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Relative growth of the human femur head is studied by a logarithmic principal components method. Growth rates differ according to the population sampled and the other body dimensions being compared, and especially according to sex. The results do not support biomechanical assumptions of strongly positive allometry of the femur head, which have been used to argue that the australopithecine hip joint was not relatively small.  相似文献   

Studies of cooperation have traditionally focused on discrete games such as the well-known prisoner’s dilemma, in which players choose between two pure strategies: cooperation and defection. Increasingly, however, cooperation is being studied in continuous games that feature a continuum of strategies determining the level of cooperative investment. For the continuous snowdrift game, it has been shown that a gradually evolving monomorphic population may undergo evolutionary branching, resulting in the emergence of a defector strategy that coexists with a cooperator strategy. This phenomenon has been dubbed the ‘tragedy of the commune’. Here we study the effects of fluctuating group size on the tragedy of the commune and derive analytical conditions for evolutionary branching. Our results show that the effects of fluctuating group size on evolutionary dynamics critically depend on the structure of payoff functions. For games with additively separable benefits and costs, fluctuations in group size make evolutionary branching less likely, and sufficiently large fluctuations in group size can always turn an evolutionary branching point into a locally evolutionarily stable strategy. For games with multiplicatively separable benefits and costs, fluctuations in group size can either prevent or induce the tragedy of the commune. For games with general interactions between benefits and costs, we derive a general classification scheme based on second derivatives of the payoff function, to elucidate when fluctuations in group size help or hinder cooperation.  相似文献   

Abusive head trauma (AHT) is a potentially fatal result of child abuse, but the mechanisms by which injury occur are often unclear. To investigate the contention that shaking alone can elicit the injuries observed, effective computational models are necessary. The aim of this study was to develop a probabilistic model describing infant head kinematics in AHT. A deterministic model incorporating an infant’s mechanical properties, subjected to different shaking motions, was developed in OpenSim. A Monte Carlo analysis was used to simulate the range of infant kinematics produced as a result of varying both the mechanical properties and the type of shaking motions. By excluding physically unrealistic shaking motions, worst-case shaking scenarios were simulated and compared to existing injury criteria for a newborn, a 4.5 month-old, and a 12 month-old infant. In none of the three cases were head kinematics observed to exceed previously-estimated subdural haemorrhage injury thresholds. The results of this study provide no biomechanical evidence to demonstrate how shaking by a human alone can cause the injuries observed in AHT, suggesting either that additional factors, such as impact, are required, or that the current estimates of injury thresholds are incorrect.  相似文献   

Hyperpigmentation of chinchilla stria vascularis following acoustic trauma.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This report describes morphological alterations of the chinchilla stria vascularis seen 30 days after exposure to impulse noise. The observed changes included a dramatic increase in strial melanin content which occurred in 7 of 36 animals exposed to electronically synthesized impluses presented in various temporal patterns at either 135 or 150 dB peak SPL. In these animals, densely pigmented areas of stria 1.5 to 3 mm in length were found in the basal cochlear turn. Light and electron microscopic study revealed that these areas contained large numbers of melanin granules situated primarily in pale-staining cells of the middle layer of the stria. Unlike the pigment granules present in normal chinchilla stria, the melanosomes found in the noise-exposed material clearly showed ultrastructural features characteristic of eumelanin. Melanin granules were also observed in marginal and basal cells of the noise-exposed stria. In some cases, pigment granules which had apparently been expelled from the marginal cells were present in the endolymphatic space beneath Reissner's membrane and on the strial surface. These findings support the view that the melanin-bearing cells of the inner ear are capable of markedly increased activity in response to stressful conditions.  相似文献   

O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase removes methyl groups from the O-6 position of guanine in DNA previously alkylated by alkylating carcinogens. Thus, the protein facilitates restoration of the impaired DNA. The content of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase was assayed in circulating lymphocytes and the impact of surgical trauma investigated. Patients (n = 13) without metabolic diseases admitted for elective orthopedic surgery were used. The patients were allowed water and food postoperatively. Blood was taken before and 3 days following surgery and the circulating lymphocytes were isolated. Before surgery, the O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase content determined in the cell extracts showed patient-specific variations. Following surgery, a significant decrease of the protein by 60% (from 609 to 243 fmole/mg of DNA) was observed. The intensity of surgical trauma was confirmed by the decrease in plasma albumin concentration and the increase in white blood cell counts. The surgical trauma might elicit its effect as either a change in turnover of O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase or a release from the thymus of lymphocytes low in enzyme levels. In summary, the surgical trauma per se was the cause of the pronounced decrease in the O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase seen here. Investigations on O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase levels have an important relevance in studies on tumor-promoting agents inhaled and then taken up by the T lymphocytes of prospective proliferating capacity.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of glial cell activation in the human optic nerve caused by raised intraocular pressure, and their potential role in the development of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. To do this we present a proteomics study of the response of cultured, optic nerve head astrocytes to biomechanical strain, the magnitude and mode of strain based on previously published quantitative models. In this case, astrocytes were subjected to 3 and 12% stretches for either 2 h or 24 h. Proteomic methods included nano-liquid chromatography, tandem mass spectrometry, and iTRAQ labeling. Using controls for both stretch and time, a six-plex iTRAQ liquid chromatography- tandem MS (LC/MS/MS) experiment yielded 573 proteins discovered at a 95% confidence limit. The pathways included transforming growth factor β1, tumor necrosis factor, caspase 3, and tumor protein p53, which have all been implicated in the activation of astrocytes and are believed to play a role in the development of glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Confirmation of the iTRAQ analysis was performed by Western blotting of various proteins of interest including ANXA 4, GOLGA2, and αB-Crystallin.  相似文献   

