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吴艳  顾阳  任聪  杨晟  姜卫红 《生命科学》2011,(9):882-890
碳分解代谢物阻遏(carbon catabolite repression, CCR)是指微生物在混合碳源发酵时优先利用速效碳源(通常为葡萄糖),且该碳源的代谢产物会抑制其他非速效碳源代谢相关的基因表达和蛋白活性,从而影响非速效碳源利用的现象。在低GC含量革兰氏阳性菌中,CCR效应的关键调控因子为分解代谢物控制蛋白CcpA(catabolite control protein A).该调控蛋白具有多效性功能,除参与CCR外,还与中心碳、氮代谢的调控、生物被膜的形成和毒性基因的表达等多种生删过程相关。综述厂近年来有关CcpA蛋白的功能、作用机制及分子结构的研究进展。  相似文献   

The solution structure and dynamics of the Bacillus subtilis HPr-like protein, Crh, have been investigated using NMR spectroscopy. Crh exhibits high sequence identity (45 %) to the histidine-containing protein (HPr), a phospho-carrier protein of the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP):carbohydrate phosphotransferase system, but contains no catalytic His15, the site of PEP-dependent phosphorylation in HPr. Crh also forms a mixture of monomers and dimers in solution whereas HPr is known to be monomeric. Complete backbone and side-chain assignments were obtained for the monomeric form, and 60 % of the dimer backbone resonances; allowing the identification of the Crh dimer interface from chemical-shift mapping. The conformation of Crh was determined to a precision of 0.46(+/-0.06) A for the backbone atoms, and 1.01(+/-0.08) A for the heavy atoms. The monomer structure is similar to that of known HPr 2.67(+/-0.22) A (C(alpha) rmsd), but has a few notable differences, including a change in the orientation of one of the helices (B), and a two-residue shift in beta-sheet pairing of the N-terminal strand with the beta4 strand. This shift results in a shortening of the surface loop present in HPr and consequently provides a flatter surface in the region of dimerisation contact, which may be related to the different oligomeric nature of these two proteins. A binding site of phospho-serine(P-Ser)-Crh with catabolite control protein A (CcpA) is proposed on the basis of highly conserved surface side-chains between Crh and HPr. This binding site is consistent with the model of a dimer-dimer interaction between P-Ser-Crh and CcpA. (15)N relaxation measured in the monomeric form also identified differential local mobility in the helix B which is located in the vicinity of this site.  相似文献   

HPr kinase/phosphatase (HPrK/P) modifies serine 46 of histidine-containing protein (HPr), the phosphorylation state of which is the control point of carbon catabolite repression in low G+C Gram-positive bacteria. To understand the structural mechanism by which HPrK/P carries out its dual, competing activities we determined the structure of full length HPrK/P from Mycoplasma pneumoniae (PD8 ID, 1KNX) to 2.5A resolution. The enzyme forms a homo-hexamer with each subunit containing two domains connected by a short loop. The C-terminal domain contains the well-described P-loop (Walker A box) ATP binding motif and takes a fold similar to phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) from Escherichia coli as recently described in other HPrK/P structures. As expected, the C-terminal domain is very similar to the C-terminal fragment of Lactobacillus casei HPrK/P and the C-terminal domain of Staphylococcus xylosus HPrK/P; the N-terminal domain is very similar to the N-terminal domain of S.xylosus HPrK/P. Unexpectedly, the N-terminal domain resembles UDP-N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanyl-D-glutamate:meso-diaminopimelate ligase (MurE), yet the function of this domain is unclear. We discuss these observations as well as the structural significance of mutations in the P-loop and HPrK/P family sequence motif.  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌ccpA基因敲除及对其核黄素产量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应明  班睿 《微生物学报》2006,46(1):23-27
CcpA蛋白是介导枯草芽孢杆菌碳分解代谢物阻遏(CCR)的全局调控因子,由ccpA基因编码。CCR效应的存在影响B.subtilis对葡萄糖的利用,降低B.subtilis生产发酵产品的效率。采用基因重组技术敲除了核黄素发酵菌株B.subtilis24/pMX45的ccpA基因,构建了CcpA缺陷株B.subtilis24A1/pMX45。发酵结果显示:B.subtilis24A1/pMX45能够在70h内基本耗尽10%的葡萄糖,生物量达到1.5×109个细胞/mL,溢流代谢产物积累量减少,在8%和10%葡萄糖浓度下,B.subtilis24A1/pMX45核黄素产量分别比B.subtilis24/pMX45提高了62%和95%。CcpA的缺陷,可以缓解葡萄糖引起的CCR效应,显著提高菌株的核黄素产量。  相似文献   

Cα-dehydrogenase catalyzes the oxidation of arylglycerol-β-aryl ether at the Ca-position, and therefore this process produces the specific substrate for β- etherase, which cleaves β-ary ethers (Ca carbonyl type).

