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Growth characteristics of a cellulolytic nitrogen-fixing bacterium isolated from a marine shipworm by Waterbury et al. (J. B. Waterbury, C. B. Calloway, and R. D. Turner, Science 221:1401-1403, 1983) are described. When grown microaerobically, the bacterium exhibited doubling times of about 2 days in cellulose-supplemented synthetic medium devoid of combined nitrogen. Maximum growth was reached 12 to 16 days after inoculation. Growth optima for pH, temperature, and NaCl concentration were 8.5, 30 to 35°C, and 0.3 M, respectively. During growth the bacterium produced succinic acid (0.026%) and acetic acid (0.010%). Formic acid (0.010%) was produced during the stationary growth phase. No growth was observed when glucose was the sole carbon source. Cellobiose supported weak growth, while longer-chain-length cellodextrins supported extensive growth. Analysis of residual carbohydrates in the medium during growth indicated that the bacterium catabolized a terminal glucose moiety from the cellodextrin chain.  相似文献   

Novel Anaerobic Cellulolytic Bacterium   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A morphologically novel bacterium which ferments cellulose and produces butyric acid was isolated from a bovine rumen. It grows in long twisted chains that often form a double-helical pattern.  相似文献   

Comparative analysis of the 16S rRNA gene and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) was used to identify epibiotic filamentous bacteria living on the marine amphipod crustacean Urothoe poseidonis. The epibionts belong to the gamma proteobacteria and represent a novel marine phylotype within the genus Thiothrix. FISH and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed that the Thiothrix filaments are present on the majority of the amphipods examined.  相似文献   

一种短杆状耐辐射菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
从北京地区公园湖岸土壤中分离到一株橙红色杆状耐辐射菌,细胞壁革兰氏染色为阴性,电镜显示菌体大小为06μm~16μm,略大于日本学者报道的Deinobacter grandis菌,过氧化氢酶的含量和分子量不同于D.radiodurans R1菌,分离菌的(G+C)mol%含量为707%, 16S rDNA序列分析表明,分离到的杆状耐辐射菌(RR5332)16S rRNA基因序列与Deinobacter grandis菌高度同源,提示RR5332归于Deinobacter菌属,并可能是该菌属中的一个新种。  相似文献   

An equol-producing bacterium was newly isolated from the feces of healthy humans and its morphological and biochemical properties were characterized. The cells were obligate anaerobes. They were non-sporulating, non-motile, gram-positive bacilliform bacteria with a pleomorphic morphology. The strain was catalase-positive, and oxidase-, urease-, and indole-negative. The only other sugar utilized by the strain was glycerin. The strain also degraded gelatin, but not esculin. It was most closely related to Eggerthella hongkongensis HKU10, with 93.3% 16S rDNA nucleotide sequence homology. Based on these features, the isolate was identified as a novel species of the genus Eggerthella. It was named Eggerthella sp. YY7918. Strain YY7918 converted substrates daidzein and dihydrodaidzein into S-equol, but did not convert daidzin, glysitein, genistein, or formononetin into it. An antimicrobial susceptibility assay indicated that strain YY7918 was susceptible to aminoglycoside-, tetracycline-, and new quinolone-antibiotics.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) have significant biotechnological potential as agents for degradation or modification of polysaccharides/glycans. As marine macroalgae are known to be rich in various types of polysaccharides, seaweed-associated bacteria are likely to be a good source of these CAZymes. A genomics approach can be used to explore CAZyme abundance and diversity, but it can also provide deep insights into the biology of CAZyme producers and, in particular, into molecular mechanisms that mediate their interaction with their hosts. In this study, a Gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shaped, carrageenolytic, and culturable marine bacterium designated as AOL6 was isolated from a diseased thallus of a carrageenan-producing farmed rhodophyte, Kappaphycus alvarezii (Gigartinales, Rhodophyta). The whole genome of this bacterium was sequenced and characterized. Sequence reads were assembled producing a high-quality genome assembly. The estimated genome size of the bacterium is 4.4 Mb and a G+C content of 52%. Molecular phylogenetic analysis based on a complete sequence of 16S rRNA, rpoB, and a set of 38 single-copy genes suggests that the bacterium is an unknown species and represents a novel genus in the family Cellvibrionaceae that is most closely related to the genera Teredinibacter and Saccharophagus. Genome comparison with T. turnerae T7901 and S. degradans 2-40 reveals several features shared by the three species, including a large number of CAZymes that comprised >?5% of the total number of protein-coding genes. The high proportion of CAZymes found in the AOL6 genome exceeds that of other known carbohydrate degraders, suggesting a significant capacity to degrade a range of polysaccharides including κ-carrageenan; 34% of these CAZymes have signal peptide sequences for secretion. Three putative κ-carrageenase-encoding genes were identified from the genome of the bacterium via in silico analysis, consistent with the results of the zymography assay (with κ-carrageenan as substrate). Genome analysis also indicated that AOL6 relies exclusively on type 2 secretion system (T2SS) for secreting proteins (possibly including glycoside hydrolases). In relation to T2SS, the product of the pilZ gene was predicted to be highly expressed, suggesting specialization for cell adhesion and secretion of virulence factors. The assignment of proteins to clusters of orthologous groups (COGs) revealed a pattern characteristic of r-strategists. Majority of two-component system proteins identified in the AOL6 genome were also predicted to be involved in chemotaxis and surface colonization. These genomic features suggest that AOL6 is an opportunistic pathogen, adapted to colonizing polysaccharide-rich hosts, including carrageenophytes.  相似文献   

