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Recently there have been breakthroughs on a number of fronts in abscisic acid (ABA) biology research that have advanced the field significantly, including discovery of genes involved in ABA metabolism, along with progress in understanding of ABA signaling (Finkelstein and others 2002; Kushiro and others 2004; Lim and others 2005; Saito and others 2004). At the same time, the chemistry of ABA has advanced. New analytical methods have been developed for profiling ABA and catabolites (Ross and others 2004; Zaharia and others 2005). Novel bioactive catabolites have been discovered from feeding studies with deuterated ABA and catabolites (Zaharia and others 2004; Zhou and others 2004). This review covers recent advances and prospects in natural products chemistry, analysis of ABA catabolism, and applications of ABA analogs for biochemical studies and horticultural uses.  相似文献   

水分胁迫是一种影响植物生长发育、限制植物产量的重要胁迫因子.植物能够通过感知刺激、产生和传导信号、启动各种防护机制来响应与适应水分胁迫.植物激素脱落酸(ABA)作为一种胁迫信号,在调节植物对水分胁迫的反应中起着重要的作用.ABA不仅能诱导气孔关闭,而且能诱导编码耐脱水蛋白的基因表达.正在增加的证据显示,ABA增强水分胁迫的耐性与其诱导抗氧化防护系统有关.本文综述了ABA在诱导活性氧(ROS)产生、调节抗氧化酶基因表达以及增强抗氧化防护系统方面的作用,着重讨论了在ABA诱导的抗氧化防护过程中Ca2 、NADPH氧化酶与ROS之间的交谈机制.  相似文献   

脱落酸与植物细胞的抗氧化防护   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
水分胁迫是一种影响植物生长发育、限制植物产量的重要胁迫因子。植物能够通过感知刺激、产生和传导信号、启动各种防护机制来响应与适应水分胁迫。植物激素脱落酸(ABA)作为一种胁迫信号,在调节植物对水分胁迫的反应中起着重要的作用。ABA不仅能诱导气孔关闭,而且能诱导编码耐脱水蛋白的基因表达。正在增加的证据显示,ABA增强水分胁迫的耐性与其诱导抗氧化防护系统有关。本文综述了ABA在诱导活性氧(ROS)产生、调节抗氧化酶基因表达以及增强抗氧化防护系统方面的作用,着重讨论了在ABA诱导的抗氧化防护过程中Ca2 、NADPH氧化酶与ROS之间的交谈机制。  相似文献   

It has been described that A disintegrin and metalloproteinase (ADAM10) may involve in the physiopathology of prion diseases, but the direct molecular basis still remains unsolved. In this study, we confirmed that ADAM10 was able to cleave recombinant human prion protein in vitro. Using immunoprecipitation tests (IP) and immunofluorescent assays (IFA), reliable molecular interaction between the native cellular form of PrP (PrPC) and ADAM10 was observed not only in various cultured neuronal cell lines but also in brain homogenates of healthy hamsters and mice. Only mature ADAM10 (after removal of its prodomain) molecules showed the binding activity with the native PrPC. Remarkably more prion protein (PrP)-ADAM10 complexes were detected in the membrane fraction of cultured cells. In the scrapie-infected SMB cell model, the endogenous ADAM10 levels, especially the mature ADAM10, were significantly decreased in the fraction of cell membrane. IP and IFA tests of prion-infected SMB-S15 cells confirmed no detectable PrP-ADAM10 complex in the cellular lysates and PrP-ADAM10 co-localization on the cell surface. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the levels of ADAM10 in the brain homogenates of scrapie agent 263K-infected hamsters and agent ME7-infected mice were also almost diminished at the terminal stage, showing time-dependent decreases during the incubation period. Our data here provide the solid molecular basis for the endoproteolysis of ADAM10 on PrP molecules and interaction between ADAM10 and PrPC. Obvious loss of ADAM10 during prion infection in vitro and in vivo highlights that ADAM10 may play essential pathophysiological roles in prion replication and accumulation.  相似文献   

综述了各种脱落酸产生真菌的生物学特征及其不同的生物合成代谢途径,并对脱落酸的定量分析技术作了简要介绍。  相似文献   

The relation between abscisic acid (ABA) and proline accumulation was investigated in detached rice (Oryza sativa L.) leaves. In darkness, proline content increased about 2-, 2,5- and 6-fold after 24, 48 and 72 h. ABA content reached maximum after 48 h. In the light, proline content remained almost unchanged until 48 h and subsequently increased slightly. ABA content in the light was lower than in darkness, but the maximum was also after 48 h. During 12-h exposure to decreased air humidity, proline content gradually increased, but ABA content increased about 25-fold after 4 h and declined thereafter. Exogenous application of ABA resulted in an increase in proline content in detached rice leaves under both light and darkness.  相似文献   

