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Studies by one-dimensional NMR are reported on the interconversion of folded and unfolded forms of the GCN4 leucine zipper in neutral saline buffer. The peptide bears 99% 13C(alpha) labels at three sites: V9, L12, and G31. Time-domain 13C(alpha)-NMR spectra are interpreted by global Bayesian lineshape analysis to extract the rate constants for both unfolding and folding as functions of temperature in the range 47-71 degrees C. The data are well fit by the assumption that the same rate constants apply at each labeled site, confirming that only two conformational states need be considered. Results show that 1) both processes require a free energy of activation; 2) unfolding is kinetically enthalpy-opposed and entropy-driven, while folding is the opposite; and 3) the transition state dimer ensemble averages approximately 40% helical. The activation parameters for unfolding, derived from NMR data at the elevated temperatures where both conformations are populated, lead to estimates of the rate constant at low temperatures (5-15 degrees C) that agree with extant values determined by stopped-flow CD via dilution from denaturing media. However, the corresponding estimated values for the folding rate constant are larger by two to three orders of magnitude than those obtained by stopped flow. We propose that this apparent disagreement is caused by the necessity, in the stopped-flow experiment, for initiation of new helices as the highly denaturant-unfolded molecule adjusts to the newly created benign solvent conditions. This must reduce the success rate of collisions in producing the folded molecule. In the NMR determinations, however, the unfolded chains always have a small, but essential, helix content that makes such initiation unnecessary. Support for this hypothesis is adduced from recent extant experiments on the helix-coil transition in single-chain helical peptides and from demonstration that the folding rate constants for coiled coils, as obtained by stopped flow, are influenced by the nature of the denaturant used.  相似文献   

Campbell KM  Lumb KJ 《Biochemistry》2002,41(22):7169-7175
The coiled coil is an attractive target for protein design. The helices of coiled coils are characterized by a heptad repeat of residues denoted a to g. Residues at positions a and d form the interhelical interface and are usually hydrophobic. An established strategy to confer structural uniqueness to two-stranded coiled coils is the use of buried polar Asn residues at position a, which imparts dimerization and conformational specificity at the expense of stability. Here we show that polar interactions involving buried position-a Lys residues that can interact favorably only with surface e' or g' Glu residues also impart structural uniqueness to a designed heterodimeric coiled coil with the nativelike properties of sigmoidal thermal and urea-induced unfolding transitions, slow hydrogen exchange and lack of ANS binding. The position-a Lys residues do not, however, confer a single preference for helix orientation, likely reflecting the ability of Lys at position a to from favorable interactions with g' or e' Glu residues in the parallel and antiparallel orientations, respectively. The Lys-Glu polar interaction is less destabilizing than the Asn-Asn a-->a' interaction, presumably reflecting a higher desolvation penalty associated with the completely buried polar position-a groups. Our results extend the range of approaches for two-stranded coiled-coil design and illustrate the role of complementing polar groups associated with buried and surface positions of proteins in protein folding and design.  相似文献   

The methods used for the determination of the concentration and isotope enrichment of (1-13C)leucine and its metabolite (13C) alpha-ketoisocaproic acid (KIC) in plasma for the study of whole-body protein turnover are described. Leucine was analysed as its N-heptafluorobutyryl isobutyl ester and KIC as its quinoxalinol-TMS derivative, both by chemical ionization selected ion monitoring gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). The sensitivity of the leucine assay was improved 30 times by monitoring the negative ions under the conditions described. The coefficient of variation for enrichment and concentration measurements were 0.5% and 2%, respectively, with a minimum detectable enrichment of 0.1 at% excess for both assays.  相似文献   