A strictly anaerobic two-component culture able to grow exponentially with a doubling time of 20 h on a medium containing dichloromethane as the carbon and energy source was characterized. On a medium without sulfate, we observed (per mol of dichloromethane) a mass balance of 2 mol of chloride, 0.26 mol of acetate, 0.05 mol of formate, and 0.25 mol of carbon in biomass. One component of the culture, strain DMB, was identified by a 16S ribosomal DNA analysis as a Desulfovibrio sp. The other component, the gram-positive organism strain DMC, could not be isolated. It was possible, however, to associate strain DMC on a medium containing dichloromethane in a coculture with Acetobacterium woodii or Methanospirillum hungatei. Coculture of strain DMC with the Archaeon M. hungatei allowed us to specifically amplify by PCR the 16S rRNA gene of strain DMC. A phylogenetic analysis of the 16S ribosomal DNA sequence revealed that this organism groups within the radiation of the Clostridium-Bacillus subphylum and exhibits the highest levels of sequence similarity (89%) with Desulfotomaculum orientis and Desulfitobacterium dehalogenans. Since the novel organism strain DMC was able to grow acetogenically with dichloromethane when it was associated with one of three metabolically different partners and since, in contrast to strain DMB, strain DMC contained carbon monoxide dehydrogenase activity, this bacterium is responsible for both the dehalogenation of dichloromethane and the acetogenesis observed in the original two-component culture. The obligatory dependence of strain DMC on a partner during growth with dichloromethane is thought to stem from the need for a growth factor produced by the associated organism.  相似文献   

