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Commercial formulations of strobilurins (azoxystrobin, kresoxim‐methyl, trifloxystrobin and pyraclostrobin) were evaluated for their efficacy against Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) in screenhouse and field conditions. Highest seed germination and seedling vigour were recorded with 20 μg/ml pyraclostrobin seed treatment in comparison with the control. In screenhouse studies, 76% protection against BCMV was recorded with pyraclostrobin seed treatment at 10 μg/ml. Under field conditions with natural BCMV inoculum, pyraclostrobin seed treatment resulted in 65% protection against BCMV. The protection offered by strobilurins against BCMV was evaluated by ELISA, with lowest immunoreactive values recorded in common bean seedlings raised from seeds treated with pyraclostrobin and kresoxim‐methyl. Strobilurins in addition to exerting a direct positive physiological effect on common bean plants also protect bean plants against BCMV infection in screen house and field conditions. Thus, it is proposed that these reduced‐risk pesticides are potential inducers against BCMV and growth enhancers and could be a beneficial component of integrated disease management of common bean.  相似文献   

15 lines were bred by interspecific hybridisation and I1 to I6 generation of three of them were tested for resistance to CMV. In spite of the selection by CMV resistance in the progenies the number of the resistant plants did not always increase. The progenies having 100 % symptomless plants for two or more consecutive years were not selected in the studied lines. A large spectrum of variations in the percentage of symptomless plants in the progenies per year and the presence of disease and symptomless parts in one plant were established. These results are possibly due to the complex mechanism of inheritance of CMV resistance as well as to the influence of environmental factors on the expression of the resistance observed  相似文献   

Tobacco plants expressing a transgene encoding the coat protein (CP) of a subgroup I strain of cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV), I17F, were not resistant to strains of either subgroup I or II. In contrast, the expression of the CP of a subgroup II strain, R, conferred substantial resistance, but only towards strains of the same subgroup. When protection was observed, the levels of resistance were similar when plants were inoculated with either virions or viral RNA, but resistance was more effective when plants were inoculated with viruliferous aphids. Resistance was not dependent on inoculum strength and was expressed as a recovery phenotype not yet described for plants expressing a CMV CP gene. Recovery could be observed either early in infection (less than one week after inoculation) or later (4 to 5 weeks after inoculation). In plants showing early recovery, mild symptoms were observed on the inoculated leaves, and in some cases symptoms developed on certain lower systemically infected leaves, but the upper leaves were symptomless and virus-free. Late recovery corresponded to the absence of both symptoms and virus in the upper leaves of plants that were previously fully infected. Northern blot analyses of resistant plants suggested that a gene silencing mechanism was not involved in the resistance observed.  相似文献   

Degenerate Potyviridae primers were used to amplify and sequence the 3′‐terminal regions of viruses from traditional and modern cultivars of sugarcane with mosaic disease growing in different areas of Yunnan province, China. Seven samples contained Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), 11 contained Sorghum mosaic virus (SrMV) and two contained both viruses. SCMV was only isolated from traditional cultivars. In a phylogenetic analysis of the partial NIb and complete coat protein coding regions, most SCMV isolates formed a distinctive phylogenetic cluster (named SO) that otherwise contained only three Vietnamese isolates. SCMV variation seems mostly related to host genotype. In the same analysis, the SrMV isolates formed three major groups, one of which is reported for the first time, but the significance of the grouping is unclear.  相似文献   

