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Pili, along with the flagellum and DNA bacteriophage receptors, are structural markers for polar morphogenesis in Caulobacter crescentus. Pili act as primary receptors for a number of small, C. crescentus-specific DNA and RNA bacteriophages, and the timing of pilus-dependent adsorption of bacteriophage phiCb5 in synchronized cell populations has led to the general conclusion that pili are formed coordinately with the flagellum and other polar surface structures in the predivisional cell. The use of rotary platinum shadow casting and electron microscopy as a direct assay for formation of flagella and pili in synchronous cell cultures now shows, however, that when expressed as fractions of the swarmer cell cycle, flagella are assembled on the predivisional cells at approximately 0.8 and that pili are assembled on the new swarmer cells at approximately 0.1 of the next cell cycle. Adsorption of pilus-specific bacteriophage phiCb5 prevented the loss of pili from swarmer cells during development, which suggests that these structures are retracted at the time of stalk formation. Examination of temperature-sensitive cell division mutants showed that the assembly of pili depends on completion of cell separation. These results indicate that the stage-specific events required for polar morphogenesis in C. crescentus occur sequentially, rather than coordinately in the cell cycle, and that the timing of these events reflects the order of underlying cell cycle steps.  相似文献   

Cell division in Caulobacter crescentus yields a swarmer and a stalked cell. Only the stalked cell progeny is able to replicate its chromosome, and the swarmer cell progeny must differentiate into a stalked cell before it too can replicate its chromosome. In an effort to understand the mechanisms that limit chromosomal replication to the stalked cell, plasmid DNA synthesis was analyzed during the developmental cell cycle of C. crescentus, and the partitioning of both the plasmids and the chromosomes to the progeny cells was examined. Unlike the chromosome, plasmids from the incompatibility groups Q and P replicated in all C. crescentus cell types. However, all plasmids tested showed a ten- to 20-fold higher replication rate in the stalked cells than the swarmer cells. We observed that all plasmids replicated during the C. crescentus cell cycle with comparable kinetics of DNA synthesis, even though we tested plasmids that encode very different known (and putative) replication proteins. We determined the plasmid copy number in both progeny cell types, and determined that plasmids partitioned equally to the stalked and swarmer cells. We also reexamined chromosome partitioning in a recombination-deficient strain of C. crescentus, and confirmed an earlier report that chromosomes partition to the progeny stalked and swarmer cells in a random manner that does not discriminate between old and new DNA strands.  相似文献   

Cell cycle progression and polar differentiation are temporally coordinated in Caulobacter crescentus. This oligotrophic bacterium divides asymmetrically to produce a motile swarmer cell that represses DNA replication and a sessile stalked cell that replicates its DNA. The initiation of DNA replication coincides with the proteolysis of the CtrA replication inhibitor and the accumulation of DnaA, the replication initiator, upon differentiation of the swarmer cell into a stalked cell. We analyzed the adaptive response of C. crescentus swarmer cells to carbon starvation and found that there was a block in both the swarmer-to-stalked cell polar differentiation program and the initiation of DNA replication. SpoT is a bifunctional synthase/hydrolase that controls the steady-state level of the stress-signaling nucleotide (p)ppGpp, and carbon starvation caused a SpoT-dependent increase in (p)ppGpp concentration. Carbon starvation activates DnaA proteolysis (B. Gorbatyuk and G. T. Marczynski, Mol. Microbiol. 55:1233-1245, 2005). We observed that SpoT is required for this phenomenon in swarmer cells, and in the absence of SpoT, carbon-starved swarmer cells inappropriately initiated DNA replication. Since SpoT controls (p)ppGpp abundance, we propose that this nucleotide relays carbon starvation signals to the cellular factors responsible for activating DnaA proteolysis, thereby inhibiting the initiation of DNA replication. SpoT, however, was not required for the carbon starvation block of the swarmer-to-stalked cell polar differentiation program. Thus, swarmer cells utilize at least two independent signaling pathways to relay carbon starvation signals: a SpoT-dependent pathway mediating the inhibition of DNA replication initiation, and a SpoT-independent pathway(s) that blocks morphological differentiation.  相似文献   

