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Glycolipids of fresh latex from three clones of Hevea brasiliensis were characterized and quantified by HPLC/ESI-MS. Their fatty acyl and sterol components were further confirmed by GC/MS after saponification. The four detected glycolipid classes were steryl glucosides (SG), esterified steryl glucosides (ESG), monogalactosyl diacylglycerols (MGDG) and digalactosyl diacylglycerols (DGDG). Sterols in SG, ESG and total latex unsaponifiable were stigmasterol, β-sitosterol and Δ5-avenasterol. The latter was found instead of fucosterol formerly described. Galactolipids were mainly DGDG and had a fatty acid composition different from that of plant leaves as they contained less than 5% C18:3. Glycolipids, which represented 27–37% of total lipids, displayed important clonal variations in the proportions of the different fatty acids. ESG, MGDG and DGDG from clone PB235 differed notably by their higher content in furan fatty acid, which accounted for more than 40% of total fatty acids. Clonal variation was also observed in the relative proportions of glycolipid classes except MGDG (8%), with 43–51% DGDG, 30–34% SG and 7–19% ESG. When compared with other plant cell content, the unusual glycolipid composition of H. brasiliensis latex may be linked to the peculiar nature of this specialized cytoplasm expelled from laticiferous system, especially in terms of functional and structural properties.  相似文献   

The isolation and purification of a basic protein from the bottom fraction of Hevea brasiliensis latex is described. Two protein fractions were obtained by chromatography on carboxymethyl cellulose which also differed in their electrophoretic mobility in polyacrylamide gel, but the similarity of their other properties precludes their classification as two protein entities at this stage.  相似文献   

Several chitin-binding proteins were isolated from the bottom fraction of Hevea brasiliensis (Müll.) Arg. latex. One of these chitin-binding proteins is hevein, a small monomeric protein which strongly resembles the lectin from stinging nettle (Urtica dioica L.). Like the latter, hevein showed strong antifungal activity against several fungi in vitro. The possible involvement of this protein in the defense against invasion by potentially pathogenic fungi is discussed.Abbreviations FPLC fast protein liquid chromatography - Mr apparent molecular mass - SDS-PAGE Sodium dodecyl sulp-hatepolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis - UDA Urtica dioica agglutinin - WGA Wheat-germ agglutinin This work is supported in part by NIH grant and grants of the National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium): W.J.P. is senior research associate, and W.F.B. senior research assistant of this fund. J.V.P. receives a fellowship of the Belgian Instituut tot Aanmoediging van het Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in Nijverheid en Landbouw.  相似文献   

Hevains b and l, isolated respectively from the serum and lutoids of freeze-dried latex from Hevea brasiliensis, were purified to homogeneity and compared with hevain a from commercial, ammonia-treated latex. The Mrs of hevains a and b are 69 000 and 58 000, respectively, and both exist in several charged forms. The amino acid compositions of the two enzymes differ significantly, but the reactivities to a variety of ester and protein substrates are similar, as are the pH optima. Hevain l is a distinct protease of Mr 80 000 and unique amino acid composition. It displays esterolytic activity and will digest insulin B chain, but is not proteolytic to azocollagen, azocasein, bovine serum albumen or haemoglobin. The activities of all three enzymes are dependent on the presence of serine and histidine residues.  相似文献   

Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was isolated from the B-serum obtained after repetitive freeze-thawing of the bottom fraction isolated from ultracentrifuged fresh latex. The B-serum was subjected to acetone precipitation and CM-Sepharose chromatography, affording two PPOs, PPO-I and PPO-II, which, upon SDS-PAGE, were 32 and 34 kDa, respectively. Both PPOs possessed the same pI (9.2), optimum pH (7) and optimum temperature (35-45 degrees C). They are stable up to 60 degrees C and active at broad pH ranges from 4-9. The K(m) values of PPO-I for dopamine, L-dopa and catechol as substrates are 2.08, 8.33 and 9.09 mM, while those for PPO-II are 2.12, 4.76 and 7.14 mM, respectively. Among various PPO inhibitors tested, 4-hexylresorcinol was the most potent. Anionic detergents were among the most effective activators of the enzymes, while cationic and nonionic detergents showed little and no effect on the PPO activities, respectively.  相似文献   

