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A new species of bitterling, Acheilognathus striatus sp. nov., is described on the basis of 57 specimens collected from the lower Yangtze River in Jiangxi Province, China. It can be distinguished from all congeners by the following combined characters: a pair of relatively long barbels, slightly longer than half of eye diameter; dorsal fin with three simple and 8–9 branched fin rays, anal fin with three simple and 7–8 branched fin rays; a black longitudinal stripe on body from the base of caudal peduncle, distinctly reaching anteriorly to the vertical line from the origin of dorsal fin, broader in males than in females; a scale distance between the longitudinal stripe and lateral line below the origin of dorsal fin; dorsal and anal fin margined with black band in males.  相似文献   

Pseudobagrus brachyrhabdion sp. nov., from the Yuan Jiang and Xiang Jiang of the middle Yangtze River drainage in Hunan and Guizhou Provinces, South China, is described herein. It is distinguished from all other Pseudobagrus species with a truncate or slightly emarginated caudal fin by an unique combination of the following characters: supraoccipital plate and nuchal plate broadly interspaced and covered with skin; nasal barbels only at most reaching anterior margin of eye; maxillary barbels reaching slightly beyond posterior margin of eye; outer mandibular barbels extending to posterior margin of eye; dorsal fin with a somewhat convex distal margin, origin nearer to pectoral-fin insertion than to pelvic-fin insertion; dorsal-fin spine shorter than pectoral spine, with a somewhat serrated posterior margin; pectoral-fin spine with a smooth anterior margin; anal fin with 20–23 rays, base length 23.8–32.0% of standard length, posterior end of anal-fin base anterior to posterior end of adipose fin base; no longitudinal black band extending along flank; eyes large, diameter 16.3–23.7% of head length; and number of vertebrae 5 + 43–46.  相似文献   

A new species of the genus Sturisoma from the Madre de Dios River, upper Madeira, Peru, is described. The new species can be differentiated from its congeners by the following characteristics: dorsolateral stripe reaching to less than half, or only half length of caudal peduncle (v. absence of dorsolateral stripe or, if present, spanning more than half caudal‐peduncle length); premaxillary teeth longer than dentary teeth (v. dentary teeth longer); sexually mature adult males having well‐developed odontodes on the sides of the head and a broader snout (v. adult males lacking well‐developed hypertrophied odontodes or, if present, rostrum is same width as females' or immature males'); by having the ventral portion of the rostrum conspicuously darker than ventral surface of the body (v. rostrum light, with same colour as ventral portion of body, except in Sturisoma barbatum); by lacking the lateral process of the sphenotic (v. lateral process of sphenotic well‐developed, except in Sturisoma tenuirostre); a dark spot on the first three branched pectoral‐fin rays (v. brown spot absent, except in S. barbatum); and the frontal bone contributing less than half of dorsal border of the orbital ridge (v. extensive participation of the frontal, except in Sturisoma guentheri). Furthermore, the new species has 18–20 plates in the median series, which differentiates it from Sturisoma rostratum (21–22), and Sturisoma monopelte (21); and 14–15 coalescent plates, which differentiates it from S. tenuirostre (16–17). It is further differentiated from Sturisoma brevirostre by presence of an enlarged rostrum (v. rostrum not enlarged). A discussion regarding status of the type series and geographic distribution of Sturisoma rostratum is offered, and an identification key for all Sturisoma species is presented.  相似文献   

A new species of Hemigrammus is described from the Amazon Basin near Leticia, Departamento Amazonas, Colombia. In common with some congeners and some Hyphessobrycon spp., the new species colour pattern lacks a humeral blotch but has a caudal-peduncle blotch. It can be distinguished from congeners with a similar colour pattern by having: a relatively deep body (30.2%–39.0% LS), 20–24 branched anal-fin rays, 6–8 perforated scales of the lateral line, anal-fin base without a conspicuous black stripe, 3–5 maxillary teeth, maxillary teeth with 1–3 cusps, a thin longitudinal midlateral line and a well-defined oval shaped caudal blotch, extending from caudal peduncle into the lower caudal-fin rays. Comparisons with congeners and with Hyphessobrycon species sharing the same general colour pattern are presented.  相似文献   

A new cave-dwelling species, Triplophysa macrocephala sp. nov. is described based on specimens collected from a karst cave in Renguang village, Lihu Town, Nandan County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, China. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by possessing the following combination of characters: pectoral fin not reaching beyond pelvic-fin origin; caudal fin forked; body smooth or scaleless; dorsal-fin origin anterior to pelvic-fin origin, edge of dorsal fin truncate; dorsal fin with eight branched rays; anal fin with five branched rays; eye small and vestigial; lower jaw arched with a median notch; air-bladder wrapped in bony capsule, lateral enlarged, posterior chamber of air-bladder degenerated.  相似文献   

A new cave‐dwelling fish species Triplophysa guizhouensis is described based on specimens collected from Guizhou, China, in a subterranean system interconnected with the Hongshui River drainage. The species can be distinguished from its congeners by a combination of characters: eyes present; caudal fin with 14 branched rays; inner gill rakers of first gill arch 8–10; posterior chamber of air bladder developed; and body posterior of dorsal fin scaled. A key to species of Triplophysa in the Pearl River basin is provided.  相似文献   