We have identified mutations in three pleiotropic genes, pleA, pleC, and pleD, that are required for differentiation in Caulobacter crescentus. pleA and pleC mutants were isolated in an extensive screen for strains defective in both motility and adsorption of polar bacteriophage phi CbK; using temperature-sensitive alleles, we determined the time at which the two genes act. pleA was required for a short period at 0.7 of the swarmer cell cycle for flagellum biosynthesis, whereas pleC was required during an overlapping period from 0.6 to 0.95 of the cell cycle to activate flagellum rotation as well as to enable loss of the flagellum and stalk formation by swarmer cells after division. The third pleiotropic gene, pleD, is described here for the first time. A pleD mutation was identified as a bypass suppressor of a temperature-sensitive pleC allele. Strains containing this mutation were highly motile, did not shed the flagellum or form stalks, and retained motility throughout the cell cycle. Since pleD was required to turn off motility and was a bypass suppressor of pleC, we conclude that it acts after the pleA and pleC gene functions in the cell cycle. No mutants defective in both flagellum biosynthesis and stalk formation were identified. Consequently, we propose that the steps required for formation of swarmer cells and subsequent development into stalked cells are organized into at least two developmental pathways: a pleA-dependent sequence of events, responsible for flagellum biosynthesis in predivisional cells, and a pleC-pleD-dependent sequence, responsible for flagellum activation in predivisional cells and loss of motility and stalk formation in progeny swarmer cells.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus has a dimorphic life cycle composed of a motile stage and a sessile stage. In the sessile stage, C. crescentus is often found tightly attached to a surface through its adhesive holdfast. In this study, we examined the contribution of growth and external structures to the attachment of C. crescentus to abiotic surfaces. We show that the holdfast is essential but not sufficient for optimal attachment. Rather, adhesion in C. crescentus is a complex developmental process. We found that the attachment of C. crescentus to surfaces is cell cycle regulated and that growth or energy or both are essential for this process. The initial stage of attachment occurs in swarmer cells and is facilitated by flagellar motility and pili. Our results suggest that strong attachment is mediated by the synthesis of a holdfast as the swarmer cell differentiates into a stalked cell.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus is an oligotrophic alpha-proteobacterium with a complex cell cycle involving sessile-stalked and piliated, flagellated swarmer cells. Because the natural lifestyle of C. crescentus intrinsically involves a surface-associated, sessile state, we investigated the dynamics and control of C. crescentus biofilms developing on glass surfaces in a hydrodynamic system. In contrast to biofilms of the well-studied Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, and Vibrio cholerae, C. crescentus CB15 cells form biphasic biofilms, consisting predominantly of a cell monolayer biofilm and a biofilm containing densely packed, mushroom-shaped structures. Based on comparisons between the C. crescentus strain CB15 wild type and its holdfast (hfsA; DeltaCC0095), pili (DeltapilA-cpaF::Omegaaac3), motility (motA), flagellum (flgH) mutants, and a double mutant lacking holdfast and flagellum (hfsA; flgH), a model for biofilm formation in C. crescentus is proposed. For both biofilm forms, the holdfast structure at the tip of a stalked cell is crucial for mediating the initial attachment. Swimming motility by means of the single polar flagellum enhances initial attachment and enables progeny swarmer cells to escape from the monolayer biofilm. The flagellum structure also contributes to maintaining the mushroom structure. Type IV pili enhance but are not absolutely required for the initial adhesion phase. However, pili are essential for forming and maintaining the well-defined three-dimensional mushroom-shaped biofilm. The involvement of pili in mushroom architecture is a novel function for type IV pili in C. crescentus. These unique biofilm features demonstrate a spatial diversification of the C. crescentus population into a sessile, "stem cell"-like subpopulation (monolayer biofilm), which generates progeny cells capable of exploring the aqueous, oligotrophic environment by swimming motility and a subpopulation accumulating in large mushroom structures.  相似文献   