Members of the nitrite-oxidizing genus Nitrospira are most likely responsible for the second step of nitrification, the conversion of nitrite (NO2) to nitrate (NO3), within various sponges. We succeeded in obtaining an enrichment culture of Nitrospira derived from the mesohyl of the marine sponge Aplysina aerophoba using a traditional cultivation approach. Electron microscopy gave first evidence of the shape and ultrastructure of this novel marine Nitrospira-like bacterium (culture Aa01). We characterized these bacteria physiologically with regard to optimal incubation conditions, especially the temperature and substrate range in comparison to other Nitrospira cultures. Best growth was obtained at temperatures between 28°C and 30°C in mineral medium with 70% North Sea water and a substrate concentration of 0.5 mM nitrite under microaerophilic conditions. The Nitrospira culture Aa01 is very sensitive against nitrite, because concentrations higher than 1.5 mM resulted in a complete inhibition of growth. Sequence analyses of the 16S rRNA gene revealed that the novel Nitrospira-like bacterium is separated from the sponge-specific subcluster and falls together with an environmental clone from Mediterranean sediments (98.6% similarity). The next taxonomically described species Nitrospira marina is only distantly related, with 94.6% sequence similarity, and therefore the culture Aa01 represents a novel species of nitrite-oxidizing bacteria.Numerous sponges have the capacity to accommodate large amounts of diverse microbes and represent significant sources for bioactive natural compounds (13). Many marine invertebrates excrete ammonium as a metabolic waste product (9), and the excretion of nitrite and nitrate has been taken as primary evidence that nitrifiers are active in these animals (10). By modulation of their pumping, sponges are a suitable habitat not only for aerobic microbes but also for anaerobic microbes. Accordingly, Hoffmann et al. (19) were able to detect major microbial pathways of the nitrogen cycle in the sponge Geodia barretti, including nitrification, the anammox process, and denitrification.Nitrification involves the biological oxidation of ammonia (NH3) to nitrite (NO2) and further to nitrate (NO3) for energy purposes. It is of fundamental importance for the global nitrogen cycle in aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Nitrification is catalyzed by two phylogenetically distinct groups of microorganisms: in the first step, ammonia-oxidizing bacteria and archaea (AOB and AOA) take part in the oxidation of ammonia to nitrite, and in the second step nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) convert nitrite to nitrate (38).Nitrite has a central position in the nitrogen cycle, connecting aerobic and anaerobic pathways. Nitrite-oxidizing bacteria play a major role in removing nitrite from the environment because it is toxic for living organisms (31). Based on morphological characteristics, NOB have been divided into five genera. This classification also reflects the phylogenetic diversity of NOB, which includes Nitrobacter and Nitrococcus (Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria), Nitrospina (putative Deltaproteobacteria), and the candidate genus “Candidatus Nitrotoga” (Betaproteobacteria) (2). The genus Nitrospira is more distantly related to the other known NOB because it is part of its own deep-branching bacterial phylum Nitrospirae. Marine species are present in all genera of NOB except in the newly identified genus “Candidatus Nitrotoga.”As all known nitrifying prokaryotes are slow growing and hard to maintain, their enrichment and isolation from environmental samples is difficult. Most physiological studies have been performed with pure cultures of a few “model” nitrifiers, in particular AOB related to the genus Nitrosomonas and NOB of the genus Nitrobacter. For the genus Nitrospira there are only four pure cultures available: the marine species Nitrospira marina (37), Nitrospira moscoviensis (12), “Candidatus Nitrospira bockiana” (25), and Nitrospira calida (E. Lebedeva, personal communication).Sponges of the family Aplysinidae contain large amounts of bacteria embedded within the sponge tissue matrix (15). For example, the biomass of Aplysina aerophoba consists of up to 40% bacteria (36). These sponges are able to differentiate between food bacteria and their own bacterial symbionts (41). Investigations of the diversity of sponge-associated bacteria, including different genetic and also cultivation approaches, have been made with several specimens (15, 16, 39). In terms of nitrification, Hentschel et al. (17) gave first evidence for the presence of nitrite oxidizers, and it has been verified that sponges harbor AOB and AOA (8). Most of the recognized NOB in sponges are Nitrospira-like bacteria (17, 32, 35), although in the beginning, there were further hints to 16S rRNA sequences, which are most closely related to Nitrospina gracilis (17). However, as these sequences were found only once, it could be assumed that Nitrospira is the main nitrite oxidizer in this environment. Nitrospira-like bacteria are deemed to be recalcitrant and fastidious, and they are easily overgrown by other bacteria under suboptimal conditions. Despite these limitations in the laboratory, Nitrospira was determined to be the most important nitrite oxidizer during wastewater treatment (21, 33), in aquaculture biofilters (14) and in freshwater systems (20, 29).Identification of sponge-associated microorganisms has been performed largely with culture-independent methods, which are 16S rRNA gene based (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis [DGGE], terminal restriction fragment-length polymorphism [TRFLP]) or visual (fluorescence in situ hybridization [FISH], electron microscopy) (8, 11). Nevertheless, the cultivation of microorganisms is still essential for the investigation of their physiological potential and function in the environment. Information about physiological characteristics helps us to understand the metabolism and possible nutritional interactions of nitrifiers with the host sponge (8).This is the first report about cultivation of nitrifying bacteria originating from a marine sponge. We obtained a nitrite-oxidizing enrichment culture of a Nitrospira-like bacterium derived from Aplysina aerophoba, characterized it phylogenetically, and analyzed the most important physiological features.  相似文献   