Water deficit-induced abscisic acid (ABA) accumulation is one of the most important stress signaling pathways in plant cells. Redox regulation of cellular signaling has currently attracted particular attention, but much less is known about its roles and mechanisms in plant signaling. Herein, we report that water deficit-induced ABA accumulation could be regulated by ascorbic acid (AA)-controlled redox status in leave apoplast. The AA content in non-stressed leaves was approximately 3 umol/g FW, corresponding to a mean concentration of 3 mmol/L in a whole cell. Because AA is mainly localized in the cytosol and chloroplasts, the volume of which is much smaller than that of the whole cell, AA content in cytosolic and chloroplast compartments should be much higher than 3 mmol/L. Water deficit-induced ABA accumulation in both leaf and root tissues of maize seedlings was significantly inhibited by AA and reduced glutathione (GSH) at concentrations of 500 umol/L and was completely blocked by 50 mmol/L AA and GSH. These results suggest that the AA-induced inhibition of ABA accumulation should not occur at sites where AA exists in high concentrations. Although water deficit led to a small increase in the dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) content, no significant changes in AA content were observed in either leaf or root tissues. When compared with the whole leaf cell, the AA content in the apoplastic compartment was much lower (i.e. approximately 70 nmol/g FW, corresponding to 0.7 mmol/L). Water deficit induced a significant decrease (approximately 2.5-fold) in the AA content and an increase (approximately 3.4-fold) in the DHA content in the apoplastic compartment, thus leading to a considerably decreased redox status there, which may have contributed to the relief of AA-induced inhibition of ABA accumulation, alternatively, promoting water deficit-induced ABA accumulation. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) could not mimic water deficit in inducing ABA accumulation, suggesting that the inhibition of ABA accumulation by AA or GSH was not related to their ROS-scavenging ability. The results of the present study suggest that the redox status in the apoplastic compartment, as determined by AA and DHA, may play a vital role in the regulation of the signaling process for water deficit-induced ABA accumulation.  相似文献   

An efflux compartmental analysis of abscisic acid (ABA) in barleyroots revealed two compartments of ABA, a fast exchanging one(probably the cytoplasm) containing 3.63 µM ABA and aslowly exchanging compartment (probably the vacuoles) whichcontained 0.39 µM ABA.  相似文献   

In higher plants the phytohormone ABA is involved in processes that are connected to water deficit, like stomatal closure or desiccation tolerance. In bryophytes, also containing ABA in their tissues, physiological functions remained uncertain for a long time. Quite recently, several papers have shown different effects of exogenously applied ABA: stomatal closure in Anthoceros, drought hardening in Funaria and production of the landform in Riccia. In all these cases the relevant conditions (water deficit) enhance the endogenous ABA level significantly. For induced desiccation tolerance, ABA serves as a mediator to induce specific proteins (dehydrins) strongly connected with this tolerance. Therefore, it can be concluded that in bryophytes ABA has the same function as in higher plants. It acts as a mediator in stress conditions.  相似文献   

Polyethylene glycol (PEG)-treatment decreased chlorophyll and protein contents and increased NH4 + content due to decreased glutamine synthetase activity in detached rice leaves. PEG-treatment also increased abscisic acid (ABA) content and decreased ethylene production. Addition of fluridone, an inhibitor of ABA biosynthesis, reduced ABA content in rice leaves but did not prevent chlorophyll and protein loss in rice leaves induced by PEG. Silver thiosulfate, an inhibitor of ethylene action, was effective in preventing PEG-promoted chlorophyll and protein loss, but had no effect on PEG-induced NH4 + accumulation. The current results suggest that NH4 + accumulation in rice leaves induced by PEG increases leaf sensitivity to ethylene, which in turn results in an enhancement of chlorophyll and protein loss. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Pence VC 《Plant physiology》1992,98(4):1391-1395
Abscisic acid (ABA) was tested for its ability to affect development of immature zygotic embryos of cacao (Theobroma cacao) in vitro, by adding exogenous ABA, fluridone, or mefluidide to cultured embryos. Endogenous ABA levels, measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, were increased by exogenous ABA or by culture on sucrose increasing to 21%, and were decreased by fluridone and, to a lesser extent, by mefluidide. The effects of these on maturation were measured as effects on anthocyanins, lipids, and fatty acid saturation, all of which increase with maturation of the cacao embryo. Maturation was stimulated by increasing sucrose and, to a lesser degree, the addition of ABA, but decreasing endogenous ABA by treating with fluridone significantly inhibited all maturation parameters. Although desiccation tolerance does not develop in cacao embryos, these results suggest that ABA and sucrose are both needed for the initiation of events associated with maturation in vitro.  相似文献   

