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The carboxy-terminal ends of the 40- and 42-amino acids amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) may be generated by the action of at least two different proteases termed gamma(40)- and gamma(42)-secretase, respectively. To examine the cleavage specificity of the two proteases, we treated amyloid precursor protein (APP)-transfected cell cultures with several dipeptidyl aldehydes including N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Leu-leucinal (Z-LL-CHO) and the newly synthesized N-benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-leucinal (Z-VL-CHO). All dipeptidyl aldehydes tested inhibited production of both Abeta1-40 and Abeta1-42. Changes in the P1 and P2 residues of these aldehydes, however, indicated that the amino acids occupying these positions are important for the efficient inhibition of gamma-secretases. Peptidyl aldehydes inhibit both cysteine and serine proteases, suggesting that the two gamma-secretases belong to one of these mechanistic classes. To differentiate between the two classes of proteases, we treated our cultures with the specific cysteine protease inhibitor E-64d. This agent inhibited production of secreted Abeta1-40, with a concomitant accumulation of its cellular precursor indicating that gamma(40)-secretase is a cysteine protease. In contrast, this treatment increased production of secreted Abeta1-42. No inhibition of Abeta production was observed with the potent calpain inhibitor I (acetyl-Leu-Leu-norleucinal), suggesting that calpain is not involved. Together, these results indicate that gamma(40)-secretase is a cysteine protease distinct from calpain, whereas gamma(42)-secretase may be a serine protease. In addition, the two secretases may compete for the same substrate. Dipeptidyl aldehyde treatment of cultures transfected with APP carrying the Swedish mutation resulted in the accumulation of the beta-secretase C-terminal APP fragment and a decrease of the alpha-secretase C-terminal APP fragment, indicating that this mutation shifts APP cleavage from the alpha-secretase site to the beta-secretase site.  相似文献   

A new early-onset form of Alzheimer's disease (AD) was described recently where a point mutation was discovered in codon 693 of the beta-amyloid (Abeta) precursor protein gene, the Arctic mutation. The mutation translates into a single amino acid substitution, glutamic acid-->glycine, in position 22 of the Abeta peptide. The mutation carriers have lower plasma levels of Abeta than normal, while in vitro studies show that Abeta1-40E22G protofibril formation is significantly enhanced. We have explored the nature of the Abeta1-40E22G peptide in more detail, in particular the protofibrils. Using size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) and circular dichroism spectroscopy (CD) kinetic and secondary structural characteristics were compared with other Abeta1-40 peptides and the Abeta12-28 fragment, all having single amino acid substitutions in position 22. We have found that Abeta1-40E22G protofibrils are a group of comparatively stabile beta-sheet-containing oligomers with a heterogeneous size distribution, ranging from >100 kDa to >3000 kDa. Small Abeta1-40E22G protofibrils are generated about 400 times faster than large ones. Salt promotes their formation, which significantly exceeds all the other peptides studied here, including the Dutch mutation Abeta1-40E22Q. Position 22 substitutions had significant effects on aggregation kinetics of Abeta1-40 and in Abeta12-28, although the qualitative aspects of the effects differed between the native peptide and the fragment, as no protofibrils were formed by the fragments. The rank order of protofibril formation of Abeta1-40 and its variants was the same as the rank order of the length of the nucleation/lag phase of the Abeta12-28 fragments, E22V>E22A?E22G>E22Q?E22, and correlated with the degree of hydrophobicity of the position 22 substituent. The molecular mass of peptide monomers and protofibrils were estimated better in SEC studies using linear rather than globular calibration standards. The characteristics of the Abeta1-40E22G suggest an important role for the peptide in the neuropathogenesis in the Arctic form of AD.  相似文献   

The primary component of amyloid plaque in the brains of Alzheimer's patients is the 42 residue amyloid-beta-peptide (Abeta42). Although the amino acid residue sequence of Abeta42 is known, the molecular determinants of Abeta amyloidogenesis have not been elucidated. To facilitate an unbiased search for the sequence determinants of Abeta aggregation, we developed a genetic screen that couples a readily observable phenotype in E. coli to the ability of a mutation in Abeta42 to reduce aggregation. The screen is based on our finding that fusions of the wild-type Abeta42 sequence to green fluorescent protein (GFP) form insoluble aggregates in which GFP is inactive. Cells expressing such fusions do not fluoresce. To isolate variants of Abeta42 with reduced tendencies to aggregate, we constructed and screened libraries of Abeta42-GFP fusions in which the sequence of Abeta42 was mutated randomly. Cells expressing GFP fusions to soluble (non-aggregating) variants of Abeta42 exhibit green fluorescence. Implementation of this screen enabled the isolation of 36 variants of Abeta42 with reduced tendencies to aggregate. The sequences of most of these variants are consistent with previous models implicating hydrophobic regions as determinants of Abeta42 aggregation. Some of the variants, however, contain amino acid substitutions not implicated in pre-existing models of Abeta amyloidogenesis.  相似文献   