Circular dichroism was used to study the folding of alpha alpha-tropomyosin and AcTM43, a 43-residue peptide designed to serve as a model for the N-terminal domain of tropomyosin. The sequence of the peptide is AcMDAIKKKMQMLKLDVENLLDRLEQLEADLKALEDRYKQLEGGC. The peptide appeared to form a coiled coil at low temperatures (< 25 degrees C) in buffers with physiological ionic strength and pH. The folding and unfolding of the peptide, however, were noncooperative. When CD spectra were examined as a function of temperature, the apparent degree of folding differed when the ellipticity was followed at 222, 208, and 280 nm. Deconvolution of the spectra suggested that at least three component curves contributed to the CD in the far UV. One component curve was similar to the CD spectrum of the coiled-coil alpha-helix of native alpha alpha-tropomyosin. The second curve resembled the spectrum of single-stranded short alpha-helical segments found in globular proteins. The third was similar to that of polypeptides in the random coil conformation. These results suggested that as the peptide folded, the alpha-helical content increased before most of the coiled coil was formed. When the CD spectrum of striated muscle alpha alpha-tropomyosin was examined as a function of temperature, the unfolding was also not totally cooperative. As the temperature was raised from 0 to 25 degrees C, there was a decrease in the coiled coil and an increase in the conventional alpha-helix type spectrum without formation of random coil. The major transition, occurring at 40 degrees C, was a cooperative transition characterized by the loss of all of the remaining coiled coil and a concomitant increase in random coil.  相似文献   

The FF domain from the human protein HYPA/FBP11 folds via a low-energy on-pathway intermediate (I). Elucidation of the structure of such folding intermediates and denatured states under conditions that favour folding are difficult tasks. Here, we investigated the millisecond time-scale equilibrium folding transition of the 71-residue four-helix bundle wild-type protein by (15)N, (13)C(alpha) and methyl(13)C Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) NMR relaxation dispersion experiments and by (1)H/(2)H-exchange measurements. The relaxation data for the wild-type protein fitted a simple two-site exchange process between the folded state (F) and I. Destabilization of F in mutants A17G and Q19G allowed the detection of the unfolded state U by (15)N CPMG relaxation dispersion. The dispersion data for these mutants fitted a three-site exchange scheme, U<-->I<-->F, with I populated higher than U. The kinetics and thermodynamics of the folding reaction were obtained via temperature and urea-dependent relaxation dispersion experiments, along with structural information on I from backbone (15)N, (13)C(alpha) and side-chain methyl (13)C chemical shifts, with further information from protection factors for the backbone amide groups from (1)H/(2)H-exchange. Notably, helices H1-H3 are at least partially formed in I, while helix H4 is largely disordered. Chemical shift differences for the methyl (13)C nuclei suggest a paucity of stable, native-like hydrophobic interactions in I. These data are consistent with Phi-analysis of the rate-limiting transition state between I and F. The combination of relaxation dispersion and Phi data can elucidate whole experimental folding pathways.  相似文献   

(13)C NMR monitored the dynamics of exchange from specific hydrogens of hepatic [2-(13)C]glutamate and [3-(13)C]aspartate with deuterons from intracellular heavy water providing information on alpha-ketoglutarate/glutamate exchange and subcellular compartmentation. Mouse livers were perfused with [3-(13)C]alanine in buffer containing or not 50% (2)H(2)O for increasing periods of time (1 min < t < 30 min). Liver extracts prepared at the end of the perfusions were analyzed by high resolution (13)C NMR (150.13 MHz) with (1)H decoupling only and with simultaneous (1)H and (2)H decoupling. (13)C-(2)H couplings and (2)H-induced isotopic shifts observed in the glutamate C2 resonance, allowed to estimate the apparent rate constants (forward, reverse; min(-1)) for (i) the reversible exchange of [2-(13)C]glutamate H2 as catalyzed mainly by aspartate aminotransferase (0.32, 0.56), (ii) the reversible exchange of [2-(13)C]glutamate H3(proS) as catalyzed by NAD(P) isocitrate dehydrogenase (0.1, 0.05), and (iii) the irreversible exchanges of glutamate H3(proR) and H3(proS) as catalyzed by the sequential activities of mitochondrial aconitase and NAD isocitrate dehydrogenase of the tricarboxylic acid cycle (0.035), respectively. A similar approach allowed to determine the rates of (1)H-(2)H exchange for the H2 (0.4, 0.5) or H3(proR) (0.3, 0.2) or the H2 and H3(proS) hydrogens (0.20, 0.23) of [3-(13)C]aspartate isotopomers. The ubiquitous subcellular localization of (1)H-(2)H exchange enzymes and the exclusive mitochondrial localization of pyruvate carboxylase and the tricarboxylic acid cycle resulted in distinctive kinetics of deuteration in the H2 and either or both H3 hydrogens of [2-(13)C]glutamate and [3-(13)C]aspartate, allowing to follow glutamate and aspartate trafficking through cytosol and mitochondria.  相似文献   

