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刺激兔下丘脑室旁核诱发的心律失常与增压反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在60只局麻与肌松剂制动的家兔,观察到用0.1—0.4mA,50Hz,1ms 的方波电刺激下丘脑室旁核(PV)能诱发频发性心律失常(包括室性与室上性期前收缩)及显著的动脉血压升高。与同侧的下丘脑外侧区(LHA)及腹内侧核(VMH)相比,刺激PV诱发期前收缩的次数更为频繁,增压反应幅度较大,且所需阈值亦较低。较低强度刺激LHA 在部分兔能引起血压下降与心率减慢,而PV 则一致地诱发增压反应。电刺激腓深神经能抑制刺激PV诱发的期前收缩,但在中脑中央灰质微量注射吗啡或电解毁损只能完全阻断刺激VMH诱发的期前收缩,而不能完全阻断PV诱发的期前收缩。这些结果提示,PV是下丘脑中诱发心律失常与血压增高的高反应区之一,并且可能具有不同于LHA或VMH的神经机制或下行神经通路。  相似文献   

1.静脉注射氰化钾(0.3mg/kg)可引起血压升高和室性心律失常,并能使刺激下丘脑诱发的室性期前收缩增多。去除双侧窦神经后,上述现象消失。2.刺激降压神经时,刺激下丘脑诱发的室性期前收缩显著减少。3.切断双侧缓冲神经后短时内,刺激下丘脑诱发的室性期前收缩极度增多,并且不易被躯体传入冲动所抑制。二小时后,这种室性期前收缩减少,且可为刺激腓深神经所抑制。4.电刺激延髓中线区不仅可以降低血压,而且能减弱刺激下丘脑诱发的升压反应、抑制刺激下丘脑诱发的室性期前收缩。损毁该区后,刺激腓深神经不再能抑制刺激下丘脑诱发的室性期前收缩。5.上述结果表明:化学感受性反射能易化刺激下丘脑诱发的室性期前收缩,而压力感受性反射可以抑制这种室性期前收缩,但躯体传入冲动对这种心律失常的抑制作用并不依赖于缓冲神经的存在,而有赖于延髓中线核群的完整性。  相似文献   

电刺激杏仁复合体能诱发心律失常。心律失常的类型为心动过缓伴室性或结性期外收缩。刺激杏仁复合体不同亚核均能诱发心律失常,不同类型的心律失常在核内具有相应的代表点。心律失常发作与杏仁局部区域诱发的爆发性后放电有关。推测杏仁复合体内神经元过度激活可能通过杏仁-迷走神经运动背核及杏仁-下丘脑外侧区等通路下行,使心率减慢、房室传导阻滞而导致心律失常。  相似文献   

无论在迷走神经完整或切断后,急性缩窄麻醉家兔的胸主动脉使血压升高时约半数能诱发少量室性早搏等。但在迷走神经切断后它们潜伏期较短,且可被心得安所阻断.当缩窄胸主动脉或静脉滴注苯肾上腺素使血压预先升高(未出现心律失常)时,可明显增加刺激下丘脑室旁核诱发的室性早搏次数。这在迷走神经切断后更为明显,而且血压预先升得越高,刺激下丘脑越易诱发较多的室性早搏。结果提示,心脏后负荷的急性增高不仅本身可能诱发少数室性早搏,而且可明显增加诱发神经源性心律失常的敏感性。后负荷增高的这种影响可能受迷走神经活动的保护。  相似文献   

Li XP  Li JH  Zhou XO  Xu ZC  Jiang XH 《生理学报》2001,53(2):97-102
实验以饮水行为脑内c-fos表达为指标,,观察刺激大鼠穹窿下器官(SFO)的效应,结果显示,刺激SFO能诱发明显的饮水行为,与此同时,前脑8个部位(终板血管器官,正中视前核,室旁核,视上核,下丘脑外侧区,穹窿周核背侧区,丘脑联合核和无名质)和后脑3个部位(最后区,孤束核和壁旁外侧核)的Fos蛋白表达明显增强,免疫组化双重染色结果显示,刺激SFO能诱导视上核和室旁核中部分神经元呈Fos蛋白和加压素共同表达。脑室注射阿托品能部分阻断刺激SFO诱发的饮水行为,脑内上述各部位所诱导的Fos蛋白表达也明显减弱,以上结果提示,M胆碱能机制参与 刺激SFO诱发的饮水行为和脑内Fos蛋白的表达。  相似文献   

