudomonas acidovorans grows on the lignin model compounds 1-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)propane-1,3-diol (compound 1) and 1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-2-(2-methoxyphenoxy)propane-1,3-diol (compound 1'), as well as on the corresponding 1-oxo compounds (2 and 2') as sole sources of carbon and energy. Metabolic intermediates present in cultures growing on compound 1 included compound 2, 2-methoxyphenol (guaiacol [compound 3]), beta-hydroxypro-pioveratrone (compound 4), acetoveratrone (compound 5), and veratric acid (compound 6). Also identified were compounds 1', 2', beta-hydroxypropiovanillone (compound 4'), and acetovanillone (compound 5'), indicating that 4-O demethylation also occurs. The phenolic intermediates were the same as those found in cultures growing on compound 1'. Compounds 2 and 2' were in part also reduced to compounds 1 and 1', respectively. Compound 3 was shown to be derived from the 2-methoxyphenoxy moiety. A suggested degradation scheme is as follows: compound 1-->2-->(3 + 4)-->5-->6 (and similarly for 1'). In this scheme, the key reaction is cleavage of the ether linkage between C-2 (C(beta)) of the phenylpropane moiety and the 2-methoxyphenoxy moiety in compounds 2 and 2' (i.e., beta-aryl ether cleavage). On the basis of compounds identified, viz., 3 and 4 (4'), cleavage appears formally to be reductive. Because this is unlikely, the initial cleavage products probably were not detected. The implications of these results for the enzyme(s) responsible are discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated the metabolic route by which a lignin tetramer-degrading mixed bacterial culture degraded two tetrameric lignin model compounds containing β—O—4 and 5—5 biphenyl structures. The α-hydroxyl groups in the propane chain of both phenolic and nonphenolic tetramers were first oxidized symmetrically in two successive steps to give monoketones and diketones. These ketone metabolites were decomposed through Cα(=O)—Cβ cleavage, forming trimeric carboxyl acids which were further metabolized through another Cα(=O)—Cβ cleavage. Dehydrodiveratric acid, which resulted from the cleavage of the carbon bonds of the nonphenol tetramer, was demethylated twice. Four metabolites of the phenolic tetramer were purified and identified. All of these were stable compounds in sterile mineral medium, but were readily degraded by lignin tetramer-degrading bacteria along the same pathway as the phenol tetramer. No monoaromatic metabolites accumulated. All metabolites were identified by mass and proton magnetic resonance spectrometry. The metabolic route by which the mixed bacterial culture degraded tetrameric lignin model compounds was different from the route of the main ligninase-catalyzed Cα—Cβ cleavage by Phanerochaete chrysosporium.  相似文献   

Solution-state two-dimensional (2D) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy of plant cell walls is a powerful tool for characterizing changes in cell wall chemistry during the hydrothermal pretreatment process of wheat straw for second-generation bioethanol production. One-bond 13C–1H NMR correlation spectroscopy, via an heteronuclear single quantum coherence experiment, revealed substantial lignin β-aryl ether cleavage, deacetylation via cleavage of the natural acetates at the 2-O- and 3-O-positions of xylan, and uronic acid depletion via cleavage of the (1?→?2)-linked 4-O-methyl-α-d-glucuronic acid of xylan. In the polysaccharide anomeric region, decreases in the minor β-d-mannopyranosyl, and α-l-arabinofuranosyl units were observed in the NMR spectra from hydrothermally pretreated wheat straw. The aromatic region indicated only minor changes to the aromatic structures during the process (e.g., further deacylation revealed by the depletion in ferulate and p-coumarate structures). Supplementary chemical analyses showed that the hydrothermal pretreatment increased the cellulose and lignin concentration with partial removal of extractives and hemicelluloses. The subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis incurred further deacetylation of the xylan, leaving approximately 10 % of acetate intact based on the weight of original wheat straw.  相似文献   

