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The presence of cilia was documented in the hindgut of larval Atlantic halibut ( Hippoglossus hippoglossus ) with the use of electron microscopy. Cilia were shown to be present as late as 8 and 9 day post hatch. These observations were compared to similar observations in more primitive teleosts.  相似文献   

We provide preliminary carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotope assessment of the Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) diet in Cumberland Sound, with focus on two possible prey sources: pelagic represented by capelin (Mallotus villosus) and epibenthic represented by shrimp (Lebbeus polaris). The δ13C for the Greenland halibut stock indicated a pelagic carbon source in Cumberland Sound while stable isotope mixing models, IsoSource and MixSIR, indicated a 99% dietary composition of capelin relative to the shrimp. The δ15N did not vary across Greenland halibut size ranges and placed them at a fourth trophic position relative to a primary herbivore. This study provides the starting point for more elaborate Cumberland Sound research on the local Greenland halibut feeding ecology by confirming pelagic feeding and establishing relative trophic position as well as identifying stable isotopes as a useful tool for the study of diet in cold water fish species.  相似文献   

Female sexual maturation cycle and the main spawning time of Greenland halibut Reinhardtius hippoglossoides in the Davis Strait were studied through regularly collected samples during 1 year starting in spring 2003. Samples were collected from the southern slope of the Davis Strait Ridge between Canada and Greenland in the depth range 1000–1500 m. Female sexual maturation was described using different approaches: gonado‐somatic index, visual macroscopic maturity stage index, histological microscopic maturity index and oocyte diameter measurements. A significant increase in the gonado‐somatic index was seen from September onwards until February with a maximum estimated value of 18%. The proportion of mature fish increased from December until March. At the same time, the proportion of females with a low gonado‐somatic index also increased from February, indicating that spawning had occurred and females were recovering. Oocyte diameter distribution revealed a leading cohort development during autumn through to December to February. A coupling between sexual maturity and fish condition was seen for females in maturing condition indicating a steady build up of stored energy in the liver from June to November.  相似文献   

Hooded seals were tagged as pups (N = 1186) in the Gulf of St. Lawrence between 1975 and 1984. A total of 76 tags have been recovered or resighted. These recoveries indicate a dispersal from the Gulf in the spring to Greenland waters during the summer, and confirm that some seals marked as pups in the Gulf return as adults to this area during the whelping season.  相似文献   

Two regions of ciliated epithelium are described in the digestive tract of the halibut larva. The anterior region, present by 5 days post-hatch and still present at 25 days post-hatch, probably moves water through the branchial openings into the oesophagus and on to the midgut until the mouth forms at about 29 days post-hatch. A ciliated region was present also in the occluded posterior hindgut, which joins the excretory duct to form a common duct to the exterior. This posterior ciliated region may help to circulate water in the mid- and hindgut until the anus opens directly to the exterior, at about 25 days post-hatch.  相似文献   

We examined four species of sea pen (Anthoptilum grandiflorum, Halipteris finmarchica, Pennatula aculeata and Pennatula grandis) collected from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and mouth of the Laurentian Channel, eastern Canada. An exponential length–weight relationship was found for all four species, where growth in weight was progressively greater than growth in length with increasing colony size. Halipteris finmarchica, P. grandis and P. aculeata presented the better allometric fits, explaining over 80% of the variance. In addition, a count of growth increments visible in transverse sections in 86 A. grandiflorum and 80 P. aculeata samples was made. Presumed ages ranged between 5 and 28 years for A. grandiflorum and 2 and 21 years for P. aculeata. Radiocarbon assays were inconclusive and could not be used to confirm these ages; further age validation is required. Radial growth of the rod is slow during the first years, increasing at intermediate sizes of the colony and slowing down again for large colonies. Similar results were obtained from the relationship between colony length and number of growth increments where a logistic model was the best fit to the data. On average Spearman’s rank correlations showed 11% of shared variance between sea pen length or weight and environmental variables. Bottom temperature and salinity, depth and summer primary production were significantly correlated to sea pen size for most species.  相似文献   

