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Genetic analysis was performed to finely map and assess the mode of inheritance of two unlinked nuclear genes Scs1 and Scs2 involved in incompatibility of the nuclear genome of the cultivated pea Pisum sativum subsp. sativum with the cytoplasm of the wild pea of the subspecies P. sativum subsp. elatius, accession VIR320. Based on the segregation of genotypes in the progeny of the test-crosses, we concluded that if the cytoplasm was inherited from the wild pea VIR320, the Scs1 allele from the cultivated pea was gametophyte lethal and sporophyte recessive lethal. The Scs2 allele from the cultivated pea reduced male gametophyte viability. In homozygote, Scs2 from cultivated parent brought about nuclear–cytoplasmic conflict manifested as chlorophyll deficiency, reduction of blade organs, and low pollen fertility of about 20%. In heterozygote, Scs1 and Scs2 genes reduced pollen fertility by ca 50 and 30%, respectively. The Scs1 and Scs2 genes involved in nuclear–cytoplasmic incompatibility were genetically mapped. The distance between the markers bordering Scs1 comprised about 2.5 cM on linkage group III. The map distance between the bordering markers in the neighborhood of Scs2 varied substantially from cross to cross in the range of 2.0–15.1 cM on linkage group V.  相似文献   

Two Genetic models (an embryo model and an endosperm model) were proposed for analyzing genetic effects of nuclear genes, cytoplasmic genes, maternal genes, and nuclear–cytoplasmic interaction (NCI) as well as their genotype by environment interaction for quantitative traits of plant seed. In these models, the NCI effects were partitioned into direct additive and dominance NCI components. Mixed linear model approaches were employed for statistical analysis. For both balanced and unbalanced diallel cross designs, Monte Carlo simulations were conducted to evaluate unbiasedness and precision of estimated variance components of these models. The results showed that the proposed methods work well. Random genetic effects were predicted with an adjusted unbiased prediction method. Seed traits (protein content and oil content) of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) were analyzed as worked examples to demonstrate the use of the models.  相似文献   

The study of the control of mitochondrial DNA copy number spans several decades and has identified many factors involved in the replication of the mitochondrial genome. However, the mechanisms involved in the regulation of this process are still obscure, particularly in animal cells. During the past decade, however, the identification of human diseases associated with drastically reduced levels of mtDNA caused renewed interest in this topic. Here, I will discuss recent work that sheds some light on how animal cells might maintain and control mtDNA levels.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are critical hubs for the integration of several key metabolic processes implicated in cell growth and survival. They originated from bacterial ancestors through endosymbiosis, following the transfer of more than 90% of their endosymbiont genome to the host cell nucleus. Over time, a mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship has been established, which relies on continuous and elaborate signaling mechanisms between this life-essential organelle and its host. The ability of mitochondria to signal their functional state and trigger compensatory and adaptive cellular responses has long been recognized, but the underlying molecular mechanisms involved have remained poorly understood. Recent evidence indicates that non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) may contribute to the synchronization of a series of essential cellular and mitochondrial biological processes, acting as “messengers” between the nucleus and the mitochondria. Here, we discuss the emerging putative roles of ncRNAs in various bidirectional signaling pathways established between the host cell and its mitochondria, and how the dysregulation of these pathways may lead to aging-related diseases, including cancer, and offer new promising therapeutic avenues.  相似文献   

Experiments performed with a cell-free system in tris-EDTA buffer, pH 7.4, indicate that the high-speed supernatant fraction of the rat uterus contains all the factors necessary to transform the 8S cytoplasmic oestradiol-receptor complex to the nuclear complex. The transformation is temperature-dependent. This nuclear complex was extracted in the form of a 5S particle with 0.4m-KCl from sediments of either uterine or heart nuclei that had been incubated together with the cytoplasmic soluble fraction of the uterus at 2 degrees C for 30min. This complex can also be obtained similarly from the soluble fraction of the uterus, incubated in the absence of nuclei. Previous warming of the soluble fraction to 37 degrees C for 7min was necessary for the successful extraction of the nuclear particle under these conditions of incubation. After an incubation of the transformed complex with the nuclear sediment at 37 degrees C for 7min, the 5S complex was extractable from the uterine nuclear sediment but not from the heart nuclear sediment, which may indicate the tissue specificity of the nuclear acceptor sites for the transformed complex. The extracted uterine nuclear complex sediments in the 5S region, but whether it is the native complex or a subunit or other part of the native complex resulting from the extraction with salt is unknown.  相似文献   

The maternally inherited bacterium, Wolbachia pipientis, manipulates host reproduction by rendering uninfected females reproductively incompatible with infected males (cytoplasmic incompatibility, CI). Hosts may evolve mechanisms, such as mate preferences, to avoid fitness costs of Wolbachia infection. Despite the potential importance of mate choice for Wolbachia population dynamics, this possibility remains largely unexplored. Here we model the spread of an allele encoding female mate preference for uninfected males alongside the spread of CI inducing Wolbachia. Mate preferences can evolve but the spread of the preference allele depends on factors associated with both Wolbachia infection and the preference allele itself. Incomplete maternal transmission of Wolbachia, fitness costs and low CI, improve the spread of the preference allele and impact on the population dynamics of Wolbachia. In addition, mate preferences are found in infected individuals. These results have important consequences for the fate of Wolbachia and studies addressing mate preferences in infected populations.  相似文献   

