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Examination of the cortical auditory evoked potentials to complex tones changing in pitch and timbre suggests a useful new method for investigating higher auditory processes, in particular those concerned with `streaming' and auditory object formation. The main conclusions were: (i) the N1 evoked by a sudden change in pitch or timbre was more posteriorly distributed than the N1 at the onset of the tone, indicating at least partial segregation of the neuronal populations responsive to sound onset and spectral change; (ii) the T-complex was consistently larger over the right hemisphere, consistent with clinical and PET evidence for particular involvement of the right temporal lobe in the processing of timbral and musical material; (iii) responses to timbral change were relatively unaffected by increasing the rate of interspersed changes in pitch, suggesting a mechanism for detecting the onset of a new voice in a constantly modulated sound stream; (iv) responses to onset, offset and pitch change of complex tones were relatively unaffected by interfering tones when the latter were of a different timbre, suggesting these responses must be generated subsequent to auditory stream segregation.  相似文献   

The processing of notes and chords which are harmonically incongruous with their context has been shown to elicit two distinct late ERP effects. These effects strongly resemble two effects associated with the processing of linguistic incongruities: a P600, resembling a typical response to syntactic incongruities in language, and an N500, evocative of the N400, which is typically elicited in response to semantic incongruities in language. Despite the robustness of these two patterns in the musical incongruity literature, no consensus has yet been reached as to the reasons for the existence of two distinct responses to harmonic incongruities. This study was the first to use behavioural and ERP data to test two possible explanations for the existence of these two patterns: the musicianship of listeners, and the resolved or unresolved nature of the harmonic incongruities. Results showed that harmonically incongruous notes and chords elicited a late positivity similar to the P600 when they were embedded within sequences which started and ended in the same key (harmonically resolved). The notes and chords which indicated that there would be no return to the original key (leaving the piece harmonically unresolved) were associated with a further P600 in musicians, but with a negativity resembling the N500 in non-musicians. We suggest that the late positivity reflects the conscious perception of a specific element as being incongruous with its context and the efforts of musicians to integrate the harmonic incongruity into its local context as a result of their analytic listening style, while the late negativity reflects the detection of the absence of resolution in non-musicians as a result of their holistic listening style.  相似文献   

The uptake of nutrients from deep soil layers has been shown to be important for the long-term nutrient sustainability of forest soils. When modelling nutrient uptake in forest ecosystems, the nutrient uptake capacity of trees is usually defined by the root distribution. However, this leads to the assumption that roots at different soil depths have the same capacity to take up nutrients. To investigate if roots located at different soil depths differ in their nutrient uptake capacity, here defined as the nutrient uptake rate under standardized conditions, a bioassay was performed on excised roots (<1 mm) of eight oak trees (Quercus robur L.). The results showed that the root uptake rate of 86Rb+ (used as an analogue for K+) declined with increasing soil depth, and the same trend was found for . The root uptake rate of , on the other hand, did not decrease with soil depth. These different physiological responses in relation to soil depth indicate differences in the oak roots, and suggest that fine roots in shallow soil layers may be specialized in taking up nutrients such as K+ and which have a high availability in these layers, while oak roots in deep soil layers are specialized in taking up other resources, such as P, which may have a high availability in deep soil layers. Regardless of the cause of the difference in uptake trends for the various nutrients, these differences have consequences for the modelling of the soil nutrient pool beneath oak trees and raise the question of whether roots can be treated uniformly, as has previously been done in forest ecosystem models. Responsible Editor: Herbert Johannes Kronzucker.  相似文献   

Generators of early cortical somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) still remain to be precisely localised. This gap in knowledge has often resulted in unclear and contrasting SEPs localisation in patients with focal hemispheric lesions. We recorded SEPs to median nerve stimulation in a patient with right frontal astrocytoma, using a 19-channel recording technique. After stimulation of the left median nerve, N20 amplitude was normal when recorded by the parietal electrode contralateral to the stimulation, while it was abnormally enhanced in traces obtained by the contralateral central electrode. The amplitude of the frontal P20 response was within normal limits. This finding suggests that two dipolar sources, tangential and radial to the scalp surface, respectively, contribute concomitantly to N20 generation. The possible location of the N20 radial source in area 3a is discussed. The P22 potential was also recorded with increased amplitude by the central electrode contralateral to the stimulation, while N30 amplitude was normal in frontal and central traces. We propose that the radial dipolar source of P22 response is independent from both N20 and N30 generators and can be located either in 3a or in area 4. This report illustrates the usefulness of multichannel recordings in diagnosing dysfunction of the sensorimotor cortex in focal cortical lesions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/AIMS: According to FDA-approved guidelines, boys whose height predictions fall to 160 cm or less are considered for treatment with recombinant growth hormone (rGH). The aim of this study was to analyze the value of different height prediction methods by accurately identifying those boys with constitutional delay of growth and puberty (CDGP) in whom final height (FH) prognosis was poor (相似文献   