Pr-IIGL(a), a derivative of the tetrapeptide beta-amyloid 31-34 (Abeta(31-34)), exerts controversial effects: it is toxic in a neuroblastoma culture, but it protects glial cells from the cytotoxic action of Abeta(1-42). For an understanding of this phenomenon, a new pentapeptide, RIIGL(a) was synthetized, and both compounds were studied by different physicochemical and biological methods. Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) studies revealed that Pr-IIGL(a) forms fibrillar aggregates, whereas RIIGL(a) does not form fibrils. Congo red binding studies furnished the same results. Aggregated Pr-IIGL(a) acts as a cytotoxic agent in neuroblastoma cultures, but RIIGL(a) does not display inherent toxicity. RIIGL(a) co-incubated with Abeta(1-42) inhibits the formation of mature amyloid fibres (TEM studies) and reduces the cytotoxic effect of fibrillar Abeta(1-42). These results indicate that RIIGL(a) is an effective inhibitor of both the aggregation and the toxic effects of Abeta(1-42) and can serve as a lead compound for the design of novel neuroprotective peptidomimetics.  相似文献   

Amyloid β protein (Aβ) has been associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) because it is a major component of the extracellular plaque found in AD brains. Increased Aβ levels correlate with the cognitive decline observed in AD. Sporadic AD cases are thought to be chiefly associated with lack of Aβ clearance from the brain, unlike familial AD which shows increased Aβ production. Aβ aggregation leading to deposition is an essential event in AD. However, the factors involved in Aβ aggregation and accumulation in sporadic AD have not been completely characterized. This review summarizes studies that have examined the factors that affect Aβ aggregation and toxicity. By necessity these are studies that are performed with recombinant-derived or chemically synthesized Aβ. The studies therefore are not done in animals but in cell culture, which includes neuronal cells, other mammalian cells and, in some cases, non-mammalian cells that also appear susceptible to Aβ toxicity. An understanding of Aβ oligomerization may lead to better strategies to prevent AD.  相似文献   

Beta-amyloid peptides (Abetas) bind to several G-protein coupled receptor proteins and stimulate GTPase activity in neurons. In this study we determined the effects of Abeta(1-42), Abeta(1-40), Abeta(25-35) and their mixtures on [(35)S]GTP binding in rat brain cortical membranes in the absence and presence of zinc. We found that the Abetas alone induced a concentration-dependent activation of G-proteins (IC50 approximately 10(-6) m), while aggregated Abeta fibrils only affected GTP binding at concentrations above 10(-5) m. Mixing Abeta(25-35) with Abeta(1-42) or Abeta(1-40) induced a several-fold increase in GTP-binding. This potentiation followed a bell shaped curve with a maximum at 50 : 50 ratios. No potentiating effect could be seen by mixing Abeta(1-40) and Abeta(1-42) or highly aggregated Abetas. Zinc had no effect on Abeta(1-40/42) but strongly potentiated the Abeta(25-35) or the mixed peptides-induced GTP-binding. Changes in secondary structure accompanied the mixed peptides or the peptide/zinc complexes induced potentiation, revealing that structural alterations are behind the increased biological action. These concentration dependent potentiating effects of zinc and the peptide mixtures could be physiologically important at brain regions where peptide fragments and/or zinc are present at elevated concentrations.  相似文献   

A chemical, structural and biological study on the beta-amyloid peptide beta12-28 is reported which was carried out in order to assess the feasibility using this peptide fragment as a model of the natural beta-amyloid protein. The aggregation properties of beta12-28 have been investigated by pulse field-gradient NMR spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The results obtained suggest that beta12-28 behaviour is comparable to that of the natural beta-amyloid protein although kinetically slower. Translational diffusion coefficients obtained by NMR on an aged beta12-28 solution suggest that the soluble peptide fraction is composed of oligomeric intermediates adopting an extended ellipsoidal assembly rather than a spherical one. The beta12-28 peptide proved to be cytotoxic in PC12 cell cultures as monitored by the MTT assay, although a lack of reproducibility was observed in the dose-response experiments.  相似文献   

