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Kir/Gem, together with Rad, Rem and Rem2, is a member of the RGK small GTP-binding protein family. These multifunctional proteins regulate voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) activity and cell-shape remodeling. Calmodulin and 14-3-3 binding modulate the functions of RGK proteins. Intriguingly, abolishing the binding of calmodulin or calmodulin and 14-3-3 results in nuclear accumulation of RGK proteins. Under certain conditions, the Ca(v)beta3-subunit of VGCCs can be translocated into the nucleus along with the RGK proteins, resulting in channel inactivation. The mechanism by which nuclear localization of RGK proteins is accomplished and regulated, however, is unknown. Here, we identify specific nuclear localization signals (NLS) in Kir/Gem that are both required and sufficient for nuclear transport. Importin alpha5 binds to Kir/Gem, and its depletion using RNA interference impairs nuclear translocation of this RGK protein. Calmodulin and predicted phosphorylations on serine residues within or in the vicinity of a C-terminal bipartite NLS regulate nuclear translocation by interfering with the association between importinalpha5 and Kir/Gem. These predicted phosphorylations, however, do not affect Kir/Gem-mediated calcium channel downregulation but rather, as shown in the accompanying paper (Mahalakshmi RN, Ng MY, Guo K, Qi Z, Hunziker W, Béguin P. Nuclear localization of endogenous RGK proteins and modulation of cell shape remodeling by regulated nuclear transport. Traffic 2007; doi:10.1111/j.1600-0854.2007.00599.x), interfere with cell-shape remodeling.  相似文献   

The members of the RGK small GTP-binding protein family, Kir/Gem, Rad, Rem and Rem2, are multifunctional proteins that regulate voltage-gated calcium channel activity and cell shape remodeling. Calmodulin (CaM) or CaM 14-3-3 are regulators of RGK functions and their association defines the subcellular localization of RGK proteins. Abolition of CaM association results in the accumulation of RGK proteins in the nucleus, whereas 14-3-3 binding maintains them in the cytoplasm. Kir/Gem possesses nuclear localization signals (NLS) that mediate nuclear accumulation through an importin alpha5-dependent pathway (see Mahalakshmi RN, Nagashima K, Ng MY, Inagaki N, Hunziker W, Béguin P. Nuclear transport of Kir/Gem requires specific signals and importin alpha5 and is regulated by Calmodulin and predicted service phosphorylations. Traffic 2007; doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0854.2007.00598.x). Because the extent of nuclear localization depends on the RGK protein and the cell type, the mechanism and regulation of nuclear transport may differ. Here, we extend our analysis to the other RGK members and show that Rem also binds importin alpha5, whereas Rad associates with importins alpha3, alpha5 and beta through three conserved NLS. Predicted phosphorylation of a serine residue within the bipartite NLS affects, as observed for Kir/Gem, nuclear accumulation of Rem, but not that of Rad or Rem2. We also identify an additional regulatory phosphorylation for all RGK proteins that prevents binding of 14-3-3 and thereby interferes with their cytosolic relocalization by 14-3-3. Functionally, nuclear localization of RGK proteins contributes to the suppression of RGK-mediated cell shape remodeling. Importantly, we show that endogenous RGK proteins are localized predominantly in the nucleus of individual cells of the brain cortex 'in situ' as well as in primary hippocampal cells, indicating that transport between the nucleus and their site of action in the cytoplasm (i.e., cytoskeleton, endoplasmic reticulum or plasma membrane) is of physiological relevance for the regulation of RGK protein function.  相似文献   

