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This study describes the relationship between Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris and invasive alien trees on livestock and maize farms south-east of Johannesburg, Gauteng province, South Africa. The dependence of the birds on alien trees affects strategies for the removal of these trees. During June to December 2014, Helmeted Guineafowl were recorded weekly on maps along a 42 km transect. Since Helmeted Guineafowl live in cohesive social groups of 15–20 birds, they roost communally in one or two trees during winter rather than spreading across an entire tree grove. The distribution of alien trees across the landscape in patches has enabled Helmeted Guineafowl flocks to reach new feeding patches near to roosting trees, as old feeding patches are depleted. One Helmeted Guineafowl flock of 15–20 birds requires ~0.09 ha covered with mature alien trees for roosting. Suggestions are presented relating to the reduction of alien trees in compliance with the Conservation of Agricultural Resources Act 43 of 1983 and conservation of Helmeted Guineafowl.  相似文献   

The annual cycle of breeding, moult and weight variation in the Helmeted Honeyeater Lichenostomus melanops cassidix , a sedentary bird of temperate southeast Australia, is documented. Breeding and moult were sequential unimodal annual events, whose timing was highly consistent between years. However, overlap of breeding and moult was frequent, and some individuals even commenced primary moult before laying their final clutch. The timing of the post-juvenile moult was coincident with that of adults. Early-hatched young moulted within a few months of hatching, but late-hatched young deferred moult for a year. Helmeted Honeyeaters were heaviest in autumn and early winter, and lightest in spring and early summer, a cycle most consistent with the redirection of all available resources to reproduction. The long breeding season (seven-and-a-half months) of the Helmeted Honeyeater, extensive overlap of breeding and moult, and other life-history attributes including small clutch size, are more consistent with the described bio-rhythmic patterns for birds in the humid tropics than the temperate zone. However, the Helmeted Honeyeater has a fairly rapid primary moult rate, unusual amongst species that overlap moult and breeding. This combination of attributes reflects the stable, somewhat seasonal environment occupied and the resource monopoly established by this tightly territorial subspecies. We speculate that extension of the breeding season, by overlapping breeding and moult, is one of the few options available to vary life-history strategies amongst 'old-endemic' Australian birds of the temperate zone.  相似文献   

我国部分地方鸡种肤色伴性遗传初步观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张学余  黄凡美  赵东伟  卜柱 《遗传学报》2000,27(10):866-869
对泰和鸡、仙居鸡、固始鸡、北京油鸡、萧山鸡、狼山鸡(N系)进行肤色伴性遗传观察,结果表明:泰和鸡常染色体上含有1对黑色素基因PP,仙居鸡、萧山鸡、北京油鸡性染色体上含有Id抑制色素基因,狼山鸡、固始鸡、泰和鸡性染色体上含有id基因,泰和鸡♂与含有Id基因鸡种(仙居鸡、萧山鸡、北京油鸡)♀杂交,F1代肤色能自别雌雄,公鸡为黄皮肤,母鸡为黑皮肤。  相似文献   

ELLIOTT H. HAIMOFF 《Ibis》1987,129(2):319-326
Helmeted Hornbills Rhinoplax vigil inhabit the tropical and montane forests of Borneo, Sumatra, Malaysia, and Peninsular Thailand. Although little is known of their social behaviour and ecology, it is believed that they are monogamous and strictly territorial. The males have been observed to produce loud calls audible up to 2–3 km at various times throughout the day, but no studies of these calls have been made previously. An audiospectrographic analysis of the loud calls produced by several wild Helmeted Hornbills was conducted. The sounds comprising the loud calls were relatively pure in tone with few harmonics, with most of the energy produced between 500–1500 Hz, suggesting that selection may have favoured the long-range transmission of these sounds through the forest. These calls are organized into two distinguishable parts, and it is suggested that the first part may primarily serve as a means of attracting the attention of neighbouring non-mate conspecifics, while the second part may serve as an advertisement of age, size, or physical condition.  相似文献   

