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An important goal in evolutionary ecology is to understand how and why coexisting closely related species partition habitat among themselves. Although studies of interspecific interactions typically focus on males, interactions between females may also play an important role in shaping habitat use within multi‐species communities. The green anole (Anolis carolinensis) exhibits a wide range of habitat use in south‐eastern Louisiana, but its observed habitat use is restricted and altered in areas where it occurs with the introduced Anolis sagrei. We staged interactions between these two species in the laboratory to test the hypothesis that A. sagrei dominate A. carolinensis in contests over shared habitat. We examined whether species identity, bite force, dewlap size, and body size affected the outcome of interspecific interactions between both males and females, and tested the prediction that bite force and size would be the most important determinants of interaction outcomes in both sexes. In male interspecific interactions, we found that individuals with relatively larger dewlaps tended to score higher on aggressive behaviours regardless of species identity, and that interactions consisted of signalling and rarely escalated to physical combat. However, we found that A. sagrei females achieved higher aggressive scores than A. carolinensis females in almost all cases, lending support to the notion that female interspecific behaviour is probably more important than male behaviour in driving changes in habitat use. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 843–851.  相似文献   

In this essay, we discuss new insights into the wide‐ranging impacts of mammalian transposable elements (TE) on gene expression and function. Nearly half of each mammalian genome is comprised of these mobile, repetitive elements. While most TEs are ancient relics, certain classes can move from one chromosomal location to another even now. Indeed, striking recent data show that extensive transposition occurs not only in the germline over evolutionary time, but also in developing somatic tissues and particular human cancers. While occasional germline TE insertions may contribute to genetic variation, many other, similar TEs appear to have little or no impact on neighboring genes. However, the effects of somatic insertions on gene expression and function remain almost completely unknown. We present a conceptual framework to understand how the ages, allele frequencies, molecular structures, and especially the genomic context of mammalian TEs each can influence their various possible functional consequences. Editor's suggested further reading in BioEssays Evolution of eukaryotic genome architecture: Insights from the study of a rapidly evolving metazoan, Oikopleura dioica Abstract  相似文献   

In battles, opponents exhibit positive illusions in both believing they can win. With great costs of failure and uncertain success, this represents extreme risk-taking behaviour. Conflict may be expected if one side is cornered, a sacrificial pawn in an overall war strategy, or demanded into action by politicians. However, in many cases even patently weaker forces fight despite nonviolent options. This is “military incompetence”, a failure in the assessment of winning probability. Previous explanations (stupidity, psychological deviance and cognitive constraints) have been rejected. Recently, Wrangham [Evol. Hum. Behav. 20 (1999) 3.] proposed that such risk-taking could be adaptive through one of two effects: (1) Performance Enhancement through exaggerated resolve or (2) Opponent Deception by bluffing. Although adaptive if they confer a tendency to win, both processes promote risk-taking behaviour and are therefore potentially responsible for military incompetence. These hypotheses can be distinguished because the Performance Enhancement hypothesis predicts positive illusions in any type of conflict. In contrast, the Opponent Deception hypothesis predicts them in battles but not in surprise attacks, where lack of communication disables any bluff. We conducted a test of these hypotheses using data collected by the US Historical Evaluation Research Organisation, mainly from the Arab–Israeli and Second World Wars. The Opponent Deception hypothesis is supported over the Performance Enhancement hypothesis, but other explanations are not ruled out.  相似文献   

《Zoology (Jena, Germany)》2014,117(6):363-369
Exploring the relationship between phenotype and performance in an ecological and evolutionary context is crucial to understanding the adaptive nature of phenotypic traits. Despite their ubiquity in vertebrates, few studies have examined the functional and ecological significance of claw morphologies. Here we examine the adhesive toepad and claw system of Anolis lizards. Claw characters are significantly different between lizards classified as arboreal (perch height  1 m) and non-arboreal (perch height < 1 m). Arboreal species possess significantly higher and longer claws, and show trends toward decreased claw curvature and wider claw tip angles. Toepad size and claw length and height are tightly correlated with each other and with perch height, suggesting that the adhesive toepad and gripping claw have co-evolved to accommodate different habitats. The functional morphology and evolution of claws are ripe areas for future investigation.  相似文献   

