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CHOLESTEROL is found in the blood as a structural component of lipoproteins concerned with the transport of other lipids1. The high resolution nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of high density serum lipoproteins are similar to that observed when lipids are dissolved in organic solvents, or dispersed in water by bile salts or detergents, or in sonicated form. The lipid component in lipoproteins is therefore probably in an extremely fluid condition2. If human serum is mixed with paraffin oil, some of the cholesterol diffuses into the oil without affecting the ultraviolet absorption spectrum of serum proteins. This procedure avoids any protein denaturing action used for cholesterol extraction3–5. It therefore seems that serum cholesterol has two fractions, one strongly bound by lipoprotein structures and the other loosely bound and diffusible in an oil phase. In this article I designate the loosely bound fraction “diffusible”.  相似文献   

Kinetics of photochemical reaction between uridine and sulfhydryl compounds were investigated in phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and in unbuffered aqueous solution under aerobic condition. The results obtained clearly demonstrate that the photo-induced hydration or reduction of the uridine molecule was significantly influenced by the amount of sulfhydryl group present in the reaction medium. Reaction on uridine (1 mm) was observed to lead to photohydration with pseudo first order rates, independently of the presence of cysteine (1 mm or 2 mm), while in the presence of dithiothreitol (DTT, 1 mm to 10 mm) both photoreduction and photohydration of uridine were observed. The rate of photoreduction came to predominate as the amount of DTT increased. The reaction was discussed from the view point of food chemistry as well as reaction pathways.  相似文献   

The evolution of the microbial spoilage population for air- and vacuum-packaged meat (beef and pork) stored at 4°C was investigated over 11 days. We monitored the viable counts (mesophilic total aerobic bacteria, Pseudomonas spp., Enterobacteriaceae, lactic acid bacteria, and Enterococcus spp.) by the microbiological standard technique and by measuring the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with the recently developed proton transfer reaction mass spectrometry system. Storage time, packaging type, and meat type had statistically significant (P < 0.05) effects on the development of the bacterial numbers. The concentrations of many of the measured VOCs, e.g., sulfur compounds, largely increased over the storage time. We also observed a large difference in the emissions between vacuum- and air-packaged meat. We found statistically significant strong correlations (up to 99%) between some of the VOCs and the bacterial contamination. The concentrations of these VOCs increased linearly with the bacterial numbers. This study is a first step toward replacing the time-consuming plate counting by fast headspace air measurements, where the bacterial spoilage can be determined within minutes instead of days.  相似文献   

The chemical components of cigarette smoke produced in constant volume continuous smoking by an artificial smoking device were systematically fractionated into basic, acidic, neutral, phenolic, carbonyl and mercuric chloride-precipitable compounds. From the low boiling basic fractions ammonia, methylamine and ethylamine were qualitatively identified by paper chromatography, and pyridine and nicotine were isolated and identified by elementary analyses, mixed examinations and infrared spectra. An unidentified substance having elementary analysis values of C, 29.40; H, 1.93; N, 22.40 as picrate (m.p. 250°C, dec.) was isolated.  相似文献   

An analysis of sources and sinks for ammonia and nitrite on the early Earth was conducted. Rates of formation and destruction, and steady state concentrations of both species were determined by steady state kinetics. The importance of the reaction of nitrite with ammonia on the feasibility of ammonia formation from nitrite was evaluated. The analysis considered conditions such as temperature, ferrous iron concentration, and pH. For sinks we considered the reduction of nitrite to ammonia, reaction between nitrite and ammonia, photochemical destruction of both species, and destruction at hydrothermal vents. Under most environmental conditions, the primary sink for nitrite is reduction to ammonia. The reaction between ammonia and nitrite is not an important sink for either nitrite or ammonia. Destruction at hydrothermal vents is important at acidic pH's and at low ferrous iron concentrations. Photochemical destruction, even in a worst case scenario, is unimportant under many conditions except possibly under acidic, low iron concentration, or low temperature conditions. The primary sink for ammonia is photochemical destruction in the atmosphere. Under acidic conditions, more of the ammonia is tied up as ammonium (reducing its vapor pressure and keeping it in solution) and hydrothermal destruction becomes more important.  相似文献   

The mass spectra of pestalotin and some related 4-methoxy-5,6-dihydro-α-pyrones, each containing a substituent at the C–6 position, have been studied. The prominent peak was observed commonly at m/e 127 and was proved characteristic of the pyrone ring.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic solubility is a decisive physicochemical property in drug development. The Chasing Equilibrium method offers an alternative to the classical procedures to measure the solubility of compounds with acid–base properties. The method is fast and yields accurate results. In this work, the solubility of several compounds including acids and bases was determined through the Chasing Equilibrium approach. A study of experimental conditions in terms of sample weight was performed to measure solubilities. The study shows that only a limited range of weights, depending on the nature and solubility of the compounds, is adequate to obtain reliable results.  相似文献   

At dextran (Mw approximately 500,000) concentrations from 2 to approximately 10%, suspensions of normal human erythrocytes flocculate in small convex agglutinates. At dextran concentrations greater than 10%, the erythrocytes resegregate in a stable monodisperse suspension. At all these dextran concentrations, the erythrocytes are coated with considerable amounts of dextran. It can be argued that at dextran concentrations from 2 to 10%, as well as at dextran concentrations greater than 10%, there is a thin layer, which is depleted of dextran, between the dextran layer adsorbed onto the erythrocytes and the bulk dextran solution. It can also be shown that there is a repulsive interaction between the two layers of dextran: one adsorbed and one free. When the adsorbed dextran layer is the most concentrated, stability must ensue, and when the dextran in free solution is the most concentrated, flocculation should occur. Below 7% dextran, the concentration of free dextran is higher than the adsorbed concentration; above 10% dextran that situation is reversed. These data correlate well with the depletion flocculation predicted for the lower concentration and the depletion stabilization predicted for the higher dextran concentration.  相似文献   