The Papuan python Liasis papuanus, a large (exceeding 5 m) boid species inhabiting Papua New Guinea and Irian Iaya, is currently known from fewer than 20 museum specimens and is seldom seen in living zoological collections. Of an estimated 10 to 15 living specimens imported into the United States during the last two decades, seven have been housed at the Knoxville Zoological Park. In 1984–85, one pair bred successfully, resulting in the first known captive breeding of this species. We describe the husbandry of adults and hatchlings and reproductive behavior in the adult pair, as well as brooding behavior of the female that resulted in a significant increase in coil temperatures. Data on eggs and on the growth of ten hatchlings over a 2.5-year period are given.  相似文献   

Reintroduction programs are a high-risk conservation strategy for restoring populations of endangered species. The success of these programs often depends on the ability to identify suitable habitat within the species' former range. Bioclimatic analysis offers an empirical, explicit, robust, and repeatable method to analyze large areas rapidly using a small number of locality records, and in turn predicting (and/or reconstructing) its potential distribution limits. This approach therefore can estimate the broad limits of the distribution of a taxon, using data that may be inadequate for standard forms of statistical analysis. We illustrate the potential value of bioclimatic modeling for reintroduction biology using a case study of the highly endangered Helmeted Honeyeater ( Lichenostomus melanops cassidix ) from Victoria, southeastern Australia. The results of our analyses assisted us to both predict the former range limits of the Helmeted Honeyeater and determine the broad limits of those areas that may contain potentially suitable sites for future reintroduction programs for the subspecies. The analysis predicted that the range of the Helmeted Honeyeater extends from the Yarra River district east of Melbourne, south to the Western Port Bay and east as far as the Morwell area of Victoria. The climatic characteristics of habitat occupied by the extant population of the Helmeted Honeyeater were found to be unique within its predicted range. We recommend that reintroduction efforts therefore be concentrated within this small area, as has occurred to date.  相似文献   

Field surveys were conducted in the Krugersdorp Game Reserve, Gauteng province, South Africa, during 1978–1981 to study the habitat preferences of Helmeted Guineafowl Numida meleagris. The study area was traversed with a vehicle in the late afternoons on a set route (12 km) and at least one observation was conducted each month during the three-year period. With the aid of binoculars all guineafowl that were sighted were counted and recorded on a map. The purposes were to (1) describe the habitat preferences of guineafowl and (2) to demonstrate that weeds attracted guineafowl during winter and can be retained in modified landscapes (e.g. farms) to provide important microhabitats. The highest mean monthly density across five habitat categories throughout the year was recorded in old vegetable gardens. The old vegetable gardens of c. 35 ha attracted more than 60% of the guineafowl population from April to October, which was mainly during winter when the birds scratched actively in weedy patches.  相似文献   

红原鸡与家鸡的亲缘关系研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
程光潮  刘如笋 《遗传学报》1996,23(2):96-104
对中国红原鸡滇地亚种和海南亚种与我国茶花鸡,泰和鸡和寿光鸡等地方鸡种以及芦花鸡,洛岛红等外国鸡种进行了血型(3个位点,13个等位基因),蛋白质(酶)多态(5个位点,11个等位基因)和DNA指纹分析,结果表明,红原鸡与茶花鸡(原始型品种)的亲缘关系较近;与泰和鸡,寿光鸡,芦花鸡,洛岛红(进化型品种)的亲缘关系较远,呈红原鸡-茶花鸡-泰和鸡,寿光鸡或芦花鸡,洛岛红这样一个进化阶梯,以上结果与国外资料(  相似文献   