Adaptive radiations provide unique opportunities to test whether and how recent ecological and evolutionary diversification of host species structures the composition of entire bacterial communities. We used 16S rRNA gene sequencing of faecal samples to test for differences in the gut microbiota of six species of Puerto Rican Anolis lizards characterized by the evolution of distinct ‘ecomorphs’ related to differences in habitat use. We found substantial variation in the composition of the microbiota within each species and ecomorph (trunk‐crown, trunk‐ground, grass‐bush), but no differences in bacterial alpha diversity among species or ecomorphs. Beta diversity analyses revealed subtle but significant differences in bacterial composition related to host phylogeny and species, but these differences were not consistently associated with Anolis ecomorph. Comparison of a trunk‐ground species from this clade (A. cristatellus) with a distantly related member of the same ecomorph class (A. sagrei) where the two species have been introduced and are now sympatric in Florida revealed pronounced differences in the alpha diversity and beta diversity of their microbiota despite their ecological similarity. Comparisons of these populations with allopatric conspecifics also revealed geographic differences in bacterial alpha diversity and beta diversity within each species. Finally, we observed high intraindividual variation over time and strong effects of a simplified laboratory diet on the microbiota of A. sagrei. Collectively, our results indicate that bacterial communities are only weakly shaped by the diversification of their lizard hosts due to the strikingly high levels of bacterial diversity and variation observed within Anolis species.  相似文献   

Polyploidy can cause variation in plant functional traits and thereby generate individuals that can adapt to fluctuating environments and exploit new environments. However, few empirical studies have tested for an association between ploidy level and climatic tolerance of invasive cytotypes relative to conspecific native‐range cytotypes. Here, we used an invasive plant Solidago canadensis to test whether invasive populations had a higher proportion of polyploids, greater height and stem‐base diameter, and occupied a wider range of climatic conditions than conspecific native‐range populations. We also tested whether the invasive populations had overcome genetic founder effects. We sampled a total of 80 populations in parts of the invaded range in China and native range in North America for in situ measurements of plant height and stem‐base diameter in the field and for population genetic and cytotype analyses. To examine climatic correlates, we augmented our field‐sampled data with occurrence records obtained from Global Biodiversity Information Facility. All, except one, of the populations that we sampled in China occurred in a humid subtropical climate. In contrast, the North American populations occurred in humid continental, humid subtropical, and semi‐arid climatic zones. All populations of S. canadensis in China were purely hexaploid, while the North American populations were diploid, tetraploid, and hexaploid. The invasive hexaploids were significantly taller and had a larger stem‐base diameter than native hexaploids. Native hexaploids were significantly taller and had larger stem‐base diameter than native diploids. Climatic correlate assessment found that invasive and native populations occupied different climatic envelopes, with invasive populations occurring in warmer and less seasonal climates than native populations. However, there was no significant correlation between ploidy level and climatic envelope of S. canadensis. Molecular phylogeography data suggest reduced genetic founder effects in the invaded range. Overall, these results suggest that polyploidy does not influence S. canadensis climatic tolerance.  相似文献   

Hybridization and gene introgression can occur frequently between closely related taxa, but appear to be rare phenomena among members of the species‐rich West Indian radiation of Anolis lizards. We investigated the pattern and possible mechanism of introgression between two sister species from Puerto Rico, Anolis pulchellus and Anolis krugi, using mitochondrial (ND2) and nuclear (DNAH3, NKTR) DNA sequences. Our findings demonstrated extensive introgression of A. krugi mtDNA (k‐mtDNA) into the genome of A. pulchellus in western Puerto Rico, to the extent that k‐mtDNA has mostly or completely replaced the native mtDNA of A. pulchellus on this part of the island. We proposed two not mutually exclusive scenarios to account for the interspecific matings between A. pulchellus and A. krugi. We inferred that hybridization events occurred independently in several populations, and determined that k‐mtDNA haplotypes harboured in individuals of A. pulchellus can be assigned to four of the five major mtDNA clades of A. krugi. Further, the spatial distribution of k‐mtDNA clades in the two species is largely congruent. Based on this evidence, we concluded that natural selection was the probable driving mechanism for the extensive k‐mtDNA introgression into A. pulchellus. Our two nuclear data sets yielded different results. DNAH3 showed reciprocal monophyly of A. pulchellus and A. krugi, indicating no effect of hybridization on this marker. In contrast, the two species shared nine NKTR alleles, probably due to incomplete lineage sorting. Our study system will provide an excellent opportunity to experimentally assess the behavioural and ecological mechanisms that can lead to hybridization in closely related taxa.  相似文献   

