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Transglucosylation activities of spinach α-glucosidase I and IV, which have different substrate specificity for hydrolyzing activity, were investigated. In a maltose mixture, α-glucosidase I, which has high activity toward not only maltooligosaccharides but also soluble starch and can hydrolyze isomaltose, produced maltotriose, isomaltose, and panose, and α-glucosidase IV, which has high activity toward maltooligosaccharides but faint activity toward soluble starch and isomaltose, produced maltotriose, kojibiose, and 2,4-di-α-D-glucosyl-glucose. Transglucosylation to sucrose by α-glucosidase I and IV resulted in the production of theanderose and erlose, respectively, showing that spinach α-glucosidase I and IV are useful to synthesize the α-1,6-glucosylated and α-1,2- and 1,4-glucosylated products, respectively.  相似文献   

Three forms of α-glucosidase (EC, designated as I, II, and III, have been isolated from suspension-cultured rice cells by a procedure including fractionation with ammonium sulfate, CM-cellulose column chromatography, and preparative disc gel electrophoresis. The three enzymes were homogeneous by Polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. α-Glucosidase I was secreted in the culture medium during growth, α-glucosidase II was readily extracted from rice cells with the buffer alone, and α-glucosidase III required NaCl to be solubilized. The molecular weights of the three enzymes were 96,000 (I), 84,000 (II), and 58,000 (III). The three enzymes readily hydrolyzed maltose, maltotriose, maltotetraose, amylose, and soluble starch. α-Glucosidase I possessed strong isomaltose-hydrolyzing activity and hydrolyzed isomaltose about three times as rapidly as α-glucosidase III. The three enzymes produced panose as the main α-glucosyltransfer product from maltose. Half the maltose-hydrolyzing activities of the three enzymes were inhibited by 11.25 ng of castanospermine. The inhibition was competitive.  相似文献   

A neutral α-glucosidase was purified from pig serum by precipitation with ammonium sulfate, chromatographies on DEAE-cellulose and -Sephadex A–50, and gel filtration on Bio-Gel P–300 and Sephadex G–200. The purified enzyme was homogeneous in ultracentrifugal and disc electrophoretic analysis. The sedimentation coefficient (s20,w) was calculated to be 10.7 S, and the isoelectric point, 4.0. The molecular weight was estimated to be approximately 2.7 × 105 by thin-layer gel filtration and SDS-disc electrophoresis.

The enzyme exhibited also glucoamylase activity. The optimal pH was found to be in the pH range of 6.0 to 7.0 for maltose and soluble starch. The ratio of velocity of hydrolysis for maltose (Km, 0.72 mg/ml), soluble starch (Km, 9.8 mg/ml) and shellfish glycogen (Km, 55.6 mg/ml) was calculated to be 100: 110: 5.15 in this order.  相似文献   

Substrate and inhibitor specificities, and transglucosylation action of crystalline α-glucosidase from the mycelia of Mucor javanicus have been investigated. The enzyme hydrolyzed maltose, methyl-α-maltoside, and soluble starch liberating glucose, but little or not phenyl-α-glucoside, methyl-α-glucoside, sucrose, isomaltose, panose and dextran. The enzyme hydrolyzed phenyl-α-maltoside to glucose and phenyl-α-glucoside. The enzyme acted also as a glucosyltransferase when it was incubated with glucosyl donor such as maltose. Maltotriose was the principal transglucosylation product formed from maltose. The enzyme also catalyzed transglucosylation from maltose to riboflavin, pyridoxine, esculin and rutin. Tris and turanose inhibited the enzyme activity, but PCMB and EDTA did not. It is suggested that the enzyme activity is closely related to the histidine residue in the active center, from the inhibition experiments using diazonium-1-H-tetrazole and rose bengal.  相似文献   

The substrate and inhibitor specificities, and α-glucosyltransfer products of the purified α-glucosidase from the mycelia of Mucor racemosus were investigated. The enzyme hydrolyzed maltose, maltotriose, phenyl α-maltoside, isomaltose, soluble starch, and amylose liberating glucose, but did not act on sucrose. The enzyme hydrolyzed phenyl a-maltoside into glucose and phenyl α-glucoside. Maltotriose was the main a-glucosyltransfer product formed from maltose, and isomaltose was that from soluble starch. Tris and turanose inhibited the enzyme activity, but PCMB and EDTA did not. The enzyme hydrolyzed amylose liberating a-glucose. The enzyme was a glycoprotein containing 4.1% of neutral sugar. The neutral sugar was identified as mannose in the acid hydrolyzate of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Three forms of α-glucosidase have been isolated from 5-day-old green gram (Phaseolus vidissimus Ten.) seedlings, by a procedure including fractionation with ammonium sulfate and polyethylene glycol 6000, DEAE-cellulose column chromatography, SP-Sephadex column chromatography, preparative gel electrofocusing and preparative disc gel electrophoresis. The α-glucosidases isolated were designated as α-glucosidase I, α-glucosidase II–1 and α-glucosidase II–2. They were homogeneous on polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis. Their molecular weights were 145,000, 105,000 and 65,000, respectively. The three enzymes hydrolyzed maltose, maltotriose, phenyl α-maltoside, amylose and soluble starch liberating glucose, but did not act on sucrose. Their enzymes hydrolyzed phenyl α-maltoside into glucose and phenyl α-glucoside. They hydrolyzed amylose liberating α-glucose. Maltotriose was the main α-glucosyltransfer product formed from maltose by the three α-glucosidases.  相似文献   