兔脑内Orexin B免疫阳性神经元的分布定位   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用免疫组织化学方法研究了10只青紫蓝兔脑内Orexin B免疫阳性神经元的分布定位。结果显示,Orexin B免疫阳性神经元分布于下丘脑的室旁核、背内侧核、穹隆周核、外侧区和后区以及底丘脑的未定带。以下丘脑背内侧核、穹隆周核和外侧区的阳性神经元数量较多,下丘脑室旁核、后区和未定带较少。表明了兔脑内Orexin B免疫阳性神经元的分布与Orexin A免疫阳性神经元的分布存在一些差异,提示两种Orexin的产生部位和生理功能可能也存在差异。  相似文献   

焦虑、悲伤、情绪紧张等可使儿茶酚胺分泌过多、心电图出现ST段T波变化、心肌纤维断裂及各种室性心律失常。电刺激或将药物注入动物脑内不同部位可产生各种心律失常。在中脑中央灰质内注入微量去甲肾上腺素或乙酰胆硷均可增加刺激下丘脑引起的室性期前收缩。脑内吗啡样物质、5-羟色胺水平增加可降低交感中枢紧张性,导致交感神经传出冲动减少,降低心室易颤性,减少刺激下丘脑引起的室性期前收缩。躯体传入冲动对刺激下丘脑诱发期前收缩的抑制作用与脑内吗啡样物质的释放及下丘脑弓状核区、中脑中央灰质等处阿片受体的激活有关,且部分通过5-羟色胺途径。  相似文献   

焦虑、悲伤、情绪紧张等可使儿茶酚胺分泌过多、心电图出现 ST 段 T 波变化、心肌纤维断裂及各种室性心律失常.电刺激或将药物注入动物脑内不同部位可产生各种心律失常.在中脑中央灰质内注入微量去甲肾上腺素或乙酰胆硷均可增加刺激下丘脑引起的室性期前收缩.脑内吗啡样物质、5-羟色胺水平增加可降低交感中枢紧张性,导致交感神经传出冲动减少,降低心室易颤性,减少刺激下丘脑引起的室性期前收缩.躯体传入冲动对刺激下丘脑诱发期前收缩的抑制作用与脑内吗啡样物质的释放及下丘脑弓状核区、中脑中央灰质等处阿片受体的激活有关,且部分通过5-羟色胺途径.  相似文献   

电刺激下丘脑穹窿周围区(PFA)的下丘脑背内侧核(DMH),下丘脑腹内侧核(VMH)与下丘脑外侧区(LHA)均可引起心肌Po2下降与血压升高,而以DMH所致的心肌Po2下降最明显。心得安可取消电刺激LHA所致的心肌Po2下降,部分取消电刺激VMH引起的心肌Po2下降,而不改变电刺激DMH所致的心肌Po2下降。DMH、VMH微量注射谷氨酸钠均可诱发升压反应和ECG-ST压低,而LHA微量注射谷氨酸却  相似文献   

大鼠下丘脑内一氧化氮合酶阳性神经元的分布   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
用NADPH-d组织化学方法观察了大白鼠下丘脑内一氧化氮合酶(NDS)阳性神经元的分布及形态特征。结果显示:在视上核、室旁核的大细胞部、环状核、穹窿周核、下丘脑外侧区、下丘脑腹内侧核、下丘脑背内侧核、乳头体区大部分核团均可见一氧化氮合酶阳性神经元聚集成团。在视前内侧区、视前外侧区、下丘脑前区、下丘脑背侧区、下丘脑后区、室周核、室旁核小细胞部及穹窿内可见散在的一氧化氮合酶阳性神经元。室周核内可见呈阳性反应的接触脑脊液神经元的胞体及突起。一氧化氮合酶阳性神经元大多可见突起,有的突起上可见1~2级分支,并可见膨体。下丘脑大部分区域内可见阳性神经纤维。弓状核内可见许多弧形纤维连于第三脑室室管膜和正中隆起。  相似文献   