Sugarcane mosaic disease is widespread in many countries and has been identified to be caused by Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), Sorghum mosaic virus (SrMV) and Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV). Viral surveys of SCMV, SrMV and SCSMV were performed from 104 leaf samples of Saccharum spp. hybrid growing in China and two leaf samples in Myanmar. Sorghum mosaic virus was a major causal agent for sugarcane mosaic disease in China whereby 72.1% (75/104) of samples had SrMV infection alone, 6.7% (7/104) were mixed with SCMV and 17.3% (18/104) were mixed with SCSMV. Sugarcane streak mosaic virus infection alone occurred in 3.8% (4/104) of samples, but no single infections were observed for SCMV. Two viruses (SrMV and SCSMV) were detected in sugarcane mosaic samples in Myanmar. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all of the SrMV isolates were clustered into three major lineages encompassing six phylogroups/genotypes based on the CP sequences (825 nucleotides) of 113 Chinese and 2 Burmese isolates from this study and 73 isolates reported worldwide. Six clearly distinct SrMV phylogroups (G1–G6) were formed and shared 74.3–94.1% nucleotide identity and 84.7–98.1% amino acid identity of CP sequences. SrMV‐G5 was identified to be new distinct phylogroup that was restricted to the Fujian and Guangxi provinces. The unique SrMV‐G6 phylogroup only occurred in Yunnan province. Insertion/deletion mutations, negative selection and frequent gene flow are factors driving the genetic evolution and population structure of SrMV in China.  相似文献   

ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase level and mechanisms regulating its activity were studied in cucumber plants infected with the cucumber mosaic virus at the stage of chronic infection. Studies carried out with partially purified preparations of the enzyme have shown that there was no substantial difference in the regulatory influence of the ratio 3-PGA/P1, or in the number of binding sites of the effectors on the enzyme, but that the virus infection reduced the level of the enzyme in the tissues to 74% of the control and the 3-PGA/P1 ratio to one half which resulted in a further decrease in ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase activity. In crude homogenate prepared from diseased plants, activity of the enzyme was reduced to 42% of the healthy control. The level of UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase was three times higher in cucumber leaf tissues than the level of ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase which was inhibited by both 3-PGA and P1. Inhibitory effects of both these effectors were cumulated. The enzyme isolated from healthy plants was inhibited by inorganic phosphate more strongly than the enzyme isolated from diseased plants. UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase activity was increased in crude homogenate of diseased plants to 127% of the healthy control when the level of the enzyme was the same in the tissues of both healthy and diseased plants which was presumably connected with the enhanced rate of sucrose catabolism.  相似文献   

Samples collected in 1994 and 1995 from commercial crops of chickpeas and lentils growing in the agricultural region of south-west Western Australia were tested for infection with alfalfa mosaic (AMV) and cucumber mosaic (CMV) viruses, and for members of the family Potyviridae using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). In 1994 no virus was detected in the 21 chickpea crops tested but in 1995, out of 42 crops, AMV was found in two and CMV in seven. With lentils, AMV and/or CMV was found in three out of 14 crops in 1994 and 4 out of 13 in 1995, both viruses being detected in two crops in each year. Similar tests on samples from chickpea and lentil crops and plots growing at experimental sites, revealed more frequent infection with both viruses. No potyvirus infection was found in chickpeas or lentils in agricultural areas either in commercial crops or at experimental sites. However, bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) was detected along with AMV and CMV in irrigated plots of chickpeas and lentils at a site in Perth. When samples of seed from infected crops or plots of chickpeas and lentils were germinated and leaves or roots of seedlings tested for virus infection by ELISA, AMV and CMV were found to be seed-borne in both while BYMV was seed-borne in lentils. The rates of transmission found through seed of chickpea to seedlings were 0.1–1% with AMV and 0.1–2% with CMV. Seed transmission rates with lentil were 0.1–5% for AMV, 0.1–1% for CMV and 0.8% for BYMV. Individual seed samples of lentil and chickpea sometimes contained both AMV and CMV. With both species, infection with AMV and CMV was sometimes found in commercial seed stocks or seed stocks from multiplication crops of advanced selections nearing release as new cultivars. Seed-borne virus infection has important practical implications, as virus sources can be re-introduced every year to chickpea and lentil crops or plots through sowing infected seed stocks leading to spread of infection by aphid vectors, losses in grain yield and further contamination of seed stocks.  相似文献   