Several members of the two-component signal transduction family have been implicated in the control of polar development in Caulobacter crescentus: PleC and DivJ, two polarly localized histidine sensor kinases; and the response regulators DivK and PleD. The PleD protein was shown previously to be required during the swarmer-to-stalked cell transition for flagellar ejection and efficient stalk biogenesis. Here, we present data indicating that PleD also controls the onset of motility and a cell density switch immediately preceding cell division. Constitutively active alleles of pleD or wspR, an orthologue from Pseudomonas fluorescens, almost completely suppressed C. crescentus motility and inhibited the increase in swarmer cell density during cell differentiation. The observation that these alleles also had a dominant-negative effect on motility in a pleC divJ and a pleC divK mutant background indicated that PleD is located downstream of the other components in the signal transduction cascade, which controls the activity of the flagellar motor. In addition, the presence of a constitutive pleD or wspR allele resulted in a doubling of the average stalk length. Together, this is consistent with a model in which the active form of PleD, PleD approximately P, negatively controls aspects of differentiation in the late predivisional cell, whereas it acts positively on polar development during the swarmer-to-stalked cell transition. In agreement with such a model, we found that DivJ, which localizes to the stalked pole during cell differentiation, positively controlled the in vivo phosphorylation status of PleD, and the swarmer pole-specific PleC kinase modulated this status in a negative manner. Furthermore, domain switch experiments demonstrated that the WspR GGDEF output domain from P. fluorescens is active in C. crescentus, favouring a more general function for this novel signalling domain over a specific role such as DNA or protein interaction. Possible roles for PleD and its C-terminal output domain in modulating the polar cell surface of C. crescentus are discussed.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus cell division is asymmetric and yields distinct swarmer cell and stalked cell progeny. Only the stalked cell initiates chromosomal replication, and the swarmer cell must differentiate into a stalked cell before chromosomal DNA replication can occur. In an effort to understand this developmental control of replication, we employed pulsed-field gel electrophoresis to localize and to isolate the chromosomal origin of replication. The C. crescentus homologues of several Escherichia coli genes are adjacent to the origin in the physical order hemE, origin, dnaA and dnaK,J. Deletion analysis reveals that the minimal sequence requirement for autonomous replication is greater than 430 base-pairs, but less than 720 base-pairs. A plasmid, whose replication relies only on DNA from the C. crescentus origin of replication, has a distinct temporal pattern of DNA synthesis that resembles that of the bona fide C. crescentus chromosome. This implies that cis-acting replication control elements are closely linked to this origin of replication. This DNA contains sequence motifs that are common to other bacterial origins, such as five DnaA boxes, an E. coli-like 13-mer, and an exceptional A + T-rich region. Point mutations in one of the DnaA boxes abolish replication in C. crescentus. This origin also possesses three additional motifs that are unique to the C. crescentus origin of replication: seven 8-mer (GGCCTTCC) motifs, nine 8-mer (AAGCCCGG) motifs, and five 9-mer (GTTAA-n7-TTAA) motifs are present. The latter two motifs are implicated in essential C. crescentus replication functions, because they are contained within specific deletions that abolish replication.  相似文献   

Caulobacter crescentus differentiates from a motile, foraging swarmer cell into a sessile, replication-competent stalked cell during its cell cycle. This developmental transition is inhibited by nutrient deprivation to favor the motile swarmer state. We identify two cell cycle regulatory signals, ppGpp and polyphosphate (polyP), that inhibit the swarmer-to-stalked transition in both complex and glucose-exhausted media, thereby increasing the proportion of swarmer cells in mixed culture. Upon depletion of available carbon, swarmer cells lacking the ability to synthesize ppGpp or polyP improperly initiate chromosome replication, proteolyze the replication inhibitor CtrA, localize the cell fate determinant DivJ, and develop polar stalks. Furthermore, we show that swarmer cells produce more ppGpp than stalked cells upon starvation. These results provide evidence that ppGpp and polyP are cell-type-specific developmental regulators.  相似文献   

