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Recent studies have shown that blue light-specific stomatal opening is reversed by green light and that far-red light can be used to probe phytochrome-dependent stomatal movements. Here, blue-green reversibility and far-red light were used to probe the stomatal responses of the npq1 mutant and the phot1 phot2 double mutant of Arabidopsis. In plants grown at 50 micromol m-2 s-1, red light (photosynthetic)-mediated opening in isolated stomata from wild type (WT) and both mutants saturated at 100 micromol m-2 s-1. Higher fluence rates caused stomatal closing, most likely due to photo-inhibition. Blue light-specific opening, probed by adding blue light (10 micromol m-2 s-1) to a 100 micromol m-2 s-1 red background, was found in WT, but not in npq1 or phot1 phot2 double mutant stomata. Under 50 micromol m-2 s-1 red light, 10 micromol m-2 s-1 blue light opened stomata in both WT and npq1 mutant stomata but not in the phot1 phot2 double mutant. In npq1, blue light-stimulated opening was reversed by far-red but not green light, indicating that npq1 has a phytochrome-mediated response and lacks a blue light-specific response. Stomata of the phot1 phot2 double mutant opened in response to 20 to 50 micromol m-2 s-1 blue light. This opening was green light reversible and far-red light insensitive, indicating that stomata of the phot1 phot2 double mutant have a detectable blue light-specific response.  相似文献   

In angiosperms the strictly light-dependent reduction of protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide is catalyzed by NADPH:protochlorophyllide oxidoreductase (POR). The Arabidopsis thaliana genome encodes three structurally related but differentially regulated POR genes, PORA, PORB and PORC. PORA is expressed primarily early in development—during etiolation, germination and greening. In contrast, PORB and PORC are not only expressed during seedling development but also throughout the later life of the plant, during which they are responsible for bulk chlorophyll synthesis. The Arabidopsis porB-1 porC-1 mutant displays a severe xantha (highly chlorophyll-deficient) phenotype characterized by smaller prolamellar bodies in etioplasts and decreased thylakoid stacking in chloroplasts. Here we have demonstrated the ability of an ectopic PORA overexpression construct to restore prolamellar body formation in the porB-1 porC-1 double mutant background. In response to illumination, light-dependent chlorophyll production, thylakoid stacking and photomorphogenesis are also restored in PORA-overexpressing porB-1 porC-1 seedlings and adult plants. An Arabidopsis porB-1 porC-1 double mutant can therefore be functionally rescued by the addition of ectopically expressed PORA, which suffices in the absence of either PORB or PORC to direct bulk chlorophyll synthesis and normal plant development.  相似文献   

As the outermost layer on aerial tissues of the primary plant body, the cuticle plays important roles in plant development and physiology. The major components of the cuticle are cutin and cuticular wax, both of which are composed primarily of fatty acid derivatives synthesized in the epidermal cells. Long-chain acyl-CoA synthetases (LACS) catalyze the formation of long-chain acyl-CoAs and the Arabidopsis genome contains a family of nine genes shown to encode LACS enzymes. LACS2 is required for cutin biosynthesis, as revealed by previous investigations on lacs2 mutants. Here, we characterize lacs1 mutants of Arabidopsis that reveals a role for LACS1 in biosynthesis of cuticular wax components. lacs1 lacs2 double-mutant plants displayed pleiotropic phenotypes including organ fusion, abnormal flower development and reduced seed set; phenotypes not found in either of the parental mutants. The leaf cuticular permeability of lacs1 lacs2 was higher than that of either lacs1 or lacs2 single mutants, as determined by measurements of chlorophyll leaching from leaves immersed in 80% ethanol, staining with toluidine blue dye and direct measurements of water loss. Furthermore, lacs1 lacs2 mutant plants are highly susceptible to drought stress. Our results indicate that a deficiency in cuticular wax synthesis and a deficiency in cutin synthesis together have compounding effects on the functional integrity of the cuticular barrier, compromising the ability of the cuticle to restrict water movement, protect against drought stress and prevent organ fusion.  相似文献   