Neuroblastoma is an embryonic malignancy arising from neuroblasts. The mechanisms that regulate the origination of neuroblastoma are still not very clear. In this study, we revealed that 6-bromoindirubin 3'-oxime (BIO), a specific GSK-3β inhibitor, promoted N2A cells-derived neurons to become tumor-like neuroblasts. Moreover, constitutively activated β-catenin (S33Y) also promoted this process, whereas, silencing endogenous expression of β-catenin abolished BIO-induced effects. These results implicated the potential relationship between the Wnt/β-catenin signaling and neuroblastoma formation. Indeed, we found that the amount of β-catenin in nucleus, which indicated the activation of Wnt/β-catnin signaling, was accumulated in human neuroblastoma specimens and positively correlated with clinical risk of neuroblastoma. These results give us a new sight into the neuroblastoma initiation and progression, and provide a potential drug target for neuroblastoma treatment.  相似文献   

A. Schikora  W. Schmidt 《Protoplasma》2001,218(1-2):67-75
Summary Root hair formation and the development of transfer cells in the rhizodermis was investigated in various existing auxinrelated mutants ofArabidopsis thaliana and in the tomato mutantdiageotropica. Wild-type Arabidopsis plants showed increased formation of root hairs when the seedlings were cultivated in Fe- or P-free medium. These extranumerary hairs were located in normal positions and in positions normally occupied by nonhair cells, e.g., over periclinal walls of underlying cortical cells. Defects in auxin transport or reduced auxin sensitivity inhibited the formation of root hairs in response to Fe deficiency completely but did only partly affect initiation and elongation of hairs in P-deficient roots. Application of the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid or the auxin analog 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid did not rescue the phenotype of the auxin-resistantaxr2 mutant under control and Fe-deficient conditions, indicating that functionalAXR2 product is required for translating the Fe deficiency signal into the formation of extra hairs. The development of extra hairs inaxr2 roots under P-replete conditions was not affected by auxin antagonists, suggesting that this process is independent of auxin signaling. In roots of tomato, growth under Fe-deficient conditions induced the formation of transfer cells in the root epidermis. Transfer cell frequency was enhanced by application of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid but was not inhibited by the auxin transport inhibitor N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid. In thediageotropica mutant, which displays reduced sensitivity to auxin, transfer cells appeared to develop in both Fe-sufficient and Fe-deficient roots. Similar to the wild type, no reduction in transfer cell frequency was observed after application of the above auxin transport inhibitor. These data suggest that auxin has no primary function in inducing transfer cell development; the formation of transfer cells, however, appears to be affected by the hormonal balance of the plants.Abbreviations ACC 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid - TIBA triiodobenzoic acid - NPA N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid - STS silver thiosulfate  相似文献   



The locoregional recurrence (LRR) rate was reported as high as approximately 20% in stage I-II breast cancer following mastectomy. To investigate the risk factors for LRR in pT1–2N0-1 breast cancer patients treated with mastectomy but not radiation, and to define a subgroup of patients at high risk of LRR who may benefit from postmastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT).

Methods and Materials

In total, 390 patients with pT1-2N0M0 (n = 307) and pT1-2N1M0 (n = 83) breast cancer who underwent total mastectomy without adjuvant radiotherapy from 2002 to 2011 were enrolled in the study.


After a median follow-up period of 5.6 years (range, 0.6–11.3 years), 21 patients had 18 systemic relapses and 12 LRRs including six in the chest wall and eight in the regional nodal area. The 5-year LRR-free survival (LRRFS) rates were 97.0% in pN0, 98.8% in pN1, and 97.4% in all patients. Multivariate analysis revealed that age < 50 years (Hazard Ratio, 11.4; p = 0.01) and no adjuvant chemotherapy (Hazard Ratio, 10.2; p = 0.04) were independent risk factors for LRR in pN0 patients. Using these factors, the 5-year LRRFS rates were 100% without any risk factors, 96.4% with one risk factor, and 86.7% with two risk factors. In pN1 patients, multivariate analysis revealed that having a hormone receptor negative tumor (Hazard Ratio, 18.3; p = 0.03) was the only independent risk factor for LRR. The 5-year LRRFS rates were 100.0% for luminal type, and 92.3% for non-luminal type cancer.