鸡SNP多样性的比较研究与群体有效规模的估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
饶友生  王樟凤  周敏  沈栩  夏梦娜  张细权 《遗传》2007,29(9):1083-1088
以红色原鸡(Red Jungle Fowl, RJF)、丝羽乌骨鸡(Taihe silk Chicken, TS)、隐性白洛克鸡(White Recessive Rock, WRR)为资源群, 在鸡一号染色体的Contig.060226.1上选取了一个200 kb的区域, 比较研究了3个群体的SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism)多样性、估算了鸡的初始群体有效规模大小(effective size of population, Ne)。红色原鸡、丝羽乌骨鸡、隐性白洛克鸡3个群体的平均杂合度分别为0.28533±0.03475、0.32926±0.03919、0.30168±0.04038。显著性检验差异不显著(P=0.2368>0.05)。根据Latter 和Nei的方法对鸡的群体有效规模进行了估算, 鸡的初始群体有效规模大小为20 000~150 000。鸡在驯养的早期阶段经历过严厉的瓶颈效应, 但瓶颈效应对鸡各品种SNP的多样性并未产生显著影响。笔者认为, 鸡在驯养的早期阶段群体有效规模足够大, 品种分化过程中群体迅速扩张, 品种间的广泛杂交(特别是和红色原鸡之间)以及鸡基因组的高重组率等因素是导致家鸡和原鸡以及各家鸡品种间SNP多样性没有显著差别的重要原因。  相似文献   

Changes in climate and sea level are hypothesized to have promoted the diversification of biota in monsoonal Australia and New Guinea by causing repeated range disjunctions and restricting gene flow between isolated populations. Using a multilocus (one mtDNA locus, five nuclear introns) phylogeographic approach, we test whether populations of the mangrove and rainforest restricted Black Butcherbird (Cracticus quoyi) have diverged across several geographic barriers defined a priori for this region. Phylogeographic structure and estimates of divergence times revealed Plio-Pleistocene divergences and long-term restricted gene flow of populations on either side of four major geographic barriers between and within Australia and New Guinea. Overall, our data are consistent with the hypothesis that mesic-adapted species did not disperse across the open dry woodlands and grasslands that dominated the transient palaeo-landbridges during the Plio-Pleistocene despite the presence of mangrove forests that might have acted as dispersal corridors for mesic-adapted species. Our study offers one of the first multilocus perspectives on the impact of changes in climate and sea level on the population history of widespread species with disjunct ranges in Australia and New Guinea.  相似文献   

江西省主要地方鸡种的RAPD分析及其群体遗传关系的研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
采用RAPD技术分析了南城黑鸡、余干五黑鸡、泰和乌骨鸡、东乡绿壳蛋鸡、崇仁麻鸡、宁都三黄鸡、广丰白耳黄鸡和万载康乐黄鸡等8个江西地方鸡种、1个培育鸡种--景德黄鸡以及1个外来鸡种--以色列隐性白羽鸡基因组池DNA的多态性,经OPERONA,B,C,D,G5组100种随机引物扩增筛选,14种引物获得了33个多态标记.各品种间的遗传距离指数的计算结果和UPGMA聚类关系图表明:在10个鸡种间,南城黑鸡和余干五黑鸡的遗传距离最近,两者有着极密切的亲缘关系.据此认为这两个鸡群可视为同一品种的两个地方系.此外,广丰白耳黄鸡和景德黄鸡也表现出较密切的亲缘关系,这与景德黄鸡在培育过程中曾掺有白耳黄鸡血缘的选育历史相吻合。 Abstract:Random amphfied polymorphic DNAs (RAPD) analysis was explored to investigate genetic polymorphisms of pooled genomic DNA from 8 native and 1 cultivated chicken breeds in Jiangxi province as well as 1 exotic chicken breed,which include Guangfeng baier huang,Jingde huang,Yugan wuhei,Nancheng hei,Congren ma,Taihe Silky Fowl,Ningdu san huang,Dongxiang green-shell,Wanzai kangle huang and Israel Recessive White Feather Fowl.of 100 OPERON random primers screened,14 primers produced 34 polymorphic RAPD markers.The genetic distance index and UPGMA dendrogram indicated that Nancheng hei and Yugan wuhei chickens had very closely genetic relationship,the genetic distance between the two populations was closer than any other pair of breeds.Therefore,the two chicken populations were suggested to be classified into one breed.In addition,Guangfeng baier huang and Jingde huang shown intimately relationship,it was consistent with the cultivation history of Jingde huang chicken breed,in which Guangfeng baier huang was introduced as one of parental breed.  相似文献   