A new species of Astyanax from the Rio Paraguaçu basin, Bahia, Brazil, is described. This new species is distinguished from its congeners known to occur in Brazilian drainages by the presence of small bony hooks on all fins of mature males. Furthermore, the new species can be diagnosed by its colour pattern, which consists of a unique vertically elongated humeral blotch, a conspicuous dark drop‐shaped horizontal blotch over the caudal peduncle, tapering anteriorly and not extending to the median caudal‐fin rays, and by the absence of a conspicuous broad dark midlateral stripe. The new species differs further by having the greatest body depth just anterior to the dorsal‐fin origin, 32–35 perforated scales in the lateral line and a reduced number of branched anal‐fin rays (16–20). Apparently, the new species does not fit into any species complex of Astyanax. The occurrence of bony hooks on all fins of Astyanax is discussed.  相似文献   

Psilorhynchus ngathanu, a new psilorhynchid species, is described from the Dutah River, Chindwin Basin in Manipur, India. The new species is distinct from its congeners in the absence of scales from the midventral region between the pectoral fins, the presence of two rows of spots on the dorsal-fin rays and two black bars on the caudal fin, v–vi unbranched pectoral-fin rays, and 10 + 9 principal caudal-fin rays.  相似文献   

Amblyceps crassioris, a new species of amblycipitid catfish, is described from the Mahanadi River basin in Odisha, India. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners in having a combination of the following characters: a deeply forked caudal fin, centrally projecting hooks on proximal lepidotrichia of median caudal-fin rays absent, jaws equal in length, lateral line absent, body depth at anus 15.1%–19.5% standard length (SL), caudal peduncle depth 13.0%–18.3% SL, adipose-fin base length 21.1%–27.1% SL, eye diameter 7.35%–14.1% head length and 38 total vertebrae.  相似文献   

A new species of Characidae, Moenkhausia celibela, is described from the Rio Amazonas at Santarém, Rio Maraú, several localities in the Rio Tapajós, Rio Curuá‐Una, Rio Xingu and Rio Jari, all from the Amazon basin, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from its congeners, except species included in Géry's 1992 Moenkhausia lepidura group, by presenting a dark blotch on the upper caudal‐fin lobe, and the lower lobe is hyaline or light grey. Moenkhausia celibela is distinguished from the species of the M. lepidura group by the absence of a humeral spot and the presence of a roughly triangular and dark spot at the caudal‐fin base, extending posteriorly along the middle caudal‐fin rays, and distinctly separate from the spot on the upper caudal‐fin lobe.  相似文献   

Hemibrycon iqueima sp. nov., is described from small streams in the Magdalena drainage at the foothills of the western slope of the Eastern Cordillera of the Colombian Andes, Suarez municipality, Tolima Department, Colombia. The new species is distinguished from its congeners in the Magdalena–Cauca River basin by a combination of characters related to snout–anal‐fin origin length, head length, dorsal–pectoral fin distance, dorsal‐fin–hypural distance, postorbital distance, orbital diameter, snout length, number of total vertebrae, pre‐dorsal scales, scale rows between anal‐fin origin and lateral line, number of branched rays of the anal fin, maxillary teeth number and number and arrangement of hooks on the branched rays of the pectoral and dorsal fins. In addition, the validity of this species is supported by previous molecular analyses that included specimens of the new species that had been erroneously identified. Phylogenetic relationships between the new species and congeners from Pacific coast basins are discussed.  相似文献   


Priolepis duostella sp. nov. (Perciformes: Gobiidae) is described based on a single specimen of 28.8 mm in standard length collected from an artificial reef released established for 2.5 years in ca. 100 m depth off Kashiwa-jima Island, Kochi, southern Japan. Within the three species grades of the genus, the new species is included in the “Priolepis profunda” grade, characterized by the presence of predorsal scales and well-developed transverse papillae rows on the cheek. The new species can be clearly distinguished from congeners by its distinctive coloration, including two black blotches, each crossed by a vertical white stripe, on the caudal fin, four white stripes on the head, and six white bars on body, the second bar curved, continuous with the anteriormost diagonal stripe on the first dorsal fin, the third bar bent at the middle, originating on the second dorsal-fin origin, and the fourth bar curved. Although most similar in coloration to Priolepis akihitoi Hoese and Larson 2010, the new species can be distinguished from the latter by the following: a large eye, its diameter 31.4% of head length (HL) (vs. 26.1–30.3), a wide interorbital space, its width 10.9% HL (vs. 5.3–7.8), six bars on the body, second to fourth curve or bent (vs. eight, all straight), black blotches on the lower caudal fin (vs. absent), and three anterior transverse interorbital papillae (ATI) (vs. one or two); and four or five posterior transverse interorbital papillae (PTI) (vs. one or two).