Here we isolated the Ca-dehydrogenase gene (ligD) and sequenced its nucleotides. This gene contains an open reading frame of 915 bp and the deduced amino acid sequence had a homology with the ribitol dehydrogenase family. ligD is about 1 kbp upstream of the β-etherase gene (ligE).  相似文献   

The effects of the glycoside antibiotic sporaviridins (SVDs) on oxidative phosphorylation of rat-liver mitochondria were examined. SVDs released state 4 respiration, dissipated transmembrane electrical potential, and accelerated ATPase activity. These facts demonstrated that SVDs are potent uncouplers of oxidative phosphorylation. During the uncoupling caused by SVDs, large amplitude swelling and oxidation of intramitochondrial NAD(P)H occurred, suggesting that SVDs greatly enhanced nonspecific permeability of the inner mitochondrial membrane. It is suggested that the uncoupling action of SVDs might be caused by dissipation of proton electrochemical potential due to an increase in the permeability of inner mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Although widely used in experimental and industrial situations, genetically engineered plasmids containing the lac promoter from Escherichia coli are subject to catabolite repression when grown in glucose-containing media. Several methods of overcoming this problem have been investigated by studying the expression of the protein A gene from Staphylococcus aureus under the control of the Escherichia coli lac promoter. When glycerol is used as a sole carbon source, the plasmid is unstable and is rapidly lost from the culture. When the bacteria are grown in chemostats under glucose limitation, the plasmid is maintained, even at high dilution rates, and the expression of protein A is similar to that observed when glycerol was used. The balance between metabolic load and protein A expression seems to be maintained by reducing the gene dose to a tolerable level. Depending on the metabolic conditions prevailing in the culture, this is achieved, either by reducing the copy number of the plasmid or in extreme cases by removing the plasmid altogether.  相似文献   

The effects of organic solvents on the reaction rate and equilibrium of the ribosyl transfer reaction catalyzed by thermostable purine nucleoside phosphorylase and pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus JTS 859 were examined at 60°C. The reaction rate in the presence of 10% acetone was 1.6 times higher than that of the control. Acetone was the best organic solvent among those tested for accelerating the reaction rate without denaturing the enzymes. On the other hand, the reaction rate in the presence of 5% ethyl acetate was 1.5 times higher than that of the control. However the enzymes were denatured completely after 1 h incubation. Consequently, the acceleration was not attributed to the stabilization of the enzymes. The equilibrium constants of the reaction were not influenced by the presence of acetone, methyl or ethyl alcohols.  相似文献   

The effects of organic solvents on the reaction rate and equilibrium of the ribosyl transfer reaction catalyzed by thermostable purine nucleoside phosphorylase and pyrimidine nucleoside phosphorylase from Bacillus stearothermophilus JTS 859 were examined at 60°C. The reaction rate in the presence of 10% acetone was 1.6 times higher than that of the control. Acetone was the best organic solvent among those tested for accelerating the reaction rate without denaturing the enzymes. On the other hand, the reaction rate in the presence of 5% ethyl acetate was 1.5 times higher than that of the control. However the enzymes were denatured completely after 1 h incubation. Consequently, the acceleration was not attributed to the stabilization of the enzymes. The equilibrium constants of the reaction were not influenced by the presence of acetone, methyl or ethyl alcohols.  相似文献   

Protein kinases exhibit various degrees of substrate specificity. The large number of different protein kinases in the eukaryotic proteomes makes it impractical to determine the specificity of each enzyme experimentally. To test if it were possible to discriminate potential substrates from non-substrates by simple computational techniques, we analysed the binding enthalpies of modelled enzyme-substrate complexes and attempted to correlate it with experimental enzyme kinetics measurements. The crystal structures of phosphorylase kinase and cAMP-dependent protein kinase were used to generate models of the enzyme with a series of known peptide substrates and non-substrates, and the approximate enthalpy of binding assessed following energy minimization. We show that the computed enthalpies do not correlate closely with kinetic measurements, but the method can distinguish good substrates from weak substrates and non-substrates.  相似文献   