The accessory subunit of mitochondrial DNA polymerase γ, POLGβ, functions as a processivity factor in vitro. Here we show POLGβ has additional roles in mitochondrial DNA metabolism. Mitochondrial DNA is arranged in nucleoprotein complexes, or nucleoids, which often contain multiple copies of the mitochondrial genome. Gene-silencing of POLGβ increased nucleoid numbers, whereas over-expression of POLGβ reduced the number and increased the size of mitochondrial nucleoids. Both increased and decreased expression of POLGβ altered nucleoid structure and precipitated a marked decrease in 7S DNA molecules, which form short displacement-loops on mitochondrial DNA. Recombinant POLGβ preferentially bound to plasmids with a short displacement-loop, in contrast to POLGα. These findings support the view that the mitochondrial D-loop acts as a protein recruitment centre, and suggest POLGβ is a key factor in the organization of mitochondrial DNA in multigenomic nucleoprotein complexes.  相似文献   

C-M Hung  R M Zink 《Heredity》2014,113(1):42-51
Determining the mechanisms responsible for the distribution of genetic diversity in natural populations has occupied a central role in molecular evolution. Our study was motivated by the unprecedented observation that a widespread Eurasian flycatcher, Ficedula albicilla, exhibited no variation at the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) ND2 gene in 75 individuals sampled over a 5000-km distance. In contrast, its sister species, F. parva, had low but considerably higher levels of mtDNA variation. We assessed whether natural selection or demographic factors could explain the absence of mtDNA variation in F. albicilla. Eighteen nuclear genes were sequenced to estimate the two species'' phylogeographic histories, and for comparison to the mtDNA data. Multilocus coalescence analyses suggested that F. albicilla experienced a population expansion perhaps following a population bottleneck. Simulations based on this demographic history, however, did not replicate the extremely low level of mtDNA variation. Historical range changes based on ecological niche models also failed to explain the observed mtDNA patterns. Neutrality tests (DHEW and ML-HKA) suggested a non-neutral pattern in the mtDNA of F. albicilla. We found a transmembrane-skewed distribution of nonsynonymous substitutions between the two species, three of which caused functional change; the results implied that positive selection could have targeted mtDNA. Several lines of evidence support selection rather than demographic history as the main force influencing the patterns of mtDNA variation. Despite the influence of natural selection, many of the phylogeographic inferences derived from mtDNA were robust, including species limits and a high level of gene flow among populations within species.  相似文献   

 Co-segregation of male fertility with DNA markers selected by targeted mapping approaches as being potentially linked to the Rfp1 restorer gene for the pol cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) was analyzed using two canola (Brassica napus L.) backcross populations. Eleven DNA markers (10 RFLP markers and one RAPD marker) directly linked to the Rfp1 locus were identified. The linkage group containing the Rfp1 locus was found to correspond to B. napus linkage group 18 of Landry et al. (1991). A similar pattern of co-segregation between DNA markers and male fertility was observed in a backcross population segregating for the pol restorer gene Rfp2 from line ‘UM2383’; one RFLP marker, cRF1b, showed perfect linkage with both Rfp1 and Rfp2 and detected identical polymorphic fragments in both the Rfp1 and Rfp2 restorer lines. Our findings indicate that restoration of pol CMS is controlled by a single nuclear genetic locus on linkage group 18 and that Rfp1 and Rfp2 are likely allelic. Received: 2 October 1996 / Accepted: 20 December 1996  相似文献   

Is the nuclear matrix the site of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four types of experiment were carried out to test the recently proposed model of matrix-bound replication in eukaryotic cells. In experiments with pulse-labelling we found preferential association of newly replicated DNA with the matrix only when the procedure for isolation includes first high-salt treatment of isolated nuclei and then digestion with nucleases, or when prior to digestion the nuclei have been stored for a prolonged time. In both cases, however, evidence was found that this preferential association is due to a secondary, artifactual binding of the newly replicated chromatin region to the matrix elements. Pulse-chase experiments and experiments with continuous labelling were carried out to answer the question whether during replication the DNA is reeled through the replication complexes, i.e., whether newly replicated DNA is temporarily or permanently associated with the matrix. The results showed that at that time the matrix DNA does not move from its site of attachment. Since, according to the model of matrix-bound replication, the forks are assumed to be firmly anchored to high-salt resistant proteinaceous matrix structures, the chromatin fragments isolated with endonuclease not recognizing newly replicated DNA and purified by sucrose gradient centrifugation should be free of replication intermediates. The electronmicroscopic analysis of such fragments revealed the existence of intact replication micro-bubbles. Moreover, the fragments with replication configurations appeared as smooth chromatin fibres not attached to elements characteristic for the matrix. All these experiments suggest that the nuclear skeleton is not a native site of DNA replication in eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   


Key message

Divergent wild and endemic peas differ in hybrid sterility in reciprocal crosses with cultivated pea depending on alleles of a nuclear ‘speciation gene’ involved in nuclear–cytoplasmic compatibility.


