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Divalent copper was found to inhibit non-competitively the lysis of Micrococcus lysodeikticus cells by hen egg-white lysozyme, with an inhibition constant Ka= 3.8 × 102m?1. The association constants of Cu2+ for lysozyme and for a derivative of lysozyme in which tryptophan residue 108 was selectively modified, were measured spectrofluorimetrieally and found to be 1.8 × 102m?1 and 1.0 × 103m?1, respectively. The electron spin resonance spectrum of Cu2+ was not affected by the addition of lysozyme, whereas many new lines appeared on addition of the modified protein. This was interpreted as evidence for the binding of Cu2+ in the neighbourhood of tryptophan 108. To unequivocally establish the site of ligation of Cu2+, crystals of lysozyme soaked in Cu2+ were examined by X-ray crystallography and the results compared to those obtained from crystals of native lysozyme. Cu2+ was found to be located 2 to 3 Å from the carboxyl side-chain of aspartic acid 52, 5 Å from the carboxyl of glutamic acid 35 and about 7 Å from tryptophan 108.The addition of a saccharide inhibitor to lysozyme was found to increase the association constant of Cu2+ for lysozyme from a value of 1.8 × 102m?1 to 6.0 × 102m?1. This finding was interpreted as indicative of a change in conformation around tryptophan 108 and glutamic acid 35 induced by the interaction of saccharides with the enzyme, which affects the metal binding properties of aspartic acid 52.  相似文献   

Binding of lanthanides and of divalent metal ions to porcine trypsin   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
M Epstein  A Levitzki  J Reuben 《Biochemistry》1974,13(8):1777-1782

Adding Ca2+ or other cations to deionized bacteriorhodopsin causes a blue to purple color shift, a result of deprotonation of Asp85. It has been proposed by different groups that the protonation state of Asp85 responds to the binding of Ca2+ either 1) directly at a specific site in the protein or 2) indirectly through the rise of the surface pH. We tested the idea of specific binding of Ca2+ and found that the surface pH, as determined from the ionization state of eosin covalently linked to engineered cysteine residues, rises about equally at both extracellular and cytoplasmic surfaces when only one Ca2+ is added. This precludes binding to a specific site and suggests that rather than decreasing the pKa of Asp85 by direct interaction, Ca2+ increases the surface pH by binding to anionic lipid groups. As Ca2+ is added the surface pH rises, but deprotonation of Asp85 occurs only when the surface pH approaches its pKa. The nonlinear relationship between Ca2+ binding and deprotonation of Asp85 from this effect is different in the wild-type protein and in various mutants and explains the observed complex and varied spectral titration curves.  相似文献   

M E Marsh 《Biochemistry》1989,28(1):346-352
The concomitant binding of calcium and inorganic phosphate ions by the highly phosphorylated rat dentin phosphophoryn (HP) was measured in the pH range of 7.4-8.5 by an ultrafiltration procedure. HP binds almost exclusively the triply charged PO4(3-) ion, and for each PO4(3-) ion bound, the protein binds about 1.5 additional Ca2+ ions. Therefore, the protein-mineral ion complex can be described as a protein with two different ligands, Ca2+ ions and calcium phosphate clusters having a stoichiometry of about Ca1.5PO4. Empirically the binding of calcium and phosphate can best be described as a function of a neutral ion activity product in which 2.5-10% of the phosphate is HPO4(2-). The stoichiometry of the bound clusters is similar to that of amorphous calcium phosphate, and it is clear that the protein does not sequester crystal embryos of octacalcium phosphate or hydroxyapatite. The protein-mineral ion complex is amorphous by electron diffraction analysis and does not catalyze the formation of a crystalline phase when aged in contact with its solution. About 15% of the bound phosphate is buried in protected domains, and it is stable with respect to dissociation for extended periods in phosphate-free calcium buffers. The buried mineral maintains the protein in an aggregated state even at calcium ion concentrations which are too low for the aggregation of unmineralized HP. In vivo HP should be ineffective in the nucleation of a crystalline mineral phase, if it is secreted in a mineralized aggregated state similar to casein and the bivalve phosphoprotein.  相似文献   

Ferritin. Binding of beryllium and other divalent metal ions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rat liver homogenates in 0.1 M Tris, pH 7.5, were heated to 80 degrees C, cooled immediately, and centrifuged at 24,000 X g, and 7Be2+ was added to the supernatant. Twenty-five per cent of the radioactivity was bound to a single protein. It was purified to homogeneity and identified to be ferritin as judged by different criteria. These were sucrose density gradient centrifugation, electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel of the native or sodium dodecyl sulfate-treated protein, reactivity to antibodies, isoelectric focusing, and total amino acid composition. Comparative study of the ability of ferritin or apoferritin to bind Cd2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, and Be2+ was conducted by using a gel equilibrium technique, Centifree micropartition technique, and microcentrifuge desalting technique. Ferritin could be saturated with Cd2+ or Zn2+ or Cu2+ but not with Be2+ even after 800 g atoms of Be2+ were bound. None of the bound Be2+ was dialyzable at 4 degrees C in 0.05 Tris acetate buffer, pH 8.5, but at pH 6.5 over 80% of the bound metal ion was dialyzed after 72 h. By contrast, apoferritin bound similar amounts of all four metal ions, some of which were dialyzable. By spectrophotometric titrations at pH 6.5 of Be2+ with sulfosalicylic acid (SSA), BeKDSSA was calculated to be 5.0 X 10(-6) M and by competition of sulfosalicyclic acid and ferritin for Be2+ the BeKDferritin was calculated to be 6.8 X 10(-6) M.  相似文献   