Patients with pT1-2N0-1 breast cancer who underwent total mastectomy without PMRT could be stratified by nodal stage and risk factors for LRR. PMRT may have of value for node negative patients aged less than 50 years and who are not treated with adjuvant chemotherapy, and for non-luminal type patients with one to three positive nodes.  相似文献   

Wanek W  Zotz G 《The New phytologist》2011,192(2):462-470
Although there is unambiguous evidence for vascular epiphytic plants to be limited by insufficient water and nutrient supply under natural conditions, it is an open debate whether they are primarily phosphorus (P) or nitrogen (N) limited. Plant (15) N fractionation and foliar N : P stoichiometry of a tank epiphyte (Vriesea sanguinolenta), and its response to combined N-P fertilization, were studied under semi-natural conditions over 334 d to clarify the type of nutrient limitation. Plants collected in the field and experimental plants with limited nutrient supply showed significant plant (15) N fractionation (mean 5‰) and plant N : P ratios of c. 13.5. Higher relative growth rates and declines in plant (15) N fractionation (0.5‰) and in foliar N : P ratios to 8.5 in the high N-P treatment indicated that these epiphytes were P limited in situ. The critical foliar N : P ratio was 10.4, as derived from the breakpoint in the relationship between plant (15) N fractionation and foliar N : P. We interpret the widespread (15) N depletion of vascular epiphytes relative to their host trees as deriving from (15) N fractionation of epiphytes as a result of P limitation. High foliar N : P ratios (> 12) corroborate widespread P limitation (or co-limitation by N and P) of epiphytic bromeliads and, possibly, other epiphyte species.  相似文献   

It is well known that for an isolated population, the probability of extinction is positively related to population size variation: more variation is associated with more extinction. What, then, is the relation of extinction to population size variation for a population embedded in a metapopulation and subjected to repeated extinction and recolonization? In this case, the extinction risk can be measured by the extinction rate, the frequency at which local extinction occurs. Using several population dynamics models with immigration, we find, in general, a negative correlation between extinction and variation. More precisely, with increasing length of the time series, an initially negative regression coefficient first becomes more negative, then becomes less negative, and eventually attains positive values before decreasing again to 0. This pattern holds under substantial variation in values of parameters representing species and environmental properties. It is also rather robust to census interval length and the fraction of missed individuals but fails to hold for high thresholds (population size values below which extinction is deemed to occur) when quasi extinction rather than true extinction is represented. The few departures from the initial negative correlation correspond to populations at risk: low growth rate or frequent catastrophes.  相似文献   

Environmental conditions in salt marsh creeks are intermediate between the open tidal coast and estuaries. A large salt marsh creek at the island of Sylt (North Sea) was studied in order to test whether its fauna is more similar to that of the open tidal coast or to that of estuaries. Because of a sandy bar at the seaward opening, the tidal range is only 10 cm in the creek, and the water level never drops below the level of the sand bar. Zoobenthos in the sandy bottom and on the sandy shores was studied at both ends and in the middle of the creek. Polychaeta and Plathelminthes were determined to species level. On an average, 2115 metazoans were found below 10 cm2 of surface area. At the seaward end of the creek, abundance and taxonomic composition are similar to that of the adjoining Wadden area. Nematoda are the dominant taxon, followed by Copepoda, Plathelminthes and Oligochaeta. Taxonomic composition is different at the landward end. Plathelminthes and Nematoda are most abundant followed by Copepoda. Both Oligochaeta and Polychaeta are scarce at these newly eroded sites. Plathelminth abundance at the landward end of the creek is exceptionally high (770–935·10 cm−2). Contrary to what is generally found in estuaries, the species density of Plathelminthes shows a significant increase toward the land. The species composition of Polychaeta and Plathelminthes indicates that the sites below mean high tide level of the creek correspond to the adjacent eulittoral Wadden area while the fauna of the supralittoral sites of the creek is similar to the fauna of supralittoral tidal coasts. Typical sublittoral species did not occur in the salt marsh creek. Thus, salt marsh creeks may be regarded as a small-scale model for the tidal coast. In context with the results obtained, the definition of estuaries is discussed.  相似文献   