Blue-light responses in higher plants are mediated by specific photoreceptors, which are thought to be flavoproteins; one such flavin-type blue-light receptor, CRY1 (for cryptochrome), which mediates inhibition of hypocotyl elongation and anthocyanin biosynthesis, has recently been characterized. Prompted by classical photobiological studies suggesting possible co-action of the red/far-red absorbing photoreceptor phytochrome with blue-light photoreceptors in certain plant species, the role of phytochrome in CRY1 action in Arabidopsis was investigated. The activity of the CRY1 photoreceptor can be substantially altered by manipulating the levels of active phytochrome (Pfr) with red or far-red light pulses subsequent to blue-light treatments. Furthermore, analysis of severely phytochrome-deficient mutants showed that CRY1-mediated blue-light responses were considerably reduced, even though Western blots confirmed that levels of CRY1 photoreceptor are unaffected in these phytochrome-deficient mutant backgrounds. It was concluded that CRY1-mediated inhibition of hypocotyl elongation and anthocyanin production requires active phytochrome for full expression, and that this requirement can be supplied by low levels of either phyA or phyB.  相似文献   

CONSTITUTIVELY PHOTOMORPHOGENIC1 (COP1), a multifunctional E3 ligase protein with many target proteins, is involved in diverse developmental processes throughout the plant's lifecycle, including seed germination, the regulation of circadian rhythms, photomorphogenesis, and the control of flowering time. To function, COP1 must form multimeric complexes with SUPPRESSOR OF PHYA1 (SPA1), i.e., [(COP1)2(SPA1)2] tetramers. We recently reported that the blue-light receptor FKF1 (FLAVIN-BINDING, KELCH REPEAT, F-BOX1) represses COP1 activity by inhibiting its homodimerization, but it is not yet clear whether FKF1 affects the formation of COP1-containing multimeric complexes. To explore this issue, we performed size exclusion chromatography (SEC) of Arabidopsis thaliana proteins and found that the levels and composition of COP1-containing multimeric complexes varied throughout a 24-h period. The levels of 440–669?kDa complexes were dramatically reduced in the late afternoon compared to the morning and at night in wild-type plants. During the daytime, the levels of these complexes were reduced in FKF1-overexpressing plants but not in fkf1-t, a loss-of-function mutant of FKF1, suggesting that FKF1 is closely associated with the destabilization of COP1 multimeric protein complexes in a light-dependent manner. We also analyzed the SEC patterns of COP1 multimeric complexes in transgenic plants overexpressing mutant COP1 variants, including COP1L105A (which forms homodimers) and COP1L170A (which cannot form homodimers), and found that COP1 multimeric complexes were scarce in plants overexpressing COP1L170A. These results indicate that COP1 homodimers serve as basic building blocks that assemble into COP1 multimeric complexes with diverse target proteins. We propose that light-activated FKF1 inhibits COP1 homodimerization, mainly by destabilizing 440–669?kDa COP1 complexes, resulting in the repression of CONSTANS-degrading COP1 activity in the late afternoon in long days, but not in short days, thereby regulating photoperiodic flowering in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

When light absorption by a plant exceeds its capacity for light utilization, photosynthetic light harvesting is rapidly downregulated by photoprotective thermal dissipation, which is measured as nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (NPQ). To address the involvement of specific xanthophyll pigments in NPQ, we have analyzed mutants affecting xanthophyll metabolism in Arabidopsis thaliana. An npq1 lut2 double mutant was constructed, which lacks both zeaxanthin and lutein due to defects in the violaxanthin de-epoxidase and lycopene -cyclase genes. The npq1 lut2 strain had normal Photosystem II efficiency and nearly wild-type concentrations of functional Photosystem II reaction centers, but the rapidly reversible component of NPQ was completely inhibited. Despite the defects in xanthophyll composition and NPQ, the npq1 lut2 mutant exhibited a remarkable ability to tolerate high light.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To identify specific mutants for components of phytochrome A (phyA) signaling in Arabidopsis, we established a light program consisting of multiple treatments with alternating red and far-red light. In wild-type seedlings, irradiation with multiple red light pulses can reduce the amount of phyA, which in turn decreases the high-irradiance responses (HIRs) mediated by the subsequent treatments with far-red light. Our mutants were able to avoid this red light-dependent reduction of the HIR. Here, we describe eid1, a new recessive mutant with increased sensitivity to far-red light. The eid1 mutation maps to the top of chromosome 4. The mutants showed no change in phenotype in darkness or under continuous white light, but they exhibited an increased sensitivity to red light and an increased persistence of HIR during prolonged dark phases after multiple short pulses of far-red light. The eid1 seedlings accumulated normal amounts of phytochrome and showed no alterations in the degradation or de novo synthesis of phyA. The expression of the Eid1 phenotype requires the presence of phyA. Our data provide evidence that EID1 is a negatively acting component in the phyA-dependent HIR-signaling pathway.  相似文献   