A new species of the genus Sinocyclocheilus is described based on specimens collected from Zuojiang River drainage, Guangxi, China. The new species, named Sinocyclocheilus jinxiensis, is distinguished from all congeners by its vestigial eyes, short barbels, long pectoral fin, eight to nine branched dorsal-fin rays, last unbranched dorsal-fin ray soft with serrations on posterior edge of its lower part, and 38–41 lateral line scales.  相似文献   

Petroleuciscus ninae sp. nov. is described from the Büyük Menderes River drainage. The new species is distinguished by having a black lateral stripe from head to base of caudal fin, stripe distinct anteriorly and posteriorly, wider than eye diameter; numerous black pigments on anal‐fin rays; body depth at dorsal‐fin origin 27–30% standard length (LS); head width at posterior margin of eye 16–19% LS; and eye diameter smaller than snout length. Petroleuciscus ninae is also distinguished from other species in adjacent waters by having six fixed diagnostic nucleotide substitutions in the mitochondrial DNA coI barcode region.  相似文献   

Two new species of Hyphessobrycon are described from the headwaters of the Tapajós and Xingu River basins, Pará, Brazil. Both new species can be distinguished from congeners by the presence of a vertically elongate humeral blotch, a conspicuous round to vertically oblong caudal‐peduncle blotch not extending onto the distal portions of the middle caudal‐fin rays, a conspicuous blotch on the central portion of the third infraorbital immediately ventral to the eye, the lack of a conspicuous longitudinal stripe and the lack of sexual dimorphism in the extension of the caudal‐peduncle blotch. Hyphessobrycon delimai n. sp. can be distinguished from Hyphessobrycon krenakore n. sp. by the extent of the caudal‐peduncle blotch which extends across most of the caudal‐peduncle depth (v. restricted to the middle portion of the caudal peduncle), the presence of dark chromatophores uniformly scattered along the length of the interradial membranes of the dorsal, anal and caudal fins (v. concentrated on the distal one‐half or one‐fourth of the interradial membranes) and the absence of small bony processes on the pelvic and anal fins of mature males (v. small bony processes present).  相似文献   

A new species of hillstream loach Balitora eddsi is described from the Karnali River drainage in south‐western Nepal. The new species is distinguished from all its congeners by possessing the following combination of characters: six to seven unbranched pectoral‐fin rays, pelvic‐fin length 12–14% standard length (LS), dorsal surface without circular or irregular shaped dark blotches, snout pointed, median lobe between anterior rostral barbels pointed posteriorly, dorsal‐fin origin posterior to pelvic‐fin origin, lateral line scales 66–67, caudal peduncle length 22–23·2% LS, caudal peduncle depth 4·1–4·2 times its length.  相似文献   

A new miniature species of Hyphessobrycon is described from an affluent of the Rio Papagaio, tributary of the Rio Juruena, upper Rio Tapajós basin, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. The new species can be distinguished from its congeners by having a remarkable secondary sexual dimorphism in its live colouration (males are red and females yellow), well‐defined and relatively narrow dark midlateral stripe extending from tip of snout to tip of middle caudal‐fin rays, absence of humeral blotch, 15–18 branched anal‐fin rays and five or six branched pelvic‐fin rays. The sexually dimorphic colouration of the new species is briefly discussed regarding its temporal variation.  相似文献   

A new perchlet species is described on the basis of four specimens collected from southwestern Taiwan. It is similar to congeners with relatively few lateral-line scales (35–38) and can be distinguished by having third to sixth dorsal-fin spines notably long; eighth and ninth dorsal-fin spines notably short; developed gill rakers 1 + 7–8; scale rows between lateral line and sixth dorsal-fin spine 4 (the dorsalmost half-sized); tip of upper corner of caudal fin reddish; four reddish bands midlaterally on body with groups of melanophores in these bands. DNA barcoding analysis reveals the new species is a distinct lineage and closest to Chelidoperca microdon. The average interspecific genetic distance calculated by the K2P model is 15.4%, whereas the mean distance from the new species to C. microdon is 18.3%. The inferred phylogenetic tree supports monophyly of Chelidoperca. Including the new species, six nominal species of Chelidoperca are recognized in Taiwanese waters.  相似文献   

A new long-snouted Corydoras species is described from two tributaries of the río Manuripe and a tributary of the río Madre de Dios, rio Madeira basin, Peru. Corydoras fulleri can be distinguished from its congeners by having the following features: (a) branch of the temporal sensory canal at sphenotic, which gives rise to the supraorbital canal, with two pores; (b) upper tooth plate of branchial arch with three series of teeth; (c) area at the corner of the mouth, ventral to the maxillary barbel, with a small fleshy flap; (d) two moderate-sized dark-brown or black blotches on caudal-fin base, one on its lateral portion and another one on its dorsal portion, blotches variably diffuse and/or fused with each other; (e) absence of a dark-brown or black stripe transversally crossing the orbit; (f) a longitudinal dark-brown or black stripe on the postdorsal region of flank midline, variably fused with the lateral peduncular blotch, some specimens with slender, longitudinally elongated, dark-brown or black blotch on flank midline, forming a dash-like marking, stripe or dash-like blotch diffuse in some specimens; and (g) region around dorsal-fin origin generally lacking dark brown or black blotch, or displaying diffuse blotch.  相似文献   

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