The deposition of beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta) fibrils around neurons is an invariable feature of Alzheimer's disease and there is increasing evidence that fibrillar deposits and/or prefibrillar intermediates play a central role in the observed neurodegeneration. One site of Abeta generation is the endosomes, and we have investigated the kinetics of Abeta association at endosomal pH over physiologically relevant time frames. We have identified three distinct Abeta association phases that occur at rates comparable to endosomal transit times. Rapid formation of burst phase aggregates, larger than 200nm, was observed within 15 seconds. Two slower association phases were detected by fluorescence resonance energy transfer and termed phase 1 and phase 2 aggregation reactions. At 20 microM Abeta, pH 6, the half lives of the phase 1 and phase 2 aggregation phases were 3.15 minutes and 17.66 minutes, respectively. Atomic force microscopy and dynamic light scattering studies indicate that the burst phase aggregate is large and amorphous, while phase 1 and 2 aggregates are spherical with hydrodynamic radii around 30 nm. There is an apparent equilibrium, potentially mediated through a soluble Abeta intermediate, between the large burst phase aggregates and phase 1 and 2 spherical particles. The large burst phase aggregates form quickly, however, they disappear as the equilibrium shifts toward the spherical aggregates. These aggregated species do not contain alpha-helical or beta-structure as determined by circular dichroism spectroscopy. However, after two weeks beta-structure is observed and is attributable to the insoluble portion of the sample. After two months, mature amyloid fibrils appear and the spherical aggregates are significantly diminished.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence indicates that polypeptide aggregation often involves a nucleation and a growth phase, although the relationship between the factors that determine these two phases has not yet been fully clarified. We present here an analysis of several mutations at different sites of the Abeta(1-40) peptide, including those associated with early onset forms of the Alzheimer's disease, which reveals that the effects of specific amino acid substitutions in the sequence of this peptide are strongly modulated by their structural context. Nevertheless, mutations at different positions perturb in a correlated manner the free energies of aggregation as well as the lag times and growth rates. We show that these observations can be rationalized in terms of the intrinsic propensities for aggregation of the Abeta(1-40) sequence, thus suggesting that, in the case of this peptide, the determinants of the thermodynamics and of the nucleation and growth of the aggregates have a similar physicochemical basis.  相似文献   

The primary molecules for mediating the innate immune response are the Toll-like family of receptors (TLRs). Recent work has established that amyloid-beta (Aβ) fibrils, the primary components of senile plaques in Alzheimer's disease (AD), can interact with the TLR2/4 accessory protein CD14. Using antibody neutralization assays and tumor necrosis factor alpha release in the human monocytic THP-1 cell line, we determined that both TLR2 and TLR4 mediated an inflammatory response to aggregated Aβ(1–42). This was in contrast to exclusive TLR ligands lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (TLR4) and tripalmitoyl cysteinyl seryl tetralysine (Pam3CSK4) (TLR2). Atomic force microscopy imaging showed a fibrillar morphology for the proinflammatory Aβ(1–42) species. Pre-treatment of the cells with 10 μg/mL of a TLR2-specific antibody blocked ∼50% of the cell response to fibrillar Aβ(1–42), completely blocked the Pam3CSK4 response, and had no effect on the LPS-induced response. A TLR4-specific antibody (10 μg/mL) blocked ∼35% of the cell response to fibrillar Aβ(1–42), completely blocked the LPS response, and had no effect on the Pam3CSK4 response. Polymyxin B abolished the LPS response with no effect on Aβ(1–42) ruling out bacterial contamination of the Aβ samples. Combination antibody pre-treatments indicated that neutralization of TLR2, TLR4, and CD14 together was much more effective at blocking the Aβ(1–42) response than the antibodies used alone. These data demonstrate that fibrillar Aβ(1–42) can trigger the innate immune response and that both TLR2 and TLR4 mediate Aβ-induced tumor necrosis factor alpha production in a human monocytic cell line.  相似文献   