Significant variation in frequency distribution of electrophoretically detectable protein variants between samples of Atlantic halibut Hippoglossus hippoglossus showed that the halibut from northern Norway and from the Faroes–Iceland–Greenland region may not belong to one panmictic population.  相似文献   

Animal behavioral patterns can help us understand physiological and ecological constraints on animals and its influence on fitness. The surfacing patterns of aquatic air-breathing mammals constitute a behavioral pattern that has evolved as a trade-off between the need to replenish oxygen stores at the surface and the need to conduct other activities underwater. This study aims to better understand the surfacing pattern of a marine top predator, the minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata), by investigating how their dive duration and surfacing pattern changes across their activity range. Activities were classified into resting, traveling, surface feeding and foraging at depth. For each activity, we classified dives into short and long dives and then estimated the temporal dependence between dive types. We found that minke whales modified their surfacing pattern in an activity-specific manner, both by changing the expression of their dives (i.e. density distribution) and the temporal dependence (transition probability) between dive types. As the depth of the prey layer increased between activities, the surfacing pattern of foraging whales became increasingly structured, going from a pattern dominated by long dives, when feeding at the surface, to a pattern where isolated long dives were followed by an increasing number of breaths (i.e. short dives), when the whale was foraging at depth. A similar shift in surfacing pattern occurred when prey handling time (inferred from surface corralling maneuvers) increased for surface feeding whales. The surfacing pattern also differed between feeding and non-feeding whales. Resting whales did not structure their surfacing pattern, while traveling whales did, possibly as a way to minimize cost of transport. Our results also suggest that minke whales might balance their oxygen level over multiple, rather than single, dive cycles.  相似文献   

The histology and mucus histochemistry of the pleuronectid post-gastric alimentary canal was examined using light and electron microscopy. Distinct differences in goblet cell mucus histochemistry were observed between species, with the two closest taxonomic species, the winter flounder and the yellowtail flounder showing the most diversity and the halibut showing regional variation. Numbers of goblet cells within post-gastric regions did not differ significantly between species, but were significantly different between regions within species increasing toward the rectum. The post-gastric region was divisible into two areas based upon the ultrastructural features of lipid digestion and absorption in the intestine and pyloric caeca, and of exogenous protein in the rectum. The combination of species-specific histochemical differences in mucus and general histological and ultrastructural differences within the post-gastric regions between these species suggest a correlation between lumenal environmental conditions/histology and natural prey preference.  相似文献   

Plankton and benthic invertebrate populations were examined along a 160 km section of the St. Lawrence River between Lake Ontario and Waddington, New York during a period of ice cover. Algal biomass was low in winter with diatoms and cryptomonads the most prominent forms. Zooplankton biomass was about one-tenth the algal standing crop and cyclopoid copepods predominated. Phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass declined downriver providing evidence that most plankton was imported from Lake Ontario. Benthic invertebrate standing crop was greatest near Lake Ontario where molluscs were abundant. The downriver macroinvertebrate community shifted to coarse particle feeders, namely annelids and chironomids. Beds of accumulated detrital material derived primarily from dieback of macrophytes were particularly rich in benthic invertebrates.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the geographic distribution of juvenile (ages 1–4) Atlantic cod Gadus morhua were determined from research surveys conducted in the southern Gulf of St Lawrence during 1986–87, 1990–91, and 1994. From late June to early October, juvenile cod were most abundant in shallow water (<50 m deep). By early November, all age groups (adults and juveniles) had migrated to deep (>100 m) offshore waters for the winter. For most juveniles, this represented a minimum migration of >225 km (each way). Age 3 and 4 cod migrated greater distances than age 1 and 2 fish. Some age 3 and 4 cod migrated as far as 650 km from their summer and early autumn areas. Although there was partial geographic segregation of juvenile and adult fish during summer and winter, all age groups were found together during the migration. No cod were present in the shallow waters (<80 m deep) of the south-western Gulf during April due, in part, to later than average ice-melt. Large numbers of all age-classes were present in most of the south-eastern Gulf by mid-May.  相似文献   