The poles of each Caulobacter crescentus cell undergo morphological development as a function of the cell cycle. A single flagellum assembled at one pole during the asymmetric cell division is later ejected and replaced by a newly synthesized stalk when the motile swarmer progeny differentiates into a sessile stalked cell. The removal of the flagellum during the swarmer-to-stalked cell transition coincides with the degradation of the FliF flagellar anchor protein. We report here that the cell cycle-dependent turnover of FliF does not require the structural components of the flagellum itself, arguing that it is the initial event leading to the ejection of the flagellum. Analysis of a polar development mutant, pleD, revealed that the pleD gene was required for efficient removal of FliF and for ejection of the flagellar structure during the swarmer-to-stalked cell transition. The PleD requirement for FliF degradation was also not dependent on the presence of any part of the flagellar structure. In addition, only 25% of the cells were able to synthesize a stalk during cell differentiation when PleD was absent. The pleD gene codes for a member of the response regulator family with a novel C-terminal regulatory domain. Mutational analysis confirmed that a highly conserved motif in the PleD C-terminal domain is essential to promote both FliF degradation and stalk biogenesis during cell differentiation. Signalling through the C-terminal domain of PleD is thus required for C. crescentus polar development. A second gene, fliL, was shown to be required for efficient turnover of FliF, but not for stalk biogenesis. The possible roles of PleD and FliL in C. crescentus polar development are discussed.  相似文献   

The methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins (MCPs) are membrane receptors that initiate signal transduction to the flagellar rotor upon ligand binding. The synthesis of these proteins occurs only in the Caulobacter crescentus predivisional cell coincident with the biosynthesis of the polar flagellum. Both the flagellum and the MCPs are partitioned to only one daughter cell, the swarmer cell, upon division. We report the results of experiments designed to determine the distribution of these MCPs within swarmer cells and predivisional cells. Flagellated and non-flagellated vesicles were prepared from these cells by immunoaffinity chromatography and the level of MCPs that had been labeled either in vivo or in vitro with methyl-3H was determined. Small membrane vesicles from swarmer cells contained [methyl-3H]MCPs both in the flagellated and non-flagellated vesicles, which indicates that the region immediately surrounding the flagellum, as well as the rest of the surface of the swarmer cell, contains [methyl-3H]MCP. Thus, the MCPs are not specifically localized to the immediate vicinity of the flagellar rotor. The distribution of MCPs was examined in flagellated and non-flagellated vesicles isolated from predivisional cells. The analysis of small predivisional vesicles showed that the MCP content is higher in the flagellated vesicles, and analysis of large flagellated vesicles showed that the MCPs are positioned preferentially in the swarmer cell portion of the predivisional cell. This positional bias of MCPs within predivisional cells could reflect either a large compartment or membrane domain within the incipient swarmer cell, or a gradient of MCPs, with the highest concentration in the vicinity of the flagellum.  相似文献   

We have identified the parC and parE genes encoding DNA topoisomerase IV (Topo IV) in Caulobacter crescentus . We have also characterized the effect of conditional Topo IV mutations on cell division and morphology. Topo IV mutants of C. crescentus are unlike mutants of Escherichia coli and S. typhimurium , which form long filamentous cells that are defective in nucleoid segregation and divide frequently to produce anucleate cells. Topo IV mutants of C. crescentus are highly pinched at multiple sites (cell separation phenotype) and they do not divide to produce cells lacking DNA. These results suggest unique regulatory mechanisms coupling nucleoid partitioning and cell division in this aquatic bacterium. In addition, distinctive nucleoid-partitioning defects are not apparent in C. crescentus Topo IV mutants as they are in E. coli and S. typhimurium . However, abnormal nucleoid segregation in parE mutant cells could be demonstrated in a genetic background containing a conditional mutation in the C. crescentus ftsA gene, an early cell division gene that is epistatic to parE for cell division and growth. We discuss these results in connection with the possible roles of C. crescentus Topo IV in the regulation of cell division, chromosome partitioning, and late events in polar morphogenesis. Although the ParC and ParE subunits of Topo IV are very similar in sequence to the GyrA and GyrB subunits of DNA gyrase, we have used DNA sequence analysis to identify a highly conserved 'GyrA box' sequence that is unique to the GyrA proteins and may serve as a hallmark of the GyrA protein family.  相似文献   