Two distinct dendritic cell (DC) subpopulations have been evidenced in mice on the basis of their differential CD8alpha expression and their localization in lymphoid organs. Several reports suggest that CD8alpha(+) and CD8alpha(-) DC subsets could be functionally different. In this study, using a panel of MHC class I- and/or class II-restricted peptides, we analyzed CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cell responses obtained after i.v. injection of freshly purified peptide-pulsed DC subsets. First, we showed that both DC subsets efficiently induce specific CTL responses and Th1 cytokine production in the absence of CD4(+) T cell priming. Second, we showed that in vivo activation of CD4(+) T cells by CD8alpha(+) or CD8alpha(-) DC, injected i.v., leads to a nonpolarized Th response with production of both Th1 and Th2 cytokines. The CD8alpha(-) subset induced a higher production of Th2 cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-10 than the CD8alpha(+) subset. However, IL-5 was produced by CD4(+) T cells activated by both DC subsets. When both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells were primed by DC injected i.v., a similar pattern of cytokines was observed, but, under these conditions, Th1 cytokines were mainly produced by CD8(+) T cells, while Th2 cytokines were produced by CD4(+) T cells. Thus, this study clearly shows that CD4(+) T cell responses do not influence the development of specific CD8(+) T cell cytotoxic responses induced either by CD8alpha(+) or CD8alpha(-) DC subsets.  相似文献   

The 1-34 N-terminal fragments of human parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related protein (PTHrP) elicit the full spectrum of bone-relevant activities characteristic of the intact hormones. The structural elements believed to be required for receptor binding and biological activity are two helical segments, one N-terminal and one C-terminal, connected by hinges or flexible points located around positions 12 and 19. To test this hypothesis, we synthesized and characterized the following analogues of PTH-(1-34), each containing single or double substitutions with beta-amino acid residues around the putative hinge located at position 12: I. [Nle(8,18),beta-Ala(11,12),Nal(23),Tyr(34)]bPTH-(1-34)NH(2); II. [Nle(8,18),beta-Ala(12,13),Nal(23),Tyr(34)]bPTH-(1-34)NH(2); III. [Nle(8,18),beta-Ala(11),Nal(23),Tyr(34)]bPTH-(1-34)NH(2); IV. [Nle(8,18),beta-hLeu(11),Nal(23),Tyr(34)]bPTH-(1-34)NH(2); V. [Nle(8,18),beta-Ala(12), Nal(23),Tyr(34)]bPTH-(1-34)NH(2); VI. [Nle(8,18),beta-Ala(13), Nal(23),Tyr(34)]bPTH-(1-34)NH(2) (beta-hLeu = beta-homo-leucine; beta-Ala = beta-alanine; Nal = L-2-naphthyl-alanine; Nle = norleucine). Analogues I and III exhibit very low binding affinity and are devoid of adenylyl cyclase activity. Analogue II, despite its very low binding capacity is an agonist. Biological activity and binding capacity are partially restored in analogue IV, and completely restored in analogues V and VI. The conformational properties of the analogues were investigated in aqueous solution containing dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) micelles as a membrane-mimetic environment using CD, 2D-NMR, and molecular dynamics calculations. All peptides fold partially into the alpha-helical conformation in the presence of DPC micelles, with a maximum helix content in the range of 30-35%. NMR analysis reveals the presence of two helical segments, one N-terminal and one C-terminal, as a common structural motif in all analogues. Incorporation of beta-Ala dyads at positions 11,12 and 12,13 in analogues I and II, respectively, enhances the conformational disorder in this portion of the sequence but also destabilizes the N-terminal helix. This could be one of the possible reasons for the lack of biological activity in these analogues. The partial recovery of binding affinity and biological activity in analogue IV, compared to the structurally similar analogue III, is clearly the consequence of the reintroduction of Leu side-chain of the native sequence. In the fully active analogues V and VI, the helix stability at the N-terminus is further increased. Taken together, these results stress the functional importance of the conformational stability of the helical activation domain in PTH-(1-34). Contrary to expectation, insertion of a single beta-amino acid residue in positions 11, 12, or 13 in analogues III-VI does not favor a disordered structure in this portion of the sequence.  相似文献   