Increase of the c-fos mRNA positive cells number was insignificant in 30 min. following activation of the rat hypothalamic structures with the tetanus toxoid (TT). Elevation of the c-fos mRNA positive cells number occurred in the hypothalamic' posterior (PHA), lateral (LHA), anterior (AHA), areas dorsomedial (DMH), and ventromedial (VMH) nuclei within 2 hours of the TT administration. In 6 hours the c-fos mRNA positive cells number decreased in PHA, LHA, DMH. The c-fos mRNA expression was stable in arquate and supraoptic hypothalamic nuclei following either the TT or saline administration.  相似文献   

The arrhythmogenic effect of atrial dilatation was studied by electrophysiological investigations carried out on 24 dogs. Atrial distension was evoked by increasing the pressure in the right atrium (12 to 14 mm Hg) or by the balloon dilatation of the left atrium. Programmed electrical stimulation of the heart was used for the electrophysiological investigations. In addition to the superficial ECG leads also atrial and ventricular epicardial electrograms were obtained for the ECG recording. Acute atrial dilatation led to shortening of the atrial refractory period, whereas neither impulse conduction of the heart, nor pacemaker activity of the sinus node exhibited any alteration. Atrial dilatation resulted in pathological atrial irritability, and early or frequent atrial stimulation caused atrial tachycardia of shorter (non sustained) or longer (sustained) duration. Repetitive atrial extrasystoles in response to early stimuli could also frequently be observed during atrial dilatation. The obtained results indicate that atrial dilatation is arrhythmogenic and may lead to the development of atrial tachycardia.  相似文献   

C-fos gene expression was studied as a marker of nervous cells activation in the rat spinal cord and brain cells under different conditions (different kinds of narcosis). Using of 1.5% light halothane narcosis allowed the detection of c-Fos-like proteins expression in the spinal cord cells only. Under initial 1.5% halothane narcosis, c-Fos-like proteins expression in the rat spinal cord (lumbar segments) and the brain cells was observed after placing the rats into the hammock, noxious mechanical stimulation (NMS) or high frequency electromagnetic irradiation of the skin (EHF). The pattern of the brain structures reacting on the NMS by c-Fos proteins expression, was determined. It was shown that NMS increases the c-Fos positive cell quantity in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA), ventro-medial (VMH), dorso-medial (DMH) hypothalamic nuclei and anterior hypothalamic area (AHN) by 116, 199, 101 and 157% resp., in comparison with the c-Fos immunoreactive cell quantity in intact animals. EHF irradiation of the skin decreased the intensity of c-Fos-like proteins synthesis induced by NMS in the most of the investigated structures (LHA, VMH, DMH and AHA by 32.8, 29, 15 and 33%, resp.). It was shown that only initial halothane narcosis allowed to determine the hypothalamic structures which realized the responses to the NMS, and modification effects of EHF skin irradiation on the intensity of these responses.  相似文献   

Glossopharyngeal insufflation (GI), a technique used by breath-hold divers to increase lung volume and augment diving depth and duration, is associated with untoward hemodynamic consequences. To study the cardiac effects of GI, we performed transthoracic echocardiography, using the subcostal window, in five elite breath-hold divers at rest and during GI. During GI, heart rate increased in all divers (mean of 53 beats/min to a mean of 100 beats/min), and blood pressure fell dramatically (mean systolic, 112 to 52 mmHg; mean diastolic, 75 mmHg to nondetectable). GI induced a 46% decrease in mean left ventricular end-diastolic area, 70% decrease in left ventricular end-diastolic volume, 49% increase in mean right ventricular end-diastolic area, and 160% increase in mean right ventricular end-diastolic volume. GI also induced biventricular systolic dysfunction; left ventricular ejection fraction decreased from 0.60 to a mean of 0.30 (P = 0.012); right ventricular ejection fraction, from 0.75 to a mean of 0.39 (P < 0.001). Wall motion of both ventricles became significantly abnormal during GI; the most prominent left ventricular abnormalities involved hypokinesis or dyskinesis of the interventricular septum, while right ventricular wall motion abnormalities involved all visible segments. In two divers, the inferior vena cava dilated with the appearance of spontaneous contrast during GI, signaling increased right atrial pressure and central venous stasis. Hypotension during GI is associated with acute biventricular systolic dysfunction. The echocardiographic pattern of right ventricular systolic dysfunction is consistent with acute pressure overload, whereas concurrent left ventricular systolic dysfunction is likely due to ventricular interdependence.  相似文献   