By screening for ethylene response mutants in Arabidopsis, a novel mutant, eer2, was isolated which displays enhanced ethylene responses. On a low nutrient medium (LNM) light-grown eer2 seedlings showed a significant hypocotyl elongation in response to low levels of 1-amino-cyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC), the precursor of ethylene, compared with the wild type, indicating that eer2 is hypersensitive to ethylene. Treatment with 1-MCP (1-methylcyclopropene), a competitive inhibitor of ethylene signalling, suppressed this hypersensitive response, demonstrating that it is a bona fide ethylene effect. By contrast, roots of eer2 were less sensitive than the wild type to low concentrations of ACC. The ethylene levels in eer2 did not differ from the wild type, indicating that ethylene overproduction is not the primary cause of the eer2 phenotype. In addition to its enhanced ethylene response of hypocotyls, eer2 is also affected in the pattern of senescence and its phenotype depends on the nutritional status of the growth medium. Furthermore, linkage analysis of eer2 suggests that this mutant defines a new locus in ethylene signalling.  相似文献   

Moon J  Zhao Y  Dai X  Zhang W  Gray WM  Huq E  Estelle M 《Plant physiology》2007,143(2):684-696
Regulated protein degradation contributes to plant development by mediating signaling events in many hormone, light, and developmental pathways. Ubiquitin ligases recognize and ubiquitinate target proteins for subsequent degradation by the 26S proteasome. The multisubunit SCF is the best-studied class of ubiquitin ligases in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). However, the extent of SCF participation in signaling networks is unclear. SCFs are composed of four subunits: CULLIN 1 (CUL1), ASK, RBX1, and an F-box protein. Null mutations in CUL1 are embryo lethal, limiting insight into the role of CUL1 and SCFs in later stages of development. Here, we describe a viable and fertile weak allele of CUL1, called cul1-6. cul1-6 plants have defects in seedling and adult morphology. In addition to reduced auxin sensitivity, cul1-6 seedlings are hyposensitive to ethylene, red, and blue light conditions. An analysis of protein interactions with the cul1-6 gene product suggests that both RUB (related to ubiquitin) modification and interaction with the SCF regulatory protein CAND1 (cullin associated and neddylation dissociated) are disrupted. These findings suggest that the morphological defects observed in cul1-6 plants are caused by defective SCF complex formation. Characterization of weak cul1 mutants provides insight into the role of SCFs throughout plant growth and development.  相似文献   

Familial hypercholesterolemia is an autosomal dominant disease caused by mutations in the gene encoding the low-density lipoprotein receptor. To date, more than 900 different mutations have been described. Transport-defective mutations (class 2) causing partial or complete retention of the receptor in the endoplasmic reticulum are the predominant class of mutations. In a cell culture system (Chinese hamster ovary cells), we show that chemical chaperones are able to mediate rescue of a transport-defective mutant (G544V), and that the ability to obtain rescue is mutation dependent. In particular, the low molecular mass fatty acid derivative 4-phenylbutyrate mediated a marked increase in the transport of G544V-mutant low-density lipoprotein receptor to the plasma membrane. Thirty per cent of the mutant receptor was able to escape from the endoplasmic reticulum and reach the cell surface. The rescued receptor had reduced stability, but was found to be as efficient as the wild-type low-density lipoprotein receptor in binding and internalizing low-density lipoprotein. In addition to 4-phenylbutyrate, we also studied 3-phenylpropionate and 5-phenylvalerate, and compared their effect on rescue of the G544V-mutant low-density lipoprotein receptor with their ability to increase overall gene expression caused by their histone deacetylase inhibitor activity. No correlation was found. Our results indicate that the effect of these agents was not solely mediated by their ability to induce gene expression of proteins involved in intracellular transport, but rather could be due to a direct chemical chaperone activity. These data suggest that rescue of mutant low-density lipoprotein receptor is possible and that it might be feasible to develop pharmacologic chaperones to treat familial hypercholesterolemia patients with class 2 mutations.  相似文献   