To probe the role of temperature in the conversion of soluble Alzheimer's beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta) to insoluble beta-sheet rich aggregates, we analyzed the solution conformation of Abeta(1-40) from 0 to 98 degrees C by far-UV circular dichroism (CD) and native gel electrophoresis. The CD spectra of 15-300 microg/ml Abeta(1-40) in aqueous solution (pH approximately 4.6) at 0 degrees C are concentration-independent and suggest a substantially unfolded and/or unusually folded conformation characteristic of Abeta monomer or dimer. Heating from 0 to 37 degrees C induces a rapid reversible coil to beta-strand transition that is independent of the peptide concentration and thus is not linked to oligomerization. Consequently, this transition may occur within the Abeta(1-40) monomer or dimer. Incubation at 37 degrees C leads to slow reversible concentration-dependent beta-sheet accumulation; heating to 85 degrees C induces further beta-sheet folding and oligomerization. Our results demonstrate the importance of temperature and thermal history for the conformation of Abeta.  相似文献   

Abeta40 and Abeta42 are the major forms of amyloid beta peptides (Abeta) in the brain. Although Abeta42 differs from Abeta40 by only two residues, Abeta42 is much more prone to aggregation and more toxic to neurons than Abeta40. To probe whether dynamics contribute to such dramatic difference in function, backbone ps-ns dynamics of native Abeta monomers were characterized by 15N spin relaxation at 273.3 K and 800 MHz. Abeta42 aggregates much faster than Abeta40 in the NMR tube. The effect of Abeta aggregation was removed from the relaxation measurement by interleaved data collection. R1, R2 and nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) values are similar in Abeta40 and Abeta42, except at the C terminus, indicating Abeta42 and Abeta40 monomers have identical global motions. Comparisons of the spectral density function J(0.87omegaH) and order parameters (S2) indicate that the Abeta42 C terminus is more rigid than the Abeta40 C terminus. At 280.4 K and 287.6 K, the Abeta42 C terminus remains more rigid than the Abeta40 C terminus, suggesting such a dynamical difference is likely present at the physiological temperature. The Abeta42 monomer likely has less configurational entropy due to restricted motion in the C terminus and may pay a smaller entropic price to form fibrils than the Abeta40 monomer. We hypothesize that the entropic difference between Abeta40 and Abeta42 monomers might partly account for the fact that Abeta42 is the major Abeta species in parenchymal senile plaques in most Alzheimer's diseased brains in spite of the predominance of Abeta40 in plasma. The increased rigidity of the Abeta42 C terminus is likely due to its pre-ordering for beta-conformation present in soluble oligomers and fibrils. The Abeta42 C terminus may therefore serve as an internal seed for aggregation.  相似文献   

Mounting evidence has shown that dyshomeostasis of the redox-active biometals such as Cuand Fe can lead to oxidative stress,which plays a key role in the neuropathology of Alzheimer's disease(AD).Here we demonstrate that with the formation of Cu(Ⅱ)·Aβ1-40 complexes,copper markedly potentiatesthe neurotoxicity exhibited by β-amyloid peptide (Aβ).A greater amount of hydrogen peroxide was releasedwhen Cu(Ⅱ)·Aβ1-40 complexes was added to the xanthine oxidase/xanthine system detected by potassiumiodide spectrophotometry.Copper bound to Aβ1-40 was observed by electron paramagnetic resonance(EPR) spectroscopy.Circular dichroism (CD) studies indicated that copper chelation could cause a structuraltransition of Aβ.The addition of copper to Aβ introduced an increase on β-sheet as well as α-helix,whichmay be responsible for the aggregation of Aβ.We hypothesized that Aβ aggregation induced by copper maybe responsible for local injury in AD.The interaction between Cu~(2 ) and Aβ also provides a possible mechanismfor the enrichment of metal ions in amyloid plaques in the AD brain.  相似文献   

We studied the plasma beta carotene concentrations in 40 Alzheimer's disease patients and the association with cerebrospinal fluid beta-amyloid 1-40, (Abeta40), cerebrospinal fluid beta-amyloid 1-42 (Abeta42) and cerebrospinal fluid total Tau. We found that patients with plasma beta carotene levels below the 25th percentile had 55% reduced ratios of Abeta40/Tau and 51% reduced ratios of Abeta 40/Abeta 42 compared with patients in the highest quartile. Mean Tau concentrations in the lowest quartile of plasma beta-carotene levels were 74% higher compared with the highest quartile of plasma beta-carotene levels. Thus, we could demonstrate an statistically significant association between beta carotene levels in plasma and neurochemical markers in the cerebrospinal fluid of Alzheimer's disease patients.  相似文献   