Abscisic acid (ABA) is involved in regulating diverse biological processes, but its signal transduction genes and roles in hemp seed germination are not well known. Here, the ABA signaling pathway members, PYL, PP2C and SnRK2 gene families, were identified from the hemp reference genome, including 7 CsPYL (pyrab-actin resistance1-like, ABA receptor), 8 CsPP2CA (group A protein phosphatase 2c), and 7 CsSnRK2 (sucrose nonfermenting1-related protein kinase 2). The content of ABA in hemp seeds in germination stage is lower than that in non-germination stage. Exogenous ABA (1 or 10 μM) treatment had a significant regulatory effect on the selected PYL, PP2C, SnRK2 gene families. CsAHG3 and CsHAI1 were most significantly affected by exogenous ABA treatment. Yeast two-hybrid experiments were performed to reveal that CsPYL5, CsSnRK2.2, and CsSnRK2.3 could interact with CsPP2CA7 and demonstrate that this interaction was ABA-independent. Our results indicated that CsPYL5, CsSnRK2.2, CsSnRK2.3 and CsPP2CA7 might involve in the ABA signaling transduction pathway of hemp seeds during the hemp seed germination stages. This study suggested that novel genetic views can be brought into investigation of ABA signaling pathway in hemp seeds and lay the foundation for further exploration of the mechanism of hemp seed germination.  相似文献   

Role of Abscisic Acid in Seed Dormancy   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Seed dormancy is an adaptive trait that improves survival of the next generation by optimizing the distribution of germination over time. The agricultural and forest industries rely on seeds that exhibit high rates of germination and vigorous, synchronous growth after germination; hence dormancy is sometimes considered an undesirable trait. The forest industry encounters problems with the pronounced dormancy of some conifer seeds, a feature that can lead to non-uniform germination and poor seedling vigor. In cereal crops, an optimum balance is most sought after; some dormancy at harvest is favored because it prevents germination of the physiologically mature grain in the head prior to harvest (that is, preharvest sprouting), a phenomenon that leads to considerable damage to grain quality and is especially prominent in cool moist environments. The sesquiterpene abscisic acid (ABA) regulates key events during seed formation, such as the deposition of storage reserves, prevention of precocious germination, acquisition of desiccation tolerance, and induction of primary dormancy. Its regulatory role is achieved in part by cross-talk with other hormones and their associated signaling networks, via mechanisms that are largely unknown. Quantitative genetics and functional genomics approaches will contribute to the elucidation of genes and proteins that control seed dormancy and germination, including components of the ABA signal transduction pathway. Dynamic changes in ABA biosynthesis and catabolism elicit hormone-signaling changes that affect downstream gene expression and thereby regulate critical checkpoints at the transitions from dormancy to germination and from germination to growth. Some of the recent developments in these areas are discussed.  相似文献   

Excised stem sections from growing plants of Populus tremula L. and Pisum sativum L. including lateral buds were treated with indole-3-acetic acid in a phosphate buffer solution. In control sections the level of the abscisic acid-like inhibitor decreased strongly during 24 h as did the level of the endogenous auxin. Exogenous indoleacetic acid counteracted the decrease in the inhibitor level to a considerable extent. Implications of this auxin effect in relation to apical dominance are discussed.  相似文献   

Membrane-delimited abscisic acid (ABA) signal transduction plays a critical role in early ABA signaling, but the molecular mechanisms linking core signaling components to the plasma membrane are unclear. We show that transient calcium-dependent interactions of PYR/PYL ABA receptors with membranes are mediated through a 10-member family of C2-domain ABA-related (CAR) proteins in Arabidopsis thaliana. Specifically, we found that PYL4 interacted in an ABA-independent manner with CAR1 in both the plasma membrane and nucleus of plant cells. CAR1 belongs to a plant-specific gene family encoding CAR1 to CAR10 proteins, and bimolecular fluorescence complementation and coimmunoprecipitation assays showed that PYL4-CAR1 as well as other PYR/PYL-CAR pairs interacted in plant cells. The crystal structure of CAR4 was solved, which revealed that, in addition to a classical calcium-dependent lipid binding C2 domain, a specific CAR signature is likely responsible for the interaction with PYR/PYL receptors and their recruitment to phospholipid vesicles. This interaction is relevant for PYR/PYL function and ABA signaling, since different car triple mutants affected in CAR1, CAR4, CAR5, and CAR9 genes showed reduced sensitivity to ABA in seedling establishment and root growth assays. In summary, we identified PYR/PYL-interacting partners that mediate a transient Ca2+-dependent interaction with phospholipid vesicles, which affects PYR/PYL subcellular localization and positively regulates ABA signaling.  相似文献   