α-Glucosidase has been isolated from Bacillus cereus in ultracentrifugally and electrophoretically homogeneous form, and its properties have been investigated. The enzyme has a sedimentation constant of 1.4 S and a molecular weight of 12,000. The highly purified enzyme splits α-d-(1→4)-glucosidic linkages in maltose, maltotriose, and phenyl α-maltoside, but shows little or no activity toward polysaccharides, such as amylose, amylopectin, glycogen and soluble starch. The enzyme has α-glucosyltransferase activity, the main transfer product from maltose being maltotriose. The enzyme can also catalyze the transfer of α-glucosyl residue from maltose to riboflavin. On the basis of inhibition studies with diazonium-1-H-tetrazole, rose bengal and p-chloromercuribenzoate, it is assumed that the enzyme contains both histidine and cysteine residues in the active center.  相似文献   

The crystalline α-glucosidase from Mucor javanicus has a sedimentation constant () of 6.1 S, a diffusion constant (D20, w) of 4.8 × 10?7 cm2 · sec?1, and an average molecular weight, as determined by two different methods, of 124,600. The α-glucosidase is a glycoprotein containing the following constituents; tryptophan23, lysine81, histidine39, arginine34, aspartic acid102, threonine69, serine46, glutamic acid78, proline55, glycine78, alanine55, half cystine8, valine53, methionine17, isoleucine58, leucine81, tyrosine51, phenylalanine41, glucosamine12, and mannose38.

The low content of half cystine, the high contents of aspartic acid, lysine, and histidine, and the presence of mannose as the sole constituent of neutral sugar are the characteristics of this enzyme.  相似文献   

We recently succeeded in the identification and purification of an interesting marine exo-α-glucosidase (EC from the anaspidean mollusc Aplysia fasciata. The enzyme was characterized by good transglycosylation activity toward different acceptors using maltose as donor. High-yielding enzymatic α-glycosylation of pyridoxine using this marine enzyme is reported here; the reaction has been optimized, reaching 80% molar yield of products (pyridoxine monoglucosides 24 g/l; pyridoxine isomaltoside 35 g/l). High selectivity toward the 5′ position is observed for both monoglucoside and disaccharide formation. This is the first report describing the enzymatic production of pyridoxine isomaltoside.  相似文献   

Wall-bound α-glucosidase (EC has been solubilized from suspension-cultured rice cells with Sumyzyme C and Pectolyase Y-23 and isolated by a procedure including fractionation with ammonium sulfate, Sephadex G-100 column chromatography, CM-cellulose column chroma-tography, Sephadex G-200 column chromatography, and preparative disc gel electrophoresis. The molecular weight of the enzyme was 64,000. The enzyme readily hydrolyzed maltose, maltotriose, and amylose, but hydrolyzed isomaltose and soluble starch more slowly. The Michaelis constant for maltose of the enzyme was estimated to be 0.272 mm. The enzyme produced panose as the main α- glucosyltransferred product from maltose.  相似文献   

A water-soluble and neutral polysaccharide was extracted from the current pseudobulbs of Oncidium “Gower Ramsey” during the early inflorescence stage (flower stalk less than 4 cm) by hot water, precipitated with ethanol, and purified with an anion exchanger. From the data of monosaccharide composition and linkage and anomeric configuration analyses, the polysaccharide was identified as a linear β-1→4 linked mannan.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of Saccharomyces logos α-glucosidase has been investigated.

The enzyme was active especially on maltose and phenyl-α-maltoside. The ratio of hydrolysis for maltose : phenyl-α-maltoside : phenyl-α-glucoside was estimated to be 100:110: 5.5. Therefore, the substrate specificity of the enzyme was quite different from those of other Saccharomyces species, though similar to those of mold α-glucosidases.

Km values for maltose, phenyl-α-maltoside and phenyl-α-glucoside were calculated to be 7.7 mм, 3.6 mм and 8.7 mм, respectively. Of the substrates tested, the enzyme showed a preference for phenyl-α-maltoside.  相似文献   

The aim of current work was to determine essential oils (EOs) composition from three Eucalyptus species, including E. citriodora, E. camaldulensis and E. globulus and assess their α-glucosidase inhibitory activity. The EOs were collected using the hydrodistillation technique and characterized by GC/MS, GC-FID and NMR. The isolated EOs from leaves parts of Eucalyptus species varied from 0.56 to 1.0 % on fresh weight basis. The content of the EOs was distinct according to the species. The most abundant metabolites were identified as citronellal (0–83.0 %), 1,8-cineole (0.2–44.8 %), spathulenol (0.4–16.1 %) α-pinene (0.4–15.9 %), p-cymene (3.7–11.9 %), citronellol (0–8.6 %), β-eudesmol (5.3–8.6 %) and β-pinene (0–7.1 %). The EOs obtained from targeted samples exhibited strong α-glucosidase inhibitory activity. These results are encouraging and underline that the EOs of Eucalyptus species may be a promising alternative source of natural antidiabetic.  相似文献   