Laccase-catalyzed oxygen delignification of kraft pulp offers some potential as a replacement for conventional chemical bleaching and has the advantage of requiring much lower pressure and temperature. However, chemical mediators are required for effective delignification by laccase, and their price is currently too high at the dosages required. To date, most studies have employed laccase from Trametes versicolor. We have found significant differences in reactivity between laccases from different fungi when they are tested for pulp delignification in the presence of the mediators 2,2(prm1)-azinobis(3-ethylbenzthiazoline-6-sulfonate) (ABTS) and 1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT). A more detailed study of T. versicolor laccase with ABTS and HBT showed that HBT gave the most extensive delignification over 2 h but deactivated the enzyme, and therefore a higher enzyme dosage was required. Other mediators, including 1-nitroso-2-naphthol-3,6-disulfonic acid, 4-hydroxy-3-nitroso-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid, promazine, chlorpromazine, and Remazol brilliant blue, were also tested for their ability to delignify kraft pulp. Studies with dimeric model compounds indicated that the mechanisms of oxidation by ABTS and HBT are different. In addition, oxygen uptake by laccase is much slower with HBT than with ABTS. It is proposed that the dication of ABTS and the 1-oxide radical of HBT, with redox potentials in the 0.8- to 0.9-V range, are required for pulp delignification.  相似文献   

Catalytic oxidation via the application of molecular oxygen and copper complexes is a useful pathway toward valuable low molecular mass compounds from in situ or waste stream lignins. In this study, two dimeric β-ether model compounds, one β-ether oligomer, and a milled wood lignin sample from Loblolly pine were catalytically oxidized. Yields and stability of the aromatic aldehyde and acid products were measured. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and gel permeation chromatography were used to monitor structure/composition and molecular mass changes of the lignin before and after catalytic oxidation to study the degree of depolymerization and structure of the residual lignin. Oxidized units appear to be derived from β-aryl ether, phenylcoumaran, and biphenyl ether components. To date, this method breaks down the lignin polymeric structure reasonably effectively, producing low molecular mass products; this work also highlights some of the issues that need to be overcome to optimize this approach.  相似文献   

When 4-methylguaiacol (MeG), a phenolic lignin model compound, was added to a culture that was inoculated with Coriolus versicolor, it was bioconverted into 2-methoxy-4-methylphenyl beta-d-xyloside (MeG-Xyl). The phenolic hydroxyl group of vanillyl alcohol was much more extensively xylosylated than the alcoholic hydroxyl group. When a mixture of MeG and commercial UDP-xylose was incubated with cell extracts of mycelia, transformation of UDP-xylose into MeG-Xyl was observed. This result suggested that UDP-xylosyltransferase was involved in the xylosylation of phenolic hydroxyl groups of lignin model compounds.  相似文献   

The conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to fuels, chemicals, and other commodities has been explored as one possible pathway toward reductions in the use of non-renewable energy sources. In order to identify which plants, out of a diverse pool, have the desired chemical traits for downstream applications, attributes, such as cellulose and lignin content, or monomeric sugar release following an enzymatic saccharification, must be compared. The experimental and data analysis protocols of the standard methods of analysis can be time-consuming, thereby limiting the number of samples that can be measured. High-throughput (HTP) methods alleviate the shortcomings of the standard methods, and permit the rapid screening of available samples to isolate those possessing the desired traits. This study illustrates the HTP sugar release and pyrolysis-molecular beam mass spectrometry pipelines employed at the National Renewable Energy Lab. These pipelines have enabled the efficient assessment of thousands of plants while decreasing experimental time and costs through reductions in labor and consumables.  相似文献   

Cross-correlated fluctuations of isotropic chemical shifts can provide evidence for slow motions in biomolecules. Slow side-chain dynamics have been investigated in (15)N and (13)C enriched ubiquitin by monitoring the relaxation of C(alpha)-C(beta) two-spin coherences (Frueh et al., 2001). This method, which had hitherto been demonstrated only for protonated ubiquitin, has now been applied to both protonated and deuterated proteins. Deuteration reduces the dipole-dipole contributions to the DD/DD cross-correlation, thus facilitating the observation of subtle effects due to cross-correlation of the fluctuations of the isotropic (13)C chemical shifts. The decays of double- and zero-quantum coherences are significantly slower in the deuterated protein than in the protonated sample. Slow motions are found both in loops and in secondary structure elements.  相似文献   