During Czech expeditions at James Ross Island, Antarctica, in the years 2007–2009, the bacterial diversity of the genus Pseudomonas was studied. Twelve fluorescent Pseudomonas strains were isolated from various samples and were subjected to a detailed taxonomic study. A polyphasic approach included genotypic and phenotypic analyses. The genotypic analysis involved sequencing of rrs, rpoB and rpoD genes, DNA–DNA hybridization (DDH) studies as well as manual ribotyping using HindIII endonuclease. The phenotypic characterization included conventional tests as well as biotyping using the Biolog system, protein profiling by SDS-PAGE, and MALDI-TOF MS analysis. Our taxonomic study revealed that all isolates belonged to the same Pseudomonas species with psychrotrophic growth not exceeding 37 °C. The cultures showed a unique position among the phylogenetically related pseudomonads. DDH experiment between the proposed type strain of the antarctic isolates and the closest neighbour P. arsenicoxydans CCM 8423T showed only 40.9–50.1 % similarity, thus confirming that the characterized strains do not belong to the P. arsenicoxydans species. According to the results obtained we propose the name P. prosekii sp. nov. for this novel Pseudomonas taxon with type strain AN/28/1T (=CCM 7990T and LMG 26867T).  相似文献   

Five strains of mesophilic, facultatively organotrophic, ore-leaching eubacteria were isolated from solfatara fields in Iceland and a uranium mine in the Federal Republic of Germany. The new organisms are aerobic gram-negative rods. They can use sulfidic ores or elemental sulfur as sole energy source, indicating that they belong to the genus Thiobacillus. Alternatively, they grow on organic substrates such as yeast extract, peptone, and pyruvate. In contrast to the other leaching bacteria known so far, the new isolates are unable to oxidize ferrous iron. They consist of extreme and moderate acidophiles growing optimally at pH 3 and 4, respectively. The extreme acidophiles showed leaching characteristics similar to those shown by Thiobacillus ferrooxidans, while the moderate acidophiles exhibited a pronounced preference for copper leaching on some chalcopyrite ores. The G+C content of the DNA is between 66 and 69 mol%, depending on the isolate. In DNA-DNA hybridization experiments, the new strains showed homologies among each other of >70%, indicating that they belong to the same species. No significant DNA homology to Thiobacillus reference strains was detectable. Therefore, the new isolates represent a new species of Thiobacillus, which we name Thiobacillus cuprinus. Isolate Hö5 is designated as the type strain (DSM 5495).  相似文献   

Management of solid wastes with high nicotine content, such as those accumulated during tobacco manufacturing, poses a major challenge, which can be addressed by using bacteria such as Pseudomonas and Arthrobacter. In this study, a new species of Pseudomonas geniculata, namely strain N1, which is capable of efficiently degrading nicotine, was isolated and identified. The optimal growth conditions for strain N1 are a temperature of 30°C, and a pH 6.5, at a rotation rate of 120 rpm min−1 with 1 g l−1 nicotine as the sole source of carbon and nitrogen. Myosmine, cotinine, 6-hydroxynicotine, 6-hydroxy-N-methylmyosmine, and 6-hydroxy-pseudooxynicotine were detected as the five intermediates through gas chromatography-mass and liquid chromatography-mass analyses. The identified metabolites were different from those generated by Pseudomonas putida strains. The analysis also highlighted the bacterial metabolic diversity in relation to nicotine degradation by different Pseudomonas strains.  相似文献   