Thermodynamics of binding of divalent metal ions including Ca(2+) , Mg(2+) , Ba(2+) , and Cd(2+) to Ca-free horseradish peroxidase (HRP) enzyme was investigated using UV/VIS spectrophotometry and molecular-mechanic (MM) calculations. According to the obtained binding and thermodynamic parameters, trend of the relative binding affinities of these divalent metal cations was found to be: Ca(2+) >Cd(2+) >Mg(2+) >Ba(2+) . Binding analysis based on Scatchard and Hill models showed positive cooperativity effect between the two distal and proximal binding sites. Furthermore, kinetics of binding and reconstitution process was examined (using relaxation-time method) for binding of Ca(2+) (as the typical metal ion) to Ca-free HRP, which was found a second-order type having a two-step mechanism involving fast formation of Ca-free HRP/1?Ca(2+) as the kinetic intermediate in step 1. Finally, by means of MM calculations, the comparative stability energies were evaluated for binding of M(2+) metal cations to Ca-free HRP. Based on MM calculations, preferential binding of Ca(2+) ion was occurred on distal and proximal binding sites of Ca-free HRP associated with higher stability energies (E(total) ). Indeed, among the divalent metal ions, Ca(2+) with the highest binding affinity (maximum value of K(bin) and minimum value of ΔG$\rm{{_{bin}^{0}}}$), maximum value of exothermic binding enthalpy, and stability energies stabilizes the HRP structure along with an optimized catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Free organisms of both plasmid-free and plasmid-carrying strains of Escherichia coli were killed by incubation in water containing low levels of cupric ions. Sensitivity was temperature-dependent with killing being more marked at 20° or 25°C than at 10° or 15°C. In contrast to the effects of other inhibitors from natural waters (which affect free Col V+organisms more than Col-ones), free Col-and Col V+organisms were equally sensitive to kill by Cu2+. Attachment to glass beads essentially abolished sensitivity to cupric ions with full survival after exposure to 15 μ g/ml. This applied to both p+and p-strains but attachment would have more effect on the survival of p+organisms in natural waters because some plasmids markedly enhance attachment.  相似文献   

Using the thermal denaturation method the effect of bivalent copper of (4-10(-6)-10(-3)) M concentrations on the helix-coil transition of DNA was studied in the solution of Na+ concentrations 10(-3)-10(-1) M. Unlike the previous studies, this paper makes allowance for the effect of impurity ions present in DNA and deionized water. It has been shown that in the region of low Cu2+ and Na+ concentrations, thermal stability increases, the melting range extends and the denaturation curves become asymmetric. At concentrations more than approximately 3-10(-5) M Cu2+, melting temperature starts to fall, and the range reduces to 1-1.5 degrees at [Cu2+] greater than or equal to 2-10(-4) M. As [Cu2+] reaches these values, the denaturation curve asymmetry and melting range increase again, which is due to the inversion of the relative stability of AT- and GC-pairs. Employing experimental and phase-transition-theory data for homopolymers, the constants of Cu2+ binding with phosphates and DNA bases were calculated. The concentration dependence of the DNA denaturation parameters was shown to be governed by the superposition of binding Cu2+ with phosphates and nucleic acid bases.  相似文献   

Zhang Z  Jin JP  Root DD 《Biochemistry》2004,43(9):2645-2655
Numerous troponin T (TnT) isoforms are generated by alternative RNA splicing primarily in its N-terminal hypervariable region, but the functions of these isoforms are not completely understood. Here for the first time, we discovered that a chicken fast TnT isoform with a unique Tx motif (HEEAH)(n) binds calcium. The metal binding behavior of this TnT isoform was first investigated using terbium as a calcium analogue due to its more readily detectable fluorescence variation upon TnT binding. Both intact TnT and TnT N-terminal fragment (TnT N47) bound terbium with high affinity indicating that the N-terminal sequence was the site of binding. Since terbium often substitutes at calcium-binding sites, radioactive calcium was tested and found to bind both intact TnT and TnT N47. Fluorescence measurements using the calcium-sensitive fluorescent dye, calcium green 5N, confirmed that calcium bound to the tertiary complex of TnT and the tropomyosin dimer with a fast on-rate (10(6)-10(7) M(-1) s(-1)) as detected in stopped-flow analysis. Consistent with these observations, computational predictions suggest that TnT N47 might fold into an elongated structure with at least one high-affinity metal ion binding pocket comprised primarily of the Tx motif sequence and several lower affinity binding sites. These results suggest that TnT may play a role in modulating the calcium-mediated regulatory process of striated muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Secretagogin is a hexa EF-hand protein, which has been identified as a novel potential tumour marker. In the present study, we show that secretagogin binds four Ca2+ ions (log K1=7.1+/-0.4, log K2=4.7+/-0.6, log K3=3.6+/-0.7 and log K4=4.6+/-0.6 in physiological salt buffers) with a [Ca2+](0.5) of approx. 25 microM. The tertiary structure of secretagogin changes significantly upon Ca2+ binding, but not upon Mg2+ binding, and the amount of exposed hydrophobic surface in secretagogin increases upon Ca2+ binding, but not upon Mg2+ binding. These properties suggest that secretagogin belongs to the 'sensor' family of Ca2+-binding proteins. However, in contrast with the prototypical Ca2+ sensor calmodulin, which interacts with a very large number of proteins, secretagogin is significantly less promiscuous. Only one secretagogin-interacting protein was reproducibly identified from insulinoma cell lysates and from bovine and mouse brain homogenates. This protein was identified as SNAP-25 (25 kDa synaptosome-associated protein), a protein involved in Ca2+-induced exocytosis in neurons and in neuroendocrine cells. K(d) was determined to be 1.2x10(-7) M in the presence of Ca2+ and 1.5x10(-6) M in the absence of Ca2+. The comparatively low Ca2+ affinity for secretagogin and the fact that it undergoes Ca2+-induced conformational changes and interacts with SNAP-25 raise the possibility that secretagogin may link Ca2+ signalling to exocytotic processes.  相似文献   