Macromolecules that bind beta-amyloid peptide (Abeta) and neutralize Abeta cytotoxicity offer a promising new approach for treating Alzheimer's disease. When the plasma protein, alpha2-macroglobulin (alpha2M), is treated with methylamine (alpha2M-MA), it undergoes conformational change and acquires Abeta-binding activity. In this study, we demonstrate that a chemically stabilized preparation of human alpha2M conformational intermediates (alpha2M-cis-Pt/MA) binds Abeta with greatly increased affinity, compared with alpha2M-MA. alpha2M-cis-Pt/MA was generated by reacting alpha2M with the protein cross-linking reagent, cis-Pt, followed by methylamine. Increased Abeta-binding to alpha2M-cis-Pt/MA was demonstrated by co-migration of radio-iodinated proteins in non-denaturing PAGE, chemical cross-linking, and co-immunoprecipitation. The apparent K(D) for Abeta-binding to alpha2M-cis-Pt/MA was decreased 10-fold, compared with alpha2M-MA, to 29 nm. Native alpha2M demonstrated negligible Abeta-binding, as anticipated. alpha2M-cis-Pt/MA markedly counteracted Abeta-induced C6 cell apoptosis. Essentially complete inhibition of apoptosis was observed even when the Abeta was present at fourfold molar excess to alpha2M-cis-Pt/MA. Under equivalent conditions, alpha2M-MA inhibited apoptosis by 25 +/- 6%. When Abeta and alpha2M-cis-Pt/MA were added to human plasma in vitro, significant binding was detected. No binding was observed when an equivalent concentration of native alpha2M or alpha2M-MA was added to plasma. We propose that alpha2M-cis-Pt/MA is a novel alternative to Abeta-specific antibodies, for studying the efficacy of Abeta-binding agents in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

A new kinetic scheme for lysozyme refolding and aggregation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The competing first- and third-order reaction scheme for lysozyme is shown to not predict fed-batch lysozyme refolding when the model is parameterized using independent batch experiments, even when variations in chemical composition during the fed-batch experiment are accounted for. A new kinetic scheme is proposed that involves rapid partitioning between the alternative fates of refolding and aggregation, and which allows for aggregation via a sequential mechanism. The model assumes that monomeric lysozyme in different states, including native, is able to aggregate with intermediates, accounting for recent experimental evidence that native protein can be incorporated into aggregates and explaining why native protein in the refolding buffer reduces yield. Stopped-flow light-scattering measurements were used to measure the association rate for the sequential aggregation mechanism, and refolding rate constants were determined in a series of batch experiments designed to be "snapshots" of the composition during a fed-batch experiment. The new kinetic scheme gave a good a priori prediction of fed-batch refolding performance.  相似文献   

The Alzheimer's disease-related peptide beta-amyloid (Abeta) is toxic to neurons. The toxicity of the peptide appears to require conversion of the monomeric form to an aggregated fibrillar species. The interaction of Abeta with cell membranes has attracted interest as one plausible mechanism by which the peptide exerts its toxic activity. We developed two methods to measure the adsorption of fresh (monomeric) and aged (aggregated) Abeta to lipid bilayers. In one method, the kinetics of Abeta adsorption and desorption to liposomes deposited onto a dextran-coated surface was measured using surface plasmon resonance. In the other method, Abeta was contacted with liposome-coated magnetic beads; adsorbed Abeta was separated from solution-phase peptide by use of a magnetic field. Monomeric Abeta adsorbed quickly but reversibly to lipid bilayers with low affinity, while aggregated Abeta adsorbed slowly but irreversibly. These two methods provide complementary means of quantifying the adsorption of aggregating proteins to membranes. The results correlate strongly with previous observations that fibrillar, but not monomeric, Abeta restricts the motion of acyl tails in phospholipid bilayers. The methods should be useful for further elucidation of the role of membrane adsorption in mediating Abeta toxicity, and in the search for inhibitors of toxicity.  相似文献   

