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Bacterial cells possess a signal transduction system that differs from those described in higher organisms, including human cells. These so-called two-component signal transduction systems (TCSs) consist of a sensor (histidine kinase, HK) and a response regulator, and are involved in cellular functions, such as virulence, drug resistance, biofilm formation, cell wall synthesis, cell division. They are conserved in bacteria across all species. Although TCSs are often studied and characterized individually, they are assumed to interact with each other and form signal transduction networks within the cell. In this review, I focus on the formation of TCS networks via connectors. I also explore the possibility of using TCS inhibitors, especially HK inhibitors, as alternative antimicrobial agents.  相似文献   

We demonstrated in vitro that YycG-YycF of Bacillus subtillis constitutes a two-component system and shows a specificity of the sensor protein for the cognate phosphorylation partner. Based on inhibition of such an autophosphorylation of YycG, we searched imidazole and zerumbone derivatives to identify the antibacterial agents such as NH125, NH126, NH127, and NH0891.  相似文献   

Two-component signal-transducing systems (TCS) consist of a histidine kinase (HK) that senses a specific environmental stimulus, and a cognate response regulator (RR) that mediates the cellular response. Most HK are membrane-anchored proteins harboring two domains: An extracytoplasmic input and a cytoplasmic transmitter (or kinase) domain, separated by transmembrane helices that are crucial for the intramolecular information flow. In contrast to the cytoplasmic domain, the input domain is highly variable, reflecting the plethora of different signals sensed. Intramembrane-sensing HK (IM-HK) are characterized by their short input domain, consisting solely of two putative transmembane helices. They lack an extracytoplasmic domain, indicative for a sensing process at or from within the membrane interface. Most proteins sharing this domain architecture are found in Firmicutes bacteria. Two major groups can be differentiated based on sequence similarity and genomic context: (1) BceS-like IM-HK that are functionally and genetically linked to ABC transporters, and (2) LiaS-like IM-HK, as part of three-component systems. Most IM-HK sense cell envelope stress, and identified target genes are often involved in maintaining cell envelope integrity, mediating antibiotic resistance, or detoxification processes. Therefore, IM-HK seem to constitute an important mechanism of cell envelope stress response in low G+C Gram-positive bacteria.  相似文献   

细菌蛋白质磷酸化修饰是调控细菌基因表达的一种重要方式,在细菌诸多生命活动中发挥非常关键的作用。本文系统概括了近年来细菌蛋白质磷酸化修饰的种类、双组分调控系统中磷酸化修饰调控信号传导、酪氨酸残基磷酸化修饰以及丝/苏氨酸残基磷酸化修饰等,同时对不同种类细菌蛋白质磷酸化修饰的功能进行综述,这些研究将对人类了解细菌蛋白质翻译后修饰的磷酸化调控及其与控制细菌感染的关系提供参考价值。  相似文献   

Very little is known about how cellular osmosensors monitor changes in osmolarity of the environment. Here, we report that in yeast, Sln1 osmosensor histidine kinase monitors changes in turgor pressures. Reductions in turgor caused by either hyperosmotic stress, nystatin, or removal of cell wall activate MAPK Hog1 specifically through the SLN1 branch, but not through the SHO1 branch of the high osmolarity glycerol pathway. The integrity of the periplasmic region of Sln1 was essential for its sensor function. We found that activity of the plant histidine kinase cytokinin response 1 (Cre1) is also regulated by changes in turgor pressure, in a manner identical to that of Sln1, in the presence of cytokinin. We propose that Sln1 and Cre1 are turgor sensors, and that similar turgor-sensing mechanisms might regulate hyperosmotic stress responses both in yeast and plants.  相似文献   

Ergothioneine (EGT) is synthesized in mycobacteria, but limited knowledge exists regarding its synthesis, physiological role, and regulation. We have identified Rv3701c from Mycobacterium tuberculosis to encode for EgtD, a required histidine methyltransferase that catalyzes first biosynthesis step in EGT biosynthesis. EgtD was found to be phosphorylated by the serine/threonine protein kinase PknD. PknD phosphorylates EgtD both in vitro and in a cell-based system on Thr213. The phosphomimetic (T213E) but not the phosphoablative (T213A) mutant of EgtD failed to restore EGT synthesis in a ΔegtD mutant. The findings together with observed elevated levels of EGT in a pknD transposon mutant during in vitro growth suggests that EgtD phosphorylation by PknD negatively regulates EGT biosynthesis. We further showed that EGT is required in a nutrient-starved model of persistence and is needed for long term infection of murine macrophages.  相似文献   