Effects of benzyladenine (BA) and abscisic acid (ABA) applied separately or simultaneously on parameters of gas exchange of Phaseolus vulgaris L. leaves were studied. In the first two experimental sets) 100 M ABA and 10 M BA were applied to plants sufficiently supplied with water. Spraying of leaves with ABA decreased stomatal conductance (g s) and in consequence transpiration rate (E) and net photosynthetic rate (P N) already 1 h after application, but 24 h after application the effect almost disappeared. 10 M BA slightly decreased gas exchange parameters, but in simultaneous application with ABA reversed the effect of ABA. Immersion of roots into the same solutions markedly decreased gas exchange parameters and 24 h after ABA application the stomata were completely closed. The effect of ABA was ameliorated by simultaneous BA application, particularly after 1-h treatment. In the third experimental set, plants were pre-treated by immersing roots into water, 1 M BA, or 100 M ABA for 24 h and then the halves of split root system were dipped into different combinations of 1 M BA, 100 M ABA, and water. In plants pre-treated with ABA all gas exchange parameters were small and they did not differ in plants treated with H2O+H2O, H2O+BA, or BA+BA. In plants pre-treated with BA or H2O, markedly lower values of P N were found when both halves of roots were immersed in ABA. Further, the effects of pre-treatment of plants with water, 1 M BA, 100 M ABA, or ABA+BA on the development of water stress induced by cessation of watering and on the recovery after rehydration were followed. ABA markedly decreased gas exchange parameters at the beginning of the experiment, but in its later phase the effect was compensated by delay in development of water stress. BA also delayed development of water stress and increased P N in water-stressed leaves. BA reversed the effect of ABA at mild water stress. Positive effects of BA and ABA pre-treatments were observed also after rehydration.  相似文献   

脱落酸与植物水分胁迫的关系已进行了大量的研究,现已明确脱落酸可以抑制气孔的开放(Jones和 Mansfield 1970,Weyers和 Hillman 1979,Henson等 1989),但它的作用机制仍然很不清楚。已有报告指出,当土壤水分亏缺时,ABA可以作为根与地上部间的通讯信号,由很运到地上部并抑制气孔的开放(Blackman和 Davies1985,Gollan等 1986,Zhang和 Davies  相似文献   

Pyrabactin is a synthetic abscisic acid (ABA) agonist that selectively inhibits seed germination. The use of pyrabactin was pivotal in the identification of the PYR1/PYL/RCAR family (PYL) of proteins as the ABA receptor. Although they both act through PYL proteins, pyrabactin and ABA share no apparent chemical or structural similarity. It remains unclear how pyrabactin functions as an ABA agonist. Here, we report the crystal structure of pyrabactin in complex with PYL1 at 2.4 Å resolution. Structural and biochemical analyses revealed that recognition of pyrabactin by the pocket residues precedes the closure of switch loop CL2. Structural comparison between pyrabactin- and ABA-bound PYL1 reveals a general principle in the arrangements of function groups of the two distinct ligands. The study provides a framework for the development of novel ABA agonists that may have applicable potentials in agriculture.  相似文献   

Different amounts of abscisic acid, 2.7 × 10?9? 5 × 10?8 moles, were chromatographed in isopropanol: ammonia: water (100:14:6), firstly alone and secondly together with 5 × 10?8 moles kinetin. The same amount of kinetin was also chromatographed alone. The chromatograms were tested biologically with the Avena straight-growth test. Whereas a large part of the chromatograms of kinetin gives growth stimulation, the Rf region 0.4–0.6 of abscisic acid chromatograms is strongly growth-inhibiting. The inhibition within this Rf region does not become less if abscisic acid and kinetin are chromatographed together.  相似文献   

The involvement of abscisic acid (ABA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in the regulation of flowering of Pharbitis nil was investigated through exogenous applications and analyses of endogenous levels. Both hormones inhibited the flowering of P. nil when they were applied before or after a single 15-h dark treatment. The inhibitory effect of ABA and IAA was significant when they were applied before the dark treatment, and the application to plumules was more effective than that to cotyledons. In all applications, the inhibitory effect of IAA was stronger than that of ABA. Endogenous levels of ABA and IAA in the plumules were compared between flower-inductive (15-h dark treatment) and noninductive (continuous light) light conditions. There was no significant difference in the ABA level between light and dark conditions, whereas the level of IAA was decreased by the dark treatment. These results suggest that biosynthesis and/or catabolism of IAA is affected by the light treatment and therefore may be involved in the regulation of early flowering processes in the apex. The inhibitory effects of ABA and IAA were reversed by an application of gibberellin A3, indicating that gibberellin A3 counteracts the flowering processes affected by ABA and IAA. Application of aminoethoxyvinylglycine restored the flowering response inhibited by IAA, which suggests the possibility that the inhibitory effect of IAA is the result of enhanced ethylene biosynthesis. Received November 22, 1996; accepted February 17, 1997  相似文献   

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