Based upon the phenotype of young, dark-grown seedlings, a cytokinin-resistant mutant, cnr1, has been isolated, which displays altered cytokinin- and auxin-induced responses. The mutant seedlings possess short hypocotyls and open apical hooks (in dark), and display agravitropism, hyponastic cotyledons, reduced shoot growth, compact rosettes and short roots with increased adventitious branching and reduced number of root hairs. A number of these features invariably depend upon auxin/cytokinin ratio but the cnr1 mutant retains normal sensitivity towards auxin as well as auxin polar transport inhibitor, TIBA, although upregulation of primary auxin-responsive Aux/IAA genes is reduced. The mutant shows resistance towards cytokinin in hypocotyl/root growth inhibition assays, displays reduced regeneration in tissue cultures (cytokinin response) and decreased sensitivity to cytokinin for anthocyanin accumulation. It is thus conceivable that due to reduced sensitivity to cytokinin, the cnr1 mutant also shows altered auxin response. Surprisingly, the mutant retains normal sensitivity to cytokinin for induction of primary response genes, the type-A Arabidopsis response regulators, although the basal level of their expression was considerably reduced as compared to the wild-type. The zeatin and zeatin riboside levels, as estimated by HPLC, and the cytokinin oxidase activity were comparable in the cnr1 mutant and the wild-type. The hypersensitivity to red light (in hypocotyl growth inhibition assay), partial photomorphogenesis in dark, and hypersensitivity to sugars, are some other features displayed by the cnr1 mutant. The lesion in the cnr1 mutant has been mapped to the top of chromosome 1 where no other previously known cytokinin-resistant mutant has been mapped, indicating that the cnr1 mutant defines a novel locus involved in hormone, light and sugar signalling.  相似文献   

Ethylene and gibberellins (GAs) control similar developmental processes in plants. The role of ethylene is at least in part to regulate the accumulation of DELLA proteins, key regulators of plant growth, which suppress the GA response. To expand our knowledge of ethylene-GA crosstalk and to reveal how the modulation of the ethylene and GA pathways affects global plant growth, the gibberellin-insensitive (gai), ethylene-overproducing 2-1 (eto2-1) double mutant, which has decreased GA signalling (resulting from gai) and increased ethylene biosynthesis (resulting from eto2-1), was characterized. Both single mutations resulted in reduced elongation growth. The double mutant showed synergistic responses in root and shoot growth, in induction of floral transition, and in inflorescence length, showing that crosstalk between the two pathways occurs in different plant organs throughout development. Furthermore, the altered ethylene-GA interactions affected root-shoot communication, as evidenced by an enhanced shoot:root ratio in the double mutant. When compared with both single mutants and the wild type, double mutants had enhanced content of active GA(4) at both the seedling and the rosette stages, and, unlike the gai mutant, they were sensitive to GA treatment. Finally, it was shown that synergistic responses in the double mutant were not caused by elevated ethylene biosynthesis but that, in the light, enhanced sensitivity to ethylene may, at least in part, be responsible for the observed phenotype.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis ref2 mutant was identified in a screen for plants having altered fluorescence under UV light. Characterization of the ref2 mutants showed that they contained reduced levels of a number of phenylpropanoid pathway-derived products: sinapoylmalate in leaves, sinapoylcholine in seeds, and syringyl lignin in stems. Surprisingly, positional cloning of the REF2 locus revealed that it encodes CYP83A1, a cytochrome P450 sharing a high degree of similarity to CYP83B1, an enzyme involved in glucosinolate biosynthesis. Upon further investigation, ref2 mutants were found to have reduced levels of all aliphatic glucosinolates and increased levels of indole-derived glucosinolates in their leaves. These results show that CYP83A1 is involved in the biosynthesis of both short-chain and long-chain aliphatic glucosinolates and suggest a novel metabolic link between glucosinolate biosynthesis, a secondary biosynthetic pathway found only in plants in the order Capparales, and phenylpropanoid metabolism, a pathway found in all plants and considered essential to the survival of terrestrial plant species.  相似文献   