Pili are functionally expressed during the predivisional and swarmer stages of the Caulobacter crescentus differentiation cycle. They appear on the developing swarmer pole and at the same cellular location as flagella and the phiCbK receptor sites. Pili disappear when the swarmer cell differentiates into a stalked cell; this occurs with the loss of flagella and the disappearance of phage receptor sites. C. crescentus CB13B1a pili have been purified and characterized. Monomeric pilin is a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 8,500 that stains weakly with periodic acid-Schiff reagent. The amino acid composition of purified pilin reveals very low quantities of basic amino acids and a complete absence of methionine. Pilin is synthesized throughout the C. crescentus differentiation cycle. Neither free pili nor pilin monomers are detectable in the growth media, suggesting that loss of piliation in the swarmer- to stalked-cell transition occurs via pilus retraction.  相似文献   

Stalkless mutants of Caulobacter crescentus.   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
A Fukuda  H Iba    Y Okada 《Journal of bacteriology》1977,131(1):280-287
A stalk, a single falgellum, several pili, and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) phage receptors are polar surface structures expressed at a defined time in the Caulobacter crescentus cell cycle. When mutants were isolated as DNA phage phiCbK-resistant or ribonucleic acid (RNA) phage phiCp2-resistant, as well as nonmotile, strains, 5 out of 30 such mutant isolates were found not to possess stalks, but did possess inactive flagella. These stalkless mutants were resistant simultaneously to both DNA and RNA phages and did not possess pili and DNA pendent stalkless mutants. All motile revertants simultaneously regained the capacity to form stalks and susceptibility to DNA and RNA phages. It is suggested that a single mutation pleiotropically affects stalk formation, flagella motility, and coordinate polar morphogenesis of pili and DNA phage receptors. The stalkless mutants grew at a generation time similar to that of the wild-type strain at 30 degrees C. Cell size and morphology of a stalkless mutant, C. crescentus CB13 pdr-819, were also similar to those of the wild-type strain, except for the absence of a stalk. In addition, the CB13 pdr-819 predivisional cells were partitioned into smaller and larger portions, indicating asymmetrical cell division, as in the wild-type strain. From these results, it is suggested that swarmer cells undergo transition to cells of a stalked-cell nature without stalk formation and that the cell cycle of the stalkless mutant proceeds in an ordered sequence similar to that defining the wild-type cell cycle.  相似文献   

Regulation of polar development and cell division in Caulobacter crescentus relies on the dynamic localization of several proteins to cell poles at specific stages of the cell cycle. The polar organelle development protein, PodJ, is required for the synthesis of the adhesive holdfast and pili. Here we show the cell cycle localization of PodJ and describe a novel role for this protein in controlling the dynamic localization of the developmental regulator PleC. In swarmer cells, a short form of PodJ is localized at the flagellated pole. Upon differentiation of the swarmer cell into a stalked cell, full length PodJ is synthesized and localizes to the pole opposite the stalk. In late predivisional cells, full length PodJ is processed into a short form which remains localized at the flagellar pole after cell division and is degraded during swarmer to stalked cell differentiation. Polar localization of the developmental regulator PleC requires the presence of PodJ. In contrast, the polar localization of PodJ is not dependent on the presence of PleC. These results indicate that PodJ is an important determinant for the localization of a major regulator of cell differentiation. Thus, PodJ acts directly or indirectly to target PleC to the incipient swarmer pole, to establish the cellular asymmetry that leads to the synthesis of holdfasts and pili at their proper subcellular location.  相似文献   

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