Upon centrifugation, rubber latex is divided into a layer of rubber particles, the cytosol, and the lutoid-body fraction, which is of vacuolar origin. One of the proteins isolated from the lutoid-body fraction is a protein with a molecular mass of 43 kDa, which has esterase activity on p-nitrophenylpalmitate and which shows significant sequence similarity with patatin, a vacuolar protein with esterase activity from potato (Solanum tuberosum). This protein is a major allergen in rubber latex products (Hev b 7) and can also be isolated from the cytosol fraction of rubber latex. The mature protein isolated from lutoid-bodies has no structural features expected for a vacuolar protein: the N-terminal methionine in the cDNA-derived sequence is cleaved off, the second residue is N-acetylated, and the C-terminal sequence is identical to that in the cDNA-derived sequence. Thus the patatin-like protein in Hevea brasiliensis is not a vacuolar protein, but may be associated with not yet characterized particles in the cytoplasm, which either sediment with lutoid-bodies or remain in the cytosol fraction, depending on the centrifugation conditions.  相似文献   

Ethylene stimulation of latex production in Hevea brasiliensis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis) is an important industrial crop for natural rubber production. Ethylene, as a stimulant of latex production in H. brasiliensis, has been widely used in commercial latex production. However, the mechanism of ethylene action are not completely elucidated, especially in molecular aspect. Here, we focus on the molecular biological progression of ethylene stimulation of latex production. Our data and all previous information showed ethylene had little direct effect on accelerating rubber biosynthesis. The prolonged latex flow and acceleration of sucrose metabolism by ethylene may be the main reasons for the stimulation of latex yield by ethylene.Key words: Hevea brasiliensis, ethylene, rubber production, gene, sucrose  相似文献   

1. Evidence has been produced for the formation of 5-phosphomevalonate from potassium dl-mevalonate by the latex of Hevea brasiliensis and by reconstituted freeze-dried serum obtained from this latex. 2. The enzyme, mevalonate kinase, catalysing the formation of 5-phosphomevalonate from potassium dl-mevalonate and ATP has been partially purified. 3. 5-Phosphomevalonate formed by the purified mevalonate kinase from potassium [2-(14)C]mevalonate has been shown to be incorporated by latex into rubber to about 2.4 times the extent of dl-mevalonate. 4. The enzyme can utilize inosine triphosphate as effectively as adenosine triphosphate as a phosphate donor and is also slightly active with uridine triphosphate. 5. The enzyme was fairly stable to a range of pH values and temperatures, the activity being optimum at pH7.5 and 60-70 degrees . The energy of activation was 10.7kcal./mole. The K(m) values were 0.13mm for potassium dl-mevalonate and 2.0mm for ATP at 30 degrees . 6. The enzyme required the presence of Mn(2+) (1mm) for maximum activity; this could be replaced by Mg(2+) (4mm), which was less effective, and by Ca(2+), which was far less effective. 6. Although the enzyme did not require cysteine or reduced glutathione for activation in aerobic conditions, it was inhibited by reagents known to react with thiol groups.  相似文献   

A study on the relationship between latex yield and antecedent environmental data was undertaken for five clones (RRII203, RRII118, RRIM600, RRII105 and GT1) of Hevea brasiliensis (rubber) in Agartala, northeast India, a region in which rubber is not traditionally cultivated. The explained variance for the regression equations based on parameters determined on the day of tapping and up to 3 days prior to it, varied from 72% to 37% during the NWT period and 94-83% during the WT period. Soil moisture storage, 1 and 3 days prior to tapping, was found to be the primary parameter affecting yield for the NWT and WT periods, respectively. It was observed that the clone RRII105, with a comparatively lower yield to that of RRIM600, was more susceptible to daily WD conditions during the non-winter season. RRIM600 and RRII105 being high-yielding clones were also found to be fairly dependent on the AT of the day prior to tapping. The mean lag period correlation of this parameter with yield was also found to be higher during the WT period than during the NWT period. As a whole, the mean lag period based on prior measurements of environmental variables showed optimum correlation with yield at 15-20 days prior to the day of tapping. The study also confirms that varied responses of yield with environmental factors in this non-traditional region of rubber cultivation depend on clonal character.  相似文献   

1. An antimycin-insensitive NADH-cytochrome c oxidoreductase (E.C. activity can be demonstrated in the membrane of lutoids isolated from the latex of Hevea brasiliensis. This electron transport system can also use ferricyanide as an electron acceptor, but is unable to oxidize NADPH. 2. Two beta-type cytochromes are present in the membranes. Cytochrome beta563 is partially reduced by NADH and ascorbate, but is not reducible by NADPH. It shows a double peak at 555 and 561 nm at 77 degrees K. A second cytochrome, cytochrome beta561, seems to be reducible by hydrosulfite only. 3. In the reduced state, these cytochromes do not combine with CO. The occurrence of cytochrome P-450 could not be demonstrated. 4. The role of the NADH oxidation system is considered in relation to the biosynthesis of polyisoprene compounds in the latex.  相似文献   

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