A gram-negative, marine, facultatively anaerobic bacterial isolate designated strain AS-1 was isolated from the subcuticular space of the brittle star, Amphipholis squamata. Its sensitivity to O/129 and novobiocin, overall morphology, and biochemical characteristics and the moles percent guanine-plus-cytosine composition of its DNA (42.9 to 44.4) suggest that this isolate should be placed in the genus Vibrio. Strain AS-1 was not isolated from ambient seawater and is distinct from described Vibrio species. This symbiotic bacterium may assist its host as one of several mechanisms of nutrient acquisition during the brooding of developing embryos.  相似文献   

Microbiology - Abstract—Biotechnologies involving phosphate-accumulating organisms, which collect inorganic phosphates from the medium as polyphosphates during cyclic growth under aerobic and...  相似文献   

A novel bacterium, Massilia sp. BS-1, producing violacein and deoxyviolacein was isolated from a soil sample collected from Akita Prefecture, Japan. The 16S ribosomal DNA of strain BS-1 displayed 93% homology with its nearest violacein-producing neighbor, Janthinobacterium lividum. Strain BS-1 grew well in a synthetic medium, but required both L-tryptophan and a small amount of L-histidine to produce violacein.  相似文献   

Iron-reducing enrichments were obtained from leachate ponds at the U.S. Borax Company in Boron, Calif. Based on partial small-subunit (SSU) rRNA gene sequences (approximately 500 nucleotides), six isolates shared 98.9% nucleotide identity. As a representative, the isolate QYMF was selected for further analysis. QYMF could be grown with Fe(III)-citrate, Fe(III)-EDTA, Co(III)-EDTA, or Cr(VI) as electron acceptors, and yeast extract and lactate could serve as electron donors. Growth during iron reduction occurred over the pH range of 7.5 to 11.0 (optimum, pH 9.5), a sodium chloride range of 0 to 80 g/liter (optimum, 20 g/liter), and a temperature range of 4 to 45°C (optimum, approximately 35°C), and iron precipitates were formed. QYMF was a strict anaerobe that could be grown in the presence of borax, and the cells were straight rods that produced endospores. Sodium chloride and yeast extract stimulated growth. Phylogenetic analysis of the SSU rRNA gene indicated that the bacterium was a low-G+C gram-positive microorganism and had 96 and 92% nucleotide identity with Alkaliphilus transvaalensis and Alkaliphilus crotonatoxidans, respectively. The major phospholipid fatty acids were 14:1, 16:1ω7c, and 16:0, which were different from those of other alkaliphiles but similar to those of reported iron-reducing bacteria. The results demonstrated that the isolate might represent a novel metal-reducing alkaliphilic species. The name Alkaliphilus metalliredigens sp. nov. is proposed. The isolation and activity of metal-reducing bacteria from borax-contaminated leachate ponds suggest that bioremediation of metal-contaminated alkaline environments may be feasible and have implications for alkaline anaerobic respiration.  相似文献   

Lyases cleave glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in an eliminative mechanism and are important tools for the structural analysis and oligosaccharide preparation of GAGs. Various GAG lyases have been identified from terrestrial but not marine organisms even though marine animals are rich in GAGs with unique structures and functions. Herein we isolated a novel GAG lyase for the first time from the marine bacterium Vibrio sp. FC509 and then recombinantly expressed and characterized it. It showed strong lyase activity toward hyaluronan (HA) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) and was designated as HA and CS lyase (HCLase). It exhibited the highest activities to both substrates at pH 8.0 and 0.5 m NaCl at 30 °C. Its activity toward HA was less sensitive to pH than its CS lyase activity. As with most other marine enzymes, HCLase is a halophilic enzyme and very stable at temperatures from 0 to 40 °C for up to 24 h, but its activity is independent of divalent metal ions. The specific activity of HCLase against HA and CS reached a markedly high level of hundreds of thousands units/mg of protein under optimum conditions. The HCLase-resistant tetrasaccharide Δ4,5HexUAα1-3GalNAc(6-O-sulfate)β1-4GlcUA(2-O-sulfate)β1-3GalNAc(6-O-sulfate) was isolated from CS-D, the structure of which indicated that HCLase could not cleave the galactosaminidic linkage bound to 2-O-sulfated d-glucuronic acid (GlcUA) in CS chains. Site-directed mutagenesis indicated that HCLase may work via a catalytic mechanism in which Tyr-His acts as the Brønsted base and acid. Thus, the identification of HCLase provides a useful tool for HA- and CS-related research and applications.  相似文献   