Effective size of human populations.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

There was revealed a possibility of making a more precise diagnosis of the extent of the spinal cord trauma with the aid of electromyography, even at the early period of treatment. The following indices revealed on the attempt to move indicated the absence of anatomical section of the spinal cord: 1) with the level of the trauma at D5--D10 the absence of retardation in time of inclusion into the activity of the lower portions of the long muscles of the body in comparison with their upper portions; 2) with the level of the trauma at D10--L5--L1--the presence of the activity in the muscles of the hip and the shin recorded even in the form of individual potentials of low amplitude; 3) irrespective of the level of the trauma, the appearance of the activity in the symmetrical muscles of one foot on the attempt to move the other one. Even in the presence of one positive index the motor functions were restored in the majority of the patients by the restitution type.  相似文献   

Blunt injury to the carotid artery is rare but may produce a devastating outcome with longterm morbidity. Initial recognition by clinicians is often difficult because of the diverse clinical manifestations, the delay in presentation of symptoms, and the associated multi-organ system injuries that accompany carotid injury. Early diagnosis and successful management of traumatic carotid artery injury require a high index of clinical suspicion. We report herein a 20-year-old male victim of internal carotid artery injury induced by a motorcycle accident, who initially presented with a clear consciousness and had normal computed tomogram (CT) of brain. Two days after injury, the patient suffered from left hemiplegia and coma. The follow-up brain CT showed acute infarction of right cerebrum and severe cerebral edema. Emergency craniotomy for brain decompression and anticoagulation therapy was carried out. After a three-month treatment, he was discharged and underwent regular follow-up in the outpatient department. Six months later, the patient had intact awareness but remained in a left-sided hemiparetic state.  相似文献   

Hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers (HBOCs) are candidates for use as blood substitutes and resuscitation fluids. We determined that HBOCs of specific types differ in their ability to generate or interact with free radicals. The differences do not correlate with oxygen affinity. Detailed comparisons with unmodified human hemoglobin, HbA0, were carried out with two cross-linked derivatives: HbA-FMDA, produced by the reaction of human oxyhemoglobin with fumaryl monodibromoaspirin, and HbA-DBBF, produced by the reaction of human deoxyhemoglobin with bis(3,5-dibromosalicyl) fumarate. Both derivatives had lower oxygen affinity than unmodified HbA0. As previously reported, exposure of oxyhemoglobin to H2O2 causes generation of free radicals capable of generating formaldehyde from dimethyl sulfoxide. Relative to the reaction catalyzed by 50 microM HbA (18.0 +/- 3.5 nmol/30 min/ml), the formaldehyde formation was roughly 70% for HbA-DBBF and 50% for HbA-FMDA under comparable conditions. More profound differences are exhibited at lower hemoglobin concentrations. Spectral changes of the HBOCs during the reaction differ qualitatively and occur at different rates. The HBOCs also differ in rates of hemoglobin-catalyzed NADPH oxidation and aniline hydroxylation, reactions mediated by reactive oxygen species. These results show that stereochemical differences brought about by chemical cross-linking alter the ability of HBOCs to generate radicals and to react with activated oxygen species. These studies also show that the ability of hemoglobin to produce activated species of oxygen can be enhanced or suppressed independently of oxygen affinity.  相似文献   

A photographic assessment of the head shape of infants who had undergone surgical correction of sagittal synostosis was performed to determine (a) whether this subset could be delineated from an age-matched normal subpopulation and (b) whether two operative procedures differed in achieving normalization of head shape. This retrospective study included 8 patients who underwent extended strip craniectomy, 12 patients who underwent subtotal calvarectomy and cranial vault remodeling, and 12 age-matched subjects with no calvarial abnormality, for a total of 32 subjects. Criteria for inclusion in this study included surgery for sagittal synostosis within the first year of life and postoperative photographs at ages 4 to 8 years (mean, 4.5 years). Each set of images (frontal and lateral profile) were ranked from most to least normal by five lay observers and four professional observers. The rankings were analyzed with statistics designed for ordinal data. Differences in ranking between treatment groups were examined with Kruskal-Wallis rank sums tests. Mean ranks were calculated for lay and professional observers in an attempt to produce simpler and more generalizable results; these means were also analyzed using statistics designed for ordinal data. There was no statistical difference in the ranks of infants who had undergone a surgical correction and the normal subpopulation. In the mean rankings of the lay observers, the normal groups had the highest score mean (15.6), the group with extended strip craniectomy was second (16.0), and the subtotal calvarectomy with calvarial remodeling group was last (17.8) (p = 0.84). In the mean rankings of the professional observers, the normal groups again had the highest score mean (15.8), the subtotal calvarectomy group was second (15.9), and the extended craniectomy group was last (18.6) (p = 0.77). These results suggest that children who have undergone correction of sagittal synostosis in infancy are indistinguishable from their peers, on the basis of fully haired head shape on frontal and lateral photographs, when they begin primary school, irrespective of the type of calvarial surgery.  相似文献   

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