Expression of alpha1antichymotrypsin (ACT) is significantly activated by interleukin-1 (IL-1) in human astrocytes; however, it is barely affected by IL-1 in hepatocytes. This tissue-specific regulation depends upon an enhancer that contains both nuclear factor kappaB (NF-kappaB) and activating protein 1 (AP-1) elements, and is also observed for an NF-kappaB reporter but not for an AP-1 reporter. We found efficient activation of NF-kappaB binding in both cell types; however, this binding was persistent in glial cells and only transient in hepatocytes. IL-1-activated NF-kappaB complexes consisted of p65 and p50, with p65 transiently phosphorylated on serine 536 in glial cells whereas more persistently in hepatic cells. Overexpression of p65 or constitutively active IKKbeta (inhibitor of NF-kappaB kinase beta) resulted in an efficient activation of the ACT reporter in hepatic cells, indicating that a specific mechanism exists in these cells terminating IL-1 signaling. IL-1 effectively induced the degradation of inhibitor of NF-kappaBalpha (IkBalpha) and IkBepsilon in both cell types but IkBbeta was not affected. However, IkBalpha was resynthesized much more rapidly in hepatic cells in comparison to glial cells. In addition, the initial levels of IkBalpha were much lower in glial cells. We propose that the tissue-specific regulation of the ACT gene expression by IL-1 is determined by different efficiencies of IkBalpha resynthesis in glial and hepatic cells.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence showing that mRNA is transported to the neuronal dendrites in ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes or RNA granules, which are aggregates of mRNA, rRNA, ribosomal proteins, and RNA-binding proteins. In these RNP complexes, Staufen, a double-stranded RNA-binding protein, is believed to be a core component that plays a key role in the dendritic mRNA transport. This study investigated the molecular mechanisms of the dendritic mRNA transport using green fluorescent protein-tagged Staufen2 produced employing a Sindbis viral expression system. The kinesin heavy chain was found to be associated with Staufen2. The inhibition of kinesin resulted in a significant decrease in the level of dendritic transport of the Staufen2-containing RNP complexes in neurons under non-stimulating or stimulating conditions. This suggests that the dendritic transport of the Staufen2-containing RNP complexes use kinesin as a motor protein. A mitogen-activated protein kinase inhibitor, PD98059, inhibited the activity-induced increase in the amount of both the Staufen2-containing RNP complexes and Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II alpha-subunit mRNA in the distal dendrites of cultured hippocampal neurons. Overall, these results suggest that dendritic mRNA transport is mediated via the Staufen2 and kinesin motor proteins and might be modulated by the neuronal activity and mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway.  相似文献   

Zhang L  Yun H  Murray F  Lu R  Wang L  Hook V  Insel PA 《Cellular signalling》2011,23(10):1611-1616
The mechanism of cAMP-promoted apoptosis is not well defined. In wild-type (WT) murine S49 lymphoma cells, cAMP promotes apoptosis in a protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent manner. We find that treatment of WT S49 cells with 8-CPT-cAMP prominently increases the expression (as determined by DNA microarray analysis, real-time PCR and immunblotting) of cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-2α (CTLA-2α), a cathepsin L-like cysteine protease inhibitor. By contrast, CTLA-2α expression is only slightly increased by 8-CPT-cAMP treatment of D-S49 cells, which lack cAMP/PKA-promoted apoptosis. Raising endogenous cAMP (by use of forskolin or inhibition of phosphodiesterase [PDE] 4) or a PKA-selective, but not an Epac-selective, cAMP analogue, increases CTLA-2α mRNA expression; PKA, and not Epac, thus mediates the increase in CTLA-2α expression. An adenoviral CLTA-2α (Ad-CTLA-2α) construct induces apoptosis and enhances cAMP-promoted apoptosis in WT S49 cells but such cells do not have an increase in cathepsin L activity nor does a cathepsin L inhibitor alter cAMP-promoted apoptosis. 8-CPT-cAMP also increases CTLA-2α expression and induces apoptosis in murine cardiac fibroblasts; knockdown of CTLA-2α expression by siRNA blocks 8-CPT-cAMP-promoted apoptosis. Thus, cAMP increases CTLA-2α expression in murine lymphoma and cardiac fibroblasts and this increase in CTLA-2α contributes to cAMP/PKA-promoted apoptosis by mechanisms that are independent of the ability of CTLA-2α to inhibit cathepsin L.  相似文献   

Fusion proteins were constructed between either a wild-type or mutant Thr370Lys alpha2B-adrenoceptor (alpha2B AR) and a mouse Galpha15 protein to analyze ligand-receptor interactions at a receptor/Galpha15 protein density ratio of 1. Activation of the wild-type alpha2B AR-Galpha15 fusion protein in CHO-K1 cells by (-)-adrenaline induced a time- and concentration-dependent (pEC50 = 7.37+/-0.13) increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration, which could be antagonized by RX 811059 (pK(B) = 7.55+/-0.15). Whereas d-medetomidine and oxymetazoline were as efficacious agonists as (-)-adrenaline, the following ligands displayed partial agonist properties: BRL 44408 < atipamezole < clonidine < UK 14304 < BHT 920. A comparison with the mutant Thr370Lys alpha2B AR-Galpha15 fusion protein displayed similar Ca2+ kinetics and a ligand-mediated receptor activation profile characterized by higher potencies and greater maximal Ca2+ responses for the ligands being investigated, including the putative antagonists dexefaroxan and idazoxan. RX 811059 and RX 821002 remained silent. Similar conclusions could be made on enhancement of the ligands' intrinsic activities by coexpression of the mutant Thr370Lys alpha2B AR with either a Galpha15 or Galphao Cys351Ile protein. The Thr370Lys alpha2B AR-Galpha protein interactions may modify the tertiary structure of the mutant receptor in such a way that some putative alpha2 AR antagonists are capable of stabilizing an active receptor conformation, thereby generating positive efficacy.  相似文献   