A simplified procedure for the identification and measurement of single-ring aromatic products of lignin acidolysis is described. The procedure employed a 6-h hydrolysis of spruce milled wood lignin in acidic dioxane at 87°C, followed by a series of organic extractions to recover acidolysis products which were quantified by gas chromatography of trimethylsilyl derivatives. Complex gel permeation chromatography procedures utilized by other workers were avoided in the modified procedure, but equivalent results were obtained. The simplified procedure was utilized to hydrolyze sound and actinomycete-decayed spruce milled wood lignins and was shown to be useful as a technique for the rapid screening of microorganisms for their ability to alter lignin.  相似文献   

Sugarcane bagasse (SCB) was pretreated with liquid hot water (LHW) and aqueous ammonia (AA), with the objective of investigating the influence of hemicellulose and lignin removal on the enzymatic digestibility and sugar recovery. The experimental results show that LHW and aqueous ammonia have a good performance in terms of hemicellulose dissolution and lignin removal respectively. The biggest xylan recovery of 74.3 % was obtained for LHW pretreatment at 160 °C, 5 %?w/v for 20 min with the xylan dissolution of 83.1 %. And the biggest lignin removal of 84.0 % was obtained for aqueous ammonia pretreatment at 160 °C, 10 %?w/v for 60 min. Moreover, the aperture and surface area of the sample were enlarged by the liquid hot water, which improves the accessibility of the substrate to the enzyme. The lignin removal caused by aqueous ammonia pretreatment can reduce the absorption of enzyme. In addition, the correlation between the compositional change and the enzymatic digestibility indicates that the removal of hemicellulose was more effective than lignin for destruction of the hemicellulose–lignin–cellulose structure.  相似文献   

西瓜嫁接体发育中木质素合成及代谢相关酶活性的变化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究了西瓜/葫芦嫁接体发育过程中砧木和接穗部分木质素含量及其代谢相关酶的活性变化.结果表明,嫁接体发育过程中木质素生物合成加快,砧木及接穗部分的过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、苯丙氨酸解胺酶(PAL)、肉桂醇脱氢酶(CAD)等的活性均明显高于对照,接穗和砧木中POD活性在15 d内持续升高,H2O2含量和CAT活性于嫁接后9~12 d出现高峰,砧木中PAL于9 d时有活性高峰而接穗一直保持较高活性而没有活性高峰,木质素含量和CAD活性持续增长,葫芦砧木木质素的代谢水平高于西瓜接穗.  相似文献   

Two NAD-dependent dehydrogenases which oxidize secondary alcoholic groups at the Cα position of dimeric lignin model compounds were purified from Pseudomonas sp. TMY1009. These enzymes have been designated Cα-dehydrogenase I and II (DH-I and DH-II). DH-II was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. The molecular weight of DH-II, which is composed of four identical subunits, is 125,000. DH-I was partially purified and the molecular weight of DH-I is 94,000. Both DH-I and DH-II are active for three kinds of dimeric lignin model compounds related to major lignin substructures, although their specificities and affinities are different.  相似文献   

目的:为研究黄孢原毛平革菌(P.chrysosporium AS5.776)液态分批发酵产木素过氧化物酶(LiP)发酵动力学规律,实现其发酵过程的优化,达到进一步提高酶产量.方法:对P.chrysosporium AS5.776进行5L液态分批发酵,根据发酵过程中菌体生长、基质消耗及LiP形成规律,基于Logistic方程和Luedeking-Piret方程建立了P.chrysosporium AS5.776液态分批发酵的过程动力学模型,并对模型进行了参数拟合、方差分析及验证比较.结果:模型模拟计算结果与实验值能较好地吻合,R2分别为0.9891、0.995 6和0.9925,模型显著性极高.验证实验显示所构建模型平均相对误差分别为2.9%、3.6%和12.5%.结论:该模型能较好揭示木素过氧化物酶发酵代谢过程的特征,可为工业化应用提供理论依据.  相似文献   

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