In the present study, 10 polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci from Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) were isolated and characterized. The number of alleles for these loci ranged from 2 to 4 in tested 24 individuals. Observed and expected heterozygosities per locus varied from 0.21 to 0.70 and from 0.31 to 0.65, respectively. Most of these 10 microsatellite loci were successfully amplified and showed polymorphic in five related species. These loci will be useful for the assessment of genetic diversity and population structure of Atlantic halibut. H. Ding and C. Shao contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

Stable isotope ratios of carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) were used to investigate feeding patterns of larval and early juvenile pelagic fishes in slope waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Contribution of organic matter supplied to fishes and trophic position within this pelagic food web was estimated in 2007 and 2008 by comparing dietary signatures of the two main producers in this ecosystem: phytoplankton [based on particulate organic matter (POM)] and Sargassum spp. Stable isotope ratios of POM and pelagic Sargassum spp. were significantly different from one another with δ13C values of POM depleted by 3–6‰ and δ15N values enriched by 2 relative to Sargassum spp. Stable isotope ratios were significantly different among the five pelagic fishes examined: blue marlin Makaira nigricans, dolphinfish Coryphaena hippurus, pompano dolphinfish Coryphaena equiselis, sailfish Istiophorus platypterus and swordfish Xiphias gladius. Mean δ13C values ranged almost 2 among fishes and were most depleted in I. platypterus. In addition, mean δ15N values ranged 4–5 with highest mean values found for both C. hippurus and C. equiselis and the lowest mean value for M. nigricans during both years. Increasing δ13C or δ15N with standard length suggested that shifts in trophic position and diet occurred during early life for several species examined. Results of a two‐source mixing model suggest approximately an equal contribution of organic matter by both sources (POM = 55%; pelagic Sargassum spp. = 45%) to the early life stages of pelagic fishes examined. Contribution of organic matter, however, varied among species, and sensitivity analyses indicated that organic source estimates changed from 2 to 13% for a δ13C fractionation change of ±0·25‰ or a δ15N fractionation change of ± 1·0‰ relative to original fractionation values.  相似文献   

Five female grey seals were tracked with satellite-linked time-depth recorders during September to April 1993-1994. Seals remained in the northern Gulf of St. Lawrence (Gulf) for 1-2.5 months after capture. Four females dove primarily to depths <10 m and 20-70 m, while all dives of the fifth female, a blind animal, were <10 m. During October/November, all animals moved into the southern Gulf or onto the Scotian Shelf. This migration lasted 6-10 days, during which time animals covered 350-800 km. During that migration, all females, including the blind animal, dove up to 100 m, but the majority of dives were to depths of 40-70 m. Two seals stayed in the southern Gulf through the winter while the others left the Gulf in January. When in the southern Gulf and on the Scotian Shelf, dive depths and bathymetry information indicated that dives were to the bottom.  相似文献   

Introduced predators can have harmful top-down effects on their newly colonized system through competition with and direct predation on native species. Following an initial introduction of muskellunge in Lac Frontière, Québec in the 1970s at the headwaters of the Wolastoq/Saint John River, the species rapidly migrated downstream, expanding its range by ~500 km over ~20 years. Despite this expansive colonization and concern over possible threats to native species, little is known about the basic ecology of muskellunge in this system. The last downstream barrier is the hydroelectric facility, Mactaquac Generating Station (MGS), 150 km upstream of the sea. While there are no downstream fish passage facilities at MGS, adult muskellunge have been recorded downstream. In this study, muskellunge (n = 23) were surgically tagged with very-high-frequency (VHF) radio or combined acoustic radio telemetry (CART) tags and tracked over two spawning seasons. We sought to determine if there was a reproducing population downstream of MGS and tracked Tagged muskellunge over two spawning seasons. We tracked fish to locate and confirm spawning sites, and followed up with egg and/or juvenile sampling surveys. Tagged muskellunge (90%) moved upstream towards the MGS during the spawning period in each year (2016 and 2017), where they remained throughout the entire spawning period. No spawning or nursery sites were confirmed near MGS, but in 2016 three distinct spawning locations and six distinct nursery sites were confirmed 10–12 km downstream amongst a chain of flooded islands. In 2016, eggs, sac-fry and juveniles were collected and confirmed as muskellunge by genetic sequencing, providing the first empirical observation of successful spawning downstream of MGS.  相似文献   