In hybrids between cultivated and wild peas, nuclear–cytoplasmic conflict frequently occurs. One of the nuclear genes involved, Scs1, was earlier mapped on Linkage Group III.


In reciprocal crosses of seven divergent pea accessions with cultivated P. sativum, some alleles of Scs1 manifested incompatibility with an alien cytoplasm as a decrease in pollen fertility to about 50 % in the heterozygotes and lack of some genotypic classes among F2 segregants. Earlier, we defined monophyletic evolutionary lineages A, B, C and D of pea according to allelic state of three markers, from nuclear, plastid and mitochondrial genomes. All tested representatives of wild peas from the lineages A and C exhibited incompatibility due to Scs1 deleterious effects in crosses with testerlines of P. sativum subsp. sativum (the common cultivated pea) at least in one direction. A wild pea from the lineage B and a cultivated pea from the lineage D were compatible with the testerline in both directions. The tested accession of cultivated P. abyssinicum (lineage A) was partially compatible in both directions. The Scs1 alleles of some pea accessions even originating from the same geographic area were remarkably different in their compatibility with cultivated Pisum sativum cytoplasm.


Variability of a gene involved in reproductive isolation is of important evolutionary role and nominate Scs1 as a speciation gene.  相似文献   

1. The conformation of RNA was found to affect its behaviour on methylated albumin-kieselguhr chromatography. The less regular the secondary structure of RNA, the more tightly it binds to the methylated albumin-kieselguhr column. 2. The presence of various denaturing agents (such as urea or perchlorate) in the medium while RNA was adsorbed on the column increased the resolving power of the technique as exemplified by the separation of rat liver rRNA into two distinct peaks. A special procedure for selective adsorption of the cytoplasmic DNA-like RNA on the preparative scale has been developed. Polyribosomal mRNA (rapidly labelled RNA formed in the presence of small doses of actinomycin D) can also be adsorbed selectively by the column. 3. A type of tissue specificity was detected in nuclear RNA from rat liver, kidney, thymus and spleen by using a modified salt and temperature gradient for the chromatographic fractionation (Lichtenstein, Piker & Shapot, 1967; Shapot, Lichtenstein & Piker, 1967). It was also found that cytoplasmic RNA from the different rat tissues contained no tenaciously bound fraction at all, whereas it constituted about 50% of the nuclear RNA. The problem of the possible biological function of the tenaciously bound fraction is discussed.  相似文献   

We sequenced approximately 4.5 kb of mtDNA from 161 individuals representing 11 named taxa of giant Galápagos tortoises (Geochelone nigra) and about 4 kb of non-coding nuclear DNA from fewer individuals of these same 11 taxa. In comparing mtDNA and nucDNA divergences, only silent substitutions (introns, ITS, mtDNA control region, and synonymous substitutions in coding sequences) were considered. mtDNA divergence was about 30 times greater than that for nucDNA. This rate discrepancy for mtDNA and nucDNA is the greatest yet documented and is particularly surprising for large ectothermic animals that are thought to have relatively low rates of mtDNA evolution. This observation may be due to the somewhat unusual reproductive biology and biogeographic history of these organisms. The implication is that the ratio of effective population size of nucDNA/mtDNA is much greater than the usually assumed four. The nearly neutral theory of molecular evolution predicts this would lead to a greater difference between rates of evolution.  相似文献   

(1) Within the low viscous flowing endoplasm of Physarum polycephalum a considerable amount of actin is in the non-filamentous state. This can be demonstrated by applying poly-L-lysin to surface spreads of native protoplasm. (2) It has been shown that in protoplasmic drops the endoplasm-ectoplasm transformation is accompanied by an actin polymerization from the non-filamentous state to F-actin. (3) The actual state of the labile G-F-actin equilibrium determines the varying consistency (viscosity) of the cytoplasm. (4) Increasing viscosity can be interpreted as being brought about by a) shifting of the G-F-actin equilibrium to the filamentous side, and (b) increased myosin-mediated binding sites between actin filaments. (5) Polymerization and depolymerization processes are involved in the rhythmically occurring contraction-relaxation cycle of cytoplasmic actomyosin in Physarum. (6) Cytoplasmic actin and myosin represent the architectural proteins of the contractile gel reticulum in eukaryotic cells. (7) The importance of the regulation of actin polymerization as a basic control mechanism of the eukaryotic cell is discussed.  相似文献   

YH Cai  H Huang 《Amino acids》2012,43(3):1141-1146
Protein-DNA interaction plays an important role in many biological processes. The classical methods and the novel technologies advanced have been developed for the interaction of protein-DNA. Recent developments of these methods and research achievements have been reviewed in this paper.  相似文献   

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