Glucose kinase of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) is essential for glucose utilisation and is required for carbon catabolite repression (CCR) exerted through glucose and other carbon sources. The protein belongs to the ROK-family, which comprises bacterial sugar kinases and regulators. To better understand glucose kinase function, we have monitored the cellular activity and demonstrated that the choice of carbon sources did not significantly change the synthesis and activity of the enzyme. The DNA sequence of the Streptomyces lividans glucose kinase gene glkA was determined. The predicted gene product of 317 amino acids was found to be identical to S. coelicolor glucose kinase, suggesting a similar role for this protein in both organisms. A procedure was developed to produce pure histidine-tagged glucose kinase with a yield of approximately 10 mg/l culture. The protein was stable for several weeks and was used to raise polyclonal antibodies. Purified glucose kinase was used to explore protein-protein interaction by surface plasmon resonance. The experiments revealed the existence of a binding activity present in S. coelicolor cell extracts. This indicated that glucose kinase may interact with (an)other factor(s), most likely of protein nature. A possible cross-talk with proteins of the phosphotransferase system, which are involved in carbon catabolite repression in other bacteria, was investigated.  相似文献   

The ability of homogeneous glycogen phosphorylase kinase (Phk) from rabbit skeletal muscle to phosphorylate bovine brain myelin basic protein (MBP) was investigated. Phk could incorporate a maximum of 1.9 mol phosphate/mol MBP. The apparent Km and Vmax for Phk phosphorylation of MBP were 27 microM and 90 nmol/min per mg enzyme, respectively. Properties of MBP phosphorylation by Phk are similar to those of phosphorylase as a substrate. Only serine residues of MBP are phosphorylated by Phk. Phosphorylation sites of MBP by Phk are not identical to those by cAMP-dependent protein kinases.  相似文献   

Chemical structures of new piericidins produced by Streptomyces pactum are elucidated on the basis of mass, PMR and CMR spectral analyses. Consequently, these piericidins were shown to be constructed by a combination of variations in each four functionalities and carbon skeletons.  相似文献   

Fusarium head blight caused by Fusarium graminearum is a disease of cereal crops that not only reduces crop yield and quality but also results in contamination with trichothecenes such as nivalenol and deoxynivalenol (DON). To analyze the trichothecene induction mechanism, effects of 12 carbon sources on the production of DON and 3-acetyldexynivalenol (3ADON) were examined in liquid cultures incubated with nine strains of 3ADON-producing F. graminearum. Significantly high levels of trichothecene (DON and 3ADON) production by sucrose, 1-kestose and nystose were commonly observed among all of the strains tested. On the other hand, the levels of trichothecene biosynthesis induced by the other carbon sources were strain-specific. Tri4 and Tri5 expressions were up-regulated in the sucrose-containing medium but not in glucose. Trichothecene accumulation in the sucrose-containing medium was not repressed by the addition of glucose, indicating that trichothecene production was not regulated by carbon catabolite repression. These findings suggest that F. graminearum recognizes sucrose molecules, activates Tri gene expression and induces trichothecene biosynthesis.  相似文献   

【目的】构建蜡样芽胞杆菌(Bacillus cereus)ccp A缺失菌株,并初步探索ccp A基因对其碳代谢及氨肽酶生产的影响。【方法】利用温敏型质粒p KSV7构建蜡样芽胞杆菌CZ ccp A基因缺失突变株CZΔccp A,通过回补菌株对敲除株表型进行验证;不同碳源发酵对比菌株碳代谢的变化,进行氨肽酶发酵优化。【结果】成功构建ccp A缺失菌株CZΔccp A与回补菌株CZ1,三株菌在LB培养基中生长无差异;在柠檬酸钠以及甘露低聚糖为碳源时,菌株的代谢产生明显变化;以D-木糖为单一碳源时,氨肽酶的产量提高48.25%。【结论】CZ ccp A基因对柠檬酸钠、甘露低聚糖、D-木糖为单一碳源时的代谢可能具有调控作用,ccp A基因缺失可以提高蜡样芽胞杆菌CZ的氨肽酶产量。  相似文献   

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