Abstract: The new lichen genus Musaespora is described from Java and Papua New Guinea. It is the first known pyrenocarpous lichen genus with campylidia, and appears to belong to the Aspidotheliaceae. Three species are described, two foliicolous species from Papua New Guinea and one corticolous species from Java. In addition, a list is given of the foliicolous lichen flora of the site in Papua New Guinea, where the foliicolous Musaespora species have been found, two more new foliicolous species are described, Echinoplaca hispida and Sporopodium lucidum, and 19 species are recorded for the first time form Papua New Guinea.  相似文献   

Helmeted Guineafowl, Numida meleagris, populations have declined significantly within the Midlands of KwaZulu-Natal since the early 1980s. Because guineafowl have been observed feeding on harvested soybean lands and because raw soybeans are known to contain anti-nutritional factors, research into the digestibility of raw soybeans was conducted to investigate possible localized factors in suppressing populations of these birds. A digestibility study was carried out on the apparent metabolizable energy (AME) and the amino acids of both raw and processed soybeans, as well as a number of other feed ingredients, using Helmeted Guineafowl and adult roosters, Gallus gallus, as a control. The results of the energy balance studies were similar for both the guineafowl and the roosters. Soybean, both raw and processed, was found to be comparable with the other feed ingredients in terms of the digestibility of gross energy, but the amino acid digestibility of raw soybeans was considerably lower than that of processed soybean oilcake meal. The availability of raw soybean may thus only be contributing to localized dietary constraints within guineafowl populations.  相似文献   

A new type of tool-using behavior was observed in a group of wild chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes verus) at Bossou, Guinea. The chimpanzees used the leaf-petiole of oil-palm trees (Elaeis guineensis) as a pounding tool to deepen a hole in the oil-palm crown which appeared after the chimpanzees had pulled out the central young shoots. Finally, the chimpanzees extracted and ate the apical meristem or apical bud of the oil-palm tree which is edible but inaccessible without such tool use. The motor pattern which the chimpanzees employed is similar to that used for termite-nest digging but it is more exaggerated and requires great force. The behavior is reminiscent of pestlepounding. The chimpanzees exploit substantial amounts of food with this tool-using skill, compensating for insufficient fruit foods in the primary forest. This tool-using behavior was first observed in 1990 and, to date, almost half of the group members have been confirmed to use the pestle tool. It appears that this tool-using behavior was invented recently and has since spread widely throughout the group as a habitual one.  相似文献   

Ecological studies traditionally assume that generalist populations are homogeneous in the use of food resources, but empirical evidence supports that intraspecific differences in morphology, physiology and behaviour affect foraging decisions and promote diet variation among individuals. Furthermore, the temporal availability of resources may shape the dynamics of population trophic niche, which ultimately depends on individual niches. In this study, we investigated the seasonal changes in individual-based networks between the Helmeted Manakin Antilophia galeata, a generalist frugivorous bird, and fruiting plants, following theoretical models of interindividual diet variation based on the Optimal Diet Theory. Selective individuals were the majority of the generalist population of the Helmeted Manakin. Our results suggest that the structure of the individual-resource networks varied seasonally. We found that modularity was higher than expected by chance in the wet season, when fruit availability was also higher. In the dry season, modules disappeared and the network became more nested. These findings are consistent with the Distinct Preference Model of diet variation. We suggest that downscaling ecological networks to the individual level may reveal emergent properties that, albeit existent, are not evident in species–resources networks.  相似文献   