After evaluation of the responses of bean and broad bean common cultivars against an isolate of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV-K) and Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV-K), interaction of isolates was statistically studied on co-infected plants of bean cv. Bountiful and broad bean cv. Lahijan at two trials. Based on viral relative concentration determined by quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, BYMV interacts synergistically with CMV in bean at 14 days post inoculation, while in co-infection with BYMV, CMV interacts antagonistically in both host plants at least in one of the two trials. This suggests that CMV/BYMV interaction is dependent on host species and developmental stage of plant. Co-infection like single infection with CMV in bean plants led to significantly decrease in plants’ height and fresh weight than BYMV singly infected and healthy plants, while viral infection of broad bean plants did not significantly affect growth parameters. Decline effect of viral infection (especially co-infection) on chlorophyll and carotenoids value of bean plants was greater than those of broad bean. Viral infection (singly or doubly) caused irregular changes in nutrient elements values of both hosts compared with healthy ones.  相似文献   

Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), a well-known Tobamovirus, infects cucurbits across the globe. To determine its current status, molecular characterization, genetic recombination, gene flow and selection pressure, 10 districts from Punjab province of Pakistan were surveyed and a total of 2561 cucurbits samples were collected during 2019–2020. These samples were subjected to virus-specific double antibody sandwich-enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) for the detection of CGMMV. The results revealed that viral disease was prevalent in all surveyed districts of Punjab with an overall 25.69% disease incidence. ELISA positive samples were further confirmed through RT-PCR and sequencing of coat protein (CP) cistron. Sequence analysis showed that the present studied CGMMV isolates have 96–99.5% nucleotide and 94.40–99.50% amino acid identities with those already available in GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis also revealed that understudied isolates were closely related with South Korean (AB369274) and Japanese (V01551) isolates and clustered in a separate clad. Sequence polymorphisms were observed in 663 bp of sequence within 31 CGMMV isolates covering complete CP gene. Total number of sites were 662, of which 610 and 52 sites were monomorphic and polymorphic (segregating), respectively. Of these polymorphic, 24 were singleton variable and 28 were parsimony informative. Overall nucleotide diversity (π) in all the understudied 31 isolates was 0.00010 while a total of 1 InDel event was observed and InDel Diversity (k) was 0.065. Haplotype diversity analysis revealed that there was a total 29 haplotypes with haplotype diversity (Hd) of 0.993458 in all the 31 isolates which provide evidence of less diversity among Pakistani isolates. The statistical analysis revealed the values 2.568, 5.31304 and 4.86698 of Tajima's D, Fu, & Li’s F* and D*, respectively, which witnessed the population of CGMMV was under balanced selection pressure.  相似文献   

The relationship between time of inoculation with cucumber mosaic cucumovirus (CMV) and the growth, seed production and rate of seed transmission of virus in lupin (Lupinus angustifolius cv. Illyarrie) was studied in field-grown plants. Plants inoculated at the seedling stage (2 days post-emergence) showed 45% mortality. Plants infected through the seed were more stunted than plants inoculated at the seedling stage. Plants inoculated up to the mid-vegetative growth stage (58 days post-emergence) yielded ≤ 27% of the dry matter and ≤ 9% of the seed of healthy plants. Late inoculation (114 days post-emergence) did not affect dry matter yield, but reduced seed yield to 75% of that of healthy plants. Rate of seed transmission depended on the time of inoculation of plants. The maximum rate was 24.5% for plants that were inoculated at the mid-vegetative growth stage (58 days post-emergence). However, early inoculation caused a large reduction in seed yield, and it was shown that plants inoculated at the beginning of flowering (94 days post-emergence) produced greater numbers of infected progeny than plants inoculated at earlier or later times. No relationship was observed between seed weight and transmission of CMV. Infectious CMV was recovered from the embryo, but not from the testa. A simple seed transmission model was used to evaluate several hypothetical epidemics and to determine the time of inoculation which results in greatest rates of seed transmission of CMV. For example, when fewer than 73% of plants in a crop become infected with CMV, then the rate of transmission of virus in crop seeds will be greatest when inoculations are at the beginning of flowering.  相似文献   