Chemokines are important mediators in immune responses and inflammatory processes of neuroimmunologic and infectious diseases. Although chemokines are expressed predominantly by cells of the immune system, neurons also express chemokines and chemokine receptors. We report herein that human neuronal cells (NT2-N) produce macrophage inflammatory protein-1alpha and -1beta (MIP-1alpha and MIP-1beta), which could be enhanced by interleukin (IL)-1beta at both mRNA and protein levels. The addition of supernatants from human peripheral blood monocyte-derived macrophage (MDM) cultures induced MIP-1beta mRNA expression in NT2-N cells. Anti-IL-1beta antibody removed most, but not all, of the MDM culture supernatant-induced MIP-1beta mRNA expression in NT2-N cells, suggesting that IL-1beta in the MDM culture supernatants is a major factor in the induction of MIP-1beta expression. Investigation of the mechanism(s) responsible for IL-1beta-induced MIP-1alpha and -1beta expression demonstrated that IL-1beta activated nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB) promoter-directed luciferase activity in NT2-N cells. Caffeic acid phenethyl ester, a potent and specific inhibitor of activation of NF-kappaB, not only blocked IL-1beta-induced activation of the NF-kappaB promoter but also decreased IL-1beta-induced MIP-1alpha and -1beta expression in NT2-N cells. These data suggest that NF-kappaB is at least partially involved in the IL-1beta-mediated action on MIP-1alpha and -1beta in NT2-N cells. IL-1beta-mediated up-regulation of beta-chemokine expression may have important implications in the immunopathogenesis of inflammatory diseases in the CNS.  相似文献   

Nuclear transport requires freely diffusing nuclear transport proteins to facilitate movement of cargo molecules through the nuclear pore. We analyzed dynamic properties of importin alpha, importin beta, Ran and NTF2 in nucleus, cytoplasm and at the nuclear pore of neuroblastoma cells using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Mobile components were quantified by global fitting of autocorrelation data from multiple cells. Immobile components were quantified by analysis of photobleaching kinetics. Wild-type Ran was compared to various mutant Ran proteins to identify components representing GTP or GDP forms of Ran. Untreated cells were compared to cells treated with nocodazole or latrunculin to identify components associated with cytoskeletal elements. The results indicate that freely diffusing importin alpha, importin beta, Ran and NTF2 are in dynamic equilibrium with larger pools associated with immobile binding partners such as microtubules in the cytoplasm. These findings suggest that formation of freely diffusing nuclear transport intermediates is in competition with binding to immobile partners. Variation in concentrations of freely diffusing nuclear transport intermediates among cells indicates that the nuclear transport system is sufficiently robust to function over a wide range of conditions.  相似文献   

The combined effect of prostaglandin F2alpha (PGF2alpha) and cAMP on glucose transport in 3T3-L1 adipocytes was examined. In cells pretreated with PGF2alpha and 8-bromo cAMP for 8 h, a synergy between these two agents on glucose uptake was found. Insulin-stimulated glucose transport, on the other hand, was only slightly affected. The synergistic effect of these two agents was suppressed in the presence of cycloheximide and actinomycin D. In concord, immunoblot and Northern blot analyses revealed that GLUT1 protein and mRNA levels were both increased in cells pretreated with both PGF2alpha and 8-bromo cAMP, greater than the additive effect of each agent alone. The synergistic action of PGF2alpha with 8-bromo cAMP to enhance glucose transport was inhibited by GF109203X, a selective protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitor. In addition, in cells depleted of diacylglycerol-sensitive PKC by prolonged treatment with 4beta-phorbol 12beta-myristate 13alpha-acetate, a PKC activator, the synergistic effects of PGF2alpha and 8-bromo cAMP on glucose transport and GLUT1 mRNA accumulation were both abolished. Taken together, these results indicate that PGF2alpha may act with cAMP in a synergistic way to increase glucose transport, probably through enhanced GLUT1 expression by a PKC-dependent mechanism.  相似文献   