Subspecies of Anolis lizards are often defined on the basis of geographic variation in the color and pattern of the dewlap, an extensible throat fan considered central to species recognition and sexual selection. Among the most impressive examples of this phenomenon are two species of trunk anoles found across Hispaniola and the Bahamas: Anolis distichus is divided into 16 subspecies with dewlap colors ranging from deep wine red to pale yellow while Anolis brevirostris is divided into three subspecies with dewlaps ranging from pale yellow to orange. Limited sampling of allozyme data indicates some genetic divergence among subspecies and suggests that they may deserve recognition at the species-level. Our goal here is to use more comprehensive geographic sampling of mtDNA haplotypes to test whether the five subspecies of A. distichus and three subspecies of A. brevirostris that occur in the Dominican Republic correspond with genetically distinct populations that may warrant recognition under the general lineage concept. We obtain an aligned dataset of 1462bp comprised of the genes encoding ND2 and adjacent tRNAs from 76 individuals of A. distichus from 28 localities and 12 individuals of A. brevirostris from five localities. We find that haplotypes sampled from each Dominican subspecies of A. distichus form well-supported and deeply divergent clades (>10% uncorrected sequence divergence). Strong concordance between mtDNA haplotype structure and previously diagnosed phenotypic variation in traits central to interspecific communication (i.e., the dewlap) leads us to hypothesize that each of the presently recognized Dominican subspecies of A. distichus and A. brevirostris deserves elevation to full species status under the general lineage concept.  相似文献   

Bosmina (Cladocera) populations, especially within the subgenus Eubosmina, show a variety of phenotypes that exhibit large differences in body size and shape and antennule length. In some populations, the morphological traits also vary during the season, with the most extreme forms occurring in periods with high densities of certain invertebrate predators. However, while temporal phenotypic variation in other cladocerans, as in the family Daphnidae, has been shown to be an adaptation to reduce the risk of predation by invertebrate predators, the reason for such changes in Bosmina is much less clear. We examined whether certain morphological traits in Bosmina species could act as a defence against invertebrate predators. We tested three Bosmina forms (subgenus Eubosmina), differing in morphology from each other, which are found in lakes together with the predator Leptodora kindtii (Cladocera). Bosmina (E.) longispina has a relatively low and elongated carapace with a caudal mucro, and short antennule, B. (E.) coregoni gibbera has a higher and more protruding carapace without caudal mucro, and a much longer antennule. Finally, B. (E.) coregoni retro extensa has a carapace like that of B. longispina but with no caudal mucro and a much longer antennule. In one experiment, B. longispina and B. gibbera were exposed for 12 h to Leptodora in Petri dishes. In a second experiment, we observed directly the escape efficiency of B. longispina, B. gibbera and B. retro extensa, and the handling time of Leptodora. The two Bosmina forms with more extreme morphological features had a lower death rate and higher escape efficiency than B. longispina. Prey that escaped did so, in most cases, within 5 min. Predator handling time was correlated to predator body length and antennule length of the prey. The results suggests that Bosmina species with extreme morphological traits may be less vulnerable to invertebrate predators. Received: 8 June 1998 / Accepted: 5 October 1998  相似文献   