Plant virus infections are known to alter host plant attractiveness and suitability for insect herbivores.This study was conducted to determine how cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)-infected chilli plants affect the fitness and settling preferences ofnonvector whitefly,Bemisia tabaci adults under dual-choice conditions with volatile organic compounds analyzed using solid phase microextraction coupled with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).Results showed that the presence of CIVIV in chilli plants substantially affects the settling preferences of the B.tabaci,which preferred to settle on noninfected plants.Duration of the egg stage and the longevity and fecundity of adult B.tabaci on CMV-infected chilli plants were not markedly different from those on noninfected chilli plants.In contrast,the developmental time from egg to adult was significantly reduced in CMV-infected chilli plants compared to the noninfected plants.The results also showed that CMV-infected chilli plants released significantly more linalool and phenylacetaldehyde than noninfected plants.Overall,it was suggested that the behavioral response of B.tabaci might be modified by CMV-infected plants,which alter the release of specific headspace volatiles.Based on these results,the modification of plant volatile profiles may help in enhancing the effectiveness of biological control and the protection of crop plants against B.tabaci.  相似文献   

The strains of Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and blackeye cowpea mosaic (BICM), genus Potyvirus, were detected from 25 common bean and 14 black gram seeds among 142 seed samples collected from different legume-growing regions of India. The samples were subjected to a growing-on test, an indicator plant test, an electron microscopic observations, an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and an immunocapture RT-PCR. The incidence of the two tested viruses in common bean and black gram seed samples was 1–6% and 0.5–3.5%, respectively in growing-on test evaluations. Electron microscopic observations revealed filamentous virion particles from the leaves of plants showing characteristic virus disease symptoms in growing-on and host inoculation tests. The identity of the strains was confirmed by immunocapture RT-PCR, with a final amplification product of approximately 700 bp for BCMV and BCMV–BICM. The complete identity of the two viruses was further confirmed by nucleotide sequencing of the partial coat protein and 3′-UTR regions. The sequences of the four BCMV and BCMV–BICM isolates each consisted of 583–622 and 550–577 nucleotides. The present report confirms the widespread nature of these two serious potyviruses in the two most important legume crops in India.  相似文献   

Infection with alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) was widespread in introduction, evaluation and seed increase plots of cultivars and numbered selections of annual medics (Medicago spp.) in Western Australia; the virus was detected in plots of seven species. When seed stocks from the West Australian annual medic collection harvested in 1984–1986 were sown and seedlings tested, seed-borne AMV was found in all 12 cultivars and in 44/50 numbered selections, belonging to 10 species. Seed transmission rates to seedlings ranged from 0.3–74% and exceeded 5% in 33 seed lots. By contrast, when seedlings of four species grown from seed harvested in 1971–1978 were tested, no AMV was detected; the oldest infected seed stock found was from 1980. In commercial seed stocks of two cultivars released in 1987, the levels of seedling infection with AMV found were 0–0.2% for M. polymorpha cv. Santiago and 526% for M. murex cv. Zodiac. In commercial 1986 seed of M. polymorpha cvs Serena and Circle Valley, AMV was detected in 3/13 and 6/9 stocks respectively; transmission rates to seedlings in infected stocks were 0.1–0.7%. In a survey of 47 annual medic pastures in medium and low rainfall zones of the Western Australian wheat belt in 1987, the virus was detected in leaf samples from only three sites. When inoculated mechanically, AMV systemically infected 11 cultivars and 12 selections belonging to 13 species, but did not infect one selection each of M. aculeata and M. orbicularis. Infected plants in ten species developed only faint mosaics or were symptomlessly infected, but M. littoralis, M. polymorpha and M. tornata developed distinct mottling, reduction in leaf size and, in some instances, leaf deformation and dwarfing. In pot tests, AMV infection decreased herbage and root production (dry wts) of M. polymorpha cvs Serena and Circle Valley by about 30% and 50–60% respectively, but did not decrease herbage production in M. murexcv. Zodiac. In spaced plants growing outside, AMV decreased herbage, root (dry wts) and seed production of M. polymorpha cvs Circle Valley and Santiago by about 60%.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of the non-structural protein (molecular weight 35,000; 3a protein) from three plant viruses — cucumber mosaic, brome mosaic and alfalfa mosaic have been systematically compared using the partial genomic sequences for these three viruses already available. The 3a protein of cucumber mosaic virus has an amino acid sequence homology of 33.7% with the corresponding protein of brome mosaic virus. A similar protein from alfalfa mosaic virus has a homology of 18.2% and 14.2% with the protein from brome mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus, respectively. These results suggest that the three plant viruses are evolutionarily related, although, the evolutionary distance between alfalfa mosaic virus and cucumber mosaic virus or brome mosaic virus is much larger than the corresponding distance between the latter two viruses.  相似文献   