Biosynthetic studies of the glycopeptide teicoplanin by (1)H and (13)C NMR   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biosynthesis of the glycopeptide antibiotic teicoplanin was studied by growing a teicoplanin producing strain of Actinoplanes teichomyceticus (ATCC 31121) on glucose containing either 34.0% [1-(13)C]glucose or 9.7% [U-(13)C]glucose. The fractional enrichment pattern of teicoplanin produced in the medium containing [1-(13)C]glucose was obtained from a one-dimensional (13)C spectrum. The enrichment pattern showed characteristic peaks indicating that amino acids 3 and 7 are derived from acetate, whereas amino acids 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are derived from tyrosine. Multiplet structures in heteronuclear single quantum coherence spectra of teicoplanin produced in the medium containing [U-(13)C]glucose showed characteristic coupling patterns supporting these results. Fractional enrichment patterns and multiplet structures of the three sugars in teicoplanin showed that about 50% of the sugars have the same labeling pattern as the glucose substrate whereas the rest have a labeling pattern showing that they are reassembled, probably from precursors in the primary metabolism.  相似文献   

R Di Blasi  A S Verdini 《Biopolymers》1974,13(11):2209-2225
The helix–coil transition of poly-N5-(3-hydroxypropyl)-L -glutamine (PHPLG) has been studied in methanol–water by CD and cmr spectroscopy. For polydisperse PHPLG, two separate peaks arising from residues in helical and random-coil conformations are observed during the transition for both main-chain carbons. These results are discussed and compared to those observed in the case of a polymer sample obtained by racemization of PHPLG in 0.1 M NaOH and of PHPLG samples of controlled molecular weight and dispersity. The dominant influence of the molecular-weight heterogeneity on the double-peak phenomenon has been verified. The linewidths and chemical shift of the 13C resonances are discussed in terms of side-chain–main-chain interactions and side-chain solvation.  相似文献   

The helix–coil transition of poly-N5-(3-hydroxypropyl)-L -glutamine in methanol–water solutions has been observed using 13C nuclear magnetic resonance. Two signals appear in the α-CH region in the course of the transition; this is in contrast with previous proton magnetic resonance experiments carried out on this polymer in the same solvent system.  相似文献   

D-(1,5,6-13C3)Glucose (7) has been synthesized by a six-step chemical method. D-(1,2-13C2)Mannose (1) was converted to methyl D-(1,2-13C2)mannopyranosides (2), and 2 was oxidized with Pt-C and O2 to give methyl D-(1,2-13C2)mannopyranuronides (3). After purification by anion-exchange chromatography, 3 was hydrolyzed to give D-(1,2-13C2)mannuronic acid (4), and 4 was converted to D-(5,6-13C2)mannonic acid (5) with NaBH4. Ruff degradation of 5 gave D-(4,5-13C2)arabinose (6), and 6 was converted to D-(1,5,6-13C3)glucose (7) and D-(1,5,6-13C3)mannose (8) by cyanohydrin reduction. D-(2,5,6-13C3)Glucose (9) was prepared from 8 by molybdate-catalyzed epimerization.  相似文献   

The effects of hypoxia on the metabolism of the central nervous system were investigated in rats submitted to a low oxygen atmosphere (8% O(2); 92% N(2)). [1-(13)C]glucose and [2-(13)C]acetate were used as substrates, this latter being preferentially metabolized by glial cells. After 1-h substrate infusion, the incorporation of 13C in brain metabolites was determined by NMR spectroscopy. Under hypoxia, an important hyperglycemia was noted. As a consequence, when using labeled glucose, the specific enrichment of brain glucose C1 was lower (48.2+/-5.1%) than under normoxia (66.9+/-2.5%). However, relative to this specific enrichment, the (13)C incorporation in amino acids was increased under hypoxia. This suggested primarily a decreased exchange between blood and brain lactate. The glutamate C2/C4 enrichment ratio was higher under hypoxia (0.62+/-0.01) than normoxia (0.51+/-0.06), indicating a lower glutamate turnover relative to the neuronal TCA cycle activity. The glutamine C2/C4 enrichment ratio was also higher under hypoxia (0.87+/-0.07 instead of 0.65+/-0.11), indicating a new balance in the contributions of different carbon sources at the acetyl-CoA level. When using [2-(13)C]acetate as substrate, no difference in glutamine enrichment appeared under hypoxia, whereas a significant decrease in glutamate, aspartate, alanine and lactate enrichments was noted. This indicated a lower trafficking between astrocytes and neurons and a reduced tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediate recycling of pyruvate.  相似文献   