A 3H-labeled bicyclic phosphate (BP), 4-[2,3-3H]propyl-2,6,7-trioxa-1-phosphabicyclo-[2.2.2]octane 1-oxide, bound specifically to rat brain synaptic membrane preparations. The apparent dissociation constant and the quantity of the BP bound at saturation were estimated to be about 30 μm and about 2 pmol per mg of protein, respectively. BP analogs except 4-amino BP, which is extremely low in toxicity, inhibited the binding but no obvious correlation was observed between the toxicity and the inhibitory potency of the BP analogs. The binding was also inhibited by high concentrations of GABA and picrotoxinin, whereas it was enhanced by bicuculline methiodide.  相似文献   

Bacterial signaling histidine kinases (HKs) have long been postulated to function exclusively through linear signal transduction chains. However, several HKs have recently been shown to form complex multikinase networks (MKNs). The most prominent MKN, involving the enzymes RetS and GacS, controls the switch between the motile and biofilm lifestyles in the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. While GacS promotes biofilm formation, RetS counteracts GacS using three distinct mechanisms. Two are dephosphorylating mechanisms. The third, a direct binding between the RetS and GacS HK regions, blocks GacS autophosphorylation. Focusing on the third mechanism, we determined the crystal structure of a cocomplex between the HK region of RetS and the dimerization and histidine phosphotransfer (DHp) domain of GacS. This is the first reported structure of a complex between two distinct bacterial signaling HKs. In the complex, the canonical HK homodimerization interface is replaced by a strikingly similar heterodimeric interface between RetS and GacS. We further demonstrate that GacS autophosphorylates in trans, thus explaining why the formation of a RetS-GacS complex inhibits GacS autophosphorylation. Using mutational analysis in conjunction with bacterial two-hybrid and biofilm assays, we not only corroborate the biological role of the observed RetS-GacS interactions, but also identify a residue critical for the equilibrium between the RetS-GacS complex and the respective RetS and GacS homodimers. Collectively, our findings suggest that RetS and GacS form a domain-swapped hetero-oligomer during the planktonic growth phase of P. aeruginosa before unknown signals cause its dissociation and a relief of GacS inhibition to promote biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Two-component signal transduction systems (TCSTSs), consisting of a histidine kinase and a response regulator, play a critical role in regulating virulence gene expression in Gram-negative phytopathogenic bacteria Xanthomonas spp.. To date, 12 TCSTS genes have been identified, accounting for approximately 10% of the TCSTS genes in each genome that have been experimentally identified to be related to pathogenesis. These TCSTSs modulate the expression of a number of virulence factors through diverse molecular mechanisms such as interacting with DNA, protein-binding and involvement in second messenger metabolism, which generates a high level of regulatory versatility. Here we summarize the current knowledge in this field and discuss the emerging themes and remaining questions that are important in deciphering the signaling network of TCSTSs in Xanthomonas.  相似文献   

Two-component systems mediate bacterial signal transduction, employing a membrane sensor kinase and a cytoplasmic response regulator (RR). Environmental sensing is typically coupled to gene regulation. Understanding how input stimuli activate kinase autophosphorylation remains obscure. The EnvZ/OmpR system regulates expression of outer membrane proteins in response to osmotic stress. To identify EnvZ conformational changes associated with osmosensing, we used HDXMS to probe the effects of osmolytes (NaCl, sucrose) on the cytoplasmic domain of EnvZ (EnvZ(c)). Increasing osmolality decreased deuterium exchange localized to the four-helix bundle containing the autophosphorylation site (His(243)). EnvZ(c) exists as an ensemble of multiple conformations and osmolytes favoured increased helicity. High osmolality increased autophosphorylation of His(243), suggesting that these two events are linked. In-vivo analysis showed that the cytoplasmic domain of EnvZ was sufficient for osmosensing, transmembrane domains were not required. Our results challenge existing claims of robustness in EnvZ/OmpR and support a model where osmolytes promote intrahelical H-bonding enhancing helix stabilization, increasing autophosphorylation and downstream signalling. The model provides a conserved mechanism for signalling proteins that respond to diverse physical and mechanical stimuli.  相似文献   