Hen lysozyme modified with histamine (HML) and Japanese quail lysozyme (JQL) were treated with immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography to analyze the states of their imidazole groups. When Ni(II) was used as the metal ion immobilized, JQL was strongly retained in a Ni(II)-chelating Sepharose column, while hen lysozyme and HML were hardly retained in the same column. All of these lysozymes have a histidine imidazole group at the 15th position, while JQL has an additional histidine imidazole group at the 103rd position and HML has an additional imidazole group covalently attached to Asp101. Thus, I concluded that the imidazole group at the 103rd position of JQL is exposed to the solvent and recognized by the metal ion, but that the imidazole group attached to Asp101 in HML is localized to a hydrophobic region and not recognized by the metal ion.  相似文献   

Induction of α-Glucosidase in Mycoplasma laidlawii A   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MYCOPLASMA are a group of microorganisms distinct from bacteria, blue green algae and viruses. In size, their genomes are intermediate between those of viruses and bacteria and similar to those of the trachoma agents1. We report here the discovery of an α-glucosidase inducible by maltose in Mycoplasma laidlawii A. This is the first demonstration of enzyme synthesis control in the order Mycoplasmatales.  相似文献   

A new natural Diels-Alder adduct ( 3 ) was isolated from the leaves and stem bark of Artocarpus integer, along with seventeen known compounds ( 1 , 2 , and 4 – 18 ). Structural elucidation was conducted using NMR and HR-ESI-MS data, and comparisons were made with previous studies. Deoxyartonin I ( 3 ) exhibited the most potent α-glucosidase inhibition (IC50 7.80±0.1 μM), outperforming the acarbose positive control. This was mixed-mode inhibition, as indicated by the intersect in the second quadrant of each respective plot. An in silico molecular docking model and the pharmacokinetic features of 3 suggest that it is a potential inhibitor of enzyme α-glucosidase, and is therefore a lead candidate as a drug against diabetes mellitus.  相似文献   

The presence of multiple types of β-galactosidases in a commercial enzyme preparation from Bacillus circulans ATCC 31382 and differences in their transgalactosylation activity were investigated. Four β-galactosidases, β-Gal-A, β-Gal-B, β-Gal-C, and β-Gal-D, which were immunologically homologous, were isolated and characterized. The N-terminal amino acid sequences of all of the enzymes were identical and biochemical characteristics were similar, except for galactooligosaccharide production. β-Gal-B, β-Gal-C, and β-Gal-D produced mainly tri- and tetra saccharides at maximum yields of 20–30 and 9–12%, while β-Gal-A produced trisaccharide with 7% with 5% lactose as substrate. The Lineweaver-Burk plots for all of the enzymes, except for β-Gal-A, showed biphasic behavior. β-Gal-A was truncated to yield multiple β-galactosidases by treatment with protease isolated from the culture broth of B. circulans. Treatment of β-Gal-A with trypsin yielded an active 91-kDa protein composed of 21-kDa and 70-kDa proteins with characteristics similar to those for β-Gal-D.  相似文献   

α-Glucosidase was purified from Saccharomyces logos by precipitation with ethanol, and chromatographies on Sephadex G–200, DEAE-Sephadex, DEAE-ceiluiose and Duolite A–2. The purified α-glucosidase was homogeneous on ultracentrifugation and zone electrophoresis using cellulose acetate membrane. The sedimentation coefficient was calculated to be 9.6 S. The molecular weight was estimated to be approximately 2.7 × 105 by gel-filtration technique.

The optimum pH was found to be in the range of 4.6~5.0, and the optimum temperature was 40°C. The enzyme exhibited higher hydrolytic activity toward maltose rather than toward phenyl-α-glucoside and turanose, and no activity toward sucrose.

The enzyme was a glycoprotein containing carbohydrate of about 50%.  相似文献   

Tetrameric α-galactosidase I from Vicia faba seeds is dissociated with urea (2.5-5.0 M) into active sub-unit forms. At low urea concentrations dissociation is only apparent if methyl α-D-mannoside is present which may be indicative of the involvement of lectin interactions in subunit aggregation. Chromatofocusing of α-galactosidase I yields multiple tetrameric forms with pI values ranging from 8.75 to 7.35. It is suggested that native α-galactosidase I is a closely related mixture of tetramers resulting from post-translational changes in the enzyme protein.  相似文献   

Porcine pancreatic α-amylase can be fractionated into two components by DEAE-cellulose chromatography and by disc electrophoresis. The basis for fractionation is tentatively ascribed to a charge difference. The two components displayed the same specific activity and their thermal and pH stability, as well as the variation of Vmax and Km with pH, were identical within experimental error. It is concluded that the multiple forms of the amylase are physically distinct, but structurally related, with a common active site.  相似文献   

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