Previously, we found that amyloid beta-protein (Abeta)1-42 exhibits neurotoxicity, while Abeta1-40 serves as an antioxidant molecule by quenching metal ions and inhibiting metal-mediated oxygen radical generation. Here, we show another neuroprotective action of nonamyloidogenic Abeta1-40 against Abeta1-42-induced neurotoxicity in culture and in vivo. Neuronal death was induced by Abeta1-42 at concentrations higher than 2 microm, which was prevented by concurrent treatment with Abeta1-40 in a dose-dependent manner. However, metal chelators did not prevent Abeta1-42-induced neuronal death. Circular dichroism spectroscopy showed that Abeta1-40 inhibited the beta-sheet transformation of Abeta1-42. Thioflavin-T assay and electron microscopy analysis revealed that Abeta1-40 inhibited the fibril formation of Abeta1-42. In contrast, Abeta1-16, Abeta25-35, and Abeta40-1 did not inhibit the fibril formation of Abeta1-42 nor prevent Abeta1-42-induced neuronal death. Abeta1-42 injection into the rat entorhinal cortex (EC) caused the hyperphosphorylation of tau on both sides of EC and hippocampus and increased the number of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-positive astrocytes in the ipsilateral EC, which were prevented by the concurrent injection of Abeta1-40. These results indicate that Abeta1-40 protects neurons from Abeta1-42-induced neuronal damage in vitro and in vivo, not by sequestrating metals, but by inhibiting the beta-sheet transformation and fibril formation of Abeta1-42. Our data suggest a mechanism by which elevated Abeta1-42/Abeta1-40 ratio accelerates the development of Alzheimer's disease (AD) in familial AD.  相似文献   

The 39-42 amino acid long, amphipathic amyloid-beta peptide (Abeta) is one of the key components involved in Alzheimer's disease (AD). In the neuropathology of AD, Abeta presumably exerts its neurotoxic action via interactions with neuronal membranes. In our studies a combination of 31P MAS NMR (magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance) and CD (circular dichroism) spectroscopy suggest fundamental differences in the functional organization of supramolecular Abeta(1-40) membrane assemblies for two different scenarios with potential implication in AD: Abeta peptide can either be firmly anchored in a membrane upon proteolytic cleavage, thereby being prevented against release and aggregation, or it can have fundamentally adverse effects when bound to membrane surfaces by undergoing accelerated aggregation, causing neuronal apoptotic cell death. Acidic lipids can prevent release of membrane inserted Abeta(1-40) by stabilizing its hydrophobic transmembrane C-terminal part (residue 29-40) in an alpha-helical conformation via an electrostatic anchor between its basic Lys28 residue and the negatively charged membrane interface. However, if Abeta(1-40) is released as a soluble monomer, charged membranes act as two-dimensional aggregation-templates where an increasing amount of charged lipids (possible pathological degradation products) causes a dramatic accumulation of surface-associated Abeta(1-40) peptide followed by accelerated aggregation into toxic structures. These results suggest that two different molecular mechanisms of peptide-membrane assemblies are involved in Abeta's pathophysiology with the finely balanced type of Abeta-lipid interactions against release of Abeta from neuronal membranes being overcompensated by an Abeta-membrane assembly which causes toxic beta-structured aggregates in AD. Therefore, pathological interactions of Abeta peptide with neuronal membranes might not only depend on the oligomerization state of the peptide, but also the type and nature of the supramolecular Abeta-membrane assemblies inherited from Abeta's origin.  相似文献   

Aggregation of beta-amyloid (Abeta) into fibrillar deposits is widely believed to initiate a cascade of adverse biological responses associated with Alzheimer's disease. Although it was once assumed that the mature fibril was the toxic form of Abeta, recent evidence supports the hypothesis that Abeta oligomers, intermediates in the fibrillogenic pathway, are the dominant toxic species. In this work we used urea to reduce the driving force for Abeta aggregation, in an effort to isolate stable intermediate species. The effect of urea on secondary structure, size distribution, aggregation kinetics, and aggregate morphology was examined. With increasing urea concentration, beta-sheet content and the fraction of aggregated peptide decreased, the average size of aggregates was reduced, and the morphology of aggregates changed from linear to a globular/linear mixture and then to globular. The data were analyzed using a previously published model of Abeta aggregation kinetics. The model and data were consistent with the hypothesis that the globular aggregates were intermediates in the amyloidogenesis pathway rather than alternatively aggregated species. Increasing the urea concentration from 0.4 M to 2 M decreased the rate of filament initiation the most; between 2 M and 4 M urea the largest change was in partitioning between the nonamyloid and amyloid pathways, and between 4 M and 6 M urea, the most significant change was a reduction in the rate of filament elongation.  相似文献   

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