Protein kinase CK2 is a pleiotropic Ser/Thr kinase, evolutionary conserved in eukaryotes. Studies performed in different organisms, from yeast to humans, have highlighted the importance of CK2 in cell growth and cell-cycle control. However, the signalling pathways in which CK2 is involved have not been fully identified. In plants, the phytohormone auxin is a major regulator of cell growth. Recent discoveries have demonstrated that differential distribution of within auxin plant tissues is essential for developmental processes, and that this distribution is dependent on polar auxin transport. We report here that a dominant-negative mutant of CK2 (CK2mut) in Arabidopsis thaliana shows phenotypic traits that are typically linked to alterations in auxin-dependent processes. However, CK2mut plants exhibit normal responses to exogenous indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) indicating that they are not affected in the perception of the hormone but upstream in the pathway. We demonstrate that mutant plants are not deficient in IAA but are impaired in its transport. Using genetic and pharmacological tools we show that CK2 activity depletion hinders correct formation of auxin gradients and leads to widespread changes in the expression of auxin-related genes. In particular, members of the auxin efflux carrier family (PINs), and the protein kinase PINOID, both key regulators of auxin fluxes, were misexpressed. PIN4 and PIN7 were also found mislocalized, with accumulation in endosomal bodies. We propose that CK2 functions in the regulation of auxin-signalling pathways, particularly in auxin transport.  相似文献   

A comparison is made of the kinetic characteristics of acetolactate synthase (EC in extracts from Columbia wild type and four near-isogenic, herbicide-resistant mutants of Arobidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. The mutants used were the chlorsulfuron-resistant GH50 (csr1-1), the imazapyr-resistant GH90 (csr1-2), the triazolopyrimidine-resistant Tzp5 (csr1-3) and the multiherbicide-resistant, double mutant GM4.8 (csr1-4), derived from csr1-1 and csr1-2 by intragenic recombination (G. Mourad et al. 1994, Mol. Gen. Genet. 243, 178–184). and V max values for the substrate pyruvate were unaffected by any of the mutations giving rise to herbicide resistance. Feedback inhibition by L-valine (L-Val), L-leucine (L-Leu) and L-isoleucine (L-Ile) of acetolactate synthase extracted from wild type and mutants fitted a mixed competitive pattern most closely. Ki values for L-Val, L-Leu and L-Ile inhibition were not significantly different from wild type in extracts from csr1-1, csr1-2, and csr1-3. K i values were significantly higher than wild type by two- and five-fold, respectively, for csr1-4 with L-Val and L-Leu but not L-Ile. GM4.8 (csr1-4) plants were also highly resistant in their growth to added L-Val and L-Leu. The data suggest that (i) single mutational changes occurred that affected the binding of herbicides to the acetolactate synthase molecule without influencing the binding of substrates and feedback inhibitors (e.g. csr1-1, csr1-2 and csr1-3) and (ii) bringing two of these single mutations (csr1-1 and csr1-2) together in a double mutant (csr1-4) gave rise to an enzyme with altered characteristics as well as plants with changed growth in response to added L-Val and L-Leu. The implications of these conclusions for genetic transformation using these herbicide-resistant genes are discussed.Abbreviations ALS acetolactate synthase - L-Val L-valine - L-Leu L-leucine - L-Ile L-isoleucine This work was supported in part by a grant-in-aid of research from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada to J.K. and by a research grant award from Purdue University to G.M.  相似文献   

Larsen PB  Chang C 《Plant physiology》2001,125(2):1061-1073
By screening for enhanced ethylene-response (eer) mutants in Arabidopsis, we isolated a novel recessive mutant, eer1, which displays increased ethylene sensitivity in the hypocotyl and stem. Dark-grown eer1 seedlings have short and thick hypocotyls even in the absence of added ethylene. This phenotype is suppressed, however, by the ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor 1-aminoethoxyvinyl-glycine. Following ethylene treatment, the dark-grown eer1 hypocotyl response is greatly exaggerated in comparison with the wild type, indicating that the eer1 phenotype is not simply due to ethylene overproduction. eer1 seedlings have significantly elevated levels of basic-chitinase expression, suggesting that eer1 may be highly sensitive to low levels of endogenous ethylene. Adult eer1 plants display exaggerated ethylene-dependent stem thickening, which is an ethylene response previously unreported in Arabidopsis. eer1 also has enhanced responsiveness to the ethylene agonists propylene and 2,5-norbornadiene. The eer1 phenotype is completely suppressed by the ethylene-insensitive mutation etr1-1, and is additive with the constitutive ethylene-response mutation ctr1-3. Our findings suggest that the wild-type EER1 product acts to oppose ethylene responses in the hypocotyl and stem.  相似文献   

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