Increasing global temperatures have been reported to accelerate soil carbon (C) cycling, but also to promote nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) dynamics in terrestrial ecosystems. However, warming can differentially affect ecosystem C, N and P dynamics, potentially intensifying elemental imbalances between soil resources, plants and soil microorganisms. Here, we investigated the effect of long-term soil warming on microbial resource limitation, based on measurements of microbial growth (18O incorporation into DNA) and respiration after C, N and P amendments. Soil samples were taken from two soil depths (0–10, 10–20 cm) in control and warmed (>14 years warming, +4°C) plots in the Achenkirch soil warming experiment. Soils were amended with combinations of glucose-C, inorganic/organic N and inorganic/organic P in a full factorial design, followed by incubation at their respective mean field temperatures for 24 h. Soil microbes were generally C-limited, exhibiting 1.8-fold to 8.8-fold increases in microbial growth upon C addition. Warming consistently caused soil microorganisms to shift from being predominately C limited to become C-P co-limited. This P limitation possibly was due to increased abiotic P immobilization in warmed soils. Microbes further showed stronger growth stimulation under combined glucose and inorganic nutrient amendments compared to organic nutrient additions. This may be related to a prolonged lag phase in organic N (glucosamine) mineralization and utilization compared to glucose. Soil respiration strongly positively responded to all kinds of glucose-C amendments, while responses of microbial growth were less pronounced in many of these treatments. This highlights that respiration–though easy and cheap to measure—is not a good substitute of growth when assessing microbial element limitation. Overall, we demonstrate a significant shift in microbial element limitation in warmed soils, from C to C-P co-limitation, with strong repercussions on the linkage between soil C, N and P cycles under long-term warming.  相似文献   

Life‐history and pace‐of‐life syndrome theory predict that populations are comprised of individuals exhibiting different reproductive schedules and associated behavioural and physiological traits, optimized to prevailing social and environmental factors. Changing weather and social conditions provide in situ cues altering this life‐history optimality; nevertheless, few studies have considered how tactical, sex‐specific plasticity over an individual's lifespan varies in wild populations and influences population resilience. We examined the drivers of individual life‐history schedules using 31 years of trapping data and 28 years of pedigree for the European badger (Meles meles L.), a long‐lived, iteroparous, polygynandrous mammal that exhibits heterochrony in the timing of endocrinological puberty in male cubs. Our top model for the effects of environmental (social and weather) conditions during a badger's first year on pace‐of‐life explained <10% of variance in the ratio of fertility to age at first reproduction (F/α) and lifetime reproductive success. Conversely, sex ratio (SR) and sex‐specific density explained 52.8% (males) and 91.0% (females) of variance in adult F/α ratios relative to the long‐term population median F/α. Weather primarily affected the sexes at different life‐history stages, with energy constraints limiting the onset of male reproduction but playing a large role in female strategic energy allocation, particularly in relation to ongoing mean temperature increases. Furthermore, the effects of social factors on age of first reproduction and year‐to‐year reproductive success covaried differently with sex, likely due to sex‐specific responses to potential mate availability. For females, low same‐sex densities favoured early primiparity; for males, instead, up to 10% of yearlings successfully mated at high same‐sex densities. We observed substantial SR dynamism relating to differential mortality of life‐history strategists within the population, and propose that shifting ratios of ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ life‐history strategists contribute substantially to population dynamics and resilience to changing conditions.  相似文献   

Adoptive cell therapy (ACT) based on autologous T cell derived either from tumor as tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) or from peripheral blood is developing as a key area of future personalized cancer therapy. TIL-based ACT is defined as the infusion of T cells harvested from autologous fresh tumor tissues after ex vivo activation and extensive expansion. TIL-based ACT has so far only been tested in smaller phase I/II studies, but these studies consistently confirm an impressive clinical response rate of up to 50 % in metastatic melanoma including a significant proportion of patients with durable complete tumor eradication. These remarkable results justify the need for a definitive phase III trial documenting the efficacy of this type of T cell-based Advanced Therapy Medicinal Product in order to pave the way for regulatory approval and implementation of TIL therapy as a new treatment standard in oncology practice. TIL-based ACT can, however, only be offered to a limited group of patients based on the need for accessible tumor tissue, the complexity of TIL production procedures, and the very intensive nature of this three-step treatment including both high-dose chemotherapy and interleukin-2 in addition to T cell infusion. To this end, adoptive T cell therapy using peripheral blood mononuclear cell-derived T cells could be a welcome alternative to circumvent these limitations and broaden up the applicability of ACT. Here, we discuss current initiatives in this focused research review.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic fungi are promising alternatives to chemical insecticides. However, a major hurdle concerning the registration of these fungi as plant protection agents is the possible toxicity of secreted metabolites, especially secondary metabolites. This review summarizes data on specific secondary metabolites (destruxins, efrapeptins, oosporein, beauvericin and beauveriolides) produced by the important genera Beauveria, Metarhizium and Tolypocladium . The quantities of secondary metabolites produced by these fungi in vivo are usually much less than those secreted in nutrient rich liquid media. Methods and strategies are suggested which could standardize the risk assessment of fungal biological control agents.  相似文献   

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