N-Acylhomoserine lactones (AHLs) are used as quorum-sensing signal molecules by many Gram-negative bacteria. We have reported that Microbacterium testaceum StLB037, which was isolated from the leaf surface of potato, has AHL-degrading activity. In this study, we cloned the aiiM gene from the genomic library of StLB037, which has AHL-degrading activity and shows high homology with the α/β hydrolase fold family from Actinobacteria. Purified AiiM as a maltose binding fusion protein showed high degrading activity of AHLs with both short- and long-chain AHLs with or without substitution at carbon 3. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis revealed that AiiM works as an AHL lactonase that catalyzes AHL ring opening by hydrolyzing lactones. In addition, expression of AiiM in the plant pathogen Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum reduced pectinase activity markedly and attenuated soft rot symptoms on potato slices. In conclusion, this study indicated that AiiM might be effective in quenching quorum sensing of P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum.Quorum sensing is a cell-cell communication mechanism that depends on cell population density in bacteria (3, 7). In many Gram-negative bacteria, several kinds of N-acyl-l-homoserine lactones (AHLs) have been identified as signal compounds involved in this mechanism, and these are termed autoinducers (3, 7). AHL-mediated quorum sensing regulates the expression of many genes, including those responsible for bioluminescence, the production of pigments and antibiotics, and other processes (7). Many Gram-negative plant pathogens produce AHLs and regulate their virulence by AHL-mediated quorum sensing (31). For instance, Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (formerly Erwinia carotovora), which causes soft rot diseases in many plant species, induces the production of various exoenzymes and plant tissue maceration by AHLs (1). Pantoea stewartii and Pantoea ananatis produce AHLs and regulate exopolysaccharide biosynthesis and the infection of plants (15, 32). In general, AHL-negative mutants show defects in pathogenicity, so it is expected that disrupting or manipulating quorum-sensing signals could inhibit the expression of virulence and infection of host cells.Recently, many AHL-degrading genes have been cloned and characterized from various bacteria. Genes encoding AHL lactonase, which catalyzes AHL ring opening by hydrolyzing lactones, have been cloned from Bacillus sp., Arthrobacter sp., Agrobacterium tumefaciens, and Rhodococcus erythropolis (5, 23, 30, 34). Genes encoding AHL acylase, which hydrolyze the amide bond of AHL, have been cloned from Ralstonia sp., Anabaena sp., Streptomyces sp., Shewanella sp., and Pseudomonas aeruginosa (11, 12, 16, 22, 25). Human and murine paraoxonase degrades AHL by hydrolyzing its lactone ring (21). Novel AHL lactonase genes have been isolated from a metagenomic library which was constructed from environmental soil samples (24, 27). AHL-degrading genes have also been utilized in the biocontrol of plant diseases. Expression of aiiA in transformed P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum significantly attenuates pathogenicity on some crops (5). Transgenic plants expressing AHL lactonase exhibited significantly enhanced resistance to the infection of P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (4).We have reported the isolation of AHL-degrading Microbacterium testaceum StLB037 from the leaf surface of potato (Solanum tuberosum) (17). In coinfections, we found that StLB037 interrupted quorum-sensing-dependent bacterial infection by the plant pathogen P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum. In this study, we report the cloning and characterization of a novel AHL lactonase gene (aiiM) from the chromosome of StLB037. In addition, we evaluated the potential use of heterologous aiiM gene expression in quenching quorum sensing in the plant pathogen P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum.  相似文献   