Several plant pathogenic bacteria belonging to the species Pseudomonas syringae produce the phytotoxin coronatine to enhance their virulence. Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea PG4180 synthesizes coronatine at the virulence-promoting temperature of 18 degrees C, but not at 28 degrees C, its optimal growth temperature. In contrast, temperature has virtually no effect on coronatine synthesis in P. syringae pv. tomato strain DC3000. A modified two-component system controlling coronatine synthesis and consisting of the histidine protein kinase (HPK), CorS, the response regulator, CorR, and a third essential component, CorP, had been identified previously in both strains. CorS had been identified previously as a potential thermo-sensor. Comparison of the amino acid sequences of the HPKs from the two organisms revealed distinct differences. Site-directed mutagenesis of CorS from PG4180 was used to identify amino acyl residues potentially important for temperature signal perception. Point mutations and combinations of these were introduced into corS of PG4180 to generate corS variants with increased similarities to the respective allele from strain DC3000. These mutations resulted in either loss of activity, increase of thermoresponsiveness, or had no effect on CorS activity. Although none of the introduced mutations resulted in a clear conversion of CorS activity from thermo-responsive to temperature-independent, amino acyl residues important for temperature-dependent CorS activity and coronatine biosynthesis were identified.  相似文献   

Spo0F, sporulation stage 0 F protein, a 124-residue protein responsible, in part, for regulating the transition of Bacillus subtilis from a vegetative state to a dormant endospore, has been studied by high-resolution NMR. The 1H, 15N, and 13C chemical shift assignments for the backbone residues have been determined from analyses of 3D spectra, 15N TOCSY-HSQC, 15N NOESY-HSQC, HNCA, and HN(CO)CA. Assignments for many sidechain proton resonances are also reported. The secondary structure, inferred from short- and medium-range NOEs, 3JHN alpha coupling constants, and hydrogen exchange patterns, define a topology consistent with a doubly wound (alpha/beta)5 fold. Interestingly, comparison of the secondary structure of Spo0F to the structure of the Escherichia coli response regulator, chemotaxis Y protein (CheY) (Volz K, Matsumura P, 1991, J Biol Chem 266:15511-15519; Bruix M et al., 1993, Eur J Biochem 215:573-585), show differences in the relative length of secondary structure elements that map onto a single face of the tertiary structure of CheY. This surface may define a region of binding specificity for response regulators. Magnesium titration of Spo0F, followed by amide chemical shift changes, gives an equilibrium dissociation constant of 20 +/- 5 mM. Amide resonances most perturbed by magnesium binding are near the putative site of phosphorylation, Asp 54.  相似文献   

Membrane-associated histidine kinases (HKs) in two-component systems respond to environmental stimuli by autophosphorylation and phospho-transfer. HK typically contains a periplasmic sensor domain that regulates the cytoplasmic kinase domain through a conserved cytoplasmic linker. How signal is transduced from the ligand-binding site across the membrane barrier remains unclear. Here, we analyse two linker regions of a typical HK, DctB. One region connects the first transmembrane helix with the periplasmic Per-ARNT-Sim domains, while the other one connects the second transmembrane helix with the cytoplasmic kinase domains. We identify a leucine residue in the first linker region to be essential for the signal transduction and for maintaining the delicate balance of the dimeric interface, which is key to its activities. We also show that the other linker, belonging to the S-helix coiled-coil family, plays essential roles in signal transduction inside the cell. Furthermore, by combining mutations with opposing activities in the two regions, we show that these two signalling transduction elements are integrated to produce a combined effect on the final activity of DctB.  相似文献   