Circumstantial evidence has implicated wind-borne mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the introduction of Japanese encephalitis (JE) virus into Australia from the New Guinea mainland. A study was initiated on Saibai Island in the northern Torres Strait, during January and February 2000, to identify the potential source of insects collected in aerial (kytoon) and surface-level traps. Wind speed and direction were recorded to determine wind profiles during insect sampling. Northerly winds capable of carrying insects from New Guinea to Saibai Island were only present on three out of 18 nights sampled. Only three male mosquitoes, comprising two Verrallina funerea (Theobald) and one Ochlerotatus vigilax (Skuse), were collected in aerial samples, and were most likely of local origin. Culicoides midges were also collected in aerial nets and included gravid/parous C. bundyensis Lee and Reye, and one parous C. histrio Johannsen. Highest densities of arthropods (up to 1562/million m3) were on 30 January 2000 when NW winds, sustained for six hours, probably introduced midges from the New Guinea mainland. Adult mosquitoes (including three female Ve. funerea and a single female Ficalbia) and Culicoides (including two gravid C. bundyensis and one parous C. cordiger Macfie) were also collected in 2 m high mast nets during northerly surface winds. Although the results do not provide evidence that wind-blown mosquitoes introduced JE from New Guinea into Australia, they do not preclude that strong N winds associated with low pressure systems SW of the Torres Strait could have done so. However, results suggest that Culicoides were more likely than mosquitoes to reach high altitude and travel long distances during the light N winds experienced during the study.  相似文献   

Humoral and cell-mediated immunity to the two major myelin proteins, basic protein (MBP) and proteolipid protein, have been investigated during the course of chronic experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) induced in guinea pigs with whole neural tissue. A positive proliferative response to MBP was observed at 10 and 13 days postimmunization, but was not detectable at subsequent stages. Serum antibodies to MBP first appeared during the chronic stages of the disease. A proliferative response to proteolipid apoprotein was not detected during any stage of chronic EAE. Guinea pigs immunized with proteolipid alone, however, showed a proliferative response. The data suggest that MBP is one of the antigens involved in the induction of the acute episode of chronic EAE, but its role in later stages and that of proteolipid protein remain unknown.  相似文献   

BackgroundActivities to control human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) in Guinea were severely hampered by the Ebola epidemic that hit this country between 2014 and 2016. Active screening was completely interrupted and passive screening could only be maintained in a few health facilities. At the end of the epidemic, medical interventions were progressively intensified to mitigate the risk of HAT resurgence and progress towards disease elimination.Methodology/Principal findingsA retrospective analysis was performed to evaluate the medical activities that were implemented in the three most endemic prefectures of Guinea (Boffa, Dubreka and Forecariah) between January 2016 and December 2018. Passive screening using rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) was progressively resumed in one hundred and one health facilities, and active screening was intensified by visiting individual households and performing RDTs, and by conducting mass screening in villages by mobile teams using the Card Agglutination Test for Trypanosomiasis. A total of 1885, 4897 and 8023 clinical suspects were tested in passive, while 5743, 14442 and 21093 people were actively screened in 2016, 2017 and 2018, respectively. The number of HAT cases that were diagnosed first went up from 107 in 2016 to 140 in 2017, then subsequently decreased to only 73 in 2018. A progressive decrease in disease prevalence was observed in the populations that were tested in active and in passive between 2016 and 2018.Conclusions/SignificanceIntensified medical interventions in the post-Ebola context first resulted in an increase in the number of HAT cases, confirming the fear that the disease could resurge as a result of impaired control activities during the Ebola epidemic. On the other hand, the decrease in disease prevalence that was observed between 2016 and 2018 is encouraging, as it suggests that the current strategy combining enhanced diagnosis, treatment and vector control is appropriate to progress towards elimination of HAT in Guinea.  相似文献   

The surface of the eggshells of the Helmeted guinea fowl (Numidia meleagris) was polished during incubation by the parent. Examination with the light microscope showed that the cuticle had been removed from the ridges on the outer surface of the shell and that the plugs in the outer orifice of the pore canals had acquired extraneous materials including grease. Studies with a scanning electron microscope revealed that the spheres that made up the pore plugs retained their identity even though they were stained. It was concluded that ridges on the shell surface protected the pore plugs from damage by attrition and that the plugs acted as filters thereby preventing nest debris from occluding the pore canals or contaminating the shell membranes.  相似文献   

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