The net balance between urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) has been implicated in tumor cell invasion and metastasis. To elucidate the mechanism of the transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1)-dependent up-regulation of PAI-1 expression, we investigated which signaling pathway transduced by TGF-beta1 is responsible for this effect. Here, we show (1) nontoxic concentrations of TGF-beta1 up-regulates uPA expression in HRA and SKOV-3 human ovarian cancer cells, (2) TGF-beta1 activates Smads (phosphorylation of Smad2 and nuclear translocation of Smad3) and subsequently up-regulates PAI-1 expression in HRA cells, whereas TGF-beta1 neither activates Smads nor up-regulates PAI-1 in SKOV-3 cells, (3) pharmacological Src inhibitor PP2 or antisense (AS) c-Src oligodeoxynucleotide (ODN) treatment significantly induces TGF-beta1-dependent activation of Smads, leading to PAI-1 synthesis, compared with controls, in SKOV-3 cells, (4) combination of TGF-beta1 and PP2, which activates PAI-1 expression and reduces uPA expression in SKOV-3, results in decreased invasiveness, (5) pharmacological inhibitors for mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) (PD98059) and phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) (LY294002 and wortmannin) or AS-PI3K ODN transfection do not affect TGF-beta1-induced Smad signaling and up-regulation of PAI-1 expression in SKOV-3 cells pretreated with PP2, and (6) the induction of PAI-1 protein was partially inhibited by an inhibitor of Sp1-DNA binding, mithramycin, implicating, at least in part, Sp1 in the regulation of this gene by TGF-beta1. In conclusion, TGF-beta1-dependent activation of Smad2/3, leading to PAI-1 synthesis, may be negatively regulated by Src, but not its downstream targets MAPK and PI3K in SKOV-3 cells. These data also reflect the complex biological effect of uPA-PAI-1 system.  相似文献   

Kim YJ  Ryu Y  Koo BM  Lee NY  Chun SJ  Park SJ  Lee KH  Seok YJ 《FEBS letters》2010,584(22):4537-4544
Vibrio vulnificus is an opportunistic human pathogen that causes severe infections in susceptible individuals. While the components of the Escherichia coli phosphoenolpyruvate: sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) have been shown to regulate numerous targets, little such information is available for the V. vulnificus PTS. Here we show that enzyme IIAGlc of the PTS regulates the peptidase activity of a mammalian insulysin homolog in V. vulnificus. While interaction of IIAGlc with the insulysin homolog is independent of the phosphorylation state of IIAGlc, only unphosphorylated IIAGlc activates the insulysin homolog. Taken together, our results suggest that the V. vulnificus insulysin-IIAGlc complex plays a role in survival in the host by sensing glucose.

Structured summary

MINT-8045996: IIA glu (uniprotkb:Q7MBY2) binds (MI:0407) to vIDE (uniprotkb:Q7MIS6) by pull down (MI:0096)MINT-8045817, MINT-8045967: IIA glu (uniprotkb:Q7MBY2) physically interacts (MI:0915) with vIDE (uniprotkb:Q7MIS6) by pull down (MI:0096)  相似文献   

The actions of ethanol on gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptors are still highly controversial issues but it appears that some of its pharmacological effects may depend on receptor subunit composition. Prolonged ethanol exposure produces tolerance and dependence and its withdrawal alters GABA(A) receptor subunit gene expression and function. Whereas benzodiazepines are clinically effective in ameliorating ethanol withdrawal symptoms, work in our laboratory showed that benzodiazepines also prevent, in vitro, some of the ethanol withdrawal-induced molecular and functional changes of the GABA(A) receptors. In the present work, we investigated the effects, on such changes, of the benzodiazepine receptor antagonist flumazenil that can positively modulate alpha(4)-containing receptors. We here report that flumazenil prevented both the ethanol withdrawal-induced up-regulation of the alpha(4)-subunit and the increase in its own modulatory action. In contrast, flumazenil did not inhibit ethanol withdrawal-induced decrease in alpha(1)- and delta-subunit expression as well as the corresponding decrease in the modulatory action on GABA(A) receptor function of both the alpha(1)-selective ligand zaleplon and the delta-containing receptor preferentially acting steroid allopregnanolone. These observations are the first molecular and functional evidence that show a selective inhibition by flumazenil of the up-regulation of alpha(4)-subunit expression elicited by ethanol withdrawal.  相似文献   

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