Salinibacter ruber is an extremely halophilic bacterium, phylogenetically affiliated with the Flavobacterium/Cytophaga branch of the domain Bacteria. Electrospray mass analyses (negative ion) of the total lipid extract of a pure culture of S. ruber shows a characteristic peak at m/z 660 as the most prominent peak in the high-mass range of the spectrum. A novel sulfonolipid, giving rise to the molecular ion [M-H] of m/z 660, has been identified. The sulfonolipid isolated and purified by thin-layer chromatography was shown by chemical degradation, mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance analysis to have the structure 2-carboxy-2-amino-3-O-(13′-methyltetradecanoyl)-4-hydroxy-18-methylnonadec-5-ene-1-sulfonic acid. This lipid represents about 10% of total cellular lipids, and it appears to be a structural variant of the sulfonolipids found as main components of the cell envelope of gliding bacteria of the genus Cytophaga and closely related genera (W. Godchaux and E. R. Leadbetter, J. Bacteriol. 153:1238-1246, 1983) and of diatoms (R. Anderson, M. Kates, and B. E. Volcani, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 528:89-106, 1978). Since this sulfonolipid has never been observed in any other extreme halophilic microorganism, we consider the peak at m/z 660 the lipid signature of Salinibacter. This study suggests that this novel sulfonolipid may be used as a chemotaxonomic marker for the detection of Salinibacter within the halophilic microbial community in saltern crystallizer ponds and other hypersaline environments.  相似文献   

A novel heterotrophic, yellow pigmented, aerobic, Gram-negative, nonmotile, oxidase- and catalase-positive bacterium KMM 3938T was isolated from sea water collected in the Sea of Japan, Russia. The strain grew at mesophilic temperature range, and required the presence of NaCl for growth. 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis revealed that strain KMM 3938T is a member of the family Flavobacteriaceae. The predominant fatty acids were C13:0 iso, C14:0 iso, C15:0 iso, C15:0, C15:1Δ6, 3OH-C15:0:3 iso, and 3OH-C15:0. The G + C content of the DNA of KMM 3938T was 32.4 mol%. On the basis of phenotypic, chemotaxonomic, genotypic, and phylogenetic characteristics, the novel bacterium was assigned to the genus Polaribacter as Polaribacter butkevichii sp. nov. The type strain is KMM 3938T (= KCTC 12100T = CCUG 48005T). The GenBank accession number for Polaribacter butkevichii KMM 3938T is AY189722.  相似文献   

Brown algae are one of the largest groups of oceanic primary producers for CO2 removal and carbon sinks for coastal regions. However, the mechanism for brown alga assimilation remains largely unknown in thermophilic microorganisms. In this work, a thermophilic alginolytic community was enriched from coastal sediment, from which an obligate anaerobic and thermophilic bacterial strain, designated Alg1, was isolated. Alg1 shared a 16S rRNA gene identity of 94.6% with Defluviitalea saccharophila LIND6LT2T. Phenotypic, chemotaxonomic, and phylogenetic studies suggested strain Alg1 represented a novel species of the genus Defluviitalea, for which the name Defluviitalea phaphyphila sp. nov. is proposed. Alg1 exhibited an intriguing ability to convert carbohydrates of brown algae, including alginate, laminarin, and mannitol, to ethanol and acetic acid. Three gene clusters participating in this process were predicted to be in the genome, and candidate enzymes were successfully expressed, purified, and characterized. Six alginate lyases were demonstrated to synergistically deconstruct alginate into unsaturated monosaccharide, followed by one uronic acid reductase and two 2-keto-3-deoxy-d-gluconate (KDG) kinases to produce pyruvate. A nonclassical mannitol 1-phosphate dehydrogenase, catalyzing d-mannitol 1-phosphate to fructose 1-phosphate in the presence of NAD+, and one laminarase also were disclosed. This work revealed that a thermophilic brown alga-decomposing system containing numerous novel thermophilic alginate lyases and a unique mannitol 1-phosphate dehydrogenase was adopted by the natural ethanologenic strain Alg1 during the process of evolution in hostile habitats.  相似文献   

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