Three synthetic genes for the production of anti-sense RNA to different regions of the cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) genome were constructed using virus-derived double-stranded cDNA coupled to a promoter sequence from cauliflower mosaic virus. The genes were used to transform tobacco plants by a Ti plasmid vector. Transgenic plants obtained with the three constructs produced anti-sense RNA at different levels. Plants expressing each of the three anti-sense RNAs were inoculated with CMV and their sensitivity to the virus infection was compared with the non-transformed plants. Only one plant line which expressed relatively low levels of one of the anti-sense RNAs showed resistance to CMV but other plants expressing the same or the other two antisense RNAs had similar sensitivity to CMV infection as the non-transformed plants.  相似文献   

In order to understand the various factors which affect Beet mosaic virus (BtMV) epidemics, different aspects of the relationships between this virus, its vectors and sugar beet were studied. The latency and incubation periods, determined under growth chamber and field conditions, responded inversely to the temperature and leaf growth rate. Field-infected plants could function as virus sources during the whole growing season. The virus was transmitted by Acyrthosiphon pisum, Aphis fabae, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Metopolophium dirhodum, Myzus persicae and Ropalosiphum padi. Myzus persicae retained the virus for at least 16 h. Alatae and apterae of M. persicae transmitted the virus with the same efficiency, and in at least two consecutive probes. The proportion of infected plants increased as a logarithmic function of the number of alatae of six aphid species used in the arena tests.  相似文献   

Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) was isolated from the naturally infected bean plants collected from the Kafr El-Sheikh and El-Gharbia Governorates. BCMV induced sever mosaic, vein banding, malformation, leaf curling and stunting on bean plants cv. Giza 6. The isolated virus was propagated in bean plants cv. Giza 6. The identification of BCMV was carried out serologically by an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay using BCMV antiserum. Positive reaction indicated that the virus under study was related serologically to Potyvirus. The molecular biology techniques were used to identify and characterise the coat protein gene of BCMV. Oligonucleotide primers were designed for BCMV according to the published nucleotide sequences of BCMV and were successfully amplified with a DNA fragment (300 bp) from BCMV CP gene by RT-PCR. The total RNA was extracted from bean leaves and was reverse-transcribed and amplified using the oligonucleotide primer. The amplified product was analysed by gel electrophoresis. Also, Southern and dot blot hybridisations were used to establish the authenticity and specificity to the RT-PCR-amplified products of BCMV. The nucleotide sequences of the Egyptian isolate of BCMV/CP showed similarity with an isolate (BCMV-NY 15) which belongs to Puerto Rico.  相似文献   

Transgenic tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi-nc) plants were regenerated after cocultivation of leaf explants withAgrobacterium tumefaciens strain LBA4404 harboring a plasmid that contained the coat protein (CP) gene of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV-As). PCR and Southern blot analyses revealed that the CMV CP gene was successfully introduced into the genomic DNA of the transgenic tobacco plants. Transgenic plants (CP+) expressing CP were obtained and used for screening the virus resistance. They could be categorized into three types after inoculation with the virus: virus-resistant, delay of symptom development, and susceptible type. Most of the CP+ transgenic tobacco plants failed to develop symptoms or showed systemic symptom development delayed for 5 to 42 days as compared to those of nontransgenic control plants after challenged with the same virus. However, some CP+ transgenic plants were highly susceptible after inoculation with the virus. Our results suggest that the CP-mediated viral resistance is readily applicable to CMV disease in other crops.  相似文献   

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