Equilibrium ultracentrifuge and circular dichroism (CD) studies of a retropeptide of a GCN4-like leucine zipper in neutral saline buffer are reported as functions of temperature. Ultracentrifuge results indicate the presence of three oligomeric species: monomer, dimer, and tetramer, in quantifiable amounts, and the data provide values for the standard DeltaG, DeltaH, and DeltaS for interconversion. CD at 222 nm displays the strong concentration dependence characteristic of dissociative unfolding, but also shows a helicity far below that of the parent propeptide. Remarkably enough, the CD at 222 nm shows an extremum in the region between 0 and 20 degrees C. At higher T, the usual cooperative unfolding is observed. Comparable data are presented for a mutant retropeptide, in which a single asparagine residue is restored to the characteristic heptad position it occupies in the propeptide. The mutant shows marked differences from its unmutated relative in both thermodynamic properties and CD, although the oligomeric ensemble also comprises monomers, dimers, and tetramers. The mutant is closer in helicity to the parent propeptide but is less stable. These findings do not support either of the extant views on retropeptides. The behavior seen is consistent neither with the view that retropeptides should have the same structure as propeptides nor with the view that they should have the same structure but opposite chirality. The simultaneous availability of oligomeric population data and CD allows the latter to be dissected into individual contributions from monomers, dimers, and tetramers. This dissection yields explanations for the observed extrema in curves of CD (222 nm) versus T and reveals that the dimer population in both retropeptides undergoes "cold denaturation."  相似文献   

Ex vivo ?(13)C, (2)H? NMR spectroscopy allowed to estimate the relative sizes of neuronal and glial glutamate pools and the relative contributions of (1-(13)C) glucose and (2-(13)C, 2-(2)H(3)) acetate to the neuronal and glial tricarboxylic acid cycles of the adult rat brain. Rats were infused during 60 min in the right jugular vein with solutions containing (2-(13)C, 2-(2)H(3)) acetate and (1-(13)C) glucose or (2-(13)C, 2-(2)H(3)) acetate only. At the end of the infusion the brains were frozen in situ and perchloric acid extracts were prepared and analyzed by high resolution (13)C NMR spectroscopy (90.5 MHz). The relative sizes of the neuronal and glial glutamate pools and the contributions of acetyl-CoA molecules derived from (2-(13)C, (2)H(3)) acetate or (1-(13)C) glucose entering the tricarboxylic acid cycles of both compartments, could be determined by the analysis of (2)H-(13)C multiplets and (2)H induced isotopic shifts observed in the C4 carbon resonances of glutamate and glutamine. During the infusions with (2-(13)C, 2-(2)H(3)) acetate and (1-(13)C) glucose, the glial glutamate pool contributed 9% of total cerebral glutamate being derived from (2-(13)C, 2-(2)H(3)) acetyl-CoA (4%), (2-(13)C) acetyl-CoA (3%) and recycled (2-(13)C, 2-(2)H) acetyl-CoA (2%). The neuronal glutamate pool accounted for 91% of the total cerebral glutamate being mainly originated from (2-(13)C) acetyl-CoA (86%) and (2-(13)C, 2-(2)H) acetyl-CoA (5%). During the infusions of (2-(13)C, 2-(2)H(3)) acetate only, the glial glutamate pool contributed 73% of the cerebral glutamate, being derived from (2-(13)C, 2-(2)H(3)) acetyl-CoA (36%), (2-(13)C, 2-(2)H) acetyl-CoA (27%) and (2-(13)C) acetyl-CoA (10%). The neuronal pool contributed 27% of cerebral glutamate being formed from (2-(13)C) acetyl-CoA (11%) and recycled (2-(13)C, 2-(2)H) acetyl-CoA (16%). These results illustrate the potential of ?(13)C, (2)H? NMR spectroscopy as a novel approach to investigate substrate selection and metabolic compartmentation in the adult mammalian brain.  相似文献   