Flowering plants do not occur alone and often grow in mixed‐species communities where pollinator sharing is high and interactions via pollinators can occur at pre‐ and post‐pollination stages. While the causes and consequences of pre‐pollination interactions have been well studied little is known about post‐pollination interactions via heterospecific pollen (HP) receipt, and even less about the evolutionary implications of these interactions. In particular, the degree to which plants can evolve tolerance mechanisms to the negative effects of HP receipt has received little attention. Here, we aim to fill this gap in our understanding of post‐pollination interactions by experimentally testing whether two co‐flowering Clarkia species can evolve HP tolerance, and whether tolerance to specific HP ‘genotypes’ (fine‐scale local adaptation to HP) occurs. We find that Clarkia species vary in their tolerance to HP effects. Furthermore, conspecific pollen performance and the magnitude of HP effects were related to the recipient's history of exposure to HP in C. xantiana but not in C. speciosa. Specifically, better conspecific pollen performance and smaller HP effects were observed in populations of C. xantiana plants with previous exposure to HP compared to populations without such exposure. These results suggest that plants may have the potential to evolve tolerance mechanisms to HP effects but that these may occur not from the female (stigma, style) but from the male (pollen) perspective, a possibility that is often overlooked. We find no evidence for fine‐scale local adaptation to HP receipt. Studies that evaluate the adaptive potential of plants to the negative effects of HP receipt are an important first step in understanding the evolutionary consequences of plant–plant post‐pollination interactions. Such knowledge is in turn crucial for deciphering the role of plant–pollinator interactions in driving floral evolution and the composition of co‐flowering communities.  相似文献   

Species' traits have been used both to explain and, increasingly, to predict species' vulnerability. Trait-based comparative analyses allow mechanisms causing vulnerability to be inferred and, ideally, conservation effort to be focused efficiently and effectively. However, empirical evidence of the predictive ability of trait-based approaches is largely wanting. I tested the predictive power of trait-based analyses on geographically replicated datasets of farmland bird population trends. I related the traits of farmland passerines with their long-term trends in abundance (an assessment of their response to agricultural intensification) in eight regions in two continents. These analyses successfully identified explanatory relationships in the regions, specifically: species faring badly tended to be medium-sized, had relatively short incubation and fledging periods, were longer distant migrants, had small relative brain sizes and were farmland specialists. Despite this, the models had poor ability to predict species' vulnerability in one region from trait-population trend relationships from a different region. In many cases, the explained variation was low (median R(2) = 8%). The low predictive ability of trait-based analyses must therefore be considered if such trait-based models are used to inform conservation priorities.  相似文献   

Recent studies have linked static allometry of sexual traits to selective advantages, in terms of sexual selection. An underlying, yet untested, assumption is that the allometry of sexual traits confers higher mating success and/or survival. Here, we investigated whether the allometry of two sexual traits is related to male mating success and survival in two species of damselflies: wing size in Paraphlebia zoe and the red‐pigmented wing spot in Hetaerina americana. We used large field‐based data sets of marked‐recaptured animals, in which we recorded male mating success and survival. Both sexual traits exhibited hyperallometric patterns; however, allometry was not linked to either mating success or survival. These results indicate that, at least during the period of sexual competition, allometry does not seem to be adaptive. Although our results may only apply to our damselfly study subjects (which nevertheless would require further tests in different seasons and/or study sites), our findings should encourage researchers to evaluate at least whether the assumed adaptiveness of sexual trait allometry holds for their study animals. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 114 , 327–334.  相似文献   

Discovering the mechanisms by which communities of co‐existing species exist has proven to be one of the greatest challenges for evolutionary ecologists. A recent perspective emphasizes the role of functional traits, such as whole‐organism performance, as key limiting factors in the evolution of communities, yet few studies have examined this possibility. We examine how bite force and morphology influence the ability of ten lizard species in a single community to access insect prey, as defined by prey type and prey hardness. We gathered over 3 years of data from a desert lizard community comprised of ten species and found significant variation among species for bite force and prey hardness, as well as significant differences in performance and niche breadth for each species. In general, higher levels of absolute bite force broadens resource accessibility (sizes of prey), and does not generally result in a reduced ability to access smaller prey. For example, large lizard species that are hard biters can still consume soft prey. On the other hand, small lizard species that are weak biters are more limited in their ability to access hard prey, although the overall decline in resource accessibility is modest. Our findings highlight how functional traits can influence which species can access key resources within a community of similar species. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, ●● , ●●–●●.  相似文献   



The definition of "clinical asthma remission" is based on absence of symptoms and use of medication. However, in the majority of these subjects airway inflammation is still present when measured. In the present study we investigated whether "complete asthma remission", additionally defined by the absence of bronchial hyperresponsiveness (BHR) and the presence of a normal lung function, is associated with the absence of airway inflammation.