葡萄球菌呼吸相关双组分系统SrrAB能感应外界O2浓度,并将信号传至胞内,调控下游基因的转录,以应对外界环境的变化。有研究表明,金黄色葡萄球菌SrrAB在有氧条件下促进毒力因子的表达,抑制生物膜的形成;在厌氧条件下抑制毒力因子的表达,促进生物膜的形成。另外,在有氧及厌氧条件下,金黄色葡萄球菌SrrAB调控生长代谢的途径也不一致。表皮葡萄球菌中也存在类似的双组分系统SrrAB,且与金黄色葡萄球菌SrrAB具有较高同源性,但目前尚不清楚两者在生长代谢及毒力调控方面的异同。结合课题组研究工作,简要综述葡萄球菌SrrAB的调控机制,着重比较其在有氧及厌氧条件下的调控差异,这对临床诊治葡萄球菌引起的感染具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The ArcB/A two-component signal transduction system of Escherichia coli modulates the expression of numerous operons in response to redox conditions of growth. We demonstrate that the putative arcA and arcB genes of Mannheimia succiniciproducens MBEL55E, a capnophilic (CO2-loving) rumen bacterium, encode functional proteins that specify a two-component system. The Arc proteins of the two bacterial species sufficiently resemble each other that they can participate in heterologous transphosphorylation in vitro, and the arcA and arcB genes of M. succiniciproducens confer toluidine blue resistance to E. coli arcA and arcB mutants. However, neither the quinone analogs (ubiquinone 0 and menadione) nor the cytosolic effectors (d-lactate, acetate, and pyruvate) affect the net phosphorylation of M. succiniciproducens ArcB. Our results indicate that different types of signaling molecules and distinct modes of kinase regulation are used by the ArcB proteins of E. coli and M. succiniciproducens.  相似文献   

The two-component sensory transduction system BvgAS controls the virulence regulon of the whooping-cough agent Bordetella pertussis. The periplasmic moiety of the homodimeric sensor kinase BvgS is composed of four bilobed Venus flytrap (VFT) perception domains followed by α helices that extend into the cytoplasmic membrane. In the virulent phase, the default state of B. pertussis, the cytoplasmic enzymatic moiety of BvgS acts as kinase by autophosphorylating and transferring the phosphoryl group to the response regulator BvgA. Under laboratory conditions, BvgS shifts to phosphatase activity in response to modulators, notably nicotinate ions. Here we characterized the effects of nicotinate and related modulators on the BvgS periplasmic moiety by using site-directed mutagenesis and in silico and biophysical approaches. Modulators bind with low affinity to BvgS in the VFT2 cavity. Electron paramagnetic resonance shows that their binding globally affects the conformation and dynamics of the periplasmic moiety. Specific amino acid substitutions designed to slacken interactions within and between the VFT lobes prevent BvgS from responding to nicotinate, showing that BvgS shifts from kinase to phosphatase activity in response to this modulator via a tense transition state that involves a large periplasmic structural block. We propose that this transition enables the transmembrane helices to adopt a distinct conformation that sets the cytoplasmic enzymatic moiety in the phosphatase mode. The bona fide, in vivo VFT ligands that remain to be identified are likely to trigger similar effects on the transmembrane and cytoplasmic moieties. This mechanism may be relevant to the other VFT-containing sensor kinases homologous to BvgS.  相似文献   

An emerging molecular map of the phytochromes   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:10  
Molecular mapping studies and sequence comparisons are providing provocative new insights into regions of the phytochrome polypeptide important to the functional activities of the photoreceptor. The NH2-terminal structural domain contains the determinants for photoperception, and for the differences in photosensory specificity and photolability between phyA and phyB. However, a contiguous COOH-terminal domain is also required for the transfer of perceived informational signals downstream to transduction pathway components and for PfrA-specific degradation to proceed. The COOH-terminal domains of phyA and phyB are functionally interchangeable in these processes and a core sequence at the proximal end of this domain contains determinants necessary for signal transfer from both phyA and phyB, suggesting a common biochemical mechanism of signal transfer for the two photoreceptors. Striking sequence similarity between the NH2-terminal domain of a Synechocystis protein, ORF SLR0473, and the phytochromes indicates that the cyanobacteria contain phytochrome-related photoreceptors. The COOH-terminal domains of ORF SLR0473 and the phytochromes are also related to one another and both show sequence similarities to the sensor histidine kinases. These data raise the possibility that the cyanobacteria have a functional photoregulated histidine kinase signalling system and that the plant phytochromes represent remnants of that system.  相似文献   

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