Reduction of nitrite by cell-free preparations of Anabaena cylindrica in the dark has been investigated. Nitrite-reducing activity was recovered in a supernatant fraction. The nitrite reductase system was partially purified by column chromatography on Sephadex G-75. NADPH could serve as an H-donor. NADH was completely inactive. The reduction required ferredoxin which mediated the transfer of electrons from NADPH to nitrite. Ferredoxin was successfully replaced with methyl viologen, benzyl viologen and diquat. The nitrite-reducing activity was inhibited by KCN, and by 2,4-dinitrophenol and arsenate at higher concentrations. The extent of nitrite reduction by NADPH was dependent on the oxidation-reduction states of NADP and ferredoxin.  相似文献   

The viscosity change of myosin A concentrated solution with or without other components was measured as the incubation time elapsed at 30°C.

The viscosity of myosin A solution increased, but that of F-actin solution did not. The shear stress at 0.04 sec?1 was not increased to 1.0 dyne/cm2 in the former, but in the latter was below 0.5 dyne/cm2.

The viscosity of myosin B solution increased slightly, but that of native tropomyosin-free myosin B solution decreased remarkably. In both the shear stress at 0.04 sec?1 was greater than or equal to 15 dynes/cm2.

The speed of the viscosity increase in the presence of 3 mm pyrophosphate and 3 mm MgCl2 was higher in concentrated solution of myosin B than in that of native tropomysin-free myosin B. The shear stress at 0.04 sec?1 after 6 hr at 30°C was 11.5 and 8.2 dynes/cm2, respectively.

The effect of native tropomyosin and actin on the viscosity change was discussed.  相似文献   

The Reaction Rates of NO with Horseradish Peroxidase Compounds I and II   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this study the reactions between nitric oxide (NO) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) compounds I and II were investigated. The reaction between compound I and NO has biphasic kinetics with a clearly dominant initial fast phase and an apparent second-order rate constant of (7.0 +/- 0.3) x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1) for the fast phase. The reaction of compound II and NO was found to have an apparent second-order rate constant of k(app) = (1.3 +/- 0.1) x 10(6) M(-1) s(-1) or (7.4 +/- 0.7) x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1) when measured at 409 nm (the isosbestic point between HRP and HRP-NO) and 419 nm (lambda(max) of compound II and HRP-NO), respectively. Interestingly, the reaction of compound II with NO is unusually high relative to that of compound I, which is usually the much faster reaction. Since horseradish peroxidase is prototypical of mammalian peroxidases with respect to the oxidation of small substrates, these results may have important implications regarding the lifetime and biochemistry of NO in vivo after inflammation where both NO and H(2)O(2) generation are increased several fold.  相似文献   

The mechanism of distribution of absorbed excitation energy between the two photosystems in the presence of nitrite has been investigated in spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) thylakoid membranes. Nitrite inhibited PS II activity (H(2)O --> DCPIP reaction) and enhanced PS I activity (DCPIPH(2) --> MV reaction). Nitrite decreased the F(v)/F(m) ratio measured at room temperature and increased the F(730)/F(685) ratio measured at low temperature (77 K). These results suggested that nitrite caused a decrease in the excitation energy available to PS II and transferred more energy to PS I by the mechanism of state transition. Measurement of fluorescence excitation spectra at 77 K showed that nitrite increased the absorption cross-section of PS I antenna at the expense of chlorophyll b and LHC II. Based on these observations we have suggested a role of nitrite in causing state transition.  相似文献   

In the previous report, it has been concluded that the browning of Saké involves three kinds of browning reactions which are the amino-carbonyl reaction, the caramelization and some other browning reaction by components other than glucose. In the present work, the extents of contributions of the three kinds of reactions to the browning of Saké were actually estimated, respectively, by analysing its dependence on the glucose concentration. It was concluded that the browning by components other than glucose was the major factor while the amino-carbonyl reaction and the caramelization were the minor ones in the browning of Saké. In addition, the change in pH value, as well as in temperature, was observed to influence exponentially on the browning rate of Saké. An empirical equation was proposed to elucidate the way in which the three kinds of reactions contributed to the overall browning in Saké.  相似文献   

Comminuted ham was formulated with different levels of sodium nitrite and nitrate, inoculated with Clostridium botulinum, and pasteurized to an internal temperature of 68.5 C. When added to the meat, nitrite concentrations decreased, and cooking had little effect on them. Nitrite concentrations decreased more rapidly during storage at 27 than at 7 C; however they remained rather constant at formulated levels throughout the experiment at both incubation temperatures. The level of nitrite added to the meat greatly influenced growth and toxin production of C. botulinum. The concentration of nitrite necessary to effect complete inhibition was dependent on the inoculum level. With 90 C. botulinum spores/g of meat, botulinum toxin developed in samples formulated with 150 but not with 200 mug of nitrite per g of meat. At a spore level of 5,000/g, toxin was detected in samples with 400 but not with 500 mug of nitrite per g of the product incubated at 27 C. At lower concentrations of nitrite, growth was retarded at both spore levels. No toxin developed in samples incubated at 7 C. Nitrate showed a statistically significant inhibitory effect at a given nitrite level; however, the effect was insufficient to be of practical value. Analyses for 14 volatile nitrosamines from samples made with varying levels of nitrite and nitrate were negative at a detection level of 0.01 mug of nitrite or nitrate per g of meat.  相似文献   

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