Chen L  Li RJ  Zhou YB  Chen JJ 《生理学报》1999,51(5):593-596
实验采用微量注射和荧光分光光度测定的方法,探讨了下丘脑前部减压区牛磺酸对大鼠血压的影响及其可能的机制。结果显示:(1)下丘脑前部减压区微量注射牛磺酸可致大鼠血压降低;(2)侧脑室注射β受体阻断剂心得安可阻断牛磺酸的降压效应。而α受体阻断剂酚妥拉明对牛磺酸的降压效应无明显影响;(3)下丘脑前部减压区注射牛磺酸后,可使下丘脑去甲肾上腺素含量明显增高。  相似文献   

电刺激下丘脑外侧区对大鼠胃缺血-再灌注损伤的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
Zhou XP  Zhang JF  Yan CD  Zhang YM 《生理学报》2002,54(5):435-440
采用夹闭大鼠腹腔动脉30min,松开动脉夹血流复灌60min的胃缺血-再灌注损伤(gastric ischemia reperfusion injury,GI-RI)模型,用电和化学刺激,电损毁的方法观察了下丘脑外侧区(lateral hypothalamic area,LHA)对GI-RI的影响,并对其机制进行了初步分析,结果表明:(1)以0.2,0.4,0.6mA的电流强度刺激LHA,GI-RI均显著加重,且有强度-效应依赖关系,LHA内注射L-谷氨酸(L-Glu)后,对LI-RI的效应与电刺激相似,电损毁双侧LHA,GI-RI面积较电刺激组明显减小;(2)损毁双侧背侧迷走复合体(dorsal vagal complex,DVC)或切损毁是LHA,GI-RI面积较电刺激组明显减小;(2)损 侧背侧迷走复合体(dorsal vagal complex,DVC)或切断膈下迷走神经均能取消电刺激LHA加重GI-RI的作用。(3)电刺激LHA使缺血-再灌注(ischemia-reperfusion,I-R)的胃粘膜丙二醛(MDA)含量升高,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性降低;(4)电刺激LHA使I-R的胃液量和总酸排出量增多,而酸度,胃蛋白酶活性和胃壁结合粘液量等无明显改变,结果提示;LHA是对GI-RI具有加重作用的中枢部位,其作用是通过DVC及迷走神经下传的,电刺激LHA加重GI-RI的作用与胃粘膜MDA含量增加,SOD活性降低,胃液量和总酸排出量增加等因素有关,而似与酸度,胃蛋白酶活性,胃壁结合粘液量等因素无关。  相似文献   

Transgenic mice overexpressing the inflammatory cytokine TNF-alpha in the heart develop a progressive heart failure syndrome characterized by biventricular dilatation, decreased ejection fraction, decreased survival compared with non-transgenic littermates, and earlier pathology in males. TNF-alpha mice (TNF1.6) develop atrial arrhythmias on ambulatory telemetry monitoring that worsen with age and are more severe in males. We performed in vivo electrophysiological testing in transgenic and control mice, ex vivo optical mapping of voltage in the atria of isolated perfused TNF1.6 hearts, and in vitro studies on isolated atrial muscle and cells to study the mechanisms that lead to the spontaneous arrhythmias. Programmed stimulation induces atrial arrhythmias (n = 8/32) in TNF1.6 but not in control mice (n = 0/37), with a higher inducibility in males. In the isolated perfused hearts, programmed stimulation with single extra beats elicits reentrant atrial arrhythmias (n = 6/6) in TNF1.6 but not control hearts due to slow heterogeneous conduction of the premature beats. Lowering extracellular Ca(2+) normalizes conduction and prevents the arrhythmias. Atrial muscle and cells from TNF1.6 compared with control mice exhibit increased collagen deposition, decreased contractile function, and abnormal systolic and diastolic Ca(2+) handling. Thus abnormalities in action potential propagation and Ca(2+) handling contribute to the initiation of atrial arrhythmias in this mouse model of heart failure.  相似文献   

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