The binding of Cu++ and Zn++ ions to three polypeptides containing Glu and Tyr residues, (Glu Tyr Glu)n, (Glu-Glu-Tyr-Glu)n and (Glu-Tyr-Tyr-Glu)n has been investigated by absorption spectroscopy, fluorescence and circular dichroism. Difference absorption spectra show that Zn+- slightly perturbs the absorption spectrum of the tyrosyl residue whereas Cu++ binding is accompanied by the appearance of a strong absorption band around 245 nm. The fluorescence of the tyrosyl residue is enhanced by Zn++ ions while it is quenched by Cu++ ions. Cation binding induces a conformational change of the polypeptides from a random coil to an -helix, Mg++ ions do not elicit any of these phenomena.  相似文献   

Glucosyltransferase from oral bacteria Streptococcus mutans is the most significant virulent factor in causing dental caries. The enzyme has two subsites. The binding specificity of divalent metal ions to glucosyl or fructosyl subsite was examined using multiple inhibition kinetics. The interaction factor "alpha" identifies whether the two subsites are exclusive or non-exclusive.  相似文献   

Y Ozaki  Y Yatomi  S Kume 《Cell calcium》1992,13(1):19-27
Divalent ion mobilization in human platelets was evaluated with Fura-2 fluorescence changes induced by Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+ and Mn2+. Extracellular Ca2+, Sr2+ and Ba2+ all entered thrombin-stimulated platelets. These divalent ions were also able to refill the intracellular Ca2+ storage sites which had been depleted of Ca2+ by ionomycin treatment, and were released from the storage sites upon thrombin stimulation. However, only the refilling of the storage sites with Ca2+ and Sr2+, but not with Ba2+, were capable of suppressing the opening state of Ca2+ channels assessed with Mn2+ influx. Efflux of intracellularly accumulated divalent ions was observed with Ca2+ and Sr2+ but not with Ba2+. These findings indicate that there are subtle differences in the Ca(2+)-binding domains of the various systems involved in Ca2+ mobilization in platelets, some of which discriminate Ba2+ while accepting Sr2+.  相似文献   

Binding of sodium ions to beta-lactoglobulin   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
H P Baker  H A Saroff 《Biochemistry》1965,4(8):1670-1677

Binding of lanthanide ions to thermolysin   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
B W Matthews  L H Weaver 《Biochemistry》1974,13(8):1719-1725

Both Ras protein and calcium play significant roles in various cellular processes via complex signaling transduction networks. However, it is not well understood whether and how Ca(2+) can directly regulate Ras function. Here we demonstrate by isothermal titration calorimetry that Ca(2+) directly binds to the H-Ras.GDP.Mg(2+) complex with moderate affinity at the first binding site followed by two weak binding events. The results from limited proteinase degradation show that Ca(2+) protects the fragments of H-Ras from being further degraded by trypsin and by proteinase K. HPLC studies together with fluorescence spectroscopic measurements indicate that binding of Ca(2+) to the H-Ras.GDP.Mg(2+) complex remarkably promotes guanine nucleotide exchange on H-Ras under emulated physiological Ca(2+) concentration conditions. Addition of high concentrations of either of two macromolecular crowding agents, Ficoll 70 and dextran 70, dramatically enhances H-Ras guanine nucleotide exchange extent in the presence of Ca(2+) at emulated physiological concentrations, and the nucleotide exchange extent increases significantly with the concentrations of crowding agents. Together, these results indicate that binding of calcium ions to H-Ras remarkably promotes H-Ras guanine nucleotide exchange under emulated physiological conditions. We thus propose that Ca(2+) may activate Ras signaling pathway by interaction with Ras, providing clues to understand the role of calcium in regulating Ras function in physiological environments.  相似文献   

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