The complex formed between the anticancer drug 4-[p-[p-(4-quinolylamino)benzamido]anilino]pyridine (SN 6999) and the decadeoxyribonucleoside nonaphosphate d-(GCATTAATGC)2 was investigated using two-dimensional nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy (NOESY) with a 13C(omega 1)-half-filter. The two quaternary methyl groups in SN 6999 had been labeled with 13C for these experiments. The simplified subspectra of [1H,1H]-NOESY obtained with this procedure greatly facilitate the identification and assignment of intermolecular NOEs. Quite generally, the combined use of isotope labeling and heteronuclear filters in [1H,1H]-NOESY provides an improved experimental basis for structural studies of drug/DNA complexes.  相似文献   

For estimating the oxidation rates (Rox) of glucose and other substrates by use of (13)C-labeled tracers, we obtained correction factors to account for label dilution in endogenous bicarbonate pools and TCA cycle exchange reactions. Fractional recoveries of (13)C label in respiratory gases were determined during 225 min of rest and 90 min of leg cycle ergometry at 45 and 65% peak oxygen uptake (VO(2 peak)) after continuous infusions of [1-(13)C]acetate, [2-(13)C]acetate, or NaH(13)CO(3). In parallel trials, [6,6-(2)H]glucose and [1-(13)C]glucose were given. Experiments were conducted after an overnight fast with exercise commencing 12 h after the last meal. During the transition from rest to exercise, CO(2) production increased (P < 0.05) in an intensity-dependent manner. Significant differences were observed in the fractional recoveries of (13)C label as (13)CO(2) at rest (NaH(13)CO(3), 77.5 +/- 2.8%; [1-(13)C]acetate, 49.8 +/- 2.4%; [2-(13)C]acetate, 26.1 +/- 1.4%). During exercise, fractional recoveries of (13)C label from [1-(13)C]acetate, [2-(13)C]acetate, and NaH(13)CO(3) were increased compared with rest. Magnitudes of label recoveries during both exercise intensities were tracer specific (NaH(13)CO(3), 93%; [1-(13)C]acetate, 80%; [2-(13)C]acetate, 65%). Use of an acetate-derived correction factor for estimating glucose oxidation resulted in Rox values in excess (P < 0.05) of glucose rate of disappearance during hard exercise. We conclude that, after an overnight fast: 1) recovery of (13)C label as (13)CO(2) from [(13)C]acetate is decreased compared with bicarbonate; 2) the position of (13)C acetate label affects carbon dilution estimations; 3) recovery of (13)C label increases in the transition from rest to exercise in an isotope-dependent manner; and 4) application of an acetate correction factor in glucose oxidation measurements results in oxidation rates in excess of glucose disappearance during exercise at 65% of VO(2 peak). Therefore, bicarbonate, not acetate, correction factors are advocated for estimating glucose oxidation from carbon tracers in exercising men.  相似文献   

This study presents a site-resolved experimental view of backbone C(alpha)H and NH internal motions in the 56-residue immunoglobulin-binding domain of streptococcal protein G, GB1. Using (13)C(alpha)H and (15)NH NMR relaxation data [T(1), T(2), and NOE] acquired at three resonance frequencies ((1)H frequencies of 500, 600, and 800 MHz), spectral density functions were calculated as F(omega) = 2omegaJ(omega) to provide a model-independent way to visualize and analyze internal motional correlation time distributions for backbone groups in GB1. Line broadening in F(omega) curves indicates the presence of nanosecond time scale internal motions (0.8 to 5 nsec) for all C(alpha)H and NH groups. Deconvolution of F(omega) curves effectively separates overall tumbling and internal motional correlation time distributions to yield more accurate order parameters than determined by using standard model free approaches. Compared to NH groups, C(alpha)H internal motions are more broadly distributed on the nanosecond time scale, and larger C(alpha)H order parameters are related to correlated bond rotations for C(alpha)H fluctuations. Motional parameters for NH groups are more structurally correlated, with NH order parameters, for example, being larger for residues in more structured regions of beta-sheet and helix and generally smaller for residues in the loop and turns. This is most likely related to the observation that NH order parameters are correlated to hydrogen bonding. This study contributes to the general understanding of protein dynamics and exemplifies an alternative and easier way to analyze NMR relaxation data.  相似文献   

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