Patients with a former diagnosis of asthma and a positive histamine provocation test were re-examined to identify subjects with complete asthma remission (no asthma symptoms or medication, PC20 histamine > 32 mg/ml, FEV1 > 90% predicted). Patients with PC20 histamine ≤ 32 mg/ml were defined as current asthmatics and were divided in two groups, i.e. asthmatics with and without BHR to adenosine 5''monophoshate (AMP). Sputum induction was performed 1 week before and 1 hour after AMP provocation. Sputum induction and AMP provocation were previously shown to be sensitive markers of airway inflammation.


Seven patients met criteria for complete asthma remission. Twenty-three were current asthmatics, including twelve without hyperresponsiveness to AMP. Subjects with complete asthma remission showed no AMP-induced sputum eosinophilia (median (range) 0.2 (0 - 4.6)% at baseline and 0.2 (0 - 2.6)% after AMP). After AMP, current asthmatics had a significant increase in sputum eosinophils (0.5 (0 - 26.0)% at baseline and 2.6 (0 - 32.0) % after AMP), as had the subgroup of current asthmatics without hyperresponsiveness to AMP (0.2 (0 - 1.8)% at baseline and 1.3 (0 - 6.3)% after AMP).


Subjects with complete asthma remission, in contrast to subjects with current asthma, do not respond with eosinophilic inflammation in sputum after AMP provocations. These data lend support to the usefulness of the definition of complete asthma remission.  相似文献   

Earth system models associate the ongoing global warming with increasing frequency and intensity of extreme events such as droughts and heat waves. The carbon balance of soils may be more sensitive to the impact of such extremes than to homogeneously distributed changes in soil temperature (Ts) or soil water content (θs). One parameter influenced by more pronounced drying/rewetting cycles or increases in Ts is the wettability of soils. Results from laboratory and field studies showed that low θs, particularly in combination with high Ts can increase soil water repellency (SWR). Recent studies have provided evidence that the stability of soil organic matter (SOM) against microbial decomposition is substantially enhanced in water repellent soils. This review hypothesizes that SWR is an important SOM stabilization mechanism that could become more important because of the increase in extreme events. We discuss wettability‐induced changes in soil moisture distribution and in soil aggregate turnover as the main mechanisms explaining the reduced mineralization of SOM with increasing SWR. The creation of preferential flow paths and subsequent uneven penetration of rainwater may cause a long‐term reduction of soil water availability, affecting both microorganisms and plants. We conclude that climate change‐induced SWR may intensify the effects of climatic drought and thus affects ecosystem processes such as SOM decomposition and plant productivity, as well as changes in vegetation and microbial community structure. Future research on biosphere–climate interactions should consider the effects of increasing SWR on soil moisture and subsequently on both microbial activity and plant productivity, which ultimately determine the overall carbon balance.  相似文献   

Larger species tend to feed on abundant resources, which nonetheless have lower quality or degradability, the so‐called Jarman‐Bell principle. The “eat more” hypothesis posits that larger animals compensate for lower quality diets through higher consumption rates. If so, evolutionary shifts in metabolic scaling should affect the scope for this compensation, but whether this has happened is unknown. Here, we investigated this issue using termites, major tropical detritivores that feed along a humification gradient ranging from dead plant tissue to mineral soil. Metabolic scaling is shallower in termites with pounding mandibles adapted to soil‐like substrates than in termites with grinding mandibles adapted to fibrous plant tissue. Accordingly, we predicted that only larger species of the former group should have more humified, lower quality diets, given their higher scope to compensate for such a diet. Using literature data on 65 termite species, we show that diet humification does increase with body size in termites with pounding mandibles, but is weakly related to size in termites with grinding mandibles. Our findings suggest that evolution of metabolic scaling may shape the strength of the Jarman‐Bell principle.  相似文献   