The lady crab (Ovalipes ocellatus) is one of the most common native species of swimming crab (Portunidae) of the Atlantic Coast of North America but most populations occur south of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. There is a disjunct population in Northumberland Strait (southern Gulf of St Lawrence), which was the focus of this study. Adult lady crabs were collected by trawling in water >4 m deep from May to October 1999 to 2005 to determine abundance, distribution, and diet. Lady crab occurred only in a small area (about 2,500 km2) in the central part of Northumberland Strait where bottom water temperature was >18°C during summer, and the substrate was mainly sand or sandy gravel. Male lady crab attained a maximum carapace width (CW) of 112 mm compared to 92 mm CW for females. The summer and autumn diet consisted mainly of infauna. The principal prey (each >5% of diet by weight) were: small bivalve molluscs (primarily Atlantic razor clam Siliqua costata and Macoma sp.; 43%), small rock crab (Cancer irroratus; 13%), polychaetes (11%), fish remains (9%), and small lady crab (9%). All stomachs collected during May (water temperature ≤10°C) were empty. There was little evidence of any difference in feeding intensity between 0700 h and 1900 h.  相似文献   

Major temporal changes in the importance of euphausiids and Atlantic herring Clupea harengus in the diet of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua , 10–75 cm L F, occurred in shallow waters (<100 m depths) of the southern Gulf of St Lawrence between 1959 and 2000. Euphausiids represented 6–70% of prey mass for Atlantic cod 31–60 cm L F from 1959 to 1987 but only trace amounts were detected in stomachs collected from 1990 to 2000. Mysids and gammarid amphipods (for Atlantic cod ≤45 cm L F), and Atlantic herring (for Atlantic cod >45 cm L F) largely replaced euphausiids in the Atlantic cod diets from 1990 to 2000. This diet change suggested there has been a major perturbation of the food web of the southern Gulf of St Lawrence. The importance of fishes (mostly Atlantic herring) in the diet of Atlantic cod >45 cm L F increased significantly between the periods 1959–1980 and 1987–2000. Atlantic herring comprised 0–4% (mean 1.3%) of prey mass of Atlantic cod 46–60 cm L F from 1959 to 1980 and increased to 2–42% (mean 19.6%) of the diet from 1987 to 2000. Atlantic herring comprised 0–25% (mean 9.4%) of the prey mass of Atlantic cod 61–75 cm L F from 1959 to 1980 and increased to 42–81% (mean 54.2%) of prey mass from 1987 to 2000. This increased consumption of Atlantic herring was consistent with observed changes in abundance of Atlantic herring in the ecosystem between the late 1970s and 2000. The large changes in consumption of euphausiids and Atlantic herring represent highly significant changes and would need to be included in the development and interpretation of ecosystem-based management models for this ecosystem.  相似文献   

The eel genus Histiobranchus Gill occurs benthopelagically over the continental rise and abyss of the World Ocean, primarily beneath temperate and subpolar surface waters. Its generic status within the subfamily Synaphobranchinae is confirmed by comparison of the structure and topography of its cephalic sensory system and skeletal features with Synaphobranchus. At least three species of Histiobranchus are recognized: H. bathybius (panoceanic), H. bruuni (Tasman Sea and waters south-east of New Zealand) and H. australis (two geographical forms; South Atlantic and south-western Indian Ocean, and South Indo-West Pacific Oceans). Collections totalling 319 specimens of H. bathybius from the eastern North Atlantic (1790–5440 m depth) yielded a size range of 99–1370 mm total length ( L T), with no apparent sexual dimorphism. Length–frequency distributions indicate a mode of juvenile fish at around 100–200 mm L T and a further two around 600–700 and 1300–1400 mm L T among adults. Generally smaller fish occur in shallower regions, although the size range is broad over the whole depth range. No apparent trend occurs in the size distribution with latitude over the range 17–54) N. Females outnumber males (1 male : 1·7 females) and both sexes are largely distinguishable from 300 mm L T. Ripening eggs occur in females from both adult length modes, with running ripe and spent females of very different size indicating iteroparity.  相似文献   

The spawning areas of the Atlantic freshwater eels were discovered about a century ago by the Danish scientist Johannes Schmidt who after years of searching found newly hatched larvae of the European eel, Anguilla anguilla, and the American eel, Anguilla rostrata, in the southern Sargasso Sea. The discovery showed that anguillid eels migrate thousands of kilometers to offshore spawning areas for reproduction, and that their larvae, called leptocephali, are transported equally long distances by ocean currents to their continental recruitment areas. The spawning sites were found to be related to oceanographic conditions several decades later by German and American surveys from 1979 to 1989 and by a Danish survey in 2007 and a German survey in 2011. All these later surveys showed that spawning occurred within a restricted latitudinal range, between temperature fronts within the Subtropical Convergence Zone of the Sargasso Sea. New data and re‐examinations of Schmidt's data confirmed his original conclusions about the two species having some overlap in spawning areas. Although there have been additional collections of leptocephali in various parts of the North Atlantic, and both otolith research and transport modelling studies have subsequently been carried out, there is still a range of unresolved questions about the routes of larval transport and durations of migration. This paper reviews the history and basic findings of surveys for anguillid leptocephali in the North Atlantic and analyses a new comprehensive database that includes 22612 A. anguilla and 9634 A. rostrata leptocephali, which provides a detailed view of the spatial and temporal distributions and size of the larvae across the Atlantic basin and in the Mediterranean Sea. The differences in distributions, maximum sizes, and growth rates of the two species of larvae are likely linked to the contrasting migration distances to their recruitment areas on each side of the basin. Anguilla rostrata leptocephali originate from a more western spawning area, grow faster, and metamorphose at smaller sizes of <70 mm than the larvae of A. anguilla, which mostly are spawned further east and can reach sizes of almost 90 mm. The larvae of A. rostrata spread west and northwest from the spawning area as they grow larger, with some being present in the western Caribbean and eastern Gulf of Mexico. Larvae of A. anguilla appear to be able to reach Europe by entering the Gulf Stream system or by being entrained into frontal countercurrents that transport them directly northeastward. The larval duration of A. anguilla is suggested to be quite variable, but gaps in sampling effort prevent firm conclusions. Although knowledge about larval behaviour is lacking, some influences of directional swimming are implicated by the temporal distributions of the largest larvae. Ocean–atmosphere changes have been hypothesized to affect the survival of the larvae and cause reduced recruitment, so even after about a century following the discovery of their spawning areas, mysteries still remain about the marine life histories of the Atlantic eels.  相似文献   

Run timings of four ubiquitous pelagic fishes in the Gulf of St Lawrence were compared for area and year effects. Run timing of alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus (Wilson), smelt, Osmerus mordax (Mitchill), and Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., was estimated at index rivers, and time of arrival of herring, Clupea harengus L., on spawning grounds was estimated from gillnet fisheries located around the Gulf, 1978–87. Time of pelagic fish migrations had strong species and area effects, but weak year effects. The species had their own unique migration times and durations, and could be divided into two groups: herring and smelt, which arrived in all areas of the Gulf at the same time; and alewife and salmon, which had significant area effects. Environmental data were not correlated with run timing. There was little annual variation in run timing among early-run species; only alewife had significant year effects. There was annual variation in the timing of late-run species, but it was not correlated with proximate environmental factors. Because run timing is an easily defined stock characteristic, observations over large areas and many years might be useful for understanding the impact of large-scale environmental changes on natural populations.  相似文献   

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