Community ecology aims to understand what factors determine the assembly and dynamics of species assemblages at different spatiotemporal scales. To facilitate the integration between conceptual and statistical approaches in community ecology, we propose Hierarchical Modelling of Species Communities (HMSC) as a general, flexible framework for modern analysis of community data. While non‐manipulative data allow for only correlative and not causal inference, this framework facilitates the formulation of data‐driven hypotheses regarding the processes that structure communities. We model environmental filtering by variation and covariation in the responses of individual species to the characteristics of their environment, with potential contingencies on species traits and phylogenetic relationships. We capture biotic assembly rules by species‐to‐species association matrices, which may be estimated at multiple spatial or temporal scales. We operationalise the HMSC framework as a hierarchical Bayesian joint species distribution model, and implement it as R‐ and Matlab‐packages which enable computationally efficient analyses of large data sets. Armed with this tool, community ecologists can make sense of many types of data, including spatially explicit data and time‐series data. We illustrate the use of this framework through a series of diverse ecological examples.  相似文献   

The reconstruction of phylogeny requires homologous similarities across species. Characters that have been shown to evolve quickly or convergently in some species are often considered to be poor phylogenetic markers. Here I evaluate the phylogenetic utility of a set of morphological characters that are correlated with ecology and have been shown to evolve convergently in Anolis lizards in the Greater Antilles. Results of randomization tests suggest that these “ecomorph” characters are adequate phylogenetic markers, both for Anolis in general and for the Greater Antillean species for which ecomorphological convergence was originally documented. Explanations for this result include the presence of ecomorphologically similar species within evolutionary radiations within islands, some monophyly of ecomorphs across islands, and the existence of several species that defy ecomorphological characterization but share phylogenetic similarity in some ecomorph characters.  相似文献   

Shine R  Thomas J 《Oecologia》2005,144(3):492-498
Adaptations of snakes to overpower and ingest relatively large prey have attracted considerable research, whereas lizards generally are regarded as unable to subdue or ingest such large prey items. Our data challenge this assumption. On morphological grounds, most lizards lack the highly kinetic skulls that facilitate prey ingestion in macrostomate snakes, but (1) are capable of reducing large items into ingestible-sized pieces, and (2) have much larger heads relative to body length than do snakes. Thus, maximum ingestible prey size might be as high in some lizards as in snakes. Also, the willingness of lizards to tackle very large prey items may have been underestimated. Captive hatchling scincid lizards (Bassiana duperreyi) offered crickets of a range of relative prey masses (RPMs) attacked (and sometimes consumed parts of) crickets as large as or larger than their own body mass. RPM affected foraging responses: larger crickets were less likely to be attacked (especially on the abdomen), more likely to be avoided, and less likely to provide significant nutritional benefit to the predator. Nonetheless, lizards successfully attacked and consumed most crickets ≤35% of the predator’s own body mass, representing RPM as high as for most prey taken by snakes. Thus, although lizards lack the impressive cranial kinesis or prey-subduction adaptations of snakes, at least some lizards are capable of overpowering and ingesting prey items as large as those consumed by snakes of similar body sizes.  相似文献   

The use of model‐based methods to infer a phylogenetic tree from a given data set is frequently motivated by the truism that under certain circumstances the parsimony approach (MP) may produce incorrect topologies, while explicit model‐based approaches are believed to avoid this problem. In the realm of empirical data from actual taxa, it is not known (or knowable) how commonly MP, maximum‐likelihood or Bayesian inference are inaccurate. To test the perceived need for “sophisticated” model‐based approaches, we assessed the degree of congruence between empirical phylogenetic hypotheses generated by alternative methods applied to DNA sequence data in a sample of 1000 recently published articles. Of 504 articles that employed multiple methods, only two exhibited strongly supported incongruence among alternative methods. This result suggests that the MP approach does not produce deviant hypotheses of relationship due to convergent evolution in long branches. Our finding therefore indicates that the use of multiple analytical methods is largely superfluous. We encourage the use of analytical approaches unencumbered by ad hoc assumptions that sap the explanatory power of the evidence. © The Willi Hennig Society 2010.  相似文献   

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